%D \module %D [ file=simpleslides-s-Swoosh, %D version=2009.03.30 %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Module -- Swoosh Style, %D author=Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz}] %C %C Copyright 2009 Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz %C This file may be distributed under the GNU General Public License v. 2.0. %D This file provides the \quotation{Swoosh} style for the presentation %D module. It is loaded at runtime. \writestatus{simpleslides}{loading Swoosh style} \startmodule[simpleslides-s-Swoosh] \unprotect %D The "counter" parameter controls which kind of counter will be used: \startsetups simpleslides:setup:randomizeyes \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:randomize} if condition = 1: qw := qw shifted (-5pt - c*0.1*uniformdeviate(10), 0) ; elseif condition = 2: qw := qw shifted (0, c*0.1*uniformdeviate(10)) ; fi ; \stopuseMPgraphic \stopsetups \startsetups simpleslides:setups:dot \setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:horizontal][header=3cm,footer=0cm] \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:counter} if NOfPages > 1: numeric prog ; prog = PageNumber/NOfPages - 0.005 ; fi ; if PageNumber > 1: if condition = 1: z11 = (prog * PaperWidth, PaperHeight) ; z12 = (x11, 0) ; z13 = (z11 -- z12) intersectionpoint qw ; draw z13 withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:altcontrastcolor} ; elseif condition = 2: z14 = (0, (PaperHeight - prog * PaperHeight)) ; z15 = (PaperWidth, y14) ; z16 = (z14 -- z15) intersectionpoint qw ; draw z16 withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:altcontrastcolor} ; fi ; fi ; \stopuseMPgraphic \stopsetups \startsetups simpleslides:setups:circle \setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:horizontal][header=3cm] \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:counter} save b, s, t, p, circcenter, theta, pic ; path p[] ; pair t[] ; pair s[] ; pair circcenter ; circcenter = lrcorner Page shifted (-1cm, 1cm) ; pair zt, zr, zb, zl ; picture pic ; b = 1.5cm ; if PageNumber > 1: theta = (PageNumber - 1)/(NOfPages - 1) ; p[4] = fullcircle scaled b rotated 90 ; p[4] := p[4] shifted circcenter ; fill p[4] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:altcontrastcolor} ; t[0] = center p[4] ; t[1] = point 1 along p[4] ; t[2] = point -theta along p[4] ; t[3] = point -theta/2 along p[4] ; p[5] = t[0] -- t[1] .. t[3] .. t[2] -- cycle ; fill p[5] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ; for i = 1 upto NOfPages : s[i] = point i/(NOfPages -1) along p[4] ; pickup pencircle scaled 1pt ; draw s[i] -- t[0] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ; endfor ; zt = t[0] shifted (0, b * 0.2) ; zr = t[0] shifted (b * 0.2, 0) ; zb = t[0] shifted (0, -b * 0.2) ; zl = t[0] shifted (-b * 0.2, 0) ; p[3] = zt .. zr .. zb .. zl .. cycle ; fill p[3] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ; draw p[3] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ; label(textext("\switchtobodyfont[10pt]\color[simpleslides:backgroundcolor]\pagenumber"),center p[3]) ; fi ; \stopuseMPgraphic \stopsetups \doifsetupselse{simpleslides:setups:\moduleparameter{simpleslides}{counter}} {\setups{simpleslides:setups:\moduleparameter{simpleslides}{counter}}} {\setups{simpleslides:setups:dot}} \doif% {\moduleparameter{simpleslides}{randomize}} {yes} {\setups{simpleslides:setup:randomizeyes}} %D First we change the page layout, adding more space on the top. \setuplayout [width=fit, margin=0cm, height=fit, header=3cm, footer=0.8cm, topspace=.6cm, backspace=1cm, location=singlesided] \setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:vertical] [header=0.8cm] \setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:title] [header=0.8cm] %D We also specify the position of the slidetitle. \setuplayer[simpleslides:layer:slidetitle] [x=10mm,y=2mm] \setupcombinations[distance=1.85cm] %D These macros are used for placing figures/pictures: \define\NormalHeight {\textheight} \define\NormalWidth {.45\textwidth} \define\PictureFrameHeight {\textheight} \define\PictureFrameWidth {.45\textwidth} \defineframed[simpleslides:framed] [frame=off,offset=0pt, top=\vss,bottom=\vss] %D We define our color scheme: \define\SScolorsbackground{r=.88,g=.92,b=.95} \define\SScolorscontrasta{r=.4,g=.6,b=.8} \define\SScolorscontrastb{r=.1,g=.1,b=.4} %D I'm still trying to implement a color mechanism that can be set by the users %D in their files. \def\setupSimpleSlideColors[#1]% {\getparameters[SScolors][#1]} % \setupSimpleSlideColors[background={r=1,g=0,b=0}] \definecolor [simpleslides:backgroundcolor] [\SScolorsbackground] \definecolor [simpleslides:contrastcolor] [\SScolorscontrasta] \definecolor [simpleslides:altcontrastcolor] [\SScolorscontrastb] \definecolor [simpleslides:itemize:color] [simpleslides:contrastcolor] \definecolor [simpleslides:textcolor] [simpleslides:altcontrastcolor] \setupcolors[textcolor=simpleslides:textcolor] %D We use \METAPOST\ to draw backgrounds. \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:horizontal} StartPage ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ; numeric c ; c = PaperWidth * 0.4 ; numeric d ; d = 2.2cm ; numeric e ; e = PaperWidth / 46.9 ; numeric condition ; condition = 1 ; save ql, qr, qt, qw, qnw, qc ; path ql, qr, qt, qw, qnw, qc ; ql = ulcorner Page -- llcorner Page ; qr = lrcorner Page -- urcorner Page ; qt = urcorner Page -- ulcorner Page ; pickup pencircle scaled 4pt ; z1 = ulcorner Page ; z2 = (x1, y1 - d - 2*e) ; z3 = (x1 + 4pt, y2) ; z4 = (x3 + c, y2 + 2*e) ; z5 = (x4 + c, y2) ; z6 = (x5 + c, y2 + 2*e) ; z7 = (x6 + c, y2) ; z8 = (x7, y1) ; qw = z2 .. z3 .. z4 .. z5 .. z6 .. z7 ; \includeMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:randomize} ; z9 = ql intersectionpoint qw ; z10 = qr intersectionpoint qw ; qw := qw cutbefore z9 cutafter z10 ; fill qr & qt & ql -- qw -- cycle withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ; draw qw withcolor white ; \includeMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:counter} ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:vertical} StartPage ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ; numeric c ; c = PaperHeight * 0.4 ; numeric d ; d = 2.2cm ; numeric e ; e = PaperHeight / 46.9 ; if NOfPages > 1: numeric prog ; prog = PageNumber/NOfPages - 0.005 ; fi ; numeric condition ; condition = 2 ; save ql, qr, qt, qw, qc, qu, qb ; path ql, qr, qt, qw, qc, qu, qb ; pickup pencircle scaled 4pt ; z1 = ulcorner Page ; z3 = center Page ; z4 = (x3 - 2*e, y1) ; z6 = (x3 + 2*e, y4 - c) ; z7 = (x3 - 2*e, y6 - c) ; z8 = (x3 + 2*e, y7 - c) ; z9 = (x3 - 2*e, y8 - c) ; qw = z4 .. z6 .. z7 .. z8 .. z9 ; qt = ulcorner Page -- urcorner Page ; ql = llcorner Page -- ulcorner Page ; qb = llcorner Page -- lrcorner Page ; \includeMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:randomize} ; z10 = qt intersectionpoint qw ; qu = ulcorner Page -- z10 ; z11 = qb intersectionpoint qw ; qr = z11 -- llcorner Page ; qw := qw cutbefore z10 cutafter z11 ; fill qw -- qr & ql & qu -- cycle withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ; draw qw withcolor white ; \includeMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:counter} ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic %D We define these backgrounds as overlays: \defineoverlay [simpleslides:background:title] [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:horizontal}] \defineoverlay [simpleslides:background:horizontal] [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:horizontal}] \defineoverlay [simpleslides:background:vertical] [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:vertical}] \defineoverlay [simpleslides:background:ornament] [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:ornament}] \setupTitle [\c!headcolor={simpleslides:altcontrastcolor}] %D We want the title to placed in a framed box. We redefine all the keys of %D \type{\setupTitle}, so that the module is easier to maintain. \setupSlideTitle [\c!alternative=layer, \c!color=white, \c!align=\v!center, \c!width=\textwidth, \c!height=2cm, \c!after=] \setupTitle [\c!title=, \c!author=, \c!date=\currentdate, \c!headstyle=, \c!headcolor={simpleslides:altcontrastcolor}, \c!align=\v!middle, \c!before=\vfill, \c!after=\vfill, \c!title\c!style={\switchtobodyfont[\TitleSize]}, \c!title\c!color=simpleslides:altcontrastcolor, \c!title\c!align=,%\v!middle, \c!author\c!style=, \c!author\c!color=simpleslides:altcontrastcolor, \c!author\c!align=,%\v!middle, \c!date\c!style=, \c!date\c!color=simpleslides:altcontrastcolor, \c!date\c!align=,%\v!middle, \c!before\c!title=, \c!before\c!author=, \c!before\c!date=, \c!after\c!title={\blank[1*line]}, \c!after\c!author={\blank[2*line]}, \c!after\c!date=] % % %D We want the title to be of a specific height % % \setuphead[SlideTitle] % [\c!after=, % \c!alternative=\v!text, % \c!color=white, % \c!command=\doSlideTitle] % % \define[2]\doSlideTitle % {\setlayer[simpleslides:layer:slidetitle]% % {\getvalue{simpleslides:framed}[\c!width=\textwidth,\c!height=1.1cm, % \c!align=\v!right] % {#1#2}}} %D The symbol for the first level of itemizations. \definesymbol[1][\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:itemize:square}] \setupitemize[1][color=simpleslides:itemize:color] \protect \stopmodule \endinput