if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['grph-inc'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to grph-inc.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- lowercase types -- mps tex tmp svg -- partly qualified -- dimensions -- consult rlx --[[ The ConTeXt figure inclusion mechanisms are among the oldest code in ConTeXt and evolve dinto a complex whole. One reason is that we deal with backend in an abstract way. What complicates matters is that we deal with internal graphics as well: TeX code, MetaPost code, etc. Later on figure databases were introduced, which resulted in a plug in model for locating images. On top of that runs a conversion mechanism (with caching) and resource logging. Porting that to Lua is not that trivial because quite some status information is kept between al these stages. Of course, image reuse also has some price, and so I decided to implement the graphics inclusion in several layers: detection, loading, inclusion, etc. Object sharing and scaling can happen at each stage, depending on the way the resource is dealt with. The TeX-Lua mix is suboptimal. This has to do with the fact that we cannot run TeX code from within Lua. Some more functionality will move to Lua. ]]-- local texsprint, format, lower, find, match = tex.sprint, string.format, string.lower, string.find, string.match local ctxcatcodes = tex.ctxcatcodes local variables = interfaces.variables local trace_figures = false trackers.register("figures.locating",function(v) trace_figures = v end) --- some extra img functions --- local imgkeys = img.keys() function img.totable(imgtable) local result = { } for k=1,#imgkeys do local key = imgkeys[k] result[key] = imgtable[key] end return result end function img.serialize(i) return table.serialize(img.totable(i)) end function img.clone(i,data) i.width = data.width or i.width i.height = data.height or i.height -- attr etc return i end local validsizes = table.tohash(img.boxes()) local validtypes = table.tohash(img.types()) function img.check_size(size) if size then size = size:gsub("box","") return (validsizes[size] and size) or "crop" else return "crop" end end --- figures = figures or { } figures.loaded = figures.loaded or { } figures.used = figures.used or { } figures.found = figures.found or { } figures.suffixes = figures.suffixes or { } figures.patterns = figures.patterns or { } figures.boxnumber = figures.boxid or 0 figures.defaultsearch = true figures.defaultwidth = 0 figures.defaultheight = 0 figures.defaultdepth = 0 figures.n = 0 figures.prefer_quality = true -- quality over location figures.localpaths = { ".", "..", "../.." } figures.cachepaths = { prefix = "", path = ".", subpath = ".", } figures.paths = table.copy(figures.localpaths) figures.order = { "pdf", "mps", "jpg", "png", "jbig", "svg", "eps", "mov", "buffer", "tex" } figures.formats = { ["pdf"] = { list = { "pdf" } }, ["mps"] = { patterns = { "mps", "%d+" } }, ["jpg"] = { list = { "jpg", "jpeg" } }, ["png"] = { list = { "png" } }, ["jbig"] = { list = { "jbig", "jbig2", "jb2" } }, ["svg"] = { list = { "svg", "svgz" } }, ["eps"] = { list = { "eps", "ai" } }, ["mov"] = { list = { "mov", "avi" } }, ["buffer"] = { list = { "tmp", "buffer", "buf" } }, ["tex"] = { list = { "tex" } }, } function figures.setlookups() figures.suffixes, figures.patterns = { }, { } for _, format in pairs(figures.order) do local data = figures.formats[format] local fs, fp = figures.suffixes, figures.patterns if data.list then for _, s in ipairs(data.list) do fs[s] = format -- hash end else fs[format] = format end if data.patterns then for _, s in ipairs(data.patterns) do fp[#fp+1] = { s, format } -- array end end end end figures.setlookups() local function register(tag,target,what) local data = figures.formats[target] -- resolver etc if not data then data = { } figures.formats[target] = data end local d = data[tag] -- list or pattern if d and not table.contains(d,what) then d[#d+1] = what -- suffix or patternspec else data[tag] = { what } end if not table.contains(figures.order,target) then figures.order[#figures.order+1] = target end figures.setlookups() end function figures.registersuffix (suffix, target) register('list', target,suffix ) end function figures.registerpattern(pattern,target) register('pattern',target,pattern) end local last_locationset, last_pathlist = last_locationset or nil, last_pathlist or nil function figures.setpaths(locationset,pathlist) if last_locationset == locationset and last_pathlist == pathlist then -- this function can be called each graphic so we provide this optimization return end local iv, t, h = interfaces.variables, figures.paths, locationset:tohash() if last_locationset ~= locationset then -- change == reset (actually, a 'reset' would indeed reset if h[iv["local"]] then t = table.fastcopy(figures.localpaths or { }) else t = { } end figures.defaultsearch = h[iv["default"]] last_locationset = locationset end if h[iv["global"]] then for s in pathlist:gmatch("([^, ]+)") do if not table.contains(t,s) then t[#t+1] = s end end end figures.paths, last_pathlist = t, pathlist if trace_figures then logs.report("figures","locations: %s",last_locationset) logs.report("figures","path list: %s",table.concat(figures.paths)) end end -- check conversions and handle it here --~ local keys = img.keys() --~ function figures.hash(data) --~ local i = data.status.private --~ local t = { } --~ for _, v in ipairs(keys) do --~ local iv = i[v] --~ if iv then --~ t[#t+1] = v .. '=' .. iv --~ end --~ end --~ return table.concat(t,"+") --~ end function figures.hash(data) return data.status.hash or tostring(data.status.private) -- the -- return data.status.fullname .. "+".. (data.status.page or data.request.page or 1) -- img is still not perfect end -- interfacing to tex do local figuredata = { } local callstack = { } function figures.new() figuredata = { request = { name = false, label = false, format = false, page = false, width = false, height = false, preview = false, ["repeat"] = false, controls = false, display = false, conversion = false, cache = false, prefix = false, size = false, }, used = { fullname = false, format = false, name = false, path = false, suffix = false, width = false, height = false, }, status = { status = 0, converted = false, cached = false, fullname = false, format = false, }, } return figuredata end function figures.push(request) statistics.starttiming(figures) local figuredata = figures.new() if request then local iv = interfaces.variables -- request.width/height are strings and are only used when no natural dimensions -- can be determined; at some point the handlers might set them to numbers instead --~ local w, h = tonumber(request.width), tonumber(request.height) request.page = math.max(tonumber(request.page) or 1,1) request.size = img.check_size(request.size) request.object = iv[request.object] == variables.yes request["repeat"] = iv[request["repeat"]] == variables.yes request.preview = iv[request.preview] == variables.yes request.cache = request.cache ~= "" and request.cache request.prefix = request.prefix ~= "" and request.prefix request.format = request.format ~= "" and request.format --~ request.width = (w and w > 0) or false --~ request.height = (h and h > 0) or false table.merge(figuredata.request,request) end callstack[#callstack+1] = figuredata return figuredata end function figures.pop() figuredata = callstack[#callstack] callstack[#callstack] = nil statistics.stoptiming(figures) end -- maybe move texsprint to tex function figures.get(category,tag,default) local value = figuredata[category][tag] if not value or value == "" or value == true then return default or "" else return value end end function figures.tprint(category,tag,default) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,figures.get(category,tag,default)) end function figures.current() return callstack[#callstack] end end local function register(askedname,specification) if specification then local format = specification.format if format then local converter = figures.converters[format] if converter then local oldname = specification.fullname local newformat = "pdf" -- todo, other target than pdf local newpath = file.dirname(oldname) local newbase = file.replacesuffix(file.basename(oldname),newformat) local fc = specification.cache or figures.cachepaths.path if fc and fc ~= "" and fc ~= "." then newpath = fc end local subpath = specification.subpath or figures.cachepaths.subpath if subpath and subpath ~= "" and subpath ~= "." then newpath = newpath .. "/" .. subpath end local prefix = specification.prefix or figures.cachepaths.prefix if prefix and prefix ~= "" then newbase = prefix .. newbase end local newname = file.join(newpath,newbase) dir.makedirs(newpath) local oldtime = lfs.attributes(oldname,'modification') or 0 local newtime = lfs.attributes(newname,'modification') or 0 if oldtime > newtime then converter(oldname,newname) end if io.exists(newname) then specification.foundname = oldname specification.fullname = newname specification.prefix = prefix specification.subpath = subpath specification.converted = true format = newformat elseif io.exists(oldname) then specification.fullname = newname specification.converted = false end end end local found = figures.suffixes[format] -- validtypes[format] if not found then specification.found = false if trace_figures then logs.report("figures","format not supported: %s",format) end else specification.found = true if trace_figures then if validtypes[format] then logs.report("figures","format natively supported by backend: %s",format) else logs.report("figures","format supported by output file format: %s",format) end end end else specification = { } end specification.foundname = specification.foundname or specification.fullname figures.found[askedname] = specification return specification end local function locate(request) -- name, format, cache local askedname = resolvers.clean_path(request.name) if figures.found[askedname] then return figures.found[askedname] end local askedpath= file.dirname(askedname) local askedbase = file.basename(askedname) local askedformat = (request.format ~= "" and request.format ~= "unknown" and request.format) or file.extname(askedname) or "" local askedcache = request.cache if askedformat ~= "" then askedformat = lower(askedformat) local format = figures.suffixes[askedformat] if not format then for _, pattern in ipairs(figures.patterns) do if find(askedformat,pattern[1]) then format = pattern[2] break end end end if format then local foundname = figures.exists(askedname,format) -- not askedformat if foundname then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = askedname, format = format, cache = askedcache, foundname = foundname, }) end end if askedpath ~= "" then -- path and type given, todo: strip pieces of path if figures.exists(askedname,askedformat) then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = askedname, format = askedformat, cache = askedcache, }) end else -- type given for _, path in ipairs(figures.paths) do local check = path .. "/" .. askedname if figures.exists(check,askedformat) then return register(check, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = askedformat, cache = askedcache, }) end end if figures.defaultsearch then local check = resolvers.find_file(askedname) if check and check ~= "" then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = askedformat, cache = askedcache, }) end end end elseif askedpath ~= "" then for _, format in ipairs(figures.order) do local list = figures.formats[format].list or { format } for _, suffix in ipairs(list) do local check = file.addsuffix(askedname,suffix) if figures.exists(check,format) then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = format, cache = askedcache, }) end end end else if figures.prefer_quality then for _, format in ipairs(figures.order) do local list = figures.formats[format].list or { format } for _, suffix in ipairs(list) do local name = file.replacesuffix(askedbase,suffix) for _, path in ipairs(figures.paths) do local check = path .. "/" .. name if figures.exists(check,format) then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = format, cache = askedcache, }) end end end end else -- 'location' for _, path in ipairs(figures.paths) do for _, format in ipairs(figures.order) do local list = figures.formats[format].list or { format } for _, suffix in ipairs(list) do local check = path .. "/" .. file.replacesuffix(askedbase,suffix) if figures.exists(check,format) then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = format, cache = askedcache, }) end end end end end if figures.defaultsearch then for _, format in ipairs(figures.order) do local list = figures.formats[format].list or { format } for _, suffix in ipairs(list) do local check = resolvers.find_file(file.replacesuffix(askedname,suffix)) if check and check ~= "" then return register(askedname, { askedname = askedname, fullname = check, format = format, cache = askedcache, }) end end end end end return register(askedname) end -- -- -- plugins -- -- -- figures.existers = figures.existers or { } figures.checkers = figures.checkers or { } figures.includers = figures.includers or { } figures.converters = figures.converters or { } figures.identifiers = figures.identifiers or { } figures.identifiers.list = { figures.identifiers.default } function figures.identifiers.default(data) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local l = locate(dr) local foundname = l.foundname local fullname = l.fullname or foundname if fullname then du.format = l.format or false du.fullname = fullname -- can be cached ds.fullname = foundname -- original ds.format = l.format ds.status = (l.found and 10) or 0 end return data end function figures.identify(data) data = data or figures.current() for _, identifier in ipairs(figures.identifiers.list) do data = identifier(data) if data.status.status > 0 then break end end return data end function figures.exists(askedname,format) return (figures.existers[format] or figures.existers.generic)(askedname) end function figures.check(data) data = data or figures.current() local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status return (figures.checkers[ds.format] or figures.checkers.generic)(data) end function figures.include(data) data = data or figures.current() local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status return (figures.includers[ds.format] or figures.includers.generic)(data) end function figures.scale(data) -- will become lua code texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\doscalefigure") return data end function figures.done(data) figures.n = figures.n + 1 data = data or figures.current() local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status ds.width = tex.wd[figures.boxnumber] ds.height = tex.ht[figures.boxnumber] ds.xscale = ds.width/(du.width or 1) ds.yscale = ds.height/(du.height or 1) return data end function figures.dummy(data) -- fails --~ data = data or figures.current() --~ local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status --~ local r = node.new("rule") --~ r.width = du.width or figures.defaultwidth --~ r.height = du.height or figures.defaultheight --~ r.depth = du.depth or figures.defaultdepth --~ tex.box[figures.boxnumber] = node.write(r) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\emptyfoundexternalfigure") end -- -- -- generic -- -- -- function figures.existers.generic(askedname) --~ local result = io.exists(askedname) --~ result = (result==true and askedname) or result --~ local result = resolvers.find_file(askedname) or "" local result = resolvers.findbinfile(askedname) or "" if result == "" then result = false end if trace_figures then if result then logs.report("figures","found: %s -> %s",askedname,result) else logs.report("figures","not found: %s",askedname) end end return result end function figures.checkers.generic(data) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local name, page, size, color = du.fullname or "unknown generic", du.page or dr.page, dr.size or "crop", dr.color or "natural" local hash = name .. "->" .. page .. "->" .. size .. "->" .. color local figure = figures.loaded[hash] if figure == nil then figure = img.new { filename = name, page = page, pagebox = dr.size } backends.codeinjections.setfigurecolorspace(data,figure) figure = (figure and img.scan(figure)) or false local f, d = backends.codeinjections.setfigurealternative(data,figure) figure, data = f or figure, d or data figures.loaded[hash] = figure end if figure then du.width = figure.width du.height = figure.height du.pages = figure.pages ds.private = figure ds.hash = hash end return data end function figures.includers.generic(data) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status -- here we set the 'natural dimensions' dr.width = du.width dr.height = du.height local hash = figures.hash(data) local figure = figures.used[hash] if figure == nil then figure = ds.private if figure then figure = img.copy(figure) figure = (figure and img.clone(figure,data.request)) or false end figures.used[hash] = figure end if figure then local n = figures.boxnumber tex.box[n] = img.node(figure) -- img.write(figure) tex.wd[n], tex.ht[n], tex.dp[n] = figure.width, figure.height, 0 -- new, hm, tricky, we need to do that in tex (yet) ds.objectnumber = figure.objnum texsprint(ctxcatcodes,"\\relocateexternalfigure") end return data end -- -- -- nongeneric -- -- -- function figures.checkers.nongeneric(data,command) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local name = du.fullname or "unknown nongeneric" local hash = name if dr.object then -- hm, bugged if not jobobjects.get("FIG::"..hash) then texsprint(ctxcatcodes,command) texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\setobject{FIG}{%s}\\vbox{\\box\\foundexternalfigure}",hash)) end texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\global\\setbox\\foundexternalfigure\\vbox{\\getobject{FIG}{%s}}",hash)) else texsprint(ctxcatcodes,command) end return data end function figures.includers.nongeneric(data) return data end -- -- -- mov -- -- -- function figures.checkers.mov(data) local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status dr.width = (dr.width or figures.defaultwidth):todimen() dr.height = (dr.height or figures.defaultheight):todimen() du.width = dr.width du.height = dr.height du.foundname = du.fullname local code = backends.codeinjections.insertmovie { width = du.width or dr.width, height = du.height or dr.height, factor = number.dimenfactors.bp, ["repeat"] = dr["repeat"], controls = dr.controls, preview = dr.preview, label = dr.label, foundname = du.foundname, } texsprint(ctxcatcodes,format("\\startfoundexternalfigure{%ssp}{%ssp}%s\\stopfoundexternalfigure",du.width,du.height,code)) return data end figures.includers.mov = figures.includers.nongeneric -- -- -- mps -- -- -- local function internal(askedname) local spec, mprun, mpnum = match(lower(askedname),"mprun(:?)(.-)%.(%d+)") if spec == ":" then return mprun, mpnum else return "", mpnum end end function figures.existers.mps(askedname) local mprun, mpnum = internal(askedname) if mpnum then return askedname else return figures.existers.generic(askedname) end end function figures.checkers.mps(data) local mprun, mpnum = internal(data.used.fullname) if mpnum then return figures.checkers.nongeneric(data,format("\\docheckfiguremprun{%s}{%s}",mprun,mpnum)) else return figures.checkers.nongeneric(data,format("\\docheckfiguremps{%s}",data.used.fullname)) end end figures.includers.mps = figures.includers.nongeneric -- -- -- buffer -- -- -- function figures.existers.buffer(askedname) askedname = file.nameonly(askedname) return buffers.exists(askedname) and askedname end function figures.checkers.buffer(data) return figures.checkers.nongeneric(data,format("\\docheckfigurebuffer{%s}", file.nameonly(data.used.fullname))) end figures.includers.buffers = figures.includers.nongeneric -- -- -- tex -- -- -- function figures.existers.tex(askedname) askedname = resolvers.find_file(askedname) return (askedname ~= "" and askedname) or false end function figures.checkers.tex(data) return figures.checkers.nongeneric(data,format("\\docheckfiguretex{%s}", data.used.fullname)) end figures.includers.tex = figures.includers.nongeneric -- -- -- eps -- -- -- function figures.converters.eps(oldname,newname) -- hack, we need a lua based converter script, or better, we should use -- rlx as alternative local outputpath = file.dirname(newname) local outputbase = file.basename(newname) local command = format("mtxrun bin:pstopdf --outputpath=%s %s",outputpath,oldname) os.spawn(command) end figures.converters.svg = figures.converters.eps -- -- -- lowres -- -- -- --~ function figures.converters.pdf(oldname,newname) --~ local outputpath = file.dirname(newname) --~ local outputbase = file.basename(newname) --~ local command = format("mtxrun bin:pstopdf --method=4 --outputpath=%s %s",outputpath,oldname) --~ os.spawn(command) --~ end figures.bases = { } figures.bases.list = { } -- index => { basename, fullname, xmlroot } figures.bases.used = { } -- [basename] => { basename, fullname, xmlroot } -- pointer to list figures.bases.found = { } figures.bases.enabled = false local bases = figures.bases function bases.use(basename) if basename == "reset" then bases.list = { } bases.used = { } bases.found = { } bases.enabled = false else basename = file.addsuffix(basename,"xml") if not bases.used[basename] then local t = { basename, nil, nil } bases.used[basename] = t bases.list[#bases.list+1] = t if not bases.enabled then bases.enabled = true xml.registerns("rlx","http://www.pragma-ade.com/schemas/rlx") -- we should be able to do this per xml file end end end end function bases.find(basename,askedlabel) basename = file.addsuffix(basename,"xml") local t = bases.found[askedlabel] if t == nil then local base = bases.used[basename] local page = 0 if base[2] == nil then -- no yet located for _, path in ipairs(figures.paths) do local xmlfile = path .. "/" .. basename if io.exists(xmlfile) then base[2] = xmlfile base[3] = xml.load(xmlfile) break end end end t = false if base[2] and base[3] then -- rlx:library for e, d, k in xml.elements(base[3],"/(*:library|figurelibrary)/*:figure/*:label") do page = page + 1 if xml.content(d[k]) == askedlabel then t = { base = file.replacesuffix(base[2],"pdf"), format = "pdf", name = xml.filters.text(e,"*:file"), page = page, } bases.found[askedlabel] = t return t end end end end return t end -- we can access sequential or by name function bases.locate(askedlabel) for _, entry in ipairs(bases.list) do local t = bases.find(entry[1],askedlabel) if t then return t end end return false end function figures.identifiers.base(data) if bases.enabled then local dr, du, ds = data.request, data.used, data.status local fbl = bases.locate(dr.name or dr.label) if fbl then du.page = fbl.page du.format = fbl.format du.fullname = fbl.base ds.fullname = fbl.name ds.format = fbl.format ds.page = fbl.page ds.status = 10 end end return data end figures.identifiers.list = { figures.identifiers.base, figures.identifiers.default } -- tracing statistics.register("graphics processing time", function() local n = figures.n if n > 0 then return format("%s seconds including tex, n=%s", statistics.elapsedtime(figures),n) else return nil end end)