% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 % The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere % in this file. % % This file is part of the Standard LaTeX `Tools Bundle'. % ------------------------------------------------------- % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX `Tools Bundle' is % given in the file `manifest.txt'. % % \fi % \iffalse %% File `calc.dtx'. %% Copyright (C) 1992--1995 %% Kresten Krab Thorup and Frank Jensen. %% Copyright (C) 1997--2005 %% Kresten Krab Thorup, Frank Jensen and the LaTeX3 Project. %% %% The original authors (fj@hugin.dk and krab@daimi.aau.dk) have %% contributed this package to the LaTeX distribution. %% Problems with this package should now be sent using latexbug.tex to %% the normal LaTeX bug report address. % %<*dtx> \ProvidesFile{calc.dtx} % %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %\ProvidesPackage{calc} % \ProvidesFile{calc.drv} % \fi % \ProvidesFile{calc.dtx} [2005/08/06 v4.2 Infix arithmetic (KKT,FJ)] % % \iffalse %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \EnableCrossrefs \RecordChanges \usepackage{calc} \begin{document} \DocInput{calc.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \GetFileInfo{calc.dtx} % \CheckSum{667} % % \title{The \texttt{calc} package\\Infix notation % arithmetic in \LaTeX\thanks{We thank Frank Mittelbach for his % valuable comments and suggestions which have greatly improved % this package.}} % \author{Kresten Krab Thorup, Frank Jensen (and Chris Rowley)} % \date{\filedate} % % \maketitle % % \changes{v4.0d}{1997/11/08} % {Contributed to tools distribution} % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Added text sizes: CAR} % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Attempt to make user-syntax robust: CAR} % % \newenvironment{calc-syntax} % {\par % \parskip\medskipamount % \def\is{\ \hangindent3\parindent$\longrightarrow$~}% % \def\alt{\ $\vert$~}% % \rightskip 0pt plus 1fil % \def\<##1>{\mbox{\NormalSpaces$\langle$##1\/$\rangle$}}% % \IgnoreSpaces\obeyspaces% % }{\par\vskip\parskip} % {\obeyspaces\gdef\NormalSpaces{\let =\space}\gdef\IgnoreSpaces{\def {}}} % % \def\<#1>{$\langle$#1\/$\rangle$}% % \def\s#1{\ensuremath{[\![#1]\!]}} % \def\savecode#1{\hbox{${}_{\hookrightarrow[#1]}$}} % \def\gassign{\Leftarrow} % \def\lassign{\leftarrow} % % \begin{abstract} % The \texttt{calc} package reimplements the \LaTeX\ commands % |\setcounter|, |\addtocounter|, |\setlength|, and |\addtolength|. % Instead of a simple value, these commands now accept an infix % notation expression. % \end{abstract} % % \section{Introduction} % % Arithmetic in \TeX\ is done using low-level operations such as % |\advance| and |\multiply|. This may be acceptable when developing % a macro package, but it is not an acceptable interface for the % end-user. % % This package introduces proper infix notation arithmetic which is % much more familiar to most people. The infix notation is more % readable and easier to modify than the alternative: a sequence of % assignment and arithmetic instructions. One of the arithmetic % instructions (|\divide|) does not even have an equivalent in % standard \LaTeX. % % The infix expressions can be used in arguments to macros (the % \texttt{calc} package doesn't employ category code changes to % achieve its goals).\footnote{However, it therefore assumes that the % category codes of the special characters, such as \texttt{(*/)} % in its syntax do not change.} % % \section{Informal description} % % Standard \LaTeX\ provides the following set of commands to % manipulate counters and lengths \cite[pages 194 and~216]{latexman}. % \begin{itemize} % \item[]\hskip-\leftmargin % |\setcounter{|\textit{ctr}|}{|\textit{num}|}| sets the % value of the counter \textit{ctr} equal to (the value of) % \textit{num}. (Fragile) % \item[]\hskip-\leftmargin % |\addtocounter{|\textit{ctr}|}{|\textit{num}|}| % increments the value of the counter \textit{ctr} by (the % value of) \textit{num}. (Fragile) % % \item[]\hskip-\leftmargin % |\setlength{|\textit{cmd}|}{|\textit{len}|}| sets the value of % the length command \textit{cmd} equal to (the value of) \textit{len}. % (Robust) % \item[]\hskip-\leftmargin % |\addtolength{|\textit{cmd}|}{|\textit{len}|}| sets the value of % the length command \textit{cmd} equal to its current value plus % (the value of) \textit{len}. (Robust) % \end{itemize} % (The |\setcounter| and |\addtocounter| commands have global effect, % while the |\setlength| and |\addtolength| commands obey the normal % scoping rules.) In standard \LaTeX, the arguments to these commands % must be simple values. The \texttt{calc} package extends these % commands to accept infix notation expressions, denoting values of % appropriate types. Using the \texttt{calc} package, \textit{num} is % replaced by \, and \textit{len} is replaced by % \. The formal syntax of \ and % \ is given below. % % In addition to these commands to explicitly set a length, many \LaTeX\ % commands take a length argument. After loading this package, most of % these commands will accept a \. This includes % the optional width argument of |\makebox|, the width argument of % |\parbox|, |minipage|, and a |tabular| |p|-column, and many similar % constructions. (This package does not redefine any of these commands, % but they are defined by default to read their arguments by |\setlength| % and so automatically benefit from the enhanced |\setlength| command % provided by this package.) % % In the following, we shall use standard \TeX\ terminology. The % correspondence between \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ terminology is as follows: % \LaTeX\ counters correspond to \TeX's count registers; they hold % quantities of type \. \LaTeX\ length commands correspond to % \TeX's dimen (for rigid lengths) and skip (for rubber lengths) % registers; they hold quantities of types \ and \, % respectively. % % \TeX\ gives us primitive operations to perform arithmetic on registers as % follows: % \begin{itemize} % \item addition and subtraction on all types of quantities without % restrictions; % \item multiplication and division by an \emph{integer} can be % performed on a register of any type; % \item multiplication by a \emph{real} number (i.e., a number with a % fractional part) can be performed on a register of any type, % but the stretch and shrink components of a glue quantity are % discarded. % \end{itemize} % The \texttt{calc} package uses these \TeX\ primitives but provides a % more user-friendly notation for expressing the arithmetic. % % An expression is formed of numerical quantities (such as explicit % constants and \LaTeX\ counters and length commands) and binary % operators (the tokens `\texttt{+}', `\texttt{-}', `\texttt{*}', and % `\texttt{/}' with their usual meaning) using the familiar infix % notation; parentheses may be used to override the usual precedences % (that multiplication/division have higher precedence than % addition/subtraction). % % Expressions must be properly typed. This means, e.g., that a dimen % expression must be a sum of dimen terms: i.e., you cannot say % `\texttt{2cm+4}' but `\texttt{2cm+4pt}' is valid. % % In a dimen term, the dimension part must come first; the same holds % for glue terms. Also, multiplication and division by non-integer % quantities require a special syntax; see below. % % Evaluation of subexpressions at the same level of precedence % proceeds from left to right. Consider a dimen term such as % ``\texttt{4cm*3*4}''. First, the value of the factor \texttt{4cm} is % assigned to a dimen register, then this register is multiplied % by~$3$ (using |\multiply|), and, finally, the register is multiplied % by~$4$ (again using |\multiply|). This also explains why the % dimension part (i.e., the part with the unit designation) must come % first; \TeX\ simply doesn't allow untyped constants to be assigned % to a dimen register. % % The \texttt{calc} package also allows multiplication and division by % real numbers. However, a special syntax is required: you must use % |\real{|\|}|\footnote{Actually, instead of % \, the more general \\ can % be used. However, that doesn't add any extra expressive power to % the language of infix expressions.} or % |\ratio{|\|}{|\|}| to denote a % real value to be used for multiplication/division. The first form has % the obvious meaning, and the second form denotes the number obtained % by dividing the value of the first expression by the value of the % second expression. % % A later addition to the package (in June 1998) allows an additional % method of specifying a factor of type dimen by setting some text % (in LR-mode) and measuring its dimensions: these are denoted as % follows. %\begin{quote} % |\widthof{|\|}|\quad % |\heightof{|\|}|\quad % |\depthof{|\|}| %\end{quote} % These calculate the natural sizes of the \ in exactly the % same way as is done for the commands |\settowidth| etc.~on % Page~216 of the manual~\cite{latexman}. % In August 2005 the package was further extended to provide the command %\begin{quote} % |\totalheightof{|\|}| %\end{quote} % This command does exactly what you'd expect from its name. % Additionally the package also provides the command %\begin{quote} % |\settototalheight{|\|}{|\|}| %\end{quote} % % % Note that there is a small difference in the usage of these two % methods of accessing text dimensions. After % |\settowidth{\txtwd}{Some text}| you can use: %\begin{verbatim} % \setlength{\parskip}{0.68\textwd} %\end{verbatim} % whereas using the more direct access to the width of the text % requires the longer form for multiplication, thus: %\begin{verbatim} % \setlength{\parskip}{\widthof{Some text} * \real{0.68}} %\end{verbatim} % % \TeX\ discards the stretch and shrink components of glue when glue % is multiplied by a real number. So, for example, %\begin{verbatim} % \setlength{\parskip}{3pt plus 3pt * \real{1.5}} %\end{verbatim} % will set the paragraph separation to 4.5pt with no stretch or % shrink. (Incidentally, note how spaces can be used to enhance % readability.) % % When \TeX\ performs arithmetic on integers, any fractional part of % the results are discarded. For example, %\begin{verbatim} % \setcounter{x}{7/2} % \setcounter{y}{3*\real{1.6}} % \setcounter{z}{3*\real{1.7}} %\end{verbatim} % will assign the value~$3$ to the counter~\texttt{x}, the value~$4$ % to~\texttt{y}, and the value~$5$ to~\texttt{z}. This truncation % also applies to \emph{intermediate} results in the sequential % computation of a composite expression; thus, the following command %\begin{verbatim} % \setcounter{x}{3 * \real{1.6} * \real{1.7}} %\end{verbatim} % will assign~$6$ to~\texttt{x}. % % As an example of the use of |\ratio|, consider the problem of % scaling a figure to occupy the full width (i.e., |\textwidth|) of % the body of a page. Assume that the original dimensions of the % figure are given by the dimen (length) variables, |\Xsize| and % |\Ysize|. The height of the scaled figure can then be expressed by %\begin{verbatim} % \setlength{\newYsize}{\Ysize*\ratio{\textwidth}{\Xsize}} %\end{verbatim} % % % % Another new feature introduced in August 2005 was $\max$ and $\min$ % operations with associated macros %\begin{quote} % |\maxof{|\<\textit{type} expression>|}{|\<\textit{type} expression>|}| % \\ % |\minof{|\<\textit{type} expression>|}{|\<\textit{type} expression>|}| %\end{quote} % When \textit{type} is either \meta{glue} or \meta{dimen} these macros % are allowed only as part of addition or subtraction but when % \textit{type} is \meta{integer} they can also be used when % multiplying and dividing. In the latter case they follow the % same syntax rules as |\ratio| and |\real| which means they must come % after the |*| or the |/|. Thus %\begin{verbatim} % \setcounter{x}{3*\maxof{4+5}{3*4}+\minof{2*\real{1.6}}{5-1}} %\end{verbatim} % will assign $3\times\max(9,12)+\min(3,4)=39$ to |x|. Similarly %\begin{verbatim} % \setlength{\parindent}{% % \minof{3pt}{\parskip}*\real{1.5}*\maxof{2*\real{1.6}}{2-1}} %\end{verbatim} % will assign $\min(13.5\textrm{pt},4.5\cs{parskip})$ to \cs{parindent} % % % % \section{Formal syntax} % % The syntax is described by the following set of rules. % Note that the definitions of \, \, \, % \, and \ are % as in Chapter~24 of The \TeX book~\cite{texbook}; and \ % is LR-mode material, as in the manual~\cite{latexman}. % We use \textit{type} as a meta-variable, standing for % `integer', `dimen', and `glue'.\footnote{This version of the % \texttt{calc} package doesn't support evaluation of muglue expressions.} % % \begin{calc-syntax} % \<\textit{type} expression>^^A % \is \<\textit{type} term>^^A % \alt \<\textit{type} expression> \ \<\textit{type} term> % % \<\textit{type} term>^^A % \is \<\textit{type} factor>^^A % \alt \<\textit{type} term> \ \^^A % \alt \<\textit{type} term> \ \^^A % \alt \<\textit{type} term> \^^A % \<$\max$ or $\min$ integer> % % \<\textit{type} factor>^^A % \is \<\textit{type}>^^A % \alt \^^A % \alt \<$\max$ or $\min$ \textit{type}>^^A % \alt |(|$_{12}$ \<\textit{type} expression> |)|$_{12}$ % % \ \is \ % % \<$\max$ or $\min$ \textit{type}> \is \<$\max$ or $\min$ command>^^A % |{| \<\textit{type} expression> |}|^^A % |{| \<\textit{type} expression> |}| % % \<$\max$ or $\min$ command> \is |\maxof|^^A % \alt |\minof| % % \^^A % \is \|{| \ |}| % % \^^A % \is |\widthof|^^A % \alt |\heightof|^^A % \alt |\depthof|^^A % \alt |\totalheightof|^^A % % \^^A % \is |*|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |/|$_{12}$ % % \^^A % \is |\ratio{| \ |}{| \ |}|^^A % \alt |\real{| \ \ |}| % % \^^A % \is |+|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |-|$_{12}$ % % \^^A % \is |.|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |,|$_{12}$^^A % \alt \ \^^A % \alt \ \ % % \^^A % \is |0|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |1|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |2|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |3|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |4|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |5|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |6|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |7|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |8|$_{12}$^^A % \alt |9|$_{12}$ % % \^^A % \is \^^A % \alt \ \ \ % % \end{calc-syntax} % % % Relying heavily on \TeX\ to do the underlying assignments, it is % only natural for \texttt{calc} to simulate \TeX's parsing machinery % for these quantities. Therefore it a)~imposes the same restrictions % on the catcode of syntax characters as \TeX\ and b)~tries to expand % its argument fully. a)~means that implicit characters for the tokens % |*|$_{12}$, |/|$_{12}$, |(|$_{12}$, and |)|$_{12}$ will not % work\footnote{e\TeX\ also assumes these catcodes when parsing a % \cs{numexpr}, \cs{dimexpr}, \cs{glueexpr}, or \cs{muglueexpr} and % does not allow implicit characters.} but because of~b), the % expansion should allow you to use macros that expand to explicit % syntax characters. % % % \StopEventually{ % \begin{thebibliography}{1} % \bibitem{texbook} % \textsc{D. E. Knuth}. % \newblock \textit{The \TeX{}book} (Computers \& Typesetting Volume A). % \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1986. % \bibitem{latexman} % \textsc{L. Lamport}. % \newblock \textit{\LaTeX, A Document Preparation System.} % \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, Second % edition 1994/1985. % \end{thebibliography} % \PrintChanges % } % % \section{The evaluation scheme} % \label{evaluation:scheme} % % In this section, we shall for simplicity consider only expressions % containing `$+$' (addition) and `$*$' (multiplication) operators. % It is trivial to add subtraction and division. % % An expression $E$ is a sum of terms: $T_1+\cdots+T_n$; a term is a % product of factors: $F_1*\cdots*F_m$; a factor is either a simple % numeric quantity~$f$ (like \ as described in the \TeX book), % or a parenthesized expression~$(E')$. % % Since the \TeX\ engine can only execute arithmetic operations in a % machine-code like manner, we have to find a way to translate the % infix notation into this `instruction set'. % % Our goal is to design a translation scheme that translates~$X$ (an % expression, a term, or a factor) into a sequence of \TeX\ instructions % that does the following [Invariance Property]: correctly % evaluates~$X$, leaves the result in a global register~$A$ (using a % global assignment), and does not perform global assignments to the % scratch register~$B$; moreover, the code sequence must be balanced % with respect to \TeX\ groups. We shall denote the code sequence % corresponding to~$X$ by \s{X}. % % In the replacement code specified below, we use the following % conventions: % \begin{itemize} % \item $A$ and $B$ denote registers; all assignments to~$A$ will % be global, and all assignments to~$B$ will be local. % \item ``$\gassign$'' means global assignment to the register on % the lhs. % \item ``$\lassign $'' means local assignment to the register on % the lhs. % \item ``\savecode C'' means ``save the code~$C$ until the current % group (scope) ends, then execute it.'' This corresponds to % the \TeX-primitive |\aftergroup|. % \item ``$\{$'' denotes the start of a new group, and ``$\}$'' % denotes the end of a group. % \end{itemize} % % Let us consider an expression $T_1+T_2+\cdots+T_n$. Assuming that % \s{T_k} ($1\le k\le n$) attains the stated goal, the following code % clearly attains the stated goal for their sum: % \begin{eqnarray*} % \s{T_1+T_2+\cdots+T_n}&\Longrightarrow& % \{\,\s{T_1}\,\} \; B\lassign A \quad % \{\,\s{T_2}\,\} \; B\lassign B+A \\ % &&\qquad \ldots \quad \{\,\s{T_n}\,\} \; B\lassign B+A % \quad A\gassign B % \end{eqnarray*} % Note the extra level of grouping enclosing each of \s{T_1}, \s{T_2}, % \ldots,~\s{T_n}. This will ensure that register~$B$, used to % compute the sum of the terms, is not clobbered by the intermediate % computations of the individual terms. Actually, the group % enclosing~\s{T_1} is unnecessary, but it turns out to be simpler if % all terms are treated the same way. % % The code sequence ``$\{\,\s{T_2}\,\}\;B\lassign B+A$'' can be translated % into the following equivalent code sequence: % ``$\{\savecode{B\lassign B+A}\,\s{T_2}\,\}$''. This observation turns % out to be the key to the implementation: The ``$\savecode{B\lassign % B+A}$'' is generated \emph{before} $T_2$ is translated, at the same % time as the `$+$' operator between $T_1$ and~$T_2$ is seen. % % Now, the specification of the translation scheme is straightforward: % \begin{eqnarray*} % \s{f}&\Longrightarrow&A\gassign f\\[\smallskipamount] % \s{(E')}&\Longrightarrow&\s{E'}\\[\smallskipamount] % \s{T_1+T_2+\cdots+T_n}&\Longrightarrow& % \{\savecode{B\lassign A}\,\s{T_1}\,\} \quad % \{\savecode{B\lassign B+A}\,\s{T_2}\,\} \\ % &&\qquad \ldots \quad \{\savecode{B\lassign B+A}\,\s{T_n}\,\} % \quad A\gassign B % \\[\smallskipamount] % \s{F_1*F_2*\cdots*F_m}&\Longrightarrow& % \{\savecode{B\lassign A}\,\s{F_1}\,\} \quad % \{\savecode{B\lassign B*A}\,\s{F_2}\,\}\\ % &&\qquad \ldots \quad \{\savecode{B\lassign B*A}\,\s{F_m}\,\} % \quad A\gassign B % \end{eqnarray*} % By structural induction, it is easily seen that the stated property % is attained. % % By inspection of this translation scheme, we see that we have to % generate the following code: % \begin{itemize} % \item we must generate ``$\{\savecode{B\lassign % A}\{\savecode{B\lassign A}$'' at the left border of an % expression (i.e., for each left parenthesis and the implicit % left parenthesis at the beginning of the whole expression); % \item we must generate ``$\}A\gassign B\}A\gassign B$'' at the % right border of an expression (i.e., each right parenthesis % and the implicit right parenthesis at the end of the full % expression); % \item `\texttt{*}' is replaced by ``$\}\{\savecode{B\lassign % B*A}$''; % \item `\texttt{+}' is replaced by % ``$\}A\gassign B\}\{\savecode{B\lassign % B+A}\{\savecode{B\lassign A}$''; % \item when we see (expect) a numeric quantity, we insert the % assignment code ``$A\gassign$'' in front of the quantity and let % \TeX\ parse it. % \end{itemize} % % \section{Implementation} % % For brevity define % \begin{calc-syntax} % \ \is \ \alt \ \alt \ \alt \ % \end{calc-syntax} % So far we have ignored the question of how to determine the type of % register to be used in the code. However, it is easy to see that % (1)~`$*$' always initiates an \, (2)~all % \s in an expression, except those which are part of an % \, are of the same type as the whole expression, and % all \s in an \ are \s. % % We have to ensure that $A$ and~$B$ always have an appropriate type % for the \s they manipulate. We can achieve this by having % an instance of $A$ and~$B$ for each type. Initially, $A$~and~$B$ % refer to registers of the proper type for the whole expression. % When an \ is expected, we must change $A$ and~$B$ to % refer to integer type registers. We can accomplish this by % including instructions to change the type of $A$ and~$B$ to integer % type as part of the replacement code for~`$*$; if we append such % instructions to the replacement code described above, we also ensure % that the type-change is local (provided that the type-changing % instructions only have local effect). However, note that the % instance of~$A$ referred to in $\savecode{B\lassign B*A}$ is the % integer instance of~$A$. % % We shall use |\begingroup| and |\endgroup| for the open-group and % close-group characters. This avoids problems with spacing in math % (as pointed out to us by Frank Mittelbach). % % \subsection{Getting started} % % Now we have enough insight to do the actual implementation in \TeX. % First, we announce the macro package.\footnote{Code moved to top of file} % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> %\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %\ProvidesPackage{calc}[\filedate\space\fileversion] % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Assignment macros} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@assign@generic} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06}{Removed a few redundant \cs{expandafter}s} % The |\calc@assign@generic| macro takes four arguments: (1~and~2) the % registers to be used % for global and local manipulations, respectively; (3)~the lvalue % part; (4)~the expression to be evaluated. % % The third argument (the lvalue) will be used as a prefix to a % register that contains the value of the specified expression (the % fourth argument). % % In general, an lvalue is anything that may be followed by a variable % of the appropriate type. As an example, |\linepenalty| and % |\global\advance\linepenalty| may both be followed by an \. % % The macros described below refer to the registers by the names % |\calc@A| and |\calc@B|; this is accomplished by % |\let|-assignments. % % As discovered in Section~\ref{evaluation:scheme}, we have to % generate code as % if the expression is parenthesized. As described below, % |\calc@open| is the macro that replaces a left parenthesis by its % corresponding \TeX\ code sequence. When the scanning process sees % the exclamation point, it generates an |\endgroup| and stops. As we % recall from Section~\ref{evaluation:scheme}, the correct expansion % of a right % parenthesis is ``$\}A\gassign B\}A\gassign B$''. The remaining % tokens of this expansion are inserted explicitly, except that the % last assignment has been replaced by the lvalue part (i.e., % argument~|#3| of |\calc@assign@generic|) followed by |\calc@B|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@assign@generic#1#2#3#4{\let\calc@A#1\let\calc@B#2% \calc@open(#4!% \global\calc@A\calc@B\endgroup#3\calc@B} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@assign@count} % \begin{macro}{\calc@assign@dimen} % \begin{macro}{\calc@assign@skip} % We need three instances of the |\calc@assign@generic| macro, % corresponding to the types \, \, and \. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@assign@count{\calc@assign@generic\calc@Acount\calc@Bcount} \def\calc@assign@dimen{\calc@assign@generic\calc@Adimen\calc@Bdimen} \def\calc@assign@skip{\calc@assign@generic\calc@Askip\calc@Bskip} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro}\end{macro}\end{macro} % These macros each refer to two registers, one % to be used globally and one to be used locally. % We must allocate these registers. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\calc@Acount \newcount\calc@Bcount \newdimen\calc@Adimen \newdimen\calc@Bdimen \newskip\calc@Askip \newskip\calc@Bskip % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{The \LaTeX\ interface} % % \begin{macro}{\setcounter} % \begin{macro}{\addtocounter} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Fix to make \cs{addtocounter} work with \texttt{amstext}} % \begin{macro}{\steptocounter} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Avoid redundant processing. PR/3795} % \begin{macro}{\setlength} % \begin{macro}{\addtolength} % As promised, we redefine the following standard \LaTeX\ commands: % |\setcounter|, % |\addtocounter|, |\setlength|, and |\addtolength|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\setcounter#1#2{\@ifundefined{c@#1}{\@nocounterr{#1}}% {\calc@assign@count{\global\csname c@#1\endcsname}{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\addtocounter#1#2{\@ifundefined{c@#1}{\@nocounterr{#1}}% {\calc@assign@count{\global\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname}{#2}}}% % \end{macrocode} % We also fix \cs{stepcounter} to not go through the whole \texttt{calc} % process. % \begin{macrocode} \def\stepcounter#1{\@ifundefined {c@#1}% {\@nocounterr {#1}}% {\global\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname \@ne \begingroup \let\@elt\@stpelt \csname cl@#1\endcsname \endgroup}}% % \end{macrocode} % If the \texttt{amstext} package is loaded we must add the % |\iffirstchoice@| switch as well. We patch the commands this % way since it's good practice when we know how many arguments they take. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifpackageloaded{amstext}{% \expandafter\def\expandafter\stepcounter \expandafter#\expandafter1\expandafter{% \expandafter\iffirstchoice@\stepcounter{#1}\fi } \expandafter\def\expandafter\addtocounter \expandafter#\expandafter1\expandafter#\expandafter2\expandafter{% \expandafter\iffirstchoice@\addtocounter{#1}{#2}\fi } }{} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand\setlength{\calc@assign@skip} \DeclareRobustCommand\addtolength[1]{\calc@assign@skip{\advance#1}} % \end{macrocode} % (|\setlength| and |\addtolength| are robust according to % \cite{latexman}.) % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{The scanner} % % We evaluate expressions by explicit scanning of characters. We do % not rely on active characters for this. % % The scanner consists of two parts, |\calc@pre@scan| and % |\calc@post@scan|; |\calc@pre@scan| consumes left parentheses, and % |\calc@post@scan| consumes binary operator, |\real|, |\ratio|, and % right parenthesis tokens. % % \begin{macro}{\calc@pre@scan} % \begin{macro}{\@calc@pre@scan} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added macro and force expansion} % % Note that this is called at least once on every use of calc % processing, even when none of the extended syntax is present; it % therefore needs to be made very efficient. % % It reads the initial part of expressions, until some \ or \ is seen; in fact, anything not explicitly % recognized here is taken to be a \ of some sort as this % allows unary % `\texttt{+}' and unary `\texttt{-}' to be treated easily and % correctly\footnote{In the few contexts where signs are allowed: % this could, I think, be extended (CAR).} but means that anything % illegal will simply generate a \TeX-level error, often a % reasonably comprehensible one! % % The |\romannumeral-`\a| part is a little trick which forces expansion % in case |#1| is a normal macro, something that occurs from time to % time. A conditional test inside will possibly leave a trailing % \cs{fi} but this remnant is removed later when \cs{calc@post@scan} % performs the same trick. % % The many |\expandafter|s are needed to efficiently end the nested % conditionals so that |\calc@textsize| and |\calc@maxmin@addsub| can % process their argument. % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Added code for text sizes: CAR} % \changes{v4.1b}{1998/07/07} % {Correction to ifx true case} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added \cs{maxof} and \cs{minof} operations} % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@pre@scan#1{% \expandafter\@calc@pre@scan\romannumeral-`\a#1} \def\@calc@pre@scan#1{% \ifx(#1% \expandafter\calc@open \else \ifx\widthof#1% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\calc@textsize \else \ifx\maxof#1% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\calc@maxmin@addsub \else \calc@numeric% no \expandafter needed for this one. \fi \fi \fi #1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@open} % \begin{macro}{\calc@initB} % |\calc@open| is used when there is a left parenthesis right ahead. % This parenthesis is replaced by \TeX\ code corresponding to the code % sequence ``$\{\savecode{B\lassign A}\{\savecode{B\lassign A}$'' % derived in Section~\ref{evaluation:scheme}. Finally, % |\calc@pre@scan| is % called again. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@open({\begingroup\aftergroup\calc@initB \begingroup\aftergroup\calc@initB \calc@pre@scan} \def\calc@initB{\calc@B\calc@A} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\calc@numeric} % |\calc@numeric| assigns the following value to |\calc@A| and then % transfers control to |\calc@post@scan|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@numeric{\afterassignment\calc@post@scan \global\calc@A} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\widthof} % \begin{macro}{\heightof} % \begin{macro}{\depthof} % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Added macros: CAR} % \begin{macro}{\totalheightof} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added macro} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added informative message for reserved macros} % % These do not need any particular definition when they are scanned % so, for efficiency and robustness, we make them all equivalent to % the same harmless (I hope) unexpandable command.\footnote{If this % level of safety is not needed then the code can be speeded up: % CAR.} Thus the test in |\@calc@pre@scan| finds any of them. % % As we have to check for these commands explicitly we must ensure % that our definition wins. Using \cs{newcommand} gives an error when % loading \texttt{calc} and may be mildly surprising. This should be % a little more informative. % \begin{macrocode} \@for\reserved@a:=widthof,heightof,depthof,totalheightof,maxof,minof\do {\@ifundefined{\reserved@a}{}{% \PackageError{calc}{% The\space calc\space package\space reserves\space the\space command\space name\space `\@backslashchar\reserved@a'\MessageBreak but\space it\space has\space already\space been\space defined\space with\space the\space meaning\MessageBreak `\expandafter\meaning\csname\reserved@a\endcsname'.\MessageBreak This\space original\space definition\space will\space be\space lost}% {If\space you\space need\space a\space command\space with\space this\space definition,\space you\space must\space use\space a\space different\space name.}}% } \let\widthof\ignorespaces \let\heightof\ignorespaces \let\depthof\ignorespaces \let\totalheightof\ignorespaces % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@textsize} % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Added macro: CAR} % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Added macro: CAR} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Extended macro with \cs{totalheightof}} % The presence of the above four commands invokes this code, where % we must distinguish them from each other. % This implementation is somewhat optimized by using low-level % code from the commands |\settowidth|, etc.\footnote{It is based on % suggestions by Donald Arseneau and David Carlisle.} % % Within the text argument we must restore the normal meanings of % the four user-level commands since arbitrary material can appear % in here, including further uses of calc. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@textsize #1#2{% \begingroup \let\widthof\wd \let\heightof\ht \let\depthof\dp \def\totalheightof{\ht\dp}% % \end{macrocode} % We must expand the argument one level if it's \cs{totalheightof} % and it doesn't hurt the other three. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\@settodim\expandafter{#1}% {\global\calc@A}% {% \let\widthof\ignorespaces \let\heightof\ignorespaces \let\depthof\ignorespaces \let\totalheightof\ignorespaces #2}% \endgroup \calc@post@scan} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@post@scan} % \begin{macro}{\@calc@post@scan} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06}{Added macro and force expansion} % The macro |\calc@post@scan| is called right after a value has been % read. At this point, a binary operator, a sequence of right % parentheses, and the end-of-expression mark (`|!|') is % allowed.\footnote{Is \texttt{!} a good choice, CAR?} % Depending on our findings, we call a suitable macro to generate the % corresponding \TeX\ code (except when we detect the % end-of-expression marker: then scanning ends, and % control is returned to |\calc@assign@generic|). % % This macro may be optimized by selecting a different order of % |\ifx|-tests. The test for `\texttt{!}' (end-of-expression) is % placed first as it will always be performed: this is the only test % to be performed if the expression consists of a single \. % This ensures that documents that do not use the extra expressive % power provided by the \texttt{calc} package only suffer a minimum % slowdown in processing time. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@post@scan#1{% \expandafter\@calc@post@scan\romannumeral-`\a#1} \def\@calc@post@scan#1{% \ifx#1!\let\calc@next\endgroup \else \ifx#1+\let\calc@next\calc@add \else \ifx#1-\let\calc@next\calc@subtract \else \ifx#1*\let\calc@next\calc@multiplyx \else \ifx#1/\let\calc@next\calc@dividex \else \ifx#1)\let\calc@next\calc@close \else \calc@error#1% \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \calc@next} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@add} % \begin{macro}{\calc@subtract} % \begin{macro}{\calc@generic@add} % \begin{macro}{\calc@addAtoB} % \begin{macro}{\calc@subtractAfromB} % The replacement code for the binary operators `\texttt{+}' and % `\texttt{-}' follow a common pattern; the only difference is the % token that is stored away by |\aftergroup|. After this replacement % code, control is transferred to |\calc@pre@scan|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@add{\calc@generic@add\calc@addAtoB} \def\calc@subtract{\calc@generic@add\calc@subtractAfromB} \def\calc@generic@add#1{\endgroup\global\calc@A\calc@B\endgroup \begingroup\aftergroup#1\begingroup\aftergroup\calc@initB \calc@pre@scan} \def\calc@addAtoB{\advance\calc@B\calc@A} \def\calc@subtractAfromB{\advance\calc@B-\calc@A} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\real} % \begin{macro}{\ratio} % \begin{macro}{\calc@ratio@x} % \begin{macro}{\calc@real@x} % The multiplicative operators, `\texttt{*}' and `\texttt{/}', may be % followed by a |\real|, |\ratio|, |\minof|, or |\maxof| token. The % last two of these control sequences are defined by \texttt{calc} as % they are needed by the scanner for addition or subtraction while the % first two are not defined (at least not by the \texttt{calc} % package); this, % unfortunately, leaves them highly non-robust. We therefore % equate them to |\relax| but only if they have not already been % defined\footnote{Suggested code from David Carlisle.} % (by some other package: dangerous but possible!); this % will also make them appear to be undefined to a \LaTeX{} user % (also possibly dangerous). % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Added macro set-ups to make them robust but undefined: CAR} % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\real\@undefined\let\real\relax\fi \ifx\ratio\@undefined\let\ratio\relax\fi % \end{macrocode} % In order to test for |\real| or |\ratio|, we define these % two.\footnote{May not need the extra names, CAR?} % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@ratio@x{\ratio} \def\calc@real@x{\real} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\calc@multiplyx} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added $\protect\max$ and $\protect\min$ operations} % \begin{macro}{\calc@dividex} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added $\protect\max$ and $\protect\min$ operations} % Test which operator followed |*| or |/|. If none followed it's just % a standard multiplication or division. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@multiplyx#1{\def\calc@tmp{#1}% \ifx\calc@tmp\calc@ratio@x \let\calc@next\calc@ratio@multiply \else \ifx\calc@tmp\calc@real@x \let\calc@next\calc@real@multiply \else \ifx\maxof#1\let\calc@next\calc@maxmin@multiply \else \let\calc@next\calc@multiply \fi \fi \fi \calc@next#1} \def\calc@dividex#1{\def\calc@tmp{#1}% \ifx\calc@tmp\calc@ratio@x \let\calc@next\calc@ratio@divide \else \ifx\calc@tmp\calc@real@x \let\calc@next\calc@real@divide \else \ifx\maxof#1\let\calc@next\calc@maxmin@divide \else \let\calc@next\calc@divide \fi \fi \fi \calc@next#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@multiply} % \begin{macro}{\calc@divide} % \begin{macro}{\calc@generic@multiply} % \begin{macro}{\calc@multiplyBbyA} % \begin{macro}{\calc@divideBbyA} % The binary operators `\texttt{*}' and `\texttt{/}' also insert code % as determined above. Moreover, the meaning of |\calc@A| and % |\calc@B| is changed as factors following a multiplication and % division operator always have integer type; the original meaning of % these macros will be restored when the factor has been read and % evaluated. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@multiply{\calc@generic@multiply\calc@multiplyBbyA} \def\calc@divide{\calc@generic@multiply\calc@divideBbyA} \def\calc@generic@multiply#1{\endgroup\begingroup \let\calc@A\calc@Acount \let\calc@B\calc@Bcount \aftergroup#1\calc@pre@scan} \def\calc@multiplyBbyA{\multiply\calc@B\calc@Acount} \def\calc@divideBbyA{\divide\calc@B\calc@Acount} % \end{macrocode} % Since the value to use in the multiplication/division operation is % stored in the |\calc@Acount| register, the |\calc@multiplyBbyA| and % |\calc@divideBbyA| macros use this register. % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@close} % |\calc@close| generates code for a right parenthesis (which was % derived to be ``$\}A\gassign B\}A\gassign B$'' in % Section~\ref{evaluation:scheme}). After this code, the control is % returned to % |\calc@post@scan| in order to look for another right parenthesis or % a binary operator. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@close {\endgroup\global\calc@A\calc@B \endgroup\global\calc@A\calc@B \calc@post@scan} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Calculating a ratio} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@ratio@multiply} % \begin{macro}{\calc@ratio@divide} % When |\calc@post@scan| encounters a |\ratio| control sequence, it hands % control to one of the macros |\calc@ratio@multiply| or |\calc@ratio@divide|, % depending on the preceding character. Those macros both forward the % control to the macro |\calc@ratio@evaluate|, which performs two steps: (1) it % calculates the ratio, which is saved in the global macro token % |\calc@the@ratio|; (2) it makes sure that the value of |\calc@B| will be % multiplied by the ratio as soon as the current group ends. % % The following macros call |\calc@ratio@evaluate| which multiplies % |\calc@B| by the ratio, but |\calc@ratio@divide| flips the arguments % so that the `opposite' fraction is actually evaluated. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@ratio@multiply\ratio{\calc@ratio@evaluate} \def\calc@ratio@divide\ratio#1#2{\calc@ratio@evaluate{#2}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\calc@Ccount} % \begin{macro}{\calc@numerator} % \begin{macro}{\calc@denominator} % We shall need two registers for temporary usage in the % calculations. We can save one register since we can reuse % |\calc@Bcount|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\calc@Ccount \let\calc@numerator=\calc@Bcount \let\calc@denominator=\calc@Ccount % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\calc@ratio@evaluate} % Here is the macro that handles the actual evaluation of ratios. The % procedure is % this: First, the two expressions are evaluated and coerced to % integers. The whole procedure is enclosed in a group to be able to % use the registers |\calc@numerator| and |\calc@denominator| for temporary % manipulations. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@ratio@evaluate#1#2{% \endgroup\begingroup \calc@assign@dimen\calc@numerator{#1}% \calc@assign@dimen\calc@denominator{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Here we calculate the ratio. First, we check for negative numerator % and/or denominator; note that \TeX\ interprets two minus signs the % same as a plus sign. Then, we calculate the integer part. % The minus sign(s), the integer part, and a decimal point, form the % initial expansion of the |\calc@the@ratio| macro. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\calc@the@ratio{}% \ifnum\calc@numerator<0 \calc@numerator-\calc@numerator \gdef\calc@the@ratio{-}% \fi \ifnum\calc@denominator<0 \calc@denominator-\calc@denominator \xdef\calc@the@ratio{\calc@the@ratio-}% \fi \calc@Acount\calc@numerator \divide\calc@Acount\calc@denominator \xdef\calc@the@ratio{\calc@the@ratio\number\calc@Acount.}% % \end{macrocode} % Now we generate the digits after the decimal point, one at a time. % When \TeX\ scans these digits (in the actual multiplication % operation), it forms a fixed-point number with 16~bits for % the fractional part. We hope that six digits is sufficient, even % though the last digit may not be rounded correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \calc@next@digit \calc@next@digit \calc@next@digit \calc@next@digit \calc@next@digit \calc@next@digit \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % Now we have the ratio represented (as the expansion of the global % macro |\calc@the@ratio|) in the syntax \ % \cite[page~270]{texbook}. This is fed to |\calc@multiply@by@real| % that will % perform the actual multiplication. It is important that the % multiplication takes place at the correct grouping level so that the % correct instance of the $B$ register will be used. Also note that % we do not need the |\aftergroup| mechanism in this case. % \begin{macrocode} \calc@multiply@by@real\calc@the@ratio \begingroup \calc@post@scan} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The |\begingroup| inserted before the |\calc@post@scan| will be % matched by the |\endgroup| generated as part of the replacement of a % subsequent binary operator or right parenthesis. % \begin{macro}{\calc@next@digit} % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@next@digit{% \multiply\calc@Acount\calc@denominator \advance\calc@numerator -\calc@Acount \multiply\calc@numerator 10 \calc@Acount\calc@numerator \divide\calc@Acount\calc@denominator \xdef\calc@the@ratio{\calc@the@ratio\number\calc@Acount}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\calc@multiply@by@real} % In the following code, it is important that we first assign the % result to a dimen register. Otherwise, \TeX\ won't allow us to % multiply with a real number. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@multiply@by@real#1{\calc@Bdimen #1\calc@B \calc@B\calc@Bdimen} % \end{macrocode} % (Note that this code wouldn't work if |\calc@B| were a muglue % register. This is the real reason why the \texttt{calc} package % doesn't support muglue expressions. To support muglue expressions % in full, the |\calc@multiply@by@real| macro must use a muglue register % instead of |\calc@Bdimen| when |\calc@B| is a muglue register; % otherwise, a dimen register should be used. Since integer % expressions can appear as part of a muglue expression, it would be % necessary to determine the correct register to use each time a % multiplication is made.) % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Multiplication by real numbers} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@real@multiply} % \begin{macro}{\calc@real@divide} % This is similar to the |\calc@ratio@evaluate| macro above, except that % it is considerably simplified since we don't need to calculate the % factor explicitly. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@real@multiply\real#1{\endgroup \calc@multiply@by@real{#1}\begingroup \calc@post@scan} \def\calc@real@divide\real#1{\calc@ratio@evaluate{1pt}{#1pt}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{$\max$ and $\min$ operations} % % \begin{macro}{\maxof} % \begin{macro}{\minof} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added macros} % With version 4.2, the $\max$ and $\min$ operators were % added to \texttt{calc}. The user functions for them are \cs{maxof} and % \cs{minof} respectively. % These macros are internally similar to \cs{widthof} etc.\ in that they % are unexpandable and easily recognizable by the scanner. % \begin{macrocode} \let\maxof\@@italiccorr \let\minof\@@italiccorr % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % % \begin{macro}{\calc@Cskip} % \begin{macro}{\ifcalc@count@} % The $\max$ and $\min$ operations take two arguments so we need an extra % \ register. We also add a switch for determining when to perform % a \ or a \ assignment. % \begin{macrocode} \newskip\calc@Cskip \newif\ifcalc@count@ % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\calc@maxmin@addsub} % \begin{macro}{\calc@maxmin@generic} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06}{Macros added} % When doing addition or subtraction with a $\max$ or $\min$ operator, we % first check if |\calc@A| is a \ register or not and then set the % switch. Then call the real function which sets |\calc@A| to the desired % value and continue as usual with |\calc@post@scan|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@maxmin@addsub#1#2#3{\begingroup \ifx\calc@A\calc@Acount% \calc@count@true \else \calc@count@false \fi \calc@maxmin@generic#1{#2}{#3}% \endgroup \calc@post@scan } % \end{macrocode} % Check the switch and do either \ or \ assignments. Note that % |\maxof| and |\minof| are not set to |>| and |<| until after the % assignments, which ensures we can nest them without problems. Then set % |\calc@A| to the correct one. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@maxmin@generic#1#2#3{% \begingroup \ifcalc@count@ \calc@assign@count\calc@Ccount{#2}% \calc@assign@count\calc@Bcount{#3}% \def\minof{<}\def\maxof{>}% \global\calc@A\ifnum\calc@Ccount#1\calc@Bcount \calc@Ccount\else\calc@Bcount\fi \else \calc@assign@skip\calc@Cskip{#2}% \calc@assign@skip\calc@Bskip{#3}% \def\minof{<}\def\maxof{>}% \global\calc@A\ifdim\calc@Cskip#1\calc@Bskip \calc@Cskip\else\calc@Bskip\fi \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\calc@maxmin@divmul} % \begin{macro}{\calc@maxmin@multiply} % \begin{macro}{\calc@maxmin@divide} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06}{Macros added} % When doing division or multiplication we must be using \ registers % so we set the switch. Other than that it is almost business as usual when % multiplying or dividing. |#1| is the instruction to either multiply or % divide |\calc@B| by |\calc@A|, |#2| is either |\maxof| or |\minof| which % is waiting in the input stream and |#3| and |#4| are the calc expressions. % We end it all as usual by calling |\calc@post@scan|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@maxmin@divmul#1#2#3#4{% \endgroup\begingroup \calc@count@true \aftergroup#1% \calc@maxmin@generic#2{#3}{#4}% \endgroup\begingroup \calc@post@scan } % \end{macrocode} % The two functions called when seeing a |*| or a |/|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@maxmin@multiply{\calc@maxmin@divmul\calc@multiplyBbyA} \def\calc@maxmin@divide {\calc@maxmin@divmul\calc@divideBbyA} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \section{Reporting errors} % \begin{macro}{\calc@error} % \changes{v4.0d}{1997/11/08} % {Use \cs{PackageError} for error messages (DPC)} % \changes{v4.0e}{1997/11/11} % {typo fixed} % If |\calc@post@scan| reads a character that is not one of `\texttt{+}', % `\texttt{-}', `\texttt{*}', `\texttt{/}', or `\texttt{)}', an error % has occurred, and this is reported to the user. Violations in the % syntax of \s will be detected and reported by \TeX. % \changes{v4.1a}{1998/06/07} % {Improved, I hope, error message: CAR} % \begin{macrocode} \def\calc@error#1{% \PackageError{calc}% {`#1' invalid at this point}% {I expected to see one of: + - * / )}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \section{Other additions} % \begin{macro}{\@settodim} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Changed kernel macro} % \begin{macro}{\settototalheight} % \changes{v4.2}{2005/08/06} % {Added macro} % The kernel macro \cs{@settodim} is changed so that it runs through a list % containing \cs{ht}, \cs{wd}, and \cs{dp} and than advance the length % one step at a time. We just have to use a scratch register in case the % user decides to put in a \cs{global} prefix on the length register. % A search on the internet confirmed that some people do that kind of thing. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@settodim#1#2#3{% \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{{#3}}% \dimen@ii=\z@ \@tf@r\reserved@a #1\do{% \advance\dimen@ii\reserved@a\@tempboxa}% #2=\dimen@ii \setbox\@tempboxa\box\voidb@x} % \end{macrocode} % Now the user level macro is straightforward. % \begin{macrocode} \def\settototalheight{\@settodim{\ht\dp}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % That's the end of the package. % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale \endinput