%D \module %D [ file=font-uni, %D version=1999.10.10, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros, %D subtitle=\UNICODE\ Initialization, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{Context Font Macros / UNICODE Support} %D I wrote this module when Wang Lei asked me how to use %D Chinese in \CONTEXT. From the samples he sent me, I deduced %D that some mixture of one and two byte encoding was used, %D which he confirmed. Since \TEX\ normally does not use the %D characters $>127$, so as long as the two byte characters %D have a first character with code $>127$, we can use active %D characters to handle them. In an optimistic mood, I called %D this module the \UNICODE\ font module. In the module that %D handles Chinese, we will see that some more interpretation %D is involved, which is why the macros handling those %D characters look ahead. \startmessages dutch library: fonts 21: het is veiliger om (pdf)eTeX te gebruiken \stopmessages \startmessages english library: fonts 21: using (pdf)eTeX is more save \stopmessages \startmessages german library: fonts 21: Verwenden von (pdf)eTeX ist sicherer \stopmessages \startmessages italian library: fonts 21: l'uso di (pdf)eTeX è più sicuro \stopmessages \startmessages norwegian library: fonts 21: å bruke (pdf)eTeX er tryggere \stopmessages \startmessages french library: fonts 21: l'utilisation de (pdf)eTeX est plus économe \stopmessages \unprotect %D \macros %D {handleunicodeflowglyph, uchar, %D handleunicodeglyph, insertunicodeglyph, %D unicodeposition, unicodeone, unicodetwo} %D %D For the moment \UNICODE\ support is rather primitive but %D nevertheless effective. The reference to \UNICODE\ is not %D entirely correct, since in many cases one will use \quote %D {older} mappings, but in principle, \UNICODE\ can be %D supported. %D %D We expect each character to come as two eight bit %D characters. Those doubles are handled by making all %D characters in the range $>127$ active, so that they can %D pick up the next one, and act upon both their values. %D Internally only numbers are used. A first implementation %D simply internally prefixed the second part of the \UNICODE\ %D pair with \type {\string} or \type {\char}, but this was %D not that handy when it came to testing those values. %D Because in principle we are dealing with an encoding, the %D making active is handled in \type {enco-uni}. %D %D There are two commands to handle unicode characters: %D %D \starttyping %D \handleunicodeflowglyph{number}{character} %D \uchar{number}{number} %D \stoptyping %D %D The first one can be assigned to an active character, the %D second one can be used to directly access a glyph. Both %D command call \type {\handleunicodeglyph} that in turn %D calls \type {\insertunicodeglyph}. Both can be overruled %D in specialized modules. The low level command \type %D {\unicodeglyph} can best be left untouched, which is not %D so much a problem because there is a hook into this macro: %D \type {\unicodecharcommand}. %D %D In most cases one will redefine \type {\handleunicodeglyph} %D in such a way that it identifies special situations first, %D takes some actions next, calls \type {\insertunicodeglyph}, %D if needed with \type {\unicodecharcommand} changed, and %D finally does some finishing: %D %D \starttyping %D \def\handleunicodeglyph %D {take actions based on \unicodeone-two-position cq. \nextutoken %D redefine \unicodecharcommand if needed %D expand \insertunicodeglyph %D take some final actions} %D \stoptyping \newcount\unicodeposition %D The multistep approach is needed to pick up the second %D token, since this token can have any value and any %D catcode. % the \relax trick prevents eating up the space (needed for % korean \def\handleunicodeflowglyph#1#2% {\begingroup \edef\unicodeone{#1}% \@EA\afterassignment\@EA\dohandleunicodeflowglyph % two redundant ea's \@EA\chardef\@EA\nexttoken\@EA`\string#2\relax} \def\dohandleunicodeflowglyph\relax {\futurelet\nextutoken\dodohandleunicodeflowglyph} \def\dodohandleunicodeflowglyph % todo tex (or maybe no longer) {\edef\unicodetwo{\the\nexttoken}% \unicodeposition\numexpr\unicodeone*256+\unicodetwo\relax \handleunicodeglyph \endgroup} \unexpanded\def\uchar#1#2% use as standalone glyph {\begingroup \edef\unicodeone{#1}% \edef\unicodetwo{#2}% \unicodeposition\numexpr\unicodeone*256+\unicodetwo\relax \handleunicodeglyph \endgroup} \let\nextutoken\relax \unexpanded\def\lookaheaduchar#1#2% {\def\dolookaheaduchar{\uchar{#1}{#2}\let\nextutoken\relax}% \futurelet\nextutoken\dolookaheaduchar} %D In \XETEX, unicode support is straightforward, so we %D simply output a \type {\char} with a 16||bit number. %D %D \starttyping %D \def\uchar#1#2{\char\numexpr(#2+(#1*256))\relax} %D \stoptyping \beginXETEX \uchar \unexpanded\def\uchar#1#2{\char\numexpr#2+#1*\@cclvi\relax} \endXETEX \def\dohandleucflowglyph {\unicodeposition\numexpr\unicodeone*256+\unicodetwo\relax \handleunicodeglyph \endgroup} \unexpanded\def\uc#1#2% used in tricky situations {\begingroup \edef\unicodeone{#1}% \edef\unicodetwo{#2}% \futurelet\nextutoken\dohandleucflowglyph} \def\insertunicodeglyph {\unicodeglyph\unicodeone\unicodetwo} \let\handleunicodeglyph\insertunicodeglyph %D One can use the \type {\unicodeposition} in the macros %D that handle pre and post material. %D \macros %D {unicodestyle, unicodecharcommand} %D %D Each character pair will become one glyph. Because \TEX\ %D cannot handle fonts with more that 256 characters, we use %D \TFM\ files for each range. The first character of the pair %D is appended to the name of a font, and the second is used to %D access the glyph in that font. This means that a particular %D font is split up in subfonts with names in the range: %D %D \starttyping %D 80 ... ff %D \stoptyping %D %D The \type {} as well as the composed name are %D mapped ones. The next macros take care of this mapping. %D Let us assume that the next mapping has taken place, %D %D \starttyping %D \definefontsynonym [UnicodeRegular] [gbsong] %D \stoptyping %D %D Let us also assume that we are dealing with the range \type %D {b1}. Given that a font name results from: %D %D \starttyping %D \truefontname{\truefontname{UnicodeRegular}b1} %D \stoptyping %D %D we get \type {gbsongb1}. The outer \type {\truefontname} %D takes care of additional mapping, so when we say: %D %D \starttyping %D \definefontsynonym [gbsongb1] [gbsong-b1] %D \stoptyping %D %D the filename used will be \type {gbsong-b1}. From the next %D definition it will be clear that other fontshapes are also %D supported. The prefix \type {Unicode} is mapped! %D %D The command \type {\unicodecharcommand} can be used to %D handle special cases. At that moment \type {1em} is known. \def\unicodestyle {\truefontname\s!Unicode\fontstylesuffix} \let\unicodecharcommand\firstofoneargument \unexpanded\def\unicodeglyph#1#2% watch the double mapping {\begingroup \getvalue{@@\currentucharmapping\strippedcsname\uchar}{#1}{#2}% map to a to hex font range \bodyfontsize\unicodescale\bodyfontsize % readable: % \doifelsefontsynonym{\unicodestyle\unicodeone} % {\font\unicodefont=\truefontname{\unicodestyle\unicodeone} % at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize} % {\font\unicodefont=\truefontname{\truefontname\unicodestyle\unicodeone} % at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize}% % unreadable but more efficient: \font\unicodefont=\truefontname{\doifelsefontsynonym{\unicodestyle \unicodeone}\empty\truefontname\unicodestyle\unicodeone} at \currentfontscale\bodyfontsize \unicodestrut % off by default \unicodefont\unicodecharcommand{\char\unicodetwo\relax}% \endgroup} %D This handler is used by default, for instance in: %D %D \starttyping %D \defineunicodefont [MySwitch] [MyFont] % [strut=no,command=\insertunicodeglyph] %D %D \definefontsynonym [MyFontRegular40] [Sans] %D \definefontsynonym [MyFontBold40] [SansBold] %D %D {\MySwitch \uchar{"40}{`a}} %D {\MySwitch \bf \uchar{"40}{`a}} %D \stoptyping %D %D \starttyping %D \definefontsynonym [MyFontRegular] [Sans] %D \definefontsynonym [MyFontBold] [SansBold] %D \stoptyping %D %D Is also possible, but in that case the number is appended to the raw font %D name! %D \macros %D {currentucharmapping,defineucharmapping} %D %D A (plane,char) pair can be remapped using a uchar mapping %D function. The default mapping is to convert the plane to a %D lowercase hexadecimal number, and leave the number %D untouched. The current remapping is kept in a macro. \let\currentucharmapping\s!default \def\defineucharmapping#1% {\setvalue{@@#1\strippedcsname\uchar}} \defineucharmapping{\s!default}#1#2% {\edef\unicodeone{\lchexnumbers{#1}}\edef\unicodetwo{#2}} %D An example of a remapping is the following: %D %D \starttyping %D \defineucharmapping{GBK}#1#2% %D {\unicodeposition=#1 %D \advance\unicodeposition -129 %D \multiply\unicodeposition 190 %D \advance\unicodeposition #2 %D \advance\unicodeposition-\ifnum#2>127 65\else64\fi %D \dorepositionunicode} %D \stoptyping %D %D This maps the GBK vector onto a compact GBK one. The %D auxiliary macro is defined here as a goody. \def\dorepositionunicode {\dosetdivision\unicodeposition{256}\scratchcounter \advance\scratchcounter \plusone \edef\unicodeone{\ifnum\scratchcounter<10 0\fi\the\scratchcounter}% \dosetmodulo\unicodeposition{256}\scratchcounter \edef\unicodetwo{\the\scratchcounter}} %D \macros %D {setunicodestrut, setunicodescale, nextutoken, %D handleunicodeglyph, insertunicodeglyph} %D %D A careful analysis of the previous macros, learns that the %D process of mapping comes down to: %D %D \startitemize[packed,n] %D \item taking care of preceding material (and spacing) %D \item defining the font at \type {\currentfontscale} $\times$ %D \type {\unicodescale} $\times$ \type {\bodyfontsize} %D \item inserting a \type {\unicodestrut} %D \item inserting the character (glyph) %D \item executing some actions afterwards %D \stopitemize %D %D The actions before and after placing the glyph, is up to %D the user supplied handler. This handler (\type %D {\handleunicodeglpyh}) must, at a certain moment, insert %D the glyph using \type {\insertunicodeglyph} \def\setunicodescale#1% {\def\unicodescale{#1}} \def\dosetunicodestrut#1#2% height depth {\def\unicodestrut {\vrule \!!width \zeropoint \!!height#1\strutht \!!depth #2\strutdp \relax}} \def\setunicodestrut#1#2% height depth {\ifdim#1\strutht>\zeropoint \dosetunicodestrut{#1}{#2}% \else\ifdim#1\strutdp>\zeropoint \dosetunicodestrut{#1}{#2}% \else \let\unicodestrut\empty \fi\fi} \def\resetunicodestrut {\let\unicodestrut\empty} %D The additional scaling and strut default to: \setunicodescale{1} \setunicodestrut{1}{1} %D But better is not to have a strut added by default: \resetunicodestrut %D The actual code for the additional actions as well as %D specific spacing is handled outside these routines. The %D character after the two that are under treatment is %D available in \type {\nextutoken}. %D \macros %D {defineunicodefont, setupunicodefont} %D %D Apart from this rather low level implementation, we also %D provide a more user friendly alternative. Given that one %D has defined: %D %D \starttyping %D \defineunicodefont %D [SimChi] [SimplifiedChinese] %D [\c!scale=0.85, %D \c!height=1.25, %D \c!depth=1.00, %D \c!interlinespaceinterlinie=yes, %D \c!conversion=\chinesenumber, %D \c!command=\handlechineseunicodeglyph] %D \stoptyping %D %D Together with: %D %D \starttyping %D \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseRegular] [gbsong] %D \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSlanted] [gbsongsl] %D \stoptyping %D %D we can now switch to Simplified Chinese by saying \type %D {SimChi}. Some values can be changed afterwards with %D %D \starttyping %D \setupunicodefont[SimChi][...=...] %D \stoptyping %D %D Specific initializations can be assigned to \type %D {commands}. \beginTEX \def\unicodeTEXwarning {\writeline\showmessage\m!fonts{21}\empty\writeline \global\let\unicodeTEXwarning\relax} \endTEX \beginETEX \let\unicodeTEXwarning\relax \endETEX \def\defineunicodefont {\dotripleempty\dodefineunicodefont} \def\dodefineunicodefont[#1][#2][#3]% {\unicodeTEXwarning \doifassignmentelse{#3} {\setupunicodefont[#1][#3]} {\doifelsenothing{#3} {\setupunicodefont[#1][#3]} {\copyparameters [\??uc#1][\??uc#3] [\c!height,\c!depth,\c!scale,\c!commands,\c!strut, \c!interlinespace,\c!command,\c!conversion]}}% \doifelsenothing{#2} {\setvalue{#1}{[uc font #1 undefined]}} {\setvalue{\??uc#1\c!file}{#2}% \doifundefined{\??ff#2\s!Bold} {\definefontsynonym[#2\s!Bold] [#2\s!Regular]% \definefontsynonym[#2\s!Slanted] [#2\s!Regular]% \definefontsynonym[#2\s!Italic] [#2\s!Regular]% \definefontsynonym[#2\s!BoldSlanted][#2\s!Slanted]% \definefontsynonym[#2\s!BoldItalic] [#2\s!Italic]}% \unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\enableunicodefont{#1}}}} \def\setupunicodefont {\dodoubleempty\dosetupunicodefont} \def\dosetupunicodefont[#1][#2]% also predefines {\doifundefined{\??uc#1\c!command} {\copyparameters [\??uc#1][\??uc\s!default] [\c!height,\c!depth,\c!scale,\c!commands,\v!strut, \c!interlinespace,\c!command,\c!conversion]}% \getparameters[\??uc#1][#2]} \def\enableunicodefont#1% {\definefontsynonym[\s!Unicode][\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!file}]% \def\unicodescale {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!scale}}% \def\unicodeheight {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!height}}% \def\unicodedepth {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!depth}}% \def\unicodedigits {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!conversion}}% \def\handleunicodeglyph {\getvalue{\??uc#1\c!command}}% \doifnot\currentregime{utf}{\enableregime[unicode]}% % the following \relax's are realy needed \doifvalue{\??uc#1\c!interlinespace}\v!yes \setupinterlinespace\relax \doifelsevalue{\??uc#1\c!strut}\v!yes {\setunicodestrut\unicodeheight\unicodedepth} {\resetunicodestrut}% \getvalue{\??uc#1\c!commands}\relax} %D \macros %D {unicodedigits} %D %D For convenience we also predefine a number conversion %D macro: \let\unicodedigits\number %D Because we cannot be sure of the pressence of all font %D styles, we remap some by default. \definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!Bold] [\s!Unicode\s!Regular] \definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!Slanted] [\s!Unicode\s!Regular] \definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!Italic] [\s!Unicode\s!Regular] \definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!BoldSlanted] [\s!Unicode\s!Slanted] \definefontsynonym [\s!Unicode\s!BoldItalic] [\s!Unicode\s!Italic] \setupunicodefont [\s!default] [\c!height=1, \c!depth=1, \c!scale=1, \c!strut=\v!no, \c!interlinespace=\v!no, \c!command=\insertunicodeglyph, \c!conversion=\number] \protect \endinput