%% This is file `xcpdftips.drv',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% xcpdftips.dtx (with options: `driver')
%% ============================================
%% This is the driver file to produce the LaTeX documentation
%% from the original source file xcpdftips.dtx.
%% Make changes to it as needed. (Never change the file xcpdftips.dtx!)
%% ============================================
%% Copyright (c) 2019 Mikica Kocic
%** To include the detailed explanation of the coding, comment out
%** the next line
%** To produce a command index: add the following line for one run,
%** then run makeindex -s gind.ist xcpdftips
%** and reprocess, with or without this line (much faster without)
% \EnableCrossrefs\CodelineIndex
%** To produce a change history: add the following line for one run,
%** then run makeindex -s gglo.ist -o xcpdftips.gls xcpdftips.glo
%** and reprocess, with or without this line (faster without)
% \RecordChanges
\DisableCrossrefs %May stay; zapped by \EnableCrossrefs
\CodelineNumbered %May stay
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{\parbox[t]{\columnwidth}{\normalfont\small #3}}%
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m % link text
O{yellow!5} % tooltip box color
m % tooltip text
% Create a new PDF layer
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/Print<> %
/Export<> %
/View<> %
% Insert the PDF layer into the order hierarchy (shown in the 'Layers' tab)
% Disable the simultaneous visibility of multiple tooltips
% Emit the using \pbs_pdflink:nn
/Subtype/Link/Border[0 0 0]/A %
<> %
% Create a savebox for the on the PDF layer
% Emit the savebox (at this point we have dimensions to calc the offset)
\heightof{#1} + \the\dp\XCP@tipText + \XCP@vOffset%
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\NewDocumentCommand{ \XCP@enumeratetips }%
{ > { \SplitList , } m }%
\tl_map_inline:nn {#1}%
\expandafter\xdef\csname XCP@k@##1\endcsname{\NAT@num}%
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\gappto{\XCP@tips}{,\textCR[\textbf{\@nameuse{XCP@k@##1}}]\ %
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\let\XCP@oldcite\citep % Save \citep (in the case if it becomes redefined)
\AtBeginDocument{\nobibliography*} % Necessary to get bibentries.
\ifXCP@redefcite % Override \cite
\robustify{\cite} % Required for, e.g., captions
%% End of documentation driver file.
%% End of file `xcpdftips.drv'.