if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-cbk'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat local find, format = string.find, string.format local collectgarbage, type, next = collectgarbage, type, next local round = math.round local sortedhash, sortedkeys, tohash = table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys, table.tohash --[[ldx--
Callbacks are the real asset of
When you (temporarily) want to install a callback function, and after a while wants to revert to the original one, you can use the following two functions. This only works for non-frozen ones.
--ldx]]-- local trace_callbacks = false trackers.register("system.callbacks", function(v) trace_callbacks = v end) local trace_calls = false -- only used when analyzing performance and initializations local trace_checking = false trackers.register("memory.checking", function(v) trace_checking = v end) local report_system = logs.reporter("system") local report_callbacks = logs.reporter("system","callbacks") local report_memory = logs.reporter("system","memory") local register_callback = callback.register local find_callback = callback.find local list_callbacks = callback.list local register_usercall = false local original_register = register_callback local frozen = { } local stack = { } local list = callbacks.list local permit_overloads = false local block_overloads = false --[[ldx--By now most callbacks are frozen and most provide a way to plug in your own code. For instance all node list handlers provide before/after namespaces and the file handling code can be extended by adding schemes and if needed I can add more hooks. So there is no real need to overload a core callback function. It might be ok for quick and dirty testing but anyway you're on your own if you permanently overload callback functions.
--ldx]]-- -- This might become a configuration file only option when it gets abused too much. directives.register("system.callbacks.permitoverloads", function(v) if block_overloads or permit_overloads then -- once bad news, always bad news elseif v then permit_overloads = { } report_system() report_system("The callback system has been brought in an unprotected state. As a result of directly") report_system("setting of callbacks subsystems of ConTeXt can stop working. There is no support for") report_system("bugs resulting from this state. It's better to use the official extension mechanisms.") report_system() end end) sandbox.initializer { category = "functions", action = function() block_overloads = true end } if not list then -- otherwise counters get reset list = utilities.storage.allocate(list_callbacks()) local supported = { } for k in next, list do list[k] = 0 supported[k] = true end callbacks.list = list callbacks.supported = supported end local delayed = tohash { "buildpage_filter", } if trace_calls then local functions = { } register_callback = function(name,func) if type(func) == "function" then if functions[name] then functions[name] = func return find_callback(name) else functions[name] = func local cnuf = function(...) list[name] = list[name] + 1 return functions[name](...) end return original_register(name,cnuf) end else return original_register(name,func) end end end -- temporary, not public: callbacks.functions = { } -- till here local reported = { } local function register_usercall(what,name,func) if list[name] then if trace_callbacks or not reported[name] then report_system() report_system("disabling core code by %s user function into callback '%s' (reported only once)",what,name) report_system() reported[name] = true end permit_overloads[name] = true return original_register(name,function(...) if trace_callbacks then report_callbacks("calling user function from '%s'",name) end return func(...) end) else report_callbacks("not %s function into invalid callback '%s'",name) return nil, format("unknown callback '%s'",name) end end local function frozen_callback(name) report_callbacks("not %s frozen %a","registering",name) return nil, format("callback '%s' is frozen",name) -- no formatter yet end local function state(name) local f = find_callback(name) if f == false then return "disabled" elseif f then return "enabled" else return "undefined" end end function callbacks.known(name) return list[name] end function callbacks.report() for name, _ in sortedhash(list) do local str = frozen[name] if str then report_callbacks("%s: %s -> %s",state(name),name,str) else report_callbacks("%s: %s",state(name),name) end end end function callbacks.freeze(name,freeze) if not permit_overloads then freeze = type(freeze) == "string" and freeze if find(name,"*",1,true) then local pattern = name for name, _ in next, list do if find(name,pattern) then frozen[name] = freeze or frozen[name] or "frozen" end end else frozen[name] = freeze or frozen[name] or "frozen" end end end function callbacks.register(name,func,freeze) if frozen[name] then if permit_overloads then return register_usercall("registering",name,func) else return frozen_callback(name) end elseif freeze then frozen[name] = type(freeze) == "string" and freeze or "registered" end if delayed[name] and environment.initex then return nil end return register_callback(name,func) end function callback.register(name,func) -- original if not frozen[name] then return register_callback(name,func) elseif permit_overloads then return register_usercall("registering",name,func) else return frozen_callback(name) end end function callbacks.push(name,func) if not frozen[name] or permit_overloads then local sn = stack[name] if not sn then sn = { } stack[name] = sn end insert(sn,find_callback(name)) if permit_overloads then register_usercall("pushing",name,func) else register_callback(name,func) end else report_callbacks("not %s frozen %a","pushing",name) end end function callbacks.pop(name) if not frozen[name] or permit_overloads then local sn = stack[name] if not sn or #sn == 0 then -- some error register_callback(name,nil) -- ! really needed else -- this fails: register_callback(name, remove(stack[name])) local func = remove(sn) register_callback(name,func) end end end if trace_calls then statistics.register("callback details", function() local t = { } -- todo: pass function to register and quit at nil for name, n in sortedhash(list) do if n > 0 then t[#t+1] = format("%s -> %s",name,n) end end return concat(t," ") end) end statistics.register("callbacks overloaded by user", function() if permit_overloads then return concat(sortedkeys(permit_overloads)," ") end end) -- -- somehow crashes later on -- -- callbacks.freeze("find_.*_file","finding file") -- callbacks.freeze("read_.*_file","reading file") -- callbacks.freeze("open_.*_file","opening file") --[[ldx--The simple case is to remove the callback:
... some actions ...
Often, in such case, another callback or a macro call will pop the original.
In practice one will install a new handler, like in:
callbacks.push('linebreak_filter', function(...)
return something_done(...)
Even more interesting is:
callbacks.push('linebreak_filter', function(...)
return something_done(...)
This does a one-shot.
--ldx]]-- --[[ldx--Callbacks may result in
At some point in the development we did some tests with counting nodes (in this case 121049).
setstepmul | seconds | megabytes |
200 | 24.0 | 80.5 |
175 | 21.0 | 78.2 |
150 | 22.0 | 74.6 |
160 | 22.0 | 74.6 |
165 | 21.0 | 77.6 |
125 | 21.5 | 89.2 |
100 | 21.5 | 88.4 |
The following code is kind of experimental. In the documents
that describe the development of