if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-col'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- possible optimization: delayed initialization of vectors -- we should also share equal vectors (math) local context, commands, trackers, logs = context, commands, trackers, logs local node, nodes, fonts, characters = node, nodes, fonts, characters local file, lpeg, table, string = file, lpeg, table, string local type, next, tonumber, toboolean = type, next, tonumber, toboolean local gmatch = string.gmatch local fastcopy = table.fastcopy local formatters = string.formatters local nuts = nodes.nuts local setfont = nuts.setfont ----- traverse_char = nuts.traverse_char local nextchar = nuts.traversers.char local getscales = nuts.getscales local setscales = nuts.setscales local setprop = nuts.setprop local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash local trace_collecting = false trackers.register("fonts.collecting", function(v) trace_collecting = v end) local report_fonts = logs.reporter("fonts","collections") local texconditionals = tex.conditionals local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction local disableaction = nodes.tasks.disableaction local collections = fonts.collections or { } fonts.collections = collections local definitions = collections.definitions or { } collections.definitions = definitions local vectors = collections.vectors or { } collections.vectors = vectors local helpers = fonts.helpers local charcommand = helpers.commands.char local rightcommand = helpers.commands.right local addprivate = helpers.addprivate local hasprivate = helpers.hasprivate local fontpatternhassize = helpers.fontpatternhassize local hashes = fonts.hashes local fontdata = hashes.identifiers local fontquads = hashes.quads local chardata = hashes.characters local propdata = hashes.properties local mathparameters = hashes.mathparameters local currentfont = font.current local addcharacters = font.addcharacters local implement = interfaces.implement local list = { } local current = 0 local enabled = false local validvectors = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v = false if not mathparameters[k] then v = vectors[k] end t[k] = v return v end) local function checkenabled() -- a bit ugly but nicer than a fuzzy state while defining math if next(vectors) then if not enabled then enableaction("processors","fonts.collections.process") enabled = true end else if enabled then disableaction("processors","fonts.collections.process") enabled = false end end end collections.checkenabled = checkenabled function collections.reset(name,font) if font and font ~= "" then local d = definitions[name] if d then d[font] = nil if not next(d) then definitions[name] = nil end end else definitions[name] = nil end end function collections.define(name,font,ranges,details) -- todo: details -> method=force|conditional rscale= -- todo: remap=name local d = definitions[name] if not d then d = { } definitions[name] = d end if name and trace_collecting then report_fonts("extending collection %a using %a",name,font) end details = settings_to_hash(details) -- todo, combine per font start/stop as arrays local offset = details.offset if type(offset) == "string" then offset = characters.getrange(offset,true) or false else offset = tonumber(offset) or false end local target = details.target if type(target) == "string" then target = characters.getrange(target,true) or false else target = tonumber(target) or false end local rscale = tonumber (details.rscale) or 1 local force = toboolean(details.force,true) local check = toboolean(details.check,true) local factor = tonumber(details.factor) local features = details.features for s in gmatch(ranges,"[^, ]+") do local start, stop, description, gaps = characters.getrange(s,true) if start and stop then if trace_collecting then if description then report_fonts("using range %a, slots %U - %U, description %a)",s,start,stop,description) end for i=1,#d do local di = d[i] if (start >= di.start and start <= di.stop) or (stop >= di.start and stop <= di.stop) then report_fonts("overlapping ranges %U - %U and %U - %U",start,stop,di.start,di.stop) end end end d[#d+1] = { font = font, start = start, stop = stop, gaps = gaps, offset = offset, target = target, rscale = rscale, force = force, check = check, method = details.method, factor = factor, features = features, } end end end -- todo: provide a lua variant (like with definefont) function collections.registermain(name) local last = currentfont() if trace_collecting then report_fonts("registering font %a with name %a",last,name) end list[#list+1] = last end -- check: when true, only set when present in font -- force: when false, then not set when already set local uccodes = characters.uccodes local lccodes = characters.lccodes local methods = { lowercase = function(oldchars,newchars,vector,start,stop,cloneid) for k, v in next, oldchars do if k >= start and k <= stop then local lccode = lccodes[k] if k ~= lccode and newchars[lccode] then vector[k] = { cloneid, lccode } end end end end, uppercase = function(oldchars,newchars,vector,start,stop,cloneid) for k, v in next, oldchars do if k >= start and k <= stop then local uccode = uccodes[k] if k ~= uccode and newchars[uccode] then vector[k] = { cloneid, uccode } end end end end, } function collections.clonevector(name) statistics.starttiming(fonts) if trace_collecting then report_fonts("processing collection %a",name) end local definitions = definitions[name] local vector = { } vectors[current] = vector for i=1,#definitions do local definition = definitions[i] local name = definition.font local start = definition.start local stop = definition.stop local check = definition.check local force = definition.force local offset = definition.offset or start local remap = definition.remap -- not used local target = definition.target local method = definition.method local cloneid = list[i] local oldchars = fontdata[current].characters local newchars = fontdata[cloneid].characters local factor = definition.factor local rscale = definition.rscale if factor then vector.factor = factor end if texconditionals["c_font_compact"] and rscale then vector.rscale = rscale end if trace_collecting then if target then report_fonts("remapping font %a to %a for range %U - %U, offset %X, target %U",current,cloneid,start,stop,offset,target) else report_fonts("remapping font %a to %a for range %U - %U, offset %X",current,cloneid,start,stop,offset) end end if method then method = methods[method] end if method then method(oldchars,newchars,vector,start,stop,cloneid) elseif check then if target then for unicode = start, stop do local unic = unicode + offset - start if not newchars[target] then -- not in font elseif force or (not vector[unic] and not oldchars[unic]) then vector[unic] = { cloneid, target } end target = target + 1 end elseif remap then -- not used else for unicode = start, stop do local unic = unicode + offset - start if not newchars[unicode] then -- not in font elseif force or (not vector[unic] and not oldchars[unic]) then vector[unic] = cloneid end end end else if target then for unicode = start, stop do local unic = unicode + offset - start if force or (not vector[unic] and not oldchars[unic]) then vector[unic] = { cloneid, target } end target = target + 1 end elseif remap then for unicode = start, stop do local unic = unicode + offset - start if force or (not vector[unic] and not oldchars[unic]) then vector[unic] = { cloneid, remap[unicode] } end end else for unicode = start, stop do local unic = unicode + offset - start if force or (not vector[unic] and not oldchars[unic]) then vector[unic] = cloneid end end end end end if trace_collecting then report_fonts("activating collection %a for font %a",name,current) end statistics.stoptiming(fonts) -- for WS: needs checking if validvectors[current] then checkenabled() end end -- we already have this parser -- -- local spec = (P("sa") + P("at") + P("scaled") + P("at") + P("mo")) * P(" ")^1 * (1-P(" "))^1 * P(" ")^0 * -1 -- local okay = ((1-spec)^1 * spec * Cc(true)) + Cc(false) -- -- if lpegmatch(okay,name) then function collections.prepare(name) -- we can do this in lua now .. todo current = currentfont() if vectors[current] then return end local properties = propdata[current] local mathsize = properties.mathsize if mathsize == 1 or mathsize == 2 or mathsize == 3 then return end local d = definitions[name] if d then if trace_collecting then local filename = file.basename(properties.filename or "?") report_fonts("applying collection %a to %a, file %a",name,current,filename) end list = { } context.pushcatcodes("prt") -- context.unprotect() context.font_fallbacks_start_cloning() for i=1,#d do local f = d[i] local name = f.font local scale = f.rscale or 1 if texconditionals["c_font_compact"] then scale = 1 end if fontpatternhassize(name) then context.font_fallbacks_clone_unique(name,scale) else context.font_fallbacks_clone_inherited(name,scale) end context.font_fallbacks_register_main(name) end context.font_fallbacks_prepare_clone_vectors(name) context.font_fallbacks_stop_cloning() context.popcatcodes() -- context.protect() end end function collections.report(message) if trace_collecting then report_fonts("tex: %s",message) end end local function monoslot(font,char,parent,factor) local tfmdata = fontdata[font] local privatename = formatters["faked mono %s"](char) local privateslot = hasprivate(tfmdata,privatename) if privateslot then return privateslot else local characters = tfmdata.characters local properties = tfmdata.properties local width = factor * fontquads[parent] local character = characters[char] if character then -- runtime patching of the font (can only be new characters) -- instead of messing with existing dimensions local data = { -- no features so a simple copy width = width, height = character.height, depth = character.depth, commands = { rightcommand[(width - character.width or 0)/2], charcommand[char], } } local u = addprivate(tfmdata, privatename, data) addcharacters(properties.id, { characters = { [u] = data } } ) return u else return char end end end function collections.register(font,char,handler) if font and char and type(handler) == "function" then local vector = vectors[font] if not vector then vector = { } vectors[font] = vector end vector[char] = handler end end -- todo: also general one for missing function collections.process(head) -- this way we keep feature processing for n, char, font in nextchar, head do local vector = validvectors[font] if vector then local vect = vector[char] if vect then local kind = type(vect) local newfont, newchar if kind == "table" then newfont = vect[1] newchar = vect[2] if trace_collecting then report_fonts("remapping character %C in font %a to character %C in font %a%s", char,font,newchar,newfont,not chardata[newfont][newchar] and " (missing)" or "" ) end elseif kind == "function" then newfont, newchar = vect(font,char,vector) if not newfont then newfont = font end if not newchar then newchar = char end if trace_collecting then report_fonts("remapping character %C in font %a to character %C in font %a%s", char,font,newchar,newfont,not chardata[newfont][newchar] and " (missing)" or "" ) end vector[char] = { newfont, newchar } else local fakemono = vector.factor if trace_collecting then report_fonts("remapping font %a to %a for character %C%s", font,vect,char,not chardata[vect][char] and " (missing)" or "" ) end newfont = vect if fakemono then newchar = monoslot(vect,char,font,fakemono) else newchar = char end end local rscale = vector.rscale if rscale and rscale ~= 1 then local s, x, y = getscales(n) setscales(n,s*rscale,x*rscale,y*rscale) end setfont(n,newfont,newchar) setprop(n, "original", { font = font, char = char }) end end end return head end function collections.found(font,char) -- this way we keep feature processing if not char then font, char = currentfont(), font end if chardata[font][char] then return true -- in normal font else local v = vectors[font] return v and v[char] and true or false end end -- interface implement { name = "fontcollectiondefine", actions = collections.define, arguments = "4 strings", } implement { name = "fontcollectionreset", actions = collections.reset, arguments = "2 strings", } implement { name = "fontcollectionprepare", actions = collections.prepare, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "fontcollectionreport", actions = collections.report, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "fontcollectionregister", actions = collections.registermain, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "fontcollectionclone", actions = collections.clonevector, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "doifelsecharinfont", actions = { collections.found, commands.doifelse }, arguments = "integer" }