if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['publ-ini'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "this module part of publication support", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- bah .. this 200 locals limit again ... so we need to split it as adding more -- do ... ends makes it messier -- plug the list sorted in the list mechanism (specification.sortorder) -- If we define two datasets with the same bib file we can consider -- sharing the data but that means that we need to have a parent which -- in turn makes things messy if we start manipulating entries in -- different ways (future) .. not worth the trouble as we will seldom -- load big bib files many times and even then ... fonts are larger. -- A potential optimization is to work with current_dataset, current_tag when -- fetching fields but the code become real messy that way (many currents). The -- gain is not that large anyway because not much publication stuff is flushed. local next, rawget, type, tostring, tonumber = next, rawget, type, tostring, tonumber local match, find, gsub = string.match, string.find, string.gsub local concat, sort, tohash = table.concat, table.sort, table.tohash local utfsub = utf.sub local mod = math.mod local formatters = string.formatters local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local settings_to_array, settings_to_set = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array, utilities.parsers.settings_to_set local sortedkeys, sortedhash = table.sortedkeys, table.sortedhash local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local P, S, C, Ct, Cs, R, Carg = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.R, lpeg.Carg local upper = utf.upper local report = logs.reporter("publications") local report_cite = logs.reporter("publications","cite") local report_list = logs.reporter("publications","list") local report_reference = logs.reporter("publications","reference") local report_suffix = logs.reporter("publications","suffix") local trace = false trackers.register("publications", function(v) trace = v end) local trace_cite = false trackers.register("publications.cite", function(v) trace_cite = v end) local trace_missing = false trackers.register("publications.cite.missing", function(v) trace_missing = v end) local trace_references = false trackers.register("publications.cite.references", function(v) trace_references = v end) local trace_detail = false trackers.register("publications.detail", function(v) trace_detail = v end) local trace_suffixes = false trackers.register("publications.suffixes", function(v) trace_suffixes = v end) publications = publications or { } local datasets = publications.datasets local writers = publications.writers local casters = publications.casters local detailed = publications.detailed local enhancer = publications.enhancer local enhancers = publications.enhancers local tracers = publications.tracers or { } publications.tracers = tracers local variables = interfaces.variables local v_local = variables["local"] local v_global = variables["global"] local v_force = variables.force local v_normal = variables.normal local v_reverse = variables.reverse local v_none = variables.none local v_yes = variables.yes local v_no = variables.no local v_all = variables.all local v_always = variables.always local v_doublesided = variables.doublesided local v_default = variables.default local v_dataset = variables.dataset local conditionals = tex.conditionals local numbertochar = converters.characters local logsnewline = logs.newline local logspushtarget = logs.pushtarget local logspoptarget = logs.poptarget local isdefined = tex.isdefined ----- basicsorter = sorters.basicsorter -- (a,b) ----- sortstripper = sorters.strip ----- sortsplitter = sorters.splitters.utf local manipulators = typesetters.manipulators local splitmanipulation = manipulators.splitspecification local applymanipulation = manipulators.applyspecification local manipulatormethods = manipulators.methods -- this might move elsewhere manipulatormethods.Word = converters.Word manipulatormethods.WORD = converters.WORD manipulatormethods.Words = converters.Words manipulatormethods.WORDS = converters.WORDS local context = context local commands = commands local implement = interfaces.implement local ctx_setmacro = interfaces.setmacro local ctx_doifelse = commands.doifelse local ctx_doif = commands.doif local ctx_doifnot = commands.doifnot local ctx_gobbletwoarguments = context.gobbletwoarguments local ctx_btxdirectlink = context.btxdirectlink local ctx_btxhandlelistentry = context.btxhandlelistentry local ctx_btxhandlelisttextentry = context.btxhandlelisttextentry local ctx_btxhandlecombientry = context.btxhandlecombientry local ctx_btxchecklistentry = context.btxchecklistentry local ctx_btxchecklistcombi = context.btxchecklistcombi local ctx_btxsetdataset = context.btxsetdataset local ctx_btxsettag = context.btxsettag local ctx_btxsetnumber = context.btxsetnumber local ctx_btxsetlanguage = context.btxsetlanguage local ctx_btxsetcombis = context.btxsetcombis local ctx_btxsetcategory = context.btxsetcategory local ctx_btxcitesetup = context.btxcitesetup local ctx_btxsubcitesetup = context.btxsubcitesetup local ctx_btxnumberingsetup = context.btxnumberingsetup local ctx_btxpagesetup = context.btxpagesetup local ctx_btxsetfirst = context.btxsetfirst local ctx_btxsetsecond = context.btxsetsecond ----- ctx_btxsetthird = context.btxsetthird local ctx_btxsetsuffix = context.btxsetsuffix local ctx_btxsetinternal = context.btxsetinternal local ctx_btxsetlefttext = context.btxsetlefttext local ctx_btxsetrighttext = context.btxsetrighttext local ctx_btxsetbefore = context.btxsetbefore local ctx_btxsetafter = context.btxsetafter local ctx_btxsetbacklink = context.btxsetbacklink local ctx_btxsetbacktrace = context.btxsetbacktrace local ctx_btxsetcount = context.btxsetcount local ctx_btxsetconcat = context.btxsetconcat local ctx_btxsetoveflow = context.btxsetoverflow local ctx_btxsetfirstpage = context.btxsetfirstpage local ctx_btxsetlastpage = context.btxsetlastpage local ctx_btxsetfirstinternal = context.btxsetfirstinternal local ctx_btxsetlastinternal = context.btxsetlastinternal local ctx_btxstartcite = context.btxstartcite local ctx_btxstopcite = context.btxstopcite local ctx_btxstartciteauthor = context.btxstartciteauthor local ctx_btxstopciteauthor = context.btxstopciteauthor local ctx_btxstartsubcite = context.btxstartsubcite local ctx_btxstopsubcite = context.btxstopsubcite local ctx_btxstartlistentry = context.btxstartlistentry local ctx_btxstoplistentry = context.btxstoplistentry local ctx_btxstartcombientry = context.btxstartcombientry local ctx_btxstopcombientry = context.btxstopcombientry local ctx_btxlistsetup = context.btxlistsetup local ctx_btxflushauthor = context.btxflushauthor local ctx_btxsetnoflistentries = context.btxsetnoflistentries local ctx_btxsetcurrentlistentry = context.btxsetcurrentlistentry local ctx_btxsetcurrentlistindex = context.btxsetcurrentlistindex languages.data = languages.data or { } local data = languages.data local specifications = publications.specifications local currentspecification = specifications[false] local ignoredfields = { } publications.currentspecification = currentspecification local function setspecification(name) currentspecification = specifications[name] if trace then report("setting specification %a",type(name) == "string" and name or "anything") end publications.currentspecification = currentspecification end publications.setspecification = setspecification implement { name = "btxsetspecification", actions = setspecification, arguments = "string", } local optionalspace = lpeg.patterns.whitespace^0 local prefixsplitter = optionalspace * lpeg.splitat(optionalspace * P("::") * optionalspace) statistics.register("publications load time", function() local publicationsstats = publications.statistics local nofbytes = publicationsstats.nofbytes if nofbytes > 0 then return string.format("%s seconds, %s bytes, %s definitions, %s shortcuts", statistics.elapsedtime(publications), nofbytes, publicationsstats.nofdefinitions or 0, publicationsstats.nofshortcuts or 0 ) else return nil end end) luatex.registerstopactions(function() local done = false for name, dataset in sortedhash(datasets) do for command, n in sortedhash(dataset.commands) do if not done then logspushtarget("logfile") logsnewline() report("start used btx commands") logsnewline() done = true end if isdefined[command] then report("%-20s %-20s % 5i %s",name,command,n,"known") elseif isdefined[upper(command)] then report("%-20s %-20s % 5i %s",name,command,n,"KNOWN") else report("%-20s %-20s % 5i %s",name,command,n,"unknown") end end end if done then logsnewline() report("stop used btx commands") logsnewline() logspoptarget() end end) -- multipass, we need to sort because hashing is random per run and not per -- version (not the best changed feature of lua) local collected = allocate() local tobesaved = allocate() do local function serialize(t) local f_key_table = formatters[" [%q] = {"] local f_key_string = formatters[" %s = %q,"] local r = { "return {" } local m = 1 for tag, entry in sortedhash(t) do m = m + 1 r[m] = f_key_table(tag) local s = sortedkeys(entry) for i=1,#s do local k = s[i] m = m + 1 r[m] = f_key_string(k,entry[k]) end m = m + 1 r[m] = " }," end r[m] = "}" return concat(r,"\n") end local function finalizer() local prefix = tex.jobname -- or environment.jobname local setnames = sortedkeys(datasets) for i=1,#setnames do local name = setnames[i] local dataset = datasets[name] local userdata = dataset.userdata local checksum = nil local username = file.addsuffix(file.robustname(formatters["%s-btx-%s"](prefix,name)),"lua") if userdata and next(userdata) then if job.passes.first then local newdata = serialize(userdata) checksum = md5.HEX(newdata) io.savedata(username,newdata) end else os.remove(username) username = nil end local loaded = dataset.loaded local sources = dataset.sources local used = { } for i=1,#sources do local source = sources[i] -- if loaded[source.filename] ~= "previous" then -- needs checking if loaded[source.filename] ~= "previous" or loaded[source.filename] == "current" then used[#used+1] = source end end tobesaved[name] = { usersource = { filename = username, checksum = checksum, }, datasources = used, } end end local function initializer() statistics.starttiming(publications) for name, state in sortedhash(collected) do local dataset = datasets[name] local datasources = state.datasources local usersource = state.usersource if datasources then for i=1,#datasources do local filename = datasources[i].filename publications.load { dataset = dataset, filename = filename, kind = "previous" } end end if usersource then dataset.userdata = table.load(usersource.filename) or { } end end statistics.stoptiming(publications) function initializer() end -- will go, for now, runtime loaded end job.register('publications.collected',tobesaved,initializer,finalizer) end -- we want to minimize references as there can be many (at least -- when testing) local nofcitations = 0 local usedentries = nil local citetolist = nil local listtocite = nil local listtolist = nil do local initialize = nil initialize = function(t) usedentries = allocate { } citetolist = allocate { } listtocite = allocate { } listtolist = allocate { } local names = { } local internals = structures.references.internals local p_collect = (C(R("09")^1) * Carg(1) / function(s,entry) listtocite[tonumber(s)] = entry end + P(1))^0 local nofunique = 0 local nofreused = 0 for i=1,#internals do local entry = internals[i] if entry then local metadata = entry.metadata if metadata then local kind = metadata.kind if kind == "full" then -- reference (in list) local userdata = entry.userdata if userdata then local tag = userdata.btxref if tag then local set = userdata.btxset or v_default local s = usedentries[set] if s then local u = s[tag] if u then u[#u+1] = entry else s[tag] = { entry } end nofreused = nofreused + 1 else usedentries[set] = { [tag] = { entry } } nofunique = nofunique + 1 end -- alternative: collect prev in group local bck = userdata.btxbck if bck then lpegmatch(p_collect,bck,1,entry) -- for s in string.gmatch(bck,"[^ ]+") do listtocite[tonumber(s)] = entry end local lst = tonumber(userdata.btxlst) if lst then listtolist[lst] = entry end else local int = tonumber(userdata.btxint) if int then listtocite[int] = entry end end local detail = datasets[set].details[tag] -- todo: these have to be pluggable if detail then local author = detail.author if author then for i=1,#author do local a = author[i] local s = a.surnames if s then local c = concat(s,"+") local n = names[c] if n then n[#n+1] = a break else names[c] = { a } end end end end end end end elseif kind == "btx" or kind == "userdata" then -- will go: kind == "userdata" -- list entry (each cite) local userdata = entry.userdata if userdata then local int = tonumber(userdata.btxint) if int then citetolist[int] = entry end end end end else -- weird end end for k, v in sortedhash(names) do local n = #v if n > 1 then local original = v[1].original for i=2,n do if original ~= v[i].original then report("potential clash in name %a",k) for i=1,n do v[i].state = 1 end break end end end end if trace_detail then report("%s unique bibentries: %s reused entries",nofunique,nofreused) end initialize = nil end usedentries = setmetatableindex(function(_,k) if initialize then initialize() end return usedentries[k] end) citetolist = setmetatableindex(function(_,k) if initialize then initialize() end return citetolist [k] end) listtocite = setmetatableindex(function(_,k) if initialize then initialize() end return listtocite [k] end) listtolist = setmetatableindex(function(_,k) if initialize then initialize() end return listtolist [k] end) function publications.usedentries() if initialize then initialize() end return usedentries end end -- match: -- -- [current|previous|following] section -- [current|previous|following] block -- [current|previous|following] component -- -- by prefix -- by dataset local findallused do local reported = { } local finder = publications.finder findallused = function(dataset,reference,internal) local current = datasets[dataset] local finder = publications.finder -- for the moment, not yet in all betas local find = finder and finder(current,reference) local tags = not find and settings_to_array(reference) local todo = { } local okay = { } -- only if mark local set = usedentries[dataset] local valid = current.luadata local ordered = current.ordered local combined = current.combined if set then local registered = { } local function register(tag) if registered[tag] then return else registered[tag] = true end local entry = set[tag] if not entry then local parent = combined[tag] if parent then entry = set[parent] end if entry then report("using reference of parent %a for %a",parent,tag) tag = parent end end if entry then -- only once in a list but at some point we can have more (if we -- decide to duplicate) if #entry == 1 then entry = entry[1] else -- same block and section local done = false if internal and internal > 0 then -- first following in list for i=1,#entry do local e = entry[i] if e.references.internal > internal then done = e break end end if not done then -- last preceding in list for i=1,#entry do local e = entry[i] if e.references.internal < internal then done = e else break end end end end if done then entry = done else entry = entry[1] end end okay[#okay+1] = entry end todo[tag] = true return tag end if reference == "*" then tags = { } for i=1,#ordered do local tag = ordered[i].tag tag = register(tag) tags[#tags+1] = tag end elseif find then tags = { } for i=1,#ordered do local entry = ordered[i] if find(entry) then local tag = entry.tag tag = register(tag) tags[#tags+1] = tag end end if #tags == 0 and not reported[reference] then tags[1] = reference reported[reference] = true end else for i=1,#tags do local tag = tags[i] if valid[tag] then tag = register(tag) tags[i] = tag elseif not reported[tag] then reported[tag] = true report_cite("non-existent entry %a in %a",tag,dataset) end end end else if find then tags = { } for i=1,#ordered do local entry = ordered[i] if find(entry) then local tag = entry.tag local parent = combined[tag] if parent then tag = parent end tags[#tags+1] = tag todo[tag] = true end end if #tags == 0 and not reported[reference] then tags[1] = reference reported[reference] = true end else for i=1,#tags do local tag = tags[i] local parent = combined[tag] if parent then tag = parent tags[i] = tag end if valid[tag] then todo[tag] = true elseif not reported[tag] then reported[tag] = true report_cite("non-existent entry %a in %a",tag,dataset) end end end end return okay, todo, tags end end local function unknowncite(reference) ctx_btxsettag(reference) if trace_detail then report("expanding %a cite setup %a","unknown","unknown") end ctx_btxcitesetup("unknown") end local concatstate = publications.concatstate local tobemarked = nil local function marknocite(dataset,tag,nofcitations,setup) ctx_btxstartcite() ctx_btxsetdataset(dataset) ctx_btxsettag(tag) ctx_btxsetbacklink(nofcitations) if trace_detail then report("expanding cite setup %a",setup) end ctx_btxcitesetup(setup) ctx_btxstopcite() end local function markcite(dataset,tag,flush) if not tobemarked then return 0 end local citation = tobemarked[tag] if not citation then return 0 end if citation == true then nofcitations = nofcitations + 1 if trace_cite then report_cite("mark, dataset: %s, tag: %s, number: %s, state: %s",dataset,tag,nofcitations,"cited") end if flush then marknocite(dataset,tag,nofcitations,"nocite") end tobemarked[tag] = nofcitations return nofcitations else return citation end end local marked_dataset = nil local marked_list = nil local function flushmarked(dataset,list,todo) marked_dataset = dataset marked_list = list end local function btxflushmarked() if marked_list and tobemarked then for i=1,#marked_list do -- keep order local tag = marked_list[i] local tbm = tobemarked[tag] if tbm == true or not tbm then nofcitations = nofcitations + 1 marknocite(marked_dataset,tag,nofcitations,tbm and "nocite" or "invalid") if trace_cite then report_cite("mark, dataset: %s, tag: %s, number: %s, state: %s",marked_dataset,tag,nofcitations,tbm and "unset" or "invalid") end end end end tobemarked = nil marked_dataset = nil marked_list = nil end implement { name = "btxflushmarked", actions = btxflushmarked } -- basic access local function getfield(dataset,tag,name) -- for the moment quick and dirty local d = datasets[dataset].luadata[tag] return d and d[name] end local function getdetail(dataset,tag,name) -- for the moment quick and dirty local d = datasets[dataset].details[tag] return d and d[name] end local function getcasted(dataset,tag,field,specification) local current = datasets[dataset] if current then local data = current.luadata[tag] if data then local category = data.category if not specification then specification = currentspecification end local catspec = specification.categories[category] if not catspec then return false end local fields = catspec.fields if fields then local sets = catspec.sets if sets then local set = sets[field] if set then for i=1,#set do local field = set[i] local value = fields[field] and data[field] -- redundant check if value then local kind = specification.types[field] return detailed[kind][value], field, kind end end end end local value = fields[field] and data[field] -- redundant check if value then local kind = specification.types[field] return detailed[kind][value], field, kind end end local data = current.details[tag] if data then local kind = specification.types[field] return data[field], field, kind -- no check end end end end local function getfaster(current,data,details,field,categories,types) local category = data.category local catspec = categories[category] if not catspec then return false end local fields = catspec.fields if fields then local sets = catspec.sets if sets then local set = sets[field] if set then for i=1,#set do local field = set[i] local value = fields[field] and data[field] -- redundant check if value then local kind = types[field] return detailed[kind][value], field, kind end end end end local value = fields[field] and data[field] -- redundant check if value then local kind = types[field] return detailed[kind][value] end end if details then local kind = types[field] return details[field] end end local function getdirect(dataset,data,field,catspec) -- no field check, no dataset check local catspec = (catspec or currentspecification).categories[data.category] if not catspec then return false end local fields = catspec.fields if fields then local sets = catspec.sets if sets then local set = sets[field] if set then for i=1,#set do local field = set[i] local value = fields[field] and data[field] -- redundant check if value then return value end end end end return fields[field] and data[field] or nil -- redundant check end end local function getfuzzy(data,field,categories) -- no field check, no dataset check local catspec if categories then local category = data.category if category then catspec = categories[data.category] end end if not field then return elseif not catspec then return data[field] end local fields = catspec.fields if fields then local sets = catspec.sets if sets then local set = sets[field] if set then for i=1,#set do local field = set[i] local value = fields[field] and data[field] -- redundant check if value then return value end end end end return fields[field] and data[field] or nil -- redundant check end end publications.getfield = getfield publications.getdetail = getdetail publications.getcasted = getcasted publications.getfaster = getfaster publications.getdirect = getdirect publications.getfuzzy = getfuzzy -- this needs to be checked: a specific type should have a checker -- author pagenumber keyword url -- function commands.btxsingularorplural(dataset,tag,name) -- local d = getcasted(dataset,tag,name) -- if type(d) == "table" then -- d = #d <= 1 -- else -- d = true -- end -- ctx_doifelse(d) -- end -- function commands.oneorrange(dataset,tag,name) -- local d = datasets[dataset].luadata[tag] -- details ? -- if d then -- d = d[name] -- end -- if type(d) == "string" then -- d = find(d,"%-") -- else -- d = false -- end -- ctx_doifelse(not d) -- so singular is default -- end -- function commands.firstofrange(dataset,tag,name) -- local d = datasets[dataset].luadata[tag] -- details ? -- if d then -- d = d[name] -- end -- if type(d) == "string" then -- context(match(d,"([^%-]+)")) -- end -- end local inspectors = allocate() local nofmultiple = allocate() local firstandlast = allocate() publications.inspectors = inspectors inspectors.nofmultiple = nofmultiple inspectors.firstandlast = firstandlast function nofmultiple.author(d) return type(d) == "table" and #d or 0 end function publications.singularorplural(dataset,tag,name) local data, field, kind = getcasted(dataset,tag,name) if data then local test = nofmultiple[kind] if test then local n = test(data) return not n or n < 2 end end return true end function firstandlast.range(d) if type(d) == "table" then return d[1], d[2] end end firstandlast.pagenumber = firstandlast.range function publications.oneorrange(dataset,tag,name) local data, field, kind = getcasted(dataset,tag,name) if data then local test = firstandlast[kind] if test then local first, last = test(data) return not (first and last) end end return nil -- nothing at all end function publications.firstofrange(dataset,tag,name) local data, field, kind = getcasted(dataset,tag,name) if data then local test = firstandlast[kind] if test then local first = test(data) if first then return first end end end end function publications.lastofrange(dataset,tag,name) local data, field, kind = getcasted(dataset,tag,name) if data then local test = firstandlast[kind] if test then local first, last = test(data) if last then return last end end end end local three_strings = { "string", "string", "string" } implement { name = "btxsingularorplural", actions = { publications.singularorplural, ctx_doifelse }, arguments = three_strings } implement { name = "btxoneorrange", actions = { publications.oneorrange, function(b) if b == nil then ctx_gobbletwoarguments() else ctx_doifelse(b) end end }, arguments = three_strings } implement { name = "btxfirstofrange", actions = { publications.firstofrange, context }, arguments = three_strings } implement { name = "btxlastofrange", actions = { publications.lastofrange, context }, arguments = three_strings } -- basic loading function publications.usedataset(specification) specification.kind = "current" publications.load(specification) end implement { name = "btxusedataset", actions = publications.usedataset, arguments = { { { "specification" }, { "dataset" }, { "filename" }, } } } implement { name = "convertbtxdatasettoxml", arguments = { "string", true }, actions = publications.converttoxml } -- enhancing do -- maybe not redo when already done local function shortsorter(a,b) local ay, by = a[2], b[2] -- year if ay ~= by then return ay < by end local ay, by = a[3], b[3] -- suffix if ay ~= by then -- bah, bah, bah local an, bn = tonumber(ay), tonumber(by) if an and bn then return an < bn else return ay < by end end return a[4] < b[4] end -- We could avoid loops by combining enhancers but that makes it only -- more messy and for documents that use publications the few extra milli -- seconds are irrelevant (there is for sure more to gain by proper coding -- of the source and or style). local f_short = formatters["%s%02i"] function publications.enhancers.suffixes(dataset) if not dataset then return -- bad news else report("analyzing previous publication run for %a",dataset.name) end dataset.suffixed = true -- local used = usedentries[dataset.name] if not used then return -- probably a first run end local luadata = dataset.luadata local details = dataset.details local ordered = dataset.ordered if not luadata or not details or not ordered then report("nothing to be analyzed in %a",dataset.name) return -- also bad news end -- we have two suffixes: author (dependent of type) and short local kind = dataset.authorconversion or "name" local field = "author" -- currently only author local shorts = { } local authors = { } local hasher = publications.authorhashers[kind] local shorter = publications.authorhashers.short for i=1,#ordered do local entry = ordered[i] if entry then local tag = entry.tag if tag then local use = used[tag] if use then -- use is a table of used list entries (so there can be more) and we just look at -- the first one for btx properties local listentry = use[1] local userdata = listentry.userdata local btxspc = userdata and userdata.btxspc if btxspc then -- we could act on the 3rd arg returned by getcasted but in general any string will do -- so we deal with it in the author hashers ... maybe some day ... local author = getcasted(dataset,tag,field,specifications[btxspc]) local kind = type(author) if kind == "table" or kind == "string" then if u then u = listentry.entries.text -- hm else u = "0" end local year = tonumber(entry.year) or 9999 local data = { tag, year, u, i } -- authors local hash = hasher(author) local found = authors[hash] if not found then authors[hash] = { data } else found[#found+1] = data end -- shorts local hash = shorter(author) local short = f_short(hash,mod(year,100)) local found = shorts[short] if not found then shorts[short] = { data } else found[#found+1] = data end -- else report("author typecast expected for field %a",field) end else --- no spec so let's forget about it end end end end end local function addsuffix(hashed,key,suffixkey) for hash, tags in sortedhash(hashed) do -- ordered ? local n = #tags if n == 0 then -- skip elseif n == 1 then local tagdata = tags[1] local tag = tagdata[1] local detail = details[tag] local entry = luadata[tag] local year = entry.year detail[key] = hash elseif n > 1 then sort(tags,shortsorter) -- or take first -- todo: proper utf sorter local lastyear = nil local suffix = nil local previous = nil for i=1,n do local tagdata = tags[i] local tag = tagdata[1] local detail = details[tag] local entry = luadata[tag] local year = entry.year detail[key] = hash if year ~= lastyear then lastyear = year suffix = 1 else if previous and suffix == 1 then previous[suffixkey] = suffix end suffix = suffix + 1 detail[suffixkey] = suffix end previous = detail end end if trace_suffixes then for i=1,n do local tag = tags[i][1] local year = luadata[tag].year local suffix = details[tag].suffix if suffix then report_suffix("%s: tag %a, hash %a, year %a, suffix %a",key,tag,hash,year or '',suffix or '') else report_suffix("%s: tag %a, hash %a, year %a",key,tag,hash,year or '') end end end end end addsuffix(shorts, "shorthash", "shortsuffix") -- todo: shorthash addsuffix(authors,"authorhash","authorsuffix") end -- utilities.sequencers.appendaction(enhancer,"system","publications.enhancers.suffixes") end implement { name = "btxaddentry", actions = function(name,settings,content) local dataset = datasets[name] if dataset then publications.addtexentry(dataset,settings,content) end end, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } function publications.checkeddataset(name,default) local dataset = rawget(datasets,name) if dataset then return name elseif default and default ~= "" then return default else report("unknown dataset %a, forcing %a",name,v_default) return v_default end end implement { name = "btxsetdataset", actions = { publications.checkeddataset, context }, arguments = { "string", "string"} } implement { name = "btxsetentry", actions = function(name,tag) local dataset = rawget(datasets,name) if dataset then if dataset.luadata[tag] then context(tag) else report("unknown tag %a in dataset %a",tag,name) end else report("unknown dataset %a",name) end end, arguments = { "string", "string" }, } -- rendering of fields do local typesetters = { } publications.typesetters = typesetters local function defaulttypesetter(field,value,manipulator) if value and value ~= "" then value = tostring(value) context(manipulator and applymanipulation(manipulator,value) or value) end end setmetatableindex(typesetters,function(t,k) local v = defaulttypesetter t[k] = v return v end) function typesetters.string(field,value,manipulator) if value and value ~= "" then context(manipulator and applymanipulation(manipulator,value) or value) end end function typesetters.author(field,value,manipulator) ctx_btxflushauthor(field) end -- function typesetters.url(field,value,manipulator) -- .... -- end -- if there is no specification then we're in trouble but there is -- always a default anyway -- -- there's also always a fields table but it can be empty due to -- lack of specifications -- -- then there can be cases where we have no specification for instance -- when we have a special kind of database local splitter = lpeg.splitat(":") local function permitted(category,field) local catspec = currentspecification.categories[category] if not catspec then report("invalid category %a, %s",category,"no specification") -- can't happen return false end local fields = catspec.fields if not fields then report("invalid category %a, %s",category,"no fields") -- can't happen return false end if ignoredfields and ignoredfields[field] then return false end local virtualfields = currentspecification.virtualfields if virtualfields and virtualfields[field] then return true end local sets = catspec.sets if sets then local set = sets[field] if set then return set end end if fields[field] then return true end local f, l = lpegmatch(splitter,field) if f and l and fields[f] then return true -- language specific one end end local function found(dataset,tag,field,valid,fields) if valid == true then -- local fields = dataset.luadata[tag] local okay = fields[field] if okay then return field, okay end local details = dataset.details[tag] local value = details[field] if value then return field, value end elseif valid then -- local fields = dataset.luadata[tag] for i=1,#valid do local field = valid[i] local value = fields[field] if value then return field, value end end local details = dataset.details[tag] for i=1,#valid do local value = details[field] if value then return field, value end end end end local function get(dataset,tag,field,what,check,catspec) -- somewhat more extensive local current = rawget(datasets,dataset) if current then local data = current.luadata[tag] if data then local category = data.category local catspec = (catspec or currentspecification).categories[category] if not catspec then return false end local fields = catspec.fields if fields then local sets = catspec.sets if sets then local set = sets[field] if set then if check then for i=1,#set do local field = set[i] local kind = (not check or data[field]) and fields[field] if kind then return what and kind or field end end elseif what then local t = { } for i=1,#set do t[i] = fields[set[i]] or "unknown" end return concat(t,",") else return concat(set,",") end end end local kind = (not check or data[field]) and fields[field] if kind then return what and kind or field end end end end return "" end publications.permitted = permitted publications.found = found publications.get = get local function btxflush(name,tag,field) local dataset = rawget(datasets,name) if dataset then local fields = dataset.luadata[tag] if fields then local manipulator, field = splitmanipulation(field) local category = fields.category local valid = permitted(category,field) if valid then local name, value = found(dataset,tag,field,valid,fields) if value then typesetters[currentspecification.types[name]](field,value,manipulator) elseif trace_detail then report("%s %s %a in category %a for tag %a in dataset %a","unknown","entry",field,category,tag,name) end elseif trace_detail then report("%s %s %a in category %a for tag %a in dataset %a","invalid","entry",field,category,tag,name) end else report("unknown tag %a in dataset %a",tag,name) end else report("unknown dataset %a",name) end end local function btxfield(name,tag,field) local dataset = rawget(datasets,name) if dataset then local fields = dataset.luadata[tag] if fields then local category = fields.category local manipulator, field = splitmanipulation(field) if permitted(category,field) then local value = fields[field] if value then typesetters[currentspecification.types[field]](field,value,manipulator) elseif trace_detail then report("%s %s %a in category %a for tag %a in dataset %a","unknown","field",field,category,tag,name) end elseif trace_detail then report("%s %s %a in category %a for tag %a in dataset %a","invalid","field",field,category,tag,name) end else report("unknown tag %a in dataset %a",tag,name) end else report("unknown dataset %a",name) end end local function btxdetail(name,tag,field) local dataset = rawget(datasets,name) if dataset then local fields = dataset.luadata[tag] if fields then local details = dataset.details[tag] if details then local category = fields.category local manipulator, field = splitmanipulation(field) if permitted(category,field) then local value = details[field] if value then typesetters[currentspecification.types[field]](field,value,manipulator) elseif trace_detail then report("%s %s %a in category %a for tag %a in dataset %a","unknown","detail",field,category,tag,name) end elseif trace_detail then report("%s %s %a in category %a for tag %a in dataset %a","invalid","detail",field,category,tag,name) end else report("no details for tag %a in dataset %a",tag,name) end else report("unknown tag %a in dataset %a",tag,name) end else report("unknown dataset %a",name) end end local function btxdirect(name,tag,field) local dataset = rawget(datasets,name) if dataset then local fields = dataset.luadata[tag] if fields then local manipulator, field = splitmanipulation(field) local value = fields[field] if value then context(typesetters.default(field,value,manipulator)) elseif trace_detail then report("field %a of tag %a in dataset %a has no value",field,tag,name) end else report("unknown tag %a in dataset %a",tag,name) end else report("unknown dataset %a",name) end end local function okay(name,tag,field) local dataset = rawget(datasets,name) if dataset then local fields = dataset.luadata[tag] if fields then local category = fields.category local valid = permitted(category,field) if valid then local value, field = found(dataset,tag,field,valid,fields) return value and value ~= "" end end end end publications.okay = okay implement { name = "btxfield", actions = btxfield, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxdetail", actions = btxdetail, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxflush", actions = btxflush, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxdirect", actions = btxdirect, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxfieldname", actions = { get, context }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", false, false } } implement { name = "btxfieldtype", actions = { get, context }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", true, false } } implement { name = "btxfoundname", actions = { get, context }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", false, true } } implement { name = "btxfoundtype", actions = { get, context }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", true, true } } implement { name = "btxdoifelse", actions = { okay, ctx_doifelse }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxdoif", actions = { okay, ctx_doif }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxdoifnot", actions = { okay, ctx_doifnot }, arguments = { "string", "string", "string" } } end -- -- alternative approach: keep data at the tex end function publications.singularorplural(singular,plural) if lastconcatsize and lastconcatsize > 1 then context(plural) else context(singular) end end -- loading do local patterns = { "publ-imp-%s.mkvi", "publ-imp-%s.mkiv", "publ-imp-%s.tex", } local function failure(name) report("unknown library %a",name) end local function action(name,foundname) context.input(foundname) end function publications.loaddefinitionfile(name) -- a more specific name resolvers.uselibrary { name = string.gsub(name,"^publ%-",""), patterns = patterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = true, } end local patterns = { "publ-imp-%s.lua", } function publications.loadreplacementfile(name) -- a more specific name resolvers.uselibrary { name = string.gsub(name,"^publ%-",""), patterns = patterns, action = publications.loaders.registercleaner, failure = failure, onlyonce = true, } end implement { name = "btxloaddefinitionfile", actions = publications.loaddefinitionfile, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "btxloadreplacementfile", actions = publications.loadreplacementfile, arguments = "string" } end -- lists do publications.lists = publications.lists or { } local lists = publications.lists local context = context local structures = structures local references = structures.references local sections = structures.sections -- per rendering local renderings = { } --- per dataset setmetatableindex(renderings,function(t,k) local v = { list = { }, done = { }, alldone = { }, used = { }, registered = { }, ordered = { }, shorts = { }, method = v_none, texts = setmetatableindex("table"), currentindex = 0, } t[k] = v return v end) -- helper function lists.register(dataset,tag,short) -- needs checking now that we split local r = renderings[dataset] if not short or short == "" then short = tag end if trace then report("registering publication entry %a with shortcut %a",tag,short) end local top = #r.registered + 1 -- do we really need these r.registered[top] = tag r.ordered [tag] = top r.shorts [tag] = short end function lists.nofregistered(dataset) return #renderings[dataset].registered end local function validkeyword(dataset,tag,keyword,specification) -- todo: pass specification local kw = getcasted(dataset,tag,"keywords",specification) if kw then for i=1,#kw do if keyword[kw[i]] then return true end end end end local function registerpage(pages,tag,result,listindex) local p = pages[tag] local r = result[listindex].references if p then local last = p[#p][2] local real = last.realpage if real ~= r.realpage then p[#p+1] = { listindex, r } end else pages[tag] = { { listindex, r } } end end -- tag | listindex | reference | userdata | dataindex local methods = { } lists.methods = methods methods[v_dataset] = function(dataset,rendering,keyword) local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata local list = rendering.list for tag, data in sortedhash(luadata) do if not keyword or validkeyword(dataset,tag,keyword) then local index = data.index or 0 list[#list+1] = { tag, index, 0, false, index } end end end -- todo: names = { "btx" } methods[v_force] = function (dataset,rendering,keyword) -- only for checking, can have duplicates, todo: collapse page numbers, although -- we then also needs deferred writes local result = structures.lists.filter(rendering.specifications) or { } local list = rendering.list local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata for listindex=1,#result do local r = result[listindex] local u = r.userdata -- better check on metadata.kind == "btx" if u then local set = u.btxset or v_default if set == dataset then local tag = u.btxref if tag and (not keyword or validkeyword(dataset,tag,keyword)) then local data = luadata[tag] list[#list+1] = { tag, listindex, 0, u, data and data.index or 0 } end end end end lists.result = result end -- local : if tag and done[tag] ~= section then ... -- global : if tag and not alldone[tag] and done[tag] ~= section then ... methods[v_local] = function(dataset,rendering,keyword) local result = structures.lists.filter(rendering.specifications) or { } local section = sections.currentid() local list = rendering.list local repeated = rendering.repeated == v_yes local r_done = rendering.done local r_alldone = rendering.alldone local done = repeated and { } or r_done local alldone = repeated and { } or r_alldone local doglobal = rendering.method == v_global local traced = { } -- todo: only if interactive (backlinks) or when tracing local pages = { } local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata -- handy for tracing : rendering.result = result -- for listindex=1,#result do local r = result[listindex] local u = r.userdata if u then -- better check on metadata.kind == "btx" local set = u.btxset or v_default if set == dataset then -- inspect(structures.references.internals[tonumber(u.btxint)]) local tag = u.btxref if not tag then -- problem elseif done[tag] == section then -- a bit messy for global and all and so -- skip elseif doglobal and alldone[tag] then -- skip elseif not keyword or validkeyword(dataset,tag,keyword) then if traced then local l = traced[tag] if l then l[#l+1] = u.btxint else local data = luadata[tag] local l = { tag, listindex, 0, u, data and data.index or 0 } list[#list+1] = l traced[tag] = l end else done[tag] = section alldone[tag] = true local data = luadata[tag] list[#list+1] = { tag, listindex, 0, u, data and data.index or 0 } end end if tag then registerpage(pages,tag,result,listindex) end end end end if traced then for tag in next, traced do done[tag] = section alldone[tag] = true end end lists.result = result structures.lists.result = result rendering.pages = pages -- or list.pages end methods[v_global] = methods[v_local] function lists.collectentries(specification) local dataset = specification.dataset if not dataset then return end local rendering = renderings[dataset] if not rendering then return end local method = specification.method or v_none local ignored = specification.ignored or "" rendering.method = method rendering.ignored = ignored ~= "" and settings_to_set(ignored) or nil rendering.list = { } rendering.done = { } rendering.sorttype = specification.sorttype or v_default rendering.criterium = specification.criterium or v_none rendering.repeated = specification.repeated or v_no rendering.group = specification.group or "" rendering.specifications = specification local filtermethod = methods[method] if not filtermethod then report_list("invalid method %a",method or "") return end report_list("collecting entries using method %a and sort order %a",method,rendering.sorttype) lists.result = { } -- kind of reset local keyword = specification.keyword if keyword and keyword ~= "" then keyword = settings_to_set(keyword) else keyword = nil end filtermethod(dataset,rendering,keyword) local list = rendering.list ctx_btxsetnoflistentries(list and #list or 0) end -- for determining width local groups = setmetatableindex("number") function lists.prepareentries(dataset) local rendering = renderings[dataset] local list = rendering.list local used = rendering.used local forceall = rendering.criterium == v_all local repeated = rendering.repeated == v_yes local sorttype = rendering.sorttype or v_default local group = rendering.group or "" local sorter = lists.sorters[sorttype] local current = datasets[dataset] local luadata = current.luadata local details = current.details local combined = current.combined local newlist = { } local lastreferencenumber = groups[group] -- current.lastreferencenumber or 0 for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] local tag = li[1] local entry = luadata[tag] if entry then if forceall or repeated or not used[tag] then newlist[#newlist+1] = li -- already here: if not repeated then used[tag] = true -- beware we keep the old state (one can always use criterium=all) end end end end if type(sorter) == "function" then list = sorter(dataset,rendering,newlist,sorttype) or newlist else list = newlist end -- local combined = { } local newlist = { } -- for i=1,#list do -- local userdata = list[i][4] -- if userdata then -- local com = userdata.btxcom -- if com then -- com = settings_to_array(com) -- for i=1,#com do -- local c = com[i] -- if not combined[c] then -- report("ignoring list entry for tag %a due to combined usage in %a ",c,tag) -- combined[c] = true -- end -- end -- end -- end -- end local tagtolistindex = { } rendering.tagtolistindex = tagtolistindex for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] local tag = li[1] if not combined[tag] then local entry = luadata[tag] if entry then local detail = details[tag] if detail then local referencenumber = detail.referencenumber if not referencenumber then lastreferencenumber = lastreferencenumber + 1 referencenumber = lastreferencenumber detail.referencenumber = lastreferencenumber end li[3] = referencenumber else report("missing details for tag %a in dataset %a (enhanced: %s)",tag,dataset,current.enhanced and "yes" or "no") -- weird, this shouldn't happen .. all have a detail lastreferencenumber = lastreferencenumber + 1 details[tag] = { referencenumber = lastreferencenumber } li[3] = lastreferencenumber end tagtolistindex[tag] = i end newlist[#newlist+1] = li end end groups[group] = lastreferencenumber rendering.list = newlist end function lists.fetchentries(dataset) local rendering = renderings[dataset] local list = rendering.list if list then for i=1,#list do local li = list[i] ctx_btxsettag(li[1]) ctx_btxsetnumber(li[3]) ctx_btxchecklistentry() end end end -- for rendering -- setspecification local function btxflushpages(dataset,tag) -- todo: interaction local rendering = renderings[dataset] local pages = rendering.pages if not pages then return else pages = pages[tag] end if not pages then return end local nofpages = #pages if nofpages == 0 then return end local first_p = nil local first_r = nil local last_p = nil local last_r = nil local ranges = { } local nofdone = 0 local function flush() if last_r and first_r ~= last_r then ranges[#ranges+1] = { first_p, last_p } else ranges[#ranges+1] = { first_p } end end for i=1,nofpages do local next_p = pages[i] local next_r = next_p[2].realpage if not first_r then first_p = next_p first_r = next_r elseif last_r + 1 == next_r then -- continue elseif first_r then flush() first_p = next_p first_r = next_r end last_p = next_p last_r = next_r end if first_r then flush() end local nofranges = #ranges for i=1,nofranges do local r = ranges[i] ctx_btxsetconcat(concatstate(i,nofranges)) local first, last = r[1], r[2] ctx_btxsetfirstinternal(first[2].internal) ctx_btxsetfirstpage(first[1]) if last then ctx_btxsetlastinternal(last[2].internal) ctx_btxsetlastpage(last[1]) end if trace_detail then report("expanding page setup") end ctx_btxpagesetup("") -- nothing yet end end implement { name = "btxflushpages", actions = btxflushpages, arguments = { "string", "string" } } function lists.sameasprevious(dataset,i,name,order,method) local rendering = renderings[dataset] local list = rendering.list local n = tonumber(i) if n and n > 1 and n <= #list then local luadata = datasets[dataset].luadata local p_index = list[n-1][1] local c_index = list[n ][1] local previous = getdirect(dataset,luadata[p_index],name) local current = getdirect(dataset,luadata[c_index],name) -- authors are a special case -- if not order then -- order = gettexcounter("c_btx_list_reference") -- end if order and order > 0 and (method == v_always or method == v_doublesided) then local clist = listtolist[order] local plist = listtolist[order-1] if clist and plist then local crealpage = clist.references.realpage local prealpage = plist.references.realpage if crealpage ~= prealpage then if method == v_always or not conditionals.layoutisdoublesided then if trace_detail then report("previous %a, current %a, different page",previous,current) end return false elseif crealpage % 2 == 0 then if trace_detail then report("previous %a, current %a, different page",previous,current) end return false end end end end local sameentry = false if current and current == previous then sameentry = true else local p_casted = getcasted(dataset,p_index,name) local c_casted = getcasted(dataset,c_index,name) if c_casted and c_casted == p_casted then sameentry = true elseif type(c_casted) == "table" and type(p_casted) == "table" then sameentry = table.identical(c_casted,p_casted) end end if trace_detail then if sameentry then report("previous %a, current %a, same entry",previous,current) else report("previous %a, current %a, different entry",previous,current) end end return sameentry else return false end end function lists.combiinlist(dataset,tag) local rendering = renderings[dataset] local list = rendering.list local toindex = rendering.tagtolistindex return toindex and toindex[tag] end function lists.flushcombi(dataset,tag) local rendering = renderings[dataset] local list = rendering.list local toindex = rendering.tagtolistindex local listindex = toindex and toindex[tag] if listindex then local li = list[listindex] if li then local data = datasets[dataset] local luadata = data.luadata local details = data.details local tag = li[1] local listindex = li[2] local n = li[3] local entry = luadata[tag] local detail = details[tag] ctx_btxstartcombientry() ctx_btxsetcurrentlistindex(listindex) ctx_btxsetcategory(entry.category or "unknown") ctx_btxsettag(tag) ctx_btxsetnumber(n) local language = entry.language if language then ctx_btxsetlanguage(language) end local authorsuffix = detail.authorsuffix if authorsuffix then ctx_btxsetsuffix(authorsuffix) end ctx_btxhandlecombientry() ctx_btxstopcombientry() end end end function lists.flushentry(dataset,i,textmode) local rendering = renderings[dataset] local list = rendering.list local li = list[i] if li then local data = datasets[dataset] local luadata = data.luadata local details = data.details local tag = li[1] local listindex = li[2] local n = li[3] local entry = luadata[tag] local detail = details[tag] -- ctx_btxstartlistentry() ctx_btxsetcurrentlistentry(i) -- redundant ctx_btxsetcurrentlistindex(listindex or 0) local combined = entry.combined local language = entry.language if combined then ctx_btxsetcombis(concat(combined,",")) end ctx_btxsetcategory(entry.category or "unknown") ctx_btxsettag(tag) ctx_btxsetnumber(n) if language then ctx_btxsetlanguage(language) end local userdata = li[4] if userdata then local b = userdata.btxbtx local a = userdata.btxatx if b then ctx_btxsetbefore(b) end if a then ctx_btxsetafter(a) end local bl = userdata.btxint if bl and bl ~= "" then ctx_btxsetbacklink(bl) end end local authorsuffix = detail.authorsuffix if authorsuffix then ctx_btxsetsuffix(authorsuffix) end rendering.userdata = userdata if textmode then ctx_btxhandlelisttextentry() else ctx_btxhandlelistentry() end ctx_btxstoplistentry() -- -- context(function() -- -- wrapup -- rendering.ignoredfields = nil -- end) end end local function getuserdata(dataset,key) local rendering = renderings[dataset] if rendering then local userdata = rendering.userdata if userdata then local value = userdata[key] if value and value ~= "" then return value end end end end lists.uservariable = getuserdata function lists.filterall(dataset) local r = renderings[dataset] local list = r.list local registered = r.registered for i=1,#registered do list[i] = { registered[i], i, 0, false, false } end end implement { name = "btxuservariable", actions = { getuserdata, context }, arguments = { "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxdoifelseuservariable", actions = { getuserdata, ctx_doifelse }, arguments = { "string", "string" } } -- implement { -- name = "btxresolvelistreference", -- actions = lists.resolve, -- arguments = { "string", "string" } -- } implement { name = "btxcollectlistentries", actions = lists.collectentries, arguments = { { { "names" }, { "criterium" }, { "reference" }, { "method" }, { "dataset" }, { "keyword" }, { "sorttype" }, { "repeated" }, { "ignored" }, { "group" }, } } } implement { name = "btxpreparelistentries", actions = lists.prepareentries, arguments = { "string" }, } implement { name = "btxfetchlistentries", actions = lists.fetchentries, arguments = { "string" }, } implement { name = "btxflushlistentry", actions = lists.flushentry, arguments = { "string", "integer" } } implement { name = "btxflushlistcombi", actions = lists.flushcombi, arguments = { "string", "string" } } implement { name = "btxdoifelsesameasprevious", actions = { lists.sameasprevious, ctx_doifelse }, arguments = { "string", "integer", "string", "integer", "string" } } implement { name = "btxdoifelsecombiinlist", actions = { lists.combiinlist, ctx_doifelse }, arguments = { "string", "string" } } end do local citevariants = { } publications.citevariants = citevariants local function btxhandlecite(specification) local dataset = specification.dataset or v_default local reference = specification.reference local variant = specification.variant if not variant or variant == "" then variant = "default" end if not reference or reference == "" then return end -- local data = datasets[dataset] if not data.suffixed then data.authorconversion = specification.authorconversion publications.enhancers.suffixes(data) end -- specification.variant = variant specification.compress = specification.compress specification.markentry = specification.markentry ~= false -- if specification.sorttype == v_yes then specification.sorttype = v_normal end -- local prefix, rest = lpegmatch(prefixsplitter,reference) if prefix and rest then dataset = prefix specification.dataset = prefix specification.reference = rest end -- if trace_cite then report_cite("inject, dataset: %s, tag: %s, variant: %s, compressed", specification.dataset or "-", specification.reference, specification.variant ) end -- ctx_btxsetdataset(dataset) -- citevariants[variant](specification) -- we always fall back on default end local function btxhandlenocite(specification) local dataset = specification.dataset or v_default local reference = specification.reference if not reference or reference == "" then return end -- local markentry = specification.markentry ~= false local internal = specification.internal or "" -- local prefix, rest = lpegmatch(prefixsplitter,reference) if rest then dataset = prefix reference = rest end -- if trace_cite then report_cite("mark, dataset: %s, tags: %s",dataset or "-",reference) end -- local reference = publications.parenttag(dataset,reference) -- local found, todo, list = findallused(dataset,reference,internal) -- tobemarked = markentry and todo if found and tobemarked then flushmarked(dataset,list) btxflushmarked() -- here (could also be done in caller) end end implement { name = "btxhandlecite", actions = btxhandlecite, arguments = { { { "dataset" }, { "reference" }, { "markentry", "boolean" }, { "variant" }, { "sorttype" }, { "compress" }, { "authorconversion" }, { "author" }, { "lefttext" }, { "righttext" }, { "before" }, { "after" }, } } } implement { name = "btxhandlenocite", actions = btxhandlenocite, arguments = { { { "dataset" }, { "reference" }, { "markentry", "boolean" }, } } } -- sorter local keysorter = function(a,b) local ak = a.sortkey local bk = b.sortkey if ak == bk then local as = a.suffix -- numeric local bs = b.suffix -- numeric if as and bs then return (as or 0) < (bs or 0) else return false end else return ak < bk end end local revsorter = function(a,b) return keysorter(b,a) end local function compresslist(source,specification) if specification.sorttype == v_normal then sort(source,keysorter) elseif specification.sorttype == v_reverse then sort(source,revsorter) end if specification and specification.compress == v_yes and specification.numeric then local first, last, firstr, lastr local target, noftarget, tags = { }, 0, { } local oldvalue = nil local function flushrange() noftarget = noftarget + 1 if last > first + 1 then target[noftarget] = { first = firstr, last = lastr, tags = tags, } else target[noftarget] = firstr if last > first then noftarget = noftarget + 1 target[noftarget] = lastr end end tags = { } end for i=1,#source do local entry = source[i] local current = entry.sortkey -- so we need a sortkey ! if entry.suffix then if not first then first, last, firstr, lastr = current, current, entry, entry else flushrange() first, last, firstr, lastr = current, current, entry, entry end else if not first then first, last, firstr, lastr = current, current, entry, entry elseif current == last + 1 then last, lastr = current, entry else flushrange() first, last, firstr, lastr = current, current, entry, entry end end tags[#tags+1] = entry.tag end if first and last then flushrange() end return target else local target, noftarget = { }, 0 for i=1,#source do local entry = source[i] noftarget = noftarget + 1 target[noftarget] = { first = entry, tags = { entry.tag }, } end return target end end -- local source = { -- { tag = "one", internal = 1, value = "foo", page = 1 }, -- { tag = "two", internal = 2, value = "bar", page = 2 }, -- { tag = "three", internal = 3, value = "gnu", page = 3 }, -- } -- -- local target = compresslist(source) local numberonly = R("09")^1 / tonumber + P(1)^0 local f_missing = formatters["<%s>"] -- maybe also sparse (e.g. pages) -- a bit redundant access to datasets local function processcite(presets,specification) -- if specification then setmetatableindex(specification,presets) else specification = presets end -- local dataset = specification.dataset local reference = specification.reference local internal = specification.internal local setup = specification.variant local compress = specification.compress local sorttype = specification.sorttype local getter = specification.getter local setter = specification.setter local compressor = specification.compressor -- local reference = publications.parenttag(dataset,reference) -- local found, todo, list = findallused(dataset,reference,internal) tobemarked = specification.markentry and todo -- if not found or #found == 0 then report("no entry %a found in dataset %a",reference,dataset) elseif not setup then report("invalid reference for %a",reference) else if trace_cite then report("processing reference %a",reference) end local source = { } local luadata = datasets[dataset].luadata for i=1,#found do local entry = found[i] -- inspect(entry) local tag = entry.userdata.btxref local ldata = luadata[tag] local data = { internal = entry.references.internal, language = ldata.language, dataset = dataset, tag = tag, combis = entry.userdata.btxcom, -- luadata = ldata, } setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) if type(data) == "table" then source[#source+1] = data else report("error in cite rendering %a",setup or "?") end end local lefttext = specification.lefttext local righttext = specification.righttext local before = specification.before local after = specification.after if lefttext and lefttext ~= "" then lefttext = settings_to_array(lefttext) end if righttext and righttext ~= "" then righttext = settings_to_array(righttext) end if before and before ~= "" then before = settings_to_array(before) end if after and after ~= "" then after = settings_to_array(after) end local function flush(i,n,entry,last) local tag = entry.tag local currentcitation = markcite(dataset,tag) -- ctx_btxstartcite() ctx_btxsettag(tag) ctx_btxsetcategory(entry.category or "unknown") -- if lefttext then local text = lefttext [i] ; if text and text ~= "" then ctx_btxsetlefttext (text) end end if righttext then local text = righttext[i] ; if text and text ~= "" then ctx_btxsetrighttext(text) end end if before then local text = before [i] ; if text and text ~= "" then ctx_btxsetbefore (text) end end if after then local text = after [i] ; if text and text ~= "" then ctx_btxsetafter (text) end end -- ctx_btxsetbacklink(currentcitation) local bl = listtocite[currentcitation] if bl then -- we refer to a coming list entry ctx_btxsetinternal(bl.references.internal or "") else -- we refer to a previous list entry ctx_btxsetinternal(entry.internal or "") end local language = entry.language if language then ctx_btxsetlanguage(language) end local combis = entry.combis if combis then ctx_btxsetcombis(combis) end if not getter(entry,last,nil,specification) then ctx_btxsetfirst("") -- (f_missing(tag)) end ctx_btxsetconcat(concatstate(i,n)) if trace_detail then report("expanding cite setup %a",setup) end ctx_btxcitesetup(setup) ctx_btxstopcite() end if sorttype == v_normal or sorttype == v_reverse then local target = (compressor or compresslist)(source,specification) local nofcollected = #target if nofcollected == 0 then local nofcollected = #source if nofcollected == 0 then unknowncite(reference) else for i=1,nofcollected do flush(i,nofcollected,source[i]) end end else for i=1,nofcollected do local entry = target[i] local first = entry.first if first then flush(i,nofcollected,first,entry.last) else flush(i,nofcollected,entry) end end end else local nofcollected = #source if nofcollected == 0 then unknowncite(reference) else for i=1,nofcollected do flush(i,nofcollected,source[i]) end end end end if tobemarked then flushmarked(dataset,list) btxflushmarked() -- here (could also be done in caller) end end -- local function simplegetter(first,last,field,specification) local value = first[field] if value then ctx_btxsetfirst(value) if last then ctx_btxsetsecond(last[field]) end return true end end local setters = setmetatableindex({},function(t,k) local v = function(data,dataset,tag,entry) local value = getcasted(dataset,tag,k) data.value = value -- not really needed data[k] = value data.sortkey = value data.sortfld = k end t[k] = v return v end) local getters = setmetatableindex({},function(t,k) local v = function(first,last,_,specification) return simplegetter(first,last,k,specification) -- maybe _ or k end t[k] = v return v end) setmetatableindex(citevariants,function(t,k) local p = defaultvariant or "default" local v = rawget(t,p) report_cite("variant %a falls back on %a setter and getter with setup %a",k,p,k) t[k] = v return v end) function citevariants.default(presets) local variant = presets.variant processcite(presets,{ setup = variant, setter = setters[variant], getter = getters[variant], }) end -- category do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) data.category = getfield(dataset,tag,"category") end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) return simplegetter(first,last,"category",specification) end function citevariants.category(presets) processcite(presets,{ setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end end -- entry (we could provide a generic one) do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) -- nothing end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) -- last not used ctx_btxsetfirst(first.tag) end function citevariants.entry(presets) processcite(presets,{ compress = false, setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end end -- short do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) local short = getdetail(dataset,tag,"shorthash") local suffix = getdetail(dataset,tag,"shortsuffix") data.short = short data.sortkey = short data.suffix = suffix end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) -- last not used local short = first.short if short then local suffix = first.suffix ctx_btxsetfirst(short) if suffix then ctx_btxsetsuffix(suffix) -- watch out: third end return true end end function citevariants.short(presets) processcite(presets,{ setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end end -- pages (no compress) do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) data.pages = getcasted(dataset,tag,"pages") end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) local pages = first.pages if pages then if type(pages) == "table" then ctx_btxsetfirst(pages[1]) ctx_btxsetsecond(pages[2]) else ctx_btxsetfirst(pages) end return true end end function citevariants.page(presets) processcite(presets,{ setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end end -- num do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) local entries = entry.entries local text = entries and entries.text or "?" data.num = text data.sortkey = tonumber(text) or text end local function getter(first,last,tag,specification) return simplegetter(first,last,"num",specification) end function citevariants.num(presets) processcite(presets,{ numeric = true, setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end citevariants.textnum = citevariants.num -- should not be needed end -- year do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) local year = getfield (dataset,tag,"year") local suffix = getdetail(dataset,tag,"authorsuffix") data.year = year data.suffix = suffix data.sortkey = tonumber(year) or 9999 end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) return simplegetter(first,last,"year",specification) end function citevariants.year(presets) processcite(presets,{ numeric = true, setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end end -- index do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) local index = getfield(dataset,tag,"index") data.index = index data.sortkey = index end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) return simplegetter(first,last,"index",specification) end function citevariants.index(presets) processcite(presets,{ setter = setter, getter = getter, numeric = true, }) end end -- tag do local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) data.tag = tag data.sortkey = tag end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) return simplegetter(first,last,"tag",specification) end function citevariants.tag(presets) return processcite(presets,{ setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end end -- keyword do local function listof(list) local size = type(list) == "table" and #list or 0 if size > 0 then return function() for i=1,size do ctx_btxsetfirst(list[i]) ctx_btxsetconcat(concatstate(i,size)) ctx_btxcitesetup("listelement") end return true end else return "?" -- unknown end end local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) data.keywords = getcasted(dataset,tag,"keywords") end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) context(listof(first.keywords)) end function citevariants.keywords(presets) return processcite(presets,{ variant = "keywords", setter = setter, getter = getter, }) end end -- authors do -- is this good enough? local keysorter = function(a,b) local ak = a.authorhash local bk = b.authorhash if ak == bk then local as = a.authorsuffix -- numeric local bs = b.authorsuffix -- numeric if as and bs then return (as or 0) < (bs or 0) else return false end elseif ak and bk then return ak < bk else return false end end local revsorter = function(a,b) return keysorter(b,a) end local currentbtxciteauthor = function() context.currentbtxciteauthor() return true -- needed? end local function authorcompressor(found,specification) -- HERE if specification.sorttype == v_normal then sort(found,keysorter) elseif specification.sorttype == v_reverse then sort(found,revsorter) end local result = { } local entries = { } for i=1,#found do local entry = found[i] local author = entry.authorhash if author then local aentries = entries[author] if aentries then aentries[#aentries+1] = entry else entries[author] = { entry } end end end -- beware: we use tables as hash so we get a cycle when inspecting (unless we start -- hashing with strings) for i=1,#found do local entry = found[i] local author = entry.authorhash if author then local aentries = entries[author] if not aentries then result[#result+1] = entry elseif aentries == true then -- already done else result[#result+1] = entry entry.entries = aentries entries[author] = true end end end return result end local function authorconcat(target,key,setup) ctx_btxstartsubcite(setup) local nofcollected = #target if nofcollected == 0 then unknowncite(tag) else for i=1,nofcollected do local entry = target[i] local first = entry.first local tag = entry.tag local currentcitation = markcite(entry.dataset,tag) ctx_btxstartciteauthor() ctx_btxsettag(tag) ctx_btxsetbacklink(currentcitation) local bl = listtocite[currentcitation] ctx_btxsetinternal(bl and bl.references.internal or "") if first then ctx_btxsetfirst(first[key] or "") -- f_missing(first.tag)) local suffix = entry.suffix local last = entry.last local value = last and last[key] if value then ctx_btxsetsecond(value) end if suffix then ctx_btxsetsuffix(suffix) end else local suffix = entry.suffix local value = entry[key] or "" -- f_missing(tag) ctx_btxsetfirst(value) if suffix then ctx_btxsetsuffix(suffix) end end ctx_btxsetconcat(concatstate(i,nofcollected)) if trace_detail then report("expanding %a cite setup %a","multiple author",setup) end ctx_btxsubcitesetup(setup) ctx_btxstopciteauthor() end end ctx_btxstopsubcite() end local function authorsingle(entry,key,setup) ctx_btxstartsubcite(setup) ctx_btxstartciteauthor() local tag = entry.tag ctx_btxsettag(tag) -- local currentcitation = markcite(entry.dataset,tag) -- ctx_btxsetbacklink(currentcitation) -- local bl = listtocite[currentcitation] -- ctx_btxsetinternal(bl and bl.references.internal or "") ctx_btxsetfirst(entry[key] or "") -- f_missing(tag) if suffix then ctx_btxsetsuffix(entry.suffix) end if trace_detail then report("expanding %a cite setup %a","single author",setup) end ctx_btxcitesetup(setup) ctx_btxstopciteauthor() ctx_btxstopsubcite() end local partialinteractive = false local function authorgetter(first,last,key,specification) -- only first -- ctx_btxsetfirst(first.author) -- unformatted -- ctx_btxsetfirst(currentbtxciteauthor) -- formatter (much slower) if first.type == "author" then ctx_btxsetfirst(currentbtxciteauthor) -- formatter (much slower) else ctx_btxsetfirst(first.author) -- unformatted end local entries = first.entries -- alternatively we can use a concat with one ... so that we can only make the -- year interactive, as with the concat if partialinteractive and not entries then entries = { first } end if entries then -- happens with year local c = compresslist(entries,specification) local f = function() authorconcat(c,key,specification.setup or "author") return true end -- indeed return true? ctx_btxsetcount(#c) ctx_btxsetsecond(f) elseif first then -- happens with num local f = function() authorsingle(first,key,specification.setup or "author") return true end -- indeed return true? ctx_btxsetcount(0) ctx_btxsetsecond(f) end return true end -- author local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) data.author, data.field, data.type = getcasted(dataset,tag,"author") data.sortkey = text and lpegmatch(numberonly,text) data.authorhash = getdetail(dataset,tag,"authorhash") -- todo let getcasted return end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) if first.type == "author" then ctx_btxsetfirst(currentbtxciteauthor) -- formatter (much slower) else ctx_btxsetfirst(first.author) -- unformatted end return true end function citevariants.author(presets) processcite(presets,{ variant = "author", setup = "author", setter = setter, getter = getter, compressor = authorcompressor, }) end -- authornum local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) local entries = entry.entries local text = entries and entries.text or "?" data.author, data.field, data.type = getcasted(dataset,tag,"author") data.authorhash = getdetail(dataset,tag,"authorhash") -- todo let getcasted return data.num = text data.sortkey = text and lpegmatch(numberonly,text) end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) authorgetter(first,last,"num",specification) return true end function citevariants.authornum(presets) processcite(presets,{ variant = "authornum", setup = "author:num", numeric = true, setter = setter, getter = getter, compressor = authorcompressor, }) end -- authoryear | authoryears local function setter(data,dataset,tag,entry) data.author, data.field, data.type = getcasted(dataset,tag,"author") data.authorhash = getdetail(dataset,tag,"authorhash") -- todo let getcasted return local year = getfield (dataset,tag,"year") local suffix = getdetail(dataset,tag,"authorsuffix") data.year = year data.suffix = suffix data.sortkey = tonumber(year) or 9999 end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) authorgetter(first,last,"year",specification) return true end function citevariants.authoryear(presets) processcite(presets,{ variant = "authoryear", setup = "author:year", numeric = true, setter = setter, getter = getter, compressor = authorcompressor, }) end local function getter(first,last,_,specification) authorgetter(first,last,"year",specification) return true end function citevariants.authoryears(presets) processcite(presets,{ variant = "authoryears", setup = "author:years", numeric = true, setter = setter, getter = getter, compressor = authorcompressor, }) end end end -- List variants do local listvariants = { } publications.listvariants = listvariants local function btxlistvariant(dataset,block,tag,variant,listindex) local action = listvariants[variant] or listvariants.default if action then action(dataset,block,tag,variant,tonumber(listindex) or 0) end end implement { name = "btxlistvariant", actions = btxlistvariant, arguments = { "string", "string", "string", "string", "string" } -- not integer here } function listvariants.default(dataset,block,tag,variant) ctx_btxsetfirst("?") if trace_detail then report("expanding %a list setup %a","default",variant) end ctx_btxnumberingsetup("default") end function listvariants.num(dataset,block,tag,variant,listindex) ctx_btxsetfirst(listindex) if trace_detail then report("expanding %a list setup %a","num",variant) end ctx_btxnumberingsetup(variant or "num") end listvariants[v_yes] = listvariants.num function listvariants.tag(dataset,block,tag,variant,listindex) ctx_btxsetfirst(tag) if trace_detail then report("expanding %a list setup %a","tag",variant) end ctx_btxnumberingsetup(variant or "tag") end function listvariants.short(dataset,block,tag,variant,listindex) local short = getdetail(dataset,tag,"shorthash") local suffix = getdetail(dataset,tag,"shortsuffix") if short then ctx_btxsetfirst(short) end if suffix then ctx_btxsetsuffix(suffix) end if trace_detail then report("expanding %a list setup %a","short",variant) end ctx_btxnumberingsetup(variant or "short") end function listvariants.page(dataset,block,tag,variant,listindex) local rendering = renderings[dataset] local specification = rendering.list[listindex] for i=3,#specification do local backlink = tonumber(specification[i]) if backlink then local citation = citetolist[backlink] if citation then local references = citation.references if references then local internal = references.internal local realpage = references.realpage if internal and realpage then ctx_btxsetconcat(i-2) ctx_btxsetfirst(realpage) ctx_btxsetsecond(backlink) if trace_detail then report("expanding %a list setup %a","page",variant) end ctx_btxlistsetup(variant) end end end end end end end -- a helper do -- local context = context -- local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(":") interfaces.implement { name = "checkinterfacechain", arguments = { "string", "string" }, actions = function(str,command) local chain = lpegmatch(splitter,str) if #chain > 0 then local command = context[command] local parent = "" local child = chain[1] command(child,parent) for i=2,#chain do parent = child child = child .. ":" .. chain[i] command(child,parent) end end end } end