if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lpdf-ini'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to lpdf-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- beware of "too many locals" here local setmetatable, getmetatable, type, next, tostring, tonumber, rawset = setmetatable, getmetatable, type, next, tostring, tonumber, rawset local char, byte, format, gsub, concat, match, sub, gmatch = string.char, string.byte, string.format, string.gsub, table.concat, string.match, string.sub, string.gmatch local utfchar, utfbyte, utfvalues = utf.char, utf.byte, utf.values local sind, cosd, floor, max, min = math.sind, math.cosd, math.floor, math.max, math.min local sort = table.sort local lpegmatch, P, C, R, S, Cc, Cs = lpeg.match, lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cs local formatters = string.formatters local isboolean = string.is_boolean local report_objects = logs.reporter("backend","objects") local report_finalizing = logs.reporter("backend","finalizing") local report_blocked = logs.reporter("backend","blocked") local implement = interfaces.implement local two_strings = interfaces.strings[2] -- In ConTeXt MkIV we use utf8 exclusively so all strings get mapped onto a hex -- encoded utf16 string type between <>. We could probably save some bytes by using -- strings between () but then we end up with escaped ()\ too. -- gethpos : used -- getpos : used -- getvpos : used -- -- getmatrix : used -- hasmatrix : used -- -- mapfile : used in font-ctx.lua -- mapline : used in font-ctx.lua -- -- maxobjnum : not used -- obj : used -- immediateobj : used -- objtype : not used -- pageref : used -- print : can be used -- refobj : used -- registerannot : not to be used -- reserveobj : used -- pdf.catalog : used -- pdf.info : used -- pdf.trailer : used -- pdf.names : not to be used -- pdf.setinfo : used -- pdf.setcatalog : used -- pdf.setnames : not to be used -- pdf.settrailer : used -- pdf.getinfo : used -- pdf.getcatalog : used -- pdf.getnames : not to be used -- pdf.gettrailer : used local pdf = pdf local factor = number.dimenfactors.bp do local texget = tex.get local texset = tex.set function pdf.setmajorversion (n) texset("global","pdfmajorversion", n) end function pdf.getmajorversion ( ) return texget("pdfmajorversion") end end local pdfsetinfo = pdf.setinfo local pdfsetcatalog = pdf.setcatalog local pdfsetnames = pdf.setnames local pdfsettrailer = pdf.settrailer local pdfsetpageresources = pdf.setpageresources local pdfsetpageattributes = pdf.setpageattributes local pdfsetpagesattributes = pdf.setpagesattributes local pdfgetpos = pdf.getpos local pdfgethpos = pdf.gethpos local pdfgetvpos = pdf.getvpos local pdfgetmatrix = pdf.getmatrix local pdfhasmatrix = pdf.hasmatrix local pdfreserveobject = pdf.reserveobj local pdfimmediateobject = pdf.immediateobj local pdfdeferredobject = pdf.obj local pdfreferenceobject = pdf.refobj local function pdfdisablecommand(command) pdf[command] = function() report_blocked("'pdf.%s' is not supported",command) end end pdfdisablecommand("setinfo") pdfdisablecommand("setcatalog") pdfdisablecommand("setnames") pdfdisablecommand("settrailer") pdfdisablecommand("setpageresources") pdfdisablecommand("setpageattributes") pdfdisablecommand("setpagesattributes") pdfdisablecommand("registerannot") local trace_finalizers = false trackers.register("backend.finalizers", function(v) trace_finalizers = v end) local trace_resources = false trackers.register("backend.resources", function(v) trace_resources = v end) local trace_objects = false trackers.register("backend.objects", function(v) trace_objects = v end) local trace_detail = false trackers.register("backend.detail", function(v) trace_detail = v end) local backends = backends local pdfbackend = { comment = "backend for directly generating pdf output", nodeinjections = { }, codeinjections = { }, registrations = { }, tables = { }, } backends.pdf = pdfbackend lpdf = lpdf or { } local lpdf = lpdf local codeinjections = pdfbackend.codeinjections local nodeinjections = pdfbackend.nodeinjections codeinjections.getpos = pdfgetpos lpdf.getpos = pdfgetpos codeinjections.gethpos = pdfgethpos lpdf.gethpos = pdfgethpos codeinjections.getvpos = pdfgetvpos lpdf.getvpos = pdfgetvpos codeinjections.hasmatrix = pdfhasmatrix lpdf.hasmatrix = pdfhasmatrix codeinjections.getmatrix = pdfgetmatrix lpdf.getmatrix = pdfgetmatrix -- local function transform(llx,lly,urx,ury,rx,sx,sy,ry) -- local x1 = llx * rx + lly * sy -- local y1 = llx * sx + lly * ry -- local x2 = llx * rx + ury * sy -- local y2 = llx * sx + ury * ry -- local x3 = urx * rx + lly * sy -- local y3 = urx * sx + lly * ry -- local x4 = urx * rx + ury * sy -- local y4 = urx * sx + ury * ry -- llx = min(x1,x2,x3,x4); -- lly = min(y1,y2,y3,y4); -- urx = max(x1,x2,x3,x4); -- ury = max(y1,y2,y3,y4); -- return llx, lly, urx, ury -- end function lpdf.transform(llx,lly,urx,ury) -- not yet used so unchecked if pdfhasmatrix() then local sx, rx, ry, sy = pdfgetmatrix() local w, h = urx - llx, ury - lly return llx, lly, llx + sy*w - ry*h, lly + sx*h - rx*w -- return transform(llx,lly,urx,ury,sx,rx,ry,sy) else return llx, lly, urx, ury end end -- funny values for tx and ty function lpdf.rectangle(width,height,depth,offset) local tx, ty = pdfgetpos() if offset then tx = tx - offset ty = ty + offset width = width + 2*offset height = height + offset depth = depth + offset end if pdfhasmatrix() then local rx, sx, sy, ry = pdfgetmatrix() return factor * tx, factor * (ty - ry*depth + sx*width), factor * (tx + rx*width - sy*height), factor * (ty + ry*height - sx*width) else return factor * tx, factor * (ty - depth), factor * (tx + width), factor * (ty + height) end end -- we could use a hash of predefined unicodes -- local function tosixteen(str) -- an lpeg might be faster (no table) -- if not str or str == "" then -- return "" -- not () as we want an indication that it's unicode -- else -- local r, n = { "")) local function tosixteen(str) -- an lpeg might be faster (no table) if not str or str == "" then return "" -- not () as we want an indication that it's unicode else return lpegmatch(unified,str) end end local more = 0 local pattern = C(4) / function(s) -- needs checking ! local now = tonumber(s,16) if more > 0 then now = (more-0xD800)*0x400 + (now-0xDC00) + 0x10000 -- the 0x10000 smells wrong more = 0 return utfchar(now) elseif now >= 0xD800 and now <= 0xDBFF then more = now return "" -- else the c's end up in the stream else return utfchar(now) end end local pattern = P(true) / function() more = 0 end * Cs(pattern^0) local function fromsixteen(str) if not str or str == "" then return "" else return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end end local toregime = regimes.toregime local fromregime = regimes.fromregime local function topdfdoc(str,default) if not str or str == "" then return "" else return lpegmatch(escaped,toregime("pdfdoc",str,default)) -- could be combined if needed end end local function frompdfdoc(str) if not str or str == "" then return "" else return fromregime("pdfdoc",str) end end if not toregime then topdfdoc = function(s) return s end end if not fromregime then frompdfdoc = function(s) return s end end local function toeight(str) if not str or str == "" then return "()" else return lpegmatch(escaped,str) end end lpdf.tosixteen = tosixteen lpdf.toeight = toeight lpdf.topdfdoc = topdfdoc lpdf.fromsixteen = fromsixteen lpdf.frompdfdoc = frompdfdoc local function merge_t(a,b) local t = { } for k,v in next, a do t[k] = v end for k,v in next, b do t[k] = v end return setmetatable(t,getmetatable(a)) end local f_key_null = formatters["/%s null"] local f_key_value = formatters["/%s %s"] local f_key_dictionary = formatters["/%s << % t >>"] local f_dictionary = formatters["<< % t >>"] local f_key_array = formatters["/%s [ % t ]"] local f_array = formatters["[ % t ]"] local f_key_number = formatters["/%s %F"] local f_tonumber = formatters["%F"] -- local f_key_value = formatters["/%s %s"] -- local f_key_dictionary = formatters["/%s <<% t>>"] -- local f_dictionary = formatters["<<% t>>"] -- local f_key_array = formatters["/%s [% t]"] -- local f_array = formatters["[% t]"] local tostring_a, tostring_d -- tostring_d = function(t,contentonly,key) -- if next(t) then -- local r, rn = { }, 0 -- for k, v in next, t do -- -- for k, v in sortedhash(t) do -- can be an option -- rn = rn + 1 -- local tv = type(v) -- if tv == "string" then -- r[rn] = f_key_value(k,toeight(v)) -- elseif tv == "number" then -- r[rn] = f_key_number(k,v) -- -- elseif tv == "unicode" then -- can't happen -- -- r[rn] = f_key_value(k,tosixteen(v)) -- elseif tv == "table" then -- local mv = getmetatable(v) -- if mv and mv.__lpdftype then -- -- if v == t then -- -- report_objects("ignoring circular reference in dirctionary") -- -- r[rn] = f_key_null(k) -- -- else -- r[rn] = f_key_value(k,tostring(v)) -- -- end -- elseif v[1] then -- r[rn] = f_key_value(k,tostring_a(v)) -- else -- r[rn] = f_key_value(k,tostring_d(v)) -- end -- else -- r[rn] = f_key_value(k,tostring(v)) -- end -- end -- if contentonly then -- return concat(r," ") -- elseif key then -- return f_key_dictionary(key,r) -- else -- return f_dictionary(r) -- end -- elseif contentonly then -- return "" -- else -- return "<< >>" -- end -- end tostring_d = function(t,contentonly,key) if next(t) then local r, n = { }, 0 for k in next, t do n = n + 1 r[n] = k end sort(r) for i=1,n do local k = r[i] local v = t[k] local tv = type(v) if tv == "string" then r[i] = f_key_value(k,toeight(v)) elseif tv == "number" then r[i] = f_key_number(k,v) -- elseif tv == "unicode" then -- can't happen -- r[i] = f_key_value(k,tosixteen(v)) elseif tv == "table" then local mv = getmetatable(v) if mv and mv.__lpdftype then -- if v == t then -- report_objects("ignoring circular reference in dirctionary") -- r[i] = f_key_null(k) -- else r[i] = f_key_value(k,tostring(v)) -- end elseif v[1] then r[i] = f_key_value(k,tostring_a(v)) else r[i] = f_key_value(k,tostring_d(v)) end else r[i] = f_key_value(k,tostring(v)) end end if contentonly then return concat(r," ") elseif key then return f_key_dictionary(key,r) else return f_dictionary(r) end elseif contentonly then return "" else return "<< >>" end end tostring_a = function(t,contentonly,key) local tn = #t if tn ~= 0 then local r = { } for k=1,tn do local v = t[k] local tv = type(v) if tv == "string" then r[k] = toeight(v) elseif tv == "number" then r[k] = f_tonumber(v) -- elseif tv == "unicode" then -- r[k] = tosixteen(v) elseif tv == "table" then local mv = getmetatable(v) local mt = mv and mv.__lpdftype if mt then -- if v == t then -- report_objects("ignoring circular reference in array") -- r[k] = "null" -- else r[k] = tostring(v) -- end elseif v[1] then r[k] = tostring_a(v) else r[k] = tostring_d(v) end else r[k] = tostring(v) end end if contentonly then return concat(r, " ") elseif key then return f_key_array(key,r) else return f_array(r) end elseif contentonly then return "" else return "[ ]" end end local tostring_x = function(t) return concat(t," ") end local tostring_s = function(t) return toeight(t[1]) end local tostring_p = function(t) return topdfdoc(t[1],t[2]) end local tostring_u = function(t) return tosixteen(t[1]) end ----- tostring_n = function(t) return tostring(t[1]) end -- tostring not needed local tostring_n = function(t) return f_tonumber(t[1]) end -- tostring not needed local tostring_c = function(t) return t[1] end -- already prefixed (hashed) local tostring_z = function() return "null" end local tostring_t = function() return "true" end local tostring_f = function() return "false" end local tostring_r = function(t) local n = t[1] return n and n > 0 and (n .. " 0 R") or "null" end local tostring_v = function(t) local s = t[1] if type(s) == "table" then return concat(s) else return s end end local function value_x(t) return t end local function value_s(t) return t[1] end local function value_p(t) return t[1] end local function value_u(t) return t[1] end local function value_n(t) return t[1] end local function value_c(t) return sub(t[1],2) end local function value_d(t) return tostring_d(t,true) end local function value_a(t) return tostring_a(t,true) end local function value_z() return nil end local function value_t(t) return t.value or true end local function value_f(t) return t.value or false end local function value_r() return t[1] or 0 end -- null local function value_v() return t[1] end local function add_x(t,k,v) rawset(t,k,tostring(v)) end local mt_x = { __lpdftype = "stream", __tostring = tostring_x, __call = value_x, __newindex = add_x } local mt_d = { __lpdftype = "dictionary", __tostring = tostring_d, __call = value_d } local mt_a = { __lpdftype = "array", __tostring = tostring_a, __call = value_a } local mt_u = { __lpdftype = "unicode", __tostring = tostring_u, __call = value_u } local mt_s = { __lpdftype = "string", __tostring = tostring_s, __call = value_s } local mt_p = { __lpdftype = "docstring", __tostring = tostring_p, __call = value_p } local mt_n = { __lpdftype = "number", __tostring = tostring_n, __call = value_n } local mt_c = { __lpdftype = "constant", __tostring = tostring_c, __call = value_c } local mt_z = { __lpdftype = "null", __tostring = tostring_z, __call = value_z } local mt_t = { __lpdftype = "true", __tostring = tostring_t, __call = value_t } local mt_f = { __lpdftype = "false", __tostring = tostring_f, __call = value_f } local mt_r = { __lpdftype = "reference", __tostring = tostring_r, __call = value_r } local mt_v = { __lpdftype = "verbose", __tostring = tostring_v, __call = value_v } local function pdfstream(t) -- we need to add attributes if t then for i=1,#t do t[i] = tostring(t[i]) end end return setmetatable(t or { },mt_x) end local function pdfdictionary(t) return setmetatable(t or { },mt_d) end local function pdfarray(t) if type(t) == "string" then return setmetatable({ t },mt_a) else return setmetatable(t or { },mt_a) end end local function pdfstring(str,default) return setmetatable({ str or default or "" },mt_s) end local function pdfdocstring(str,default,defaultchar) return setmetatable({ str or default or "", defaultchar or " " },mt_p) end local function pdfunicode(str,default) return setmetatable({ str or default or "" },mt_u) -- could be a string end local cache = { } -- can be weak local function pdfnumber(n,default) -- 0-10 n = n or default local c = cache[n] if not c then c = setmetatable({ n },mt_n) -- cache[n] = c -- too many numbers end return c end for i=-1,9 do cache[i] = pdfnumber(i) end local cache = { } -- can be weak local forbidden, replacements = "\0\t\n\r\f ()[]{}/%%#\\", { } -- table faster than function for s in gmatch(forbidden,".") do replacements[s] = format("#%02x",byte(s)) end local escaped = Cs(Cc("/") * (S(forbidden)/replacements + P(1))^0) local function pdfconstant(str,default) str = str or default or "" local c = cache[str] if not c then -- c = setmetatable({ "/" .. str },mt_c) c = setmetatable({ lpegmatch(escaped,str) },mt_c) cache[str] = c end return c end local escaped = Cs((S(forbidden)/replacements + P(1))^0) ----- escaped = Cs((1-forbidden)^0 * S(forbidden)/replacements * ((S(forbidden)/replacements + P(1))^0) function lpdf.escaped(str) return lpegmatch(escaped,str) or str end do local p_null = { } setmetatable(p_null, mt_z) local p_true = { } setmetatable(p_true, mt_t) local p_false = { } setmetatable(p_false,mt_f) pdfnull = function() return p_null end pdfboolean = function(b,default) if type(b) == "boolean" then return b and p_true or p_false else return default and p_true or p_false end end -- print(pdfboolean(false),pdfboolean(false,false),pdfboolean(false,true)) -- print(pdfboolean(true),pdfboolean(true,false),pdfboolean(true,true)) -- print(pdfboolean(nil,true),pdfboolean(nil,false)) local r_zero = setmetatable({ 0 },mt_r) pdfreference = function(r) -- maybe make a weak table if r and r ~= 0 then return setmetatable({ r },mt_r) else return r_zero end end local v_zero = setmetatable({ 0 },mt_v) local v_empty = setmetatable({ "" },mt_v) pdfverbose = function(t) -- maybe check for type if t == 0 then return v_zero elseif t == "" then return v_empty else return setmetatable({ t },mt_v) end end end lpdf.stream = pdfstream -- THIS WILL PROBABLY CHANGE lpdf.dictionary = pdfdictionary lpdf.array = pdfarray lpdf.docstring = pdfdocstring lpdf.string = pdfstring lpdf.unicode = pdfunicode lpdf.number = pdfnumber lpdf.constant = pdfconstant lpdf.null = pdfnull lpdf.boolean = pdfboolean lpdf.reference = pdfreference lpdf.verbose = pdfverbose local names, cache = { }, { } function lpdf.reserveobject(name) local r = pdfreserveobject() -- we don't support "annot" if name then names[name] = r if trace_objects then report_objects("reserving number %a under name %a",r,name) end elseif trace_objects then report_objects("reserving number %a",r) end return r end -- lpdf.immediateobject = pdfimmediateobject -- lpdf.deferredobject = pdfdeferredobject -- lpdf.object = pdfdeferredobject -- lpdf.referenceobject = pdfreferenceobject local pagereference = pdf.pageref -- tex.pdfpageref is obsolete local nofpages = 0 function lpdf.pagereference(n) if nofpages == 0 then nofpages = structures.pages.nofpages if nofpages == 0 then nofpages = 1 end end if n > nofpages then return pagereference(nofpages) -- or 1, could be configureable else return pagereference(n) end end function lpdf.delayedobject(data,n) if n then pdfdeferredobject(n,data) else n = pdfdeferredobject(data) end pdfreferenceobject(n) return n end function lpdf.flushobject(name,data) if data then local named = names[name] if named then if not trace_objects then elseif trace_detail then report_objects("flushing data to reserved object with name %a, data: %S",name,data) else report_objects("flushing data to reserved object with name %a",name) end return pdfimmediateobject(named,tostring(data)) else if not trace_objects then elseif trace_detail then report_objects("flushing data to reserved object with number %s, data: %S",name,data) else report_objects("flushing data to reserved object with number %s",name) end return pdfimmediateobject(name,tostring(data)) end else if trace_objects and trace_detail then report_objects("flushing data: %S",name) end return pdfimmediateobject(tostring(name)) end end function lpdf.flushstreamobject(data,dict,compressed) -- default compressed if trace_objects then report_objects("flushing stream object of %s bytes",#data) end local dtype = type(dict) return pdfdeferredobject { immediate = true, compresslevel = compressed == false and 0 or nil, type = "stream", string = data, attr = (dtype == "string" and dict) or (dtype == "table" and dict()) or nil, } end function lpdf.flushstreamfileobject(filename,dict,compressed) -- default compressed if trace_objects then report_objects("flushing stream file object %a",filename) end local dtype = type(dict) return pdfdeferredobject { immediate = true, compresslevel = compressed == false and 0 or nil, type = "stream", file = filename, attr = (dtype == "string" and dict) or (dtype == "table" and dict()) or nil, } end local shareobjectcache, shareobjectreferencecache = { }, { } function lpdf.shareobject(content) if content == nil then -- invalid object not created else content = tostring(content) local o = shareobjectcache[content] if not o then o = pdfimmediateobject(content) shareobjectcache[content] = o end return o end end function lpdf.shareobjectreference(content) if content == nil then -- invalid object not created else content = tostring(content) local r = shareobjectreferencecache[content] if not r then local o = shareobjectcache[content] if not o then o = pdfimmediateobject(content) shareobjectcache[content] = o end r = pdfreference(o) shareobjectreferencecache[content] = r end return r end end -- three priority levels, default=2 local pagefinalizers = { { }, { }, { } } local documentfinalizers = { { }, { }, { } } local pageresources, pageattributes, pagesattributes local function resetpageproperties() pageresources = pdfdictionary() pageattributes = pdfdictionary() pagesattributes = pdfdictionary() end resetpageproperties() local function setpageproperties() pdfsetpageresources (pageresources ()) pdfsetpageattributes (pageattributes ()) pdfsetpagesattributes(pagesattributes()) end local function addtopageresources (k,v) pageresources [k] = v end local function addtopageattributes (k,v) pageattributes [k] = v end local function addtopagesattributes(k,v) pagesattributes[k] = v end lpdf.addtopageresources = addtopageresources lpdf.addtopageattributes = addtopageattributes lpdf.addtopagesattributes = addtopagesattributes local function set(where,what,f,when,comment) if type(when) == "string" then when, comment = 2, when elseif not when then when = 2 end local w = where[when] w[#w+1] = { f, comment } if trace_finalizers then report_finalizing("%s set: [%s,%s]",what,when,#w) end end local function run(where,what) if trace_finalizers then report_finalizing("start backend, category %a, n %a",what,#where) end for i=1,#where do local w = where[i] for j=1,#w do local wj = w[j] if trace_finalizers then report_finalizing("%s finalizer: [%s,%s] %s",what,i,j,wj[2] or "") end wj[1]() end end if trace_finalizers then report_finalizing("stop finalizing") end end local function registerpagefinalizer(f,when,comment) set(pagefinalizers,"page",f,when,comment) end local function registerdocumentfinalizer(f,when,comment) set(documentfinalizers,"document",f,when,comment) end lpdf.registerpagefinalizer = registerpagefinalizer lpdf.registerdocumentfinalizer = registerdocumentfinalizer function lpdf.finalizepage(shipout) if shipout and not environment.initex then -- resetpageproperties() -- maybe better before run(pagefinalizers,"page") setpageproperties() resetpageproperties() -- maybe better before end end function lpdf.finalizedocument() if not environment.initex then run(documentfinalizers,"document") function lpdf.finalizedocument() report_finalizing("serious error: the document is finalized multiple times") function lpdf.finalizedocument() end end end end -- codeinjections.finalizepage = lpdf.finalizepage -- no longer triggered at the tex end if not callbacks.register("finish_pdfpage", lpdf.finalizepage) then local find_tail = nodes.tail local latelua_node = nodes.pool.latelua function nodeinjections.finalizepage(head) local t = find_tail(head.list) if t then local n = latelua_node("lpdf.finalizepage(true)") -- last in the shipout t.next = n n.prev = t end return head, true end nodes.tasks.appendaction("shipouts","normalizers","backends.pdf.nodeinjections.finalizepage") end callbacks.register("finish_pdffile", lpdf.finalizedocument) do -- some minimal tracing, handy for checking the order local function trace_set(what,key) if trace_resources then report_finalizing("setting key %a in %a",key,what) end end local function trace_flush(what) if trace_resources then report_finalizing("flushing %a",what) end end lpdf.protectresources = true local catalog = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Catalog") } -- nicer, but when we assign we nil the Type local info = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Info") } -- nicer, but when we assign we nil the Type ----- names = pdfdictionary { Type = pdfconstant("Names") } -- nicer, but when we assign we nil the Type local function flushcatalog() if not environment.initex then trace_flush("catalog") catalog.Type = nil pdfsetcatalog(catalog()) end end local function flushinfo() if not environment.initex then trace_flush("info") info.Type = nil pdfsetinfo(info()) end end -- local function flushnames() -- if not environment.initex then -- trace_flush("names") -- names.Type = nil -- pdfsetnames(names()) -- end -- end function lpdf.addtocatalog(k,v) if not (lpdf.protectresources and catalog[k]) then trace_set("catalog",k) catalog[k] = v end end function lpdf.addtoinfo(k,v) if not (lpdf.protectresources and info[k]) then trace_set("info",k) info[k] = v end end -- local function lpdf.addtonames(k,v) -- if not (lpdf.protectresources and names[k]) then -- trace_set("names",k) -- names[k] = v -- end -- end local names = pdfdictionary { -- Type = pdfconstant("Names") } local function flushnames() if next(names) and not environment.initex then names.Type = pdfconstant("Names") trace_flush("names") lpdf.addtocatalog("Names",pdfreference(pdfimmediateobject(tostring(names)))) end end function lpdf.addtonames(k,v) if not (lpdf.protectresources and names[k]) then trace_set("names", k) names [k] = v end end local r_extgstates, d_extgstates = pdfreserveobject(), pdfdictionary() local p_extgstates = pdfreference(r_extgstates) local r_colorspaces, d_colorspaces = pdfreserveobject(), pdfdictionary() local p_colorspaces = pdfreference(r_colorspaces) local r_patterns, d_patterns = pdfreserveobject(), pdfdictionary() local p_patterns = pdfreference(r_patterns) local r_shades, d_shades = pdfreserveobject(), pdfdictionary() local p_shades = pdfreference(r_shades) local function checkextgstates () if next(d_extgstates ) then addtopageresources("ExtGState", p_extgstates ) end end local function checkcolorspaces() if next(d_colorspaces) then addtopageresources("ColorSpace",p_colorspaces) end end local function checkpatterns () if next(d_patterns ) then addtopageresources("Pattern", p_patterns ) end end local function checkshades () if next(d_shades ) then addtopageresources("Shading", p_shades ) end end local function flushextgstates () if next(d_extgstates ) then trace_flush("extgstates") pdfimmediateobject(r_extgstates, tostring(d_extgstates )) end end local function flushcolorspaces() if next(d_colorspaces) then trace_flush("colorspaces") pdfimmediateobject(r_colorspaces,tostring(d_colorspaces)) end end local function flushpatterns () if next(d_patterns ) then trace_flush("patterns") pdfimmediateobject(r_patterns, tostring(d_patterns )) end end local function flushshades () if next(d_shades ) then trace_flush("shades") pdfimmediateobject(r_shades, tostring(d_shades )) end end function lpdf.collectedresources() local ExtGState = next(d_extgstates ) and p_extgstates local ColorSpace = next(d_colorspaces) and p_colorspaces local Pattern = next(d_patterns ) and p_patterns local Shading = next(d_shades ) and p_shades if ExtGState or ColorSpace or Pattern or Shading then local collected = pdfdictionary { ExtGState = ExtGState, ColorSpace = ColorSpace, Pattern = Pattern, Shading = Shading, -- ProcSet = pdfarray { pdfconstant("PDF") }, } return collected() else return "" end end function lpdf.adddocumentextgstate (k,v) d_extgstates [k] = v end function lpdf.adddocumentcolorspace(k,v) d_colorspaces[k] = v end function lpdf.adddocumentpattern (k,v) d_patterns [k] = v end function lpdf.adddocumentshade (k,v) d_shades [k] = v end registerdocumentfinalizer(flushextgstates,3,"extended graphic states") registerdocumentfinalizer(flushcolorspaces,3,"color spaces") registerdocumentfinalizer(flushpatterns,3,"patterns") registerdocumentfinalizer(flushshades,3,"shades") registerdocumentfinalizer(flushnames,3,"names") -- before catalog registerdocumentfinalizer(flushcatalog,3,"catalog") registerdocumentfinalizer(flushinfo,3,"info") registerpagefinalizer(checkextgstates,3,"extended graphic states") registerpagefinalizer(checkcolorspaces,3,"color spaces") registerpagefinalizer(checkpatterns,3,"patterns") registerpagefinalizer(checkshades,3,"shades") end -- in strc-bkm: lpdf.registerdocumentfinalizer(function() structures.bookmarks.place() end,1) function lpdf.rotationcm(a) local s, c = sind(a), cosd(a) return format("%0.6F %0.6F %0.6F %0.6F 0 0 cm",c,s,-s,c) end -- ! -> universaltime do local timestamp = os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%X") .. os.timezone(true) function lpdf.timestamp() return timestamp end function lpdf.settime(n) if n then n = converters.totime(n) if n then converters.settime(n) timestamp = os.date("%Y-%m-%dT%X",os.time(n)) .. os.timezone(true) end end return timestamp end lpdf.settime(tonumber(resolvers.variable("start_time")) or tonumber(resolvers.variable("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"))) -- bah function lpdf.pdftimestamp(str) local Y, M, D, h, m, s, Zs, Zh, Zm = match(str,"^(%d%d%d%d)%-(%d%d)%-(%d%d)T(%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)([%+%-])(%d%d):(%d%d)$") return Y and format("D:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'%s'",Y,M,D,h,m,s,Zs,Zh,Zm) end function lpdf.id(nodate) if nodate then return tex.jobname else return format("%s.%s",tex.jobname,timestamp) end end end -- return nil is nicer in test prints function lpdf.checkedkey(t,key,variant) local pn = t and t[key] if pn ~= nil then local tn = type(pn) if tn == variant then if variant == "string" then if pn ~= "" then return pn end elseif variant == "table" then if next(pn) then return pn end else return pn end elseif tn == "string" then if variant == "number" then return tonumber(pn) elseif variant == "boolean" then return isboolean(pn,nil,true) end end end -- return nil end function lpdf.checkedvalue(value,variant) -- code not shared if value ~= nil then local tv = type(value) if tv == variant then if variant == "string" then if value ~= "" then return value end elseif variant == "table" then if next(value) then return value end else return value end elseif tv == "string" then if variant == "number" then return tonumber(value) elseif variant == "boolean" then return isboolean(value,nil,true) end end end -- return nil end function lpdf.limited(n,min,max,default) if not n then return default else n = tonumber(n) if not n then return default elseif n > max then return max elseif n < min then return min else return n end end end -- if not pdfreferenceobject then -- -- local delayed = { } -- -- local function flush() -- local n = 0 -- for k,v in next, delayed do -- pdfimmediateobject(k,v) -- n = n + 1 -- end -- if trace_objects then -- report_objects("%s objects flushed",n) -- end -- delayed = { } -- end -- -- lpdf.registerdocumentfinalizer(flush,3,"objects") -- so we need a final flush too -- lpdf.registerpagefinalizer (flush,3,"objects") -- somehow this lags behind .. I need to look into that some day -- -- function lpdf.delayedobject(data) -- local n = pdfreserveobject() -- delayed[n] = data -- return n -- end -- -- end -- setmetatable(pdf, { -- __index = function(t,k) -- if k == "info" then return pdf.getinfo() -- elseif k == "catalog" then return pdf.getcatalog() -- elseif k == "names" then return pdf.getnames() -- elseif k == "trailer" then return pdf.gettrailer() -- elseif k == "pageattribute" then return pdf.getpageattribute() -- elseif k == "pageattributes" then return pdf.getpageattributes() -- elseif k == "pageresources" then return pdf.getpageresources() -- elseif -- return nil -- end -- end, -- __newindex = function(t,k,v) -- if k == "info" then return pdf.setinfo(v) -- elseif k == "catalog" then return pdf.setcatalog(v) -- elseif k == "names" then return pdf.setnames(v) -- elseif k == "trailer" then return pdf.settrailer(v) -- elseif k == "pageattribute" then return pdf.setpageattribute(v) -- elseif k == "pageattributes" then return pdf.setpageattributes(v) -- elseif k == "pageresources" then return pdf.setpageresources(v) -- else -- rawset(t,k,v) -- end -- end, -- }) -- The next variant of ActualText is what Taco and I could come up with -- eventually. As of September 2013 Acrobat copies okay, Sumatra copies a -- question mark, pdftotext injects an extra space and Okular adds a -- newline plus space. -- return formatters["BT /Span << /ActualText (CONTEXT) >> BDC [] TJ % t EMC ET"](code) do local f_actual_text_one = formatters["BT /Span << /ActualText >> BDC [] TJ %s EMC ET"] local f_actual_text_one_b = formatters["BT /Span << /ActualText >> BDC [] TJ "] local f_actual_text_two = formatters["BT /Span << /ActualText >> BDC [] TJ %s EMC ET"] local f_actual_text_two_b = formatters["BT /Span << /ActualText >> BDC [] TJ "] local s_actual_text_e = " EMC ET" local f_actual_text = formatters["/Span <> BDC"] local context = context local pdfdirect = nodes.pool.pdfdirect -- todo: use tounicode from the font mapper function codeinjections.unicodetoactualtext(unicode,pdfcode) if unicode < 0x10000 then return f_actual_text_one(unicode,pdfcode) else return f_actual_text_two(unicode/1024+0xD800,unicode%1024+0xDC00,pdfcode) end end function codeinjections.startunicodetoactualtext(unicode) if unicode < 0x10000 then return f_actual_text_one_b(unicode) else return f_actual_text_two_b(unicode/1024+0xD800,unicode%1024+0xDC00) end end function codeinjections.stopunicodetoactualtext() return s_actual_text_e end implement { name = "startactualtext", arguments = "string", actions = function(str) context(pdfdirect(f_actual_text(tosixteen(str)))) end } implement { name = "stopactualtext", actions = function() context(pdfdirect("EMC")) end } end -- interface implement { name = "lpdf_collectedresources", actions = { lpdf.collectedresources, context } } implement { name = "lpdf_addtocatalog", arguments = two_strings, actions = lpdf.addtocatalog } implement { name = "lpdf_addtoinfo", arguments = two_strings, actions = function(a,b,c) lpdf.addtoinfo(a,b,c) end } -- gets adapted implement { name = "lpdf_addtonames", arguments = two_strings, actions = lpdf.addtonames } implement { name = "lpdf_addtopageattributes", arguments = two_strings, actions = lpdf.addtopageattributes } implement { name = "lpdf_addtopagesattributes", arguments = two_strings, actions = lpdf.addtopagesattributes } implement { name = "lpdf_addtopageresources", arguments = two_strings, actions = lpdf.addtopageresources } implement { name = "lpdf_adddocumentextgstate", arguments = two_strings, actions = function(a,b) lpdf.adddocumentextgstate (a,pdfverbose(b)) end } implement { name = "lpdf_adddocumentcolorspace", arguments = two_strings, actions = function(a,b) lpdf.adddocumentcolorspace(a,pdfverbose(b)) end } implement { name = "lpdf_adddocumentpattern", arguments = two_strings, actions = function(a,b) lpdf.adddocumentpattern (a,pdfverbose(b)) end } implement { name = "lpdf_adddocumentshade", arguments = two_strings, actions = function(a,b) lpdf.adddocumentshade (a,pdfverbose(b)) end }