%D \module
%D   [       file=page-flt,
%D        version=2010.04.08,
%D          title=\CONTEXT\ Page Macros,
%D       subtitle=Float Management,
%D         author=Hans Hagen,
%D           date=\currentdate,
%D      copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.

\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Page Macros / Float Management}

%D This module has code that previously was in other modules. There is
%D also float related code in \type {strc-flt.mkiv}.



\ifdefined\s!topfloat    \else \def\s!topfloat   {topfloat}    \fi
\ifdefined\s!bottomfloat \else \def\s!bottomfloat{bottomfloat} \fi


\newdimen   \d_page_floats_inserted_bottom
\newdimen   \d_page_floats_inserted_top
\newcount   \c_page_floats_n_of_top         \c_page_floats_n_of_top   \plustwo
\newcount   \c_page_floats_n_of_bottom      \c_page_floats_n_of_bottom\zerocount

\newconstant\c_page_floats_insertions_topskip_mode  % 1 = no topskip

%def\page_floats_report_saved  {\showmessage\m!floatblocks2{\the\totalnoffloats}}
\def\page_floats_report_total  {\showmessage\m!floatblocks4{\the\totalnoffloats}}

%D Extra float registers.

\newconditional\c_page_floats_center_box          \settrue\c_page_floats_center_box
\newconditional\c_page_floats_pack_flushed        \settrue\c_page_floats_pack_flushed

%D For the moment we keep this but they will become private too.

\newcount\totalnoffloats     % these will be redone ... handled at the lua end anyway
\newcount\savednoffloats     % these will be redone ... handled at the lua end anyway
\newcount\nofcollectedfloats % communication channel

\newcount\noffloatinserts    % these will be redone ... handled at the lua end anyway

\newbox  \floattext


\newbox  \floatbox
\newbox  \savedfloatbox

%D From now on we manage the float stack at the \LUA\ end instead of packing
%D them in a box and splitting off stacked floats. It's not so much less code
%D but it's cleaner this way. It also opens op some posibilities as we can now
%D more conveniently cary additional information around.

\newtoks \everyfloatscheck

\to \everyfloatscheck











\let\page_floats_column_push_saved\page_floats_push_saved % overloaded in page-mul
\let\page_floats_column_pop_saved \page_floats_pop_saved  % overloaded in page-mul

  {\ctxcommand{savefloat("#1", { specification = "#2" })}}

\unexpanded\def\page_floats_save_somewhere_float#1#2% #1=method
  {\ctxcommand{savefloat("#1", { specification = "#2", label = "\floatlabel" })}}

%D This is an experimental new feature (for Alan Braslau), a prelude to more:
%D \starttyping
%D test \placefigure{}{}
%D test \placefigure[somewhere:alpha][whatever]{}{}
%D test \placefigure[somewhere:beta] [whatever]{}{}
%D test \placefigure[somewhere:gamma][whatever]{}{}
%D test \placefigure[somewhere:delta][whatever]{}{}
%D test \placefigure{}{}
%D in \in{figure}[whatever] bla bla
%D \placenamedfloat[figure][*l*]
%D \placenamedfloat[figure][gamma]
%D \placenamedfloat[figure][beta]
%D \stoptyping



% \setupcaption [figure]   [align=flushleft]
% \setupcaption [figure-1] [align=flushleft,leftmargin=10mm]
% \setupcaption [figure-2] [align=flushleft,leftmargin=10mm,rightmargin=-10mm,width=\textwidth]
% \startsetups somefigure
%     \ifdim\floatsetupwidth>\textwidth
%         \placesetupfloat[figure-2]
%     \else
%         \placesetupfloat[figure-1]
%     \fi
% \stopsetups
% \placefloatwithsetups[somefigure]{}{\externalfigure[dummy][width=5cm,height=2cm]}


  {\def\floatsetupcaption   {#4}%
   \def\floatsetupcontent   {\copy\nextbox}%
   \def\floatsetupwidth     {\wd\nextbox}%
   \def\floatsetupheight    {\ht\nextbox}%
   \def\placesetupfloat[##1]{\placefloat[##1][#2][#3]{#4}{\floatsetupcontent}}% #4 and not \floatsetupcaption (unexpanded)

%D The following code is in transition as we don't want to break the
%D current single column, multi column, and columnset mechanism.
%D First we reimplement some helpers.

         \global\setbox\floatbox\hbox to \hsize{\hss\box\floatbox\hss}%
         % retain special alignments

      % \ifconditional\c_page_margin_blocks_present % not here, here just as many floats as fit
      %   \page_otr_command_flush_margin_blocks
      % \else
      % \fi

%D This is a future mechamism that will be integrated once we're sure about it:
%D \starttyping
%D \dorecurse{10}
%D   {\input thuan
%D    \placefigure{}{\framed[height=1.5cm]{test}}
%D    \placefloatplaceholder}
%D \stoptyping

  {\ifconditional\c_page_floats_room \else

  [placeholder={\Word{\lastplacedfloat}~, moved}]

%D Page floats use different stacks.


\def\page_floats_flush_page_floats_indeed#1% future releases can do more clever things
   \edef\floatspecification{\ctxcommand{getfloatvariable("specification")}}% Is this okay?
   \vbox to \textheight

\unexpanded\def\page_floats_flush_page_floats % used in postpone
  {\edef\m_page_otf_checked_page_float{\ctxcommand{checkedpagefloat()}}% (true) for packed
     % nothing
      \emptyhbox \page_otr_fill_and_eject_page % why not dummy_page

% temp hack, needed to prevent floatbox being forgotten during
% output, this will change to using another box for flushing
% \dorecurse{700}{text } \placefigure[top][]{First} {\framed{bla 1}}
%                        \placefigure[top][]{Second}{\framed{bla 2}}
% \dorecurse {40}{text } \placefigure[top][]{Third} {\framed{bla 3}}

\to \everybeforeoutput

\to \everyafteroutput

\protect \endinput

% hm, where is this one used (was in save/restore, see old implementation)
% \unexpanded\def\uncenteredfloatbox
%   {\ifconditional\c_page_floats_center_box
%      \ifhbox\floatbox\relax % remove centering
%        \ifdim\wd\floatbox=\hsize
%          \ifhbox\floatbox
%            \setbox\scratchbox\hbox
%              {\unhbox\floatbox
%               \unskip\unskip
%               \global\setbox\globalscratchbox\lastbox}%
%            \box\globalscratchbox
%          \else
%            \box\floatbox
%          \fi
%        \else
%          \box\floatbox
%        \fi
%      \else
%        \box\floatbox
%      \fi
%    \else
%      \box\floatbox
%    \fi}