%D \module
%D [ file=core-mis,
%D version=1998.01.29,
%D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros,
%D subtitle=Miscelaneous,
%D author=Hans Hagen,
%D date=\currentdate,
%D copyright={PRAGMA / Hans Hagen \& Ton Otten}]
%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
%C details.
\writestatus{loading}{Context Core Macros / Misc Commands}
% todo: kleur in legenda + letter
% Obsolete
% \startmessages dutch library: systems
% title: systeem
% 3: probeer LaTeX eens
% \stopmessages
% \startmessages english library: systems
% title: system
% 3: try LaTeX
% \stopmessages
% \startmessages german library: systems
% title: system
% 3: Versuche LaTeX
% \stopmessages
% \startmessages czech library: systems
% title: system
% 3: zkuste LaTeX
% \stopmessages
% \startmessages italian library: systems
% title: sistema
% 3: provare LaTeX
% \stopmessages
% \startmessages norwegian library: systems
% title: system
% 3: forsøker LaTeX
% \stopmessages
% \startmessages romanian library: systems
% title: sistem
% 3: incercati LaTeX
% \stopmessages
% %D You would not expect the next macro in \CONTEXT,
% %D wouldn't you? It's there to warn \LATEX\ users that
% %D something is wrong.
% %D
% %D Obsolete now:
% %
% % \def\documentstyle{\showmessage\m!systems3\empty\stoptekst}
% %
% % \let\documentclass=\documentstyle
% %D \macros
% %D {simplifiedcommands, simplifycommands}
% %D
% %D I first needed this simplification in bookmarks. Users can
% %D add their own if needed.
%D Sometimes (for instance in bookmarks) we need to simplify macro
%D behaviour, so here is the hook.
\ifx\simplifiedcommands\undefined \newtoks\simplifiedcommands \fi
%D A possibly growing list:
%appendtoks \def\executesynonym#1#2#3#4{#3}\to\simplifiedcommands
%appendtoks \def\executesort#1#2#3{#3}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\ { }\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\type#1{\string\\\strippedcsname#1}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\tex#1{\string\\#1}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\TeX{TeX}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\ConTeXt{ConTeXt}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\MetaPost{MetaPost}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\MetaFont{MetaFont}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def\MetaFun{MetaFun}\to\simplifiedcommands
%appendtoks \def||{-}\to\simplifiedcommands
\appendtoks \def|#1|{\ifx#1\empty\empty-\else#1\fi}\to\simplifiedcommands
% {\ifvmode
% \ifdim\lastskip>\zeropoint
% \nointerlineskip
% \else\ifdim\lastkern>\zeropoint
% \nointerlineskip
% \fi\fi
% \fi}
\def\horitems#1#2% #1=breedte #2=commandos
\divide\scratchdimen \nofitems
{\advance\!!counta \plusone
[ \v!left=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\strut##1\hss},
\v!right=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1},
\v!middle=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1\hss},
\s!default=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1\hss}, % midden
\s!unknown=>\hbox to \scratchdimen{\strut##1\hss}]}% % links
\hbox to #1{\hss#2\hss}}
\def\veritems#1#2% #1=breedte #2=commandos
{\ifdim\scratchdimen<\zeropoint % the - was a signal
\hbox to -\scratchdimen{\hss\strut##1}%
\hbox to \scratchdimen{\strut##1\hss}%
{\doitems \@@iswidth
{\doitems \@@isbulletbreedte
{\dostartitems{#1}\veritems{-1.5em}% - is a signal
{\advance\hsize -1.5em%
% {\let\@@islocation\v!left}%
% Te zijner tijd [plaats=boven,onder,midden] implementeren,
% in dat geval moet eerst de maximale hoogte worden bepaald.
% Overigens kan een en ander mooier met \halign.
% \def\dodefineparagraphs[#1][#2]%
% {\setvalue{\s!do\s!next#1}%
% {\def\\{\getvalue{#1}}}%
% \setvalue{#1}%
% {\getvalue{\s!do\s!next#1}%
% \dostartparagraphs{#1}}%
% \setvalue{\e!next#1}%
% {\getvalue{#1}}%
% \setvalue{\e!start#1}%
% {\bgroup
% \letvalue{\s!do\s!next#1}\empty
% \setvalue{\e!stop#1}%
% {\getvalue{#1}%
% \egroup}%
% \getvalue{#1}}%
% \getparameters[\??al#1]%
% [\c!n=3,
% \c!before=\blank,
% \c!after=\blank,
% \c!distance=1em,
% \c!height=\v!fit,
% \c!rule=\v!off,
% \c!command=,
% \c!align=,
% \c!tolerance=\v!tolerant,
% \c!rulethickness=\linewidth,
% \c!style=,
% \c!color=,
% \c!top=,
% \c!top=\vss,
% \c!bottom=\vfill,
% #2]%
% \setvalue{\e!setup#1\e!endsetup}%
% {\setupparagraphs[#1]}%
% \dorecurse
% {\getvalue{\??al#1\c!n}}
% {\setupparagraphs[#1][\recurselevel]
% [\c!width=,
% \c!bottom=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!bottom},
% \c!top=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!top},
% \c!height=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!height},
% \c!style=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!style},
% \c!color=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!color},
% \c!rule=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!rule},
% \c!rulethickness=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!rulethickness},
% \c!align=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!align},
% \c!tolerance=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!tolerance},
% \c!distance=\getvalue{\??al#1\c!distance}]}%
% \setupparagraphs[#1][1][\c!distance=0em]}
% \def\defineparagraphs
% {\dodoubleargument\dodefineparagraphs}
% \def\dosetupparagraphs[#1][#2][#3]%
% {\doifelse{#2}\v!each
% {\dorecurse
% {\getvalue{\??al#1\c!n}}
% {\getparameters[\??al#1\recurselevel][#3]}}
% {\ConvertToConstant\doifelse{#3}{}
% {\getparameters[\??al#1][#2]}
% {\def\docommand##1%
% {\getparameters[\??al#1##1][#3]}%
% \processcommalist[#2]\docommand}}}
% \def\setupparagraphs
% {\dotripleempty\dosetupparagraphs}
% \newcount\alcounter
% \newcount\alnsize
% \newdimen\alhsize
% \def\doparagraphrule#1#2%
% {\doifelsevalue{\??al#2\the\alcounter\c!rule}\v!on
% {\linewidth\getvalue{\??al#2\the\alcounter\c!rulethickness}%
% \scratchdimen#1%
% \advance\scratchdimen-\linewidth
% \divide\scratchdimen \plustwo
% \hskip\scratchdimen
% \vrule\!!width\linewidth
% \hskip\scratchdimen}
% {\hskip#1}}
% \def\dostartparagraph#1%
% {\doifelsevaluenothing{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!width}
% {\!!widtha\alhsize
% \divide\!!widtha \alnsize}
% {\!!widtha\getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!width}}%
% \dostartattributes
% {\??al#1\the\alcounter}\c!style\c!color
% \empty
% \doifelsevalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!height}\v!fit
% {\setbox0\vtop}
% {\setbox0\vtop to \getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!height}}%
% \bgroup
% \blank[\v!disable]%
% \forgetall
% \getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!top}%
% \getvalue{\??al#1\c!inner}%
% \hsize\!!widtha % setting \wd afterwards removed
% \getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!inner}%
% \edef\!!stringa{\getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!align}}% nodig?
% \expandafter\setupalign\expandafter[\!!stringa]%
% \edef\!!stringa{\getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!tolerance}}% nodig?
% \expandafter\setuptolerance\expandafter[\!!stringa]%
% \ignorespaces
% \endgraf
% \ignorespaces
% %
% % Nadeel van de onderstaande constructie is dat \everypar
% % binnen een groep kan staan en zo steeds \begstruts
% % worden geplaatst. Mooi is anders dus moet het anders!
% %
% % Hier is \Everypar niet nodig.
% %
% \everypar{\begstrut\everypar\emptytoks}%
% %
% \ignorespaces\geenspatie % dubbel: \ignorespaces
% \getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!command}}
% \def\dostopparagraph#1%
% {\ifvmode
% \removelastskip
% \else
% \unskip\endstrut\endgraf
% \fi
% \getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!bottom}%
% \egroup
% \ifdim\wd0=\zeropoint % no data
% \wd0\!!widtha
% \fi
% \box0
% \dostopattributes
% %\ifnum\alcounter<\getvalue{\??al#1\c!n}\relax
% % \def\next{\doparagraphcell{#1}}%
% %\else
% % \def\next{\dostopparagraphs{#1}}%
% %\fi
% %\next}
% \ifnum\alcounter<\getvalue{\??al#1\c!n}\relax
% \@EA\doparagraphcell
% \else
% \@EA\dostopparagraphs
% \fi{#1}}
% \def\doparagraphcell#1%
% {\global\advance\alcounter \plusone
% \doifelsevaluenothing{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!distance}
% {\doifnot{\the\alcounter}{1}
% {\hskip\getvalue{\??al#1\c!distance}}}
% {\doifelse{\the\alcounter}{1}%
% {\hskip\getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!distance}}
% {\doparagraphrule{\getvalue{\??al#1\the\alcounter\c!distance}}{#1}}}%
% \setvalue{#1}{\dostopparagraph{#1}}%
% \dostartparagraph{#1}}
% \def\dostartparagraphs#1%
% {\global\alcounter\zerocount
% \parindent\zeropoint
% \setlocalhsize
% \alhsize\localhsize
% \alnsize\getvalue{\??al#1\c!n}\relax
% \dorecurse
% {\getvalue{\??al#1\c!n}}
% {\doifelsevaluenothing{\??al#1\recurselevel\c!distance}
% {\ifnum\recurselevel=\plusone\else
% \global\advance\alhsize -\getvalue{\??al#1\c!distance}\relax
% \fi}
% {\global\advance\alhsize -\getvalue{\??al#1\recurselevel\c!distance}\relax}%
% \doifvaluesomething{\??al#1\recurselevel\c!width}
% {\global\advance\alnsize \minusone
% \global\advance\alhsize -\getvalue{\??al#1\recurselevel\c!width}\relax}}%
% %\whitespace % gaat fout bij \framed
% \getvalue{\??al#1\c!before}%
% \leavevmode % gaat wel goed bij \framed, brrr
% \setbox\scratchbox\vbox\bgroup\hbox\bgroup\doparagraphcell{#1}}
% \def\dostopparagraphs#1%
% {\egroup
% \egroup
% \iftrue
% \hbox{\raise\strutheight\box\scratchbox}% new
% \else
% \box\scratchbox % old
% \fi
% \par
% \getvalue{\??al#1\c!after}}%
% there is quite some historic balast in this mechanism, the next variant
% is a first cleanup
\newcount\alcounter \newcount\alnsize \newdimen\alhsize
\def\paragraphparameter#1% \checkedparameter\??al\currentparagraph#1
\def\paragraphcellmeter#1#2% \checkedparameter\??al\currentparagraph#1
%\c!tolerance=\paragraphparameter\c!tolerance, % obsolete
\c!tolerance=\v!tolerant, % obsolete
\divide\scratchdimen \plustwo
\divide\!!widtha \alnsize}
{\setbox\scratchbox\vtop to \paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!height}%
\hsize\!!widtha % setting \wd afterwards removed
\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!inner % twice
\expanded{\setupalign [\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!align ]}% {normal,verytolerant,stretch}
\expanded{\setuptolerance[\paragraphcellmeter\alcounter\c!tolerance]}% obsolete
% Nadeel van de onderstaande constructie is dat \everypar
% binnen een groep kan staan en zo steeds \begstruts
% worden geplaatst. Mooi is anders dus moet het anders!
% Hier is \Everypar niet nodig.
\nospace % remove + ignore
\ifdim\wd\scratchbox=\zeropoint % no data
{\global\advance\alcounter \plusone
\dorecurse \alnsize
\global\advance\alhsize -\paragraphparameter\c!distance
{\global\advance\alhsize -\paragraphcellmeter\recurselevel\c!distance}%
{\global\advance\alnsize \minusone
\global\advance\alhsize -\paragraphcellmeter\recurselevel\c!width}}%
%whitespace % gaat fout bij \framed
\leavevmode % gaat wel goed bij \framed, brrr
\hbox{\raise\strutheight\box\scratchbox}% new
\box\scratchbox % old
% The following macro's are derived from PPCHTEX and
% therefore take some LaTeX font-switching into account.
% Due to some upward incompatibality of LaTeX to LaTeX2.09
% and/or LaTeX2e we had to force \@@chemieletter. Otherwise
% some weird \nullfont error comes up.
%dodosetsubscript\mathsupnormal {?}%
\dodosetsubscript\mathsubnormal {.7}%
\let\beginlatexmathmodehack = \relax
\let\endlatexmathmodehack = \relax
\unexpanded\def\celsius #1{#1\mathematics{^\circ}C}
\unexpanded\def\inch {\mathematics{\prime\prime}} % was: \hbox{\rm\char125\relax}
% very dutch
\unexpanded\def\graden {\mathematics{^\circ}}
\def\bedragprefix {\euro\normalfixedspace}
\def\bedragsuffix {}
\def\bedragempty {\euro}
% \definieeralineas[test][n=3]
% \stelalineasin[test][3][breedte=4cm,uitlijnen=links]
% \startopelkaar
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{1.000,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{~.~~1,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{~.~~1,~~} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{~.100,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \subtot{1.000,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{1.000,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{1.000,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \totaal{1.000,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \bedrag{nihil,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \totaal{nihil,--} \\
% \test hans \\ ton \\ \subtot{nihil,--} \\
% \stopopelkaar
\def\periodswidth {.5em}
\def\periodsdefault{3} % was 5, but now it's like \unknown
\hbox to \iffirstargument#1\else\periodsdefault\fi \scratchdimen
{\leaders\hbox to \scratchdimen{\hss.\hss}\hss}%
{\periods\relax} % relax prevents lookahead for []
% compatibility macros
{\hbox{\rlap/$\circ$} }
\prewordbreak %\nobreak
% actually this is pretty old, but temporary moved here
% obsolete:
\definesymbol[\c!leftcompoundhyphen] [\languageparameter\c!leftcompoundhyphen]
\definesymbol[\c!rightcompoundhyphen] [\languageparameter\c!rightcompoundhyphen]
\definesymbol[\c!compoundhyphen] [\languageparameter\c!compoundhyphen]
\definehspace [sentence] [\zeropoint]
\definehspace [intersentence] [.250em]
\newsignal \subsentencesignal
\let\aftersubsentence \donothing
% todo: make this language option
% \def\beforesubsentence{\removeunwantedspaces}
% \def\aftersubsentence {\ignorespaces}
\dontleavehmode % was \leaveoutervmode
}% \ignorespaces}
\def\endofsubsentence % relax prevents space gobbling
\def\beginofsubsentencespacing % relax prevents space gobbling
{\kern\subsentencesignal\relax}% \ignorespaces}
% no good, actually language dependent:
% \ignorespaces
%D \startbuffer
%D test |<|test |<|test|>| test|>| test \par
%D test|<|test|<|test|>|test|>|test \par
%D test |<||<|test|>||>| test \par
%D test \directdiscretionary{<}test\directdiscretionary{>} test \par
%D \stopbuffer
%D \typebuffer
%D \getbuffer
\def\startsubsentence{\beginofsubsentence \prewordbreak\beginofsubsentencespacing}
\def\stopsubsentence {\endofsubsentencespacing\prewordbreak\endofsubsentence}
%D \defineXMLenvironment [subsentence]
%D {|<|}
%D {|>|}
%D \defineXMLenvironment [subsentence]
%D {\directdiscretionary{<}}
%D {\directdiscretionary{>}}
%D \defineXMLenvironment [subsentence]
%D {\startsubsentence}
%D {\stopsubsentence}
%D \startbuffer
%D test test test
%D \stopbuffer
%D \typebuffer
%D \processXMLbuffer
\definehspace [quotation] [\zeropoint]
\definehspace [interquotation] [.125em]
%definehspace [quote] [\zeropoint]
%definehspace [speech] [\zeropoint]
\definehspace [quote] [\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{quotation}]
\definehspace [speech] [\hspaceamount\currentlanguage{quotation}]
\appendtoks\def\quote #1{'#1'}\to\simplifiedcommands
%D The next features was so desperately needed by Giuseppe
%D Bilotta that he made a module for it. Since this is a
%D typical example of core functionality, I decided to extend
%D the low level quotation macros in such a way that a speech
%D feature could be build on top of it. The speech opening and
%D closing symbols are defined per language. Italian is an
%D example of a language that has them set.
% this will replace the quotation and speed definitions
\def\delimitedtextparameter#1% will be sped up
[\c!location=\v!margin, % \v!text \v!paragraph
\setvalue{\e!stop #1}{\stopdelimitedtext}}}
\def\dosetupdelimitedtext[#1][#2][#3]% #2 = optional level
\dohandledelimitedtext\c!middle % maybe better \dohandleleftdelimitedtext
% nicer:
% \doadaptleftskip {\delimitedtextparameter\c!leftmargin}%
% \doadaptrightskip{\delimitedtextparameter\c!rightmargin}%
% backward compatible:
\doadaptleftskip {\delimitedtextparameter\c!leftmargin}%
% so far
% \dochecknextindentation{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}% AM: not here
\dochecknextindentation{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}% AM: here
\dorechecknextindentation}% AM: This was missing!
% \def\dostartdelimitedtexttxt
% {\let\dostopdelimitedtext\dostopdelimitedtexttxt
% \dostartattributes{\??ci\currentdelimitedtext}\c!style\c!color\empty
% \dohandledelimitedtext\c!left
% \ignorespaces}
% \def\dostopdelimitedtexttxt
% {\removeunwantedspaces
% \dohandledelimitedtext\c!right
% \dostopattributes}
% shortcuts
\def\stopdelimited {\stopdelimitedtext} % no let, dynamically assigned
\def\delimited {\delimitedtext}
% \starttext
% \hyphenatedword{groepsvrijstellingsverordeningen}\par
% \hyphenatedword{\quote{groepsvrijstellingsverordeningen}}\par
% \dorecurse{100}{\hskip300pt\hskip\recurselevel pt test \quote{xxx xxxx}.\par}
% \page \setuppapersize[A5][A4]
% \quotation {overly beautiful pusillanimous sesquipedalian
% longwinded} test test test test test test test test test test test
% test test test test test test test test test test test test test
% test test test test test test test test test test test test test
% test test test test test test test test test test test test test
% test test test
% \stoptext
% \ifdim\lastskip=\delimitedtextsignal
% \unskip
\ifhmode % else funny pagebeaks
\hskip\zeropoint % == \prewordbreak
\strut % new, needed below
\delimitedtextparameter#1% unhbox\scratchbox
% \penalty\!!tenthousand % else overfull boxes, but that's better than dangling periods
\kern\delimitedtextsignal % +- \prewordbreak
\strut % new, needed below
\ifhmode % else funny pagebeaks
\hskip\zeropoint % == \prewordbreak
\strut % new, needed below
\delimitedtextparameter#1% unhbox\scratchbox
\hskip\delimitedtextsignal % +- \prewordbreak
\ifhmode % else funny pagebeaks
\hskip\zeropoint % == \prewordbreak
\strut % new, needed below
\delimitedtextparameter#1% unhbox\scratchbox
\kern\delimitedtextsignal % +- \prewordbreak
% \unexpanded\def\dodelimitedtextpar
% {\dohandledelimitedtext\c!left\relax
% \groupedcommand
% \donothing
% {\dohandledelimitedtext\c!right\removelastskip
% \popdelimitedtext}}
% \def\doquoteddelimited
% {\dohandledelimitedtext\c!left\relax
% \groupedcommand
% \donothing
% {\dohandledelimitedtext\c!right
% \removelastskip
% \popdelimitedtext}}
% testcase for nesting:
% \quotation{... \quotation{...} ...}
% \startquotation ... \startquotation... \quotation{...} \stopquotation\space ...\stopquotation
% \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][1][left=(,right=)]
% \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][2][left={[},right={]}]
% \setupdelimitedtext[quotation][3][left=\{,right=\}]
% \quotation{... \quotation{...} ...}
% \startquotation ... \startquotation... \quotation{...} \stopquotation\space ...\stopquotation
% how do we call an tight quote
% \definedelimitedtext
% [\v!quotation][\v!quotation]
% \setupdelimitedtext
% [\v!quotation]
% [\c!indentnext=\v!no,
% \c!spacebefore=\v!nowhite]
\def\setupquote {\setupdelimitedtext[\v!quote]}
% seldom used, move from kernel to run time module
\ifx\tfx\undefined \let\tfx\relax \fi
\multiply\dimen0 \@@rtnx\relax
\multiply\dimen2 \@@rtny\relax
\!!width \dimen0
\!!height \linewidth
\!!depth \!!zeropoint}}%
\!!width \linewidth
\!!height \dimen2
\!!depth \!!zeropoint}%
\divide\dimen0 \dimen2\relax
\hbox to 2em{\hss\@@gridc\hss}}%
\scratchcounter##2\advance\scratchcounter -1
% Dit wordt:
% \doorverwijzen[naam][instellingen] enz.
% waarbij bijvoorbeeld publicatie is. Dit levert:
% \start
% \stop
% \beginvan
% \eindvan
% \publicatie
% \volledigelijstmetpublicaties
% eigenlijk kan ook door... zo worden uitgebreid!
% old, will become obsolete or module, replace by bib module
{\doifsomething\@@pb@naam {\@@pb@naam,\space}%
\doifsomething\@@pb@titel {{\sl\@@pb@titel}.\space}%
\doifsomething\@@pb@jaar {(\@@pb@jaar).\space}%
\doifsomething\@@pb@plaats {\@@pb@plaats\doifelsenothing\@@pb@uitgever{.}{:\space}}%
{\@@pb@naam, \@@pb@titel, \@@pb@jaar, \@@pb@pagina, \@@pb@plaats, \@@pb@uitgever.}
{\letvalue{\??pb @##1}\empty
\setvalue{##1}####1{\setvalue{\??pb @##1}{####1}\ignorespaces}}%
{\doifsomething\@@pbalternative{\getvalue{\@@pbalternative @publicatie}}}%
% only used at pragma, move from kernel to run time module
% moet anders, hoort niet in 01b
\doifsomething \@@kmfrom {\NC\@@@kmvan\EQ\@@kmfrom\NC\NR}%
\doifsomething \@@kmto {\NC\@@@kmaan\EQ\@@kmto\NC\NR}%
\doifsomething \@@kmref {\NC\NC\NC\NR\NC\@@@kmref\EQ\@@kmref\NC\NR}%
% FUZZY OLD STUFF: will be removed when not used in some manual;
% rows instead of columns, i'd forgotten that this code exist
% \definesystemvariable{ri}
% \def\setuprows
% {\dodoubleargument\getparameters[\??ri]}
% \definecomplexorsimpleempty\startrows
% \def\complexstartrows[#1]%
% {\bgroup
% \setuprows[#1]%
% \let\do@@ribottom\relax
% \def\row
% {\do@@ribottom
% \egroup
% \dimen0\vsize
% \divide\dimen0 \@@rin
% \advance\dimen0 -\lineskip
% \vbox to \dimen0
% \bgroup
% \@@ritop
% \let\do@@ribottom\@@ribottom
% \ignorespaces}%
% \bgroup
% \row}
% \def\stoprows
% {\do@@ribottom
% \egroup
% \egroup}
% \setuprows
% [\c!n=2,
% \c!top=,
% \c!bottom=\vfill]
\startmessages dutch library: systems
41: externe file -- in groep -- bestaat niet
\startmessages english library: systems
41: external file -- in group -- does not exist
\startmessages german library: systems
41: Externe Datei -- in Gruppe -- existiert nicht
\startmessages czech library: systems
41: externi soubor -- ve skupine -- neexistuje
\startmessages italian library: systems
41: il file esterno -- del gruppo -- non esiste
\startmessages norwegian library: systems
41: ekstern fil -- i gruppe -- eksisterer ikke
\startmessages romanian library: systems
41: fisierul extern -- din grupul -- nu exista
\startmessages french library: systems
41: le fichier externe -- du groupe -- n'existe pas
% \def\mrm#1%
% {$\rm#1$}
%D \macros
%D {definepairedbox, setuppairedbox, placepairedbox}
%D Paired boxes, formally called legends, but from now on a
%D legend is just an instance, are primarily meant for
%D typesetting some text alongside an illustration. Although
%D there is quite some variation possible, the functionality is
%D kept simple, if only because in most cases such pairs are
%D typeset sober.
%D The location specification accepts a pair, where the first
%D keyword specifies the arrangement, and the second one the
%D alignment. The first key of the location pair is one of
%D \type {left}, \type {right}, \type {top} or \type {bottom},
%D while the second key can also be \type {middle}.
%D The first box is just collected in an horizontal box, but
%D the second one is a vertical box that gets passed the
%D bodyfont and alignment settings.
%D Today we would implement this using layers .... but for the
%D moment we keep it this way.
% \startbuffer[test]
% \test left \test left,top \test left,bottom \test left,middle
% \test right \test right,top \test right,bottom \test right,middle
% \test top \test top,left \test top,right \test top,middle
% \test bottom \test bottom,left \test bottom,right \test bottom,middle
% \stopbuffer
% \def\showtest#1%
% {\pagina
% \typebuffer[demo]
% \def\test##1
% {\startlinecorrection[blank]
% \getbuffer[demo]%
% \ruledhbox\placelegend
% [bodyfont=6pt,location={##1}]
% {\framed[width=.25\textwidth]{\tttf##1}}
% {#1}
% \stoplinecorrection}
% \getbuffer[test]}
% \startbuffer[demo]
% \setuplegend
% [width=\hsize,maxwidth=\makeupwidth,
% height=\vsize,maxheight=\makeupheight]
% \stopbuffer
% \showtest{These examples demonstrate the default settings.}
% \startbuffer[demo]
% \setuplegend
% [width=\textwidth,
% maxwidth=\textwidth]
% \stopbuffer
% \showtest{\input tufte }
% \startbuffer[demo]
% \setuplegend
% [width=.65\textwidth]
% \stopbuffer
% \showtest{\input knuth }
% \startbuffer[demo]
% \setuplegend
% [height=2cm]
% \stopbuffer
% \showtest{These examples demonstrate some other settings.}
% \startbuffer[demo]
% \setuplegend
% [width=.65\textwidth,
% height=2cm]
% \stopbuffer
% \showtest{These examples demonstrate some other settings.}
% \startbuffer[demo]
% \setuplegend
% [n=2,align=right,width=.5\textwidth]
% \stopbuffer
% \showtest{\input zapf }
%D \macros
%D {setuplegend, placelegend}
%D It makes sense to typeset a legend to a figure in \TEX\
%D and not in a drawing package. The macro \type {\placelegend}
%D combines a figure (or something else) and its legend. This
%D command is just a paired box.
%D The legend is placed according to \type {location}, being
%D \type {bottom} or \type {right}. The macro macro is used as
%D follows.
%D \starttyping
%D \placefigure
%D {whow}
%D {\placelegend
%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
%D {\starttabulation
%D \NC 1 \NC head \NC \NR
%D \NC 2 \NC legs \NC \NR
%D \NC 3 \NC tail \NC \NR
%D \stoptabulation}}
%D \placefigure
%D {whow}
%D {\placelegend
%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
%D {\starttabulation[|l|l|l|l|]
%D \NC 1 \NC head \NC 3 \NC tail \NC \NR
%D \NC 2 \NC legs \NC \NC \NC \NR
%D \stoptabulation}}
%D \placefigure
%D {whow}
%D {\placelegend[n=2]
%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
%D {\starttabulation
%D \NC 1 \NC head \NC \NR
%D \NC 2 \NC legs \NC \NR
%D \NC 3 \NC tail \NC \NR
%D \stoptabulation}}
%D \placefigure
%D {whow}
%D {\placelegend[n=2]
%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
%D {head \par legs \par tail}}
%D \placefigure
%D {whow}
%D {\placelegend[n=2]
%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
%D {\startitemize[packed]
%D \item head \item legs \item tail \item belly \item horns
%D \stopitemize}}
%D \placefigure
%D {whow}
%D {\placelegend[n=2,width=.8\hsize]
%D {\externalfigure[cow]}
%D {\startitemize[packed]
%D \item head \item legs \item tail \item belly \item horns
%D \stopitemize}}
%D \stoptyping
\c!maxwidth=\textwidth, % \makeupwidth,
\c!maxheight=\textheight, % \makeupheight,
\def\doplacepairedbox[#1][#2]% watch the hsize/vsize tricks
{\setuppairedbox[#1][#2]% % and don't change them
\copyparameters % brrr
{\chardef\pairedlocationa1 % left
\chardef\pairedlocationb4 % middle
[ \v!left=>\chardef\pairedlocationa0,
[ \v!left=>\chardef\pairedlocationb0,
{\switchtobodyfont[\@@ldbodyfont]% split under same regime
\hsize\wd\firstpairedbox % trick
\advance\scratchdimen \@@lddistance
\bgroup\advance\scratchdimen \hsize
\advance\hsize -\scratchdimen
\hsize\@@ldwidth % can be \hsize
\ifdim\hsize>\@@ldmaxwidth\relax \hsize\@@ldmaxwidth \fi % can be \hsize
{% \localstartcolor[\@@ldcolor]% does not work yet
}% \localstopcolor}%
\ifnum\pairedlocationa<2\hbox\else\vbox\fi\bgroup % hide vsize
\ifdim\scratchdimen<\@@ldheight\relax % can be \vsize
\valignpairedbox\firstpairedbox \scratchdimen
\halignpairedbox\firstpairedbox \scratchdimen
\ifdim\ht\secondpairedbox<\@@ldheight\relax % can be \vsize
\scratchdimen\@@ldheight\relax % \relax needed
\ifdim\scratchdimen>\@@ldmaxheight\relax % todo: totale hoogte
\scratchdimen\@@ldmaxheight\relax % \relax needed
\setbox\secondpairedbox\vbox to \scratchdimen
{\ifnum\pairedlocationa=3 \vss\fi %
\ifnum\pairedlocationa=2 \vss\fi}% \kern\zeropoint
\box\secondpairedbox\hskip\@@lddistance\box\firstpairedbox \or
\box\firstpairedbox \hskip\@@lddistance\box\secondpairedbox\or
\box\secondpairedbox\endgraf \nointerlineskip \@@ldinbetween \box\firstpairedbox \or
\box\firstpairedbox \endgraf \nointerlineskip \@@ldinbetween \box\secondpairedbox\else
\tolerantTABLEbreaktrue % hm.
{#1\ifdim#1#2>#1#3 #2\else#3\fi}
{\setbox#1\vbox to #2
{\setbox#1\hbox to #2
%D Goody:
\newevery \everyinsidefloat \relax
\to \everyinsidefloat
% todo: \startcombination \startcomb \stopcomb ...
\newcount\horcombination % counter
{\bgroup % so we can grab a group
% \startcombination {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
% \startcombination[2*1] {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
% \startcombination[1*2] {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
% \startcombination[2] {alpha} {a} {beta} {b} \stopcombination
\doifnothing{#1}\firstargumentfalse % to be sure (when called in macros)
\doifnothing{#2}\secondargumentfalse % to be sure (when called in macros)
\else % better : \doifcombinationelse ... \??co#1\c!location
\vbox {\vbox to \combinationparameter\c!height}%
{\halign}{\halign to \combinationparameter\c!width}%
%\hfil##\hfil% now : location={left,top}
&\tabskip\zeropoint \!!plus 1fill##\cr
\def\docombination % we want to add struts but still ignore an empty box
{\ifx\nexttoken\egroup \else % the next box is empty
% stupid version, does not align top stuff when captions,
% keep as example
% \def\dodocombination
% {\vbox
% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
% \let\next\vbox
% \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
% [\combinationparameter\c!location]
% [ \v!top=>\let\next\tbox,
% \v!middle=>\let\next\halfwaybox]%
% \next{\copy0}%
% \ifdim\ht2>\zeropoint % beter dan \wd2, nu \strut mogelijk
% \combinationparameter\c!inbetween
% %\vtop % wrong code
% % {\nointerlineskip % recently added
% % \hsize\wd0
% % \setupalign[\combinationparameter\c!align]% % \raggedcenter
% % \begstrut\unhbox2\endstrut}%
% \box2
% \fi}%
% \ifnum\totcombination>\plusone
% \global\advance\totcombination\minusone
% \global\advance\horcombination\minusone
% \ifnum\horcombination=\zerocount
% \def\next
% {\cr\noalign
% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!geen]% no
% \nointerlineskip
% \combinationparameter\c!before
% \combinationparameter\c!after
% \vss
% \nointerlineskip}%
% \global\horcombination\maxhorcombination\relax
% \docombination}%
% \else
% \def\next
% {&&&\hskip\combinationparameter\c!distance&\docombination}%
% \fi
% \else
% \def\next
% {\cr\egroup}%
% \fi
% \next}
% \def\dodocombination
% {\vbox
% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
% \let\next\vbox
% \ExpandFirstAfter\processallactionsinset
% [\combinationparameter\c!plaats]
% [ \v!top=>\let\next\tbox,
% \v!middle=>\let\next\halfwaybox]%
% \next{\copy0}%
% % we need to save the caption for a next alignment line
% \saveoncombinationstack2}%
% \ifnum\totcombination>\plusone
% \global\advance\totcombination\minusone
% \global\advance\horcombination\minusone
% \ifnum\horcombination=\zerocount
% \def\next
% {\cr
% \flushcombinationstack
% \noalign
% {\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]% no
% \global\setbox\combinationstack\emptybox
% \nointerlineskip
% \combinationparameter\c!after
% \combinationparameter\c!before
% \vss
% \nointerlineskip}%
% \global\horcombination\maxhorcombination\relax
% \docombination}%
% \else
% \def\next
% {&&&\hskip\combinationparameter\c!distance&\docombination}%
% \fi
% \else
% \def\next
% {\cr
% \flushcombinationstack
% \egroup}%
% \fi
% \next}
% \def\boxwithstrutheight
% {\dowithnextbox
% {\scratchdimen\strutheight
% \advance\scratchdimen-\nextboxht
% \hbox{\raise\scratchdimen\box\nextbox}}%
% \vbox}
{\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]%
[ \v!top=>\let\next\depthonlybox, % \tbox,
% we need to save the caption for a next alignment line
{\forgetall % \setupwhitespace[\v!none]% no
% formally ok:
% \def\stopcombination
% {\egroup
% \egroup}
% more robust:
% \def\stopcombination
% {{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}% catches (at most 4) missing entries
% \egroup
% \egroup}
% even better:
\nointerlineskip % nieuw
\box1% \ruledhbox{\box1}%
\c!location=\v!bottom, % can be something {top,left}
%D \macros
%D {startfloatcombination}
%D \setupexternalfigures[directory={../sample}]
%D \startbuffer
%D \placefigure
%D [left,none]
%D {}
%D {\startfloatcombination[2*2]
%D \placefigure{alpha}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=1cm]}
%D \placefigure{beta} {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=2cm]}
%D \placefigure{gamma}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=3cm]}
%D \placefigure{delta}{\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=4cm]}
%D \stopfloatcombination}
%D \input tufte
%D \stopbuffer
%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
%\insidecolumnstrue % trick, forces no centering, todo: proper switch/feature
\def\placesidebyside {\placerelativetoeachother\valign\vss}
% this will be replaced or go away, never used
\readsysfile{#2} % beter: loc of fix gebied
%D A couple of examples, demonstrating how the depth is
%D taken care of:
%D \startbuffer
%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=0] {gans}%
%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=90] {gans}%
%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=180]{gans}%
%D test\rotate[frame=on, rotation=270]{gans}%
%D test
%D \stopbuffer
%D \typebuffer \getbuffer
% When we rotate over arbitrary angles, we need to relocate the
% resulting box because rotation brings that box onto the negative
% axis. The calculations (mostly sin and cosine) need to be tuned for
% the way a box is packages (i.e. the refence point). A typical example
% of drawing, scribbling, and going back to the days of school math.
% We do a bit more calculations than needed, simply because that way
% it's easier to debug the code.
{\setbox\nextbox\vbox to \@@layerysiz
\hbox to \@@layerxsiz
\def\dodorotatenextbox#1#2% quite some trial and error -)
% new, location=middle
\!!widthb \nextboxwd
\!!depthb \nextboxdp
\!!widtha \nextboxwd
\!!deptha \nextboxdp
% 1: fit
% 2: depth, not fit
% 3: depth, fit
\!!dimena \nextboxht
\@@layerxsiz \cos\!!widtha
\@@layerysiz \sin\!!widtha
\advance\@@layerxsiz \sin\!!dimena
\advance\@@layerysiz \cos\!!dimena
\@@layerypos \cos\!!dimena
\@@layerxoff \negated\sin\!!dimena
\advance\@@layerxoff \sin\!!deptha
\@@layeryoff \cos\!!deptha
\@@layerxsiz \negated\cos\!!widtha
\@@layerysiz \sin\!!widtha
\advance\@@layerxsiz \sin\!!dimena
\advance\@@layerysiz \negated\cos\!!dimena
\@@layerxpos \negated\cos\!!widtha
\@@layerxoff -\@@layerxsiz
\advance\@@layerxoff \sin\!!deptha
\@@layeryoff \negated\cos\!!heighta
\@@layerxsiz \negated\cos\!!widtha
\@@layerysiz \negated\sin\!!widtha
\advance\@@layerxsiz \negated\sin\!!dimena
\advance\@@layerysiz \negated\cos\!!dimena
\@@layerxpos \@@layerxsiz
\@@layerypos \negated\sin\!!widtha
\@@layerxoff -\@@layerxsiz
\advance\@@layerxoff \negated\sin\!!heighta
\@@layeryoff \@@layerysiz
\advance\@@layeryoff \cos\!!deptha
\@@layerxsiz \cos\!!widtha
\@@layerysiz \negated\sin\!!widtha
\advance\@@layerxsiz \negated\sin\!!dimena
\advance\@@layerysiz \cos\!!dimena
\@@layerxpos \zeropoint
\@@layerxoff \zeropoint
\@@layerypos \@@layerysiz
\@@layeryoff \!!deptha
\@@layerypos \@@layerysiz
\@@layerxpos \negated\sin\!!dimena
\@@layerxoff -\@@layerxsiz
\advance\@@layerxoff \negated\sin\!!heighta
\@@layeryoff \negated\sin\!!deptha
% new, location=middle
{\edef\@@rorotation{\realnumber{#1}}% get rid of leading zeros and spaces
\setbox\nextbox\vbox{\flushnextbox}% not really needed
\def\dodorotatebox#1% {angle} \hbox/\vbox/\vtop
{\bgroup\hbox\bgroup % compatibility hack
\def\dorotatebox#1% {angle} \hbox/\vbox/\vtop
\unexpanded\def\rotate % \bgroup: \rotate kan argument zijn
% \def\complexrotate[#1]% framed met diepte !
% {\getparameters[\??ro][#1]%
% \processaction
% [\@@rolocation]
% [ \v!depth=>\!!counta\plusthree\donefalse,% depth fit - raw box
% \v!fit=>\!!counta\plustwo \donefalse,% depth tight - raw box
% \v!broad=>\!!counta\plusone \donefalse,% nodepth fit - raw box
% \v!high=>\!!counta\plusone \donetrue ,% nodepth fit - framed
% \v!middle=>\!!counta\plusfour \donefalse,% centered, keep dimensions
% \s!default=>\!!counta\plusthree\donetrue ,% depth fit - framed
% \s!unknown=>\!!counta\plusthree\donetrue ]% depth fit - framed
% \ifdone
% \def\docommand{\localframed[\??ro][#1,\c!location=]}%
% \else
% \let\docommand\relax
% \fi
% \dowithnextbox{\dorotatenextbox\@@rorotation\!!counta\egroup}\vbox\docommand}
\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!depth }{\!!counta\plusthree\donefalse} % depth fit - raw box
\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!fit }{\!!counta\plustwo \donefalse} % depth tight - raw box
\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!broad }{\!!counta\plusone \donefalse} % nodepth fit - raw box
\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!high }{\!!counta\plusone \donetrue } % nodepth fit - framed
\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!middle }{\!!counta\plusfour \donefalse} % centered, keep dimensions
\setvalue{\??ro::\c!location::\v!default}{\!!counta\plusthree\donetrue } % depth fit - framed
\def\complexrotate[#1]% framed met diepte !
% \dostepwiserecurse{0}{360}{10}
% {\startlinecorrection[blank]
% \hbox
% {\expanded{\setuprotate[rotation=\recurselevel]}%
% \traceboxplacementtrue
% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=depth] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (depth)}}}}%
% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=fit] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (fit)}}}}%
% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=broad] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (broad)}}}}%
% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=normal]{\ruledhbox{\bfb (normal)}}}}%
% \hbox to .2\hsize{\hss\ruledhbox{\rotate[location=high] {\ruledhbox{\bfb (high)}}}}}
% \stoplinecorrection}
% to be used in some other places! todo!
% divides \hsize in fractions, will be made a bit more
% clever and advanced when needed
% \horizontaldivision[n/m,elements,distance]
% \horizontaldivision[2/5,3,1em]
% \horizontaldivision[2/5,3,1em]
% \horizontaldivision[1/5,3,1em]
% \setuphorizontaldivision[afstand=,aantal=] (passend,passend)
\advance\!!counta \minusone
\multiply\!!widtha \!!counta
\advance\hsize -\!!widtha
\divide\hsize #2\relax
%D This one is for Daniel Pittman, who wanted tight
%D fractions. We show three versions. First the simple
%D one using \type {\low} and \type {high}:
%D \startbuffer
%D \def\vfrac#1#2%
%D {\hbox{\high{\tx#1\kern-.25em}/\low{\kern-.25em\tx#2}}}
%D test \vfrac{1}{2} test \vfrac{123}{456} test
%D \stopbuffer
%D \typebuffer {\showmakeup\getbuffer}
%D A better way to handle the kerning is the following, here
%D we kind of assume that tye slash is symmetrical and has
%D nearly zero width.
%D \startbuffer
%D \def\vfract#1#2%
%D {\hbox{\high{\tx#1}\hbox to \zeropoint{\hss/\hss}\low{\tx#2}}}
%D \stopbuffer
%D \typebuffer {\showmakeup\getbuffer}
%D The third and best alternative is the following:
%D {\showmakeup\getbuffer}\crlf\getbuffer
%D This time we measure the height of the \type {/} and
%D shift over the maximum height and depths of this
%D character and the fractional digits (we use 57 as
%D sample). Here we combine all methods in one macros.
\definehspace[vulgarfraction][.25em] % [.15em]
\definesymbol[vulgarfraction][/] % [\raise.2ex\hbox{/}]
\low {\kern-\hspaceamount\empty\vulgarfraction\tx#2}%
\hbox to \zeropoint{\hss\symbol[\vulgarfraction]\hss}%
\hbox to \zeropoint{\hss\symbol[\vulgarfraction]\hss}%
\ifx\vfrac\undefined \let\vfrac\vulgarfraction \fi
%D \starttabulate
%D \HL
%D \NC \bf method \NC \bf visualization \NC\NR
%D \HL
%D \NC 0 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod0\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
%D \NC 1 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod1\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
%D \NC 2 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod2\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
%D \NC 3 \NC \chardef\vulgarfractionmethod3\vulgarfraction{1}{2} \NC\NR
%D \HL
%D \stoptabulate
%D Under construction:
%D \starttyping
%D \commalistsentence[aap,noot,mies]
%D \commalistsentence[aap,noot]
%D \commalistsentence[aap]
%D \commalistsentence[a,b,c]
%D \commalistsentence[a,b,c][{ \& },{ and }]
%D \commalistsentence[a,b,c][+,-]
%D \stoptyping
{\advance\scratchcounter \plusone
\ifx\textcomma\undefined \def\textcomma{,} \fi
\setuplabeltext [\s!nl] [and-1=\textcomma\ , and-2= en ]
\setuplabeltext [\s!en] [and-1=\textcomma\ , and-2=\textcomma\ and ]
\setuplabeltext [\s!de] [and-1=\textcomma\ , and-2= und ]
%D \macros
%D {somekindoftab}
%D This macro can be used to create tabs:
%D \starttyping
%D \setupheadertexts[{\somekindoftab[alternative=horizontal]{\framed{\realfolio}}}]
%D \setuptexttexts [{\somekindoftab[alternative=vertical] {\framed{\realfolio}}}]
%D \starttext
%D \showframe \dorecurse{10}{test\page}
%D \stoptext
%D \stoptyping
{\dodosomekindoftab\hbox\hskip\xxwidth }}
{#1 to #3 \bgroup
#2\zeropoint \!!plus \the\numexpr\xxm -1\relax fill\relax
#2\zeropoint \!!plus \the\numexpr\xxn-\xxm\relax fill\relax
\protect \endinput