if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-ext'] = {
version = 1.001,
comment = "companion to font-ini.tex and hand-ini.tex",
author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
license = "see context related readme files"
local next, type, byte = next, type, string.byte
When we implement functions that deal with features, most of them
will depend of the font format. Here we define the few that are kind
of neutral.
fonts.triggers = fonts.triggers or { }
fonts.initializers = fonts.initializers or { }
fonts.initializers.common = fonts.initializers.common or { }
local initializers = fonts.initializers
This feature will remove inter-digit kerns.
function initializers.common.equaldigits(tfmdata,value)
if value then
local chr = tfmdata.characters
for i = utfbyte('0'), utfbyte('9') do
local c = chr[i]
if c then
c.kerns = nil
This feature will give all glyphs an equal height and/or depth. Valid
values are none, height, depth and
function initializers.common.lineheight(tfmdata,value)
if value and type(value) == "string" then
if value == "none" then
for _,v in next, tfmdata.characters do
v.height, v.depth = 0, 0
local ascender, descender = tfmdata.ascender, tfmdata.descender
if ascender and descender then
local ht, dp = ascender or 0, descender or 0
if value == "height" then
dp = 0
elseif value == "depth" then
ht = 0
if ht > 0 then
if dp > 0 then
for _,v in next, tfmdata.characters do
v.height, v.depth = ht, dp
for _,v in next, tfmdata.characters do
v.height = ht
elseif dp > 0 then
for _,v in next, tfmdata.characters do
v.depth = dp
It does not make sense any more to support messed up encoding vectors
so we stick to those that implement oldstyle and small caps. After all,
we move on. We can extend the next function on demand. This features is
only used with files.
--~ do
--~ local smallcaps = lpeg.P(".sc") + lpeg.P(".smallcaps") + lpeg.P(".caps") + lpeg.P("small")
--~ local oldstyle = lpeg.P(".os") + lpeg.P(".oldstyle") + lpeg.P(".onum")
--~ smallcaps = lpeg.Cs((1-smallcaps)^1) * smallcaps^1
--~ oldstyle = lpeg.Cs((1-oldstyle )^1) * oldstyle ^1
--~ function initializers.common.encoding(tfmdata,value)
--~ if value then
--~ local afmdata = tfmdata.shared.afmdata
--~ if afmdata then
--~ local encodingfile = value .. '.enc'
--~ local encoding = fonts.enc.load(encodingfile)
--~ if encoding then
--~ local vector = encoding.vector
--~ local characters = tfmdata.characters
--~ local unicodes = afmdata.luatex.unicodes
--~ local function remap(pattern,name)
--~ local p = pattern:match(name)
--~ if p then
--~ local oldchr, newchr = unicodes[p], unicodes[name]
--~ if oldchr and newchr and type(oldchr) == "number" and type(newchr) == "number" then
--~ -- logs.report("encoding","%s (%s) -> %s (%s)",p,oldchr or -1,name,newchr or -1)
--~ characters[oldchr] = characters[newchr]
--~ end
--~ end
--~ return p
--~ end
--~ for _, name in next, vector do
--~ local ok = remap(smallcaps,name) or remap(oldstyle,name)
--~ end
--~ if fonts.map.data[tfmdata.name] then
--~ fonts.map.data[tfmdata.name].encoding = encodingfile
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ -- when needed we can provide this as features in e.g. afm files
--~ function initializers.common.remap(tfmdata,value,pattern) -- will go away
--~ if value then
--~ local afmdata = tfmdata.shared.afmdata
--~ if afmdata then
--~ local characters = tfmdata.characters
--~ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
--~ local unicodes = afmdata.luatex.unicodes
--~ local done = false
--~ for u, _ in next, characters do
--~ local name = descriptions[u].name
--~ if name then
--~ local p = pattern:match(name)
--~ if p then
--~ local oldchr, newchr = unicodes[p], unicodes[name]
--~ if oldchr and newchr and type(oldchr) == "number" and type(newchr) == "number" then
--~ characters[oldchr] = characters[newchr]
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ function initializers.common.oldstyle(tfmdata,value)
--~ initializers.common.remap(tfmdata,value,oldstyle)
--~ end
--~ function initializers.common.smallcaps(tfmdata,value)
--~ initializers.common.remap(tfmdata,value,smallcaps)
--~ end
--~ function initializers.common.fakecaps(tfmdata,value)
--~ if value then
--~ -- todo: scale down
--~ local afmdata = tfmdata.shared.afmdata
--~ if afmdata then
--~ local characters = tfmdata.characters
--~ local descriptions = tfmdata.descriptions
--~ local unicodes = afmdata.luatex.unicodes
--~ for u, _ in next, characters do
--~ local name = descriptions[u].name
--~ if name then
--~ local p = lower(name)
--~ if p then
--~ local oldchr, newchr = unicodes[p], unicodes[name]
--~ if oldchr and newchr and type(oldchr) == "number" and type(newchr) == "number" then
--~ characters[oldchr] = characters[newchr]
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ end
--~ function initializers.common.install(format,feature) -- 'afm','lineheight'
--~ initializers.base[format][feature] = initializers.common[feature]
--~ initializers.node[format][feature] = initializers.common[feature]
--~ end
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- expansion (hz)
-- -- -- -- -- --
fonts.expansions = fonts.expansions or { }
fonts.expansions.classes = fonts.expansions.classes or { }
fonts.expansions.vectors = fonts.expansions.vectors or { }
local expansions = fonts.expansions
local classes = fonts.expansions.classes
local vectors = fonts.expansions.vectors
-- beware, pdftex itself uses percentages * 10
classes.preset = { stretch = 2, shrink = 2, step = .5, factor = 1 }
function commands.setupfontexpansion(class,settings)
classes['quality'] = {
stretch = 2, shrink = 2, step = .5, vector = 'default', factor = 1
vectors['default'] = {
[byte('A')] = 0.5, [byte('B')] = 0.7, [byte('C')] = 0.7, [byte('D')] = 0.5, [byte('E')] = 0.7,
[byte('F')] = 0.7, [byte('G')] = 0.5, [byte('H')] = 0.7, [byte('K')] = 0.7, [byte('M')] = 0.7,
[byte('N')] = 0.7, [byte('O')] = 0.5, [byte('P')] = 0.7, [byte('Q')] = 0.5, [byte('R')] = 0.7,
[byte('S')] = 0.7, [byte('U')] = 0.7, [byte('W')] = 0.7, [byte('Z')] = 0.7,
[byte('a')] = 0.7, [byte('b')] = 0.7, [byte('c')] = 0.7, [byte('d')] = 0.7, [byte('e')] = 0.7,
[byte('g')] = 0.7, [byte('h')] = 0.7, [byte('k')] = 0.7, [byte('m')] = 0.7, [byte('n')] = 0.7,
[byte('o')] = 0.7, [byte('p')] = 0.7, [byte('q')] = 0.7, [byte('s')] = 0.7, [byte('u')] = 0.7,
[byte('w')] = 0.7, [byte('z')] = 0.7,
[byte('2')] = 0.7, [byte('3')] = 0.7, [byte('6')] = 0.7, [byte('8')] = 0.7, [byte('9')] = 0.7,
function initializers.common.expansion(tfmdata,value)
if value then
local class = classes[value]
if class then
local vector = vectors[class.vector]
if vector then
tfmdata.stretch = (class.stretch or 0) * 10
tfmdata.shrink = (class.shrink or 0) * 10
tfmdata.step = (class.step or 0) * 10
tfmdata.auto_expand = true
local factor = class.factor or 1
local data = characters.data
for i, chr in next, tfmdata.characters do
local v = vector[i]
if not v then
local d = data[i]
if d then
local s = d.shcode
if not s then
-- sorry
elseif type(s) == "table" then
v = ((vector[s[1]] or 0) + (vector[s[#s]] or 0)) / 2
v = vector[s] or 0
if v and v ~= 0 then
chr.expansion_factor = v*factor
else -- can be option
chr.expansion_factor = factor
initializers.base.otf.expansion = initializers.common.expansion
initializers.node.otf.expansion = initializers.common.expansion
initializers.base.afm.expansion = initializers.common.expansion
initializers.node.afm.expansion = initializers.common.expansion
-- -- -- -- -- --
-- protrusion
-- -- -- -- -- --
fonts.protrusions = fonts.protrusions or { }
fonts.protrusions.classes = fonts.protrusions.classes or { }
fonts.protrusions.vectors = fonts.protrusions.vectors or { }
local protrusions = fonts.protrusions
local classes = fonts.protrusions.classes
local vectors = fonts.protrusions.vectors
-- the values need to be revisioned
classes.preset = { factor = 1 }
function commands.setupfontprotrusion(class,settings)
classes['pure'] = {
vector = 'pure', factor = 1
classes['punctuation'] = {
vector = 'punctuation', factor = 1
classes['alpha'] = {
vector = 'alpha', factor = 1
classes['quality'] = {
vector = 'quality', factor = 1
vectors['pure'] = {
[0x002C] = { 0, 1 }, -- comma
[0x002E] = { 0, 1 }, -- period
[0x003A] = { 0, 1 }, -- colon
[0x003B] = { 0, 1 }, -- semicolon
[0x002D] = { 0, 1 }, -- hyphen
[0x2013] = { 0, 0.50 }, -- endash
[0x2014] = { 0, 0.33 }, -- emdash
[0x3001] = { 0, 1 }, -- ideographic comma 、
[0x3002] = { 0, 1 }, -- ideographic full stop 。
[0x060C] = { 0, 1 }, -- arabic comma ،
[0x061B] = { 0, 1 }, -- arabic semicolon ؛
[0x06D4] = { 0, 1 }, -- arabic full stop ۔
vectors['punctuation'] = {
[0x003F] = { 0, 0.20 }, -- ?
[0x00BF] = { 0, 0.20 }, -- ¿
[0x0021] = { 0, 0.20 }, -- !
[0x00A1] = { 0, 0.20 }, -- ¡
[0x0028] = { 0.05, 0 }, -- (
[0x0029] = { 0, 0.05 }, -- )
[0x005B] = { 0.05, 0 }, -- [
[0x005D] = { 0, 0.05 }, -- ]
[0x002C] = { 0, 0.70 }, -- comma
[0x002E] = { 0, 0.70 }, -- period
[0x003A] = { 0, 0.50 }, -- colon
[0x003B] = { 0, 0.50 }, -- semicolon
[0x002D] = { 0, 0.70 }, -- hyphen
[0x2013] = { 0, 0.30 }, -- endash
[0x2014] = { 0, 0.20 }, -- emdash
[0x060C] = { 0, 0.70 }, -- arabic comma
[0x061B] = { 0, 0.50 }, -- arabic semicolon
[0x06D4] = { 0, 0.70 }, -- arabic full stop
[0x061F] = { 0, 0.20 }, -- ؟
-- todo: left and right quotes: .5 double, .7 single
[0x2039] = { 0.70, 0.70 }, -- left single guillemet ‹
[0x203A] = { 0.70, 0.70 }, -- right single guillemet ›
[0x00AB] = { 0.50, 0.50 }, -- left guillemet «
[0x00BB] = { 0.50, 0.50 }, -- right guillemet »
[0x2018] = { 0.70, 0.70 }, -- left single quotation mark ‘
[0x2019] = { 0, 0.70 }, -- right single quotation mark ’
[0x201A] = { 0.70, 0 }, -- single low-9 quotation mark ,
[0x201B] = { 0.70, 0 }, -- single high-reversed-9 quotation mark ‛
[0x201C] = { 0.50, 0.50 }, -- left double quotation mark “
[0x201D] = { 0, 0.50 }, -- right double quotation mark ”
[0x201E] = { 0.50, 0 }, -- double low-9 quotation mark „
[0x201F] = { 0.50, 0 }, -- double high-reversed-9 quotation mark ‟
vectors['alpha'] = {
[byte("A")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("F")] = { 0, .05 },
[byte("J")] = { .05, 0 },
[byte("K")] = { 0, .05 },
[byte("L")] = { 0, .05 },
[byte("T")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("V")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("W")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("X")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("Y")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("k")] = { 0, .05 },
[byte("r")] = { 0, .05 },
[byte("t")] = { 0, .05 },
[byte("v")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("w")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("x")] = { .05, .05 },
[byte("y")] = { .05, .05 },
vectors['quality'] = table.merge( {},
function initializers.common.protrusion(tfmdata,value)
if value then
local class = classes[value]
if class then
local vector = vectors[class.vector]
if vector then
local factor = class.factor or 1
local data = characters.data
local emwidth = tfmdata.parameters.quad
tfmdata.auto_protrude = true
for i, chr in next, tfmdata.characters do
local v, pl, pr = vector[i], nil, nil
if v then
pl, pr = v[1], v[2]
local d = data[i]
if d then
local s = d.shcode
if not s then
-- sorry
elseif type(s) == "table" then
local vl, vr = vector[s[1]], vector[s[#s]]
if vl then pl = vl[1] end
if vr then pr = vr[2] end
v = vector[s]
if v then
pl, pr = v[1], v[2]
if pl and pl ~= 0 then chr.left_protruding = pl*factor end
if pr and pr ~= 0 then chr.right_protruding = pr*factor end
initializers.base.otf.protrusion = initializers.common.protrusion
initializers.node.otf.protrusion = initializers.common.protrusion
initializers.base.afm.protrusion = initializers.common.protrusion
initializers.node.afm.protrusion = initializers.common.protrusion
function initializers.common.nostackmath(tfmdata,value)
tfmdata.ignore_stack_math = value
initializers.base.otf.nostackmath = initializers.common.nostackmath
initializers.node.otf.nostackmath = initializers.common.nostackmath
function initializers.common.itlc(tfmdata,value)
if value then
-- the magic 40 and it formula come from Dohyun Kim
local fontdata = tfmdata.shared.otfdata or tfmdata.shared.afmdata
local metadata = fontdata and fontdata.metadata
if metadata then
local italicangle = metadata.italicangle
if italicangle and italicangle ~= 0 then
local uwidth = (metadata.uwidth or 40)/2
for unicode, d in next, tfmdata.descriptions do
local it = d.boundingbox[3] - d.width + uwidth
if it ~= 0 then
d.italic = it
tfmdata.has_italic = true
initializers.base.otf.itlc = initializers.common.itlc
initializers.node.otf.itlc = initializers.common.itlc
initializers.base.afm.itlc = initializers.common.itlc
initializers.node.afm.itlc = initializers.common.itlc