%D \module %D [ file=t-simpleslides, %D version=2012.02.12 %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Module simpleslides, %D author=Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz}] %C %C Copyright 2007 Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz %C This file may be distributed under the GNU General Public License v. 2.0. %M \usemodule[int-load] %M \setupcolors[state=start] %M \loadsetups[cont-en.xml] %M \loadsetups[t-simpleslides.xml] %D This module is meant to facilitate writing presentations in \CONTEXT. It %D provides a consistent interface and macros; there are different styles which %D give different output. The module has been written for projector||based %D presentations, so elements which are typical for screen presentations (such %D as interactive hyperlinks or tables of contents) are not included. The %D module is meant for an academic environment, specifically in the humanities. %D Hence, it has the following characteristics: %D %D \startitemize %D %D \item The look is rather sober. In academia, presentations are not meant to %D showcase fancy \TeX\ effects; nothing should divert the audience's attention %D from the content. %D %D \item The module is written for slides which exhibit text and/or images. %D From my own experience with \TeX||based presentations, I have provided a %D setup for horizontal (landscape) pictures and for vertical (portrait) %D pictures, which are accompanied by an area for explanatory text. %D %D \item A simple switch in the module setup command will produce different %D output. %D %D \item It is easy to customize the module or to add more styles. %D %D \stopitemize %D %D The macros are commented rather extensively to give users (especially users %D relatively new to \CONTEXT) the chance to understand the mechanisms and %D create their own styles. Of course, I did not invent this code on my own. My %D thanks are due, as always, to Hans Hagen, whose presentation modules in the %D \CONTEXT\ core have been a wonderful source of inspiration, to Mojca %D Miklavec, who provided help with Metapost, and to Aditya Mahajan, who helped %D tremendously in cleaning up the code and making the user interface more %D consistent. \writestatus{loading}{module simpleslides} \startmodule[simpleslides] \unprotect \setupmodule [style=, font=LatinModernSans, size=17pt, color=blue, alternative=square] \usemodule [simpleslides-f] [default] \usemodule [simpleslides-s] [default] % \usemodule % [simpleslides-c] % [default] \doiffileelse{s-\currentmoduleparameter\c!style} {\ReadFile{s-\currentmoduleparameter\c!style}} {\expanded{\usemodule[simpleslides-s-\currentmoduleparameter\c!style]}} \protect \stopmodule