if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-tmp'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } --[[ldx--

This module deals with caching data. It sets up the paths and implements loaders and savers for tables. Best is to set the following variable. When not set, the usual paths will be checked. Personally I prefer the (users) temporary path.


Currently we do no locking when we write files. This is no real problem because most caching involves fonts and the chance of them being written at the same time is small. We also need to extend luatools with a recache feature.

--ldx]]-- caches = caches or { } dir = dir or { } texmf = texmf or { } caches.path = caches.path or nil caches.base = caches.base or "luatex-cache" caches.more = caches.more or "context" caches.direct = false -- true is faster but may need huge amounts of memory caches.trace = false caches.tree = false caches.paths = caches.paths or nil caches.force = false input.usecache = not toboolean(os.getenv("TEXMFSHARECACHE") or "false",true) -- true function caches.temp(instance) local function checkpath(cachepath) if not cachepath or cachepath == "" then return nil elseif lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") == "directory" then -- lfs.isdir(cachepath) then return cachepath elseif caches.force or io.ask(string.format("Should I create the cache path %s?",cachepath), "no", { "yes", "no" }) == "yes" then dir.mkdirs(cachepath) return (lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") == "directory") and cachepath else return nil end end local cachepath = input.expanded_path_list(instance,"TEXMFCACHE") cachepath = cachepath and #cachepath > 0 and checkpath(cachepath[1]) if not cachepath then cachepath = os.getenv("TEXMFCACHE") or os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv("HOMEPATH") or os.getenv("TMP") or os.getenv("TEMP") or os.getenv("TMPDIR") or nil cachepath = checkpath(cachepath) end if not cachepath then print("\nfatal error: there is no valid cache path defined\n") os.exit() elseif lfs.attributes(cachepath,"mode") ~= "directory" then print(string.format("\nfatal error: cache path %s is not a directory\n",cachepath)) os.exit() end function caches.temp(instance) return cachepath end return cachepath end function caches.configpath(instance) return table.concat(instance.cnffiles,";") end function caches.hashed(tree) return md5.hex((tree:lower()):gsub("[\\\/]+","/")) end function caches.treehash(instance) local tree = caches.configpath(instance) if not tree or tree == "" then return false else return caches.hashed(tree) end end function caches.setpath(instance,...) if not caches.path then if not caches.path then caches.path = caches.temp(instance) end caches.path = input.clean_path(caches.path) -- to be sure if lfs then caches.tree = caches.tree or caches.treehash(instance) if caches.tree then caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more,caches.tree) else caches.path = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,caches.base,caches.more) end end end if not caches.path then caches.path = '.' end caches.path = input.clean_path(caches.path) if lfs and not table.is_empty({...}) then local pth = dir.mkdirs(caches.path,...) return pth end caches.path = dir.expand_name(caches.path) return caches.path end function caches.definepath(instance,category,subcategory) return function() return caches.setpath(instance,category,subcategory) end end function caches.setluanames(path,name) return path .. "/" .. name .. ".tma", path .. "/" .. name .. ".tmc" end function caches.loaddata(path,name) local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(path,name) local loader = loadfile(tmcname) or loadfile(tmaname) if loader then return loader() else return false end end function caches.is_writable(filepath,filename) local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename) return file.is_writable(tmaname) end function caches.savedata(filepath,filename,data,raw) -- raw needed for file cache local tmaname, tmcname = caches.setluanames(filepath,filename) local reduce, simplify = true, true if raw then reduce, simplify = false, false end if caches.direct then file.savedata(tmaname, table.serialize(data,'return',true,true)) else table.tofile(tmaname, data,'return',true,true) -- maybe not the last true end utils.lua.compile(tmaname, tmcname, input.expand_var(texmf.instance,'PURGECACHE') == 't') end -- here we use the cache for format loading (texconfig.[formatname|jobname]) --~ if tex and texconfig and texconfig.formatname and texconfig.formatname == "" then if tex and texconfig and (not texconfig.formatname or texconfig.formatname == "") and texmf.instance then if not texconfig.luaname then texconfig.luaname = "cont-en.lua" end -- or luc texconfig.formatname = caches.setpath(texmf.instance,"formats") .. "/" .. texconfig.luaname:gsub("%.lu.$",".fmt") end --[[ldx--

Once we found ourselves defining similar cache constructs several times, containers were introduced. Containers are used to collect tables in memory and reuse them when possible based on (unique) hashes (to be provided by the calling function).

Caching to disk is disabled by default. Version numbers are stored in the saved table which makes it possible to change the table structures without bothering about the disk cache.

Examples of usage can be found in the font related code.

--ldx]]-- containers = { } containers.trace = false do -- local report local function report(container,tag,name) if caches.trace or containers.trace or container.trace then logs.report(string.format("%s cache",container.subcategory),string.format("%s: %s",tag,name or 'invalid')) end end local allocated = { } -- tracing function containers.define(category, subcategory, version, enabled) return function() if category and subcategory then local c = allocated[category] if not c then c = { } allocated[category] = c end local s = c[subcategory] if not s then s = { category = category, subcategory = subcategory, storage = { }, enabled = enabled, version = version or 1.000, trace = false, path = caches.setpath(texmf.instance,category,subcategory), } c[subcategory] = s end return s else return nil end end end function containers.is_usable(container, name) return container.enabled and caches.is_writable(container.path, name) end function containers.is_valid(container, name) if name and name ~= "" then local storage = container.storage[name] return storage and not table.is_empty(storage) and storage.cache_version == container.version else return false end end function containers.read(container,name) if container.enabled and not container.storage[name] then container.storage[name] = caches.loaddata(container.path,name) if containers.is_valid(container,name) then report(container,"loaded",name) else container.storage[name] = nil end end if container.storage[name] then report(container,"reusing",name) end return container.storage[name] end function containers.write(container, name, data) if data then data.cache_version = container.version if container.enabled then local unique, shared = data.unique, data.shared data.unique, data.shared = nil, nil caches.savedata(container.path, name, data) report(container,"saved",name) data.unique, data.shared = unique, shared end report(container,"stored",name) container.storage[name] = data end return data end function containers.content(container,name) return container.storage[name] end end -- since we want to use the cache instead of the tree, we will now -- reimplement the saver. local save_data = input.aux.save_data input.cachepath = nil function input.aux.save_data(instance, dataname, check) input.cachepath = input.cachepath or caches.definepath(instance,"trees") save_data(instance, dataname, check, function(cachename,dataname) if input.usecache then return file.join(input.cachepath(),caches.hashed(cachename)) else return file.join(cachename,dataname) end end) end local load_data = input.aux.load_data function input.aux.load_data(instance,pathname,dataname,filename) input.cachepath = input.cachepath or caches.definepath(instance,"trees") load_data(instance,pathname,dataname,filename,function(dataname,filename) if input.usecache then return file.join(input.cachepath(),caches.hashed(pathname)) else if not filename or (filename == "") then filename = dataname end return file.join(pathname,filename) end end) end -- we will make a better format, maybe something xml or just text or lua input.automounted = input.automounted or { } function input.automount(instance,usecache) local mountpaths = input.simplified_list(input.expansion(instance,'TEXMFMOUNT')) if table.is_empty(mountpaths) and usecache then mountpaths = { caches.setpath(instance,"mount") } end if not table.is_empty(mountpaths) then input.starttiming(instance) for k, root in pairs(mountpaths) do local f = io.open(root.."/url.tmi") if f then for line in f:lines() do if line then if line:find("^[%%#%-]") then -- or %W -- skip elseif line:find("^zip://") then input.report("mounting",line) table.insert(input.automounted,line) input.usezipfile(instance,line) end end end f:close() end end input.stoptiming(instance) end end -- store info in format input.storage = { } input.storage.data = { } input.storage.min = 0 -- 500 input.storage.max = input.storage.min - 1 input.storage.trace = false -- true input.storage.done = 0 input.storage.evaluators = { } -- (evaluate,message,names) function input.storage.register(...) input.storage.data[#input.storage.data+1] = { ... } end function input.storage.evaluate(name) input.storage.evaluators[#input.storage.evaluators+1] = name end function input.storage.finalize() -- we can prepend the string with "evaluate:" for _, t in ipairs(input.storage.evaluators) do for i, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "string" then t[i] = loadstring(v)() elseif type(v) == "table" then for _, vv in pairs(v) do if type(vv) == "string" then t[i] = loadstring(vv)() end end end end end end function input.storage.dump() for name, data in ipairs(input.storage.data) do local evaluate, message, original, target = data[1], data[2], data[3] ,data[4] local name, initialize, finalize, code = nil, "", "", "" for str in target:gmatch("([^%.]+)") do if name then name = name .. "." .. str else name = str end initialize = string.format("%s %s = %s or {} ", initialize, name, name) end if evaluate then finalize = "input.storage.evaluate(" .. name .. ")" end input.storage.max = input.storage.max + 1 if input.storage.trace then logs.report('storage',string.format('saving %s in slot %s',message,input.storage.max)) code = initialize .. string.format("logs.report('storage','restoring %s from slot %s') ",message,input.storage.max) .. table.serialize(original,name) .. finalize else code = initialize .. table.serialize(original,name) .. finalize end lua.bytecode[input.storage.max] = loadstring(code) end end if lua.bytecode then -- from 0 upwards local i = input.storage.min while lua.bytecode[i] do lua.bytecode[i]() lua.bytecode[i] = nil i = i + 1 end input.storage.done = i end