%D \module %D [ file=font-chi, %D version=1999.10.10, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Font Macros, %D subtitle=Chinese, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D suggestions=Wang Lei, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \ifx\handlechineseunicodeglyph\undefined \else \endinput \fi % NOT YET ADAPTED TO THE NEW FONT MACROS %D The first implementation (most of which is here) is based on %D the specific font layout. This is because not all glyphs are %D available in uniciode, which means that we cannot use %D unicode codepoints (yet); if it were possible we could use %D just one table per input encoding. \writestatus{loading}{Context Font Macros / Chinese} % much will to typo-chi.tex %D Still to be implemented: %D %D \startitemize %D \item columns left right touch %D \item distance = (hsize-n*bodyfontsize)/(n-1) %D \item char grids %D \item char tables %D \item all kind of rotated combinations %D \item hanging puctuation %D \item a few more encodings %D \item rotation list %D \stopitemize %M \setupbodyfont[chi] %M %M \def\WangLei{\purechinese{\uchar{205}{245}\uchar{192}{218}}} \useencoding[chi] %D When \WangLei\ sent me a mail asking if \CONTEXT\ was able %D to support Chinese, I wasn't sure if the answer could be %D yes. I knew that those languages, rich of glyphs, were %D typeset by \TEX, so in principle it should be possible. I %D asked or some more input and was told that there were %D \LATEX\ styles regarding those languages. When I unzipped %D the accompanying files, it became clear that I had to %D implement support for Chinese from scratch. There was a %D multitude of font, with rather unfamiliar encodings, a %D large collection of files with |<|at least for me|>| %D unknown purposes, and worse, the documentation was mainly %D in Chinese. %D %D So, \WangLei\ and I started exchanging some emails and it %D soon became clear that supporting Chinese was not that %D complicated at all. It mostly came to dealing with handling %D \UNICODE\ fonts. It also became clear that everything %D Chinese took place in the upper region of the eight bit %D character set. I wrote some macros that could process the %D small \type {Hello World} file \WangLei\ had send me, and %D after some bug fixes real Chinese came out. I started to %D like the look and fel of Chinese glyphs, so on we went. %D %D The first comments concerned spacing. The mix of English %D and Chinese demands some rather deliberate handling of %D spacing. Breaking lines was not so much a problem, and %D could be solved by adding some glue between Chinese glyphs. %D %D In the meantime had asked \WangLei\ for some language bound %D labels and texts, and implementing these was rather %D straightforward. But, there were still some issues to deal %D with: conversion of numbers, date handling and index %D sorting. %D %D I consider(ed) writing Chinese support to be a nice puzzle, %D since I have to act on chinese \CONTEXT\ code, where I only %D understand the \CONTEXT\ part. The drawings \WangLei\ made %D me (in drawing packages) were of great help. Since I write %D these modules from scratch, although I fall back on some %D basic encoding and font modules, I consider them to be %D rather clean. This cannot be said of all \CONTEXT\ font %D modules \type {-)}. \unprotect %D Because Chinese glyphs have more height than the average %D Latin glyph, and at the same time don't have much depth, %D we adapt the scale. %D %D Before and after the glyph we have to deal with Chinese %D spacing. Special attention is given to punctuation. %D %D \starttyping %D [some short nice chinese text with () and english] %D \stoptyping %D %D We insert a bit of stretch and introduce a signal to %D keep track of previous characters. We use a similar %D method in the units module, which may be a nice %D introduction to using signals. %D \macros %D {chineseunicodescale, chineseinterglyphskip, %D chineseunicodeheight, chineseunicodedepth, chinesespace} %D %D There are a few variables, that can be (re|)|set %D depending on the current font. They default to: % hm, why don't we use the normal unicodestrut mechanism? \def\chineseunicodescale {1.00} % not smaller than .85 \def\chineseunicodeheight {1.00} \def\chineseunicodedepth {1.00} \def\chineseinterglyphskip{0pt \!!plus .05em \!!minus .01em} \def\chinesesurroundskip {.25em \!!plus .15em \!!minus .05em} %D We define a few signals. As said, another example of %D using signals can be found in the module \type {m-units}. \newsignal\chineseLsignal % left boundary character \newsignal\chineseRsignal % right boundary character \newsignal\chineseSsignal % any other character (symbol) \chardef\chineseBstatus=0 % 0=unknown 1=left 2=right 3=chinese 4=nospace \chardef\chineseAstatus=0 % 0=unknown 1=left 2=right 3=space \chardef\chineseSstatus=0 % 0=unknown 1=left 2=right \sfcode`(=2000 % a temporary hack \def\chinesenobreak {\relax \iftracechinese \nobreak \kern-.5pt\color[red]{\vrule\!!width1pt}\kern-.5pt \nobreak \else \nobreak \fi} \newif\ifcorrectchineseboundarychars \def\chineseunskip {\unskip\unskip\unskip\unskip} \def\insertchineseglyph {\iftracechinese\tracedchineseglyph\else\insertunicodeglyph\fi} \newif\ifverticalchinese \def\handlechineseunicodeglyph {\ifinpagebody \horizontalchineseunicodeglyph \else\ifverticalchinese \verticalchineseunicodeglyph \else \horizontalchineseunicodeglyph \fi\fi} % chinese classes: left=1|right=2|center=3 \chardef\plusfour=4 \def\analyzechineseunicodeglyph % beware, no zerocount ! {\chardef\chineseSstatus0\getvalue{uc\number\unicodeposition}\relax} \def\analyzechineseunicodeenviroment {% left \ifx (\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusone \else \ifx [\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusone \else % right \ifx ,\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else \ifx .\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else \ifx ?\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else \ifx ;\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else \ifx :\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else \ifx !\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else \ifx )\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else \ifx ]\nextutoken \chardef\chineseAstatus\plustwo \else % space \ifx\nextutoken\blankspace \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusthree \else \ifx\nextutoken\space \chardef\chineseAstatus\plusthree \else \chardef\chineseAstatus\zerocount % unknown \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \fi\fi % maybe save the last skip? \chardef\chineseBstatus\ifdim\lastskip=\zeropoint\plusfour\else\zerocount\fi \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseLsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusone \else \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseRsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plustwo \else \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseSsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusthree \else \scratchskip=\lastskip \unskip \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseLsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusone \else \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseRsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plustwo \else \ifdim\lastskip=\chineseSsignal \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusthree \else \space\scratchskip=\lastskip \unskip \setbox\scratchbox=\hbox\bgroup (\space \ifdim\lastskip=\scratchskip \egroup \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusone \else \egroup \ifdim\scratchskip=\zeropoint \chardef\chineseBstatus\plusfour \fi \fi \fi\fi\fi \fi\fi\fi} \def\horizontalchineseunicodeglyph {\relax \ifhmode\else\dontleavehmode\fi % added \setunicodescale\chineseunicodescale % redundant \setunicodestrut\chineseunicodeheight\chineseunicodedepth % redundant \ifprocessingverbatim \iftracechinese \ruledhbox{\insertunicodeglyph}% \else \insertunicodeglyph \fi \else\ifx\nextutoken\relax \insertunicodeglyph \else \analyzechineseunicodeglyph \analyzechineseunicodeenviroment \ifcase\chineseSstatus\relax \ifcase\chineseBstatus\relax \chineseunskip \hskip\chinesesurroundskip % unknown \or \chineseunskip \chinesenobreak % left \or \ifcorrectchineseboundarychars\else\chineseunskip\fi \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % right \or \chineseunskip \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % chinese \or % whatever \fi \insertchineseglyph \ifcase\chineseAstatus\relax \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % unknown \hskip\chinesesurroundskip \ifcase\chineseSstatus \hskip\chineseSsignal \or \hskip\chineseLsignal \else \hskip\chineseRsignal \fi \or \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % left \chinesenobreak \hskip\chineseLsignal \or \chinesenobreak % right \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip \chinesenobreak \hskip\chineseRsignal \or \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip % space \hskip\chinesesurroundskip \hskip\chineseSsignal \fi \or % left \ifcorrectchineseboundarychars \let\unicodecharcommand\chineseleftcharcommand \fi \chineseunskip \insertchineseglyph \chinesenobreak \hskip\chineseLsignal \or % right \ifcorrectchineseboundarychars \let\unicodecharcommand\chineserightcharcommand \fi \chineseunskip \chinesenobreak \insertchineseglyph \hskip\chineseRsignal \else % center \chineseunskip \chinesenobreak \insertchineseglyph \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip \hskip\chineseRsignal \fi\fi \aftergroup\ignorespaces % watch this \fi} \def\verticalchineseunicodeglyph {\relax \ifprocessingverbatim % to do \horizontalchineseunicodeglyph \else \setunicodescale\chineseunicodescale % redundant \setunicodestrut\chineseunicodeheight\chineseunicodedepth % redundant \ifx\nextutoken\relax \insertchineseglyph \ifvmode % catches \hbox{...}, actually \hbox should be \vbox -) \nointerlineskip \fi \allowbreak \else \analyzechineseunicodeglyph \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \hsize {\hss \ifcase\chineseSstatus\relax \insertchineseglyph \else % left / right \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\insertchineseglyph}% \rotate[\c!rotation=270]{\box\scratchbox}% \fi \hss}% \ht\scratchbox\unicodeheight\strutht \dp\scratchbox\unicodedepth \strutdp \ifvmode % catches \hbox{...}, actually \hbox should be \vbox -) \nointerlineskip \fi \ifcase\prevchineseSstatus\relax \ifnum\chineseSstatus=\plustwo \par\nobreak\else\allowbreak\fi \or % left \par\nobreak \or % right \ifnum\chineseSstatus=\plustwo \par\nobreak\else\allowbreak\fi \fi \global\chardef\prevchineseSstatus\chineseSstatus % pagebody ... \box\scratchbox\par \fi \aftergroup\ignorespaces % watch this \fi} %D \macros %D {setupchinese,startvertical,nochinese} %D %D The previous macros implement horizontal as well as %D vertical typesetting. Vertical typesetting is implemented %D on top of the multi||column routines. \def\setupchinese {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??vt]} \def\startvertical {\dosingleempty\dostartvertical} \def\dostartvertical[#1]% {\bgroup \def\maxnofcolumns{25}% \verticalchinesetrue \global\chardef\prevchineseSstatus\zerocount \let\nochinese\nochineseinvertical \doif\@@vtn\v!fit {\dimen0=\textwidth \advance\dimen0 \@@vtdistance \dimen2=\bodyfontsize \advance\dimen2 \@@vtdistance \divide\dimen0 \number\dimen2 \edef\@@vtn{\number\dimen0}}% \startcolumns [\c!direction=\@@vtdirection, \c!balance=\@@vtbalance, \c!distance=\@@vtdistance, \c!n=\@@vtn, #1]} \def\stopvertical {\stopcolumns \egroup} \setupchinese [\c!direction=\v!left, \c!balance=\v!no, \c!n=\v!fit, \c!distance=1.5\bodyfontsize] %D We can set up vertical typesetting with \type %D {\setupchinese}. %D \macros %D {nochineseinvertical} %D %D English (non chinese) text is typeset rotated: \def\nochineseinvertical#1% {\par \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\strut#1} \getnoflines{\wd\scratchbox} \setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \noflines\openlineheight {\hss\box\scratchbox\hss} \hbox to \hsize {\hss \rotate [\c!rotation=270] {\vbox to \ht\scratchbox{\vss\box\scratchbox\vss}}% \hss} \par} %D \macros %D {correctchineseboundarychars} %D %D Careful reading of the previous macro learns that we %D treat left and right glyphs differently. When we say %D %D \starttyping %D \correctchineseboundarycharstrue %D \stoptyping %D %D For the moment correction in on by default. \correctchineseboundarycharstrue \def\chineserightcharcommand#1% {\iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to .5em{#1\hss}% \hskip.25em\!!plus .25em\relax}% \def\chineseleftcharcommand#1% {\ifnum\chineseBstatus<4 \hskip.25em \!!plus .25em\relax\fi \iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to .5em{\hss#1}}% % \def\chineserightcharcommand#1% % {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{#1}% % \scratchdimen=.5em % \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen % \iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to \scratchdimen % {\box\scratchbox\hss}% % \hskip.5\scratchdimen\!!plus.5\scratchdimen\relax % \else % \box\scratchbox % \fi} % \def\chineseleftcharcommand#1% % {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{#1}% % \scratchdimen=.5em % \ifdim\wd\scratchbox>\scratchdimen % \ifnum\chineseBstatus<4 % \hskip.5\scratchdimen\!!plus.5\scratchdimen\relax % \fi % \iftracechinese\ruledhbox\else\hbox\fi \!!to \scratchdimen % {\hss\box\scratchbox}% % \else % \box\scratchbox % \fi} %D The long list of numbers in the previous macro identify the %D characters where special care is needed for breaking lines. %D A linebreak is not permitted before: %D %D \def\DoIt #1 #2 % %D {\hbox{\hbox to 2em{\uchar{#1}{#2}\hss}#1 #2}\par} %D %D \startcolumns[n=5] %D \DoIt 161 162 \DoIt 161 163 \DoIt 161 164 \DoIt 161 167 \DoIt 161 173 %D \DoIt 161 175 \DoIt 161 177 \DoIt 161 179 \DoIt 161 181 \DoIt 161 183 %D \DoIt 161 185 \DoIt 161 187 \DoIt 161 189 \DoIt 161 191 \DoIt 161 227 %D \DoIt 161 228 \DoIt 161 229 \DoIt 163 161 \DoIt 163 162 \DoIt 163 167 %D \DoIt 163 169 \DoIt 163 172 \DoIt 163 174 \DoIt 163 186 \DoIt 163 187 %D \DoIt 163 190 \DoIt 163 191 \DoIt 163 221 \DoIt 163 253 %D \stopcolumns %D %D A linebreak is not permitted after the following glyphs: %D %D \startcolumns[n=5] %D \DoIt 161 174 \DoIt 161 176 \DoIt 161 178 \DoIt 161 180 \DoIt 161 182 %D \DoIt 161 184 \DoIt 161 186 \DoIt 161 188 \DoIt 161 190 \DoIt 163 168 %D \DoIt 163 219 \DoIt 163 224 \DoIt 163 251 %D \stopcolumns %D \macros %D {tracechinesetrue, showchinesetracelegend} %D %D When we say \type {\tracechinesetrue}, we get some %D insight in the way \CONTEXT\ handles the Chinese glyphs. %D The symbols and color used represent: %D %D \showchinesetracelegend \newif\iftracechinese \def\showchinesetracelegend {\definetabulate[\s!dummy][|c|l|l|l|]% \startdummy \HL \NC \bf key \NC \bf meaning \NC \bf glyph \NC \bf keys \NC\NR \HL \NC u \NC unknown character type \NC \color[green]{current} \NC u l r \NC\NR \NC l \NC left boundary character \NC \color[red]{previous} \NC u l r c n \NC\NR \NC r \NC right boundary character \NC \color[blue]{next} \NC u l r s \NC\NR \NC c \NC chinese character \NC \NC \NC\NR \NC s \NC following space \NC \NC \NC\NR \NC n \NC no preceding space \NC \NC \NC\NR \HL \stopdummy} \def\tracedchineseglyph {\dontleavehmode \ruledhbox {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\insertunicodeglyph}% \hbox to \wd\scratchbox {\localcolortrue \copy\scratchbox \infofont \hskip-\wd\scratchbox \hbox to \wd\scratchbox {\hss \color[green]{\ifcase\chineseSstatus\relax u\or l\or r\fi}% \hss}% \hskip-\wd\scratchbox \lower\dp\scratchbox\hbox to \wd\scratchbox {\hss \color[red]{\ifcase\chineseBstatus\relax u\or l\or r\or c\or n\fi}% \hss \color[blue]{\ifcase\chineseAstatus\relax u\or l\or r\or s\fi}% \hss}}}} %D The following example shows how tracing works. %D %D \start \tracechinesetrue %D 在这一次更新中我们将介绍对中文的支持。当本文的中文译者王磊 %D 询问我 \nochinese{\CONTEXT} 是否能处理汉语时,他已经尝试过 %D 运行现有的宏集,但是没有得到结果。这意味着对中文的支持还没 %D 有实现。 %D %D 在这一(次更新)中我们 (将介) 绍对中文的支持。当本文的中文译, %D 者王磊询问我\nochinese{\CONTEXT}是否能处理汉语时,他已经尝 %D 试过运行现有的宏集,但是没有得到结果。这意味着对中文的支持 %D 还没有实现。. %D \stop %D Because fonts are defined each time a \UNICODE\ is %D encountered |<|which is less inefficient than one would %D imagine, because \TEX\ is optimized quite well in this %D repect|>| we can define macros like this to take care of %D font switches. When available, one can add definitions %D for italic, slanted, bold fonts and combinations of these. %D \macros %D {chinesenumber} %D %D The chinese numbering systems rather straightforward. First %D there are the digits: %D %D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|] %D \NC 0 \NC 1 \NC 2 \NC 3 \NC 4 \NC 5 \NC 6 \NC 7 \NC 8 \NC 9 \NC\NR %D \NC \chinesenumber{0} \NC \chinesenumber{1} \NC \chinesenumber{2} %D \NC \chinesenumber{3} \NC \chinesenumber{4} \NC \chinesenumber{5} %D \NC \chinesenumber{6} \NC \chinesenumber{7} \NC \chinesenumber{8} %D \NC \chinesenumber{9} \NC\NR %D \stoptabulate %D %D Apart from these numbers, we have dedicated representations %D of some powers of~$10$. %D %D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|] %D \NC 10 \NC 100 \NC 1000 \NC 10000 \NC 100000000 \NC\NR %D \NC \chinesenumber{10} \NC \chinesenumber{100} %D \NC \chinesenumber{1000} \NC \chinesenumber{10000} %D \NC \chinesenumber{100000000} \NC\NR %D \stoptabulate %D %D The number~12 is a combination of $1\times10+2$, or: %D \chinesenumber {12}, while~22 becomes \chinesenumber {22}. %D The numbers below 20 are treated a bit different, just like %D numbers with series of $0$'s. So $2\times10$ comes out as %D two glyphs, but $1\times10$ as one, because in the latter %D case the~$1$ is redundant. The same is true for the powers %D of~10. %D %D \starttabulate[|r|r|r|r|r|r|] %D \NC 1 \NC \chinesenumber {1} \NC %D 9 \NC \chinesenumber {9} \NC %D 4 \NC \chinesenumber {4} \NC\NR %D \NC 11 \NC \chinesenumber {11} \NC %D 99 \NC \chinesenumber {99} \NC %D 16 \NC \chinesenumber {16} \NC\NR %D \NC 111 \NC \chinesenumber {111} \NC %D 999 \NC \chinesenumber {999} \NC %D 256 \NC \chinesenumber {256} \NC\NR %D \NC 1111 \NC \chinesenumber {1111} \NC %D 9999 \NC \chinesenumber {9999} \NC %D 65536 \NC \chinesenumber {65536} \NC\NR %D \stoptabulate %D %D The implementation is rather simple. For internal purposes, %D we let zero expand to~0. The digits $0-9$ and numbers $10$, %D $100$, $1000$, $10000$ and $100000000$ are hard coded. % This was the first implementation, before \WangLei\ asked % me to look into Big Five encoding, so, like everthing in % \TEX, things become a bit more complicated, but also more % versatile. % % \starttypen % \def\chinesedigit#1% % {\ifnum #1=100000000 \uchar{210}{218}% 100000000 % \else\ifnum #1=10000 \uchar{205}{242}% 10000 % \else\ifnum #1=1000 \uchar{199}{167}% 1000 % \else\ifnum #1=100 \uchar{176}{217}% 100 % \else\ifnum #1=10 \uchar{202}{174}% 10 % \else\ifcase#1 \uchar{193}{227}% 0 % \or \uchar{210}{187}% 1 % \or \uchar{182}{254}% 2 % \or \uchar{200}{253}% 3 % \or \uchar{203}{196}% 4 % \or \uchar{206}{229}% 5 % \or \uchar{193}{249}% 6 % \or \uchar{198}{223}% 7 % \or \uchar{176}{203}% 8 % \or \uchar{190}{197}% 9 % \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} % \stoptypen %D We will implement four methods, the one described earlier, %D a derived one with capitalized characters, an extended %D version of the first method, and a rather Arabic method. %D %D \starttabulate[|l|l|] %D \HL %D \NC \bf command \NC \bf number 39 \NC\NR %D \HL %D \NC \type{\normalchinesenumber} \NC \normalchinesenumber {39} \NC\NR %D \NC \type{\capitalizedchinesenumber} \NC \capitalizedchinesenumber{39} \NC\NR %D \NC \type{\arabicchinesenumber} \NC \arabicchinesenumber {39} \NC\NR %D \NC \type{\extendedchinesenumber} \NC \extendedchinesenumber {39} \NC\NR %D \HL %D \stoptabulate %D %D We use a dirty trick to enable Chinese Capital Digits. In %D the encoding vectors, we define these by appending a suffix %D \type {*} to the digit, which in the following macro is %D appended or not (by passing \type {\empty}). \def\chinesedigit#1#2% #2: suffix, here * or \empty {\udigit{\chineseencoding}{\number#1#2}} % Normal Chinese Number \def\normalchinesenumber#1% {\expandafter\dochinesenumber\number#1\relax\empty} \def\dochinesenumber#1#2\relax#3% {\ifnum#1#2<10 % 1-10 \chinesedigit{#1}#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<20 % 11-99 \chinesedigit{10}#3% \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3% \else \dodochinesenumber#1#2\relax#3% \fi\fi} \def\dodochinesenumber#1#2\relax#3% {\ifnum#1=0 \chinesedigit{0}#3% \dododochinesenumber0#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<10 % 1-10 \chinesedigit{#1#2}#3% \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<100 % 11-99 \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3% \chinesedigit{10}#3% \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<1000 % 100-999 \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3% \chinesedigit{100}#3% \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<10000 % 1000-9999 \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3% \chinesedigit{1000}#3% \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<100000 % 10000-99999 \dodochinesenumber#1\relax#3% \chinesedigit{10000}#3% \dodochinesenumberA#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<1000000 % 100000-999999 \dodochinesenumberB#1#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<10000000 % 1000000-9999999 \dodochinesenumberC#1#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<100000000 % 10000000-99999999 \dodochinesenumberD#1#2\relax#3% \else\ifnum#1#2<1000000000 % 10000000-99999999 \dochinesenumber#1\relax#3% \chinesedigit{100000000}#3% \dododochinesenumber#2\relax#3% \else \dodochinesenumberE#1#2\relax#3% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \def\dododochinesenumber#1#2\relax#3% {\ifnum#1=0 \ifnum0#2>0 \dododochinesenumber#2\relax#3\fi \else \dodochinesenumber#1#2\relax#3% \fi} \def\dodochinesenumberA#1\relax#2% {\ifcase0#1 \else\dodochinesenumber#1\relax#2\fi} \def\dodochinesenumberB#1#2#3\relax#4% {\dochinesenumber#1#2\relax#4% \chinesedigit{10000}#4% \dododochinesenumber#3\relax#4} \def\dodochinesenumberC#1#2#3#4\relax#5% {\dochinesenumber#1#2#3\relax#5% \chinesedigit{10000}#5% \dododochinesenumber#4\relax#5} \def\dodochinesenumberD#1#2#3#4#5\relax#6% {\dochinesenumber#1#2#3#4\relax#6% \chinesedigit{10000}#6% \dododochinesenumber#5\relax#6} \def\dodochinesenumberE#1#2#3\relax#4% {\dochinesenumber#1#2\relax#4% \chinesedigit{100000000}#4% \dododochinesenumber#3\relax#4} % Capitalized Chinese Number \def\capitalizedchinesenumber#1% {\expandafter\dochinesenumber\number#1\relax*} % Extended Chinese Number \def\extendedchinesenumber#1% {\expandafter\doextendedchinesenumber\number#1\relax} \def\doextendedchinesenumber#1#2\relax% {\ifnum #1#2<20 % 0-19 \dochinesenumber#1#2\relax\empty \else\ifnum#1#2<30 % 20-29 \chinesedigit{20}\empty \ifcase#2\else\chinesedigit{2#2}\fi \else\ifnum#1#2<40 % 30-39 \chinesedigit{30}\empty \ifcase#2\else\chinesedigit{3#2}\fi \else \dochinesenumber#1#2\relax\empty \fi\fi\fi} % Arabic Chinese Number \def\arabicchinesenumber#1% {\expandafter\doarabicchinesenumber\number#1@\relax} \def\doarabicchinesenumber#1#2\relax {\if#1@\else \chinesedigit{#1}\empty \doarabicchinesenumber#2\relax \fi} % The short call: \def\chinesenumber{\normalchinesenumber} % \dorecurse{40} % {\hbox % {\processingverbatimtrue % \hbox to 1cm{\hss\recurselevel}\quad % \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\normalchinesenumber {\recurselevel}}\quad % \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\capitalizedchinesenumber{\recurselevel}}\quad % \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\arabicchinesenumber {\recurselevel}}\quad % \hbox to 3cm{\hss\strut\extendedchinesenumber {\recurselevel}}\crlf}} %D The next table demonstates the correctness of the %D conversion macro. %D %D \startbuffer %D \starttable[|l|l|l|l|l|l|] %D \HL %D \NC number \NC converter \NC hard coded \NC %D number \NC converter \NC hard coded\NC \SR %D \HL %D \NC 1 \NC \chinesenumber{1} \NC 一 \NC %D 0 \NC \chinesenumber{0} \NC 零 \NC\FR %D \NC 11 \NC \chinesenumber{11} \NC 十一 \NC %D 10 \NC \chinesenumber{10} \NC 十 \NC\MR %D \NC 111 \NC \chinesenumber{111} \NC 一百一十一 \NC %D 100 \NC \chinesenumber{100} \NC 一百 \NC\MR %D \NC 101 \NC \chinesenumber{101} \NC 一百零一 \NC %D 120 \NC \chinesenumber{120} \NC 一百二十 \NC\MR %D \NC 1111 \NC \chinesenumber{1111} \NC 一千一百一十一 \NC %D 1000 \NC \chinesenumber{1000} \NC 一千 \NC\MR %D \NC 1001 \NC \chinesenumber{1001} \NC 一千零一 \NC %D 1020 \NC \chinesenumber{1020} \NC 一千零二十 \NC\MR %D \NC 11111 \NC \chinesenumber{11111} \NC 一万一千一百一十一 \NC %D 10000 \NC \chinesenumber{10000} \NC 一万 \NC\MR %D \NC 10001 \NC \chinesenumber{10001} \NC 一万零一 \NC %D 10200 \NC \chinesenumber{10200} \NC 一万零二百 \NC\LR %D \HL %D \NC 111111 \NC \chinesenumber{111111} \NC 十一万一千一百一十一 \NC %D 100000 \NC \chinesenumber{100000} \NC 十万 \NC\FR %D \NC 1111111 \NC \chinesenumber{1111111} \NC 一百一十一万一千一百一十一 \NC %D 1000000 \NC \chinesenumber{1000000} \NC 一百万 \NC\MR %D \NC 11111111 \NC \chinesenumber{11111111} \NC 一千一百一十一万一千一百一十一 \NC %D 10000000 \NC \chinesenumber{10000000} \NC 一千万 \NC\MR %D \NC 111111111 \NC \chinesenumber{111111111} \NC 一亿一千一百一十一万一千一百一十一 \NC %D 100000000 \NC \chinesenumber{100000000} \NC 一亿 \NC\MR %D \NC 1111111111 \NC \chinesenumber{1111111111} \NC 十一亿一千一百一十一万一千一百一十一 \NC %D 1000000000 \NC \chinesenumber{1000000000} \NC 十亿 \NC\LR %D \HL %D \stoptable %D \stopbuffer %D %D \placetable{Some Chinese number examples.}{\getbuffer} %D Although the conversion can be hooked into most commands %D that deal with numbers |<|those familiar with \TEX\ macro %D programming will notice that the macro if fully %D expandable|>| in many cases Chinese documents use western %D digits. So, in practice, the change that the next example %D shows up, is minimal. %D %D \starttabulate[|r|r|c|] %D \NC 2546 \NC \chinesenumber {2546} \NC \NC\NR %D \NC 9258 \NC \chinesenumber {9258} \NC $+$ \NC\NR %D \HL %D \NC 11804 \NC \chinesenumber {11804} \NC \NC\NR %D \stoptabulate %D %D While in arabic arithmics addition leads to more digits, in %D Chinese the number of glyphs can (temporary) decrease. %D Given that the number of people dealing with Chinese is %D considerably larger than the number of latin speaking %D people, a successor of \TEX\ definitely must provide a %D \type {\chinesenumeral} primitive. \defineconversion [c] [\normalchinesenumber] \defineconversion [chinese] [\normalchinesenumber] \defineconversion [nc] [\normalchinesenumber] \defineconversion [normalchinese] [\normalchinesenumber] \defineconversion [cc] [\capitalizedchinesenumber] \defineconversion [capitalizedchinese] [\capitalizedchinesenumber] \defineconversion [ec] [\extendedchinesenumber] \defineconversion [extendedchinese] [\extendedchinesenumber] \defineconversion [ac] [\arabicchinesenumber] \defineconversion [arabicchinese] [\arabicchinesenumber] %D Date conversion: \defineconversion [cn] [\v!day] [\chinesenumber] \defineconversion [cn] [\v!month] [\chinesenumber] \defineconversion [cn] [\v!year] [\chinesenumber] %D \macros %D {SimChi, TraChi} %D %D These components enable us to construct dedicated Chinese %D font switches, like: \setupunicodefont [chinese] [ \c!scale=\chineseunicodescale, \c!height=\chineseunicodeheight, \c!depth=\chineseunicodedepth, \c!strut=\v!yes, \c!interlinespace=\v!yes, \c!conversion=\chinesenumber, \c!commands=\setchineseencoding, % needed for digits \c!command=\handlechineseunicodeglyph] %D For the moment, this encoding is implemented rather ugly. The %D trick is to move the encoding value from the current font %D definition to the \type {\chineseencoding} macro. \let\chineseencoding\empty \def\setchineseencoding % normally SomeChineseRegular {\getfontfileparameters\unicodestyle \ifx\currentfontfileencoding\undefined \else \let\chineseencoding\currentfontfileencoding \fi} %D We could have said: %D %D \starttyping %D \defineunicodefont %D [SimChi] %D [SimplifiedChinese] %D [\c!scale=\chineseunicodescale, %D \c!height=\chineseunicodeheight, %D \c!depth=\chineseunicodedepth, %D \c!conversion=\chinesenumber, %D \c!commands=\setchineseencoding, % needed for digits %D \c!command=\handlechineseunicodeglyph] %D \stoptyping %D %D However, the former definitions is more general. Next we %D map a few fonts: \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseRegular] [gbsong] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSlanted] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseItalic] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBold] [gbhei] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldSlanted] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldItalic] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseRegular] [b5song] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSlanted] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseItalic] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBold] [b5hei] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldSlanted] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldItalic] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5] % we need to move this to typescripts \doifelse \currentregime {utf} { \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseRegular] [ChineseRegular] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSlanted] [ChineseSlanted] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseItalic] [ChineseItalic] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBold] [ChineseBold] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldSlanted] [ChineseBoldSlanted] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseBoldItalic] [ChineseBoldItalic] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseRegular] [ChineseRegular] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSlanted] [ChineseSlanted] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseItalic] [ChineseItalic] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBold] [ChineseBold] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldSlanted][ChineseBoldSlanted] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseBoldItalic] [ChineseBoldItalic] \definefontsynonym [ChineseRegular] [uni-htsong-][encoding=cjk-uni] \definefontsynonym [ChineseSlanted] [uni-htsong-][encoding=cjk-uni] \definefontsynonym [ChineseItalic] [uni-htsong-][encoding=cjk-uni] \definefontsynonym [ChineseBold] [uni-hthei-] [encoding=cjk-uni] \definefontsynonym [ChineseBoldSlanted][uni-hthei-] [encoding=cjk-uni] \definefontsynonym [ChineseBoldItalic] [uni-hthei-] [encoding=cjk-uni] \loadmapfile[uni-htsong.map] \loadmapfile[uni-htfs.map] \loadmapfile[uni-hthei.map] \loadmapfile[uni-htkai.map] } { \loadmapfile[gbk] } \defineunicodefont [SimChi] [SimplifiedChinese] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [TraChi] [TraditionalChinese] [chinese] %D We default to these so called Simplified Chinese fonts. \SimChi %D In addition to these fonts, we (pre|)|define some commonly %D used fonts: \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiRegular] [gbsong] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiSlanted] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiBold] [gbsong] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseSongTiBoldSlanted] [gbsongsl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiRegular] [b5song] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiSlanted] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiBold] [b5song] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseSongTiBoldSlanted] [b5songsl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiRegular] [gbhei] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiSlanted] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiBold] [gbhei] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseHeiTiBoldSlanted] [gbheisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiRegular] [b5hei] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiSlanted] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiBold] [b5hei] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseHeiTiBoldSlanted] [b5heisl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiRegular] [gbkai] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiSlanted] [gbkaisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiBold] [gbkai] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseKaiTiBoldSlanted] [gbkaisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiRegular] [b5kai] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiSlanted] [b5kaisl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiBold] [b5kai] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseKaiTiBoldSlanted] [b5kaisl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongRegular] [gbfs] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongSlanted] [gbfssl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongBold] [gbfs] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseFangSongBoldSlanted] [gbfssl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongRegular] [b5fs] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongSlanted] [b5fssl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongBold] [b5fs] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseFangSongBoldSlanted] [b5fssl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuRegular] [gbli] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuSlanted] [gblisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuBold] [gbli] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [SimplifiedChineseLiShuBoldSlanted] [gblisl] [encoding=gbk] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuRegular] [b5li] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuSlanted] [b5lisl] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuBold] [b5li] [encoding=big5] \definefontsynonym [TraditionalChineseLiShuBoldSlanted] [b5lisl] [encoding=big5] %D The following definitions provide us the commands to switch %D to these fonts. \defineunicodefont [SimSongTi] [SimplifiedChineseSongTi] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [TraSongTi] [TraditionalChineseSongTi] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [SimHeiTi] [SimplifiedChineseHeiTi] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [TraHeiTi] [TraditionalChineseHeiTi] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [SimKaiTi] [SimplifiedChineseKaiTi] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [TraKaiTi] [TraditionalChineseKaiTi] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [SimFangSong] [SimplifiedChineseFangSong] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [TraFangSong] [TraditionalChineseFangSong] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [SimLiShu] [SimplifiedChineseLiShu] [chinese] \defineunicodefont [TraLiShu] [TraditionalChineseLiShu] [chinese] % \definealternativestyle [ChineseTitleFont] [\bfd\SimKaiTi] [] %D \macros %D {purechinese} %D %D Use this macro to suppress spacing around Chinese text. \def\purechinese#1% evt geen rek {\hskip\chineseSsignal\relax #1\unskip\unskip\unskip \hskip\chineseSsignal\relax} %D \macros %D {stillchinese} %D %D Use the next macro when you want the next item to be put %D tight to the previous chinese character. \def\stillchinese {\hskip\chineseSsignal\relax} %D \macros %D {nochinese} %D %D When we want to be sure of non||Chinese inline text, %D we can package the for instance english text in \type %D {\nochinese}. \def\nochinese#1% {\unskip\unskip\unskip \hskip\chinesesurroundskip \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip\relax #1% \hskip\chineseinterglyphskip\relax \hskip\chinesesurroundskip \ignorespaces} %D \macros %D {chisize} %D %D Chinese font sizes are specified in a different way, %D using positive and negative numbers: \def\chisize#1% {\ifnum#11<0 % a trick to catch -0 \ifcase#1\space36\or24\or18\or15\or12\or9\or\else6.5\fi \else \ifcase#1\space42\or26\or22\or16\or14\or10.5\or7.5\or5.5\else5\fi \fi pt} %D So: %D %D \startbuffer %D [\chisize{-1}] [\chisize{7}] [\chisize{+4}] %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer %D %D gives: %D %D \getbuffer %D %D The full range of sizes is: %D %D \starttabulate[|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|] %D \NC 8 \NC 7 \NC -6 \NC 6 \NC %D -5 \NC 5 \NC -4 \NC 4 \NC %D -3 \NC 3 \NC -2 \NC 2 \NC %D -1 \NC 1 \NC -0 \NC 0 \NC\NR %D \NC\chisize {8}\NC\chisize{7}\NC\chisize{-6}\NC\chisize{6}\NC %D \chisize{-5}\NC\chisize{5}\NC\chisize{-4}\NC\chisize{4}\NC %D \chisize{-3}\NC\chisize{3}\NC\chisize{-2}\NC\chisize{2}\NC %D \chisize{-1}\NC\chisize{1}\NC\chisize{-0}\NC\chisize{0}\NC\NR %D \stoptabulate %D Now it's time for some real Chinese. This example %D also shows that font switching is supported. %D %D \startnarrower %D \midaligned{\tfd 水调歌头} %D \blank %D \midaligned{\tfb 丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦,大醉作此篇,兼怀子由。} %D \blank %D \midaligned{\tfb 苏轼} %D \blank %D 明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?我欲乘风归去 %D ,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间? %D \blank %D 转朱阁,低户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事偏向别时圆?人有悲欢离合, %D 月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 %D \stopnarrower %D %D The english translation is: %D %D \startnarrower %D \midaligned{\tfd Tune: Prelude to the Melody of Water} %D \blank %D \midaligned{\tfb On the night of the Mid||Autumn Festival of %D 1076, I drank happily till dawn and wrote this in my cups %D while thinking of Zi||you.} %D \blank %D \midaligned{\tfb Su Shi} %D \blank %D How long will the bright moon appear? Wine||cup in hand, I %D ask the sky. I do not know waht time of year it would be %D tonight in the palace on high. Riding the wind, there I %D would fly, yet I fear the crystal palace would be far too %D high and cold for me. I rise and dance, with my shadow I %D play. On high as on earth, would it be as gay? %D \blank %D The moon goes round the mansion red though gauze||draped %D windows soft to shed her light upon the sleepless bed. %D Against man she should have no spite. Why then when people %D part is she oft full and bright? Men have sorrow and joy, %D they part or meet again; The moon may be bright or dim, she %D may wax or wane. There has been nothing perfect since the %D olden days. So let us wish that man will live long as he %D can! Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty she %D displays. %D \stopnarrower %D This package is written in the city of Hasselt, a pretty %D small town in the |<|compared to China real small|>| %D Netherlands. Like most dutch cities, even this small one %D has a chinese restaurant, run by chinese, speaking chinese, %D and |<|indeed|>| writing chinese. Eating there will never %D be the same, since now I can at least pretend to know the %D glyphs all around the place. The numbers should pose me no %D problems, but I fear I will never manage to recognize those %D scribles they draw on their pads when thay take your order. %D To make our lives more easy, we put it here (too): \setuptyping[\c!tab=\v!no] \protect \endinput