if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-mis'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luatex-fonts.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local next, pairs, ipairs = next, pairs, ipairs local lower, strip = string.lower, string.strip fonts.otf = fonts.otf or { } fonts.otf.version = fonts.otf.version or 2.628 fonts.otf.pack = true fonts.otf.cache = containers.define("fonts", "otf", fonts.otf.version, true) function fonts.otf.loadcached(filename,format,sub) -- no recache when version mismatch local name = file.basename(file.removesuffix(filename)) if sub == "" then sub = false end local hash = name if sub then hash = hash .. "-" .. sub end hash = containers.cleanname(hash) local data = containers.read(fonts.otf.cache(), hash) if data and not data.verbose then fonts.otf.enhancers.unpack(data) return data else return nil end end function fonts.get_features(name,t,script,language) local t = lower(t or (name and file.extname(name)) or "") if t == "otf" or t == "ttf" or t == "ttc" then local filename = resolvers.find_file(name,t) or "" if filename ~= "" then local data = fonts.otf.loadcached(filename) if data and data.luatex and data.luatex.features then return data.luatex.features else local ff = fontloader.open(filename) if ff then local data = fontloader.to_table(ff) fontloader.close(ff) local features = { } for k, what in pairs { "gsub", "gpos" } do local dw = data[what] if dw then local f = { } features[what] = f for _, d in ipairs(dw) do if d.features then for _, df in ipairs(d.features) do local tag = strip(lower(df.tag)) local ft = f[tag] if not ft then ft = {} f[tag] = ft end for _, ds in ipairs(df.scripts) do local scri = strip(lower(ds.script)) local fts = ft[scri] if not fts then fts = {} ft[scri] = fts end for _, lang in ipairs(ds.langs) do lang = strip(lower(lang)) if scri == script then if lang == language then fts[lang] = 'sl' else fts[lang] = 's' end else if lang == language then fts[lang] = 'l' else fts[lang] = true end end end end end end end end end return features end end end end return nil, nil end