-- -- This is file `babel-bidi-basic.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- babel.dtx (with options: `basic') -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Javier Bezos and Johannes L. Braams. -- Copyright (C) 1989-2012 Johannes L. Braams and -- any individual authors listed elsewhere in this file. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This file is part of the Babel system. -- -------------------------------------- -- -- It may be distributed and/or modified under the -- conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 -- of this license or (at your option) any later version. -- The latest version of this license is in -- http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX -- version 2003/12/01 or later. -- -- This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". -- -- The Current Maintainer of this work is Javier Bezos. -- -- The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution -- and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with -- extension |.ins|) which are part of the distribution. -- Babel = Babel or {} -- eg, Babel.fontmap[1][]= Babel.fontmap = Babel.fontmap or {} Babel.fontmap[0] = {} -- l Babel.fontmap[1] = {} -- r Babel.fontmap[2] = {} -- al/an Babel.bidi_enabled = true Babel.mirroring_enabled = true -- Temporary: if harf then Babel.mirroring_enabled = false end require('babel-data-bidi.lua') local characters = Babel.characters local ranges = Babel.ranges local DIR = node.id('dir') local GLYPH = node.id('glyph') local function insert_implicit(head, state, outer) local new_state = state if state.sim and state.eim and state.sim ~= state.eim then dir = ((outer == 'r') and 'TLT' or 'TRT') -- ie, reverse local d = node.new(DIR) d.dir = '+' .. dir node.insert_before(head, state.sim, d) local d = node.new(DIR) d.dir = '-' .. dir node.insert_after(head, state.eim, d) end new_state.sim, new_state.eim = nil, nil return head, new_state end local function insert_numeric(head, state) local new local new_state = state if state.san and state.ean and state.san ~= state.ean then local d = node.new(DIR) d.dir = '+TLT' _, new = node.insert_before(head, state.san, d) if state.san == state.sim then state.sim = new end local d = node.new(DIR) d.dir = '-TLT' _, new = node.insert_after(head, state.ean, d) if state.ean == state.eim then state.eim = new end end new_state.san, new_state.ean = nil, nil return head, new_state end -- TODO - \hbox with an explicit dir can lead to wrong results -- }> and }>. A small attempt -- was s made to improve the situation, but the problem is the 3-dir -- model in babel/Unicode and the 2-dir model in LuaTeX don't fit -- well. function Babel.bidi(head, ispar, hdir) local d -- d is used mainly for computations in a loop local prev_d = '' local new_d = false local nodes = {} local outer_first = nil local inmath = false local glue_d = nil local glue_i = nil local has_en = false local first_et = nil local ATDIR = luatexbase.registernumber'bbl@attr@dir' local save_outer local temp = node.get_attribute(head, ATDIR) if temp then temp = temp % 3 save_outer = (temp == 0 and 'l') or (temp == 1 and 'r') or (temp == 2 and 'al') elseif ispar then -- Or error? Shouldn't happen save_outer = ('TRT' == tex.pardir) and 'r' or 'l' else -- Or error? Shouldn't happen save_outer = ('TRT' == hdir) and 'r' or 'l' end -- when the callback is called, we are just _after_ the box, -- and the textdir is that of the surrounding text -- if not ispar and hdir ~= tex.textdir then -- save_outer = ('TRT' == hdir) and 'r' or 'l' -- end local outer = save_outer local last = outer -- 'al' is only taken into account in the first, current loop if save_outer == 'al' then save_outer = 'r' end local fontmap = Babel.fontmap for item in node.traverse(head) do -- In what follows, #node is the last (previous) node, because the -- current one is not added until we start processing the neutrals. -- three cases: glyph, dir, otherwise if item.id == GLYPH or (item.id == 7 and item.subtype == 2) then local d_font = nil local item_r if item.id == 7 and item.subtype == 2 then item_r = item.replace -- automatic discs have just 1 glyph else item_r = item end local chardata = characters[item_r.char] d = chardata and chardata.d or nil if not d or d == 'nsm' then for nn, et in ipairs(ranges) do if item_r.char < et[1] then break elseif item_r.char <= et[2] then if not d then d = et[3] elseif d == 'nsm' then d_font = et[3] end break end end end d = d or 'l' -- A short 'pause' in bidi for mapfont d_font = d_font or d d_font = (d_font == 'l' and 0) or (d_font == 'nsm' and 0) or (d_font == 'r' and 1) or (d_font == 'al' and 2) or (d_font == 'an' and 2) or nil if d_font and fontmap and fontmap[d_font][item_r.font] then item_r.font = fontmap[d_font][item_r.font] end if new_d then table.insert(nodes, {nil, (outer == 'l') and 'l' or 'r', nil}) if inmath then attr_d = 0 else attr_d = node.get_attribute(item, ATDIR) attr_d = attr_d % 3 end if attr_d == 1 then outer_first = 'r' last = 'r' elseif attr_d == 2 then outer_first = 'r' last = 'al' else outer_first = 'l' last = 'l' end outer = last has_en = false first_et = nil new_d = false end if glue_d then if (d == 'l' and 'l' or 'r') ~= glue_d then table.insert(nodes, {glue_i, 'on', nil}) end glue_d = nil glue_i = nil end elseif item.id == DIR then d = nil new_d = true elseif item.id == node.id'glue' and item.subtype == 13 then glue_d = d glue_i = item d = nil elseif item.id == node.id'math' then inmath = (item.subtype == 0) else d = nil end -- AL <= EN/ET/ES -- W2 + W3 + W6 if last == 'al' and d == 'en' then d = 'an' -- W3 elseif last == 'al' and (d == 'et' or d == 'es') then d = 'on' -- W6 end -- EN + CS/ES + EN -- W4 if d == 'en' and #nodes >= 2 then if (nodes[#nodes][2] == 'es' or nodes[#nodes][2] == 'cs') and nodes[#nodes-1][2] == 'en' then nodes[#nodes][2] = 'en' end end -- AN + CS + AN -- W4 too, because uax9 mixes both cases if d == 'an' and #nodes >= 2 then if (nodes[#nodes][2] == 'cs') and nodes[#nodes-1][2] == 'an' then nodes[#nodes][2] = 'an' end end -- ET/EN -- W5 + W7->l / W6->on if d == 'et' then first_et = first_et or (#nodes + 1) elseif d == 'en' then has_en = true first_et = first_et or (#nodes + 1) elseif first_et then -- d may be nil here ! if has_en then if last == 'l' then temp = 'l' -- W7 else temp = 'en' -- W5 end else temp = 'on' -- W6 end for e = first_et, #nodes do if nodes[e][1].id == GLYPH then nodes[e][2] = temp end end first_et = nil has_en = false end if d then if d == 'al' then d = 'r' last = 'al' elseif d == 'l' or d == 'r' then last = d end prev_d = d table.insert(nodes, {item, d, outer_first}) end outer_first = nil end -- TODO -- repeated here in case EN/ET is the last node. Find a -- better way of doing things: if first_et then -- dir may be nil here ! if has_en then if last == 'l' then temp = 'l' -- W7 else temp = 'en' -- W5 end else temp = 'on' -- W6 end for e = first_et, #nodes do if nodes[e][1].id == GLYPH then nodes[e][2] = temp end end end -- dummy node, to close things table.insert(nodes, {nil, (outer == 'l') and 'l' or 'r', nil}) --------------- NEUTRAL ----------------- outer = save_outer last = outer local first_on = nil for q = 1, #nodes do local item local outer_first = nodes[q][3] outer = outer_first or outer last = outer_first or last local d = nodes[q][2] if d == 'an' or d == 'en' then d = 'r' end if d == 'cs' or d == 'et' or d == 'es' then d = 'on' end --- W6 if d == 'on' then first_on = first_on or q elseif first_on then if last == d then temp = d else temp = outer end for r = first_on, q - 1 do nodes[r][2] = temp item = nodes[r][1] -- MIRRORING if Babel.mirroring_enabled and item.id == GLYPH and temp == 'r' then item.char = characters[item.char].m or item.char end end first_on = nil end if d == 'r' or d == 'l' then last = d end end -------------- IMPLICIT, REORDER ---------------- outer = save_outer last = outer local state = {} state.has_r = false for q = 1, #nodes do local item = nodes[q][1] outer = nodes[q][3] or outer local d = nodes[q][2] if d == 'nsm' then d = last end -- W1 if d == 'en' then d = 'an' end local isdir = (d == 'r' or d == 'l') if outer == 'l' and d == 'an' then state.san = state.san or item state.ean = item elseif state.san then head, state = insert_numeric(head, state) end if outer == 'l' then if d == 'an' or d == 'r' then -- im -> implicit if d == 'r' then state.has_r = true end state.sim = state.sim or item state.eim = item elseif d == 'l' and state.sim and state.has_r then head, state = insert_implicit(head, state, outer) elseif d == 'l' then state.sim, state.eim, state.has_r = nil, nil, false end else if d == 'an' or d == 'l' then if nodes[q][3] then -- nil except after an explicit dir state.sim = item -- so we move sim 'inside' the group else state.sim = state.sim or item end state.eim = item elseif d == 'r' and state.sim then head, state = insert_implicit(head, state, outer) elseif d == 'r' then state.sim, state.eim = nil, nil end end if isdir then last = d -- Don't search back - best save now elseif d == 'on' and state.san then state.san = state.san or item state.ean = item end end return node.prev(head) or head end