if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-ser'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to node-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- beware, some field names will change in a next releases -- of luatex; this is pretty old code that needs an overhaul local type, format, concat, rep = type, string.format, table.concat, string.rep local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local nodes, node = nodes, node local traverse = node.traverse local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local nodefields = nodes.fields local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local expand = allocate ( table.tohash { "list", -- list_ptr & ins_ptr & adjust_ptr "pre", -- "post", -- "spec", -- glue_ptr "top_skip", -- "attr", -- "replace", -- nobreak "components", -- lig_ptr "box_left", -- "box_right", -- "glyph", -- margin_char "leader", -- leader_ptr "action", -- action_ptr "value", -- user_defined nodes with subtype 'a' en 'n' } ) -- page_insert: "height", "last_ins_ptr", "best_ins_ptr" -- split_insert: "height", "last_ins_ptr", "best_ins_ptr", "broken_ptr", "broken_ins" local ignore = allocate ( table.tohash { "page_insert", "split_insert", "ref_count", } ) local dimension = allocate ( table.tohash { "width", "height", "depth", "shift", "stretch", "shrink", "xoffset", "yoffset", "surround", "kern", "box_left_width", "box_right_width" } ) -- flat: don't use next, but indexes -- verbose: also add type -- can be sped up nodes.dimensionfields = dimension nodes.listablefields = expand nodes.ignorablefields = ignore -- not ok yet: function nodes.astable(n,sparse) -- not yet ok local f, t = nodefields(n), { } for i=1,#f do local v = f[i] local d = n[v] if d then if ignore[v] or v == "id" then -- skip elseif expand[v] then -- or: type(n[v]) ~= "string" or type(n[v]) ~= "number" or type(n[v]) ~= "table" t[v] = "pointer to list" elseif sparse then if (type(d) == "number" and d ~= 0) or (type(d) == "string" and d ~= "") then t[v] = d end else t[v] = d end end end t.type = nodecodes[n.id] return t end -- under construction: local function totable(n,flat,verbose) -- todo: no local function local function to_table(n,flat,verbose) local f = nodefields(n) local tt = { } for k=1,#f do local v = f[k] local nv = v and n[v] if nv then if ignore[v] then -- skip elseif expand[v] then if type(nv) == "number" or type(nv) == "string" then tt[v] = nv else tt[v] = totable(nv,flat,verbose) end elseif type(nv) == "table" then tt[v] = nv -- totable(nv,flat,verbose) -- data else tt[v] = nv end end end if verbose then tt.type = nodecodes[tt.id] end return tt end if n then if flat then local t, tn = { }, 0 while n do tn = tn + 1 t[tn] = to_table(n,flat,verbose) n = n.next end return t else local t = to_table(n) if n.next then t.next = totable(n.next,flat,verbose) end return t end else return { } end end nodes.totable = totable local function key(k) return ((type(k) == "number") and "["..k.."]") or k end -- not ok yet; this will become a module -- todo: adapt to nodecodes etc local function serialize(root,name,handle,depth,m) handle = handle or print if depth then depth = depth .. " " handle(format("%s%s={",depth,key(name))) else depth = "" local tname = type(name) if tname == "string" then if name == "return" then handle("return {") else handle(name .. "={") end elseif tname == "number" then handle("[" .. name .. "]={") else handle("t={") end end if root then local fld if root.id then fld = nodefields(root) -- we can cache these (todo) else fld = table.sortedkeys(root) end if type(root) == 'table' and root['type'] then -- userdata or table handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,'type',root['type'])) end for f=1,#fld do local k = fld[f] if k == "ref_count" then -- skip elseif k then local v = root[k] local t = type(v) if t == "number" then if v == 0 then -- skip else handle(format("%s %s=%s,",depth,key(k),v)) end elseif t == "string" then if v == "" then -- skip else handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,key(k),v)) end elseif t == "boolean" then handle(format("%s %s=%q,",depth,key(k),tostring(v))) elseif v then -- userdata or table serialize(v,k,handle,depth,m+1) end end end if root['next'] then -- userdata or table serialize(root['next'],'next',handle,depth,m+1) end end if m and m > 0 then handle(format("%s},",depth)) else handle(format("%s}",depth)) end end function nodes.serialize(root,name) local t, n = { }, 0 local function flush(s) n = n + 1 t[n] = s end serialize(root, name, flush, nil, 0) return concat(t,"\n") end function nodes.serializebox(n,flat,verbose,name) return nodes.serialize(nodes.totable(tex.box[n],flat,verbose),name) end -- keep: -- -- function nodes.visualizebox(...) -- tex.print(ctxcatcodes,"\\starttyping") -- tex.print(nodes.serializebox(...)) -- tex.print("\\stoptyping") -- end function nodes.visualizebox(...) -- to be checked .. will move to module anyway context.starttyping() context.pushcatcodes("verbatim") context(nodes.serializebox(...)) context.stoptyping() context.popcatcodes() end function nodes.list(head,n) -- name might change to nodes.type -- to be checked .. will move to module anyway if not n then context.starttyping(true) end while head do local id = head.id tex.write(rep(" ",n or 0) .. tostring(head) .. "\n") if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then nodes.list(head.list,(n or 0)+1) end head = head.next end if not n then context.stoptyping(true) end end function nodes.print(head,n) while head do local id = head.id texio.write_nl(rep(" ",n or 0) .. tostring(head)) if id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then nodes.print(head.list,(n or 0)+1) end head = head.next end end