% language=uk \usemodule[art-01,abr-01] \starttext \subject {On the agenda} \subsubject{\LUATEX} \startitemize \startitem head||tail cleanup in disc nodes (get rid of temp i.e.\ delay till linebreak) \stopitem \startitem cleanup passive nodes \stopitem \startitem optimize some callback resolution (more direct) \stopitem \startitem add \type {--output-filename} for \PDF\ filename \stopitem \startitem more consistent \type {lang_variables} and \type {tex_language} in \type {texlang.w} and also store the \type {*mins} \stopitem \startitem get rid of \type {temp} node in hyphenator i.e. postpone to when needed \stopitem \stopitemize \subsubject{\CONTEXT} \startitemize \startitem play with par callback and properties \stopitem \startitem get rid of components \stopitem \startitem play with box attributes \stopitem \startitem check consistency between footnotes and running text (main color, styles, properties) \stopitem \startitem redo some of the spacing (adapt to improvements in engine) \stopitem \startitem reorganize position data (more subtables) \stopitem \startitem use \type {\matheqnogapstep}, \type {\Ustack}, \type {\mathscriptsmode}, \ \type {\mathdisplayskipmode} and other new math primitives \stopitem \stopitemize \vfill {\em Feel free to suggest additions.} \stoptext % also check components and pre|post|replace in math-tag % new: ... ...