if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['pack-rul'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to pack-rul.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ldx--

An explanation is given in the history document mk.

--ldx]]-- local texdimen, texcount, texbox, texwd = tex.dimen, tex.count, tex.box, tex.wd local hpack, free, copy, traverse_id = node.hpack, node.free, node.copy_list, node.traverse_id function commands.doreshapeframedbox(n) local noflines, lastlinelength = 0, 0 if texwd[n] ~= 0 then local list = texbox[n].list if list then local width, done = 0, false for h in traverse_id('hlist',list) do local l = h.list if l then done = true local p = hpack(copy(l)) lastlinelength = p.width if lastlinelength > width then width = lastlinelength end free(p) end end if done then if width ~= 0 then for h in traverse_id('hlist',list) do local l = h.list if l then -- if h.width ~= width then -- else no display math handling (uses shift) h.list = hpack(l,width,'exactly') h.shift = 0 -- needed for display math h.width = width -- end end end end texwd[n] = width end end end texdimen["framedlastlength"] = lastlinelength texcount["framednoflines"] = noflines end