%%% The re-encoding table for Czech/Slovak alphabet using encTeX, %%% v.Oct.1998 (C) Petr Ol\v s\'ak %%% input: CP1250, internal TeX: ISO-8859-2 %%% This file may be used while csplain, cseplain or cslatex is generated %%% example: tex -ini \let\enc=w \input csplain.ini \ifx\xordcode\undefined \errhelp={You has specified \let\enc=w but this works only with encTeX extension of TeX binary. See ftp://math.feld.cvut.cz/pub/olsak/enctex.} \errmessage{The encTeX is not detected -- the re-encoding is not possible} \endinput \fi \def\setinputchr #1 #2 {\xordcode#1=#2 \xchrcode#2=#1 } %% input TeX \setinputchr "BC "A5 % \v L \setinputchr "BE "B5 % \v l \setinputchr "8A "A9 % \v S \setinputchr "9A "B9 % \v s \setinputchr "8D "AB % \v T \setinputchr "9D "BB % \v t \setinputchr "8E "AE % \v Z \setinputchr "9E "BE % \v z \global\everyjob=\expandafter{\the\everyjob \message{The CP1250->ISO-8859-2 re-encoding is activated by encTeX}} \endinput