if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['strc-ref'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to strc-ref.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- beware, this is a first step in the rewrite (just getting rid of -- the tuo file); later all access and parsing will also move to lua -- the useddata and pagedata names might change -- todo: pack exported data -- todo: autoload components when ::: local format, find, gmatch, match, strip = string.format, string.find, string.gmatch, string.match, string.strip local floor = math.floor local rawget, tonumber, type = rawget, tonumber, type local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local insert, remove, copytable = table.insert, table.remove, table.copy local formatters = string.formatters local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local mark = utilities.storage.mark local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local trace_referencing = false trackers.register("structures.referencing", function(v) trace_referencing = v end) local trace_analyzing = false trackers.register("structures.referencing.analyzing", function(v) trace_analyzing = v end) local trace_identifying = false trackers.register("structures.referencing.identifying", function(v) trace_identifying = v end) local trace_importing = false trackers.register("structures.referencing.importing", function(v) trace_importing = v end) local trace_empty = false trackers.register("structures.referencing.empty", function(v) trace_empty = v end) local check_duplicates = true directives.register("structures.referencing.checkduplicates", function(v) check_duplicates = v end) local report_references = logs.reporter("references") local report_unknown = logs.reporter("references","unknown") local report_identifying = logs.reporter("references","identifying") local report_importing = logs.reporter("references","importing") local report_empty = logs.reporter("references","empty") local variables = interfaces.variables local v_default = variables.default local v_url = variables.url local v_file = variables.file local v_unknown = variables.unknown local v_page = variables.page local v_auto = variables.auto local context = context local commands = commands local texgetcount = tex.getcount local texsetcount = tex.setcount local texconditionals = tex.conditionals local productcomponent = resolvers.jobs.productcomponent local justacomponent = resolvers.jobs.justacomponent local logsnewline = logs.newline local logspushtarget = logs.pushtarget local logspoptarget = logs.poptarget local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local process_settings = utilities.parsers.process_stripped_settings local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue local structures = structures local helpers = structures.helpers local sections = structures.sections local references = structures.references local lists = structures.lists local counters = structures.counters -- some might become local references.defined = references.defined or allocate() local defined = references.defined local derived = allocate() local specials = allocate() local runners = allocate() local internals = allocate() local filters = allocate() local executers = allocate() local handlers = allocate() local tobesaved = allocate() local collected = allocate() local tobereferred = allocate() local referred = allocate() local usedinternals = allocate() local flaginternals = allocate() local usedviews = allocate() references.derived = derived references.specials = specials references.runners = runners references.internals = internals references.filters = filters references.executers = executers references.handlers = handlers references.tobesaved = tobesaved references.collected = collected references.tobereferred = tobereferred references.referred = referred references.usedinternals = usedinternals references.flaginternals = flaginternals references.usedviews = usedviews local splitreference = references.splitreference local splitprefix = references.splitcomponent -- replaces: references.splitprefix local prefixsplitter = references.prefixsplitter local componentsplitter = references.componentsplitter local currentreference = nil local txtcatcodes = catcodes.numbers.txtcatcodes -- or just use "txtcatcodes" local context_delayed = context.delayed local ctx_pushcatcodes = context.pushcatcodes local ctx_popcatcodes = context.popcatcodes local ctx_dofinishsomereference = context.dofinishsomereference local ctx_dofromurldescription = context.dofromurldescription local ctx_dofromurlliteral = context.dofromurlliteral local ctx_dofromfiledescription = context.dofromfiledescription local ctx_dofromfileliteral = context.dofromfileliteral local ctx_expandreferenceoperation = context.expandreferenceoperation local ctx_expandreferencearguments = context.expandreferencearguments local ctx_getreferencestructureprefix = context.getreferencestructureprefix local ctx_convertnumber = context.convertnumber local ctx_emptyreference = context.emptyreference storage.register("structures/references/defined", references.defined, "structures.references.defined") local initializers = { } local finalizers = { } function references.registerinitializer(func) -- we could use a token register instead initializers[#initializers+1] = func end function references.registerfinalizer(func) -- we could use a token register instead finalizers[#finalizers+1] = func end local function initializer() -- can we use a tobesaved as metatable for collected? tobesaved = references.tobesaved collected = references.collected for i=1,#initializers do initializers[i](tobesaved,collected) end for prefix, list in next, collected do for tag, data in next, list do local r = data.references local i = r.internal if i then internals[i] = c usedinternals[i] = r.used end end end end local function finalizer() for i=1,#finalizers do finalizers[i](tobesaved) end for prefix, list in next, tobesaved do for tag, data in next, list do local r = data.references local i = r.internal local f = flaginternals[i] if f then r.used = usedviews[i] or true end end end end job.register('structures.references.collected', tobesaved, initializer, finalizer) local maxreferred = 1 local nofreferred = 0 local function initializer() -- can we use a tobesaved as metatable for collected? tobereferred = references.tobereferred referred = references.referred nofreferred = #referred end -- no longer fone this way -- references.resolvers = references.resolvers or { } -- local resolvers = references.resolvers -- -- function resolvers.section(var) -- local vi = lists.collected[var.i[2]] -- if vi then -- var.i = vi -- var.r = (vi.references and vi.references.realpage) or (vi.pagedata and vi.pagedata.realpage) or 1 -- else -- var.i = nil -- var.r = 1 -- end -- end -- -- resolvers.float = resolvers.section -- resolvers.description = resolvers.section -- resolvers.formula = resolvers.section -- resolvers.note = resolvers.section -- -- function resolvers.reference(var) -- local vi = var.i[2] -- if vi then -- var.i = vi -- var.r = (vi.references and vi.references.realpage) or (vi.pagedata and vi.pagedata.realpage) or 1 -- else -- var.i = nil -- var.r = 1 -- end -- end -- We make the array sparse (maybe a finalizer should optionally return a table) because -- there can be quite some page links involved. We only store one action number per page -- which is normally good enough for what we want (e.g. see above/below) and we do -- a combination of a binary search and traverse backwards. A previous implementation -- always did a traverse and was pretty slow on a large number of links (given that this -- methods was used). It took me about a day to locate this as a bottleneck in processing -- a 2500 page interactive document with 60 links per page. In that case, traversing -- thousands of slots per link then brings processing to a grinding halt (especially when -- there are no slots at all, which is the case in a first run). local sparsetobereferred = { } local function finalizer() local lastr, lasti local n = 0 for i=1,maxreferred do local r = tobereferred[i] if not lastr then lastr = r lasti = i elseif r ~= lastr then n = n + 1 sparsetobereferred[n] = { lastr, lasti } lastr = r lasti = i end end if lastr then n = n + 1 sparsetobereferred[n] = { lastr, lasti } end end job.register('structures.references.referred', sparsetobereferred, initializer, finalizer) local function referredpage(n) local max = nofreferred if max > 0 then -- find match local min = 1 while true do local mid = floor((min+max)/2) local r = referred[mid] local m = r[2] if n == m then return r[1] elseif n > m then min = mid + 1 else max = mid - 1 end if min > max then break end end -- find first previous for i=min,1,-1 do local r = referred[i] if r and r[2] < n then return r[1] end end end -- fallback return texgetcount("realpageno") end references.referredpage = referredpage function references.registerpage(n) -- called in the backend code if not tobereferred[n] then if n > maxreferred then maxreferred = n end tobereferred[n] = texgetcount("realpageno") end end -- todo: delay split till later as in destinations we split anyway local orders, lastorder = { }, 0 local function setnextorder(kind,name) lastorder = 0 if kind and name then local ok = orders[kind] if not ok then ok = { } orders[kind] = ok end lastorder = (ok[name] or 0) + 1 ok[name] = lastorder end texsetcount("global","locationorder",lastorder) end local function setnextinternal(kind,name) setnextorder(kind,name) -- always incremented with internal local n = texgetcount("locationcount") + 1 texsetcount("global","locationcount",n) return n end local function currentorder(kind,name) return orders[kind] and orders[kind][name] or lastorder end local function setcomponent(data) -- we might consider doing this at the tex end, just like prefix local component = productcomponent() if component then local references = data and data.references if references then references.component = component if references.referenceprefix == component then references.referenceprefix = nil end end return component end -- but for the moment we do it here (experiment) end references.setnextorder = setnextorder references.setnextinternal = setnextinternal references.currentorder = currentorder references.setcomponent = setcomponent commands.setnextreferenceorder = setnextorder commands.setnextinternalreference = setnextinternal function commands.currentreferenceorder(kind,name) context(currentorder(kind,name)) end function references.set(kind,prefix,tag,data) -- setcomponent(data) local pd = tobesaved[prefix] -- nicer is a metatable if not pd then pd = { } tobesaved[prefix] = pd end local n = 0 local function action(ref) if ref == "" then -- skip elseif check_duplicates and pd[ref] then if prefix and prefix ~= "" then report_references("redundant reference %a in namespace %a",ref,prefix) else report_references("redundant reference %a",ref) end else n = n + 1 pd[ref] = data ctx_dofinishsomereference(kind,prefix,ref) end end process_settings(tag,action) return n > 0 end function references.enhance(prefix,tag) local l = tobesaved[prefix][tag] if l then l.references.realpage = texgetcount("realpageno") end end commands.enhancereference = references.enhance -- -- -- related to strc-ini.lua -- -- -- -- no metatable here .. better be sparse local function register_from_lists(collected,derived,pages,sections) local derived_g = derived[""] -- global if not derived_g then derived_g = { } derived[""] = derived_g end for i=1,#collected do local entry = collected[i] local metadata = entry.metadata if metadata then local kind = metadata.kind if kind then local references = entry.references if references then local reference = references.reference if reference and reference ~= "" then local realpage = references.realpage if realpage then local prefix = references.referenceprefix local component = references.component local derived_p = nil local derived_c = nil if prefix and prefix ~= "" then derived_p = derived[prefix] if not derived_p then derived_p = { } derived[prefix] = derived_p end end if component and component ~= "" and component ~= prefix then derived_c = derived[component] if not derived_c then derived_c = { } derived[component] = derived_c end end local function action(s) if trace_referencing then report_references("list entry %a provides %a reference %a on realpage %a",i,kind,s,realpage) end if derived_p and not derived_p[s] then derived_p[s] = entry end if derived_c and not derived_c[s] then derived_c[s] = entry end if not derived_g[s] then derived_g[s] = entry -- first wins end end process_settings(reference,action) end end end end end end -- inspect(derived) end references.registerinitializer(function() register_from_lists(lists.collected,derived) end) -- urls local urls = references.urls or { } references.urls = urls local urldata = urls.data or { } urls.data = urldata function urls.define(name,url,file,description) if name and name ~= "" then urldata[name] = { url or "", file or "", description or url or file or ""} end end function urls.get(name) local u = urldata[name] if u then local url, file = u[1], u[2] if file and file ~= "" then return formatters["%s/%s"](url,file) else return url end end end function commands.geturl(name) local url = urls.get(name) if url and url ~= "" then ctx_pushcatcodes(txtcatcodes) context(url) ctx_popcatcodes() end end -- function commands.gethyphenatedurl(name,...) -- local url = urls.get(name) -- if url and url ~= "" then -- hyphenatedurl(url,...) -- end -- end function commands.doifurldefinedelse(name) commands.doifelse(urldata[name]) end commands.useurl= urls.define -- files local files = references.files or { } references.files = files local filedata = files.data or { } files.data = filedata function files.define(name,file,description) if name and name ~= "" then filedata[name] = { file or "", description or file or "" } end end function files.get(name,method,space) -- method: none, before, after, both, space: yes/no local f = filedata[name] if f then context(f[1]) end end function commands.doiffiledefinedelse(name) commands.doifelse(filedata[name]) end commands.usefile= files.define -- helpers function references.checkedfile(whatever) -- return whatever if not resolved if whatever then local w = filedata[whatever] if w then return w[1] else return whatever end end end function references.checkedurl(whatever) -- return whatever if not resolved if whatever then local w = urldata[whatever] if w then local u, f = w[1], w[2] if f and f ~= "" then return u .. "/" .. f else return u end else return whatever end end end function references.checkedfileorurl(whatever,default) -- return nil, nil if not resolved if whatever then local w = filedata[whatever] if w then return w[1], nil else local w = urldata[whatever] if w then local u, f = w[1], w[2] if f and f ~= "" then return nil, u .. "/" .. f else return nil, u end end end end return default end -- programs local programs = references.programs or { } references.programs = programs local programdata = programs.data or { } programs.data = programdata function programs.define(name,file,description) if name and name ~= "" then programdata[name] = { file or "", description or file or ""} end end function programs.get(name) local f = programdata[name] return f and f[1] end function references.checkedprogram(whatever) -- return whatever if not resolved if whatever then local w = programdata[whatever] if w then return w[1] else return whatever end end end commands.defineprogram = programs.define function commands.getprogram(name) local f = programdata[name] if f then context(f[1]) end end -- shared by urls and files function references.whatfrom(name) context((urldata[name] and v_url) or (filedata[name] and v_file) or v_unknown) end function references.from(name) local u = urldata[name] if u then local url, file, description = u[1], u[2], u[3] if description ~= "" then return description -- ok elseif file and file ~= "" then return url .. "/" .. file else return url end else local f = filedata[name] if f then local file, description = f[1], f[2] if description ~= "" then return description else return file end end end end function commands.from(name) local u = urldata[name] if u then local url, file, description = u[1], u[2], u[3] if description ~= "" then ctx_dofromurldescription(description) -- ok elseif file and file ~= "" then ctx_dofromurlliteral(url .. "/" .. file) else ctx_dofromurlliteral(url) end else local f = filedata[name] if f then local file, description = f[1], f[2] if description ~= "" then ctx_dofromfiledescription(description) else ctx_dofromfileliteral(file) end end end end function references.define(prefix,reference,list) local d = defined[prefix] if not d then d = { } defined[prefix] = d end d[reference] = list end function references.reset(prefix,reference) local d = defined[prefix] if d then d[reference] = nil end end commands.definereference = references.define commands.resetreference = references.reset -- \primaryreferencefoundaction -- \secondaryreferencefoundaction -- \referenceunknownaction -- t.special t.operation t.arguments t.outer t.inner -- to what extend do we check the non prefixed variant -- local strict = false -- -- local function resolve(prefix,reference,args,set) -- we start with prefix,reference -- if reference and reference ~= "" then -- if not set then -- set = { prefix = prefix, reference = reference } -- else -- if not set.reference then set.reference = reference end -- if not set.prefix then set.prefix = prefix end -- end -- local r = settings_to_array(reference) -- for i=1,#r do -- local ri = r[i] -- local d -- if strict then -- d = defined[prefix] or defined[""] -- d = d and d[ri] -- else -- d = defined[prefix] -- d = d and d[ri] -- if not d then -- d = defined[""] -- d = d and d[ri] -- end -- end -- if d then -- resolve(prefix,d,nil,set) -- else -- local var = splitreference(ri) -- if var then -- var.reference = ri -- local vo, vi = var.outer, var.inner -- if not vo and vi then -- -- to be checked -- if strict then -- d = defined[prefix] or defined[""] -- d = d and d[vi] -- else -- d = defined[prefix] -- d = d and d[vi] -- if not d then -- d = defined[""] -- d = d and d[vi] -- end -- end -- -- -- if d then -- resolve(prefix,d,var.arguments,set) -- args can be nil -- else -- if args then var.arguments = args end -- set[#set+1] = var -- end -- else -- if args then var.arguments = args end -- set[#set+1] = var -- end -- if var.has_tex then -- set.has_tex = true -- end -- else -- -- report_references("funny pattern %a",ri) -- end -- end -- end -- return set -- else -- return { } -- end -- end setmetatableindex(defined,"table") local function resolve(prefix,reference,args,set) -- we start with prefix,reference if reference and reference ~= "" then if not set then set = { prefix = prefix, reference = reference } else if not set.reference then set.reference = reference end if not set.prefix then set.prefix = prefix end end local r = settings_to_array(reference) for i=1,#r do local ri = r[i] local d = defined[prefix][ri] or defined[""][ri] if d then resolve(prefix,d,nil,set) else local var = splitreference(ri) if var then var.reference = ri local vo, vi = var.outer, var.inner if not vo and vi then -- to be checked d = defined[prefix][vi] or defined[""][vi] -- if d then resolve(prefix,d,var.arguments,set) -- args can be nil else if args then var.arguments = args end set[#set+1] = var end else if args then var.arguments = args end set[#set+1] = var end if var.has_tex then set.has_tex = true end else -- report_references("funny pattern %a",ri) end end end return set else return { } end end -- prefix == "" is valid prefix which saves multistep lookup references.currentset = nil function commands.setreferenceoperation(k,v) references.currentset[k].operation = v end function commands.setreferencearguments(k,v) references.currentset[k].arguments = v end function references.expandcurrent() -- todo: two booleans: o_has_tex& a_has_tex local currentset = references.currentset if currentset and currentset.has_tex then for i=1,#currentset do local ci = currentset[i] local operation = ci.operation if operation and find(operation,"\\",1,true) then -- if o_has_tex then ctx_expandreferenceoperation(i,operation) end local arguments = ci.arguments if arguments and find(arguments,"\\",1,true) then -- if a_has_tex then ctx_expandreferencearguments(i,arguments) end end end end commands.expandcurrentreference = references.expandcurrent -- for the moment the same local externals = { } -- we have prefixes but also components: -- -- : prefix -- :: always external -- ::: internal (for products) or external (for components) local function loadexternalreferences(name,utilitydata) local struc = utilitydata.structures if struc then local external = struc.references.collected -- direct references local lists = struc.lists.collected -- indirect references (derived) local pages = struc.pages.collected -- pagenumber data -- a bit weird one, as we don't have the externals in the collected for prefix, set in next, external do for reference, data in next, set do if trace_importing then report_importing("registering %a reference, kind %a, name %a, prefix %a, reference %a", "external","regular",name,prefix,reference) end local section = reference.section local realpage = reference.realpage if section then reference.sectiondata = lists[section] end if realpage then reference.pagedata = pages[realpage] end end end for i=1,#lists do local entry = lists[i] local metadata = entry.metadata local references = entry.references if metadata and references then local reference = references.reference if reference and reference ~= "" then local kind = metadata.kind local realpage = references.realpage if kind and realpage then references.pagedata = pages[realpage] local prefix = references.referenceprefix or "" local target = external[prefix] if not target then target = { } external[prefix] = target end -- for s in gmatch(reference,"%s*([^,]+)") do -- if trace_importing then -- report_importing("registering %s reference, kind %a, name %a, prefix %a, reference %a", -- "external",kind,name,prefix,s) -- end -- target[s] = target[s] or entry -- end local function action(s) if trace_importing then report_importing("registering %s reference, kind %a, name %a, prefix %a, reference %a", "external",kind,name,prefix,s) end target[s] = target[s] or entry end process_settings(reference,action) end end end end externals[name] = external return external end end local externalfiles = { } setmetatableindex(externalfiles, function(t,k) local v = filedata[k] if not v then v = { k, k } end externalfiles[k] = v return v end) setmetatableindex(externals, function(t,k) -- either or not automatically local filename = externalfiles[k][1] -- filename local fullname = file.replacesuffix(filename,"tuc") if lfs.isfile(fullname) then -- todo: use other locator local utilitydata = job.loadother(fullname) if utilitydata then local external = loadexternalreferences(k,utilitydata) t[k] = external or false return external end end t[k] = false return false end) local productdata = allocate { productreferences = { }, componentreferences = { }, components = { }, } references.productdata = productdata local function loadproductreferences(productname,componentname,utilitydata) local struc = utilitydata.structures if struc then local productreferences = struc.references.collected -- direct references local lists = struc.lists.collected -- indirect references (derived) local pages = struc.pages.collected -- pagenumber data -- we use indirect tables to save room but as they are eventually -- just references we resolve them to data here (the mechanisms -- that use this data check for indirectness) for prefix, set in next, productreferences do for reference, data in next, set do if trace_importing then report_importing("registering %s reference, kind %a, name %a, prefix %a, reference %a", "product","regular",productname,prefix,reference) end local section = reference.section local realpage = reference.realpage if section then reference.sectiondata = lists[section] end if realpage then reference.pagedata = pages[realpage] end end end -- local componentreferences = { } for i=1,#lists do local entry = lists[i] local metadata = entry.metadata local references = entry.references if metadata and references then local reference = references.reference if reference and reference ~= "" then local kind = metadata.kind local realpage = references.realpage if kind and realpage then references.pagedata = pages[realpage] local prefix = references.referenceprefix or "" local component = references.component local ctarget, ptarget if not component or component == componentname then -- skip else -- one level up local external = componentreferences[component] if not external then external = { } componentreferences[component] = external end if component == prefix then prefix = "" end ctarget = external[prefix] if not ctarget then ctarget = { } external[prefix] = ctarget end end ptarget = productreferences[prefix] if not ptarget then ptarget = { } productreferences[prefix] = ptarget end local function action(s) if ptarget then if trace_importing then report_importing("registering %s reference, kind %a, name %a, prefix %a, reference %a", "product",kind,productname,prefix,s) end ptarget[s] = ptarget[s] or entry end if ctarget then if trace_importing then report_importing("registering %s reference, kind %a, name %a, prefix %a, referenc %a", "component",kind,productname,prefix,s) end ctarget[s] = ctarget[s] or entry end end process_settings(reference,action) end end end end productdata.productreferences = productreferences -- not yet used productdata.componentreferences = componentreferences end end local function loadproductvariables(product,component,utilitydata) local struc = utilitydata.structures if struc then local lists = struc.lists and struc.lists.collected if lists then local pages = struc.pages and struc.pages.collected for i=1,#lists do local li = lists[i] if li.metadata.kind == "section" and li.references.component == component then local firstsection = li if firstsection.numberdata then local numbers = firstsection.numberdata.numbers if numbers then if trace_importing then report_importing("initializing section number to %:t",numbers) end productdata.firstsection = firstsection structures.documents.preset(numbers) end end if pages and firstsection.references then local firstpage = pages[firstsection.references.realpage] local number = firstpage and firstpage.number if number then if trace_importing then report_importing("initializing page number to %a",number) end productdata.firstpage = firstpage counters.set("userpage",1,number) end end break end end end end end local function componentlist(tree,target) local branches = tree and tree.branches if branches then for i=1,#branches do local branch = branches[i] local type = branch.type if type == "component" then if target then target[#target+1] = branch.name else target = { branch.name } end elseif type == "product" or type == "component" then target = componentlist(branch,target) end end end return target end local function loadproductcomponents(product,component,utilitydata) local job = utilitydata.job productdata.components = componentlist(job and job.structure and job.structure.collected) or { } end references.registerinitializer(function(tobesaved,collected) -- not that much related to tobesaved or collected productdata.components = componentlist(job.structure.collected) or { } end) function references.loadpresets(product,component) -- we can consider a special components hash if product and component and product~= "" and component ~= "" and not productdata.product then -- maybe: productdata.filename ~= filename productdata.product = product productdata.component = component local fullname = file.replacesuffix(product,"tuc") if lfs.isfile(fullname) then -- todo: use other locator local utilitydata = job.loadother(fullname) if utilitydata then if trace_importing then report_importing("loading references for component %a of product %a from %a",component,product,fullname) end loadproductvariables (product,component,utilitydata) loadproductreferences(product,component,utilitydata) loadproductcomponents(product,component,utilitydata) -- inspect(productdata) end end end end references.productdata = productdata local useproduct = commands.useproduct if useproduct then function commands.useproduct(product) useproduct(product) if texconditionals.autocrossfilereferences then local component = justacomponent() if component then if trace_referencing or trace_importing then report_references("loading presets for component %a of product %a",component,product) end references.loadpresets(product,component) end end end end -- productdata.firstsection.numberdata.numbers -- productdata.firstpage.number local function report_identify_special(set,var,i,type) local reference = set.reference local prefix = set.prefix or "" local special = var.special local error = var.error local kind = var.kind if error then report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, special %a, error %a",type,reference,i,prefix,special,error) else report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, special %a, kind %a",type,reference,i,prefix,special,kind) end end local function report_identify_arguments(set,var,i,type) local reference = set.reference local prefix = set.prefix or "" local arguments = var.arguments local error = var.error local kind = var.kind if error then report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, arguments %a, error %a",type,reference,i,prefix,arguments,error) else report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, arguments %a, kind %a",type,reference,i,prefix,arguments,kind) end end local function report_identify_outer(set,var,i,type) local reference = set.reference local prefix = set.prefix or "" local outer = var.outer local error = var.error local kind = var.kind if outer then if error then report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, outer %a, error %a",type,reference,i,prefix,outer,error) else report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, outer %a, kind %a",type,reference,i,prefix,outer,kind) end else if error then report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, error %a",type,reference,i,prefix,error) else report_identifying("type %a, reference %a, index %a, prefix %a, kind %a",type,reference,i,prefix,kind) end end end local function identify_special(set,var,i) local special = var.special local s = specials[special] if s then local outer = var.outer local operation = var.operation local arguments = var.arguments if outer then if operation then -- special(outer::operation) var.kind = "special outer with operation" else -- special() var.kind = "special outer" end var.f = outer elseif operation then if arguments then -- special(operation{argument,argument}) var.kind = "special operation with arguments" else -- special(operation) var.kind = "special operation" end else -- special() var.kind = "special" end if trace_identifying then report_identify_special(set,var,i,"1a") end else var.error = "unknown special" end return var end local function identify_arguments(set,var,i) local s = specials[var.inner] if s then -- inner{argument} var.kind = "special operation with arguments" else var.error = "unknown inner or special" end if trace_identifying then report_identify_arguments(set,var,i,"3a") end return var end -- needs checking: if we don't do too much (redundant) checking now -- inner ... we could move the prefix logic into the parser so that we have 'm for each entry -- foo:bar -> foo == prefix (first we try the global one) -- -:bar -> ignore prefix local function finish_inner(var,p,i) var.kind = "inner" var.i = i var.p = p var.r = (i.references and i.references.realpage) or (i.pagedata and i.pagedata.realpage) or 1 return var end local function identify_inner(set,var,prefix,collected,derived) local inner = var.inner -- the next test is a safeguard when references are auto loaded from outer if not inner or inner == "" then return false end local splitprefix, splitinner = lpegmatch(prefixsplitter,inner) if splitprefix and splitinner then -- we check for a prefix:reference instance in the regular set of collected -- references; a special case is -: which forces a lookup in the global list if splitprefix == "-" then local i = collected[""] if i then i = i[splitinner] if i then return finish_inner(var,"",i) end end end local i = collected[splitprefix] if i then i = i[splitinner] if i then return finish_inner(var,splitprefix,i) end end if derived then -- next we look for a reference in the regular set of collected references -- using the prefix that is active at this moment (so we overload the given -- these are taken from other data structures (like lists) if splitprefix == "-" then local i = derived[""] if i then i = i[splitinner] if i then return finish_inner(var,"",i) end end end local i = derived[splitprefix] if i then i = i[splitinner] if i then return finish_inner(var,splitprefix,i) end end end end -- we now ignore the split prefix and treat the whole inner as a potential -- referenice into the global list local i = collected[prefix] if i then i = i[inner] if i then return finish_inner(var,prefix,i) end end if not i and derived then -- and if not found we look in the derived references local i = derived[prefix] if i then i = i[inner] if i then return finish_inner(var,prefix,i) end end end return false end local function unprefixed_inner(set,var,prefix,collected,derived,tobesaved) local inner = var.inner local s = specials[inner] if s then var.kind = "special" else local i = (collected and collected[""] and collected[""][inner]) or (derived and derived [""] and derived [""][inner]) or (tobesaved and tobesaved[""] and tobesaved[""][inner]) if i then var.kind = "inner" var.p = "" var.i = i var.r = (i.references and i.references.realpage) or (i.pagedata and i.pagedata.realpage) or 1 else var.error = "unknown inner or special" end end return var end local function identify_outer(set,var,i) local outer = var.outer local inner = var.inner local external = externals[outer] if external then local v = identify_inner(set,var,nil,external) if v then v.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,v,i,"2a") end return v end local v = identify_inner(set,var,var.outer,external) if v then v.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,v,i,"2b") end return v end end local external = productdata.componentreferences[outer] if external then local v = identify_inner(set,var,nil,external) if v then v.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,v,i,"2c") end return v end end local external = productdata.productreferences[outer] if external then local vi = external[inner] if vi then var.kind = "outer with inner" var.i = vi set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"2d") end return var end end -- the rest local special = var.special local arguments = var.arguments local operation = var.operation if inner then -- tricky: in this case we can only use views when we're sure that all inners -- are flushed in the outer document so that should become an option if arguments then -- outer::inner{argument} var.kind = "outer with inner with arguments" else -- outer::inner var.kind = "outer with inner" end var.i = inner var.f = outer var.r = (inner.references and inner.references.realpage) or (inner.pagedata and inner.pagedata.realpage) or 1 if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"2e") end elseif special then local s = specials[special] if s then if operation then if arguments then -- outer::special(operation{argument,argument}) var.kind = "outer with special and operation and arguments" else -- outer::special(operation) var.kind = "outer with special and operation" end else -- outer::special() var.kind = "outer with special" end var.f = outer else var.error = "unknown outer with special" end if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"2f") end else -- outer:: var.kind = "outer" var.f = outer if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"2g") end end return var end -- todo: avoid copy local function identify_inner_or_outer(set,var,i) -- here we fall back on product data local inner = var.inner if inner and inner ~= "" then -- first we look up in collected and derived using the current prefix local prefix = set.prefix local v = identify_inner(set,var,set.prefix,collected,derived) if v then if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,v,i,"4a") end return v end -- nest we look at each component (but we can omit the already consulted one local components = job.structure.components if components then for c=1,#components do local component = components[c] if component ~= prefix then local v = identify_inner(set,var,component,collected,derived) if v then if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"4b") end return v end end end end -- as a last resort we will consult the global lists local v = unprefixed_inner(set,var,"",collected,derived,tobesaved) if v then if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,v,i,"4c") end return v end -- not it gets bad ... we need to look in external files ... keep in mind that -- we can best use explicit references for this ... we might issue a warning local componentreferences = productdata.componentreferences local productreferences = productdata.productreferences local components = productdata.components if components and componentreferences then for c=1,#components do local component = components[c] local data = componentreferences[component] if data then local d = data[""] local vi = d and d[inner] if vi then var.outer = component var.i = vi var.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"4d") end return var end end end end local component, inner = lpegmatch(componentsplitter,inner) if component then local data = componentreferences and componentreferences[component] if data then local d = data[""] local vi = d and d[inner] if vi then var.inner = inner var.outer = component var.i = vi var.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"4e") end return var end end local data = productreferences and productreferences[component] if data then local vi = data[inner] if vi then var.inner = inner var.outer = component var.i = vi var.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"4f") end return var end end end var.error = "unknown inner" else var.error = "no inner" end if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"4g") end return var end local function identify_inner_component(set,var,i) -- we're in a product (maybe ignore when same as component) local component = var.component local v = identify_inner(set,var,component,collected,derived) if not v then var.error = "unknown inner in component" end if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"5a") end return var end local function identify_outer_component(set,var,i) local component = var.component local inner = var.inner local data = productdata.componentreferences[component] if data then local d = data[""] local vi = d and d[inner] if vi then var.inner = inner var.outer = component var.i = vi var.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"6a") end return var end end local data = productdata.productreferences[component] if data then local vi = data[inner] if vi then var.inner = inner var.outer = component var.i = vi var.kind = "outer with inner" set.external = true if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"6b") end return var end end var.error = "unknown component" if trace_identifying then report_identify_outer(set,var,i,"6c") end return var end local nofidentified = 0 local function identify(prefix,reference) if not reference then prefix = "" reference = prefix end local set = resolve(prefix,reference) local bug = false texsetcount("referencehastexstate",set.has_tex and 1 or 0) nofidentified = nofidentified + 1 set.n = nofidentified for i=1,#set do local var = set[i] if var.special then var = identify_special(set,var,i) elseif var.outer then var = identify_outer(set,var,i) elseif var.arguments then var = identify_arguments(set,var,i) elseif not var.component then var = identify_inner_or_outer(set,var,i) elseif productcomponent() then var = identify_inner_component(set,var,i) else var = identify_outer_component(set,var,i) end set[i] = var bug = bug or var.error end references.currentset = mark(set) -- mark, else in api doc if trace_analyzing then report_references(table.serialize(set,reference)) end return set, bug end references.identify = identify local unknowns, nofunknowns, f_valid = { }, 0, formatters["[%s][%s]"] function references.valid(prefix,reference,highlight,newwindow,layer) local set, bug = identify(prefix,reference) local unknown = bug or #set == 0 if unknown then currentreference = nil -- will go away local str = f_valid(prefix,reference) local u = unknowns[str] if not u then interfaces.showmessage("references",1,str) -- 1 = unknown, 4 = illegal unknowns[str] = 1 nofunknowns = nofunknowns + 1 else unknowns[str] = u + 1 end else set.highlight, set.newwindow, set.layer = highlight, newwindow, layer currentreference = set[1] end -- we can do the expansion here which saves a call return not unknown end function commands.doifelsereference(prefix,reference,highlight,newwindow,layer) commands.doifelse(references.valid(prefix,reference,highlight,newwindow,layer)) end function references.reportproblems() -- might become local if nofunknowns > 0 then statistics.register("cross referencing", function() return format("%s identified, %s unknown",nofidentified,nofunknowns) end) logspushtarget("logfile") logsnewline() report_references("start problematic references") logsnewline() for k, v in table.sortedpairs(unknowns) do report_unknown("%4i: %s",v,k) end logsnewline() report_references("stop problematic references") logsnewline() logspoptarget() end end luatex.registerstopactions(references.reportproblems) -- The auto method will try to avoid named internals in a clever way which -- can make files smaller without sacrificing external references. Some of -- the housekeeping happens the backend side. local innermethod = v_auto -- only page|auto now local defaultinnermethod = defaultinnermethod references.innermethod = innermethod -- don't mess with this one directly function references.setinnermethod(m) if toboolean(m) or m == v_page then innermethod = v_page else innermethod = v_auto end references.innermethod = innermethod function references.setinnermethod() report_references("inner method is already set and frozen to %a",innermethod) end end function references.getinnermethod() return innermethod or defaultinnermethod end directives.register("references.linkmethod", function(v) -- page auto references.setinnermethod(v) end) -- this is inconsistent local destinationattributes = { } local function setinternalreference(prefix,tag,internal,view) -- needs checking local destination = unsetvalue if innermethod == v_auto then local t, tn = { }, 0 -- maybe add to current if tag then if prefix and prefix ~= "" then prefix = prefix .. ":" -- watch out, : here local function action(ref) tn = tn + 1 t[tn] = prefix .. ref end process_settings(tag,action) else local function action(ref) tn = tn + 1 t[tn] = ref end process_settings(tag,action) end end -- ugly .. later we decide to ignore it when we have a real one -- but for testing we might want to see them all if internal then tn = tn + 1 t[tn] = internal -- when number it's internal end destination = references.mark(t,nil,nil,view) -- returns an attribute end if internal then -- new destinationattributes[internal] = destination end texsetcount("lastdestinationattribute",destination) return destination end local function getinternalreference(internal) return destinationattributes[internal] or 0 end references.setinternalreference = setinternalreference references.getinternalreference = getinternalreference commands.setinternalreference = setinternalreference commands.getinternalreference = getinternalreference function references.setandgetattribute(kind,prefix,tag,data,view) -- maybe do internal automatically here local attr = references.set(kind,prefix,tag,data) and setinternalreference(prefix,tag,nil,view) or unsetvalue texsetcount("lastdestinationattribute",attr) return attr end commands.setreferenceattribute = references.setandgetattribute function references.getinternallistreference(n) -- n points into list (todo: registers) local l = lists.collected[n] local i = l and l.references.internal return i and destinationattributes[i] or 0 end function commands.getinternallistreference(n) -- this will also be a texcount local l = lists.collected[n] local i = l and l.references.internal context(i and destinationattributes[i] or 0) end -- function references.getcurrentmetadata(tag) local data = currentreference and currentreference.i return data and data.metadata and data.metadata[tag] end function commands.getcurrentreferencemetadata(tag) local data = references.getcurrentmetadata(tag) if data then context(data) end end local function currentmetadata(tag) local data = currentreference and currentreference.i return data and data.metadata and data.metadata[tag] end references.currentmetadata = currentmetadata local function getcurrentprefixspec(default) -- todo: message return currentmetadata("kind") or "?", currentmetadata("name") or "?", default or "?" end references.getcurrentprefixspec = getcurrentprefixspec function commands.getcurrentprefixspec(default) ctx_getreferencestructureprefix(getcurrentprefixspec(default)) end local genericfilters = { } local userfilters = { } local textfilters = { } local fullfilters = { } local sectionfilters = { } filters.generic = genericfilters filters.user = userfilters filters.text = textfilters filters.full = fullfilters filters.section = sectionfilters local function filterreference(name,...) -- number page title ... local data = currentreference and currentreference.i -- maybe we should take realpage from here if data then if name == "realpage" then local cs = references.analyze() -- normally already analyzed but also sets state context(tonumber(cs.realpage) or 0) -- todo, return and in command namespace else -- assumes data is table local kind = type(data) == "table" and data.metadata and data.metadata.kind if kind then local filter = filters[kind] or genericfilters filter = filter and (filter[name] or filter.unknown or genericfilters[name] or genericfilters.unknown) if filter then if trace_referencing then report_references("name %a, kind %a, using dedicated filter",name,kind) end filter(data,name,...) elseif trace_referencing then report_references("name %a, kind %a, using generic filter",name,kind) end elseif trace_referencing then report_references("name %a, unknown kind",name) end end elseif name == "realpage" then context(0) elseif trace_referencing then report_references("name %a, no reference",name) end end local function filterreferencedefault() return filterreference("default",getcurrentprefixspec(v_default)) end references.filter = filterreference references.filterdefault = filterreferencedefault commands.filterreference = filterreference commands.filterdefaultreference = filterreferencedefault function commands.currentreferencedefault(tag) if not tag then tag = "default" end filterreference(tag,context_delayed(getcurrentprefixspec(tag))) end function genericfilters.title(data) if data then local titledata = data.titledata or data.useddata if titledata then helpers.title(titledata.title or "?",data.metadata) end end end function genericfilters.text(data) if data then local entries = data.entries or data.useddata if entries then helpers.title(entries.text or "?",data.metadata) end end end function genericfilters.number(data,what,prefixspec) -- todo: spec and then no stopper if data then numberdata = lists.reordered(data) -- data.numberdata if numberdata then helpers.prefix(data,prefixspec) sections.typesetnumber(numberdata,"number",numberdata) else local useddata = data.useddata if useddata and useddata.number then context(useddata.number) end end end end genericfilters.default = genericfilters.text function genericfilters.page(data,prefixspec,pagespec) local pagedata = data.pagedata if pagedata then local number, conversion = pagedata.number, pagedata.conversion if not number then -- error elseif conversion then ctx_convertnumber(conversion,number) else context(number) end else helpers.prefixpage(data,prefixspec,pagespec) end end function userfilters.unknown(data,name) if data then local userdata = data.userdata local userkind = userdata and userdata.kind if userkind then local filter = filters[userkind] or genericfilters filter = filter and (filter[name] or filter.unknown) if filter then filter(data,name) return end end local namedata = userdata and userdata[name] if namedata then context(namedata) end end end function textfilters.title(data) helpers.title(data.entries.text or "?",data.metadata) end -- no longer considered useful: -- -- function filters.text.number(data) -- helpers.title(data.entries.text or "?",data.metadata) -- end function textfilters.page(data,prefixspec,pagespec) helpers.prefixpage(data,prefixspec,pagespec) end fullfilters.title = textfilters.title fullfilters.page = textfilters.page function sectionfilters.number(data,what,prefixspec) if data then local numberdata = data.numberdata if not numberdata then local useddata = data.useddata if useddata and useddata.number then context(useddata.number) end elseif numberdata.hidenumber then local references = data.references if trace_empty then report_empty("reference %a has a hidden number",references.reference) ctx_emptyreference() -- maybe an option end else sections.typesetnumber(numberdata,"number",prefixspec,numberdata) end end end sectionfilters.title = genericfilters.title sectionfilters.page = genericfilters.page sectionfilters.default = sectionfilters.number -- filters.note = { default = genericfilters.number } -- filters.formula = { default = genericfilters.number } -- filters.float = { default = genericfilters.number } -- filters.description = { default = genericfilters.number } -- filters.item = { default = genericfilters.number } setmetatableindex(filters, function(t,k) -- beware, test with rawget local v = { default = genericfilters.number } -- not copy as it might be extended differently t[k] = v return v end) -- function references.sectiontitle(n) -- helpers.sectiontitle(lists.collected[tonumber(n) or 0]) -- end -- function references.sectionnumber(n) -- helpers.sectionnumber(lists.collected[tonumber(n) or 0]) -- end -- function references.sectionpage(n,prefixspec,pagespec) -- helpers.prefixedpage(lists.collected[tonumber(n) or 0],prefixspec,pagespec) -- end -- analyze references.testrunners = references.testrunners or { } references.testspecials = references.testspecials or { } local runners = references.testrunners local specials = references.testspecials -- We need to prevent ending up in the 'relative location' analyzer as it is -- pretty slow (progressively). In the pagebody one can best check the reference -- real page to determine if we need contrastlocation as that is more lightweight. local function checkedpagestate(n,page) local r = referredpage(n) local p = tonumber(page) if not p then return 0 elseif p > r then return 3 -- after elseif p < r then return 2 -- before else return 1 -- same end end local function setreferencerealpage(actions) if not actions then actions = references.currentset end if not actions then return 0 else local realpage = actions.realpage if realpage then return realpage end local nofactions = #actions if nofactions > 0 then for i=1,nofactions do local a = actions[i] local what = runners[a.kind] if what then what = what(a,actions) -- needs documentation end end realpage = actions.realpage if realpage then return realpage end end actions.realpage = 0 return 0 end end -- we store some analysis data alongside the indexed array -- at this moment only the real reference page is analyzed -- normally such an analysis happens in the backend code function references.analyze(actions) if not actions then actions = references.currentset end if not actions then actions = { realpage = 0, pagestate = 0 } elseif actions.pagestate then -- already done else local realpage = actions.realpage or setreferencerealpage(actions) if realpage == 0 then actions.pagestate = 0 elseif actions.external then actions.pagestate = 0 else actions.pagestate = checkedpagestate(actions.n,realpage) end end return actions end function commands.referencepagestate(actions) if not actions then actions = references.currentset end if not actions then context(0) else if not actions.pagestate then references.analyze(actions) -- delayed unless explicitly asked for -- print("NO STATE",actions.reference,actions.pagestate) end context(actions.pagestate) end end function commands.referencerealpage(actions) actions = actions or references.currentset context(not actions and 0 or actions.realpage or setreferencerealpage(actions)) end local plist, nofrealpages local function realpageofpage(p) -- the last one counts ! if not plist then local pages = structures.pages.collected nofrealpages = #pages plist = { } for rp=1,nofrealpages do local page = pages[rp] if page then plist[page.number] = rp end end references.nofrealpages = nofrealpages end return plist[p] end references.realpageofpage = realpageofpage function references.checkedrealpage(r) if not plist then realpageofpage(r) -- just initialize end if not r then return texgetcount("realpageno") elseif r < 1 then return 1 elseif r > nofrealpages then return nofrealpages else return r end end -- use local ? local pages = allocate { [variables.firstpage] = function() return counters.record("realpage")["first"] end, [variables.previouspage] = function() return counters.record("realpage")["previous"] end, [variables.nextpage] = function() return counters.record("realpage")["next"] end, [variables.lastpage] = function() return counters.record("realpage")["last"] end, [variables.firstsubpage] = function() return counters.record("subpage" )["first"] end, [variables.previoussubpage] = function() return counters.record("subpage" )["previous"] end, [variables.nextsubpage] = function() return counters.record("subpage" )["next"] end, [variables.lastsubpage] = function() return counters.record("subpage" )["last"] end, [variables.forward] = function() return counters.record("realpage")["forward"] end, [variables.backward] = function() return counters.record("realpage")["backward"] end, } references.pages = pages -- maybe some day i will merge this in the backend code with a testmode (so each -- runner then implements a branch) runners["inner"] = function(var,actions) local r = var.r if r then actions.realpage = r end end runners["special"] = function(var,actions) local handler = specials[var.special] return handler and handler(var,actions) end runners["special operation"] = runners["special"] runners["special operation with arguments"] = runners["special"] -- These are the testspecials not the real ones. They are used to -- check the validity. function specials.internal(var,actions) local v = internals[tonumber(var.operation)] local r = v and v.references.realpage if r then actions.realpage = r end end specials.i = specials.internal function specials.page(var,actions) local o = var.operation local p = pages[o] if type(p) == "function" then p = p() else p = tonumber(realpageofpage(tonumber(o))) end if p then var.r = p actions.realpage = actions.realpage or p -- first wins end end function specials.realpage(var,actions) local p = tonumber(var.operation) if p then var.r = p actions.realpage = actions.realpage or p -- first wins end end function specials.userpage(var,actions) local p = tonumber(realpageofpage(var.operation)) if p then var.r = p actions.realpage = actions.realpage or p -- first wins end end function specials.deltapage(var,actions) local p = tonumber(var.operation) if p then p = references.checkedrealpage(p + texgetcount("realpageno")) var.r = p actions.realpage = actions.realpage or p -- first wins end end function specials.section(var,actions) local sectionname = var.arguments local destination = var.operation local internal = structures.sections.internalreference(sectionname,destination) if internal then var.special = "internal" var.operation = internal var.arguments = nil specials.internal(var,actions) end end -- needs a better split ^^^ -- done differently now: function references.export(usedname) end function references.import(usedname) end function references.load (usedname) end commands.exportreferences = references.export -- better done here .... we don't insert/remove, just use a pointer local prefixstack = { "" } local prefixlevel = 1 function commands.pushreferenceprefix(prefix) prefixlevel = prefixlevel + 1 prefixstack[prefixlevel] = prefix context(prefix) end function commands.popreferenceprefix() prefixlevel = prefixlevel - 1 if prefixlevel > 0 then context(prefixstack[prefixlevel]) else report_references("unable to pop referenceprefix") end end