% \iffalse meta-comment % % This is file `xepersian-hm.dtx' % % Copyright (C) 2020 Hossein Movahhedian % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, % version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of % this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % %<*internal> \iffalse % %<*README-txt> The XEPERSIAN-HM package ------------------------ Kashida feature in 'xepersian' has problems with some fonts such as 'HM Series' available at 'https://dma8hm1334.bitbucket.io' and 'X Series 2' available at 'http://wiki.irmug.com/index.php/X_Series_2'. The 'xepersian-hm' package fixes these problems. The files 'kashida-glyph-example.tex' and 'kashida-hrule-example.tex' in the directory 'texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/xepersian-hm/' can be used as simple examples of the usage of the package. Please use the Bitbucket issue tracker: 'https://bitbucket.org/dma8hm1334/xepersian-hm/issues' to report a bug, request a feature or if you have a comment. I will do my best to fix all the bugs you report, but, unfortunately, time is a big hurdle to overcome; so, my apologies in advance for those which I cannot make time to fix. % %<*internal> \fi % % % \begin{macrocode} %<*driver> \documentclass[full]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{hypdoc} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-10mm} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \begin{document} \DocInput{\jobname.dtx} \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % \fi % % \immediate\write18{xelatex xepersian-hm-doc.ltx} % % \title{^^A % The \textsf{xepersian-hm} package\\Fixing kashida in xepersian\\Source code documentation^^A % } % % \author{^^A % Hossein Movahhedian\thanks % {^^A % E-mail: % \href{mailto:dma8hm1334@gmail.com} % {\textsf{dma8hm1334@gmail.com}} % }^^A % } % % \date{Released \quad 2020-06-04 \quad v1.0b} % % \maketitle % % \section{\texttt{xepersian-hm} Implementation} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{xepersian-hm.sty}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*xepersian-hm-sty> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{expl3}[2020-03-06] \@ifpackagelater{expl3}{2020-03-06} {} {% \PackageError{xepersian-hm}{Support package l3kernel too old} {% Please install an up to date version of l3kernel\MessageBreak using your TeX package manager or from CTAN.\MessageBreak \MessageBreak Loading xtemplate will abort!% }% \endinput } \RequirePackage{l3keys2e} \RequirePackage{graphicx}[2019-11-30] \RequirePackage{zref-savepos}[2020-03-03] \RequirePackage{xepersian} \ExplSyntaxOn \ProvidesExplPackage {xepersian-hm} {2020-06-04} {1.0b} { Fixes~issues~in~xepersian~package } \box_new:N \l_xephm_ksh_box \int_const:Nn \c_xephm_ksh_int {"0640} % kashida \int_const:Nn \c_xephm_lrm_int {"200E} % left-right-mark \int_const:Nn \c_xephm_zwj_int {"200D} % zero-width joiner \int_const:Nn \c_xephm_two_int {2} % 2 \int_const:Nn \c_xephm_four_int {4} % 4 \tl_const:Nn \c_xephm_skip_a_tl { 0 em plus 0.5 em } \tl_const:Nn \c_xephm_skip_b_tl { 0.14 em plus 5.5 em } \int_new:N \l_xephm_counter_int \int_new:N \l_xephm_kashida_slot_int \int_new:N \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_xephm_min_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_xephm_low_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_xephm_med_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_xephm_high_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_xephm_max_penalty_int \tl_new:N \l_xephm_line_break_tl \tl_new:N \l_xephm_main_font_full_tl \tl_new:N \l_xephm_main_font_name_tl \tl_new:N \l_xephm_font_full_tl \tl_new:N \l_xephm_font_name_tl \tl_new:N \l_xephm_skip_default_tl \tl_new:N \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl \tl_new:N \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl \dim_new:N \l_xephm_diff_pos_dim \bool_set_false:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_xephm_ligature_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_xephm_linebreakpenalty_bool \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_min_penalty_int { 0 } \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_low_penalty_int { 8 } \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_med_penalty_int { 15 } \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_high_penalty_int { 25 } \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_max_penalty_int { 10000 } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_stretch_glyph_tl { glyph } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl { leaders+glyph } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl { leaders+hrule } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_stretch_off_tl { Off } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_stretch_on_tl { On } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_kayhan_tl { kayhan } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_kayhannavaar_tl { kayhannavaar } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_kayhanpook_tl { kayhanpook } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_kayhansayeh_tl { kayhansayeh } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_khoramshahr_tl { khoramshahr } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_khorramshahr_tl { khorramshahr } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_niloofar_tl { niloofar } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_paatch_tl { paatch } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_riyaz_tl { riyaz } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_roya_tl { roya } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_shafigh_tl { shafigh } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_shafighKurd_tl { shafighKurd } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_shafighUzbek_tl { shafighUzbek } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_shiraz_tl { shiraz } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_sols_tl { sols } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_tabriz_tl { tabriz } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_titr_tl { titr } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_titre_tl { titre } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_traffic_tl { traffic } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_vahid_tl { vahid } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_vosta_tl { vosta } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_yaghut_tl { yaghut } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_yagut_tl { yagut } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_yas_tl { yas } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_yekan_tl { yekan } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_yermook_tl { yermook } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_zar_tl { zar } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_ziba_tl { ziba } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_default_tl { default } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_fnt_noskip_tl { noskip } \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_aalt_tl { aalt } % Access All Alternatives \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_ccmp_tl { ccmp } % Glyph Composition/Decomposition \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_dlig_tl { dlig } % Discretionary Ligatures \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_fina_tl { fina } % Final (Terminal) Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_init_tl { init } % Initial Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_locl_tl { locl } % Localized Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_medi_tl { medi } % Medial Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_rlig_tl { rlig } % Required Ligatures \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_default_tl { default } \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_aalt_clist { { } } % Access All Alternatives \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_ccmp_clist { { } } % Glyph Composition/Decomposition \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_dlig_clist { FDF2 = الله , FDF3 = اکبر , FDFB = جلجلاله } % Discretionary Ligatures \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_fina_clist { { } } % Final (Terminal) Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_init_clist { { } } % Initial Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_locl_clist { { } } % Localized Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_medi_clist { { } } % Medial Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_rlig_clist { { } } % Required Ligatures \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_default_clist { { } } \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_names_clist { \l_xephm_lig_aalt_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_aalt_clist } , \l_xephm_lig_ccmp_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_ccmp_clist } , \l_xephm_lig_dlig_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_dlig_clist } , \l_xephm_lig_fina_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_fina_clist } , \l_xephm_lig_init_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_init_clist } , \l_xephm_lig_locl_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_locl_clist } , \l_xephm_lig_medi_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_medi_clist } , \l_xephm_lig_rlig_tl , { \l_xephm_lig_rlig_clist } , } \msg_new:nnn { xepersian-hm } { error-kashida-character-is-not-available-in-the-main-font } { Sorry,~ kashida~ character~ is~ not~ available~ in~ the~ main~ font~#1! } \msg_new:nnn { xepersian-hm } { error-value-not-available-for-kashida-option } { Sorry,~ value~ `#1'~ is~ not~ available~ for~ `Kashida'~ option~ yet~! } \msg_new:nnn { xepersian-hm } { error-specify-value-for-kashida-option } { Sorry,~ you~ must~ specify~ a~ value~ for~ `Kashida'~ option~ yet~! } \msg_new:nnn { xepersian-hm } { warning-experimental-feature } { Please~ note~ that~ the~ feature~ `#1'~ is~ still~ experimental~ and~ is~ not~ regarded~ as~ stable. } \msg_new:nnn { xepersian-hm } { hm-series-font-not-found } { Either~ the~ font~`#1'~ is~ not~ installed~ on~ your~ system~ or~ does~ not~ belong~ to~ HM~Series~fonts.~ Please~ note~ that~ the~ option~ `Kashida=leaders+glyph'~ is~ currently~ only~ supported~ by~ HM~Series~fonts.~ If~ you~ know~ of~ any~ other~ font~ that~ supports~ this~ option,~ please~ let~ me~ know~ to~ add~ it~ to~ the~ list~ of~ corresponding~ fonts.~ } \keys_define:nn { xepersian-hm } { Kashida .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_xephm_stretch_glyph_tl { \msg_warning:nnn { xepersian-hm } { warning-experimental-feature } { Kashida=glyph } \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl { \l_xephm_stretch_glyph_tl } \AtBeginDocument { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_main_font_full_tl { \tex_fontname:D \tex_the:D \tex_font:D } \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_main_font_name_tl { \l_xephm_main_font_full_tl } \regex_replace_once:nnN { ^"([^/]+)/.* } { \1 } \l_xephm_main_font_name_tl \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_kashida_slot_int { \xetex_charglyph:D \c_xephm_ksh_int } \int_compare:nT { \l_xephm_kashida_slot_int = \c_zero_int } { \msg_error:nnx { xepersian-hm } { error-kashida-character-is-not-available-in-the-main-font } { \l_xephm_main_font_name_tl } } } \bool_set_true:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool } \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl { \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl } \bool_set_true:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool } \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl { \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl } \bool_set_true:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool } \l_xephm_stretch_off_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl { \l_xephm_stretch_off_tl } \bool_set_false:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool } \l_xephm_stretch_on_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl { \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl } \bool_set_true:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool } } { } { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl { #1 } } \tl_if_empty:NT \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl { \msg_error:nn { xepersian-hm } { error-specify-value-for-kashida-option } } } , linebreakpenalty .code:n = { \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { #1 } \int_case:nnTF \l_tmpa_int { \l_xephm_min_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int { \l_xephm_min_penalty_int } } \l_xephm_low_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int { \l_xephm_low_penalty_int } } \l_xephm_med_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int { \l_xephm_med_penalty_int } } \l_xephm_high_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int { \l_xephm_high_penalty_int } } \l_xephm_max_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int { \l_xephm_max_penalty_int } } } { } { \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int { #1 } } \bool_set_true:N \l_xephm_linebreakpenalty_bool } , kashidastretch .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_xephm_fnt_kayhan_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.14 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_kayhannavaar_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.129 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_kayhanpook_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.133 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_kayhansayeh_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.135 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_khoramshahr_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.128 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_khorramshahr_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.13 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_niloofar_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.132 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_paatch_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.127 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_riyaz_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.125 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_roya_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.142 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_shafigh_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.143 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_shafighKurd_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.126 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_shafighUzbek_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.123 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_shiraz_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.122 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_sols_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.124 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_tabriz_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.119 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_titr_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.12 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_titre_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.121 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_traffic_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.124 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_vahid_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.134 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_vosta_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.136 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_yaghut_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.138 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_yagut_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.137 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_yas_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.126 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_yekan_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.141 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_yermook_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.139 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_zar_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.116 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_ziba_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.119 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_default_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.14 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_xephm_fnt_noskip_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0 em plus 0.5 em } } } { } { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { #1 } } } , kashidastretch .default:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0 em plus 0.5 em } , ligatures .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_xephm_lig_aalt_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_aalt_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_ccmp_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_ccmp_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_dlig_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_dlig_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_fina_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_fina_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_init_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_init_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_locl_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_locl_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_medi_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_medi_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_rlig_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_rlig_tl } } \l_xephm_lig_default_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_default_tl } } } { } { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { #1 } } \bool_set_true:N \l_xephm_ligature_bool } , ligatures .default:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl { \l_xephm_lig_default_tl } , } \ProcessKeysOptions { xepersian-hm } \bool_if:NT \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \tex_input:D { kashida-xepersian-hm.def } } \ExplSyntaxOff \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{kashida-xepersian-hm.def}} % \begin{macrocode} %<*kashida-xepersian-hm-def> \ExplSyntaxOn \ProvidesExplFile {kashida-xepersian-hm.def} {2020-06-04} {1.0b} { Fixes~implementation~of~Kashida~in~xepersian~package } \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_xephm_d_charclass % dual-joiner class \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_xephm_l_charclass % lam \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_xephm_r_charclass % right-joiner \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_xephm_a_charclass % alef \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_xephm_y_charclass % yeh \bool_if:NT \l_xephm_ligature_bool { \clist_new:N \l_xephm_ligatures_clist \int_new:N \l_xephm_lig_names_len_int \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_lig_names_len_int { \clist_count:N \l_xephm_lig_names_clist } \int_step_inline:nnnn { 1 } { 2 } { \l_xephm_lig_names_len_int } { \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { #1 } \int_set:Nn \l_tmpb_int { \int_eval:n { \l_tmpa_int + 1 } } \tl_set:Nf \l_tmpa_tl { \clist_item:Nn \l_xephm_lig_names_clist { \l_tmpa_int } } \clist_set:Nx \l_tmpa_clist { { \clist_item:Nn \l_xephm_lig_names_clist { \l_tmpb_int } } } \bool_if:nT { \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl \l_tmpa_tl || \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_xephm_active_ligs_tl \l_xephm_lig_default_tl } { \clist_put_left:Nx \l_xephm_ligatures_clist { \l_tmpa_clist } } } \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_xephm_ligatures_clist { \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_tmpa_seq { = } { #1 } \seq_pop_left:NN \l_tmpa_seq \l_tmpa_tl { } { } \seq_pop_left:NN \l_tmpa_seq \l_tmpb_tl { } { } \tl_const:cx { \tl_use:N \l_tmpb_tl } { \char"\l_tmpa_tl \ } } } \bool_if:NT \l_xephm_linebreakpenalty_bool { %% Partly adapted from LaTeX2e source \cs_new:Nn \xephm_line_break: { \if_mode_vertical: \GenericError{ \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space }{ LaTeX Error: There’s no line here to end }{ See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. }{ Your command was ignored.\MessageBreak Type \space I \space to replace it~ with another command,\MessageBreak or \space \space to continue without it.} \else: \l_tmpa_skip \tex_lastskip:D \tex_unskip:D \tex_penalty:D -\l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int \dim_compare:nT { \l_tmpa_skip > \c_zero_skip } { \skip_horizontal:N \l_tmpa_skip \tex_ignorespaces:D } \fi: } \NewDocumentCommand { \discouragebadlinebreaks } { O{\l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int} O{\c_xephm_skip_b_tl} m } { \IfNoValueF {#1} { \int_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_penalty_int {#1} } \IfNoValueF {#2} { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl {#2} } \xephm_put_line_breaks:n { #3 } } \cs_new_protected:Nn \xephm_put_line_breaks:n { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_line_break_tl { #1 } \regex_replace_all:nnN { ([ابپتثجحخچدذرزژسشعغصضفقطظکگلمنوهیـ])+ } { \ \0 \ \c{xephm_line_break:}\ } \l_xephm_line_break_tl \tl_use:N \l_xephm_line_break_tl } } %% Partly adapted from the code provided by David Carlisle in: %% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/356709/how-to-know-the-width-and-fill-the-glue-space-between-two-characters-when-using/356721#356721 \cs_new:Npn \xephm_kashida_glyph #1 { \bool_if:NT \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \c_xephm_lrm_int\tex_penalty:D 10000 \mode_leave_vertical: \tex_global:D \tex_advance:D \l_xephm_counter_int \c_one_int \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_pos_tl { p\tex_romannumeral:D \l_xephm_counter_int } \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_zref_tl { z\tex_romannumeral:D \l_xephm_counter_int } \zsaveposx{x_i_\l_xephm_zref_tl} \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \iow_now:cx { @auxout } { \token_to_str:N \gdef \exp_after:wN \token_to_str:N \cs:w xi\l_xephm_pos_tl \cs_end: { \zposx{ x_i_\l_xephm_zref_tl } } } } \l_tmpa_tl \skip_horizontal:n { #1 } \zsaveposx{x_f_\l_xephm_zref_tl} \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \iow_now:cx { @auxout } { \token_to_str:N \gdef \exp_after:wN \token_to_str:N \cs:w xf\l_xephm_pos_tl \cs_end: { \zposx{ x_f_\l_xephm_zref_tl } } } } \l_tmpa_tl \exp_after:wN \if_meaning:w \cs:w xi\l_xephm_pos_tl \cs_end: \tex_relax:D \else: \dim_set:Nn \l_xephm_diff_pos_dim { \dim_eval:n { \cs:w xi\l_xephm_pos_tl \cs_end: sp - \cs:w xf\l_xephm_pos_tl \cs_end: sp } } \dim_compare:nTF { \l_xephm_diff_pos_dim == 0sp } { } { \llap { \resizebox { \l_xephm_diff_pos_dim \tex_relax:D } { \height } { \c_xephm_ksh_int } } } \fi: } } \cs_new:Npn \xephm_kashida_leaders #1 { \bool_if:NT \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \tl_if_eq:NNTF \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_font_full_tl { \tex_fontname:D \tex_the:D \tex_font:D } \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_font_name_tl { \l_xephm_font_full_tl } \tl_set:Nx \l_xephm_font_init_tl { \l_xephm_font_name_tl } \regex_replace_once:nnN { ^"\[?(HM)[\_\ ](X|F).* } { \1\2 } \l_xephm_font_init_tl\relax \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { HMF } \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpb_tl { HMX } \bool_if:nTF { \str_if_eq_p:NN { \l_xephm_font_init_tl } { \l_tmpa_tl } || \str_if_eq_p:NN { \l_xephm_font_init_tl } { \l_tmpb_tl } } { \hbox_set:Nn \l_xephm_ksh_box { \XeTeXglyph\XeTeXglyphindex"kashida" } \c_xephm_zwj_int \tex_penalty:D 10000 \tex_leaders:D \copy\l_xephm_ksh_box \skip_horizontal:n { #1 } \c_xephm_zwj_int } { \msg_error:nnx { xepersian-hm } { hm-series-font-not-found } { \l_xephm_font_name_tl } } } { %% Partly adapted from the code provided by Jonathan Kew in: %% https://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2009-February/012307.html. %% Somebody notified me that the code in 'kashida-xepersian.def' from xepersian %% package is an exact copy of Jonathan Kew's code. Being unaware of this, in %% the earlier versions of this package I made a mistake and acknowledged %% Vafa Khalighi instead of Jonathan Kew. A sincere thank you to Jonathan Kew %% for his excellent code. \c_xephm_lrm_int\c_xephm_zwj_int\tex_penalty:D 10000 \tex_leaders:D \tex_hrule:D height \XeTeXglyphbounds \c_xephm_two_int \int_use:N \XeTeXcharglyph \c_xephm_ksh_int depth \XeTeXglyphbounds \c_xephm_four_int \int_use:N \XeTeXcharglyph \c_xephm_ksh_int \skip_horizontal:n { #1 } \c_xephm_zwj_int } } } \XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 1 \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_a_clist { 0622,0623,0625,0627 } % ‏ا، إ، أ، آ‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_xephm_a_clist { \XeTeXcharclass "#1 \c_xephm_a_charclass } \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_d_clist { 0626,0628,062A,062B,062C,062D,062E,0633,0634,0635,0636,0637,0638,0639,063A,0640,0641,0642,0643,0645,0646,0647,067E,0686,06A9,06AF } % ‏ئ,ب,ت,ث,ج,ح,خ,س,ش,ص,ض,ط,ظ,ع,غ,ـ,ف,ق,ك,م,ن,ه,پ,چ,ک,گ‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_xephm_d_clist { \XeTeXcharclass "#1 \c_xephm_d_charclass } \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_l_clist { 0644 } % ‏ل‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_xephm_l_clist { \XeTeXcharclass "#1 \c_xephm_l_charclass } \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_r_clist { 0624,0629,062F,0630,0631,0632,0648,0698 } % ‏ؤ,ة,د,ذ,ر,ز,و,ژ‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_xephm_r_clist { \XeTeXcharclass "#1 \c_xephm_r_charclass } \clist_set:Nn \l_xephm_y_clist { 0649,064A,06CC } % ‏ی,ي,ى‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_xephm_y_clist { \XeTeXcharclass "#1 \c_xephm_y_charclass } \tl_if_eq:NNTF \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl \l_xephm_stretch_glyph_tl { \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_y_charclass \c_xephm_y_charclass = { \bool_if:NTF \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \l_xephm_skip_default_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_y_charclass = { \bool_if:NTF \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \l_xephm_skip_default_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_y_charclass \c_xephm_d_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_d_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_d_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_l_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_l_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_r_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_a_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_r_charclass = { \c_xephm_zwj_int \xephm_kashida_glyph \c_xephm_skip_a_tl \c_xephm_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_a_charclass = { } } { \bool_if:nTF { \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl || \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl \l_xephm_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl } { \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_y_charclass \c_xephm_y_charclass = { \bool_if:NTF \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \xephm_kashida_leaders \l_xephm_skip_default_tl } { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_y_charclass = { \bool_if:NTF \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \xephm_kashida_leaders \l_xephm_skip_default_tl } { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_y_charclass \c_xephm_d_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_d_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_d_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_l_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_l_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_r_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_d_charclass \c_xephm_a_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_r_charclass = { \xephm_kashida_leaders \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_xephm_l_charclass \c_xephm_a_charclass = { } } { \msg_error:nnx { xepersian-hm } { error-value-not-available-for-kashida-option } { \l_xephm_gap_filler_tl } } } \NewDocumentCommand \KashidaHMFixOn {} { \bool_set_true:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool } \NewDocumentCommand \KashidaHMFixOff {} { \bool_set_false:N \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool } \tex_let:D \KashidaOn \KashidaHMFixOn \tex_let:D \KashidaOff \KashidaHMFixOff \bool_if:NTF \l_xephm_kashida_hm_fix_bool { \tl_if_empty:NT \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_xephm_skip_default_tl { 0.14 em plus 0.5 em } } } { \tl_set:NV \l_xephm_skip_default_tl \c_xephm_skip_a_tl } \ExplSyntaxOff \makeatletter \newif\if@Kashida@on %% Becuase Vafa Khalighi has copied the above code (injecting the character uni+200E) in xepersian-23.0 %% (https://tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/xepersian/kashida-xepersian.def?revision=55165&view=co), %% the following line of code is not needed in xepersian anymore. %% % \newif\if@Kashida@XB@fix \makeatother \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \section*{Acknowledgements} % % Todo % % \section*{Change History} % % Todo % % \section*{References} % % Todo % % \section*{Index} % % Todo % % \Finale