if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luatex-fonts'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luatex-fonts.tex", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- A merged file is generated with: -- -- mtxrun --script package --merge --stripcontext luatex-fonts.lua -- -- A needed resource file is made by: -- -- mtxrun --script context luatex-basics-prepare.tex -- -- A font (generic) database is created with: -- -- mtxrun --script font --reload --simple -- The following code isolates the generic context code from already defined or to be defined -- namespaces. This is the reference loader for plain tex. This generic code is also used in -- luaotfload which is a low level lualatex opentype font loader but somehow has gotten a bit -- too generic name / prefix, originally set up and maintained by Khaled Hosny. Currently that -- set of derived files is maintained by a larger team lead by Philipp Gesang so when there are -- issues with this code in latex, you can best contact him. It might make sense then to first -- check if context has the same issue. We do our best to keep the interface as clean as possible. -- -- The code base is rather stable now, especially if you stay away from the non generic code. All -- relevant data is organized in tables within the main table of a font instance. There are a few -- places where in context other code is plugged in, but this does not affect the core code. Users -- can (given that their macro package provides this option) access the font data (characters, -- descriptions, properties, parameters, etc) of this main table. The documentation is part of -- context. There is also a manual for the helper libraries (maintained as part of the cld manuals). -- -- Future versions will probably have some more specific context code removed, like tracing and -- obscure hooks, so that we have a more efficient version (and less files too). So, don't depend -- too much on low level code that is meant for context as it can change without notice. We might -- also add more helper code here, but that depends to what extend metatex (sidetrack of context) -- evolves into a low level layer (depends on time, as usual). -- The code here is the same as in context version 2015.09.11 but the rendering in context can be -- different from generic. This can be a side effect of additional callbacks, additional features -- and interferences between mechanisms between macro packages. We use the rendering in context -- and luatex-plain as reference for issues. utf = utf or unicode.utf8 -- We have some (global) hooks (for latex): if not non_generic_context then non_generic_context = { } end if not non_generic_context.luatex_fonts then non_generic_context.luatex_fonts = { -- load_before = nil, -- load_after = nil, -- skip_loading = nil, } end if not generic_context then generic_context = { } end if not generic_context.push_namespaces then function generic_context.push_namespaces() -- logs.report("system","push namespace") local normalglobal = { } for k, v in next, _G do normalglobal[k] = v end return normalglobal end function generic_context.pop_namespaces(normalglobal,isolate) if normalglobal then -- logs.report("system","pop namespace") for k, v in next, _G do if not normalglobal[k] then generic_context[k] = v if isolate then _G[k] = nil end end end for k, v in next, normalglobal do _G[k] = v end -- just to be sure: setmetatable(generic_context,_G) else logs.report("system","fatal error: invalid pop of generic_context") os.exit() end end end local whatever = generic_context.push_namespaces() -- We keep track of load time by storing the current time. That way we cannot be accused -- of slowing down loading too much. Anyhow, there is no reason for this library to perform -- slower in any other package as it does in context. -- -- Please don't update to this version without proper testing. It might be that this version -- lags behind stock context and the only formal release takes place around tex live code -- freeze. local starttime = os.gettimeofday() -- As we don't use the context file searching, we need to initialize the kpse library. As the -- progname can be anything we will temporary switch to the context namespace if needed. Just -- adding the context paths to the path specification is somewhat faster. -- -- Now, with lua 5.2 being used we might create a special ENV for this. -- kpse.set_program_name("luatex") -- One can define texio.reporter as alternative terminal/log writer. That's as far -- as I want to go with this. local ctxkpse = nil local verbose = true if not logs or not logs.report then if not logs then logs = { } end function logs.report(c,f,...) local r = texio.reporter or texio.write_nl if f then r(c .. " : " .. string.format(f,...)) else r("") end end end local function loadmodule(name,continue) local foundname = kpse.find_file(name,"tex") or "" if not foundname then if not ctxkpse then ctxkpse = kpse.new("luatex","context") end foundname = ctxkpse:find_file(name,"tex") or "" end if foundname == "" then if not continue then logs.report("system","unable to locate file '%s'",name) os.exit() end else if verbose then logs.report("system","loading '%s'",foundname) -- no file.basename yet end dofile(foundname) end end if non_generic_context.luatex_fonts.load_before then loadmodule(non_generic_context.luatex_fonts.load_before,true) end if non_generic_context.luatex_fonts.skip_loading ~= true then loadmodule('luatex-fonts-merged.lua',true) if fonts then if not fonts._merge_loaded_message_done_ then texio.write_nl("log", "!") texio.write_nl("log", "! I am using the merged version of 'luatex-fonts.lua' here. If") texio.write_nl("log", "! you run into problems or experience unexpected behaviour, and") texio.write_nl("log", "! if you have ConTeXt installed you can try to delete the file") texio.write_nl("log", "! 'luatex-font-merged.lua' as I might then use the possibly") texio.write_nl("log", "! updated libraries. The merged version is not supported as it") texio.write_nl("log", "! is a frozen instance. Problems can be reported to the ConTeXt") texio.write_nl("log", "! mailing list.") texio.write_nl("log", "!") end fonts._merge_loaded_message_done_ = true else -- The following helpers are a bit overkill but I don't want to mess up -- context code for the sake of general generality. Around version 1.0 -- there will be an official api defined. -- -- So, I will strip these libraries and see what is really needed so that -- we don't have this overhead in the generic modules. The next section -- is only there for the packager, so stick to using luatex-fonts with -- luatex-fonts-merged.lua and forget about the rest. The following list -- might change without prior notice (for instance because we shuffled -- code around). loadmodule("l-lua.lua") loadmodule("l-lpeg.lua") loadmodule("l-function.lua") loadmodule("l-string.lua") loadmodule("l-table.lua") loadmodule("l-io.lua") loadmodule("l-file.lua") loadmodule("l-boolean.lua") loadmodule("l-math.lua") loadmodule("l-unicode.lua") -- A few slightly higher level support modules: loadmodule("util-str.lua") loadmodule("util-fil.lua") -- The following modules contain code that is either not used at all -- outside context or will fail when enabled due to lack of other -- modules. -- First we load a few helper modules. This is about the miminum needed -- to let the font modules do their work. Don't depend on their functions -- as we might strip them in future versions of this generic variant. loadmodule('luatex-basics-gen.lua') loadmodule('data-con.lua') -- We do need some basic node support. The code in there is not for -- general use as it might change. loadmodule('luatex-basics-nod.lua') -- We ship a resources needed for font handling (more might end up here). loadmodule('luatex-basics-chr.lua') -- Now come the font modules that deal with traditional tex fonts as well -- as open type fonts. -- -- The font database file (if used at all) must be put someplace visible -- for kpse and is not shared with context. The mtx-fonts script can be -- used to generate this file (using the --reload --force --simple option). loadmodule('font-ini.lua') loadmodule('luatex-fonts-mis.lua') loadmodule('font-con.lua') loadmodule('luatex-fonts-enc.lua') loadmodule('font-cid.lua') loadmodule('font-map.lua') -- We use a bit simpler database because using the context one demands -- loading more helper code and although it is more flexible (more ways -- to resolve and so) it will never be uses in plain/latex anyway, so -- let's stick to a simple approach. loadmodule('luatex-fonts-syn.lua') -- We need some helpers. loadmodule('font-vfc.lua') -- This is the bulk of opentype code. loadmodule('font-otr.lua') loadmodule('font-oti.lua') loadmodule('font-ott.lua') loadmodule('font-cff.lua') loadmodule('font-ttf.lua') loadmodule('font-dsp.lua') loadmodule('font-oup.lua') loadmodule('font-otl.lua') loadmodule('font-oto.lua') loadmodule('font-otj.lua') loadmodule('font-ota.lua') loadmodule('font-ots.lua') loadmodule('font-osd.lua') loadmodule('font-ocl.lua') loadmodule('font-otc.lua') -- The code for type one fonts. loadmodule('font-onr.lua') loadmodule('font-one.lua') loadmodule('font-afk.lua') -- And for traditional TeX fonts. loadmodule('font-tfm.lua') -- Some common code. loadmodule('font-lua.lua') loadmodule('font-def.lua') -- We support xetex compatible specifiers (plain/latex only). loadmodule('luatex-fonts-def.lua') -- was font-xtx.lua -- Here come some additional features. loadmodule('luatex-fonts-ext.lua') loadmodule('font-imp-tex.lua') loadmodule('font-imp-ligatures.lua') loadmodule('font-imp-italics.lua') loadmodule('font-imp-effects.lua') loadmodule('luatex-fonts-lig.lua') -- We need to plug into a callback and the following module implements the -- handlers. Actual plugging in happens later. loadmodule('luatex-fonts-gbn.lua') end end if non_generic_context.luatex_fonts.load_after then loadmodule(non_generic_context.luatex_fonts.load_after,true) end resolvers.loadmodule = loadmodule -- In order to deal with the fonts we need to initialize some callbacks. One can overload them later -- on if needed. First a bit of abstraction. generic_context.callback_ligaturing = false generic_context.callback_kerning = false generic_context.callback_pre_linebreak_filter = nodes.simple_font_handler generic_context.callback_hpack_filter = nodes.simple_font_handler generic_context.callback_define_font = fonts.definers.read -- The next ones can be done at a different moment if needed. You can create a generic_context namespace -- and set no_callbacks_yet to true, load this module, and enable the callbacks later. So, there is really -- *no* need to create a alternative for luatex-fonts.lua and luatex-fonts-merged.lua: just load this one -- and overload if needed. if not generic_context.no_callbacks_yet then callback.register('ligaturing', generic_context.callback_ligaturing) callback.register('kerning', generic_context.callback_kerning) callback.register('pre_linebreak_filter', generic_context.callback_pre_linebreak_filter) callback.register('hpack_filter', generic_context.callback_hpack_filter) callback.register('define_font' , generic_context.callback_define_font) end -- We're done. logs.report("system","luatex-fonts.lua loaded in %0.3f seconds", os.gettimeofday()-starttime) generic_context.pop_namespaces(whatever)