%D \module
%D   [       file=back-ini,
%D        version=2009.04.15,
%D          title=\CONTEXT\ Backend Macros,
%D       subtitle=Initialization,
%D         author=Hans Hagen,
%D           date=\currentdate,
%D      copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.

%D Most will go away here as it is replaced by \LUA\ calls to
%D backend functions.

\writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Backend Macros / Initialization}


%D We currently have a curious mix between tex and lua backend
%D handling but eventually most will move to lua.


\ifdefined\everybackendshipout       \else \newtoks\everybackendshipout       \fi
\ifdefined\everylastbackendshipout   \else \newtoks\everylastbackendshipout   \fi
\ifdefined\everybackendlastinshipout \else \newtoks\everybackendlastinshipout \fi % e.g. finalize via latelua

%D Right from the start \CONTEXT\ had a backend system based on
%D runtime pluggable code. As most backend issues involved specials
%D and since postprocessors had not that much in common, we ended up
%D with a system where we could switch backend as well as output code
%D for multiple backends at the same time.
%D Because \LUATEX\ has the backend built in, and since some backend
%D issues have been moved to the frontend I decided to provide new
%D backend code for \MKIV, starting with what was actually used.
%D At this moment \DVI\ is no longer used for advanced document
%D output and we therefore dropped support for this format. Future
%D versions might support more backends again, but this has a low
%D priority.
%D Not everything here makes sense and the content of this file will
%D definitely change (or even go away).

\let \dostartrotation   \gobbleoneargument
\let \dostoprotation    \donothing
\let \dostartscaling    \gobbletwoarguments
\let \dostopscaling     \donothing
\let \dostartmirroring  \donothing
\let \dostopmirroring   \donothing
\let \dotransformnextbox\gobblesixarguments % and pass last box

%D \macros
%D   {back_ovalbox}
%D When we look at the implementation, this is a complicated
%D one. There are seven arguments.
%D \starttyping
%D \back_ovalbox {w} {h} {d} {linewidth} {radius} {stroke} {fill} {variant}
%D \stoptyping
%D This command has to return a \type{\vbox} which can be used
%D to lay over another one (with text). The radius is in
%D degrees, the stroke and fill are~\type{1} (true) of~\type{0}
%D (false).

\let\back_ovalbox \gobbleeightarguments

%D \macros
%D   {dostartclipping,dostopclipping}
%D Clipping is implemented in such a way that an arbitrary code
%D can be fed.
%D \starttyping
%D \dostartclipping {pathname} {width} {height}
%D \dostopclipping
%D \stoptyping

\let \dostartclipping \gobblethreearguments
\let \dostopclipping  \donothing

%D \macros
%D   {jobsuffix}
%D By default, \TEX\ produces \DVI\ files which can be
%D converted to other filetypes. Sometimes it is handy to
%D know what the target file will be. In other driver
%D modules we wil set \type {\jobsuffix} to \type {pdf}.

%D Backend configuration:


\installsetuponlycommandhandler \??backend {backend}


\unexpanded\def\back_job_set_suffix#1% % checking could happen in mode
   \ifx\jobsuffix\empty\else\setsystemmode  \jobsuffix\fi}

\back_job_set_suffix{pdf} % default

% \setupbackend[space=yes] % replace spacing in (pdf) file

\to \everysetupbackend

%D For older styles:


\protect \endinput