%D \module %D [ file=s-fnt-26, %D version=2009.10.26, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Goodies Tables, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=PRAGMA] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startluacode function document.show_goodies_stylistics(name) local goodies = fonts.goodies.get(name) local stylistics = goodies and goodies.stylistics if stylistics then local col, row, type = context.NC, context.NR, context.type context.starttabulate { "|l|pl|" } col() context("feature") col() context("meaning") col() row() for feature, meaning in table.sortedpairs(stylistics) do col() type(feature) col() type(meaning) col() row() end context.stoptabulate() end end function document.show_goodies_featuresets(name) local goodies = fonts.goodies.get(name) local featuresets = goodies and goodies.featuresets if featuresets then local col, row, type = context.NC, context.NR, context.type context.starttabulate { "|l|pl|" } col() context("featureset") col() context("definitions") col() row() for featureset, definitions in table.sortedpairs(featuresets) do col() type(featureset) col() for k, v in table.sortedpairs(definitions) do type(string.format("%s=%s",k,tostring(v))) context.quad() end col() row() end context.stoptabulate() end end function document.show_goodies_colorschemes(name) local goodies = fonts.goodies.get(name) local colorschemes = goodies and goodies.colorschemes if colorschemes then local col, row, type = context.NC, context.NR, context.type context.starttabulate { "|l|pl|" } col() context("colorscheme") col() context("numbers") col() row() for colorscheme, numbers in table.sortedpairs(colorschemes) do col() type(colorscheme) col() for i=1,#numbers do type(i) context.quad() end col() row() end context.stoptabulate() end end \stopluacode \def\showgoodiesstylistics #1{\ctxlua{document.show_goodies_stylistics ("#1")}} \def\showgoodiesfeaturesets #1{\ctxlua{document.show_goodies_featuresets ("#1")}} \def\showgoodiescolorschemes#1{\ctxlua{document.show_goodies_colorschemes("#1")}} \endinput