if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-ctx'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to font-ini.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- At some point I will clean up the code here so that at the tex end -- the table interface is used. local texcount, texsetcount = tex.count, tex.setcount local format, gmatch, match, find, lower, gsub, byte = string.format, string.gmatch, string.match, string.find, string.lower, string.gsub, string.byte local concat, serialize, sort = table.concat, table.serialize, table.sort local settings_to_hash, hash_to_string = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash, utilities.parsers.hash_to_string local formatcolumns = utilities.formatters.formatcolumns local tostring, next, type = tostring, next, type local utfchar, utfbyte = utf.char, utf.byte local round = math.round local P, S, C, Cc, Cf, Cg, Ct, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.match local trace_defining = false trackers.register("fonts.defining", function(v) trace_defining = v end) local trace_usage = false trackers.register("fonts.usage", function(v) trace_usage = v end) local trace_mapfiles = false trackers.register("fonts.mapfiles", function(v) trace_mapfiles = v end) local trace_automode = false trackers.register("fonts.automode", function(v) trace_automode = v end) local report_defining = logs.reporter("fonts","defining") local report_status = logs.reporter("fonts","status") local report_mapfiles = logs.reporter("fonts","mapfiles") local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local fonts = fonts local handlers = fonts.handlers local otf = handlers.otf -- brrr local names = fonts.names local definers = fonts.definers local specifiers = fonts.specifiers local constructors = fonts.constructors local loggers = fonts.loggers local helpers = fonts.helpers local hashes = fonts.hashes local fontdata = hashes.identifiers local currentfont = font.current local texattribute = tex.attribute local otffeatures = fonts.constructors.newfeatures("otf") local registerotffeature = otffeatures.register local baseprocessors = otffeatures.processors.base local baseinitializers = otffeatures.initializers.base specifiers.contextsetups = specifiers.contextsetups or { } specifiers.contextnumbers = specifiers.contextnumbers or { } specifiers.contextmerged = specifiers.contextmerged or { } specifiers.synonyms = specifiers.synonyms or { } local setups = specifiers.contextsetups local numbers = specifiers.contextnumbers local merged = specifiers.contextmerged local synonyms = specifiers.synonyms storage.register("fonts/setups" , setups , "fonts.specifiers.contextsetups" ) storage.register("fonts/numbers", numbers, "fonts.specifiers.contextnumbers") storage.register("fonts/merged", merged, "fonts.specifiers.contextmerged") storage.register("fonts/synonyms", synonyms, "fonts.specifiers.synonyms") constructors.resolvevirtualtoo = true -- context specific (due to resolver) local allocate, mark = utilities.storage.allocate, utilities.storage.mark local nulldata = { name = "nullfont", characters = { }, descriptions = { }, properties = { }, parameters = { -- lmromanregular @ 12pt slant = 0, -- 1 space = 256377, -- 2 spacestretch = 128188, -- 3 spaceshrink = 85459, -- 4 xheight = 338952, -- 5 quad = 786432, -- 6 extraspace = 85459, -- 7 }, } function definers.resetnullfont() -- resetting is needed because tikz misuses nullfont local parameters = nulldata.parameters parameters.slant = 0 -- 1 parameters.space = 0 -- 2 parameters.spacestretch = 0 -- 3 parameters.spaceshrink = 0 -- 4 parameters.xheight = 0 -- 5 parameters.quad = 0 -- 6 parameters.extraspace = 0 -- 7 definers.resetnullfont = function() end end setmetatableindex(fontdata, function(t,k) return nulldata end) local chardata = allocate() -- chardata local parameters = allocate() local csnames = allocate() -- namedata local quaddata = allocate() -- quaddata local xheightdata = allocate() -- xheightdata hashes.characters = chardata hashes.parameters = parameters hashes.quads = quaddata hashes.xheights = xheightdata setmetatableindex(chardata, function(t,k) local characters = fontdata[k].characters t[k] = characters return characters end) setmetatableindex(parameters, function(t,k) local parameters = fontdata[k].parameters t[k] = parameters return parameters end) setmetatableindex(quaddata, function(t,k) local parameters = parameters[k] local quad = parameters and parameters.quad or 0 t[k] = quad return quad end) setmetatableindex(xheightdata, function(t,k) local parameters = parameters[k] local xheight = parameters and parameters.xheight or 0 t[k] = xheight return quad end) -- this cannot be a feature initializer as there is no auto namespace -- so we never enter the loop then; we can store the defaults in the tma -- file (features.gpos.mkmk = 1 etc) local needsnodemode = { gpos_mark2mark = true, gpos_mark2base = true, gpos_mark2ligature = true, } local function modechecker(tfmdata,features,mode) -- we cannot adapt features as they are shared! if mode == "auto" then local rawdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata local resources = rawdata and rawdata.resources local sequences = resources.sequences if sequences and #sequences > 0 then local script = features.script or "dflt" local language = features.language or "dflt" for feature, value in next, features do if value then local found = false for i=1,#sequences do local sequence = sequences[i] local features = sequence.features if features then local scripts = features[feature] if scripts then local languages = scripts[script] if languages and languages[language] then if found then -- more than one lookup if trace_automode then report_defining("forcing node mode in font %s for feature %s, script %s, language %s (multiple lookups)",file.basename(tfmdata.properties.name),feature,script,language) end features.mode = "node" return "node" elseif needsnodemode[sequence.type] then if trace_automode then report_defining("forcing node mode in font %s for feature %s, script %s, language %s (no base support)",file.basename(tfmdata.properties.name),feature,script,language) end features.mode = "node" return "node" else -- at least one lookup found = true end end end end end end end end return "base" else return mode end end registerotffeature { -- we only set the checker and leave other settings of the mode -- feature as they are name = "mode", modechecker = modechecker, } -- -- default = true anyway -- -- local normalinitializer = constructors.getfeatureaction("otf","initializers","node","analyze") -- -- local function analyzeinitializer(tfmdata,value,features) -- attr -- if value == "auto" and features then -- value = features.init or features.medi or features.fina or features.isol or false -- end -- return normalinitializer(tfmdata,value,features) -- end -- -- registerotffeature { -- name = "analyze", -- initializers = { -- node = analyzeinitializer, -- }, -- } --[[ldx--

So far we haven't really dealt with features (or whatever we want to pass along with the font definition. We distinguish the following situations:


name:xetex like specs name@virtual font spec name*context specification --ldx]]-- -- currently fonts are scaled while constructing the font, so we -- have to do scaling of commands in the vf at that point using e.g. -- "local scale = g.parameters.factor or 1" after all, we need to -- work with copies anyway and scaling needs to be done at some point; -- however, when virtual tricks are used as feature (makes more -- sense) we scale the commands in fonts.constructors.scale (and set the -- factor there) local loadfont = definers.loadfont function definers.loadfont(specification,size,id) -- overloads the one in font-def local variants = definers.methods.variants local virtualfeatures = specification.features.virtual if virtualfeatures and virtualfeatures.preset then local variant = variants[virtualfeatures.preset] if variant then return variant(specification,size,id) end else local tfmdata = loadfont(specification,size,id) -- constructors.checkvirtualid(tfmdata,id) return tfmdata end end local function predefined(specification) local variants = definers.methods.variants local detail = specification.detail if detail ~= "" and variants[detail] then specification.features.virtual = { preset = detail } end return specification end definers.registersplit("@", predefined,"virtual") local normalize_features = otffeatures.normalize -- should be general local function presetcontext(name,parent,features) -- will go to con and shared if features == "" and find(parent,"=") then features = parent parent = "" end if features == "" then features = { } elseif type(features) == "string" then features = normalize_features(settings_to_hash(features)) else features = normalize_features(features) end -- todo: synonyms, and not otf bound if parent ~= "" then for p in gmatch(parent,"[^, ]+") do local s = setups[p] if s then for k,v in next, s do if features[k] == nil then features[k] = v end end end end end -- these are auto set so in order to prevent redundant definitions -- we need to preset them (we hash the features and adding a default -- setting during initialization may result in a different hash) --~ for k,v in next, triggers do --~ if features[v] == nil then -- not false ! --~ local vv = default_features[v] --~ if vv then features[v] = vv end --~ end --~ end for feature,value in next, features do if value == nil then -- not false ! local default = default_features[feature] if default ~= nil then features[feature] = default end end end -- sparse 'm so that we get a better hash and less test (experimental -- optimization) local t = { } -- can we avoid t ? for k,v in next, features do if v then t[k] = v end end -- needed for dynamic features -- maybe number should always be renewed as we can redefine features local number = (setups[name] and setups[name].number) or 0 -- hm, numbers[name] if number == 0 then number = #numbers + 1 numbers[number] = name end t.number = number setups[name] = t return number, t end local function contextnumber(name) -- will be replaced local t = setups[name] if not t then return 0 elseif t.auto then local lng = tonumber(tex.language) local tag = name .. ":" .. lng local s = setups[tag] if s then return s.number or 0 else local script, language = languages.association(lng) if t.script ~= script or t.language ~= language then local s = table.fastcopy(t) local n = #numbers + 1 setups[tag] = s numbers[n] = tag s.number = n s.script = script s.language = language return n else setups[tag] = t return t.number or 0 end end else return t.number or 0 end end local function mergecontext(currentnumber,extraname,option) local current = setups[numbers[currentnumber]] local extra = setups[extraname] if extra then local mergedfeatures, mergedname = { }, nil if option < 0 then if current then for k, v in next, current do if not extra[k] then mergedfeatures[k] = v end end end mergedname = currentnumber .. "-" .. extraname else if current then for k, v in next, current do mergedfeatures[k] = v end end for k, v in next, extra do mergedfeatures[k] = v end mergedname = currentnumber .. "+" .. extraname end local number = #numbers + 1 mergedfeatures.number = number numbers[number] = mergedname merged[number] = option setups[mergedname] = mergedfeatures return number -- contextnumber(mergedname) else return currentnumber end end local function registercontext(fontnumber,extraname,option) local extra = setups[extraname] if extra then local mergedfeatures, mergedname = { }, nil if option < 0 then mergedname = fontnumber .. "-" .. extraname else mergedname = fontnumber .. "+" .. extraname end for k, v in next, extra do mergedfeatures[k] = v end local number = #numbers + 1 mergedfeatures.number = number numbers[number] = mergedname merged[number] = option setups[mergedname] = mergedfeatures return number -- contextnumber(mergedname) else return 0 end end specifiers.presetcontext = presetcontext specifiers.contextnumber = contextnumber specifiers.mergecontext = mergecontext specifiers.registercontext = registercontext -- we extend the hasher: constructors.hashmethods.virtual = function(list) local s = { } local n = 0 for k, v in next, list do n = n + 1 s[n] = k end if n > 0 then sort(s) for i=1,n do local k = s[i] s[i] = k .. '=' .. tostring(list[k]) end return concat(s,"+") end end -- end of redefine local cache = { } -- concat might be less efficient than nested tables local function withset(name,what) local zero = texattribute[0] local hash = zero .. "+" .. name .. "*" .. what local done = cache[hash] if not done then done = mergecontext(zero,name,what) cache[hash] = done end texattribute[0] = done end local function withfnt(name,what) local font = currentfont() local hash = font .. "*" .. name .. "*" .. what local done = cache[hash] if not done then done = registercontext(font,name,what) cache[hash] = done end texattribute[0] = done end function specifiers.showcontext(name) return setups[name] or setups[numbers[name]] or setups[numbers[tonumber(name)]] or { } end -- todo: support a,b,c local function splitcontext(features) -- presetcontext creates dummy here return setups[features] or (presetcontext(features,"","") and setups[features]) end --~ local splitter = lpeg.splitat("=") --~ local function splitcontext(features) --~ local setup = setups[features] --~ if setup then --~ return setup --~ elseif find(features,",") then --~ -- This is not that efficient but handy anyway for quick and dirty tests --~ -- beware, due to the way of caching setups you can get the wrong results --~ -- when components change. A safeguard is to nil the cache. --~ local merge = nil --~ for feature in gmatch(features,"[^, ]+") do --~ if find(feature,"=") then --~ local k, v = lpegmatch(splitter,feature) --~ if k and v then --~ if not merge then --~ merge = { k = v } --~ else --~ merge[k] = v --~ end --~ end --~ else --~ local s = setups[feature] --~ if not s then --~ -- skip --~ elseif not merge then --~ merge = s --~ else --~ for k, v in next, s do --~ merge[k] = v --~ end --~ end --~ end --~ end --~ setup = merge and presetcontext(features,"",merge) and setups[features] --~ -- actually we have to nil setups[features] in order to permit redefinitions --~ setups[features] = nil --~ end --~ return setup or (presetcontext(features,"","") and setups[features]) -- creates dummy --~ end specifiers.splitcontext = splitcontext function specifiers.contexttostring(name,kind,separator,yes,no,strict,omit) -- not used return hash_to_string(table.merged(handlers[kind].features.defaults or {},setups[name] or {}),separator,yes,no,strict,omit) end local function starred(features) -- no longer fallbacks here local detail = features.detail if detail and detail ~= "" then features.features.normal = splitcontext(detail) else features.features.normal = { } end return features end definers.registersplit('*',starred,"featureset") -- sort of xetex mode, but without [] and / as we have file: and name: etc local space = P(" ") local separator = S(";,") local equal = P("=") local spaces = space^0 local sometext = C((1-equal-space-separator)^1) local truevalue = P("+") * spaces * sometext * Cc(true) -- "yes" local falsevalue = P("-") * spaces * sometext * Cc(false) -- "no" local keyvalue = sometext * spaces * equal * spaces * sometext local somevalue = sometext * spaces * Cc(true) -- "yes" local pattern = Cf(Ct("") * (space + separator + Cg(keyvalue + falsevalue + truevalue + somevalue))^0, rawset) local function colonized(specification) specification.features.normal = normalize_features(lpegmatch(pattern,specification.detail)) return specification end definers.registersplit(":",colonized,"direct") -- define (two steps) local space = P(" ") local spaces = space^0 local leftparent = (P"(") local rightparent = (P")") local value = C((leftparent * (1-rightparent)^0 * rightparent + (1-space))^1) local dimension = C((space/"" + P(1))^1) local rest = C(P(1)^0) local scale_none = Cc(0) local scale_at = P("at") * Cc(1) * spaces * dimension -- value local scale_sa = P("sa") * Cc(2) * spaces * dimension -- value local scale_mo = P("mo") * Cc(3) * spaces * dimension -- value local scale_scaled = P("scaled") * Cc(4) * spaces * dimension -- value local sizepattern = spaces * (scale_at + scale_sa + scale_mo + scale_scaled + scale_none) local splitpattern = spaces * value * spaces * rest local specification -- still needed as local ? local getspecification = definers.getspecification -- we can make helper macros which saves parsing (but normaly not -- that many calls, e.g. in mk a couple of 100 and in metafun 3500) local setdefaultfontname = context.fntsetdefname local setsomefontname = context.fntsetsomename local setemptyfontsize = context.fntsetnopsize local setsomefontsize = context.fntsetsomesize function definers.stage_one(str) statistics.starttiming(fonts) local fullname, size = lpegmatch(splitpattern,str) local lookup, name, sub, method, detail = getspecification(fullname) if not name then report_defining("strange definition '%s'",str) setdefaultfontname() elseif name == "unknown" then setdefaultfontname() else setsomefontname(name) end -- we can also use a count for the size if size and size ~= "" then local mode, size = lpegmatch(sizepattern,size) if size and mode then texcount.scaledfontmode = mode setsomefontsize(size) else texcount.scaledfontmode = 0 setemptyfontsize() end elseif true then -- so we don't need to check in tex texcount.scaledfontmode = 2 setemptyfontsize() else texcount.scaledfontmode = 0 setemptyfontsize() end specification = definers.makespecification(str,lookup,name,sub,method,detail,size) end local n = 0 -- we can also move rscale to here (more consistent) -- the argument list will become a table function definers.stage_two(global,cs,str,size,inheritancemode,classfeatures,fontfeatures,classfallbacks,fontfallbacks, mathsize,textsize,relativeid,classgoodies,goodies) if trace_defining then report_defining("memory usage before: %s",statistics.memused()) end -- name is now resolved and size is scaled cf sa/mo local lookup, name, sub, method, detail = getspecification(str or "") -- asome settings can be overloaded if lookup and lookup ~= "" then specification.lookup = lookup end if relativeid and relativeid ~= "" then -- experimental hook local id = tonumber(relativeid) or 0 specification.relativeid = id > 0 and id end specification.name = name specification.size = size specification.sub = (sub and sub ~= "" and sub) or specification.sub specification.mathsize = mathsize specification.textsize = textsize specification.goodies = goodies specification.cs = cs specification.global = global if detail and detail ~= "" then specification.method = method or "*" specification.detail = detail elseif specification.detail and specification.detail ~= "" then -- already set elseif inheritancemode == 0 then -- nothing elseif inheritancemode == 1 then -- fontonly if fontfeatures and fontfeatures ~= "" then specification.method = "*" specification.detail = fontfeatures end if fontfallbacks and fontfallbacks ~= "" then specification.fallbacks = fontfallbacks end elseif inheritancemode == 2 then -- classonly if classfeatures and classfeatures ~= "" then specification.method = "*" specification.detail = classfeatures end if classfallbacks and classfallbacks ~= "" then specification.fallbacks = classfallbacks end elseif inheritancemode == 3 then -- fontfirst if fontfeatures and fontfeatures ~= "" then specification.method = "*" specification.detail = fontfeatures elseif classfeatures and classfeatures ~= "" then specification.method = "*" specification.detail = classfeatures end if fontfallbacks and fontfallbacks ~= "" then specification.fallbacks = fontfallbacks elseif classfallbacks and classfallbacks ~= "" then specification.fallbacks = classfallbacks end elseif inheritancemode == 4 then -- classfirst if classfeatures and classfeatures ~= "" then specification.method = "*" specification.detail = classfeatures elseif fontfeatures and fontfeatures ~= "" then specification.method = "*" specification.detail = fontfeatures end if classfallbacks and classfallbacks ~= "" then specification.fallbacks = classfallbacks elseif fontfallbacks and fontfallbacks ~= "" then specification.fallbacks = fontfallbacks end end local tfmdata = definers.read(specification,size) -- id not yet known local cs = specification.cs if cs then csnames[cs] = tfmdata -- new (beware: locals can be forgotten) end if not tfmdata then report_defining("unable to define %s as \\%s",name,cs) texsetcount("global","lastfontid",-1) context.letvaluerelax(cs) -- otherwise the current definition takes the previous one elseif type(tfmdata) == "number" then if trace_defining then report_defining("reusing %s with id %s as \\%s (features: %s/%s, fallbacks: %s/%s, goodies: %s/%s)", name,tfmdata,cs,classfeatures,fontfeatures,classfallbacks,fontfallbacks,classgoodies,goodies) end tex.definefont(global,cs,tfmdata) -- resolved (when designsize is used): setsomefontsize(fontdata[tfmdata].parameters.size .. "sp") texsetcount("global","lastfontid",tfmdata) else tfmdata.characters[0] = nil -- we use char0 as signal -- local t = os.clock(t) local id = font.define(tfmdata) -- print(name,os.clock()-t) tfmdata.properties.id = id definers.register(tfmdata,id) -- to be sure, normally already done tex.definefont(global,cs,id) constructors.cleanuptable(tfmdata) constructors.finalize(tfmdata) if trace_defining then report_defining("defining %s with id %s as \\%s (features: %s/%s, fallbacks: %s/%s)",name,id,cs,classfeatures,fontfeatures,classfallbacks,fontfallbacks) end -- resolved (when designsize is used): setsomefontsize((tfmdata.parameters.size or 655360) .. "sp") --~ if specification.fallbacks then --~ fonts.collections.prepare(specification.fallbacks) --~ end texsetcount("global","lastfontid",id) end if trace_defining then report_defining("memory usage after: %s",statistics.memused()) end statistics.stoptiming(fonts) end function definers.define(specification) -- local name = specification.name if not name or name == "" then return -1 else statistics.starttiming(fonts) -- -- following calls expect a few properties to be set: -- local lookup, name, sub, method, detail = getspecification(name or "") -- specification.name = (name ~= "" and name) or specification.name -- specification.lookup = specification.lookup or (lookup ~= "" and lookup) or "file" specification.size = specification.size or 655260 specification.sub = specification.sub or (sub ~= "" and sub) or "" specification.method = specification.method or (method ~= "" and method) or "*" specification.detail = specification.detail or (detail ~= "" and detail) or "" -- specification.specification = "" -- not used specification.resolved = "" specification.forced = "" specification.features = { } -- via detail, maybe some day -- -- we don't care about mathsize textsize goodies fallbacks -- if specification.cs == "" then specification.cs = nil specification.global = false elseif specification.global == nil then specification.global = false end -- local tfmdata = definers.read(specification,specification.size) if not tfmdata then return -1, nil elseif type(tfmdata) == "number" then if specification.cs then tex.definefont(specification.global,specification.cs,tfmdata) end return tfmdata, fontdata[tfmdata] else local id = font.define(tfmdata) tfmdata.properties.id = id definers.register(tfmdata,id) if specification.cs then tex.definefont(specification.global,specification.cs,id) end constructors.cleanuptable(tfmdata) constructors.finalize(tfmdata) return id, tfmdata end statistics.stoptiming(fonts) end end local enable_auto_r_scale = false experiments.register("fonts.autorscale", function(v) enable_auto_r_scale = v end) -- Not ok, we can best use a database for this. The problem is that we -- have delayed definitions and so we never know what style is taken -- as start. local calculatescale = constructors.calculatescale function constructors.calculatescale(tfmdata,scaledpoints,relativeid) local scaledpoints, delta = calculatescale(tfmdata,scaledpoints) --~ if enable_auto_r_scale and relativeid then -- for the moment this is rather context specific --~ local relativedata = fontdata[relativeid] --~ local rfmdata = relativedata and relativedata.unscaled and relativedata.unscaled --~ local id_x_height = rfmdata and rfmdata.parameters and rfmdata.parameters.x_height --~ local tf_x_height = tfmdata and tfmdata.parameters and tfmdata.parameters.x_height --~ if id_x_height and tf_x_height then --~ local rscale = id_x_height/tf_x_height --~ delta = rscale * delta --~ scaledpoints = rscale * scaledpoints --~ end --~ end return scaledpoints, delta end -- soon to be obsolete: local mappings = fonts.mappings local loaded = { -- prevent loading (happens in cont-sys files) ["original-base.map" ] = true, ["original-ams-base.map" ] = true, ["original-ams-euler.map"] = true, ["original-public-lm.map"] = true, } function mappings.loadfile(name) name = file.addsuffix(name,"map") if not loaded[name] then if trace_mapfiles then report_mapfiles("loading map file '%s'",name) end pdf.mapfile(name) loaded[name] = true end end local loaded = { -- prevent double loading } function mappings.loadline(how,line) if line then how = how .. " " .. line elseif how == "" then how = "= " .. line end if not loaded[how] then if trace_mapfiles then report_mapfiles("processing map line '%s'",line) end pdf.mapline(how) loaded[how] = true end end function mappings.reset() pdf.mapfile("") end mappings.reset() -- resets the default file -- we need an 'do after the banner hook' -- => commands local function nametoslot(name) local t = type(name) if t == "string" then local tfmdata = fonts.hashes.identifiers[currentfont()] local shared = tfmdata and tfmdata.shared local fntdata = shared and shared.rawdata return fntdata and fntdata.resources.unicodes[name] elseif t == "number" then return n end end helpers.nametoslot = nametoslot -- this will change ... function loggers.reportdefinedfonts() if trace_usage then local t, tn = { }, 0 for id, data in table.sortedhash(fontdata) do local properties = data.properties or { } local parameters = data.parameters or { } tn = tn + 1 t[tn] = { format("%03i",id or 0), format("%09i",parameters.size or 0), properties.type or "real", properties.format or "unknown", properties.name or "", properties.psname or "", properties.fullname or "", } report_status("%s: %s",properties.name,concat(table.sortedkeys(data)," ")) end formatcolumns(t," ") report_status() report_status("defined fonts:") report_status() for k=1,tn do report_status(t[k]) end end end luatex.registerstopactions(loggers.reportdefinedfonts) function loggers.reportusedfeatures() -- numbers, setups, merged if trace_usage then local t, n = { }, #numbers for i=1,n do local name = numbers[i] local setup = setups[name] local n = setup.number setup.number = nil -- we have no reason to show this t[i] = { i, name, table.sequenced(setup,false,true) } -- simple mode setup.number = n -- restore it (normally not needed as we're done anyway) end formatcolumns(t," ") report_status() report_status("defined featuresets:") report_status() for k=1,n do report_status(t[k]) end end end luatex.registerstopactions(loggers.reportusedfeatures) statistics.register("fonts load time", function() return statistics.elapsedseconds(fonts) end) -- experimental mechanism for Mojca: -- -- fonts.definetypeface { -- name = "mainbodyfont-light", -- preset = "antykwapoltawskiego-light", -- } -- -- fonts.definetypeface { -- name = "mojcasfavourite", -- preset = "antykwapoltawskiego", -- normalweight = "light", -- boldweight = "bold", -- width = "condensed", -- } local Shapes = { serif = "Serif", sans = "Sans", mono = "Mono", } function fonts.definetypeface(name,t) if type(name) == "table" then -- {name=abc,k=v,...} t = name elseif t then if type(t) == "string" then -- "abc", "k=v,..." t = settings_to_hash(name) else -- "abc", {k=v,...} end t.name = t.name or name else -- "name=abc,k=v,..." t = settings_to_hash(name) end local p = t.preset and fonts.typefaces[t.preset] or { } local name = t.name or "unknowntypeface" local shortcut = t.shortcut or p.shortcut or "rm" local size = t.size or p.size or "default" local shape = t.shape or p.shape or "serif" local fontname = t.fontname or p.fontname or "unknown" local normalweight = t.normalweight or t.weight or p.normalweight or p.weight or "normal" local boldweight = t.boldweight or t.weight or p.boldweight or p.weight or "normal" local normalwidth = t.normalwidth or t.width or p.normalwidth or p.width or "normal" local boldwidth = t.boldwidth or t.width or p.boldwidth or p.width or "normal" Shape = Shapes[shape] or "Serif" context.startfontclass { name } context.definefontsynonym( { format("%s", Shape) }, { format("spec:%s-%s-regular-%s", fontname, normalweight, normalwidth) } ) context.definefontsynonym( { format("%sBold", Shape) }, { format("spec:%s-%s-regular-%s", fontname, boldweight, boldwidth ) } ) context.definefontsynonym( { format("%sBoldItalic", Shape) }, { format("spec:%s-%s-italic-%s", fontname, boldweight, boldwidth ) } ) context.definefontsynonym( { format("%sItalic", Shape) }, { format("spec:%s-%s-italic-%s", fontname, normalweight, normalwidth) } ) context.stopfontclass() local settings = table.sequenced({ features= t.features },",") context.dofastdefinetypeface(name, shortcut, shape, size, settings) end function fonts.current() -- todo: also handle name return fontdata[currentfont()] or fontdata[0] end function fonts.currentid() return currentfont() or 0 end -- interfaces function commands.fontchar(n) n = nametoslot(n) if n then context.char(n) end end function commands.doifelsecurrentfonthasfeature(name) -- can be made faster with a supportedfeatures hash local f = fontdata[currentfont()] f = f and f.shared f = f and f.rawdata f = f and f.resources f = f and f.features commands.doifelse(f and (f.gpos[name] or f.gsub[name])) end local p, f = 1, "%0.1fpt" -- normally this value is changed only once local stripper = lpeg.patterns.stripzeros function commands.nbfs(amount,precision) if precision ~= p then p = precision f = "%0." .. p .. "fpt" end context(lpegmatch(stripper,format(f,amount/65536))) end function commands.featureattribute(tag) tex.write(contextnumber(tag)) end function commands.setfontfeature(tag) texattribute[0] = contextnumber(tag) end function commands.resetfontfeature() texattribute[0] = 0 end function commands.addfs(tag) withset(tag, 1) end function commands.subfs(tag) withset(tag,-1) end function commands.addff(tag) withfnt(tag, 2) end function commands.subff(tag) withfnt(tag,-2) end -- function commands.addfontfeaturetoset (tag) withset(tag, 1) end -- function commands.subtractfontfeaturefromset (tag) withset(tag,-1) end -- function commands.addfontfeaturetofont (tag) withfnt(tag, 2) end -- function commands.subtractfontfeaturefromfont(tag) withfnt(tag,-2) end function commands.cleanfontname (name) context(names.cleanname(name)) end function commands.fontlookupinitialize (name) names.lookup(name) end function commands.fontlookupnoffound () context(names.noflookups()) end function commands.fontlookupgetkeyofindex(key,index) context(names.getlookupkey(key,index)) end function commands.fontlookupgetkey (key) context(names.getlookupkey(key)) end -- this might move to a runtime module: function commands.showchardata(n) local tfmdata = fontdata[currentfont()] if tfmdata then if type(n) == "string" then n = utfbyte(n) end local chr = tfmdata.characters[n] if chr then report_status("%s @ %s => U%05X => %s => %s",tfmdata.properties.fullname,tfmdata.parameters.size,n,utfchar(n),serialize(chr,false)) end end end function commands.showfontparameters(tfmdata) -- this will become more clever local tfmdata = tfmdata or fontdata[currentfont()] if tfmdata then local parameters = tfmdata.parameters local mathparameters = tfmdata.mathparameters local properties = tfmdata.properties local hasparameters = parameters and next(parameters) local hasmathparameters = mathparameters and next(mathparameters) if hasparameters then report_status("%s @ %s => text parameters => %s",properties.fullname,parameters.size,serialize(parameters,false)) end if hasmathparameters then report_status("%s @ %s => math parameters => %s",properties.fullname,parameters.size,serialize(mathparameters,false)) end if not hasparameters and not hasmathparameters then report_status("%s @ %s => no text parameters and/or math parameters",properties.fullname,parameters.size) end end end -- for the moment here, this will become a chain of extras that is -- hooked into the ctx registration (or scaler or ...) local dimenfactors = number.dimenfactors function helpers.dimenfactor(unit,tfmdata) -- could be a method of a font instance if unit == "ex" then return (tfmdata and tfmdata.parameters.x_height) or 655360 elseif unit == "em" then return (tfmdata and tfmdata.parameters.em_width) or 655360 else return dimenfactors[unit] or unit end end local function digitwidth(font) -- max(quad/2,wd(0..9)) local tfmdata = fontdata[font] local parameters = tfmdata.parameters local width = parameters.digitwidth if not width then width = round(parameters.quad/2) -- maybe tex.scale local characters = tfmdata.characters for i=48,57 do local wd = round(characters[i].width) if wd > width then width = wd end end parameters.digitwidth = width end return width end helpers.getdigitwidth = digitwidth helpers.setdigitwidth = digitwidth -- function helpers.getparameters(tfmdata) local p = { } local m = p local parameters = tfmdata.parameters while true do for k, v in next, parameters do m[k] = v end parameters = getmetatable(parameters) parameters = parameters and parameters.__index if type(parameters) == "table" then m = { } p.metatable = m else break end end return p end if environment.initex then local function names(t) local nt = #t if nt > 0 then local n = { } for i=1,nt do n[i] = t[i].name end return concat(n," ") else return "-" end end statistics.register("font processing", function() local l = { } for what, handler in table.sortedpairs(handlers) do local features = handler.features if features then local t = { } t[#t+1] = "[" t[#t+1] = what t[#t+1] = format("(base initializers: %s)",names(features.initializers.base)) t[#t+1] = format("(base processors: %s)", names(features.processors .base)) t[#t+1] = format("(base manipulators: %s)",names(features.manipulators.base)) t[#t+1] = format("(node initializers: %s)",names(features.initializers.node)) t[#t+1] = format("(node processors: %s)", names(features.processors .node)) t[#t+1] = format("(node manipulators: %s)",names(features.manipulators.node)) t[#t+1] = "]" l[#l+1] = concat(t, " ") end end return concat(l, " | ") end) end -- redefinition local quads = hashes.quads local xheights = hashes.xheights local currentfont = font.current local texdimen = tex.dimen setmetatableindex(number.dimenfactors, function(t,k) if k == "ex" then return xheigths[currentfont()] elseif k == "em" then return quads[currentfont()] elseif k == "%" then return dimen.hsize/100 else -- error("wrong dimension: " .. (s or "?")) -- better a message return false end end) --[[ldx--

Before a font is passed to we scale it. Here we also need to scale virtual characters.

--ldx]]-- -- function constructors.getvirtualid(tfmdata) -- -- since we don't know the id yet, we use 0 as signal -- local tf = tfmdata.fonts -- if not tf then -- local properties = tfmdata.properties -- if properties then -- properties.virtualized = true -- else -- tfmdata.properties = { virtualized = true } -- end -- tf = { } -- tfmdata.fonts = tf -- end -- local ntf = #tf + 1 -- tf[ntf] = { id = 0 } -- return ntf -- end -- -- function constructors.checkvirtualid(tfmdata, id) -- will go -- local properties = tfmdata.properties -- if tfmdata and tfmdata.type == "virtual" or (properties and properties.virtualized) then -- local vfonts = tfmdata.fonts -- if not vffonts or #vfonts == 0 then -- if properties then -- properties.virtualized = false -- end -- tfmdata.fonts = nil -- else -- for f=1,#vfonts do -- local fnt = vfonts[f] -- if fnt.id and fnt.id == 0 then -- fnt.id = id -- end -- end -- end -- end -- end