if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-cft'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- context font tables (needs updating) -- -- todo: extra: -- -- extra_space => space.extra -- space => space.width -- space_stretch => space.stretch -- space_shrink => space.shrink -- -- We do keep the x-height, extra_space, space_shrink and space_stretch -- around as these are low level official names. -- -- Needs to be checked and updated. local type, tonumber = type, tonumber local fonts = fonts or { } local tables = fonts.tables or { } fonts.tables = tables local data = utilities.storage.allocate() tables.data = data do local t_units = "" local t_unicode = "" local t_unispec = "" -- t_unicode | { t_unicode } local t_index = "" local t_cardinal = "" local t_integer = "" local t_float = "" local t_boolean = "" local t_string = "" local t_array = "" local t_hash = "" local t_scaled = "" local t_keyword = "" local t_scale = "" -- 1000 based tex scale local t_value = "" -- number, string, boolean local t_function = "" data.types = { ["units"] = "", ["unicode"] = "", ["unispec"] = "" , -- t_unicode | { t_unicode } ["index"] = "", ["cardinal"] = "", ["integer"] = "", ["float"] = "", ["boolean"] = "", ["string"] = "", ["array"] = "", ["hash"] = "", ["scaled"] = "", ["keyword"] = "", ["scale"] = "", -- 1000 based tex scale ["value"] = "", -- number, string, boolean ["function"] = "", } local boundingbox = { t_units, t_units, t_units, t_units } local mathvariants = { t_array } local mathparts = { { advance = t_units, ["end"] = t_units, extender = t_units, glyph = t_unicode, start = t_units, } } local mathkerns = { { height = t_units, kern = t_units, }, } local mathparts = { { advance = t_scaled, ["end"] = t_scaled, extender = t_scaled, glyph = t_unicode, start = t_scaled, } } local mathkerns = { { height = t_scaled, kern = t_scaled, }, } local vfcommands = { { t_keyword, t_value }, } local description = { width = t_units, height = t_units, depth = t_units, italic = t_units, index = t_index, boundingbox = boundingbox, unicode = t_unispec, math = { accent = t_units, hvariants = mathvariants, vvariants = mathvariants, hparts = mathparts, vparts = mathparts, kerns = { bottomright = mathkerns, bottomleft = mathkerns, topright = mathkerns, topleft = mathkerns, } }, } local character = { width = t_scaled, height = t_scaled, depth = t_scaled, italic = t_scaled, index = t_index, expansion_factor = t_scaled, left_protruding = t_scaled, right_protruding = t_scaled, tounicode = t_string, unicode = t_unispec, commands = vfcommands, accent = t_scaled, hvariants = mathvariants, vvariants = mathvariants, hparts = math_parts, vparts = math_parts, kerns = { bottomright = math_kerns, bottomleft = math_kerns, topright = math_kerns, topleft = math_kerns, }, ligatures = t_hash, kerns = t_hash, next = t_array, } data.original = { cache_uuid = t_string, cache_version = t_float, compacted = t_boolean, creator = t_string, descriptions = { description }, format = t_string, goodies = t_hash, metadata = { ascender = t_units, averagewidth = t_units, capheight = t_units, descender = t_units, family = t_string, familyname = t_string, fontname = t_string, fullname = t_string, italicangle = t_float, monospaced = t_boolean, panoseweight = t_string, panosewidth = t_string, pfmweight = t_units, pfmwidth = t_units, subfamily = t_string, subfamilyname = t_string, subfontindex = t_index, units = t_cardinal, version = t_string, weight = t_string, width = t_string, xheight = t_units, }, private = t_unicode, properties = { hascolor = t_boolean, hasitalics = t_boolean, hasspacekerns = t_boolean, }, resources = { duplicates = t_hash, features = { gpos = t_hash, gsub = t_hash, }, filename = t_string, markclasses = t_hash, marks = t_hash, marksets = t_hash, mathconstants = t_hash, private = t_cardinal, sequences = t_array, -- unicodes = t_hash, version = t_string, }, size = t_cardinal, -- tables = t_array, tableversion = t_float, time = t_cardinal, } data.scaled = { properties = { encodingbytes = t_cardinal, -- not in lmtx embedding = t_cardinal, -- ? cidinfo = t_hash, format = t_string, fontname = t_string, fullname = t_string, filename = t_string, psname = t_string, name = t_string, virtualized = t_boolean, -- not in lmtx hasitalics = t_boolean, autoitalicamount = t_float, nostackmath = t_boolean, mode = t_string, hasmath = t_boolean, mathitalics = t_boolean, textitalics = t_boolean, finalized = t_boolean, effect = { effect = t_cardinal, width = t_float, factor = t_float, hfactor = t_float, vfactor = t_float, wdelta = t_float, hdelta = t_float, ddelta = t_float, } }, parameters = { mathsize = t_cardinal, scriptpercentage = t_float, scriptscriptpercentage = t_float, units = t_cardinal, designsize = t_scaled, expansion = { stretch = t_scale, shrink = t_scale, step = t_scale, auto = t_boolean, }, protrusion = { auto = t_boolean, }, slantfactor = t_float, extendfactor = t_float, mode = t_cardinal, width = t_scale, factor = t_float, hfactor = t_float, vfactor = t_float, size = t_scaled, units = t_scaled, scaledpoints = t_scaled, slantperpoint = t_scaled, xheight = t_scaled, quad = t_scaled, ascender = t_scaled, descender = t_scaled, spacing = { width = t_scaled, stretch = t_scaled, shrink = t_scaled, extra = t_scaled, }, -- synonyms = { -- space = "spacing.width", -- spacestretch = "spacing.stretch", -- spaceshrink = "spacing.shrink", -- extraspace = "spacing.extra", -- x_height = "xheight", -- space_stretch = "spacing.stretch", -- space_shrink = "spacing.shrink", -- extra_space = "spacing.extra", -- em = "quad", -- ex = "xheight", -- slant = "slantperpoint", -- }, }, descriptions = { description }, characters = { character }, } data.goodies = { -- preamble name = t_string, version = t_string, comment = t_string, author = t_string, copyright = t_string, -- remapping = { tounicode = t_boolean, unicodes = { [t_string] = t_index, }, }, mathematics = { mapfiles = { t_string, }, virtuals = { [t_string] = { { name = t_string, features = t_hash, main = t_boolean, extension = t_boolean, vector = t_string, skewchar = t_unicode, parameters = t_boolean, }, }, }, italics = { [t_string] = { defaultfactor = t_float, disableengine = t_boolean, corrections = { [t_unicode] = t_float, } }, }, kerns = { [t_unicode] = { bottomright = math_kerns, topright = math_kerns, bottomleft = math_kerns, topleft = math_kerns, }, }, alternates = { [t_string] = { feature = t_hash, value = t_float, comment = t_string, }, }, variables = { [t_string] = t_value, }, parameters = { [t_string] = t_value, [t_string] = t_function, }, dimensions = { [t_string] = { [t_unicode] = { width = t_units, height = t_units, depth = t_units, xoffset = t_units, yoffset = t_units, }, }, }, }, filenames = { [t_string] = { t_string, }, }, compositions = { [t_string] = { dy = t_unit, dx = t_unit, [t_unicode] = { dy = t_unit }, [t_unicode] = { anchors = { top = { x = t_unit, y = t_unit, }, bottom = { x = t_unit, y = t_unit, }, }, }, }, }, postprocessors = { [t_string] = t_function, }, designsizes = { [t_string] = { [t_string] = t_string, default = t_string }, }, featuresets = { [t_string] = { t_string, [t_keyword] = t_value }, }, solutions = { experimental = { less = { t_string }, more = { t_string }, }, }, stylistics = { [t_string] = t_string, [t_string] = t_string, }, colorschemes = { default = { [1] = { t_string }, } }, files = { name = t_string, list = { [t_string] = { name = t_string, weight = t_string, style = t_string, width = t_string, }, }, }, typefaces = { [t_string] = { shortcut = t_string, shape = t_string, fontname = t_string, normalweight = t_string, boldweight = t_string, width = t_string, size = t_string, features = t_string, }, }, } end -- compatibility (for now) if fonts.constructors then fonts.constructors.keys = data.scaled end -- handy helpers local report = logs.reporter("fonts") function tables.savefont(specification) local method = specification.method local filename = specification.filename local fontname = specification.fontname if not method or method ~= "original" then method = "scaled" end if not filename or filename == "" then filename = "temp-font-" .. method .. ".lua" else filename = file.addsuffix(filename,"lua") end if not fontname or fontname == "" then fontname = true end if fontname == true then report("saving current font in %a",filename) elseif tonumber(fontname) then report("saving font id %a in %a",fontname,filename) fontname = tonumber(fontname) else report("saving font %a in %a",fontname,filename) tfmdata = fonts.definers.define { name = fontname } end if tfmdata then tfmdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers[tfmdata] end if not tfmdata then -- bad news elseif method == "original" then tfmdata = tfmdata.shared and tfmdata.shared.rawdata else tfmdata = { characters = tfmdata.characters, parameters = tfmdata.parameters, properties = tfmdata.properties, specification = tfmdata.specification, } end if tfmdata then table.save(filename,tfmdata) else -- os.remove(filename) report("saving font failed") end end function tables.saveoriginal(filename,specification) local tfmdata = get(specification) if tfmdata then local rawdata = tfmdata.shared and tfmdata.shared.rawdata if rawdata then table.save(filename,rawdata) end end end if context then interfaces.implement { name = "savefont", actions = tables.savefont, arguments = { { { "filename" }, { "fontname" }, { "method" }, } }, } end