if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['lang-url'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "companion to lang-url.mkiv",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
local utfcharacters, utfvalues, utfbyte, utfchar = utf.characters, utf.values, utf.byte, utf.char
commands = commands or { }
local commands = commands
context = context
Hyphenating 's is somewhat tricky and a matter of taste. I did
consider using a dedicated hyphenation pattern or dealing with it by node
parsing, but the following solution suits as well. After all, we're mostly
dealing with characters.
commands.hyphenatedurl = commands.hyphenatedurl or { }
local hyphenatedurl = commands.hyphenatedurl
local characters = utilities.storage.allocate {
["!"] = 1,
["\""] = 1,
["#"] = 1,
["$"] = 1,
["%"] = 1,
["&"] = 1,
["("] = 1,
["*"] = 1,
["+"] = 1,
[","] = 1,
["-"] = 1,
["."] = 1,
["/"] = 1,
[":"] = 1,
[";"] = 1,
["<"] = 1,
["="] = 1,
[">"] = 1,
["?"] = 1,
["@"] = 1,
["["] = 1,
["\\"] = 1,
["^"] = 1,
["_"] = 1,
["`"] = 1,
["{"] = 1,
["|"] = 1,
["~"] = 1,
["'"] = 2,
[")"] = 2,
["]"] = 2,
["}"] = 2,
local mapping = utilities.storage.allocate {
-- [utfchar(0xA0)] = "~", -- nbsp (catch)
hyphenatedurl.characters = characters
hyphenatedurl.mapping = mapping
hyphenatedurl.lefthyphenmin = 2
hyphenatedurl.righthyphenmin = 3
hyphenatedurl.discretionary = nil
-- more fun is to write nodes .. maybe it's nicer to do this
-- in an attribute handler anyway
local function action(hyphenatedurl,str,left,right,disc)
local n = 0
local b = math.max( left or hyphenatedurl.lefthyphenmin, 2)
local e = math.min(#str-(right or hyphenatedurl.righthyphenmin)+2,#str)
local d = disc or hyphenatedurl.discretionary
for s in utfcharacters(str) do
n = n + 1
s = mapping[s] or s
if n > 1 then
context.s() -- can be option
if s == d then
local c = characters[s]
if not c or n<=b or n>=e then
elseif c == 1 then
elseif c == 2 then
-- hyphenatedurl.action = function(_,...) action(...) end -- sort of obsolete
table.setmetatablecall(hyphenatedurl,action) -- watch out: a caller
-- todo, no interface in mkiv yet
function hyphenatedurl.setcharacters(str,value) -- 1, 2 == before, after
for s in utfcharacters(str) do
characters[s] = value or 1
-- .hyphenatedurl.setcharacters("')]}",2)