%D \module %D [ file=m-catchword, %D version=2019.08.09, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Modules, %D subtitle=Catchwords, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startluacode -- If someone realy need it there probably is no need for speed, so we do -- it quick and dirty. local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local kerncodes = nodes.kerncodes local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local kern_code = nodecodes.kern local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local fontkern_code = kerncodes.fontkern local function set_catchword(t) local nextpage = tex.lists.contribute_head or tex.lists.contrib_head if not nextpage then return end local firstline = nil for n in nodes.traverse_id(hlist_code,nextpage) do firstline = n break end if not firstline then return end local list = firstline.list if not list then return end local first = nil local last = nil for n, id, subtype in nodes.traverse(list) do if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code or (id == kern_code and subtype == fontkern_code) then if not first then first = n end last = n elseif first then break end end if not first then return end local page = tex.getbox(t.box) local head = nodes.copy_list(first,last.next) head = nodes.insert_before(head,head,nodes.pool.glue(1,1,1)) local line = nodes.hpack(head,page.width,"exactly") if CONTEXTLMTXMODE > 0 then line.yoffset = -t.voffset line.xoffset = t.hoffset else line.shift = t.hoffset line = nodes.insert_before(line,line,nodes.pool.kern(t.voffset-line.height)) line = nodes.vpack(line) end line.height = 0 line.depth = 0 node.insert_after(page.list,nodes.tail(page.list),line) logs.report("catchword","appending %a on page %i",nodes.toutf(head),tex.getcount("realpageno")) end interfaces.implement { name = "set_catchword", actions = set_catchword, arguments = { { { "box", "integer" }, { "hoffset", "dimension" }, { "voffset", "dimension" }, }, }, } \stopluacode \unprotect \installcorenamespace {catchword} \installsimplecommandhandler \??catchword {catchword} \setupcatchword [\c!state=\v!stop, \c!hoffset=\zeropoint, \c!voffset=\lineheight] \def\page_check_catchword_yes#1% {\clf_set_catchword box #1 hoffset \catchwordparameter\c!hoffset voffset \catchwordparameter\c!voffset \relax} \let\page_check_catchword_nop\gobbleoneargument \appendtoks \doifelse{\catchwordparameter\c!state}\v!start {\let\page_check_catchword\page_check_catchword_yes}% {\let\page_check_catchword\page_check_catchword_nop}% \to \everysetupcatchword \appendtoks \page_check_catchword\b_page_postprocessor \to \t_page_postprocessors_page \protect \continueifinputfile{m-catchword.mkiv} \setupcatchword [state=start, hoffset=.75em, voffset=1cm] \starttext \dorecurse{100}{\input ward } \stoptext