-- %D \module
-- %D [ file=t-handlecsv-tools.lua,
-- %D version=2015.07.08,
-- %D title=HandleCSV tools,
-- %D subtitle=CSV file analysis,
-- %D author=Jaroslav Hajtmar,
-- %D date=\currentdate,
-- %D copyright=Jaroslav Hajtmar,
-- %D license=GNU General Public License]
-- %C Copyright (C) 2015 Jaroslav Hajtmar
-- %C
-- %C This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- %C it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- %C the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- %C (at your option) any later version.
-- %C
-- %C This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- %C but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- %C GNU General Public License for more details.
-- %C
-- %C You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- %C along with this program. If not, see .
-- use a feature that is part of the /texmf-dist/tex/context/base/util-prs.lua
thirddata = thirddata or { }
thirddata = thirddata or { }
thirddata.handlecsv = thirddata.handlecsv or { -- next global variables
-- Initialize global variables etc.
-- Utility and documentation function and macros
function thirddata.handlecsv.csvreport(anyfilename) -- Listing report informations about opening a CSV file
local actualopenfile=thirddata.handlecsv.gCurrentlyProcessedCSVFile
local coldelim = thirddata.handlecsv.gUserCSVSeparator or ""
local quot = thirddata.handlecsv.gUserCSVQuoter or ""
local currcoldelim = thirddata.handlecsv.gCSVSeparator or ""
local currquot = thirddata.handlecsv.gCSVQuoter or ""
infomakra=[[\crlf ]]
for i = 1, thirddata.handlecsv.gNumCols do -- for all fields in header
local makroname=[[{\bf\backslash ]]..thirddata.handlecsv.tmn(thirddata.handlecsv.gColumnNames[i])..[[}]]
headercolnames = [[{\bf\backslash c]]..thirddata.handlecsv.ar2colnum(i)..[[}=]]..makroname..[[, ]]
infomakra=infomakra..headercolnames -- list generating
end -- for i=1, #gCSV
-- Kvůli nastavení na zač.
infomakra=infomakra..'\\par' -- infomakra=infomakra..'\par' -- closing of opened group
local string2print=[[\title{Current CSV file report}
Input CSV file: {\bf ]]..'\\csvfilename'..[[} \crlf
Existing header of CSV file (ie first no data line) : {\tt ]]..tostring(thirddata.handlecsv.gCSVHeader)..[[}\crlf
Settings default CSV separator (see Lua variable {\tt gUserCSVSeparator}) : ]]..coldelim..[[\crlf
Settings default CSV field "quoter" (see Lua variable {\tt gUserCSVQuoter}) : ]]..quot..[[\crlf
Settings current CSV separator : ]]..currcoldelim..[[\crlf
Settings current CSV field "quoter" : ]]..currquot..[[\crlf
Current settings of delimiters and quoters: {\tt ]]..currquot..[[field1]]..currquot..currcoldelim..currquot..[[field2]]..currquot..currcoldelim..currquot..[[field3]]..currquot..currcoldelim..[[ } ... etc.\crlf
Using hooks (default is off) : {\tt ]]..tostring(thirddata.handlecsv.gUseHooks)..[[}\crlf
Number of columns in a table: {\bf]]..'\\numcols'..[[}\crlf
Number of rows in the table: {\bf ]]..'\\numrows'..[[}\crlf
Macros supplying columns data in each row of table: ]]..infomakra..[[
Additional predefined macros: \crlf
{\bf\backslash csvfilename} -- name of open CSV file ({\bf]]..'\\csvfilename'..[[})\crlf
{\bf\backslash numcols} -- number of table columns ({\bf]]..'\\numcols'..[[})\crlf
{\bf\backslash numrows} -- number of table lines ({\bf]]..'\\numrows'..[[})\crlf
{\bf\backslash numline} -- number of the currently loaded row (for use in print reports) \crlf
{\bf\backslash lineno} -- serial number of the actual loaded line of CSV table \crlf
{\bf\backslash csvreport} -- prints the report on file open \crlf
{\bf\backslash printline} -- lists the current CSV row table in a condensed form \crlf
{\bf\backslash printall} -- CSV output table in a condensed form \crlf
{\bf\backslash setfiletoscan}\{{\it filename}\} -- setting of name of CSV file\crlf
{\bf\backslash opencsvfile}{\{\it filename}\} -- open CSV table\crlf
{\bf\backslash setheader} -- set a header flag\crlf
{\bf\backslash resetheader} -- unset a header flag\crlf
{\bf\backslash nextrow} -- next row of CSV table (with test of EOF)\crlf
{\bf\backslash setsep}{\{\it delimiter}\} -- set delimiter of columns\crlf
{\bf\backslash resetsep} -- unset to default values\crlf
{\bf\backslash setld}\{{\it delimiter}\} -- set left quoter\crlf
{\bf\backslash resetld} -- unset left quoter to default values\crlf
{\bf\backslash setrd}\{{\it delimiter}\} -- set right quoter\crlf
{\bf\backslash resetrd} -- unset right quoter to default values\crlf
{\bf\backslash blinehook} -- begin line hook macro (process before first column value of each row)\crlf
{\bf\backslash elinehook} -- end line hook macro (process after last column value of each row)\crlf
{\bf\backslash bfilehook} -- begin file hook macro (process before whole file processing)\crlf
{\bf\backslash efilehook} -- end file hook macro (process after whole file processing)\crlf
\vfill\break ]]
end -- thirddata.handlecsv.csvreport()
function thirddata.handlecsv.xprintline() -- lists the current CSV row table (needed to define macro \printline)
for i=1,thirddata.handlecsv.gNumCols do
context([[\csvcell]]..'['..i..','..thirddata.handlecsv.gCurrentLinePointer..']'..thirddata.handlecsv.gCSVSeparator..[[ ]])
function thirddata.handlecsv.xprintall() -- lists all the csv table (necessary to define macros \printall)
-- http://www.pragma-ade.nl/general/manuals/hybrid.pdf
local basespec = {
framecolor = "blue",
align= "middle",
style = "sans",
for i=1, thirddata.handlecsv.gNumRows do
for j=1,thirddata.handlecsv.gNumCols do
context([[\csvcell]]..'['..j..','..i..']') -- Writing real values ...
-- context(thirddata.handlecsv.gTableRows[j][i]..' ') -- Writing real values ...
end -- of for
-- ConTeXt source:
local string2print=[[%
% CSV file report. Syntax: \csvreport or \csvreport{filename}.
% Původní verze:
% \def\xprintall{\ctxlua{context(thirddata.handlecsv.xprintall())}}
\def\printline{\dorecurse{\numcols}{\csvcell[\recurselevel,\linepointer], }\crlf}
\catcode`\#=12 %CSV file contains # characters (i.e. TeX problematic character)
\bTABLE[offset=2pt, split=yes]
{\bTD \csvcell[\currentTABLEcolumn,\currentTABLErow-1] \eTD}
% Complete listing macros and commands that can be used (to keep track of all defined macros):
% \csvreport, \csvreport{}
% \printline
% \printall
-- write definitions into ConTeXt: