if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['file-job'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to file-job.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- in retrospect dealing it's not that bad to deal with the nesting -- and push/poppign at the tex end local gsub, match, find = string.gsub, string.match, string.find local insert, remove, concat = table.insert, table.remove, table.concat local validstring = string.valid local sortedhash = table.sortedhash local formatters = string.formatters local commands, resolvers, context = commands, resolvers, context local trace_jobfiles = false trackers.register("system.jobfiles", function(v) trace_jobfiles = v end) local report_jobfiles = logs.reporter("system","jobfiles") local texsetcount = tex.setcount local elements = interfaces.elements local constants = interfaces.constants local variables = interfaces.variables local logsnewline = logs.newline local logspushtarget = logs.pushtarget local logspoptarget = logs.poptarget local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local nameonly = file.nameonly local suffixonly = file.suffix local basename = file.basename local addsuffix = file.addsuffix local removesuffix = file.removesuffix local dirname = file.dirname local joinpath = file.join local is_qualified_path = file.is_qualified_path local cleanpath = resolvers.cleanpath local inputstack = resolvers.inputstack local v_outer = variables.outer local v_text = variables.text local v_project = variables.project local v_environment = variables.environment local v_product = variables.product local v_component = variables.component local c_prefix = variables.prefix -- main code .. there is some overlap .. here we have loc:// local function findctxfile(name) -- loc ? any ? if is_qualified_path(name) then -- maybe when no suffix do some test for tex return name elseif not url.hasscheme(name) then return resolvers.finders.byscheme("loc",name) or "" else return resolvers.findtexfile(name) or "" end end resolvers.findctxfile = findctxfile function commands.processfile(name) name = findctxfile(name) if name ~= "" then context.input(name) end end function commands.doifinputfileelse(name) commands.doifelse(findctxfile(name) ~= "") end function commands.locatefilepath(name) context(dirname(findctxfile(name))) end function commands.usepath(paths) resolvers.registerextrapath(paths) end function commands.usesubpath(subpaths) resolvers.registerextrapath(nil,subpaths) end function commands.allinputpaths() context(concat(resolvers.instance.extra_paths or { },",")) end function commands.setdocumentfilenames() environment.initializefilenames() end function commands.usezipfile(name,tree) if tree and tree ~= "" then resolvers.usezipfile(formatters["zip:///%s?tree=%s"](name,tree)) else resolvers.usezipfile(formatters["zip:///%s"](name)) end end local report_system = logs.reporter("system") -- moved from tex to lua: local texpatterns = { "%s.mkvi", "%s.mkiv", "%s.tex" } local luapatterns = { "%s" .. utilities.lua.suffixes.luc, "%s.lua" } local cldpatterns = { "%s.cld" } local xmlpatterns = { "%s.xml" } local uselibrary = commands.uselibrary local input = context.input -- status -- -- these need to be synced with input stream: local processstack = { } local processedfile = "" local processedfiles = { } function commands.processedfile() context(processedfile) end function commands.processedfiles() context(concat(processedfiles,",")) end function commands.dostarttextfile(name) insert(processstack,name) processedfile = name insert(processedfiles,name) end function commands.dostoptextfile() processedfile = remove(processstack) or "" end local function startprocessing(name,notext) if not notext then -- report_system("begin file %a at line %a",name,status.linenumber or 0) context.dostarttextfile(name) end end local function stopprocessing(notext) if not notext then context.dostoptextfile() -- report_system("end file %a at line %a",name,status.linenumber or 0) end end -- local action = function(name,foundname) input(foundname) end local failure = function(name,foundname) report_jobfiles("unknown %s file %a","tex",name) end local function usetexfile(name,onlyonce,notext) startprocessing(name,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = texpatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } stopprocessing(notext) end local action = function(name,foundname) dofile(foundname) end local failure = function(name,foundname) report_jobfiles("unknown %s file %a","lua",name) end local function useluafile(name,onlyonce,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = luapatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } end local action = function(name,foundname) dofile(foundname) end local failure = function(name,foundname) report_jobfiles("unknown %s file %a","cld",name) end local function usecldfile(name,onlyonce,notext) startprocessing(name,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = cldpatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } stopprocessing(notext) end local action = function(name,foundname) context.xmlprocess(foundname,"main","") end local failure = function(name,foundname) report_jobfiles("unknown %s file %a","xml",name) end local function usexmlfile(name,onlyonce,notext) startprocessing(name,notext) uselibrary { name = name, patterns = xmlpatterns, action = action, failure = failure, onlyonce = onlyonce, } stopprocessing(notext) end commands.usetexfile = usetexfile commands.useluafile = useluafile commands.usecldfile = usecldfile commands.usexmlfile = usexmlfile local suffixes = { mkvi = usetexfile, mkiv = usetexfile, tex = usetexfile, luc = useluafile, lua = useluafile, cld = usecldfile, xml = usexmlfile, [""] = usetexfile, } local function useanyfile(name,onlyonce) local s = suffixes[file.suffix(name)] if s then s(removesuffix(name),onlyonce) else usetexfile(name,onlyonce) -- e.g. ctx file --~ resolvers.readfilename(name) end end commands.useanyfile = useanyfile function resolvers.jobs.usefile(name,onlyonce,notext) local s = suffixes[file.suffix(name)] if s then s(removesuffix(name),onlyonce,notext) end end -- document structure local textlevel = 0 -- inaccessible for user, we need to define counter textlevel at the tex end local function dummyfunction() end local function startstoperror() report_system("invalid \\%s%s ... \\%s%s structure",elements.start,v_text,elements.stop,v_text) startstoperror = dummyfunction end local function starttext() if textlevel == 0 then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("starting text") end -- registerfileinfo[begin]jobfilename context.dostarttext() end textlevel = textlevel + 1 texsetcount("global","textlevel",textlevel) end local function stoptext() if textlevel == 0 then startstoperror() elseif textlevel > 0 then textlevel = textlevel - 1 end texsetcount("global","textlevel",textlevel) if textlevel <= 0 then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("stopping text") end context.dostoptext() -- registerfileinfo[end]jobfilename context.finalend() commands.stoptext = dummyfunction end end commands.starttext = starttext commands.stoptext = stoptext function commands.forcequitjob(reason) if reason then report_system("forcing quit: %s",reason) else report_system("forcing quit") end context.batchmode() while textlevel >= 0 do context.stoptext() end end function commands.forceendjob() report_system([[don't use \end to finish a document]]) context.stoptext() end function commands.autostarttext() if textlevel == 0 then report_system([[auto \starttext ... \stoptext]]) end context.starttext() end commands.autostoptext = stoptext -- project structure function commands.processfilemany(name) useanyfile(name,false) end function commands.processfileonce(name) useanyfile(name,true) end function commands.processfilenone(name) -- skip file end -- local typestack = { } local pathstack = { } local currenttype = v_text local currentpath = "." local tree = { type = "text", name = "", branches = { } } local treestack = { } local top = tree.branches local root = tree local project_stack = { } local product_stack = { } local component_stack = { } local environment_stack = { } local stacks = { [v_project ] = project_stack, [v_product ] = product_stack, [v_component ] = component_stack, [v_environment] = environment_stack, } -- local report_structures = logs.reporter("system","structure") local report_structure = logs.reporter("used structure") local function pushtree(what,name) local t = { } top[#top+1] = { type = what, name = name, branches = t } insert(treestack,top) top = t end local function poptree() top = remove(treestack) -- inspect(top) end local function log_tree(top,depth) report_structure("%s%s: %s",depth,top.type,top.name) local branches = top.branches if #branches > 0 then depth = depth .. " " for i=1,#branches do log_tree(branches[i],depth) end end end luatex.registerstopactions(function() logspushtarget("logfile") logsnewline() report_structures("start used structure") logsnewline() root.name = environment.jobname log_tree(root,"") logsnewline() report_structures("stop used structure") logsnewline() logspoptarget() end) job.structure = job.structure or { } job.structure.collected = job.structure.collected or { } job.structure.tobesaved = root job.structure.components = { } local function initialize() local function collect(root,result) local branches = root.branches if branches then for i=1,#branches do local branch = branches[i] if branch.type == "component" then result[#result+1] = branch.name end collect(branch,result) end end return result end job.structure.components = collect(job.structure.collected,{}) end job.register('job.structure.collected',root,initialize) -- component: small unit, either or not components itself -- product : combination of components local context_processfilemany = context.processfilemany local context_processfileonce = context.processfileonce local context_processfilenone = context.processfilenone local processors = utilities.storage.allocate { -- [v_outer] = { -- [v_text] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, -- [v_project] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, -- [v_environment] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, -- [v_product] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, -- [v_component] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, -- }, [v_text] = { [v_text] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, -- dubious [v_environment] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, -- dubious [v_component] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, }, [v_project] = { [v_text] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "none", context_processfilenone }, [v_environment] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "none", context_processfilenone }, [v_component] = { "none", context_processfilenone }, }, [v_environment] = { [v_text] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "none", context_processfilenone }, [v_environment] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "none", context_processfilenone }, [v_component] = { "none", context_processfilenone }, }, [v_product] = { [v_text] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, [v_environment] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, [v_component] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, }, [v_component] = { [v_text] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, [v_project] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, [v_environment] = { "once", context_processfileonce }, [v_product] = { "none", context_processfilenone }, [v_component] = { "many", context_processfilemany }, } } local start = { [v_text] = nil, [v_project] = nil, [v_environment] = context.startreadingfile, [v_product] = context.starttext, [v_component] = context.starttext, } local stop = { [v_text] = nil, [v_project] = nil, [v_environment] = context.stopreadingfile, [v_product] = context.stoptext, [v_component] = context.stoptext, } resolvers.jobs.processors = processors local function topofstack(what) local stack = stacks[what] return stack and stack[#stack] or environment.jobname end local function productcomponent() -- only when in product local product = product_stack[#product_stack] if product and product ~= "" then local component = component_stack[1] if component and component ~= "" then return component end end end local function justacomponent() local product = product_stack[#product_stack] if not product or product == "" then local component = component_stack[1] if component and component ~= "" then return component end end end resolvers.jobs.productcomponent = productcomponent resolvers.jobs.justacomponent = justacomponent function resolvers.jobs.currentproject () return topofstack(v_project ) end function resolvers.jobs.currentproduct () return topofstack(v_product ) end function resolvers.jobs.currentcomponent () return topofstack(v_component ) end function resolvers.jobs.currentenvironment() return topofstack(v_environment) end local done = { } local tolerant = false -- too messy, mkii user with the wrong sructure should adapt local function process(what,name) local depth = #typestack local process -- name = resolvers.resolve(name) -- -- if not tolerant then -- okay, would be best but not compatible with mkii process = processors[currenttype][what] -- elseif depth == 0 then -- -- could be a component, product or (brr) project -- if trace_jobfiles then -- report_jobfiles("%s : %s > %s (case 1)",depth,currenttype,v_outer) -- end -- process = processors[v_outer][what] -- elseif depth == 1 and typestack[1] == v_text then -- -- we're still not doing a component or product -- if trace_jobfiles then -- report_jobfiles("%s : %s > %s (case 2)",depth,currenttype,v_outer) -- end -- process = processors[v_outer][what] -- else -- process = processors[currenttype][what] -- end if process then local method = process[1] if method == "none" then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,method,"ignoring",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end elseif method == "once" and done[name] then if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,method,"skipping",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end else -- keep in mind that we also handle "once" at the file level -- so there is a double catch done[name] = true local before = start[what] local after = stop [what] if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,method,"processing",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end if before then before() end process[2](name) if after then after() end end else if trace_jobfiles then report_jobfiles("%s : %s : %s %s %a in %s %a",depth,"none","ignoring",what,name,currenttype,topofstack(currenttype)) end end end function commands.useproject (name) process(v_project, name) end function commands.useenvironment(name) process(v_environment,name) end function commands.useproduct (name) process(v_product, name) end function commands.usecomponent (name) process(v_component, name) end -- todo: setsystemmode to currenttype -- todo: make start/stop commands at the tex end local start = { [v_project] = context.startprojectindeed, [v_product] = context.startproductindeed, [v_component] = context.startcomponentindeed, [v_environment] = context.startenvironmentindeed, } local stop = { [v_project] = context.stopprojectindeed, [v_product] = context.stopproductindeed, [v_component] = context.stopcomponentindeed, [v_environment] = context.stopenvironmentindeed, } local function gotonextlevel(what,name) -- todo: something with suffix name insert(stacks[what],name) insert(typestack,currenttype) insert(pathstack,currentpath) currenttype = what currentpath = dirname(name) pushtree(what,name) if start[what] then start[what]() end end local function gotopreviouslevel(what) if stop[what] then stop[what]() end poptree() currentpath = remove(pathstack) or "." currenttype = remove(typestack) or v_text remove(stacks[what]) -- not currenttype ... weak recovery -- context.endinput() -- does not work context.signalendofinput(what) end local function autoname(name) if name == "*" then name = nameonly(inputstack[#inputstack] or name) end return name end function commands.startproject (name) gotonextlevel(v_project, autoname(name)) end function commands.startproduct (name) gotonextlevel(v_product, autoname(name)) end function commands.startcomponent (name) gotonextlevel(v_component, autoname(name)) end function commands.startenvironment(name) gotonextlevel(v_environment,autoname(name)) end function commands.stopproject () gotopreviouslevel(v_project ) end function commands.stopproduct () gotopreviouslevel(v_product ) end function commands.stopcomponent () gotopreviouslevel(v_component ) end function commands.stopenvironment() gotopreviouslevel(v_environment) end function commands.currentproject () context(topofstack(v_project )) end function commands.currentproduct () context(topofstack(v_product )) end function commands.currentcomponent () context(topofstack(v_component )) end function commands.currentenvironment() context(topofstack(v_environment)) end -- -- -- this will move -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- nee -- standaard -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- local report_examodes = logs.reporter("system","examodes") local function convertexamodes(str) local x = xml.convert(str) for e in xml.collected(x,"exa:variable") do local label = e.at and e.at.label if label and label ~= "" then local data = xml.text(e) local mode = match(label,"^mode:(.+)$") if mode then context.enablemode { formatters["%s:%s"](mode,data) } end context.setvariable("exa:variables",label,(gsub(data,"([{}])","\\%1"))) end end end function commands.loadexamodes(filename) if not filename or filename == "" then filename = removesuffix(tex.jobname) end filename = resolvers.findfile(addsuffix(filename,'ctm')) or "" if filename ~= "" then report_examodes("loading %a",filename) -- todo: message system convertexamodes(io.loaddata(filename)) else report_examodes("no mode file %a",filename) -- todo: message system end end -- changed in mtx-context -- code moved from luat-ini -- todo: locals when mtx-context is changed document = document or { arguments = allocate(), files = allocate(), variables = allocate(), -- for templates options = { commandline = { environments = allocate(), modules = allocate(), modes = allocate(), }, ctxfile = { environments = allocate(), modules = allocate(), modes = allocate(), }, }, } function document.setargument(key,value) document.arguments[key] = value end function document.setdefaultargument(key,default) local v = document.arguments[key] if v == nil or v == "" then document.arguments[key] = default end end function document.setfilename(i,name) if name then document.files[tonumber(i)] = name else document.files[#document.files+1] = tostring(i) end end function document.getargument(key,default) -- commands local v = document.arguments[key] if type(v) == "boolean" then v = (v and "yes") or "no" document.arguments[key] = v end context(v or default or "") end function document.getfilename(i) -- commands context(document.files[tonumber(i)] or "") end function commands.getcommandline() -- has to happen at the tex end in order to expand -- the document[arguments|files] tables are copies local arguments = document.arguments local files = document.files local options = document.options for k, v in next, environment.arguments do k = gsub(k,"^c:","") -- already done, but better be safe than sorry if arguments[k] == nil then arguments[k] = v end end -- in the new mtx=context approach we always pass a stub file so we need to -- to trick the files table which actually only has one entry in a tex job if arguments.timing then context.usemodule("timing") end if arguments.batchmode then context.batchmode(false) end if arguments.nonstopmode then context.nonstopmode(false) end if arguments.nostatistics then directives.enable("system.nostatistics") end if arguments.paranoid then context.setvalue("maxreadlevel",1) end if validstring(arguments.path) then context.usepath { arguments.path } end local inputfile = validstring(arguments.input) if inputfile and dirname(inputfile) == "." and lfs.isfile(inputfile) then -- nicer in checks inputfile = basename(inputfile) end local kindofrun = arguments.kindofrun local currentrun = arguments.maxnofruns local maxnofruns = arguments.currentrun context.setupsystem { [constants.directory] = validstring(arguments.setuppath), [constants.inputfile] = inputfile, [constants.file] = validstring(arguments.result), [constants.random] = validstring(arguments.randomseed), -- old: [constants.n] = validstring(kindofrun), [constants.m] = validstring(currentrun), } environment.kindofrun = tonumber(kindofrun) or 0 environment.maxnofruns = tonumber(maxnofruns) or 0 environment.currentrun = tonumber(currentrun) or 0 if validstring(arguments.arguments) then context.setupenv { arguments.arguments } end if arguments.once then directives.enable("system.runonce") end if arguments.noarrange then context.setuparranging { variables.disable } end -- local commandline = options.commandline commandline.environments = table.append(commandline.environments,settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.environment))) commandline.modules = table.append(commandline.modules, settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.usemodule))) commandline.modes = table.append(commandline.modes, settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.mode))) -- if #files == 0 then local list = settings_to_array(validstring(arguments.files)) if list and #list > 0 then files = list end end if #files == 0 then files = { validstring(arguments.input) } end -- document.arguments = arguments document.files = files end -- commandline wins over ctxfile local function apply(list,action) if list then for i=1,#list do action { list[i] } end end end function commands.setdocumentmodes() -- was setup: *runtime:modes apply(document.options.ctxfile .modes,context.enablemode) apply(document.options.commandline.modes,context.enablemode) end function commands.setdocumentmodules() -- was setup: *runtime:modules apply(document.options.ctxfile .modules,context.usemodule) apply(document.options.commandline.modules,context.usemodule) end function commands.setdocumentenvironments() -- was setup: *runtime:environments apply(document.options.ctxfile .environments,context.environment) apply(document.options.commandline.environments,context.environment) end local report_files = logs.reporter("system","files") local report_options = logs.reporter("system","options") local report_file = logs.reporter("used file") local report_option = logs.reporter("used option") luatex.registerstopactions(function() local foundintrees = resolvers.instance.foundintrees if #foundintrees > 0 then logspushtarget("logfile") logsnewline() report_files("start used files") logsnewline() for i=1,#foundintrees do report_file("%4i: % T",i,foundintrees[i]) end logsnewline() report_files("stop used files") logsnewline() logspoptarget() end end) luatex.registerstopactions(function() local files = document.files -- or environment.files local arguments = document.arguments -- or environment.arguments -- logspushtarget("logfile") logsnewline() report_options("start commandline options") logsnewline() for argument, value in sortedhash(arguments) do report_option("%s=%A",argument,value) end logsnewline() report_options("stop commandline options") logsnewline() report_options("start commandline files") logsnewline() for i=1,#files do report_file("% 4i: %s",i,files[i]) end logsnewline() report_options("stop commandline files") logsnewline() logspoptarget() end) if environment.initex then local report_storage = logs.reporter("system","storage") local report_table = logs.reporter("stored table") local report_module = logs.reporter("stored module") local report_attribute = logs.reporter("stored attribute") local report_catcodetable = logs.reporter("stored catcodetable") local report_corenamespace = logs.reporter("stored corenamespace") luatex.registerstopactions(function() logspushtarget("logfile") logsnewline() report_storage("start stored tables") logsnewline() for k,v in sortedhash(storage.data) do report_table("%03i %s",k,v[1]) end logsnewline() report_storage("stop stored tables") logsnewline() report_storage("start stored modules") logsnewline() for k,v in sortedhash(lua.bytedata) do report_module("%03i %s %s",k,v[2],v[1]) end logsnewline() report_storage("stop stored modules") logsnewline() report_storage("start stored attributes") logsnewline() for k,v in sortedhash(attributes.names) do report_attribute("%03i %s",k,v) end logsnewline() report_storage("stop stored attributes") logsnewline() report_storage("start stored catcodetables") logsnewline() for k,v in sortedhash(catcodes.names) do report_catcodetable("%03i % t",k,v) end logsnewline() report_storage("stop stored catcodetables") logsnewline() report_storage("start stored corenamespaces") for k,v in sortedhash(interfaces.corenamespaces) do report_corenamespace("%03i %s",k,v) end logsnewline() report_storage("stop stored corenamespaces") logsnewline() logspoptarget() end) end function commands.doifelsecontinuewithfile(inpname) local continue = addsuffix(inpname,"tex") == addsuffix(environment.inputfilename,"tex") if continue then report_system("continuing input file %a",inpname) end commands.doifelse(continue) end