package com.dickimawbooks.texosquery; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Calendar; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Main class. * @author Nicola Talbot * @version 1.1 * @since 1.0 */ public class TeXOSQuery { private static final String VERSION_NUMBER = "1.1"; private static final String VERSION_DATE = "2016-07-14"; private static final char BACKSLASH = '\\'; private static final char FORWARDSLASH = '/'; private static final long ZERO = 0L; /** * Escapes hash from input string. * @param string Input string. * @return String with hash escaped. */ private static String escapeHash(String string) { return string.replaceAll("#", "\\\\#"); } /** * Gets a string representation of the provided locale. * @param locale The provided locale. * @return String representation. */ private static String getLocale(Locale locale) { return getLocale(locale, false); } /** * Gets a string representation of the provided locale, converting the code * set if possible. * @param locale The provided locale. * @param convertCodeset Boolean value to convert the code set. * @return String representation. */ private static String getLocale(Locale locale, boolean convertCodeset) { String identifier = ""; if (locale != null) { String language = locale.getLanguage(); if (language != null) { identifier = language; } String country = locale.getCountry(); if ((country != null) && (!"".equals(country))) { if ("".equals(identifier)) { identifier = country; } else { identifier = identifier.concat("-").concat(country); } } String codeset = System.getProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8"); if ((codeset != null) && (!"".equals(codeset))) { if (convertCodeset) { codeset = codeset.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", ""); } identifier = identifier.concat(".").concat(codeset); } String script = locale.getScript(); if ((script != null) && (!"".equals(script))) { identifier = identifier.concat("@").concat(escapeHash(script)); } } return identifier; } /** * Gets the OS name. * @return The OS name as string. */ private static String getOSname() { return getSystemProperty(""); } /** * Gets the OS architecture. * @return The OS architecture as string. */ private static String getOSarch() { return getSystemProperty("os.arch"); } /** * Gets the OS version. * @return The OS version as string. */ private static String getOSversion() { return getSystemProperty("os.version"); } /** * Gets the user home. * @return The user home as string. */ private static String getUserHome() { return getSystemProperty("user.home"); } /* * */ /** * Converts the filename string to TeX path. Since this is designed to work * within TeX, backslashes in paths need to be replaced with forward * slashes. * @param filename The filename string. * @return TeX path. */ private static String toTeXPath(String filename) { String path = ""; if (filename != null) { if (File.separatorChar == BACKSLASH) { filename = filename.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); } path = escapeHash(filename); } return path; } /** * Converts the TeX path back to the original representation. * @param filename The filename string. * @return The original representation. */ private static String fromTeXPath(String filename) { if (File.separatorChar != FORWARDSLASH) { filename = filename.replaceAll("/", File.separator); } return filename; } /** * Gets a file representation from a filename string. * @param filename Filename string. * @return File representation */ private static File fileFromTeXPath(String filename) { filename = fromTeXPath(filename); File file = new File(filename); if (!file.exists() && file.getParent() == null) { try { Process process = new ProcessBuilder( "kpsewhich", filename ).start(); if (process.waitFor() == 0) { InputStream stream = process.getInputStream(); if (stream != null) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(stream) ); String line = reader.readLine(); reader.close(); if ((line != null) && (!"".equals(line))) { file = new File(fromTeXPath(line)); } } } } catch (IOException exception1) { // quack quack } catch (InterruptedException exception2) { // quack quack } } return file; } /** * Gets the current working directory. * @return The current working directory. */ private static String getCwd() { return getSystemProperty("user.dir"); } /** * Gets the temporary directory. * @return Temporary directory. */ private static String getTmpDir() { return getSystemProperty(""); } /** * Gets the current date. * @return The current date. */ private static String pdfnow() { return pdfDate(Calendar.getInstance()); } /** * Gets the date in an specific format. * @param calendar A calendar object. * @return Date in an specific format. */ private static String pdfDate(Calendar calendar) { String tz = String.format("%1$tz", calendar); return String.format( "D:%1$tY%1$tm%1td%1$tH%1$tM%1$tS%2$s'%3$s'", calendar, tz.substring(0, 3), tz.substring(3) ); } /** * Gets the date from a file. * @param file File. * @return The date in an specific format. */ private static String pdfDate(File file) { String date = ""; try { long millisecs = file.lastModified(); if (millisecs > ZERO) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(millisecs); date = pdfDate(calendar); } } catch (SecurityException exception) { // quack quack } return date; } /** * Gets the file length. * @param file The file. * @return The length as a string. */ private static String getFileLength(File file) { String output = ""; try { long length = file.length(); if (length > ZERO) { output = String.format("%d", length); } } catch (SecurityException exception) { // quack quack } return output; } /** * Gets the list of files from a directory. * @param separator Separator. * @param directory Directory. * @return List as a string. */ private static String getFileList(String separator, File directory) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (directory.isDirectory()) { try { String[] list = directory.list(); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { builder.append(separator); } builder.append(escapeHash(list[i])); } } } catch (SecurityException exception) { // quack quack } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Gets a filtered list of files from directory. * @param separator Separator. * @param regex Regular expression. * @param directory Directory. * @return Filtered list as string. */ private static String getFilterFileList(String separator, final String regex, File directory) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (directory.isDirectory()) { if ((regex == null) || ("".equals(regex))) { builder.append(getFileList(separator, directory)); } else { try { String[] list = directory.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.matches(regex); } }); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { builder.append(separator); } builder.append(escapeHash(list[i])); } } } catch (SecurityException exception) { // quack quack } } } return builder.toString(); } /** * Gets the file URI. * @param file The file. * @return The URI. */ private static String fileURI(File file) { String uri = ""; if (file.exists()) { try { uri = file.toURI().toString(); } catch (SecurityException exception) { // quack quack } } return uri; } /** * Gets the file path. * @param file The file. * @return The path. */ private static String filePath(File file) { String path = ""; if (file.exists()) { try { path = toTeXPath(file.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (SecurityException exception1) { // quack quack } catch (IOException exception2) { // quack quack } } return path; } /** * Gets the path for the file's parent. * @param file The file. * @return The path. */ private static String parentPath(File file) { String path = ""; if (file.exists()) { try { path = toTeXPath(file.getCanonicalFile().getParent()); } catch (SecurityException exception1) { // quack quack } catch (IOException exception2) { // quack quack } } return path; } /** * Prints the syntax usage. */ private static void syntax() { System.out.println("Usage: texosquery