%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @TeX-font-encoding-file{
%%%     author          = "Matthias Clasen and Ulrik Vieth",
%%%     version         = "1.915",
%%%     date            = "26 October 2000",
%%%     time            = "11:30:00 CEST",
%%%     filename        = "euscr.etx",
%%%     email           = "fontinst@cogs.susx.ac.uk",
%%%     URL             = "http://www.tug.org/applications/fontinst/index.html",
%%%     checksum        = "",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "encoding, math, TeX, PostScript",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     abstract        = "This is the Euler Script encoding as a TeX
%%%                        font encoding file, for use with the fontinst
%%%                        utility.",
%%%     package         = "fontinst",
%%%     dependencies    = "fontinst.sty, fontdoc.sty",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================



\title{The AMS Euler Script encoding vector (\texttt{OMS}-subset)}
\author{Matthias Clasen and Ulrik Vieth}




\section{Default values}

\setstr{codingscheme}{TEX MATH SYMBOLS SUBSET}


\comment{The following font dimensions are taken from \texttt{eusm10}.}


\section{Font dimensions}

\setint{fontdimen(1)}{\int{italicslant}} % italic slant
\setint{fontdimen(2)}{0}                 % interword space
\setint{fontdimen(3)}{0}                 % interword stretch
\setint{fontdimen(4)}{0}                 % interword shrink
\setint{fontdimen(5)}{\int{xheight}}     % x-height
\setint{fontdimen(6)}{1000}              % quad
\setint{fontdimen(7)}{0}                 % extra space after .

\setint{fontdimen(8)}{\int{num1}}         % num 1
\setint{fontdimen(9)}{\int{num2}}         % num 2
\setint{fontdimen(10)}{\int{num3}}        % num 3
\setint{fontdimen(11)}{\int{denom1}}      % denom 1
\setint{fontdimen(12)}{\int{denom2}}      % denom 2
\setint{fontdimen(13)}{\int{sup1}}        % sup 1
\setint{fontdimen(14)}{\int{sup2}}        % sup 2
\setint{fontdimen(15)}{\int{sup3}}        % sup 3
\setint{fontdimen(16)}{\int{sub1}}        % sub 1
\setint{fontdimen(17)}{\int{sub2}}        % sub 2
\setint{fontdimen(18)}{\int{supdrop}}     % supdrop
\setint{fontdimen(19)}{\int{subdrop}}     % subdrop
\setint{fontdimen(20)}{\int{delim1}}      % delim 1
\setint{fontdimen(21)}{\int{delim2}}      % delim 2
\setint{fontdimen(22)}{\int{axisheight}}  % math axis height

\section{The encoding}

\setslotcomment{The symbol `\slotexample'.}




\setslotcomment{The script letter `\slotexample'.}


\setslotcomment{The symbol `\slotexample'.}




12 October 2000, v\,1.915: Introduced intermediate variables for fontdimens 
8--22. Updated markup. (LH)
