%D \module %D [ file=x-asciimath, %D version=2014.06.01, % 2006.04.24, % 1999.11.06, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Modules, %D subtitle=AsciiMath, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \registerctxluafile{x-asciimath}{} %D When the Math4All project started, we immediately started using content \MATHML. %D Because in school math there is often a reference to calculator input, we also %D provided what we called \quote {calcmath}: a predictable expression based way %D entering math. At some point \OPENMATH\ was also used but that was later %D abandoned because editing is more cumbersome. %D %D Due to limitations in the web variant (which is independent of rendering for %D paper but often determines the coding of document, not seldom for the worse) the %D switch was made to presentational \MATHML. But even that proved to be too complex %D for rendering on the web, so it got converted to so called \ASCIIMATH\ which %D can be rendered using some \JAVASCRIPT\ magic. However, all the formulas (and %D we're talking of tens of thousands of them) were very precisely coded by the main %D author. Because in intermediate stages of the editing (by additional authors) a %D mixture of \MATHML\ and \ASCIIMATH\ was used, we wrote the first version of this %D module. As reference we took \url %D {http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/mathml/asciimath.html} and. The idea was to %D stick to \MATHML\ as reference and if needed use \ASCIIMATH\ as annotation. %D %D Eventually we ended up with supporting several math encodings in \CONTEXT\ that %D could be used mixed: content \MATHML\ (preferred), presentation \MATHML\ (often %D messy), \OPENMATH\ (somewhat minimalistic) calcmath (handy for students who are %D accustomed to calculators), \ASCIIMATH\ (to make web support easier) and of %D course \TEX. %D %D The first version had some limitations as we didn't want to support all quirks of %D \ASCIIMATH\ and also because I was not really in the mood to write a complex parser %D when a bit of sane coding can work equally well. Some comments from that version: %D %D \startnarrower %D \startitemize %D \item We support only the syntactically clear variants and as long as lpeg does %D not support left recursion this is as far as we want to go. %D \item The parser is rather insensitive for spaces but yet the advice is to avoid %D weird coding like \type {d/dxf(x)} but use \type {d/dx f(x)} instead. After %D all we're not in a compact coding cq.\ parser challenge. %D \item We also don't support the somewhat confusing \type {sqrt sqrt 2} nor \type %D {root3x} (although the second one kind of works). A bit of defensive coding %D does not hurt. %D \item We can process \type {a/b/c/d} but it's not compatible with the default %D behaviour of \ASCIIMATH. Use grouping instead. Yes, we do support the somewhat %D nonstandard grouping token mix. %D \item You should use explicit \type {text(..)} directives as one can never be sure %D what is a reserved word and not. %D \stopitemize %D %D Actually, as the only parsing sensitive elements of \TEX\ are fractions (\type {\over} %D and friends, a restricted use of \TEX\ coding is probably as comprehensive and %D parsable. The webpage with examples served as starting point so anything beyond %D what can be found there isn't supported. %D \stopnarrower %D %D Then in 2014 something bad happened. Following the fashion of minimal encoding %D (which of course means messy encoding of complex cases and which can make authors %D sloppy too) the web based support workflow of the mentioned project ran into some %D limitations and magically one day all carefully coded \MATHML\ was converted into %D \ASCIIMATH. As there was no way to recover the original thousands of files and %D tens of thousands of formulas we were suddenly stuck with \ASCIIMATH. Because the %D conversion had be done automagically, we also saw numerous errors and were forced %D to come up with some methods to check formulas. Because \MATHML\ poses some %D restrictions it has predictable rendering; \ASCIIMATH\ on the other hand enforces %D no structure. Also, because \MATHML\ has to be valid \XML\ it always processes. %D Of course, during the decade that the project had run we also had to built in %D some catches for abuse but at least we had a relatively stable and configurable %D subsystem. So, in order to deal with less predictable cases as well as extensive %D checking, a new \ASCIIMATH\ parser was written, one that could also be used to %D trace bad coding. %D %D Because the formal description is incomplete, and because some links to resources %D are broken, and because some testing on the web showed that sequences of characters %D are interpreted that were not mentioned anywhere (visible), and because we noticed %D that the parser was dangerously tolerant, the new code is quite different from the %D old code. %D %D One need to keep in mind that because spaces are optional, the only robust way to %D edit \ASCIIMATH\ is to use a \WYSIWYG\ editor and hope that the parser doesn't %D change ever. Keys are picked up from spaceless sequences and when not recognized %D a (sequence) of characters is considered to be variables. So, \type {xsqrtx} is %D valid and renders as \type {$x\sqrt{x}$}, \type {xx} becomes \type {×} (times) %D but \type {ac} becomes \type {$a c$} (a times c). We're lucky that \type {AC} is %D not turned into Alternating Current, but who knows what happens a few years from %D now. So, we do support this spaceless mess, but users are warned: best use a %D spacy sequence. The extra amount of spaces (at one byte each) an author has to %D include in his|/|her active writing time probably stays below the size of one %D holiday picture. Another complication is that numbers (in Dutch) use commas instead %D of periods, but vectors use commas as well. We also hav esome different names for %D functions which then can conflict with the expectations about collapsed variables. %D %D It must be noted that simplified encodings (that seem to be the fashion today) %D can demand from applications to apply fuzzy logic to make something work out %D well. Because we have sequential data that gets rendered, sometimes wrong input %D gets obscured simply by the rendering: like the comma's in numbers as well as %D for separators (depending on space usage), or plain wrong symbols that somehow %D get a representation anyway. This in itself is more a side effect of trying to %D use the simplified encoding without applying rules (in the input) or to use it %D beyong its intended usage, which then of course can lead to adapted parsers and %D catches that themselves trigger further abuse. Imagine that instead of developing %D new cars, planes, space ships, mobile phones, computers we would have adapted %D horse cars, kites, firework, old fashioned phones and mechanical calculators in a %D similar way: patch upon patch of traditional means for sure would not have %D worked. So, when you use \ASCIIMATH\ best check immediately how it gets rendered %D in the browser as well as on paper. And be prepared to check the more complex %D code in the future again. We don't offer any guarantees but of course will try to %D keep up. %D %D In retrospect I sometimes wonder if the energy put into constantly adapting to %D the fashion of the day pays off. Probably not. It definitely doesn't pay of. %D %D More complex crap: %D %D 1: $x + \stackrel{comment}{\stackrel{\utfchar{"23DE}}{yyyyyyyy}} = y$ \blank %D 2: \asciimath{x + stackrel{\utfchar{"23DE}}{yyyyyyyy} = y} \blank %D 3: \asciimath{x + stackrel{yyyyyyyy}{\utfchar{"23DE}} = y} \blank %D 4: \asciimath{x + stackrel{"comment"}{stackrel{\utfchar{"23DE}}{yyyyyyyy}} = y} \blank \usemodule[mathml-basics] \startmodule[asciimath] \unprotect \writestatus{asciimath}{beware, this is an experimental (m4all only) module} %D Hacks: \unexpanded\def\asciimathoptext #1{\ifmmode\mathoptext{#1}\else#1\fi} \unexpanded\def\asciimathoptexttraced #1{\ifmmode\mathoptext{\color[darkgreen]{#1}}\else\color[darkgreen]{#1}\fi} \unexpanded\def\asciimathstackrel #1#2{\mathematics{\mathop{\let\limits\relax\mover{#2}{#1}}}} \unexpanded\def\asciimathroot #1#2{\sqrt[#1]{#2}} \unexpanded\def\asciimathsqrt #1{\sqrt{#1}} %D The core commands: % if we need to set \installsetuponlycommandhandler {asciimath} {asciimath} \appendtoks \ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.setup { splitmethod = "\asciimathparameter\c!splitmethod", separator = "\asciimathparameter\c!separator", }}% \to \everysetupasciimath \newtoks\everyascimath % \appendtoks % \ignorediscretionaries % \to \everyasciimath \unexpanded\def\asciimath {\doifnextoptionalelse\asciimath_yes\asciimath_nop} \def\asciimath_yes[#1]#2% {\mathematics[#1]{\clf_justasciimath{\detokenize\expandafter{\normalexpanded{#2}}}}} \def\asciimath_nop#1% {\mathematics{\clf_justasciimath{\detokenize\expandafter{\normalexpanded{#1}}}}} \unexpanded\def\ctxmoduleasciimath#1% {\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.#1}} %D Some tracing commands. Using tex commands is 10\% slower that directly piping %D from \LUA, but this is non|-|critical code. \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathLoad [#1]{\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.load("#1")}} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathIgnore[#1]{\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.ignore("#1")}} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathXML #1#2{\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.filter("#1","#2")}} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathStats {\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.statistics()}} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathMax {\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.max()}} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathResult#1% {\begingroup \blank % if we are in vmode, we don't get positions i.e. a smaller tuc file \inleft{\ttbf#1\hfill\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.count(#1,true)}}% \dontleavehmode \begingroup \ttbf \ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.files(#1)} \endgroup \blank[medium,samepage] \startcolor[darkblue] \ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.input(#1,true)} \stopcolor \blank[medium,samepage] \doifmode{asciimath:show:dirty} { \dorecurse{\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.nofdirty(#1)}} { \ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.dirty(\recurselevel,true)} \blank[medium,samepage] } } \ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.result(#1)} \blank \endgroup} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathStart {\begingroup \let\asciimathoptext\asciimathoptexttraced \setuptyping[\v!buffer][\c!before=,\c!after=] \setupmargindata[\v!left][\c!style=]} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathStop {\endgroup} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMath {\dodoubleempty\doShowAsciiMath} \unexpanded\def\doShowAsciiMath[#1][#2]% {\iffirstargument \ShowAsciiMathStart \ShowAsciiMathLoad[#1] \ifsecondargument \ShowAsciiMathIgnore[#2] \fi \dorecurse{\ShowAsciiMathMax}{\ShowAsciiMathResult\recurselevel} \page \ShowAsciiMathStats \ShowAsciiMathStop \fi} \unexpanded\def\xmlShowAsciiMath#1#2% {\iffirstargument \ShowAsciiMathStart \ShowAsciiMathXML{#1}{#2}% \dorecurse{\ShowAsciiMathMax}{\ShowAsciiMathResult\recurselevel} \page \ShowAsciiMathStats \ShowAsciiMathStop \fi} \unexpanded\def\ShowAsciiMathSave {\dosingleempty\doShowAsciiMathSave} \unexpanded\def\doShowAsciiMathSave[#1]% {\ctxlua{moduledata.asciimath.show.save("#1")}} \protect \startsetups asciimath:layout \setupbodyfont % [pagella,10pt] [dejavu,10pt] \setuplayout [backspace=35mm, leftmargin=20mm, rightmargindistance=0pt, leftmargindistance=5mm, cutspace=1cm, topspace=1cm, bottomspace=1cm, width=middle, height=middle, header=0cm, footer=1cm] \setupheadertexts [] \setupfootertexts [\currentdate][\pagenumber] \setupalign [flushleft,verytolerant,stretch] \dontcomplain \stopsetups \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{x-asciimath.mkiv} %D This will become an extra. \showframe \setups[asciimath:layout] % \enabletrackers[modules.asciimath.mapping] % \enabletrackers[modules.asciimath.detail] % \starttext % \enablemode[asciimath:show:dirty] % \ShowAsciiMath[e:/temporary/asciimath/*.xml] % % \ShowAsciiMathSave[e:/temporary/asciimath/asciimath.lua] % \stoptext \starttext \unexpanded\def\MyAsciiMath#1{\startformula\asciimath{#1}\stopformula} \startlines \MyAsciiMath{x^2 / 10 // z_12^34 / 20} % \MyAsciiMath{{:{:x^2:} / 10:} // {:{:z_12^34 :} / 20:}} % \MyAsciiMath{x^2+y_1+z_12^34} % \MyAsciiMath{sin^-1(x)} % \MyAsciiMath{d/dx f(x)=lim_(h->0) (f(x+h)-f(x))/h} % \MyAsciiMath{f(x)=sum_(n=0)^oo(f^((n))(a))/(n!)(x-a)^n} % \MyAsciiMath{int_0^1 f(x)dx} % \MyAsciiMath{int^1_0 f(x)dx} % \MyAsciiMath{a//b} % \MyAsciiMath{a//\alpha} % \MyAsciiMath{(a/b)/(d/c)} % \MyAsciiMath{((a*b))/(d/c)} % \MyAsciiMath{[[a,b],[c,d]]((n),(k))} % \MyAsciiMath{1/x={(1,text{if } x!=0),(text{undefined},if x=0):}} % \MyAsciiMath{{ (1,2), (x,(x + text(x))) }} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2),(x,(x+text(x))),(x,text(x))}} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2),(x,(x+text(x))),(x,x text(x))}} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2/2),(x,(x+x^22+sqrt(xx))),(x,x text(xyz))}} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2/2),(x,(x+x^22+sqrt(xx))),(x,text(xyz)+1+text(hans))}} % \MyAsciiMath{<> text{and} {:(x,y),(u,v):}} % \MyAsciiMath{(a,b] = {x text(in) RR | a < x <= b}} % \MyAsciiMath{a/b / c/d = (a * d) / (b * d) / (b * c) / (b * d) = (a * d) / (b * c)} % \MyAsciiMath{ (a/b) // (c/d) = ( (a * d) / (b * d) ) // ( (b * c) / (b * d) ) = (a * d) / (b * c)} % \MyAsciiMath{sin(x+1)_3^2/b / c/d} % \MyAsciiMath{{:{:sin(x+1)_3^2:}/b:} / {:c/d:}} % \MyAsciiMath{cos(a) + sin(x+1)_3^2/b / c/d = (a * d) / (b * d) / (b * c) / (b * d) = (a * d) / (b * c)} % \MyAsciiMath{S_(11)} % \MyAsciiMath{f(x)} % \MyAsciiMath{sin(x)} % \MyAsciiMath{sin(x+1)} % \MyAsciiMath{sin^-1(x)} % \MyAsciiMath{sin(2x)} % \MyAsciiMath{a_2^2} % \MyAsciiMath{( (S_(11),S_(12),S_(1n)),(vdots,ddots,vdots),(S_(m1),S_(m2),S_(mn)) ]} % \MyAsciiMath{frac a b} % \MyAsciiMath{sin(x)/2 // cos(x)/pi} % \MyAsciiMath{a/13 // c/d} % \MyAsciiMath{a/b // c/d} % \MyAsciiMath{x} % \MyAsciiMath{x^2} % \MyAsciiMath{sqrt x} % \MyAsciiMath{sqrt (x)} % \MyAsciiMath{root 2 x} % \MyAsciiMath{x+x} % \MyAsciiMath{x/3} % \MyAsciiMath{x^2 / 10} % \MyAsciiMath{x^2 / 10 // z_12^34 / 20} % \MyAsciiMath{a^23} % \MyAsciiMath{a^{:b^23:}+3x} % \MyAsciiMath{a/b / c/d} % \MyAsciiMath{sin(x)/b / c/d} % \MyAsciiMath{sin(x)/b // c/d} % \MyAsciiMath{a/b / c/d = (a * d) / (b * d) / (b * c) / (b * d) = (a * d) / (b * c) } % \MyAsciiMath{{:{:x^2:} / 10:} // {:{:z_12^34 :} / 20:}} % \MyAsciiMath{x^2+y_1+z_12^34} % \MyAsciiMath{sin^-1(x)} % \MyAsciiMath{d/dx f(x)=lim_(h->0) (f(x+h)-f(x))/h} % \MyAsciiMath{f(x)=sum_(n=0)^oo(f^((n))(a))/(n!)(x-a)^n} % \MyAsciiMath{int_0^1 f(x)dx} % \MyAsciiMath{int^1_0 f(x)dx} % \MyAsciiMath{2x} % \MyAsciiMath{a//b} % \MyAsciiMath{a//\alpha} % \MyAsciiMath{(a/b)/(d/c)} % \MyAsciiMath{((a*b))/(d/c)} % \MyAsciiMath{[[a,b],[c,d]]((n),(k))} % \MyAsciiMath{1/x={(1,text{if } x!=0),(text{undefined},if x=0):}} % \MyAsciiMath{{ (1,2), (x,(x + text(x))) }} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2),(x,(x+text(x))),(x,text(x))}} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2),(x,(x+text(x))),(x,x text(x))}} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2/2),(x,(x+x^22+sqrt(xx))),(x,x text(xyz))}} % \MyAsciiMath{{(1,2/2),(x,(x+x^22+sqrt(xx))),(x,text(xyz)+1+text(hans))}} % \MyAsciiMath{<> text{and} {:(x,y),(u,v):}} % \MyAsciiMath{(a,b] = {x text(in) RR | a < x <= b}} % \MyAsciiMath{x^-2} % \MyAsciiMath{x^2(x-1/16)=0} % \MyAsciiMath{y= ((1/4)) ^x} % \MyAsciiMath{log (0,002) / (log(1/4))} % \MyAsciiMath{x=ax+b \ oeps} % \MyAsciiMath{x=\ ^ (1/4) log(x)} % \MyAsciiMath{x=\ ^ (1/4) log(0 ,002 )= log(0,002) / (log(1/4))} % \MyAsciiMath{x^ (-1 1/2) =1/x^ (1 1/2)=1/ (x^1*x^ (1/2)) =1/ (xsqrt(x))} % \MyAsciiMath{x^2(10 -x)>2 x^2} % \MyAsciiMath{x^4>x} \stoplines \stoptext