%D \module %D [ file=simpleslides-s-ThickStripes, %D version=2009.03.30 %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Module --- Thick Stripes style, %D author=Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz}] %C %C Copyright 2007 Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz %C This file may be distributed under the GNU General Public License v. 2.0. %D This file provides the \quotation{ThickStripes} style for the presentation %D module. It is loaded at runtime. The theme for this style is inspired by the %D \quotation{Berkeley} theme of the \LaTeX\ Beamer package. \writestatus{simpleslides}{loading Thick Stripes style} \startmodule[simpleslides-s-ThickStripes] \unprotect %D First, we change the page layout to have more space on the top and the %D left. \setuplayout [width=fit, leftmargin=1.5cm, rightmargin=0cm, leftmargindistance=.9cm, rightmargindistance=0pt, height=fit, header=2.5cm, footer=0cm, topspace=.4cm, backspace=2.9cm, cutspace=2.8cm, bottomspace=0cm, bottom=0pt, location=singlesided] %D These macros are used for placing figures/pictures: \define\NormalHeight {\textheight} \define\NormalWidth {.476\textwidth} \define\PictureFrameHeight {\textheight} \define\PictureFrameWidth {.476\textwidth} \setuplayer [simpleslides:layer:slidetitle] [x=29mm] %D We define our color scheme \definecolor [simpleslides:backgroundcolor] [s=.9] \definecolor [simpleslides:variantcolor] [r=.15,g=.15,b=.525] \definecolor [simpleslides:contrastcolor] [r=.2,g=.2,b=.7] \definecolor [simpleslides:altcontrastcolor] [s=.4] \definecolor [simpleslides:itemize:color] [simpleslides:backgroundcolor] %D We use \METAPOST to draw the background. The background consists of two %D stripes and a "clock" at the bottom. \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:title} StartPage ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:ornament} StartPage ; save a, b, theta; numeric a, b, theta ; save t ; pair t[] ; a = 2.5cm ; b = 1.5cm ; z[1] = ulcorner Page shifted (a,0) ; z[2] = llcorner Page shifted (a,0) ; z[3] = ulcorner Page shifted (0,-a) ; z[4] = urcorner Page shifted (0,-a) ; z[5] = ulcorner Page shifted (a,-a) ; save p ; path p[] ; p[1] = ulcorner Page -- z[1] -- z[2] -- llcorner Page -- cycle ; p[2] = ulcorner Page -- urcorner Page -- z[4] -- z[3] -- cycle ; p[3] = ulcorner Page -- z[1] -- z[5] -- z[3] -- cycle ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ; fill p[1] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ; fill p[2] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ; fill p[3] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:variantcolor} ; pickup pencircle scaled 5pt ; if NOfPages > 1: theta = (PageNumber - 1)/(NOfPages - 1) ; p[4] = unitcircle scaled b rotated 90 shifted (b + ((a-b)/2),(a-b)/2) ; fill p[4] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ; t[0] = center p[4] ; t[1] = point 1 along p[4] ; t[2] = point -theta along p[4] ; t[3] = point -theta/2 along p[4] ; p[5] = t[0] -- t[1] .. t[3] .. t[2] -- cycle ; fill p[5] withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:altcontrastcolor} ; fi ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic %D We define these backgrounds as overlays: \defineoverlay [simpleslides:background:ornament] [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:ornament}] \defineoverlay [simpleslides:background:title] [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:ornament}] %D We want the title to placed in color. \setupTitle[\c!headcolor={simpleslides:contrastcolor}] %D We want the slide title on the top \setupSlideTitle [\c!after=, \c!alternative=layer, \c!width=\textwidth, \c!height=2.5cm, \c!color=simpleslides:backgroundcolor] %D The symbol for the first level of itemizations. \definesymbol[1][\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:itemize:triangle}] \setupitemize[1][inmargin][color=simpleslides:backgroundcolor] \protect \stopmodule \endinput