%D \module %D [ file=core-ver, %D version=2000.05.09, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros, %D subtitle=Verbatim, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{Context Core Macros / Verbatim} \startmessages dutch library: verbatims title: typen 1: file -- bestaat niet \stopmessages \startmessages english library: verbatims title: verbatim 1: file -- does not exist \stopmessages \startmessages german library: verbatims title: verbatim 1: Datei -- existiert nicht \stopmessages \startmessages czech library: verbatims title: verbatim 1: soubor -- neexistuje \stopmessages \startmessages italian library: verbatims title: verbatim 1: il file -- non esiste \stopmessages \startmessages norwegian library: verbatims title: verbatim 1: fil -- eksisterer ikke \stopmessages \startmessages romanian library: verbatims title: verbatim 1: fisierul -- nu exista \stopmessages \startmessages french library: verbatims title: verbatim 1: le fichier -- n'existe pas \stopmessages \unprotect \ifx\startlinenumbering\undefined \let\startlinenumbering\relax \fi \ifx\stoplinenumbering \undefined \let\stoplinenumbering\relax \fi \ifx\setuplinenumbering\undefined \def\setuplinenumbering[#1]{} \fi % \type{ char} geeft bagger %D We are going to embed the general verbatim support macros in %D a proper environment. First we show the common setup %D macro, so we know what features are supported. The options %D are hooked into the support macros via the \type{\obey} %D macros. \newif\ifslantedtypeactivated \newif\ifslantedtypepermitted \def\switchslantedtype {\ifslantedtypepermitted \ifslantedtypeactivated \slantedtypeactivatedfalse\tttf \else \slantedtypeactivatedtrue\ttsl \fi \fi} \newprettytrue % movet to here from cont-sys.tex \def\prettyidentifier {TEX} \def\prettypalet {} \def\installprettytype {\dodoubleargument\doinstallprettytype} \def\doinstallprettytype[#1][#2]% map #1 onto #2 {\uppercasestring#1\to\asciia \uppercasestring#2\to\asciib \setevalue{\??ty\??ty\asciia}{\asciib}} \def\setupprettiesintype#1% {\uppercasestring#1\to\ascii \edef\prettyidentifier{\executeifdefined{\??ty\??ty\ascii}{TEX}}% \mksetupprettiesintype} \def\setupprettytype{\mksetupprettytype} \def\setupcommonverbatim {\recatcodeuppercharactersfalse % obey regime / encoding % \def\prettyidentifier{TEX}% % \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!text}\v!yes \naturaltextexttrue \naturaltextextfalse \def\prettyidentifierfont{\typingparameter\c!icommand}% \def\prettyvariablefont {\typingparameter\c!vcommand}% \def\prettynaturalfont {\typingparameter\c!ccommand}% % \doif{\typingparameter\c!space}\v!on {\def\obeyspaces{\setcontrolspaces}}% \doif{\typingparameter\c!page }\v!no {\def\obeypages {\ignorepages}}% % \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!tab}\v!yes {\def\obeytabs{\settabskips}}% {\doif{\typingparameter\c!tab}\s!ascii {\chardef\tabskipmode\plustwo % quit on >127 \def\obeytabs{\settabskips}}}% % \ignorehyphens % default \ExpandFirstAfter\processaction [\typingparameter\c!lines] [ \v!yes=>\obeybreakpoints, \v!hyphenated=>\obeyhyphens]% \processaction [\typingparameter\c!empty] [\v!yes=>\obeyemptylines, \v!all=>\obeyallemptylines]% % \ExpandFirstAfter\processaction [\typingparameter\c!option] [ \v!none=>\let\obeycharacters\relax, \v!color=>\setupprettiesintype{TEX}% \let\obeycharacters\setupprettytype \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs, \v!normal=>\let\obeycharacters\setupgroupedtype, \v!commands=>\def\obeycharacters{\setupcommandsintype}% \let \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs, \v!slanted=>\let\obeycharacters\setupslantedtype \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs, \s!unknown=>\setupprettiesintype{\typingparameter\c!option}% \let\obeycharacters\setupprettytype \let\obeytabs\ignoretabs]% \doifnumberelse{\typingparameter\c!tab} {\def\obeytabs{\setfixedtabskips{\typingparameter\c!tab}}}% \donothing %\def\verbatimfont{\typingparameter\c!style\normalnoligatures\font}% % more generic, but beware of the \redoconvertfont (else no typing in titles and such) \def\verbatimfont{\redoconvertfont\dosetfontattribute{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping}\c!style\normalnoligatures\font}% \setupverbatimcolor} % BEWARE: the noligatures will globally change the verbatim font's behaviour % test case: % % \definetype[typeTEX][option=tex] % % \typeTEX|\example---oeps|. this---ligates---again. % \typeTEX{\example---oeps}. this---ligates---again. % \type {\example---oeps}. this---ligates---again. \def\setupcommandsintype{\mksetupcommandsintype} \def\setupslantedtype {\slantedtypepermittedtrue\mksetupslantedtype} \ifx\setupprettytype \undefined \let\setupprettytype \relax \fi \ifx\setupslantedtype \undefined \let\setupslantedtype \relax \fi \ifx\setupgroupedtype \undefined \let\setupgroupedtype \relax \fi \ifx\normalnoligatures\undefined \let\normalnoligatures\gobbleoneargument \fi %D The verbatim commands have a rather long and turbulent %D history. Most users of \CONTEXT\ probably will never use %D some of the features, but I've kept in mind that when one is %D writing a users manual, about everything can and undoubtly %D will be subject to a verbatim treatment. %D %D Verbatim command are very sensitive to argument processing, %D which is a direct result of the \CATCODES\ being fixed at %D reading time. With our growing understanding of \TEX, %D especially of the mechanism that can be used for looking %D ahead and manipulating \CATCODES, the verbatim support %D became more and more advanced and natural. %D %D Typesetting inline verbatim can be accomplished by %D \type{\type}, which in this sentence was typeset by saying %D just \type{\type{\type}}, which in turn was typeset by %D \unknown. Using the normal grouping characters \type{{}} is %D the most natural way of using this command. %D %D A second, more or less redundant, alternative is delimiting %D the argument with an own character. This method was %D implemented in the context of a publication in the \MAPS, %D where this way of delimiting is recognized by \LATEX\ users. %D %D The third, more original alternative, is the one using %D \type{<<} and \type{>>} as delimiters. This alternative can %D be used in situations where slanted typeseting is needed. % todo: we can use \letter... here: \def\lesscharacter {<} \def\morecharacter {>} \chardef\texescape = `\\ \chardef\leftargument = `\{ \chardef\rightargument = `\} %D \macros %D {type} %D %D We define \type{\type} as a protected command. This command %D has several invocations: grouped, wirt boundary characters, %D and with font switches. % \starttyping % normal: \par \type{xx<<..xx..<> >>..>>xx} \par \type<<....>> \par \type<<..<>..>> \par % normal: \par \type{xx<..xx.. >..>xx} \par \type{<....>} \par \type{<....>} % \setuptype[option=slanted] % slanted: \par \type{xx<<..sl..<> xx>>..sl..>>xx} \par \type<<..xx..>> \par \type<<..<>..>> \par % slanted: \par \type{xx<<..sl.. xx>..sl..>>xx} \par \type<<..xx..>> \par \type<<....>> \par % \setuptype[option=none] % none: \par \type{xx<<..xx..<> >>..>>xx} \par \type<<....>> \par \type<<..<>..>> \par % \stoptyping %D When writing the manual to \CONTEXT\ and documenting this %D source we needed to typeset \type{<<} and \type{>>}. Because %D we wanted to do this in the natural way, we've adapted the %D original definition a bit. This implementation went through %D several live cycles. The final implementation looks a bit %D further and treats the lone \type{<<} and \type{>>} a bit %D different. The \type {\null} prevents ligatures, which %D unfortunately turn up in Lucida fonts. %D The following lines show what happens when we set %D \type {option=commands}. %D %D \startbuffer %D \starttyping %D test//test test/BTEX \footnote{test test test}/ETEX test %D test//test test/BTEX \footnote{test test test}/ETEX test %D test test test/BTEX \bf(nota bene)/ETEX test %D test test test /BTEX \bf(nota bene)/ETEX test %D \stoptyping %D \stopbuffer %D %D % \bgroup\setuptyping[option=commands]\getbuffer\egroup %D %D this was keyed in as: %D %D \typebuffer \unexpanded\def\type{\mktype\empty} \let\mktype\gobbleoneargument %D The neccessary initializations are done by calling %D \type{\initializetype} which in return calls for the support %D macro \type{\setupinlineverbatim}. \def\initializetype {\let\obeylines\ignorelines \setupcommonverbatim \setupinlineverbatim} %D \macros %D {setuptype} %D %D Some characteristics of \type{\type} can be set up by: \def\setuptype {\dodoubleempty\dosetuptype} \def\dosetuptype[#1][#2]% {\ifsecondargument \getparameters[\??ty#1][#2]% \else \getparameters[\??ty][#1]% \fi} %D \macros %D {typ,obeyhyphens,obeybreakpoints} %D %D Although it's not clear from the macros, one character %D trait of this macros, which are build on top of the support %D module, is that they don't hyphenate. We therefore offer %D the alternative \type{\typ}. The current implementation %D works all right, but a decent hyphenation support of %D \type{\tt} text will be implemented soon. \def\obeyhyphens {\def\obeyedspace {\hskip\interwordspace}% better than spaceskip \def\controlspace{\hskip\zeropoint\hbox{\char32}\hskip\zeropoint}% \spaceskip.25em\relax} % hm a bit of stretch ! \def\obeybreakpoints {\ignorehyphens \veryraggedright} \def\ignorehyphens {\def\obeyedspace {\null\hskip\interwordspace\null}% better than spaceskip \def\controlspace{\null\hskip\zeropoint\hbox{\char32}\hskip\zeropoint\null}% \spaceskip.5em\relax} \unexpanded\def\typ {\bgroup \let\@@tylines\v!hyphenated \futurelet\next\dodotype} %D \macros %D {tex,arg,mat,dis} %D %D Sometimes, for instance when we pass verbatim text as an %D argument, the fixed \CATCODES\ interfere with our wishes. An %D experimental implementation of character by character %D processing of verbatim text did overcome this limitation, %D but we've decided not to use that slow and sometimes %D troublesome solution. Instead we stick to some 'old' %D \CONTEXT\ macros for typesetting typical \TEX\ characters. %D %D The next implementation is more clear but less versatile, %D so we treated it for a beter one. %D %D \starttyping %D \def\dospecialtype#1#2% %D {\bgroup %D \initializetype %D \catcode`\{=\@@begingroup %D \catcode`\}=\@@endgroup %D \def\dospecialtype% %D {\def\dospecialtype{#2\egroup}% %D \bgroup %D \aftergroup\dospecialtype %D #1}% %D \afterassignment\dospecialtype %D \let\next=} %D %D \unexpanded\def\tex{\dospecialtype\texescape\relax} %D \unexpanded\def\arg{\dospecialtype\leftargument\rightargument} %D \unexpanded\def\mat{\dospecialtype\$\$} %D \unexpanded\def\dis{\dospecialtype{\$\$}{\$\$}} %D \stoptyping \def\setgroupedtype {\let\currenttypingclass\??ty \initializetype \catcode`\{=\@@begingroup \catcode`\}=\@@endgroup} \unexpanded\def\tex{\groupedcommand{\setgroupedtype\texescape}{\relax}} \unexpanded\def\arg{\groupedcommand{\setgroupedtype\leftargument}{\rightargument}} \unexpanded\def\mat{\groupedcommand{\setgroupedtype\$}{\$}} \unexpanded\def\dis{\groupedcommand{\setgroupedtype\$\$}{\$\$}} %D \macros %D {starttyping} %D %D Display verbatim is realized far more easy, which is mostly %D due to the fact that we use \type{\stop...} as delimiter. %D The implementation inherits some features, for instance the %D support of linenumbering, which can best be studied in the %D documented support module. \let\currenttyping \empty \let\currenttypingclass\??ty % saveguard \def\typingparameter#1% {\executeifdefined {\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1}% {\executeifdefined{\currenttypingclass#1}\empty}} \def\settypingparameter#1#2% {\setvalue{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1}{#2}} \def\setxtypingparameter#1#2% {\setxvalue{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping#1}{#2}} \def\initializetyping {%\donefalse \switchtobodyfont[\typingparameter\c!bodyfont]% \donefalse \scratchskip\typingparameter\c!oddmargin\relax \ifzeropt\scratchskip\else\donetrue\fi \scratchskip\typingparameter\c!evenmargin\relax \ifzeropt\scratchskip\else\donetrue\fi \ifdone \def\doopenupverbatimline {\getpagestatus \ifrightpage \hskip\typingparameter\c!oddmargin\relax \else \hskip\typingparameter\c!evenmargin\relax \fi}% \else \doadaptleftskip{\typingparameter\c!margin}% \fi \doifdefinedelse{\??bo\typingparameter\c!blank} {\edef\!!stringa{\csname\??bo\typingparameter\c!blank\endcsname}} {\edef\!!stringa{\typingparameter\c!blank}}% \processaction [\!!stringa] [ \v!standard=>\scratchskip\ctxparskip, \v!small=>\scratchskip\blankokleinmaat, \v!medium=>\scratchskip\blankomiddelmaat, \v!big=>\scratchskip\blankogrootmaat, \v!halfline=>\scratchskip.5\baselineskip, \v!line=>\scratchskip\baselineskip, \v!none=>\scratchskip\zeropoint, \s!unknown=>\scratchskip\commalistelement]% \ifgridsnapping \ifdim\scratchskip=.5\baselineskip\relax \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\scratchskip}% new \else \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\baselineskip}% \fi \else \edef\verbatimbaselineskip{\the\scratchskip}% \fi \setupcommonverbatim} %D The basic display verbatim commands are defined in an %D indirect way. As we will see, they are a specific case of a %D more general mechanism. % we need this hack because otherwise verbatim skips % the first line (everything after the initial command) \def\dostarttyping#1% tricky non standard lookahead {\bgroup \let\currenttypingclass\??tp \edef\currenttyping{#1}% \obeylines \futurelet\nexttoken\dodostarttyping} \def\dodostarttyping {\ifx\nexttoken[% \expandafter\dododostarttyping \else \expandafter\nododostarttyping \fi} \def\nododostarttyping {\dododostarttyping[]} \def\dododostarttyping[#1]% {\typingparameter\c!before \startpacked % includes \bgroup \dosetuptypelinenumbering{#1}% \initializetyping \startverbatimcolor \expanded{\mktypeblockverbatim{\s!start\currenttyping}{\s!stop\currenttyping}}} \def\dostoptyping#1% hm, currenttyping {\stopverbatimcolor \stoppacked % includes \egroup \typingparameter\c!after \egroup \dochecknextindentation{\??tp#1}% \dorechecknextindentation} %D Line numbering for files is combined with filtering, while %D display verbatim has the ability to continue. %D %D \starttyping %D \typefile[numbering=file,start=10,stop=12]{test.tex} %D %D \definetyping[code][numbering=line] %D %D \starttext %D \startcode %D ... %D ... %D \stopcode %D %D \startcode[continue] %D ... %D ... %D \stopcode %D %D \startcode[start=10] %D ... %D \stopcode %D \stoptyping %D \macros %D {setuptyping} %D %D The setup of typing accepts two arguments. The optional %D first one identifies the user defined ones. If only one %D argument is given, the values apply to both the standard %D command \type{\starttyping} and \type{\typefile}. \def\dosetuptyping[#1][#2]% {\ifsecondargument \getparameters[\??tp#1][#2]% \else \getparameters[\??tp][#1]% \fi} \def\setuptyping {\dodoubleempty\dosetuptyping} %D \macros %D {definetype} %D %D Specific inline verbatim commands can be defined with the %D following command. \def\definetype {\dodoubleempty\dodefinetype} \def\dodefinetype[#1][#2]% {\unexpanded\setvalue{#1}{\mktype{#1}}% \getparameters[\??ty#1][#2]} %D \macros %D {definetyping} %D %D For most users the standard \type{\start}||\type{\stop}||pair %D will suffice, but for documentation purposes the next %D definition command can be of use: %D %D \starttyping %D \definetyping[extratyping][margin=3em] %D %D \startextratyping %D these extra ones are indented by 1 em %D \stopextratyping %D \stoptyping %D %D The definitions default to the standard typing values. \def\presettyping[#1][#2]% {\copyparameters[\??tp#1][\??tp][\c!color,\c!style]% \getparameters [\??tp#1][#2]} \def\dodefinetyping[#1][#2]% {\setvalue{\e!start#1}{\dostarttyping{#1}}% \setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\dostoptyping {#1}}% \presettyping[#1][#2]} \def\definetyping {\dodoubleempty\dodefinetyping} %D We can use some core color commands. These are faster than %D the standard color switching ones and work ok on a line by %D line basis. %D %D \starttyping %D \def\setupverbatimcolor% %D {\edef\prettypalet{\prettyidentifier\typingparameter\c!palet}% %D \def\beginofpretty[##1]{\startcolormode{\prettypalet:##1}}% %D \def\endofpretty {\stopcolormode}} %D \stoptyping %D %D Since we support a global color too, the folowing %D definition is better: \def\setupverbatimcolor% fast and local versus slow and global {\doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!color} {\def\beginofpretty[##1]{\startcolormode{\prettypalet:##1}}% \let\endofpretty \restorecolormode % \stopcolormode \let\startverbatimcolor \relax \let\stopverbatimcolor \relax \let\verbatimcolor \relax} {\def\beginofpretty[##1]{\startcolor[\prettypalet:##1]}% \let\endofpretty \stopcolor \def\startverbatimcolor{\startcolor[\typingparameter\c!color]}% \let\stopverbatimcolor \stopcolor \def\verbatimcolor {\getvalue{\typingparameter\c!color}}}% command ! \doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!palet} {\let\prettypalet\empty \let\endofpretty\relax \def\beginofpretty[##1]{}} {\edef\prettypalet{\prettyidentifier\typingparameter\c!palet}}} \let\prettypalet \empty \let\startverbatimcolor\relax \let\stopverbatimcolor \relax \let\verbatimcolor \relax %D In the verbatim module, there are some examples given of %D the more obscure features of the verbatim environments. %D %D \startbuffer %D \startTEX %D \def\mathematics#1% % usage: \type {\mathematics{x^2}} %D {\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi} % becomes: \mathematics{x^2} %D \stopTEX %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer %D %D This gives, as can be expected: %D %D \getbuffer %D %D When we want to see some typeset \TEX\ too, we can say: %D %D \startbuffer %D \startTEX %D \def\mathematics#1% %%\ N usage: \type {\mathematics{x^2}} %D {\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi} %%\ N becomes: \mathematics{x^2} %D \stopTEX %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer %D %D or: %D %D \getbuffer %D %D In a similar way: %D %D \startbuffer %D \startSQL %D select * -- indeed, here we {\em do} select %D from tableA %D where 1 = 2 %D \stopSQL %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer %D %D gives: %D %D \getbuffer %D %D The next examples sow how we can directly call for natural %D \TEX\ comments: %D %D \startbuffer %D \setuptyping %D [TEX] %D [text=yes] %D %D \startTEX %D \def\mathematics#1% % usage: \type {\mathematics{x^2}} %D {\ifmmode#1\else$#1$\fi} % becomes: \mathematics{x^2} %D \stopTEX %D %D \setuptyping %D [SQL] %D [text=yes,palet=,icommand=\bf,vcommand=,ccommand=\it] %D %D \startSQL %D select * -- indeed, here we {\em do} select %D from tableA %D where 1 = 2 %D \stopSQL %D %D \setuptyping %D [SQL] %D [ccommand=\tf\underbar] %D %D \startSQL %D select * -- indeed, here we {\em do} select %D from tableA %D where 1 = 2 %D \stopSQL %D \stopbuffer %D %D \typebuffer %D %D Now watch: %D %D \getbuffer %D %D The natural \TEX\ typesetting was introduced when Tobias %D and Berend started using verbatim \JAVASCRIPT\ and \SQL. %D \macros %D {EveryPar, EveryLine, iflinepar} %D %D One of the features of these commands is the support of %D \type{\EveryPar}, \type{\EveryLine} and \type{\iflinepar}. %D In the documentation of the verbatim support module we give %D some examples of line- and paragraph numbering using these %D macros. %D \macros %D {typefile} %D %D Typesetting files verbatim (for the moment) only supports %D colorization of \TEX\ sources as valid option. The other %D setup values are inherited from display verbatim. %D The implementation of \type{\typefile} is straightforward: % new feature (not yet 100\% ok) % % \setuptyping[file][numbering=file] % % \typefile[start=2,nlines=3]{zapf} % \typefile[start=continue,nlines=13]{zapf} % \typefile{zapf} % % \setuptyping[file][numbering=line] % % \typefile[start=4,step=3]{zapf} % \typefile{zapf} \def\typefile {\dodoubleempty\dotypefile} \def\dotypefile[#1][#2]#3% {\ifsecondargument \dodotypefile[#1][#2]{#3}% \else\iffirstargument \doifassignmentelse{#1} {\dodotypefile[\v!file][#1]{#3}} {\dodotypefile[#1][]{#3}}% \else \dodotypefile[\v!file][]{#3}% \fi\fi} \def\dosetuptypelinenumbering#1% fuzzy {\doifundefined{\currenttypingclass\currenttyping\c!start} {\setuptyping[\currenttyping][\c!start=1,\c!stop=,\c!step=1,\c!nlines=]}% \setuptyping[\currenttyping][#1]% \doifelse{\typingparameter\c!numbering}\v!file {% kind of special: filters lines ! \setuplinenumbering[\c!method=\v!file]% \donetrue} {\doifelse{\typingparameter\c!numbering}\v!line {% \setuplinenumbering defaults start/step to 1/1, so we need \doifinsetelse\v!continue{#1,\typingparameter\c!start} {\scratchcounter0\typingparameter\c!n \setxtypingparameter\c!start{\ifnum\scratchcounter=0 1\else\number\scratchcounter\fi}}% {\doifnothing{\typingparameter\c!start}{\settypingparameter\c!start{1}}}% \doifnothing{\typingparameter\c!step}{\settypingparameter\c!step{1}}% \setuplinenumbering [\c!method=\v!type, \c!start=\typingparameter\c!start, \c!stop=\typingparameter\c!stop, \c!step=\typingparameter\c!step]% \donetrue} {\donefalse}}% \ifdone \ifx\startlinenumbering\undefined \let\startlinenumbering\relax \fi \ifx\stoplinenumbering \undefined \let\stoplinenumbering \relax \fi \def\beginofverbatimlines{\startlinenumbering}% \def\endofverbatimlines {\stoplinenumbering\setxtypingparameter\c!n{\number\linenumber}}% \fi} \def\reporttypingerror#1% temp hack {\blank \dontleavehmode\hbox\bgroup \expanded{\convertargument#1}\to\ascii \tttf[\makemessage\m!verbatims1\ascii]% \showmessage\m!verbatims1\ascii \egroup \blank} \def\dosometyping#1#2#3#4#5% {\bgroup \let\currenttypingclass\??tp \edef\currenttyping{#1}% \typingparameter\c!before \startpacked % includes \bgroup \dosetuptypelinenumbering{#2}% \doifinset{\typingparameter\c!option}{\v!commands,\v!slanted,\v!normal} {\setuptyping[#1][\c!option=\v!none]}% \doif{\typingparameter\c!option}\v!color {\expandafter\aftersplitstring#3\at.\to\prettyidentifier \settypingparameter\c!option{\prettyidentifier}}% \initializetyping \startverbatimcolor \doifundefinedelse{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start} {\scratchcounter\zerocount} {\scratchcounter\getvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}}% \advance\scratchcounter\plusone \setxvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}{\the\scratchcounter}% \doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!start} {#4} {\doif{\typingparameter\c!start}\v!continue {\setevalue{\currenttypingclass#1\c!start}% {\getvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}}}% \doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!stop} {\doifelsenothing{\typingparameter\c!nlines} {#4} {\setxvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}% {\the\numexpr\typingparameter\c!start+\typingparameter\c!nlines+\minusone\relax}% #5{\typingparameter\c!start}{\getvalue{\currenttypingclass#3\v!global\c!start}}}}% {#5{\typingparameter\c!start}{\typingparameter\c!stop}}}% \stopverbatimcolor \stoppacked \typingparameter\c!after \egroup} \def\doifelsetypingfile#1% sets \readfilename {\doiflocfileelse{#1} {\firstoftwoarguments} {\doifinputfileelse{#1} {\def\readfilename{\pathplusfile\filepath{#1}}\firstoftwoarguments} {\secondoftwoarguments}}} \def\dodotypefile[#1][#2]#3% {\doifelsetypingfile{#3} {\dosometyping{#1}{#2}{#3}\mktypefileverbatim\mktypefilelinesverbatim} {\reporttypingerror{#3}}} %D \macros %D {filename} %D %D Typesetting filenames in monospaced fonts is possible with %D %D \starttyping %D \filename{here/there/filename.suffix} %D \stoptyping %D %D The definition is not that spectacular. \unexpanded\def\filename#1{{\tttf\hyphenatedfile{#1}}} %D This leaves some settings: \permitshiftedendofverbatim \optimizeverbatimtrue %D And a bonus macro: \def\verbatim#1{\convertargument#1\to\ascii\ascii} %D Plugins \loadmarkfile{core-ver} %D The setups for display verbatim and file verbatim are %D shared. One can adapt the extra defined typing environments, %D but they also default to the values below. Watch the %D alternative escape character. \setuptyping [ \c!before=\blank, \c!after=\blank, \c!bodyfont=, \c!color=, \c!space=\v!off, \c!page=\v!no, \c!tab=\s!ascii, \c!option=\v!none, \c!palet=colorpretty, \c!text=\v!no, \c!style=\tttf, \c!icommand=\ttsl, \c!vcommand=, \c!ccommand=\tttf, \c!indentnext=\v!yes, \c!margin=\!!zeropoint, \c!evenmargin=\!!zeropoint, \c!oddmargin=\!!zeropoint, \c!blank=\v!line, \c!escape=/, % beware \string\ , should also be accepted \c!numbering=\v!no, \c!lines=, \c!empty=, \c!start=1, \c!stop=, \c!step=1, \c!continue=, \c!nlines=] \definetyping[\v!typing] \presettyping[\v!file][] % \setuptyping % not needed % [\v!file] % [\c!start=1, % \c!stop=, % \c!step=1, % \c!continue=, % \c!nlines=] %D The setups for inline verbatim default to: \setuptype [ \c!space=\v!off, \c!color=, \c!style=\tt\tf, % \tttf gives problems with {\tx \type...} \c!page=\v!no, \c!tab=\v!yes, \c!palet=colorpretty, \c!option=\v!normal] \definetyping[RAW] [\c!option=RAW] \definetyping[MP] [\c!option=MP] \definetyping[PL] [\c!option=PL] \definetyping[PM] [\c!option=PL] \definetyping[JS] [\c!option=JS] \definetyping[JV] [\c!option=JV] \definetyping[SQL] [\c!option=SQL] \definetyping[TEX] [\c!option=TEX] \definetyping[PAS] [\c!option=PAS] \definetyping[PASCAL][\c!option=PAS] \definetyping[MOD] [\c!option=PAS] \definetyping[MODULA][\c!option=PAS] \definetyping[DELPHI][\c!option=PAS] \definetyping[EIFFEL][\c!option=EIF] \definetyping[XML] [\c!option=XML] \definetyping[LUA] [\c!option=LUA] \installprettytype [RAW] [RAW] \installprettytype [TEX] [TEX] \installprettytype [PERL] [PL] \installprettytype [PL] [PL] \installprettytype [PM] [PL] \installprettytype [METAPOST] [MP] \installprettytype [METAFONT] [MP] \installprettytype [MP] [MP] \installprettytype [MF] [MP] \installprettytype [JAVASCRIPT] [JS] \installprettytype [JAVA] [JV] \installprettytype [JS] [JS] \installprettytype [JV] [JV] \installprettytype [SQL] [SQL] \installprettytype [PASCAL] [PAS] \installprettytype [PAS] [PAS] \installprettytype [MODULA] [PAS] \installprettytype [MOD] [PAS] \installprettytype [EIFFEL] [EIF] \installprettytype [EIF] [EIF] \installprettytype [E] [EIF] \installprettytype [XML] [XML] \installprettytype [LUA] [LUA] \installnewpretty M {\setupprettiesintype {MP}\setupprettytype} \installnewpretty P {\setupprettiesintype {PL}\setupprettytype} \installnewpretty T {\setupprettiesintype{TEX}\setupprettytype} \installnewpretty J {\setupprettiesintype {JV}\setupprettytype} \installnewpretty S {\setupprettiesintype{SQL}\setupprettytype} \installnewpretty W {\setupprettiesintype{PAS}\setupprettytype} % Wirth \installnewpretty I {\setupprettiesintype{EIF}\setupprettytype} % E taken \installnewpretty X {\setupprettiesintype{XML}\setupprettytype} %D We use the \CONTEXT\ color system for switching to and from %D color mode. We can always redefine these colors afterwards. \definecolor [colorprettyone] [r=.9, g=.0, b=.0] % red \definecolor [colorprettytwo] [r=.0, g=.8, b=.0] % green \definecolor [colorprettythree] [r=.0, g=.0, b=.9] % blue \definecolor [colorprettyfour] [r=.8, g=.8, b=.6] % yellow \definecolor [grayprettyone] [s=.30] \definecolor [grayprettytwo] [s=.45] \definecolor [grayprettythree] [s=.60] \definecolor [grayprettyfour] [s=.75] \definepalet [colorpretty] [ prettyone=colorprettyone, prettytwo=colorprettytwo, prettythree=colorprettythree, prettyfour=colorprettyfour] \definepalet [graypretty] [ prettyone=grayprettyone, prettytwo=grayprettytwo, prettythree=grayprettythree, prettyfour=grayprettyfour] \definepalet [TEXcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [TEXgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [PLcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [PLgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [PMcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [PMgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [MPcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [MPgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [JVcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [JVgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [JScolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [JSgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [SQLcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [SQLgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [PAScolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [PASgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [EIFcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [EIFgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [XMLcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [XMLgraypretty] [graypretty] \definepalet [LUAcolorpretty] [colorpretty] \definepalet [LUAgraypretty] [graypretty] \protect \endinput