2013/08/14 * fixed misconfigured line endings and zip format 2013/08/14 * added udesoftec.tds.zip to support other TeX Collections * removed problem with umlauts in lstlisting-env * added (currently emtpy) udesoftec-extra.sty, for easier updating in case of changed behaviour * improved documentation * improved \parExample and \citequotepar * added classoption omit-loa * added classoption omit-todos * added \printglossaries, \printacronyms and \listoftodos to \AtBeginDocument and \AtEndDocument for convenience (i.e. they aren't necessary in the document anymore) * made \listoftodos conditional * correct bibstyle "lastaccessed" format * added additional sections to manual with more examples * english cover wasn't found due to wrong filename referenced * option for confidentially clause now available 2013/07/09 * added version number * updated cover page line spacing * updated README and added instruction for cover files * added packages listings, multicol and verbatim * updated documentation * added English abstract * better outline to improve understanding * included package listing * included FAQ entry for problems with cover files 2013/06/28 * better filenames * update to udesoftec-cover-uba.pdf: smaller filesize and undamaged PDF file 2013/06/26 * Initial CTAN Upload