if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['file-job'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to file-job.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- in retrospect dealing it's not that bad to deal with the nesting -- and push/poppign at the tex end local next, rawget, tostring, tonumber = next, rawget, tostring, tonumber local gsub, match, find = string.gsub, string.match, string.find local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat local validstring, formatters = string.valid, string.formatters local sortedhash = table.sortedhash local setmetatableindex, setmetatablenewindex = table.setmetatableindex, table.setmetatablenewindex local commands = commands local resolvers = resolvers local context = context local ctx_doifelse = commands.doifelse local implement = interfaces.implement local trace_jobfiles = false trackers.register("system.jobfiles", function(v) trace_jobfiles = v end) local report = logs.reporter("system") local report_jobfiles = logs.reporter("system", "jobfiles") local report_functions = logs.reporter("system", "functions") local texsetcount = tex.setcount local elements = interfaces.elements local constants = interfaces.constants local variables = interfaces.variables local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local nameonly = file.nameonly local suffixonly = file.suffix local basename = file.basename local addsuffix = file.addsuffix local removesuffix = file.removesuffix local dirname = file.dirname local is_qualified_path = file.is_qualified_path local cleanpath = resolvers.cleanpath local toppath = resolvers.toppath local resolveprefix = resolvers.resolve local hasscheme = url.hasscheme local jobresolvers = resolvers.jobs local registerextrapath = resolvers.registerextrapath local resetextrapaths = resolvers.resetextrapaths local getextrapaths = resolvers.getextrapath local pushextrapath = resolvers.pushextrapath local popextrapath = resolvers.popextrapath ----- v_outer = variables.outer local v_text = variables.text local v_project = variables.project local v_environment = variables.environment local v_product = variables.product local v_component = variables.component local v_yes = variables.yes -- main code .. there is some overlap .. here we have loc:// local function findctxfile(name) -- loc ? any ? if is_qualified_path(name) then -- maybe when no suffix do some test for tex return name elseif not hasscheme(name) then return resolvers.finders.byscheme("loc",name) or "" else return resolvers.findtexfile(name) or "" end end resolvers.findctxfile = findctxfile implement { name = "processfile", arguments = "string", actions = function(name) name = findctxfile(name) if name ~= "" then context.input(name) end end } implement { name = "doifelseinputfile", arguments = "string", actions = function(name) ctx_doifelse(findctxfile(name) ~= "") end } implement { name = "locatefilepath", arguments = "string", actions = function(name) context(dirname(findctxfile(name))) end } implement { name = "usepath", arguments = "string", actions = function(paths) report_jobfiles("using path: %s",paths) registerextrapath(paths) end } implement { name = "pushpath", arguments = "string", actions = function(paths) report_jobfiles("pushing path: %s",paths) pushextrapath(paths) end } implement { name = "poppath", actions = function(paths) popextrapath() report_jobfiles("popping path") end } implement { name = "usesubpath", arguments = "string", actions = function(subpaths) report_jobfiles("using subpath: %s",subpaths) registerextrapath(nil,subpaths) end } implement { name = "resetpath", actions = function() report_jobfiles("resetting path") resetextrapaths() end } implement { name = "allinputpaths", actions = function() context(concat(getextrapaths(),",")) end } implement { name = "usezipfile", arguments = "2 strings", actions = function(name,tree) if tree and tree ~= "" then resolvers.usezipfile(formatters["zip:///%s?tree=%s"](name,tree)) else resolvers.usezipfile(formatters["zip:///%s"](name)) end end } -- moved from tex to lua: local texpatterns = { "%s.mkvi", "%s.mkiv", "%s.mklx", "%s.mkxl", "%s.tex" } local luapatterns = { "%s" .. utilities.lua.suffixes.luc, "%s.lua", "%s.lmt" } local cldpatterns = { "%s.cld" } local xmlpatterns = { "%s.xml" } local uselibrary = resolvers.uselibrary local input = context.input -- status -- -- these need to be synced with input stream: local processstack = { } local processedfile = "" local processedfiles = { } implement { name = "processedfile", actions = function() context(processedfile) end } implement { name = "processedfiles", actions = function() context(concat(processedfiles,",")) end } implement { name = "dostarttextfile", arguments = "string", actions = function(name) insert(processstack,name) processedfile = name insert(processedfiles,name) end } implement { name = "dostoptextfile", actions = function() processedfile = remove(processstack) or "" end } local function startprocessing(name,notext) if not notext then -- report("begin file %a at line %a",name,status.linenumber or 0) context.dostarttextfile(name) end end local function stopprocessing(notext) if not notext then context.dostoptextfile() -- report("end file %a at line %a",name,status.linenumber or 0) end end -- local typestack = { } local currenttype = v_text local nofmissing = 0 local missing = { tex = setmetatableindex("number"), lua = setmetatableindex("number"), cld = setmetatableindex("number"), xml = setmetatableindex("number"), } local function reportfailure(kind,name) nofmissing = nofmissing + 1 missing[kind][name] = true report_jobfiles("unknown %s file %a",kind,name) end -- local function action(name,foundname) input(foundname) end local function failure(name,foundname) reportfailure("tex",name) end local function usetexfile(name,onlyonce,notext) startprocessing(name,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = texpatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } stopprocessing(notext) end local function action(name,foundname) dofile(foundname) end local function failure(name,foundname) reportfailure("lua",name) end local function useluafile(name,onlyonce,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = luapatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } end local function action(name,foundname) dofile(foundname) end local function failure(name,foundname) reportfailure("cld",name) end local function usecldfile(name,onlyonce,notext) startprocessing(name,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = cldpatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } stopprocessing(notext) end local function action(name,foundname) context.xmlprocess(foundname,"main","") end local function failure(name,foundname) reportfailure("xml",name) end local function usexmlfile(name,onlyonce,notext) startprocessing(name,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = xmlpatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } stopprocessing(notext) end local suffixes = { mkvi = usetexfile, mkiv = usetexfile, mklx = usetexfile, mkxl = usetexfile, tex = usetexfile, luc = useluafile, lua = useluafile, cld = usecldfile, xml = usexmlfile, [""] = usetexfile, } local function useanyfile(name,onlyonce) local s = suffixes[suffixonly(name)] context(function() resolvers.pushpath(name) end) if s then -- s(removesuffix(name),onlyonce) s(name,onlyonce) -- so, first with suffix, then without else usetexfile(name,onlyonce) -- e.g. ctx file -- resolvers.readfilename(name) end context(resolvers.poppath) end implement { name = "usetexfile", actions = usetexfile, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "useluafile", actions = useluafile, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "usecldfile", actions = usecldfile, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "usexmlfile", actions = usexmlfile, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "usetexfileonce", actions = usetexfile, arguments = { "string", true } } implement { name = "useluafileonce", actions = useluafile, arguments = { "string", true } } implement { name = "usecldfileonce", actions = usecldfile, arguments = { "string", true } } implement { name = "usexmlfileonce", actions = usexmlfile, arguments = { "string", true } } implement { name = "useanyfile", actions = useanyfile, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "useanyfileonce", actions = useanyfile, arguments = { "string", true } } function jobresolvers.usefile(name,onlyonce,notext) local s = suffixes[suffixonly(name)] if s then -- s(removesuffix(name),onlyonce,notext) s(name,onlyonce,notext) -- so, first with suffix, then without end end -- document structure local textlevel = 0 -- inaccessible for user, we need to define counter textlevel at the tex end local function dummyfunction() end local function startstoperror() report("invalid \\%s%s ... \\%s%s structure",elements.start,v_text,elements.stop,v_text) startstoperror = dummyfunction end local stopped local function starttext() if textlevel == 0 then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("starting text") end context.dostarttext() end textlevel = textlevel + 1 texsetcount("global","textlevel",textlevel) end local function stoptext() if not stopped then if textlevel == 0 then startstoperror() elseif textlevel > 0 then textlevel = textlevel - 1 end texsetcount("global","textlevel",textlevel) if textlevel <= 0 then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("stopping text") end context.dostoptext() stopped = true end end end implement { name = "starttext", actions = starttext } implement { name = "stoptext", actions = stoptext } implement { name = "forcequitjob", arguments = "string", actions = function(reason) if reason then report("forcing quit: %s",reason) else report("forcing quit") end context.batchmode() while textlevel >= 0 do context.stoptext() end end } implement { name = "forceendjob", actions = function() report([[don't use \end to finish a document]]) context.stoptext() end } implement { name = "autostarttext", actions = function() if textlevel == 0 then report([[auto \starttext ... \stoptext]]) end context.starttext() end } implement { name = "autostoptext", actions = stoptext } -- project structure implement { name = "processfilemany", arguments = { "string", false }, actions = useanyfile } implement { name = "processfileonce", arguments = { "string", true }, actions = useanyfile } implement { name = "processfilenone", arguments = "string", actions = dummyfunction, } local tree = { type = "text", name = "", branches = { } } local treestack = { } local top = tree.branches local root = tree local project_stack = { } local product_stack = { } local component_stack = { } local environment_stack = { } local stacks = { [v_project ] = project_stack, [v_product ] = product_stack, [v_component ] = component_stack, [v_environment] = environment_stack, } -- local function pushtree(what,name) local t = { } top[#top+1] = { type = what, name = name, branches = t } insert(treestack,top) top = t end local function poptree() top = remove(treestack) -- inspect(top) end do local function log_tree(report,top,depth) report("%s%s: %s",depth,top.type,top.name) local branches = top.branches if #branches > 0 then depth = depth .. " " for i=1,#branches do log_tree(report,branches[i],depth) end end end logs.registerfinalactions(function() root.name = environment.jobname -- logs.startfilelogging(report,"used files") log_tree(report,root,"") logs.stopfilelogging() -- if nofmissing > 0 and logs.loggingerrors() then logs.starterrorlogging(report,"missing files") for kind, list in sortedhash(missing) do for name in sortedhash(list) do report("%w%s %s",6,kind,name) end end logs.stoperrorlogging() end end) end local jobstructure = job.structure or { } job.structure = jobstructure jobstructure.collected = jobstructure.collected or { } jobstructure.tobesaved = root jobstructure.components = { } local function initialize() local function collect(root,result) local branches = root.branches if branches then for i=1,#branches do local branch = branches[i] if branch.type == "component" then result[#result+1] = branch.name end collect(branch,result) end end return result end jobstructure.components = collect(jobstructure.collected,{}) end job.register('job.structure.collected',root,initialize) -- component: small unit, either or not components itself -- product : combination of components local ctx_processfilemany = context.processfilemany local ctx_processfileonce = context.processfileonce local ctx_processfilenone = context.processfilenone -- we need a plug in the nested loaded, push pop pseudo current dir local function processfilecommon(name,action) -- experiment, might go away -- if not hasscheme(name) then -- local path = dirname(name) -- if path ~= "" then -- registerextrapath(path) -- report_jobfiles("adding search path %a",path) -- end -- end -- till here action(name) end local function processfilemany(name) processfilecommon(name,ctx_processfilemany) end local function processfileonce(name) processfilecommon(name,ctx_processfileonce) end local function processfilenone(name) processfilecommon(name,ctx_processfilenone) end local processors = utilities.storage.allocate { -- [v_outer] = { -- [v_text] = { "many", processfilemany }, -- [v_project] = { "once", processfileonce }, -- [v_environment] = { "once", processfileonce }, -- [v_product] = { "once", processfileonce }, -- [v_component] = { "many", processfilemany }, -- }, [v_text] = { [v_text] = { "many", processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "once", processfileonce }, -- dubious [v_environment] = { "once", processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "many", processfilemany }, -- dubious [v_component] = { "many", processfilemany }, }, [v_project] = { [v_text] = { "many", processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "none", processfilenone }, [v_environment] = { "once", processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "none", processfilenone }, [v_component] = { "none", processfilenone }, }, [v_environment] = { [v_text] = { "many", processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "none", processfilenone }, [v_environment] = { "once", processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "none", processfilenone }, [v_component] = { "none", processfilenone }, }, [v_product] = { [v_text] = { "many", processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "once", processfileonce }, [v_environment] = { "once", processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "many", processfilemany }, [v_component] = { "many", processfilemany }, }, [v_component] = { [v_text] = { "many", processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "once", processfileonce }, [v_environment] = { "once", processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "none", processfilenone }, [v_component] = { "many", processfilemany }, } } local start = { [v_text] = nil, [v_project] = nil, [v_environment] = context.startreadingfile, [v_product] = context.starttext, [v_component] = context.starttext, } local stop = { [v_text] = nil, [v_project] = nil, [v_environment] = context.stopreadingfile, [v_product] = context.stoptext, [v_component] = context.stoptext, } jobresolvers.processors = processors local function topofstack(what) local stack = stacks[what] return stack and stack[#stack] or environment.jobname end local function productcomponent() -- only when in product local product = product_stack[#product_stack] if product and product ~= "" then local component = component_stack[1] if component and component ~= "" then return component end end end local function justacomponent() local product = product_stack[#product_stack] if not product or product == "" then local component = component_stack[1] if component and component ~= "" then return component end end end jobresolvers.productcomponent = productcomponent jobresolvers.justacomponent = justacomponent function jobresolvers.currentproject () return topofstack(v_project ) end function jobresolvers.currentproduct () return topofstack(v_product ) end function jobresolvers.currentcomponent () return topofstack(v_component ) end function jobresolvers.currentenvironment() return topofstack(v_environment) end local done = { } local tolerant = false -- too messy, mkii user with the wrong structure should adapt local function process(what,name) local depth = #typestack local process -- name = resolveprefix(name) -- -- if not tolerant then -- okay, would be best but not compatible with mkii process = processors[currenttype][what] -- elseif depth == 0 then -- -- could be a component, product or (brr) project -- if trace_jobfiles then -- report_jobfiles("%s : %s > %s (case 1)",depth,currenttype,v_outer) -- end -- process = processors[v_outer][what] -- elseif depth == 1 and typestack[1] == v_text then -- -- we're still not doing a component or product -- if trace_jobfiles then -- report_jobfiles("%s : %s > %s (case 2)",depth,currenttype,v_outer) -- end -- process = processors[v_outer][what] -- else -- process = processors[currenttype][what] -- end if process then local method = process[1] if method == "none" then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,method,"ignoring",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end elseif method == "once" and done[name] then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,method,"skipping",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end else -- keep in mind that we also handle "once" at the file level -- so there is a double catch done[name] = true local before = start[what] local after = stop [what] if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,method,"processing",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end if before then before() end process[2](name) if after then after() end end else if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,"none","ignoring",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end end end implement { name = "useproject", actions = function(name) process(v_project, name) end, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "useenvironment", actions = function(name) process(v_environment,name) end, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "useproduct", actions = function(name) process(v_product, name) end, arguments = "string" } -- will be overloaded implement { name = "usecomponent", actions = function(name) process(v_component, name) end, arguments = "string" } -- todo: setsystemmode to currenttype -- todo: make start/stop commands at the tex end local start = { [v_project] = context.startprojectindeed, [v_product] = context.startproductindeed, [v_component] = context.startcomponentindeed, [v_environment] = context.startenvironmentindeed, } local stop = { [v_project] = context.stopprojectindeed, [v_product] = context.stopproductindeed, [v_component] = context.stopcomponentindeed, [v_environment] = context.stopenvironmentindeed, } local function gotonextlevel(what,name) -- todo: something with suffix name insert(stacks[what],name) insert(typestack,currenttype) currenttype = what pushtree(what,name) if start[what] then start[what]() end end local function gotopreviouslevel(what) if stop[what] then stop[what]() end poptree() currenttype = remove(typestack) or v_text remove(stacks[what]) -- not currenttype ... weak recovery -- context.endinput() -- does not work context.signalendofinput(what) end local function autoname(name) if name == "*" then name = nameonly(toppath() or name) end return name end implement { name = "startproject", actions = function(name) gotonextlevel(v_project, autoname(name)) end, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "startproduct", actions = function(name) gotonextlevel(v_product, autoname(name)) end, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "startcomponent", actions = function(name) gotonextlevel(v_component, autoname(name)) end, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "startenvironment", actions = function(name) gotonextlevel(v_environment,autoname(name)) end, arguments = "string" } implement { name = "stopproject", actions = function() gotopreviouslevel(v_project ) end } implement { name = "stopproduct", actions = function() gotopreviouslevel(v_product ) end } implement { name = "stopcomponent", actions = function() gotopreviouslevel(v_component ) end } implement { name = "stopenvironment", actions = function() gotopreviouslevel(v_environment) end } implement { name = "currentproject", actions = function() context(topofstack(v_project )) end } implement { name = "currentproduct", actions = function() context(topofstack(v_product )) end } implement { name = "currentcomponent", actions = function() context(topofstack(v_component )) end } implement { name = "currentenvironment", actions = function() context(topofstack(v_environment)) end } -- -- -- this will move -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- nee -- standaard -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- local report_examodes = logs.reporter("system","examodes") local function convertexamodes(str) local x = xml.convert(str) for e in xml.collected(x,"exa:variable") do local label = e.at and e.at.label if label and label ~= "" then local data = xml.text(e) local mode = match(label,"^mode:(.+)$") if mode then context.enablemode { formatters["%s:%s"](mode,data) } end context.setvariable("exa:variables",label,(gsub(data,"([{}])","\\%1"))) end end end function environment.loadexamodes(filename) if not filename or filename == "" then filename = removesuffix(tex.jobname) end filename = resolvers.findfile(addsuffix(filename,'ctm')) or "" if filename ~= "" then report_examodes("loading %a",filename) -- todo: message system convertexamodes(io.loaddata(filename)) else report_examodes("no mode file %a",filename) -- todo: message system end end implement { name = "loadexamodes", actions = environment.loadexamodes, arguments = "string" } -- changed in mtx-context -- code moved from luat-ini -- todo: locals when mtx-context is changed document = document or { arguments = allocate(), files = allocate(), variables = allocate(), -- for templates options = { commandline = { environments = allocate(), modules = allocate(), modes = allocate(), }, ctxfile = { environments = allocate(), modules = allocate(), modes = allocate(), }, }, functions = table.setmetatablenewindex(function(t,k,v) if rawget(t,k) then report_functions("overloading document function %a",k) end rawset(t,k,v) return v end), } function document.setargument(key,value) document.arguments[key] = value end function document.setdefaultargument(key,default) local v = document.arguments[key] if v == nil or v == "" then document.arguments[key] = default end end function document.setfilename(i,name) if name then document.files[tonumber(i)] = name else document.files[#document.files+1] = tostring(i) end end function document.getargument(key,default) local v = document.arguments[key] if type(v) == "boolean" then v = (v and "yes") or "no" document.arguments[key] = v end return v or default or "" end function document.getfilename(i) return document.files[tonumber(i)] or "" end implement { name = "setdocumentargument", actions = document.setargument, arguments = "2 strings" } implement { name = "setdocumentdefaultargument", actions = document.setdefaultargument, arguments = "2 strings" } implement { name = "setdocumentfilename", actions = document.setfilename, arguments = { "integer", "string" } } implement { name = "getdocumentargument", actions = { document.getargument, context }, arguments = "2 strings" } implement { name = "getdocumentfilename", actions = { document.getfilename, context }, arguments = "integer" } function document.setcommandline() -- has to happen at the tex end in order to expand -- the document[arguments|files] tables are copies local arguments = document.arguments local files = document.files local options = document.options for k, v in next, environment.arguments do k = gsub(k,"^c:","") -- already done, but better be safe than sorry if arguments[k] == nil then arguments[k] = v end end -- in the new mtx=context approach we always pass a stub file so we need to -- to trick the files table which actually only has one entry in a tex job if arguments.timing then context.usemodule { "timing" } end if arguments.usage then trackers.enable("system.usage") end if arguments.batchmode then context.batchmode(false) end if arguments.nonstopmode then context.nonstopmode(false) end if arguments.nostatistics then directives.enable("system.nostatistics") end if arguments.paranoid then context.setvalue("maxreadlevel",1) end if validstring(arguments.path) then context.usepath { arguments.path } end if arguments.export then context.setupbackend { export = v_yes } end local inputfile = validstring(arguments.input) if inputfile and dirname(inputfile) == "." and lfs.isfile(inputfile) then -- nicer in checks inputfile = basename(inputfile) end local forcedruns = arguments.forcedruns local kindofrun = arguments.kindofrun local currentrun = arguments.currentrun local maxnofruns = arguments.maxnofruns or arguments.runs -- context.setupsystem { -- [constants.directory] = validstring(arguments.setuppath), -- [constants.inputfile] = inputfile, -- [constants.file] = validstring(arguments.result), -- [constants.random] = validstring(arguments.randomseed), -- -- old: -- [constants.n] = validstring(kindofrun), -- [constants.m] = validstring(currentrun), -- } context.setupsystem { directory = validstring(arguments.setuppath), inputfile = inputfile, file = validstring(arguments.result), random = validstring(arguments.randomseed), -- old: n = validstring(kindofrun), m = validstring(currentrun), } forcedruns = tonumber(forcedruns) or 0 kindofrun = tonumber(kindofrun) or 0 maxnofruns = tonumber(maxnofruns) or 0 currentrun = tonumber(currentrun) or 0 local prerollrun = forcedruns > 0 and currentrun > 0 and currentrun < forcedruns environment.forcedruns = forcedruns environment.kindofrun = kindofrun environment.maxnofruns = maxnofruns environment.currentrun = currentrun environment.prerollrun = prerollrun context.setconditional("prerollrun",prerollrun) if validstring(arguments.arguments) then context.setupenv { arguments.arguments } end if arguments.once then directives.enable("system.runonce") end if arguments.noarrange then context.setuparranging { variables.disable } end -- local commandline = options.commandline commandline.environments = table.append(commandline.environments,settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.environment))) commandline.modules = table.append(commandline.modules, settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.usemodule))) commandline.modes = table.append(commandline.modes, settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.mode))) -- if #files == 0 then local list = settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.files)) if list and #list > 0 then files = list end end if #files == 0 then files = { validstring(arguments.input) } end -- document.arguments = arguments document.files = files end -- commandline wins over ctxfile local function apply(list,action) if list then for i=1,#list do action { list[i] } end end end function document.setmodes() -- was setup: *runtime:modes apply(document.options.ctxfile .modes,context.enablemode) apply(document.options.commandline.modes,context.enablemode) end function document.setmodules() -- was setup: *runtime:modules apply(document.options.ctxfile .modules,context.usemodule) apply(document.options.commandline.modules,context.usemodule) end function document.setenvironments() -- was setup: *runtime:environments apply(document.options.ctxfile .environments,context.environment) apply(document.options.commandline.environments,context.environment) end function document.setfilenames() local initialize = environment.initializefilenames if initialize then initialize() else -- fatal error end end implement { name = "setdocumentcommandline", actions = document.setcommandline, onlyonce = true } implement { name = "setdocumentmodes", actions = document.setmodes, onlyonce = true } implement { name = "setdocumentmodules", actions = document.setmodules, onlyonce = true } implement { name = "setdocumentenvironments", actions = document.setenvironments, onlyonce = true } implement { name = "setdocumentfilenames", actions = document.setfilenames, onlyonce = true } do logs.registerfinalactions(function() local foundintrees = resolvers.foundintrees() if #foundintrees > 0 then logs.startfilelogging(report,"used files") for i=1,#foundintrees do report("%4i: % T",i,foundintrees[i]) end logs.stopfilelogging() end end) logs.registerfinalactions(function() local files = document.files -- or environment.files local arguments = document.arguments -- or environment.arguments -- logs.startfilelogging(report,"commandline options") if arguments and next(arguments) then for argument, value in sortedhash(arguments) do report("%s=%A",argument,value) end else report("no arguments") end logs.stopfilelogging() -- logs.startfilelogging(report,"commandline files") if files and #files > 0 then for i=1,#files do report("% 4i: %s",i,files[i]) end else report("no files") end logs.stopfilelogging() end) end if environment.initex then logs.registerfinalactions(function() local startfilelogging = logs.startfilelogging local stopfilelogging = logs.stopfilelogging startfilelogging(report,"stored tables") for k,v in sortedhash(storage.data) do report("%03i %s",k,v[1]) end stopfilelogging() startfilelogging(report,"stored modules") for k,v in sortedhash(lua.bytedata) do report("%03i %s %s",k,v.name) end stopfilelogging() startfilelogging(report,"stored attributes") for k,v in sortedhash(attributes.names) do report("%03i %s",k,v) end stopfilelogging() startfilelogging(report,"stored catcodetables") for k,v in sortedhash(catcodes.names) do report("%03i % t",k,v) end stopfilelogging() startfilelogging(report,"stored corenamespaces") for k,v in sortedhash(interfaces.corenamespaces) do report("%03i %s",k,v) end stopfilelogging() end) end implement { name = "doifelsecontinuewithfile", arguments = "string", actions = function(inpname,basetoo) local inpnamefull = addsuffix(inpname,"tex") local inpfilefull = addsuffix(environment.inputfilename,"tex") local continue = inpnamefull == inpfilefull -- if basetoo and not continue then if not continue then continue = inpnamefull == basename(inpfilefull) end if continue then report("continuing input file %a",inpname) end ctx_doifelse(continue) end }