if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['m-markdown'] = { version = 1.002, comment = "companion to m-markdown.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "see below", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ Copyright (C) 2009 John MacFarlane / Khaled Hosny / Hans Hagen The main parser is derived from the lunamark parser written by John MacFarlane. You can download lunamark from: http://github.com/jgm/lunamark.git Khaled Hosny provided the context writer for lunamark and that was used as starting point for the mapping. The original code can be fetched from the above location. While playing with the original code I got the feeling that lpeg could perform better. The slowdown was due to the fact that the parser's lpeg was reconstructed each time a nested parse was needed. After changing that code a bit I could bring down parsing of some test code from 2 seconds to less than 0.1 second so I decided to stick to this parser instead of writing my own. After all, the peg code looks pretty impressive and visiting Johns pandoc pages is worth the effort: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/ The code here is mostly meant for processing snippets embedded in a context documents and is no replacement for pandoc at all. Therefore an alternative is to use pandoc in combination with Aditya's filter module. As I changed (and optimized) the original code, it will be clear that all errors are mine. Eventually I might also adapt the parser code a bit more. When I ran into of closure stack limitations I decided to flatten the code. The following implementation seems to be a couple of hundred times faster than what I started with which is not that bad. This is a second rewrite. The mentioned speed gain largely depended on the kind of content: blocks, references and items can be rather demanding. Also, There were some limitations with respect to the captures. So, table storage has been removed in favor of strings, and nesting has been simplified. The first example at the end of this file now takes .33 seconds for 567KB code (resulting in over 1MB) so we're getting there. There will be a third rewrite eventually. ]]-- -- todo: we have better quote and tag scanners in ctx -- todo: provide an xhtml mapping -- todo: add a couple of extensions -- todo: check patches to the real peg local type, next, tonumber = type, next, tonumber local lower, upper, gsub, rep, gmatch, format, length = string.lower, string.upper, string.gsub, string.rep, string.gmatch, string.format, string.len local concat = table.concat local P, R, S, V, C, Ct, Cg, Cb, Cmt, Cc, Cf, Cs = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cs local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local utfbyte, utfchar = utf.byte, utf.char moduledata = moduledata or { } moduledata.markdown = moduledata.markdown or { } local markdown = moduledata.markdown local nofruns, nofbytes, nofhtmlblobs = 0, 0, 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local nestedparser local syntax nestedparser = function(str) return lpegmatch(syntax,str) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local asterisk = P("*") local dash = P("-") local plus = P("+") local underscore = P("_") local period = P(".") local hash = P("#") local ampersand = P("&") local backtick = P("`") local less = P("<") local more = P(">") local space = P(" ") local squote = P("'") local dquote = P('"') local lparent = P("(") local rparent = P(")") local lbracket = P("[") local rbracket = P("]") local slash = P("/") local equal = P("=") local colon = P(":") local semicolon = P(";") local exclamation = P("!") local digit = R("09") local hexdigit = R("09","af","AF") local alphanumeric = R("AZ","az","09") local doubleasterisks = P("**") local doubleunderscores = P("__") local fourspaces = P(" ") local any = P(1) local always = P("") local tab = P("\t") local spacechar = S("\t ") local spacing = S(" \n\r\t") local newline = P("\r")^-1 * P("\n") local spaceornewline = spacechar + newline local nonspacechar = any - spaceornewline local optionalspace = spacechar^0 local spaces = spacechar^1 local eof = - any local nonindentspace = space^-3 local blankline = optionalspace * C(newline) local blanklines = blankline^0 local skipblanklines = (optionalspace * newline)^0 local linechar = P(1 - newline) local indent = fourspaces + (nonindentspace * tab) / "" local indentedline = indent /"" * C(linechar^1 * (newline + eof)) local optionallyindentedline = indent^-1 /"" * C(linechar^1 * (newline + eof)) local spnl = optionalspace * (newline * optionalspace)^-1 local specialchar = S("*_`*&[] -- [3]:http://example.com/ (Optional Title Here) -- [2]: http://example.com/ 'Optional Title Here' -- [a]: http://example.com/ "Optional *oeps* Title Here" -- ]] -- -- local linktest = [[ -- [This link] (http://example.net/) -- [an example] (http://example.com/ "Title") -- [an example][1] -- [an example] [2] -- ]] -- -- lpeg.match((define_reference_parser+1)^0,reftest) -- -- inspect(references) -- -- lpeg.match((direct_link_parser/print + indirect_link_parser/print + 1)^0,linktest) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local blocktags = table.tohash { "address", "blockquote" , "center", "dir", "div", "p", "pre", "li", "ol", "ul", "dl", "dd", "form", "fieldset", "isindex", "menu", "noframes", "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "ht", "script", "noscript", "table", "tbody", "tfoot", "thead", "th", "td", "tr", } ----- htmlattributevalue = squote * C((any - (blankline + squote))^0) * squote ----- + dquote * C((any - (blankline + dquote))^0) * dquote ----- + (any - S("\t >"))^1 -- any - tab - space - more ----- htmlattribute = (alphanumeric + S("_-"))^1 * spnl * (equal * spnl * htmlattributevalue)^-1 * spnl ----- htmlcomment = P(""))^0 * P("-->") ----- htmltag = less * spnl * slash^-1 * alphanumeric^1 * spnl * htmlattribute^0 * slash^-1 * spnl * more ----- ----- blocktag = Cmt(C(alphanumeric^1), function(s,i,a) return blocktags[lower(a)] and i, a end) ----- ----- openblocktag = less * Cg(blocktag, "opentag") * spnl * htmlattribute^0 * more ----- closeblocktag = less * slash * Cmt(C(alphanumeric^1) * Cb("opentag"), function(s,i,a,b) return lower(a) == lower(b) and i end) * spnl * more ----- selfclosingblocktag = less * blocktag * spnl * htmlattribute^0 * slash * more ----- ----- displayhtml = Cs { "HtmlBlock", ----- InBlockTags = openblocktag * (V("HtmlBlock") + (any - closeblocktag))^0 * closeblocktag, ----- HtmlBlock = C(V("InBlockTags") + selfclosingblocktag + htmlcomment), ----- } ----- ----- inlinehtml = Cs(htmlcomment + htmltag) -- There is no reason to support crappy html, so we expect proper attributes. local htmlattributevalue = squote * C((any - (blankline + squote))^0) * squote + dquote * C((any - (blankline + dquote))^0) * dquote local htmlattribute = (alphanumeric + S("_-"))^1 * spnl * equal * spnl * htmlattributevalue * spnl local htmlcomment = P(""))^0 * P("-->") local htmlinstruction = P("" ))^0 * P("?>" ) -- We don't care too much about matching elements and there is no reason why display elements could not -- have inline elements so the above should be patched then. Well, markdown mixed with html is not meant -- for anything else than webpages anyway. local blocktag = Cmt(C(alphanumeric^1), function(s,i,a) return blocktags[lower(a)] and i, a end) local openelement = less * alphanumeric^1 * spnl * htmlattribute^0 * more local closeelement = less * slash * alphanumeric^1 * spnl * more local emptyelement = less * alphanumeric^1 * spnl * htmlattribute^0 * slash * more local displaytext = (any - less)^1 local inlinetext = displaytext / nestedparser local displayhtml = #(less * blocktag * spnl * htmlattribute^0 * more) * Cs { "HtmlBlock", InBlockTags = openelement * (V("HtmlBlock") + displaytext)^0 * closeelement, HtmlBlock = (V("InBlockTags") + emptyelement + htmlcomment + htmlinstruction), } local inlinehtml = Cs { "HtmlBlock", InBlockTags = openelement * (V("HtmlBlock") + inlinetext)^0 * closeelement, HtmlBlock = (V("InBlockTags") + emptyelement + htmlcomment + htmlinstruction), } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local hexentity = ampersand * hash * S("Xx") * C(hexdigit ^1) * semicolon local decentity = ampersand * hash * C(digit ^1) * semicolon local tagentity = ampersand * C(alphanumeric^1) * semicolon --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --[[ local escaped = { ["{" ] = "", ["}" ] = "", ["$" ] = "", ["&" ] = "", ["#" ] = "", ["~" ] = "", ["|" ] = "", ["%%"] = "", ["\\"] = "", } for k, v in next, escaped do escaped[k] = "\\char" .. utfbyte(k) .. "{}" end local function c_string(s) -- has to be done more often return (gsub(s,".",escaped)) end local c_linebreak = "\\crlf\n" -- is this ok? local c_space = " " local function c_paragraph(c) return c .. "\n\n" -- { "\\startparagraph ", c, " \\stopparagraph\n" } end local function listitem(c) return format("\n\\startitem\n%s\n\\stopitem\n",nestedparser(c)) end local function c_tightbulletlist(c) return format("\n\\startmarkdownitemize[packed]\n%s\\stopmarkdownitemize\n",c) end local function c_loosebulletlist(c) return format("\n\\startmarkdownitemize\n\\stopmarkdownitemize\n",c) end local function c_tightorderedlist(c) return format("\n\\startmarkdownitemize[n,packed]\n%s\\stopmarkdownitemize\n",c) end local function c_looseorderedlist(c) return format("\n\\startmarkdownitemize[n]\n%s\\stopmarkdownitemize\n",c) end local function c_inline_html(content) nofhtmlblobs = nofhtmlblobs + 1 return format("\\markdowninlinehtml{%s}",content) end local function c_display_html(content) nofhtmlblobs = nofhtmlblobs + 1 return format("\\startmarkdowndisplayhtml\n%s\n\\stopmarkdowndisplayhtml",content) end local function c_emphasis(c) return format("\\markdownemphasis{%s}",c) end local function c_strong(c) return format("\\markdownstrong{%s}",c) end local function c_blockquote(c) return format("\\startmarkdownblockquote\n%s\\stopmarkdownblockquote\n",nestedparser(c)) end local function c_verbatim(c) return format("\\startmarkdowntyping\n%s\\stopmarkdowntyping\n",c) end local function c_code(c) return format("\\markdowntype{%s}",c) end local levels = { "", "", "", "", "", "" } local function c_start_document() levels = { "", "", "", "", "", "" } return "" end local function c_stop_document() return concat(levels,"\n") or "" end local function c_heading(level,c) if level > #levels then level = #levels end local finish = concat(levels,"\n",level) or "" for i=level+1,#levels do levels[i] = "" end levels[level] = "\\stopstructurelevel" return format("%s\\startstructurelevel[markdown][title={%s}]\n",finish,c) end local function c_hrule() return "\\markdownrule\n" end local function c_link(lab,src,tit) return format("\\goto{%s}[url(%s)]",nestedparser(lab),src) end local function c_image(lab,src,tit) return format("\\externalfigure[%s]",src) end local function c_email_link(address) return format("\\goto{%s}[url(mailto:%s)]",c_string(address),address) end local function c_url_link(url) return format("\\goto{%s}[url(%s)]",c_string(url),url) end local function f_heading(c,n) return c_heading(n,c) end local function c_hex_entity(s) return utfchar(tonumber(s,16)) end local function c_dec_entity(s) return utfchar(tonumber(s)) end local function c_tag_entity(s) return s -- we can use the default resolver end --]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ local escaped = { ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ["&"] = "&", ['"'] = """, } local function c_string(s) -- has to be done more often return (gsub(s,".",escaped)) end local c_linebreak = "
" local c_space = " " local function c_paragraph(c) return format("


\n", c) end local function listitem(c) return format("
  • %s
  • ",nestedparser(c)) end local function c_tightbulletlist(c) return format("\n",c) end local function c_loosebulletlist(c) return format("\n",c) end local function c_tightorderedlist(c) return format("
    \n",c) end local function c_looseorderedlist(c) return format("
    \n",c) end local function c_inline_html(content) nofhtmlblobs = nofhtmlblobs + 1 return content end local function c_display_html(content) nofhtmlblobs = nofhtmlblobs + 1 return format("\n%s\n",content) end local function c_emphasis(c) return format("%s",c) end local function c_strong(c) return format("%s",c) end local function c_blockquote(c) return format("
    ",nestedparser(c)) end local function c_verbatim(c) return format("
    ",c) end local function c_code(c) return format("%s",c) end local c_start_document = "" local c_stop_document = "" local function c_heading(level,c) return format("%s\n",level,c,level) end local function c_hrule() return "
    \n" end local function c_link(lab,src,tit) local titattr = #tit > 0 and format(" title=%q",tit) or "" return format("%s",src,titattr,nestedparser(lab)) end local function c_image(lab,src,tit) return format("%s",src,tit,nestedparser(lab)) end local function c_email_link(address) return format("%s","mailto:",address,c_escape(address)) end local function c_url_link(url) return format("%s",url,c_string(url)) end local function f_heading(c,n) return c_heading(n,c) end local function c_hex_entity(s) return utfchar(tonumber(s,16)) end local function c_dec_entity(s) return utfchar(tonumber(s)) end local function c_tag_entity(s) return format("&%s;",s) end --]] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Str = normalchar^1 / c_string local Space = spacechar^1 / c_space local Symbol = specialchar / c_string local Code = inticks / c_code local HeadingStart = C(hash * hash^-5) / length local HeadingStop = optionalspace * hash^0 * optionalspace * newline * blanklines local HeadingLevel = equal^3 * Cc(1) + dash ^3 * Cc(2) local NormalEndline = optionalspace * newline * -( blankline + more + HeadingStart + ( line * (P("===")^3 + P("---")^3) * newline ) ) / c_space local LineBreak = P(" ") * NormalEndline / c_linebreak local TerminalEndline = optionalspace * newline * eof / "" local Endline = LineBreak + TerminalEndline + NormalEndline local AutoLinkUrl = less * C(alphanumeric^1 * P("://") * (any - (newline + more))^1) * more / c_url_link local AutoLinkEmail = less * C((alphanumeric + S("-_+"))^1 * P("@") * (any - (newline + more))^1) * more / c_email_link local DirectLink = direct_link_parser / c_link local IndirectLink = indirect_link_parser / c_link local ImageLink = exclamation * (direct_link_parser + indirect_link_parser) / c_image -- we can combine this with image ... smaller lpeg local UlOrStarLine = asterisk^4 + underscore^4 + (spaces * S("*_")^1 * #spaces) / c_string local EscapedChar = P("\\") * C(P(1 - newline)) / c_string local InlineHtml = inlinehtml / c_inline_html local DisplayHtml = displayhtml / c_display_html local HtmlEntity = hexentity / c_hex_entity + decentity / c_dec_entity + tagentity / c_tag_entity local NestedList = Cs(optionallyindentedline - (bullet + enumerator))^1 / nestedparser local ListBlockLine = -blankline * -(indent^-1 * (bullet + enumerator)) * optionallyindentedline local Verbatim = Cs(blanklines * (indentedline - blankline)^1) / c_verbatim * (blankline^1 + eof) -- not really needed, probably capture trailing? we can do that beforehand local Blockquote = Cs(( ((nonindentspace * more * space^-1)/"" * linechar^0 * newline)^1 * ((linechar - blankline)^1 * newline)^0 * blankline^0 )^1) / c_blockquote local HorizontalRule = (lineof_asterisks + lineof_dashes + lineof_underscores) / c_hrule local Reference = define_reference_parser / "" -- could be a mini grammar local ListBlock = line * ListBlockLine^0 local ListContinuationBlock = blanklines * indent * ListBlock local ListItem = Cs(ListBlock * (NestedList + ListContinuationBlock^0)) / listitem ---- LeadingLines = blankline^0 / "" ---- TrailingLines = blankline^1 * #(any) / "\n" syntax = Cs { "Document", Document = V("Display")^0, Display = blankline -- ^1/"\n" + Blockquote + Verbatim + Reference + HorizontalRule + HeadingStart * optionalspace * Cs((V("Inline") - HeadingStop)^1) * HeadingStop / c_heading + Cs((V("Inline") - Endline)^1) * newline * HeadingLevel * newline * blanklines / f_heading + Cs((bullet /"" * ListItem)^1) * blanklines * -bullet / c_tightbulletlist + Cs((bullet /"" * ListItem * C(blanklines))^1) / c_loosebulletlist + Cs((enumerator /"" * ListItem)^1) * blanklines * -enumerator / c_tightorderedlist + Cs((enumerator /"" * ListItem * C(blanklines))^1) / c_looseorderedlist + DisplayHtml + nonindentspace * Cs(V("Inline")^1)* newline * blankline^1 / c_paragraph + V("Inline")^1, Inline = Str + Space + Endline + UlOrStarLine -- still needed ? + doubleasterisks * -spaceornewline * Cs((V("Inline") - doubleasterisks )^1) * doubleasterisks / c_strong + doubleunderscores * -spaceornewline * Cs((V("Inline") - doubleunderscores)^1) * doubleunderscores / c_strong + asterisk * -spaceornewline * Cs((V("Inline") - asterisk )^1) * asterisk / c_emphasis + underscore * -spaceornewline * Cs((V("Inline") - underscore )^1) * underscore / c_emphasis + ImageLink + DirectLink + IndirectLink + AutoLinkUrl + AutoLinkEmail + Code + InlineHtml + HtmlEntity + EscapedChar + Symbol, } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function convert(str) nofruns = nofruns + 1 nofbytes = nofbytes + #str statistics.starttiming(markdown) referenceparser(str) local result = c_start_document() .. nestedparser(str) .. c_stop_document() statistics.stoptiming(markdown) return result end markdown.convert = convert function markdown.typesetstring(data) if data and data ~= "" then local result = convert(data) context.viafile(result) end end function markdown.typesetbuffer(name) markdown.typesetstring(buffers.getcontent(name)) end function markdown.typesetfile(name) local fullname = resolvers.findctxfile(name) if fullname and fullname ~= "" then markdown.typesetstring(io.loaddata(fullname)) end end statistics.register("markdown",function() if nofruns > 0 then return format("%s bytes converted, %s runs, %s html blobs, %s seconds used", nofbytes, nofruns, nofhtmlblobs, statistics.elapsedtime(markdown)) end end) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --~ context.starttext() --~ moduledata.markdown.convert(str) --~ context.stoptext() if not tex.jobname then local one = [[ Test *123* ========== BOLD *BOLD* BOLD
    * Test ** Test * Test1 * Test2 * Test Test ==== > test > test **123** *123* > test `code` test Test ==== > test > test > test test oeps more code code oeps [an example][a] [an example] [2] [a]: http://example.com/ "Optional *oeps* Title Here" [2]: http://example.com/ 'Optional Title Here' [3]: http://example.com/ (Optional Title Here) [an example][a] [an example] [2] [an [tricky] example](http://example.com/ "Title") [This **xx** link](http://example.net/) ]] -- This snippet takes some 4 seconds in the original parser (the one that is -- a bit clearer from the perspective of grammars but somewhat messy with -- respect to the captures. In the above parser it takes .1 second. Also, -- in the later case only memory is the limit. local two = [[ Test ==== * Test ** Test * Test ** Test * Test Test ==== > test > test > test test Test ==== > test > test > test test ]] local function test(str) local n = 1 -- 000 local t = os.clock() local one = convert(str) -- print("runtime",1,#str,#one,os.clock()-t) str = string.rep(str,n) local t = os.clock() local two = convert(str) print(two) -- print("runtime",n,#str,#two,os.clock()-t) -- print(format("==============\n%s\n==============",one)) end -- test(one) -- test(two) -- test(io.read("*all")) end