%D \module %D [ file=supp-pat, %D version=2005.02.12, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Language Macros, %D subtitle=Loading (Generic) Patterns, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D We support: %D %D \starttyping %D \patterns { %D ...[namedglyphs]... %D } %D \stoptyping %D %D as well as: %D %D \starttyping %D %D ...&namedglyphs;... %D %D \stoptyping %D %D The \XML\ variant has very limited \XML\ parsing capabilities and %D is meant as an experiment. \ifx\writestatus\undefined \else \writestatus{loading}{Context Language Macros / Loading Generic Patterns} \fi %D \CONTEXT: \ifx\startmapping\undefined \else \ifx\startencoding\undefined \else \def\fetchpatterntoken#1{\csname#1\endcsname} \fi \fi %D First we define the \ETEX\ variant. We cannot do that inside %D the if statement because normal \TEX\ gets confused over the %D csname test (which it does not see as if but it does see the %D else's and fi's). \def\etexfetchpatterntoken#1% {\csname \ifcsname @pattok@#1\endcsname @pattok@#1% \else\ifcsname#1\endcsname #1% \else @pattok@default% \fi\fi \endcsname} \ifx \fetchpatterntoken \undefined \ifx \eTeXversion \undefined \def\fetchpatterntoken#1% {\csname \expandafter\ifx\csname @pattok@#1\endcsname\relax \expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax @pattok@default% \else #1% \fi \else @pattok@#1% \fi \endcsname} \else \let\fetchpatterntoken\etexfetchpatterntoken \fi \fi \def\definepatterntoken #1 #2 % {\expandafter\def\csname @pattok@#1\endcsname{#2}} %D \TEX\ based: \bgroup \catcode`\[=\active \gdef\enablepatterntokens {\catcode`\[=\active \let[\handlepatterntoken} \egroup \def\handlepatterntoken#1]% {\fetchpatterntoken{#1}} %D \XML\ based: \bgroup \catcode`\<=\active \catcode`\&=\active \gdef\enablepatternxml {\catcode`\<=\active \catcode`\&=\active \let&\handlepatternentity \let<\handlepatternxml} \egroup \def\handlepatternentity#1;% {\fetchpatterntoken{#1}} %D We use a very simple \XML\ parser, and we only trigger on the first %D two characters of the tag name. Consider this feature a playground %D (and a bit of a joke). \def\handlepatternxml#1#2% we only distinguish the first two chars {\csname @patxml@\ifcsname @patxml@#1#2\endcsname#1#2\else de\fi\endcsname} \def\definepatternxml #1#2#3 #4% {\expandafter\def\csname @patxml@#1#2\endcsname{#4}} \def\fetchpatternxml#1#2>% {\bgroup \long\def\next##1>{\egroup}% \catcode`\<=2 % \@@endgroup \afterassignment\next #1\bgroup} \def\gobblepatternxml {\bgroup \catcode`\%=11 \dogobblepatternxml} \long\def\dogobblepatternxml#1>% {\egroup} %D Here are the default definitions. We don't catch empty elements. \definepatternxml patterns {\fetchpatternxml\patterns} \definepatternxml hyphenations {\fetchpatternxml\hyphenation} \definepatternxml pattern {\fetchpatternxml\patterns} \definepatternxml hyphenation {\fetchpatternxml\hyphenation} \definepatternxml default {\gobblepatternxml} \definepatterntoken default x \ifx\pattern \undefined \let\pattern \patterns \fi \ifx\hyphenations\undefined \let\hyphenations\hyphenation \fi %D An example of usage in another format than \CONTEXT: %D %D \starttyping %D \bgroup %D %D \lccode"E4="E4 \definepatterntoken adiaeresis ^^e4 %D \lccode"F6="F6 \definepatterntoken odiaeresis ^^f6 %D \lccode"FC="FC \definepatterntoken ediaeresis ^^fc %D \lccode"FF="FF \definepatterntoken ssharp ^^ff %D %D \enablepatterntokens %D \enablepatternxml %D %D \input lang-de.pat %D \input lang-de.hyp %D %D \egroup %D \stoptyping %D %D This is a minimal example for EC encoding, and of course %D a couple of more language related settings need to take %D place (like uc mappings). \endinput