#### MAKEFILE CONFIG #### SHELL = /bin/sh .SILENT: .SUFFIXES: #### BEGIN #### help: echo 'UNICODE-MATH makefile targets:' echo ' ' echo ' help - (this message)' echo ' ctan - generate archive for CTAN' echo ' doc - compile documentation inside build/' echo ' clean - remove build directory and compiled files' echo ' all - clean & doc & ctan' echo ' ' echo ' install - install the package into your home texmf tree' echo ' install-sys - install the package into the system-wide texmf tree' echo ' (may require administration privileges)' echo ' install TEXMF= - install the package into the path ' echo ' ' echo ' check - run the test suite' echo ' initest - initialise any new tests' echo ' ' echo ' xfile F= - compile file with XeLaTeX' echo ' lfile F= - compile file with LuaLaTeX' echo ' ' echo ' ' echo 'Append `hometree=none` to any of the above to disable searching echo 'the home texmf directory.' echo ' ' echo 'To add a new test, add a file called X****.ltx to' echo 'directory testfiles/, run `make initest` and ensure' echo 'that the output X****.safe.pdf is correct.' echo ' ' echo '`make test` will then compare future compilations of the' echo 'test file against this original and warn against any changes.' echo '`make build/X****.diff.pdf` will check a single test.' echo ' ' echo 'I recommend `make -j4 check` or thereabouts to parallelise' echo 'the testing.' #### SETUP #### # file and folder names: PKG = unicode-math TBL = $(PKG)-table.tex SUITE = $(PKG)-testsuite XMPL = unimath-example.ltx SYM = unimath-symbols COPY = cp -a MKTEXLSR = mktexlsr testdir=testfiles builddir=build tds=$(builddir)/$(PKG).tds UPDATE = `which dtx-update` || true # TODO: generalise SPEAKFAIL := say 'Test failed!' || true # Mac OS X only? hometree = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME` # these files end up in the CTAN directory: PKGSOURCE = $(PKG).dtx $(TBL) Makefile DOC = $(PKG).pdf $(SUITE).pdf README $(XMPL) $(SYM).pdf CTANFILES = $(PKGSOURCE) $(XMPL) $(SYM).ltx $(DOC) $(testdir) BUILDCTAN = $(addprefix $(builddir)/,$(CTANFILES)) BUILDDOC = $(addprefix $(builddir)/,$(DOC)) # LTXSOURCE = $(PKG).sty $(PKG)-xetex.sty $(PKG)-luatex.sty $(PKG).lua $(TBL) # and this is how the TDS zip file is produced: INSFILES = \ $(tds)/tex/latex/$(PKG)/unicode-math.sty \ $(tds)/tex/latex/$(PKG)/unicode-math-xetex.sty \ $(tds)/tex/latex/$(PKG)/unicode-math-luatex.sty \ $(tds)/tex/latex/$(PKG)/unicode-math.lua \ $(tds)/tex/latex/$(PKG)/unicode-math-table.tex OTHERFILES = \ $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/$(PKG).dtx \ $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/$(SUITE).ltx \ $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/$(SYM).ltx \ $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/Makefile \ $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/$(testdir) \ $(tds)/doc/latex/$(PKG)/unicode-math.pdf \ $(tds)/doc/latex/$(PKG)/unicode-math-testsuite.pdf \ $(tds)/doc/latex/$(PKG)/README \ $(tds)/doc/latex/$(PKG)/$(XMPL) \ $(tds)/doc/latex/$(PKG)/$(SYM).pdf \ TDSFILES = $(INSFILES) $(OTHERFILES) #### BASICS #### doc: $(BUILDDOC) README: $(XMPL): clean: rm -rf $(builddir)/* rm -f $(PKG).zip $(PKG).pdf $(SUITE).pdf all: clean doc ctan #### BUILD FILES $(builddir)/$(PKG).dtx: $(PKG).dtx mkdir -p $(builddir) $(UPDATE) $(COPY) $< $@ $(builddir)/$(PKG).sty: $(builddir)/$(PKG).dtx echo "Updating $@" cd $(builddir) && \ tex $(PKG).dtx > /dev/null ; $(builddir)/$(PKG).lua: $(builddir)/$(PKG).dtx echo "Updating $@" cd $(builddir) && \ tex $(PKG).dtx > /dev/null ; $(builddir)/$(PKG).pdf: $(builddir)/$(PKG).dtx $(BUILDSOURCE) cd $(builddir) && \ $(run_xelatex) $(PKG).dtx && \ makeindex -s gind.ist $(PKG) && \ $(run_xelatex) $(PKG).dtx; $(builddir)/$(SYM).pdf: $(builddir)/$(SYM).ltx cd $(builddir) && \ $(run_xelatex) $(SYM).ltx && \ $(run_xelatex) $(SYM).ltx; $(builddir)/%.ltx: $(testdir)/%.ltx $(COPY) $< $@ $(builddir)/%.tex: $(testdir)/%.tex $(COPY) $< $@ $(builddir)/$(testdir): $(testdir) $(COPY) $< $@ $(builddir)/%: % $(COPY) $< $@ $(builddir)/README: $(builddir)/README.markdown mv -f $< $@ ##### CTAN INSTALLATION ##### TDS = $(builddir)/$(PKG).tds.zip tds: $(TDS) $(TDS): $(tds)/$(PKG).tds.zip $(COPY) $< $@ $(tds)/$(PKG).tds.zip: $(TDSFILES) cd $(tds); \ zip -r $(PKG).tds.zip ./* -x *.DS_Store -x *.safe.pdf *.ignore.pdf ctan: $(BUILDCTAN) tds cd $(builddir); \ zip -r \ ../$(PKG).zip $(CTANFILES) $(PKG).tds.zip \ -x *.DS_Store -x *.safe.pdf *.ignore.pdf $(tds)/doc/latex/$(PKG)/% \ $(tds)/tex/latex/$(PKG)/% \ $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/% : $(builddir)/% mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@) $(COPY) $< $@ $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/$(testdir): $(COPY) $(testdir) $(tds)/source/latex/$(PKG)/ ##### LOCAL TEXMF INSTALLATION ##### TEXMFHOME=$(shell kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFHOME) TEXMFLOCAL=$(shell kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL) install: $(INSFILES) if test -n "$(TEXMFHOME)" ; then \ echo "Installing in '$(TEXMFHOME)'."; \ $(COPY) $(tds)/* $(TEXMFHOME) && $(MKTEXLSR); \ else \ echo "Cannot locate your home texmf tree. Specify manually with\n\n make install TEXMFHOME=/path/to/texmf\n" ; \ false ; \ fi ; install-sys: $(INSFILES) if test -n "$(TEXMFLOCAL)" ; then \ echo "Installing in '$(TEXMFLOCAL)'."; \ $(COPY) $(tds)/* $(TEXMFLOCAL) && $(MKTEXLSR); \ else \ echo "Cannot locate your system-wide local texmf tree. Specify manually with\n\n make install TEXMFLOCAL=/path/to/texmf\n" ; \ false ; \ fi ; run_xelatex = export TEXMFHOME=$(hometree) && xelatex run_lualatex = export TEXMFHOME=$(hometree) && lualatex ##### USEFUL FOR TEST FILES ##### xfile: $(F) $(BUILDSOURCE) if test -z "$(F)" ; then \ echo "Typesetting test.tex:"; \ $(COPY) test.tex $(builddir)/test.tex; \ cd $(builddir); $(run_xelatex) test.tex; \ else \ echo Typesetting $(F):; \ $(COPY) $(F) $(builddir)/$(F); \ cd $(builddir); $(run_xelatex) $(F); \ fi lfile: $(F) $(BUILDSOURCE) if test -z "$(F)" ; then \ echo "Typesetting test.tex:"; \ $(COPY) test.tex $(builddir)/test.tex; \ cd $(builddir); $(run_lualatex) test.tex; \ else \ echo Typesetting $(F):; \ $(COPY) $(F) $(builddir)/$(F); \ cd $(builddir); $(run_lualatex) $(F); \ fi ############# # TESTSUITE # ############# #### Needed to compile and make stuff #### builddir=build testdir=testfiles lprefix=L xprefix=X both=F NAME=unicode-math COPY = cp -a MOVE = mv -f COMPARE_OPTS = -density 300x300 -metric ae -fuzz 35% # Redefine this to print output if you need: REDIRECT = > /dev/null LTXSOURCE = $(NAME).sty $(NAME)-xetex.sty $(NAME)-luatex.sty $(NAME).lua TESTLIST = umtest-suite-X.tex umtest-suite-L.tex umtest-suite-F.tex SUITESOURCE = $(addprefix $(testdir)/,umtest-preamble.tex $(TESTLIST)) TESTOUT = $(wildcard $(testdir)/*.safe.pdf) BUILDTESTSRC = $(subst $(testdir)/,$(builddir)/,$(subst .safe.pdf,.ltx,$(TESTOUT))) BUILDTESTTARGET1 = $(TESTOUT) BUILDTESTTARGET2 = $(subst $(testdir)/,$(builddir)/,$(BUILDTESTTARGET1)) BUILDTESTTARGET3 = $(subst .Xsafe.pdf,-X.diff.pdf,$(BUILDTESTTARGET2)) BUILDTESTTARGET4 = $(subst .Lsafe.pdf,-L.diff.pdf,$(BUILDTESTTARGET3)) BUILDTESTTARGET5 = $(subst .safe.pdf,.diff.pdf,$(BUILDTESTTARGET4)) BUILDTESTTARGET = $(BUILDTESTTARGET5) BUILDSOURCE = $(addprefix $(builddir)/,$(LTXSOURCE)) BUILDSUITE = $(subst $(testdir)/,$(builddir)/,$(SUITESOURCE)) BUILDFILES = $(BUILDSOURCE) $(BUILDSUITE) $(BUILDTESTSRC) $(BUILDTESTTARGET) # Test suite PDF $(builddir)/$(SUITE).pdf: $(builddir)/$(SUITE).ltx $(BUILDSUITE) cd $(builddir) && \ $(run_xelatex) $(SUITE).ltx #### All tests #### check: $(TESTLIST) $(TESTLIST): $(BUILDFILES) cd $(testdir) && \ ls X*.safe.pdf | sed -e 's/\(.*\).safe.pdf/\\inserttest{\1}/g' > umtest-suite-X.tex && \ ls L*.safe.pdf | sed -e 's/\(.*\).safe.pdf/\\inserttest{\1}/g' > umtest-suite-L.tex && \ ls F*-L.safe.pdf | sed -e 's/\(.*\).safe.pdf/\\inserttest{\1}/g' > umtest-suite-F.tex; $(builddir)/%: $(testdir)/% @mkdir -p $(builddir); \ $(COPY) $< $@ $(builddir)/%: % @mkdir -p $(builddir); \ $(COPY) -f $< $@ #### Generating new tests #### lonelystub = $(shell cd $(testdir); ls | egrep '[XL].(.*\.ltx)$$|[XL].(.*\.safe\.pdf)$$' | cut -d . -f 1 | uniq -u ) lonelyfile = $(addsuffix .safe.pdf,$(lonelystub)) lonelypath = $(addprefix $(testdir)/,$(lonelyfile)) lonelytest = $(addprefix $(builddir)/,$(addsuffix .pdf,$(lonelystub))) Xlonelystub = $(shell cd $(testdir); ls | egrep -o '(F.*\.ltx)$$|(F.*-X\.safe\.pdf)$$' | sed -e s/-X.safe.pdf// -e s/.ltx// | uniq -u | uniq ) Xlonelyfile = $(addsuffix -X.safe.pdf,$(Xlonelystub)) Xlonelypath = $(addprefix $(testdir)/,$(Xlonelyfile)) Xlonelytest = $(addprefix $(builddir)/,$(addsuffix -X.pdf,$(Xlonelystub))) Llonelystub = $(shell cd $(testdir); ls | egrep -o '(F.*\.ltx)$$|(F.*-L\.safe\.pdf)$$' | sed -e s/-L.safe.pdf// -e s/.ltx// | uniq -u | uniq ) Llonelyfile = $(addsuffix -L.safe.pdf,$(Llonelystub)) Llonelypath = $(addprefix $(testdir)/,$(Llonelyfile)) Llonelytest = $(addprefix $(builddir)/,$(addsuffix -L.pdf,$(Llonelystub))) initest: $(lonelypath) $(Xlonelypath) $(Llonelypath) $(lonelypath): $(lonelytest) $(COPY) `echo $@ | sed -e s/$(testdir)/$(builddir)/ -e s/.safe.pdf/.pdf/` $@ $(Xlonelypath): $(Xlonelytest) $(COPY) `echo $@ | sed -e s/$(testdir)/$(builddir)/ -e s/-X.safe.pdf/-X.pdf/` $@ $(Llonelypath): $(Llonelytest) $(COPY) `echo $@ | sed -e s/$(testdir)/$(builddir)/ -e s/-L.safe.pdf/-L.pdf/` $@ #### TESTS FOR BOTH ENGINES #### $(builddir)/F%-L.diff.pdf: $(builddir)/F%-L.pdf @echo 'F$*: Comparing PDF from LuaLaTeX against reference output.' compare_result="$$(compare "$(builddir)/F$*-L.pdf" "$(testdir)/F$*-L.safe.pdf" $(COMPARE_OPTS) "$(builddir)/F$*-L.diff.pdf" 2>&1)" ; \ if [ 0 -eq "$$?" -a 1 -ge "$$compare_result" ] ; \ then \ echo 'F$*: Test passed.' ; \ else \ echo 'F$*: Test failed.' ; \ $(SPEAKFAIL) ; \ false ; \ fi $(builddir)/F%-X.diff.pdf: $(builddir)/F%-X.pdf @echo 'F$*: Comparing PDF from XeLaTeX against reference output.' compare_result="$$(compare "$(builddir)/F$*-X.pdf" "$(testdir)/F$*-X.safe.pdf" $(COMPARE_OPTS) "$(builddir)/F$*-X.diff.pdf" 2>&1)" ; \ if [ 0 -eq "$$?" -a 1 -ge "$$compare_result" ] ; \ then \ echo 'F$*: Test passed.' ; \ else \ echo 'F$*: Test failed.' ; \ $(SPEAKFAIL) ; \ false ; \ fi $(builddir)/F%-L.pdf: $(BUILDSOURCE) $(builddir)/F%-L.ltx @echo 'F$*: Generating PDF output with LuaLaTeX.' @cd $(builddir); $(run_lualatex) -interaction=nonstopmode F$*-L.ltx $(REDIRECT) $(builddir)/F%-X.pdf: $(BUILDSOURCE) $(builddir)/F%-X.ltx @echo 'F$*: Generating PDF output with XeLaTeX.' @cd $(builddir); $(run_xelatex) -interaction=nonstopmode F$*-X.ltx $(REDIRECT) $(builddir)/F%-L.ltx: $(builddir)/F%.ltx $(COPY) $< $@ $(builddir)/F%-X.ltx: $(builddir)/F%.ltx $(COPY) $< $@ #### TEST FOR EACH ENGINE INDIVIDUALLY #### $(builddir)/L%.diff.pdf: $(builddir)/L%.pdf @echo 'L$*: Comparing PDF against reference output.' compare_result="$$(compare "$(builddir)/L$*.pdf" "$(testdir)/L$*.safe.pdf" $(COMPARE_OPTS) "$(builddir)/L$*.diff.pdf" 2>&1)" ; \ if [ 0 -eq "$$?" -a 1 -ge "$$compare_result" ] ; \ then \ echo 'L$*: Test passed.' ; \ else \ echo 'L$*: Test failed.' ; \ $(SPEAKFAIL) ; \ false ; \ fi $(builddir)/X%.diff.pdf: $(builddir)/X%.pdf @echo 'X$*: Comparing PDF against reference output.' compare_result="$$(compare "$(builddir)/X$*.pdf" "$(testdir)/X$*.safe.pdf" $(COMPARE_OPTS) "$(builddir)/X$*.diff.pdf" 2>&1)" ; \ if [ 0 -eq "$$?" -a 1 -ge "$$compare_result" ] ; \ then \ echo 'X$*: Test passed.' ; \ else \ echo 'X$*: Test failed.' ; \ $(SPEAKFAIL) ; \ false ; \ fi $(builddir)/X%.pdf: $(BUILDSOURCE) $(BUILDSUITE) $(builddir)/X%.ltx @echo 'X$*: Generating PDF output with XeLaTeX.' @cd $(builddir) && $(run_xelatex) -interaction=nonstopmode X$*.ltx $(REDIRECT) $(builddir)/L%.pdf: $(BUILDSOURCE) $(BUILDSUITE) $(builddir)/L%.ltx @echo 'L$*: Generating PDF output with LuaLaTeX.' @cd $(builddir) && $(run_lualatex) -interaction=nonstopmode L$*.ltx $(REDIRECT) #### HACK: allow `make ` run that test. L%: build/L%.ltx make build/L$*.diff.pdf X%: build/X%.ltx make build/X$*.diff.pdf F%: build/F%.ltx make build/F$*-L.diff.pdf make build/F$*-X.diff.pdf ############################ ###### NIGHTLY BUILDS ###### ############################ UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) # Mac OS X: ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) MD5 = md5 endif # Linux: ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) MD5 = md5sum endif BRANCH = tdsbuild TMP = /tmp LOG = $(TMP)/gitlog.tmp checkbranch: @if git branch | grep $(BRANCH) > /dev/null ; \ then echo "TDS branch exists"; \ else \ echo "TDS branch does not exist; doing so will remove all untracked files from your working directory. Create the TDS branch with\n make createbranch"; \ false; \ fi; createbranch: $(TDS) cp -f $(TDS) $(TMP)/ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/$(BRANCH) rm .git/index git clean -fdx unzip -o $(TMP)/$(TDS) -d . rm $(TMP)/$(TDS) git add --all git commit -m "Initial TDS commit" git checkout master git push origin $(BRANCH) master @echo "\nTDS branch creation was successful.\n" @echo "Now create a new package at TLContrib: http://tlcontrib.metatex.org/" @echo "Use the following metadata:" @echo " Package ID: $(PKG)" @echo " BRANCH: $(BRANCH)" @echo "\nAfter this process, use \`make tdsbuild\` to" @echo " (a) push your recent work on the master branch," @echo " (b) automatically create a TDS snapshot," @echo " (c) send the TDS snapshot to TLContrib." ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) tlclogin: USERNAME = $(shell security find-internet-password -s tlcontrib.metatex.org | grep "acct" | cut -f 4 -d \") tlclogin: PASSWORD = $(shell security 2>&1 >/dev/null find-internet-password -gs tlcontrib.metatex.org | cut -f 2 -d ' ') endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) tlclogin: USERNAME = "" tlclogin: PASSWORD = "" endif tlclogin: VERSION = $(shell date "+%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M") tlclogin: ; tdsbuild: checkbranch tlclogin $(TDS) cp -f $(TDS) $(TMP)/ @echo "Constructing commit history for snapshot build" date "+TDS snapshot %Y-%m-%d %H:%M" > $(LOG) echo '\n\nApproximate commit history since last snapshot:\n' >> $(LOG) git log --after="`git log -b $(BRANCH) -n 1 --pretty=format:"%aD"`" --pretty=format:"%+H%+s%+b" >> $(LOG) @echo "Committing TDS snapshot to separate branch" git checkout $(BRANCH) unzip -o $(TMP)/$(TDS) -d . rm $(TMP)/$(TDS) git commit --all --file=$(LOG) git clean -df @echo "Pushing TDS and master branch" git checkout master git push origin $(BRANCH) master @echo "Pinging TLContrib for automatic update" curl http://tlcontrib.metatex.org/cgi-bin/package.cgi/action=notify/key=$(PKG)/check=$(shell echo $(USERNAME)/$(PASSWORD)/$(VERSION) | $(MD5) )?version=$(VERSION) > /dev/null 2>&1