%D \module %D [ file=s-pre-14, %D version=1999.08.20, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment 14, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D In the process of making a couple of simple styles for %D \EUROTEX\ 99, I came to this one. The joke is in the %D pagenumber. This style can be used for short presentations %D with much text. \startmode[asintended] \setupbodyfont[lbr] \stopmode \setupbodyfont[14.4pt] %D Since we expect text, we can best be very tolerant. \setuptolerance [verytolerant,stretch] %D As most styles we choose a large screen page size. \setuppapersize [S6][S6] \setuplayout [width=fit, rightedge=3cm, margin=0pt, rightedgedistance=2cm, height=middle, header=0pt, footer=0pt, topspace=1cm, backspace=1cm] %D We only use two colors, named \type {One} and \type %D {Two}: \setupcolors [state=start] \definecolor [One] [r=.6,g=.4,b=.4] \definecolor [Two] [r=.4,g=.6,b=.6] %D If you've looked at the demo file, you will have noticed %D that the background consists of four pieces: two filled %D rectangles and two half numbers. These are put on th epage %D using four overlays: \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={one,two,three,four}] %D When we code this in \TEX, we get the following %D definitions. As an alternative we coudl have used layers %D but I'm afraid that it would not have led to less code. \defineoverlay [one] [{\framed [frame=off,background=color,backgroundcolor=Two, width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight] {}}] \defineoverlay [three] [{\hbox to \overlaywidth {\hfill\SetOverlayWidth \framed [frame=off,background=color,backgroundcolor=One, width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight] {}}}] %D We could have used the main backgroundcolor instead of %D overlay \type {one}. \definefont[NumberFont][RegularBold at 3cm] \defineoverlay [two] [{\framed [frame=off,width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight, offset=overlay] {\vfill \NumberFont\setstrut\SetOverlayWidth \hbox to \hsize {\hfill \setupinteraction[style=,color=]% \setbox0=\hbox{\strut\One\pagenumber}% \hbox to 0pt{\hss\gotobox{\box0}[previouspage]\hss}% \hskip\overlaywidth}}}] \defineoverlay [four] [{\framed [frame=off,width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight,offset=overlay] {\vfill \hbox to \hsize {\hfill \SetOverlayWidth \framed [frame=off,width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight,offset=overlay] {\vfill\NumberFont\setstrut \setbox0=\hbox{\strut\Two\pagenumber}% \setbox2=\hbox{\clip[nx=2,ny=1,x=2,y=1]{\copy0}}% \dp2=\dp0 \hbox to \hsize{\hbox to 0pt{\hss\hskip.5\wd0\box2\hss}\hfill}}}}}] \def\SetOverlayWidth% {\scratchdimen = \rightedgedistance \divide\scratchdimen by 2 \advance\scratchdimen by \rightedgewidth \advance\scratchdimen by \backspace \edef\overlaywidth{\the\scratchdimen}} %D A much cleaner implementation is the following. If you hate %D \METAPOST, you can run this style in the specified mode: \startnotmode[no-metapost] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={number}] \defineoverlay[number][\useMPgraphic{number}] \startuseMPgraphic{number} StartPage ; path Vage ; picture Left, Right ; x1 = x2 = xpart (llcorner Field[Text][RightEdge] shifted (-RightEdgeDistance/2,0)) ; y1 = ypart llcorner Page ; y2 = ypart ulcorner Page ; Vage := llcorner Page -- z1 -- z2 -- ulcorner Page -- cycle ; fill Page withcolor \MPcolor {One} ; fill Vage withcolor \MPcolor {Two} ; if PageNumber>0 : defaultfont := "\truefontname{RegularBold}" ; Left := Right := thelabel("\folio",origin) ysized 3cm ; clip Right to boundingbox Right shifted (bbwidth(Right)/2,0) ; draw Left shifted z1 shifted (0,2.25cm) withcolor \MPcolor {One} ; draw Right shifted z1 shifted (0,2.25cm) withcolor \MPcolor {Two} ; fi ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \stopnotmode %D We use the simple label typesetting present in \METAPOST\ %D because digits are seldom kerned so real \TEX ing is not %D needed. As in the previous method, we let the graphics %D overlap so that we don't get white lines due to rounding %D problems in viewers. %D %D We put a button behind the text (this overlay is calculated %D each page). \defineoverlay [nextpage] [\overlaybutton{nextpage}] \setupbackgrounds [text] [backgroundoffset=.5cm, background=nextpage] %D We still have to turn on interaction mode. \setupinteraction [state=start, display=new, menu=on] \setupinteraction [color=, contrastcolor=] %D Next we define structuring commands. \definehead[Topic] [chapter] \setuphead[Topic] [style=\bfc] \definehead[Subject][section] \setuphead[Subject][style=\bfa] \setuphead [Topic, Subject] [number=no, after={\blank[big]}] %D Because we will provide a menu, we don't offer lists. \let\Topics \gobbleoneargument \let\Subjects\relax %D The table of contents goes to the right edge. \startinteractionmenu[right] \setupinteraction [color=black, contrastcolor=Two] \placelist [Topic] [alternative=e, frame=off, criterium=all] \vfill \stopinteractionmenu \setuplist [Topic] [width=\rightedgewidth, maxwidth=\rightedgewidth, style=\bfa] %D We safe some space: \setupwhitespace [medium] \setupblank [medium] %D In the titlepage, we still use the \TEX\ overlays, %D so that we don't have to define a second graphic. \def\TitlePage#1% {\StartTitlePage#1\StopTitlePage} \def\StartTitlePage% {\bgroup \setupbackgrounds[page][background={one,three}] \startstandardmakeup \setupalign[middle] \def\\{\vfil\bfb\setupinterlinespace} \bfd\setupinterlinespace \vfil} \def\StopTitlePage% {\vfil\vfil\vfil \stopstandardmakeup \egroup} %D This is it. \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput} \starttext \TitlePage{Some Quotes\\(that you probably know by now)} \Topic{Tufte} \input tufte \Topic{Knuth} \input knuth \Topic{Reich} \input reich \Topic{Zapf} \input zapf \Topic{Materie} \input materie \Topic{Stork} \input stork \stoptext