if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['s-fonts-variable'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to s-fonts-variable.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } moduledata.fonts = moduledata.fonts or { } moduledata.fonts.variable = moduledata.fonts.variable or { } local format = string.format local stripstring = string.nospaces local lower = string.lower local rep = string.rep local context = context local NC, NR, HL = context.NC, context.NR, context.HL local bold, monobold, mono, formattedmono = context.bold, context.monobold, context.mono, context.formatted.mono function moduledata.fonts.variable.showvariations(specification) specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification) local fontfile = specification.font local fontname = format("testfont-%s",i) local fontsize = tex.dimen.bodyfontsize if not fontfile then return end local id, fontdata = fonts.definers.define { name = fontfile, -- size = fontsize, cs = fontname, } if not fontdata then context("no font with name %a found",fontname) end local resources = fontdata.resources if not resources then return end local variabledata = resources.variabledata if not variabledata then return end context.starttitle { title = fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fullname } local parameters = fontdata.parameters context.startsubject { title = "parameters" } if parameters then context.starttabulate { "|||" } NC() monobold("ascender") NC() context("%p",parameters.ascender) NC() NR() NC() monobold("descender") NC() context("%p",parameters.descender) NC() NR() NC() monobold("emwidth") NC() context("%p",parameters.em) NC() NR() NC() monobold("exheight") NC() context("%p",parameters.ex) NC() NR() NC() monobold("size") NC() context("%p",parameters.size) NC() NR() NC() monobold("slant") NC() context("%s",parameters.slant) NC() NR() NC() monobold("space") NC() context("%p",parameters.space) NC() NR() NC() monobold("shrink") NC() context("%p",parameters.spaceshrink) NC() NR() NC() monobold("stretch") NC() context("%p",parameters.spacestretch) NC() NR() NC() monobold("units") NC() context("%s",parameters.units) NC() NR() context.stoptabulate() else context("no parameters") end context.stopsubject() local features = fontdata.shared.rawdata.resources.features context.startsubject { title = "features" } if features then local function f(g) if g then local t = table.sortedkeys(g) local n = 0 for i=1,#t do if #t[i] <= 4 then n = n + 1 t[n] = t[i] end end return table.concat(t," ",1,n) end end context.starttabulate { "||p|" } NC() monobold("gpos") NC() mono(f(features.gpos)) NC() NR() NC() monobold("gsub") NC() mono(f(features.gsub)) NC() NR() context.stoptabulate() else context("no features") end context.stopsubject() local designaxis = variabledata.designaxis context.startsubject { title = "design axis" } if designaxis then context.starttabulate { "||||c|c|c|c|c|" } NC() bold("tag") NC() bold("name") NC() bold("variant") NC() bold("flags") NC() bold("value") NC() bold("min") NC() bold("max") NC() bold("link") NC() NR() HL() for k=1,#designaxis do local axis = designaxis[k] local tag = axis.tag local name = axis.name local variants = axis.variants local haslimits = variants[1].maximum local haslink = variants[1].link for i=1,#variants do local variant = variants[i] NC() monobold(tag) NC() context(name) NC() context(variant.name) NC() formattedmono("0x%04x",variant.flags) NC() context(variant.value) NC() context(variant.minimum or "-") NC() context(variant.maximum or "-") NC() context(variant.link or "-") NC() NR() tag = nil name = nil end end context.stoptabulate() else context("no design axis defined (no \\type{stat} table)") end context.stopsubject() local axis = variabledata.axis local instances = variabledata.instances local list = { } context.startsubject { title = "axis" } if axis then context.starttabulate { "|||c|c|c|" } NC() bold("tag") NC() bold("name") NC() bold("min") NC() bold("def") NC() bold("max") NC() NR() HL() for k=1,#axis do local a = axis[k] NC() monobold(a.tag) NC() context(a.name) NC() context(a.minimum) NC() context(a.default) NC() context(a.maximum) NC() NR() list[#list+1] = a.tag end context.stoptabulate() else context("no axis defined, incomplete \\type{fvar} table") end context.stopsubject() local collected = { } context.startsubject { title = "instances" } if instances and #list > 0 then context.starttabulate { "||" .. rep("c|",#list) .. "|" } NC() for i=1,#list do NC() monobold(list[i]) end NC() local fullname = lower(stripstring(fontdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.fullname)) formattedmono("%s*",fullname) NC() NR() HL() for k=1,#instances do local i = instances[k] NC() monobold(i.subfamily) local values = i.values local hash = { } for k=1,#values do local v = values[k] hash[v.axis] = v.value end for i=1,#list do NC() context(hash[list[i]]) end NC() local instance = lower(stripstring(i.subfamily)) mono(instance) collected[#collected+1] = fullname .. instance NC() NR() end context.stoptabulate() else context("no instances defined, incomplete \\type{fvar} table") end context.stopsubject() for i=1,#collected do local instance = collected[i] context.startsubject { title = instance } context.start() context.definedfont { "name:" .. instance .. "*default" } context.input("zapf.tex") context.par() context.stop() context.stopsubject() end -- local function showregions(tag) -- -- local regions = variabledata[tag] -- -- context.startsubject { title = tag } -- if regions then -- context.starttabulate { "|r|c|r|r|r|" } -- NC() bold("n") -- NC() bold("axis") -- NC() bold("start") -- NC() bold("peak") -- NC() bold("stop") -- NC() NR() -- HL() -- local designaxis = designaxis or axis -- for i=1,#regions do -- local axis = regions[i] -- for j=1,#axis do -- local a = axis[j] -- NC() monobold(i) -- NC() monobold(designaxis[j].tag) -- NC() context("%0.3f",a.start) -- NC() context("%0.3f",a.peak) -- NC() context("%0.3f",a.stop) -- NC() NR() -- i = nil -- end -- end -- context.stoptabulate() -- else -- context("no %s defined",tag) -- end -- context.stopsubject() -- -- end -- -- showregions("gregions") -- showregions("mregions") -- showregions("hregions") context.stoptitle() end