%D \module %D [ file=s-pre-18, %D version=1999.08.20, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment 18, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. % todo: met pos en dan iedere titel \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setupbodyfont [loc,ppl] \setupcolors [state=start] \definecolor [shade-1] [s=.7] \definecolor [shade-2] [s=.1] \definecolor [shade-3] [s=.8] \definecolor [shade-4] [b=.8] \definecolor [shade-5] [g=.6] \setuplayout [topspace=1cm, height=fit, backspace=1cm, width=middle, header=0pt, footer=0pt, bottomdistance=1cm] \setupbackgrounds [state=repeat] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=page] \defineoverlay [page] [\useMPgraphic{page}] \defineoverlay [text] [\useMPgraphic{text}] \startuseMPgraphic{page} StartPage ; path p ; numeric s ; pair cp ; cp := center Page ; s := define_circular_shade(cp,cp,0,TextWidth, \MPcolor{shade-1},\MPcolor{shade-2}) ; fill Page withshade s ; p := fullcircle xyscaled (TextWidth+1cm, TextHeight+1cm) shifted cp ; s := define_circular_shade(cp,cp,0,TextWidth,\MPcolor{shade-3}, \MPcolor{shade-4}) ; fill p withshade s ; StopPage \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{text} StartPage ; path p ; numeric s, t ; pair cp ; cp := center Page ; s := define_circular_shade(cp,cp,0,TextWidth, \MPcolor{shade-1},\MPcolor{shade-2}) ; fill Page withshade s ; p := llcorner Field[Text][Bottom] -- lrcorner Field[Text][Bottom] -- urcorner Field[Text][Text] -- ulcorner Field[Text][Text] -- cycle ; p := p enlarged .5cm randomized .5cm ; t := define_circular_shade(cp,cp,0,TextWidth,\MPcolor{shade-3}, \MPcolor{shade-4}) ; fill p withshade t ; def bottom_menu_button (expr nn, rr, pp, xx, yy, ww, hh, dd) = if (pp>0) and (rr>0) : if nn = 1 : p := (0,0)--(ww,hh/2)--(0,hh)--cycle ; elseif nn = 2 : p := (0,hh/2)--(ww,hh)--(ww,0)--cycle ; else : p := origin--cycle ; fi ; fill p randomized 2.5mm shifted (xx,yy) withshade s ; fi ; enddef ; \MPmenubuttons{bottom} if length \MPstring{topic} > 0 : graphictext \MPstring{topic} scaled 3 shifted ulcorner Field[Text][Text] shifted (0,-1.5cm) withshade s ; fi ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \setupinteractionmenu [bottom] [state=start, frame=off, left=\hfill, middle=\hskip.5cm, width=2\bottomheight, position=yes] \startinteractionmenu[bottom] \but [previouspage] \\ \but [nextpage] \\ \stopinteractionmenu \setupinteraction [state=start, click=no, color=shade-5, contrastcolor=shade-5, menu=on] \setupwhitespace [big] \def\Topic#1% {\page \setMPtext{topic}{#1} \vbox to 2cm{}} \setMPtext{topic}{} \def\StartTitlePage% {\startstandardmakeup[bottomstate=none] \setupalign[middle] \vfill} \def\StopTitlePage% {\stopstandardmakeup \setuplayout[bottom=1.5cm] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=text]} \def\TitleString#1#2% {\indent \startMPcode graphictext "#2" scaled #1 withdrawcolor .4white withfillcolor .7white withpen pencircle scaled 2pt ; \stopMPcode \vfill} \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} \starttext \StartTitlePage \TitleString{8}{Welcome} \TitleString{4}{to my favourite} \TitleString{8}{Quotes} \StopTitlePage \Topic {Douglas R. Hofstadter} \input douglas \page \Topic {Donald E. Knuth} \input knuth \page \Topic {Edward R. Tufte} \input tufte \page \Topic {Hermann Zapf} \input zapf \page \stoptext