if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-sta'] = { version = 1.001, author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- this code is used in the updater states = states or { } states.data = states.data or { } states.hash = states.hash or { } states.tag = states.tag or "" states.filename = states.filename or "" function states.save(filename,tag) tag = tag or states.tag filename = file.addsuffix(filename or states.filename,'lus') io.savedata(filename, "-- generator : luat-sta.lua\n" .. "-- state tag : " .. tag .. "\n\n" .. table.serialize(states.data[tag or states.tag] or {},true) ) end function states.load(filename,tag) states.filename = filename states.tag = tag or "whatever" states.filename = file.addsuffix(states.filename,'lus') states.data[states.tag], states.hash[states.tag] = (io.exists(filename) and dofile(filename)) or { }, { } end function states.set_by_tag(tag,key,value,default,persistent) local d, h = states.data[tag], states.hash[tag] if d then if type(d) == "table" then local dkey, hkey = key, key local pre, post = key:match("(.+)%.([^%.]+)$") if pre and post then for k in pre:gmatch("[^%.]+") do local dk = d[k] if not dk then dk = { } d[k] = dk end d = dk end dkey, hkey = post, key end if type(value) == nil then value = value or default elseif persistent then value = value or d[dkey] or default else value = value or default end d[dkey], h[hkey] = value, value elseif type(d) == "string" then -- weird states.data[tag], states.hash[tag] = value, value end end end function states.get_by_tag(tag,key,default) local h = states.hash[tag] if h and h[key] then return h[key] else local d = states.data[tag] if d then for k in key:gmatch("[^%.]+") do local dk = d[k] if dk then d = dk else return default end end return d or default end end end function states.set(key,value,default,persistent) states.set_by_tag(states.tag,key,value,default,persistent) end function states.get(key,default) return states.get_by_tag(states.tag,key,default) end --~ states.data.update = { --~ ["version"] = { --~ ["major"] = 0, --~ ["minor"] = 1, --~ }, --~ ["rsync"] = { --~ ["server"] = "contextgarden.net", --~ ["module"] = "minimals", --~ ["repository"] = "current", --~ ["flags"] = "-rpztlv --stats", --~ }, --~ ["tasks"] = { --~ ["update"] = true, --~ ["make"] = true, --~ ["delete"] = false, --~ }, --~ ["platform"] = { --~ ["host"] = true, --~ ["other"] = { --~ ["mswin"] = false, --~ ["linux"] = false, --~ ["linux-64"] = false, --~ ["osx-intel"] = false, --~ ["osx-ppc"] = false, --~ ["sun"] = false, --~ }, --~ }, --~ ["context"] = { --~ ["available"] = {"current", "beta", "alpha", "experimental"}, --~ ["selected"] = "current", --~ }, --~ ["formats"] = { --~ ["cont-en"] = true, --~ ["cont-nl"] = true, --~ ["cont-de"] = false, --~ ["cont-cz"] = false, --~ ["cont-fr"] = false, --~ ["cont-ro"] = false, --~ }, --~ ["engine"] = { --~ ["pdftex"] = { --~ ["install"] = true, --~ ["formats"] = { --~ ["pdftex"] = true, --~ }, --~ }, --~ ["luatex"] = { --~ ["install"] = true, --~ ["formats"] = { --~ }, --~ }, --~ ["xetex"] = { --~ ["install"] = true, --~ ["formats"] = { --~ ["xetex"] = false, --~ }, --~ }, --~ ["metapost"] = { --~ ["install"] = true, --~ ["formats"] = { --~ ["mpost"] = true, --~ ["metafun"] = true, --~ }, --~ }, --~ }, --~ ["fonts"] = { --~ }, --~ ["doc"] = { --~ }, --~ ["modules"] = { --~ ["f-urwgaramond"] = false, --~ ["f-urwgothic"] = false, --~ ["t-bnf"] = false, --~ ["t-chromato"] = false, --~ ["t-cmscbf"] = false, --~ ["t-cmttbf"] = false, --~ ["t-construction-plan"] = false, --~ ["t-degrade"] = false, --~ ["t-french"] = false, --~ ["t-lettrine"] = false, --~ ["t-lilypond"] = false, --~ ["t-mathsets"] = false, --~ ["t-tikz"] = false, --~ ["t-typearea"] = false, --~ ["t-vim"] = false, --~ }, --~ } --~ states.save("teststate", "update") --~ states.load("teststate", "update") --~ print(states.get_by_tag("update","rsync.server","unknown")) --~ states.set_by_tag("update","rsync.server","oeps") --~ print(states.get_by_tag("update","rsync.server","unknown")) --~ states.save("teststate", "update") --~ states.load("teststate", "update") --~ print(states.get_by_tag("update","rsync.server","unknown"))