if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-ren'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lpdf-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- rendering local tostring, tonumber, next = tostring, tonumber, next local format, rep = string.format, string.rep local concat = table.concat local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local getrandom = utilities.randomizer.get local backends, lpdf, nodes, node = backends, lpdf, nodes, node local nodeinjections = backends.pdf.nodeinjections local codeinjections = backends.pdf.codeinjections local registrations = backends.pdf.registrations local viewerlayers = attributes.viewerlayers local references = structures.references references.executers = references.executers or { } local executers = references.executers local variables = interfaces.variables local v_no = variables.no local v_yes = variables.yes local v_start = variables.start local v_stop = variables.stop local v_reset = variables.reset local v_auto = variables.auto local v_random = variables.random local pdfconstant = lpdf.constant local pdfdictionary = lpdf.dictionary local pdfarray = lpdf.array local pdfreference = lpdf.reference local pdfflushobject = lpdf.flushobject local pdfreserveobject = lpdf.reserveobject local addtopageattributes = lpdf.addtopageattributes local addtopageresources = lpdf.addtopageresources local addtocatalog = lpdf.addtocatalog local escaped = lpdf.escaped local nodepool = nodes.pool local register = nodepool.register local pdfliteral = nodepool.pdfliteral local pdf_ocg = pdfconstant("OCG") local pdf_ocmd = pdfconstant("OCMD") local pdf_off = pdfconstant("OFF") local pdf_on = pdfconstant("ON") local pdf_view = pdfconstant("View") local pdf_design = pdfconstant("Design") local pdf_toggle = pdfconstant("Toggle") local pdf_setocgstate = pdfconstant("SetOCGState") local copy_node = node.copy local pdf_print = { [v_yes] = pdfdictionary { PrintState = pdf_on }, [v_no ] = pdfdictionary { PrintState = pdf_off }, } local pdf_intent = { [v_yes] = pdf_view, [v_no] = pdf_design, } local pdf_export = { [v_yes] = pdf_on, [v_no] = pdf_off, } -- We can have references to layers before they are places, for instance from -- hide and vide actions. This is why we need to be able to force usage of layers -- at several moments. -- management local pdfln, pdfld = { }, { } local textlayers, hidelayers, videlayers = pdfarray(), pdfarray(), pdfarray() local pagelayers, pagelayersreference, cache = nil, nil, { } local alphabetic = { } local escapednames = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v = escaped(k) t[k] = v return v end) local specifications = { } local initialized = { } function codeinjections.defineviewerlayer(specification) if viewerlayers.supported and textlayers then local tag = specification.tag if not specifications[tag] then specifications[tag] = specification end end end local function useviewerlayer(name) -- move up so that we can use it as local if not environment.initex and not initialized[name] then local specification = specifications[name] if specification then specifications[name] = nil -- or not initialized [name] = true if not pagelayers then pagelayers = pdfdictionary() pagelayersreference = pdfreserveobject() end local tag = specification.tag -- todo: reserve local nn = pdfreserveobject() local nr = pdfreference(nn) local nd = pdfdictionary { Type = pdf_ocg, Name = specification.title or "unknown", Usage = { Intent = pdf_intent[specification.editable or v_yes], -- disable layer hiding by user (useless) Print = pdf_print [specification.printable or v_yes], -- printable or not Export = pdf_export[specification.export or v_yes], -- export or not }, } cache[#cache+1] = { nn, nd } pdfln[tag] = nr -- was n local dn = pdfreserveobject() local dr = pdfreference(dn) local dd = pdfdictionary { Type = pdf_ocmd, OCGs = pdfarray { nr }, } cache[#cache+1] = { dn, dd } pdfld[tag] = dr textlayers[#textlayers+1] = nr alphabetic[tag] = nr if specification.visible == v_start then videlayers[#videlayers+1] = nr else hidelayers[#hidelayers+1] = nr end pagelayers[escapednames[tag]] = dr -- check else -- todo: message end end end codeinjections.useviewerlayer = useviewerlayer local function layerreference(name) local r = pdfln[name] if r then return r else useviewerlayer(name) return pdfln[name] end end lpdf.layerreference = layerreference -- also triggered when a hide or vide happens local function flushtextlayers() if viewerlayers.supported then if pagelayers then pdfflushobject(pagelayersreference,pagelayers) end for i=1,#cache do local ci = cache[i] pdfflushobject(ci[1],ci[2]) end if textlayers and #textlayers > 0 then -- we can group them if needed, like: layout local sortedlayers = { } for k, v in table.sortedhash(alphabetic) do sortedlayers[#sortedlayers+1] = v -- maybe do a proper numeric sort as well end local d = pdfdictionary { OCGs = textlayers, D = pdfdictionary { Name = "Document", -- Order = (viewerlayers.hasorder and textlayers) or nil, Order = (viewerlayers.hasorder and sortedlayers) or nil, ON = videlayers, OFF = hidelayers, BaseState = pdf_on, AS = pdfarray { pdfdictionary { Category = pdfarray { pdfconstant("Print") }, Event = pdfconstant("Print"), OCGs = (viewerlayers.hasorder and sortedlayers) or nil, } }, }, } addtocatalog("OCProperties",d) textlayers = nil end end end local function flushpagelayers() -- we can share these if pagelayers then addtopageresources("Properties",pdfreference(pagelayersreference)) -- we could cache this end end lpdf.registerpagefinalizer (flushpagelayers,"layers") lpdf.registerdocumentfinalizer(flushtextlayers,"layers") local function setlayer(what,arguments) -- maybe just a gmatch of even better, earlier in lpeg arguments = (type(arguments) == "table" and arguments) or settings_to_array(arguments) local state = pdfarray { what } for i=1,#arguments do local p = layerreference(arguments[i]) if p then state[#state+1] = p end end return pdfdictionary { S = pdf_setocgstate, State = state, } end function executers.hidelayer (arguments) return setlayer(pdf_off, arguments) end function executers.videlayer (arguments) return setlayer(pdf_on, arguments) end function executers.togglelayer(arguments) return setlayer(pdf_toggle,arguments) end -- injection function codeinjections.startlayer(name) -- used in mp if not name then name = "unknown" end useviewerlayer(name) return format("/OC /%s BDC",escapednames[name]) end function codeinjections.stoplayer(name) -- used in mp return "EMC" end local cache = { } function nodeinjections.startlayer(name) local c = cache[name] if not c then useviewerlayer(name) c = register(pdfliteral(format("/OC /%s BDC",escapednames[name]))) cache[name] = c end return copy_node(c) end local stop = register(pdfliteral("EMC")) function nodeinjections.stoplayer() return copy_node(stop) end -- experimental stacker code (slow, can be optimized): !!!! TEST CODE !!!! local values = viewerlayers.values local startlayer = codeinjections.startlayer local stoplayer = codeinjections.stoplayer function nodeinjections.startstackedlayer(s,t,first,last) local r = { } for i=first,last do r[#r+1] = startlayer(values[t[i]]) end r = concat(r," ") return pdfliteral(r) end function nodeinjections.stopstackedlayer(s,t,first,last) local r = { } for i=last,first,-1 do r[#r+1] = stoplayer() end r = concat(r," ") return pdfliteral(r) end function nodeinjections.changestackedlayer(s,t1,first1,last1,t2,first2,last2) local r = { } for i=last1,first1,-1 do r[#r+1] = stoplayer() end for i=first2,last2 do r[#r+1] = startlayer(values[t2[i]]) end r = concat(r," ") return pdfliteral(r) end -- transitions local pagetransitions = { {"split","in","vertical"}, {"split","in","horizontal"}, {"split","out","vertical"}, {"split","out","horizontal"}, {"blinds","horizontal"}, {"blinds","vertical"}, {"box","in"}, {"box","out"}, {"wipe","east"}, {"wipe","west"}, {"wipe","north"}, {"wipe","south"}, {"dissolve"}, {"glitter","east"}, {"glitter","south"}, {"fly","in","east"}, {"fly","in","west"}, {"fly","in","north"}, {"fly","in","south"}, {"fly","out","east"}, {"fly","out","west"}, {"fly","out","north"}, {"fly","out","south"}, {"push","east"}, {"push","west"}, {"push","north"}, {"push","south"}, {"cover","east"}, {"cover","west"}, {"cover","north"}, {"cover","south"}, {"uncover","east"}, {"uncover","west"}, {"uncover","north"}, {"uncover","south"}, {"fade"}, } local mapping = { split = { "S" , pdfconstant("Split") }, blinds = { "S" , pdfconstant("Blinds") }, box = { "S" , pdfconstant("Box") }, wipe = { "S" , pdfconstant("Wipe") }, dissolve = { "S" , pdfconstant("Dissolve") }, glitter = { "S" , pdfconstant("Glitter") }, replace = { "S" , pdfconstant("R") }, fly = { "S" , pdfconstant("Fly") }, push = { "S" , pdfconstant("Push") }, cover = { "S" , pdfconstant("Cover") }, uncover = { "S" , pdfconstant("Uncover") }, fade = { "S" , pdfconstant("Fade") }, horizontal = { "Dm" , pdfconstant("H") }, vertical = { "Dm" , pdfconstant("V") }, ["in"] = { "M" , pdfconstant("I") }, out = { "M" , pdfconstant("O") }, east = { "Di" , 0 }, north = { "Di" , 90 }, west = { "Di" , 180 }, south = { "Di" , 270 }, } local last = 0 -- n: number, "stop", "reset", "random", "a,b,c" delay: number, "none" function codeinjections.setpagetransition(specification) local n, delay = specification.n, specification.delay if not n or n == "" then return -- let's forget about it elseif n == v_auto then if last >= #pagetransitions then last = 0 end n = last + 1 elseif n == v_stop then return elseif n == v_reset then last = 0 return elseif n == v_random then n = getrandom("transition",1,#pagetransitions) else n = tonumber(n) end local t = n and pagetransitions[n] or pagetransitions[1] if not t then t = settings_to_array(n) end if t and #t > 0 then local d = pdfdictionary() for i=1,#t do local m = mapping[t[i]] d[m[1]] = m[2] end delay = tonumber(delay) if delay and delay > 0 then addtopageattributes("Dur",delay) end addtopageattributes("Trans",d) end end