% \iffalse meta-comment % % File: tipauni.dtx % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Package: tipauni % Author: निरंजन % Version: v0.6 (21 February, 2022) % Description: For producing Unicode characters with TIPA commands. % Repository: https://git.gnu.org.ua/tipauni.git % Bug tracker: https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/?group=tipauni % License: GPL v3.0+, GFDL v1.3+ % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % LaTeX Package tipauni v0.6 % Copyright © 2021, 2022 निरंजन % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . % % The current maintainer of this work is निरंजन. % % This work consists of the files tipauni.dtx % tipauni.ins % and the derived file tipauni.sty. % \fi % \iffalse %<*internal> \iffalse % %<*readme> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package: tipauni Author: निरंजन Version: v0.6 (21 February, 2022) Description: For producing Unicode characters with TIPA commands. Repository: https://git.gnu.org.ua/tipauni.git Bug tracker: https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/?group=tipauni License: GPL v3.0+, GFDL v1.3+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- % %<*internal> \fi % %<*driver|package> \def\tipauniname{tipauni} \def\tipauniversion{0.6} \def\tipaunidate{2022-02-21} \def\tipaunidescription{For producing Unicode characters with TIPA commands} % %<*driver> \documentclass{l3doc} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage[referable]{threeparttablex} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{hologo} \DeclareRobustCommand\XeLaTeX{\hologo{XeLaTeX}} \usepackage{fontspec} \newfontfamily{\ipa}[Color=blue]{CharisSIL} \newfontfamily{\devtext}[% Script=Devanagari,% Renderer=Harfbuzz,% Scale=0.8% ]{Shobhika} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{% colorlinks,% linkcolor=red!60!black,% citecolor=green!60!black,% urlcolor=blue!60!black% }% \usepackage{fontawesome5} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \begin{document} \DocInput{\tipauniname.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % \title{The \pkg{\tipauniname} package} % \author{^^A % {\devtext निरंजन}^^A % \thanks{^^A % \faIcon{envelope}\quad % \href{mailto:hi.niranjan@pm.me}^^A % {\ttfamily hi.niranjan@pm.me}^^A % }^^A % } % \date^^A % {^^A % Version \tipauniversion\ --- \tipaunidate\\[1ex]^^A % {^^A % \small\faIcon{link}\quad % \url{https://ctan.org/pkg/tipauni}^^A % }\\^^A % {^^A % \small\faIcon{bug}\quad % \url{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/?group=tipauni}^^A % }^^A % }^^A % \maketitle % % \tableofcontents % % \vfill % {% % \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Copyright © 2021, 2022 {\devtext निरंजन} % % Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under % the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later % version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant % Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the % license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation % License''. % }% % % \clearpage\pagebreak % % \begin{documentation} % \begin{abstract} % This package is the second step for \LaTeX-internally bridging the gap % between the Unicode and the TIPA package. The first step was the package % \href{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/unitipa}{\pkg{unitipa}}. Users can now use % their beloved TIPA shortcuts with the benefits of Unicode i.e.\ % searchability, copy-pasting, changing the font and many more. As this % package needs the package \pkg{fontspec} for loading an IPA font, it needs % to be compiled with Lua/\XeLaTeX. This package can also be viewed as an % ASCII-based input method for producing IPA characters in Unicode. % \end{abstract} % % \section{Acknowledgements} % % This package is completed because of the rigorous help by Jairo A.\ del Rio, % Jonathan P.\ Spratte, Phelype Oleinink \textit{\&} Ulrike Fischer. Their % suggestions and contributions are extremely valuable for the development of % this package. % % Jonathan P.\ Spratte has helped the package by building a parser based on % \pkg{expl3}. Phelype Oleinik has helped the package by building a test-suit % for regression-tests. The tests can be seen in the git-repository of the % project. % % Lemures Lemniscati pointed a few bugs in the documentation \& the code. % Their details are as follows. % are as follows: % % \begin{description} % \item[2022-01-03] % A typo '\cs{textsh}' in tipauni.dtx. % \href{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/index.php?538}{(link)} % \item[2022-01-09] % Avoid unconditional loading of CharisSIL. % \href{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/index.php?539}{(link)} % \item[2022-01-09] % Fix typos in Input B of Raised and Lowered. % \href{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/index.php?540}{(link)} % \item[2022-01-09] % \cs{textcorner} should be defined by \cs{DeclareTextSymbol}. % \href{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/index.php?541}{(link)} % \item[2022-01-09] % Fix a typo in Input B of Near-close near-front rounded. % \href{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/index.php?542}{(link)} % \end{description} % % All of these contributions are highly valuable for the development of this % package. % % \section{Package options} % % \begin{function}{documentfont} % \begin{syntax} % documentfont=\meta{font-name} % \end{syntax} % % The default font for the entire document set by this package is the % \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/charissil}{Charis SIL}. Users can easily change % it with the package-option \verb|documentfont|. This option takes one % value which is the font-name. e.g.\ For using the % \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/doulossil}{Doulos SIL} font as the main font, % use the package like it is used in the following. % % \begin{verbatim} % \usepackage[documentfont=DoulosSIL]{tipauni} % \end{verbatim} % % Please note that you must provide a value to this key. If you pass it an % empty value; i.e., % \enquote{\verb|documentfont=\{\}|}/\enquote{\verb|documentfont=|} or no % value, i.e., \enquote{\verb|documentfont|}, you will be prompted with % errors from package \pkg{tipauni}. If an empty/no-value % \verb|documentfont| is used \& no other non-empty \verb|documentfont| has % been used so far; then the document is typeset with the default % font-family of Lua/\XeLaTeX, i.e., the Latin Modern family. If another % \verb|documentfont| has a non-empty value, the value of that option will % be used as the font of the document. % \end{function} % % \begin{function}{fontspecoptions} % \begin{syntax} % fontspecoptions=\meta{font-options} % \end{syntax} % % This option can be used to set options to the font set with % \verb|documentfont| package option. If the \verb|recommendedfont| option % is used \& has the highest priority; the options set with % \verb|fontspecoptions| will be used with the Charis SIL font. If the % \verb|preservefont| option has the highest priority, this parameter will % be ineffective \& throw a warning. In the argument of this option write as % if you are writing in the optional parameter of the \cs{setmainfont} % command. e.g.\ % % \begin{verbatim} % \usepackage[fontspecoptions={Scale=1.5}]{tipauni} % \end{verbatim} % % \noindent If this options is used with no value it will be ignored with a % warning. % % \noindent e.g.\ Try \verb|\usepackage[fontspecoptions]{tipauni}|. % % \medskip % % \noindent If it is used with an empty value it will reset the fontspec-options so % far you have set. e.g.\ Try: % % \begin{verbatim} % \usepackage[% % fontspecoptions={Scale=1.5},% % fontspecfontspecoptions={}% % ]{tipauni} % \end{verbatim} % \end{function} % % Please note that the keys so far documented are the only keys which take % values. Other than these the following keys \emph{don't} take any value. You % will be prompted with an error from package \pkg{expkv} if you use values % for the following keys. % % \begin{function}{preservefont} % This option will omit executing the \cs{setmainfont} command with Charis % SIL. The typeset document will use the default font of Lua/\XeLaTeX, i.e., % the Latin Modern. % \end{function} % % \begin{function}{recommendedfont} % This option is used to override other font definitions made with option % \verb|documentfont|. Charis SIL will be used as the main font of the % document when this option is used. % \end{function} % % Please note that every option so far mentioned can potentially override each % other. e.g.\ If a \verb|documentfont| is added after a \verb|preservefont|, % the former will override the latter (\& vice versa). It is true for all % these three package options. % % \begin{function}{resetfontspecoptions} % This option is used to reset all the \pkg{fontspec} options set with % package option \verb|fontspecoptions|. As noted for the font-options, % these two options which deal with the options of the loaded fonts also can % override each other. The last one loaded will be considered of the highest % priority. % \end{function} % % \begin{function}{incompatible} % By default \pkg{\tipauniname} will throw a warning if symbols not % contained in the \pkg{tipa} package were used. Using this option you can % switch this check off if you don't have to stay compatible with % \pkg{tipa} to silence this warning. % \end{function} % % \section{List of available commands} % TIPA has two alternative methods for inputting IPA characters. In the % following tables, \textbf{Input A} column lists all the long TIPA commands % (e.g.~\verb|\textrtailt|) \textit{\&} \textbf{Input B} column lists the % short ones (e.g.~\verb|\textipa{\:t}|)\footnote{All of these commands must % be enclosed in the \texttt{\textbackslash textipa} % command. (e.g.~\texttt{\textbackslash textipa\{\textbackslash :tP\}} for % {\ipa [ʈʔ]})}. This documentation lists down all the commands necessary for % typing symbols in the IPA chart. % % \subsection{Pulmonic consonants} % % \begin{ThreePartTable} % \begin{TableNotes} % \item[\textcolor{red}{§}] These commands are also available without % package \pkg{tipa}. % \item[1] \label{1} A symbol for this sound was introduced in 2005. The % last update of the package \pkg{tipa} was in 2004, so this character % is missing in it. A command for it is provided by this package. Such % \pkg{tipauni}-exclusive commands are written with red color in this % documentation. % \end{TableNotes} % \small % \begin{longtable}{% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % >{\ipa[}l<{]}% % }% % \toprule % \endfirsthead % \toprule % \endhead % \bottomrule % \endfoot % Description & Input A & Input B & % \multicolumn{1}{l}{\kern-1.25ex Symbol}\\ % \midrule % Retroflex voiceless stop & \verb|\textrtailt| & \verb|\:t| & ʈ \\ % Retroflex voiced stop & \verb|\textrtaild| & \verb|\:d| & ɖ \\ % Palatal voiced stop & \verb|\textbardotlessj| & \verb|\*j| & ɟ \\ % Uvular voiced stop & \verb|\textscg| & \verb|\;G| & ɢ \\ % Glottal voiceless stop & \verb|\textglotstop| & \verb|P| & ʔ \\ % Labiodental nasal & \verb|\textltailm| & \verb|M| & ɱ \\ % Retroflex nasal & \verb|\textrtailn| & \verb|\:n| & ɳ \\ % Palatal nasal & \verb|\textltailn| & \verb|\*n| & ɲ \\ % Velar nasal & \verb|\ng|\tnote{\textcolor{red}{§}} & \verb|N| & ŋ \\ % Uvular nasal & \verb|\textscn| & \verb|\;N| & ɴ \\ % Bilabial trill & \verb|\textscb| & \verb|\;B| & ʙ \\ % Uvular trill & \verb|\textscr| & \verb|\;R| & ʀ \\ % \multicolumn{1}{>{\color{red}}l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}}{Labiodental flap\tnotex{1}} & % \color{red}\verb|\labdentflap| & \color{red}\verb|\*v| & ⱱ\\ % Alveolar tap & \verb|\textfishhookr| & \verb|R| & ɾ \\ % Retroflex flap & \verb|\textrtailr| & \verb|\:r| & ɽ \\ % Bilabial voiceless fricative & \verb|\textphi| & \verb|F| & ɸ \\ % Bilabial voiced fricative & \verb|\textbeta| & \verb|B| & β \\ % Dental voiceless fricative & \verb|\texttheta| & \verb|T| & θ \\ % Dental voiced fricative & \verb|\dh|\tnote{\textcolor{red}{§}} & % \verb|D| & ð \\ % Palatal voiceless fricative & \verb|\textesh| & \verb|S| & ʃ \\ % Palatal voiced fricative & \verb|\textyogh| & \verb|Z| & ʒ \\ % Retroflex voiceless fricative & \verb|\textrtails| & \verb|\:s| & ʂ \\ % Retroflex voiceless fricative & \verb|\textrtailz| & \verb|\:z| & ʐ \\ % Palatal voiced fricative & \verb|\textctj| & \verb|J| & ʝ \\ % Velar voiced fricative & \verb|\textgamma| & \verb|G| & ɣ \\ % Uvular voiceless fricative & \verb|\textchi| & \verb|X| & χ \\ % Uvular voiced fricative & \verb|\textinvscr| & \verb|K| & ʁ \\ % Pharyngeal voiceless fricative & \verb|\textcrh| & \verb|\*h| & ħ \\ % Pharyngeal voiced fricative & \verb|\textrevglotstop| & \verb|Q| & ʕ % \\ % Glottal voiced fricative & \verb|\texthth| & \verb|H| & ɦ \\ % Alveolar voiceless lateral fricative & \verb|\textbeltl| & \verb|\*l| % & ɬ \\ % Alveolar voiced lateral fricative & \verb|\textlyoghlig| & \verb|\*z| % & ɮ \\ % Labiodental approximant & \color{red}{\verb|\labdentapp|} & \verb|V| & % ʋ \\ % Alveolar approximant & \verb|\textturnr| & \verb|\*r| & ɹ \\ % Retroflex approximant & \verb|\textturnrrtail| & \verb|\:R| & ɻ \\ % Velar approximant & \verb|\textturnmrleg| & \color{red}{\verb|\*m|} & % ɰ \\ % Retroflex lateral approximant & \verb|\textrtaill| & \verb|\:l| & ɭ \\ % Palatal lateral approximant & \verb|\textturny| & \verb|L| & ʎ \\ % Velar lateral approximant & \verb|\textscl| & \verb|\;L| & ʟ \\ % \midrule % \insertTableNotes % \end{longtable} % \end{ThreePartTable} % % \subsection{Non-Pulmonic consonants} % % \begin{longtable}{% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % >{\ipa[}l<{]}% % }% % \toprule % \endfirsthead % \toprule % \endhead % \bottomrule % \endfoot % Description & Input A & Input B &\multicolumn{1}{l}{Symbol}\\ % \midrule % Bilabial click & \verb|\textbullseye| & \verb|\!o| & ʘ \\ % Postalveolar click & \color{red}{\verb|\pstalvclick|} & % \color{red}{\verb|!|} & ǃ \\ % Palatoalveolar click & \verb|\textdoublebarpipe| & % \color{red}{\verb|\!c|} & ǂ \\ % Alveolar lateral click & \verb|\textdoublepipe| & \verb+||+ & ǁ \\ % Bilabial implosive & \verb|\texthtb| & \verb|\!b| & ɓ \\ % Dental implosive & \verb|\texthtd| & \verb|\!d| & ɗ \\ % Palatal implosive & \verb|\texthtbardotlessj| & \verb|\!j| & ʄ \\ % Velar implosive & \verb|\texthtg| & \verb|\!g| & ɠ \\ % Uvular implosive & \verb|\texthtscg| & \verb|\!G| & ʛ \\ % \end{longtable} % % \subsection{Other symbols} % {% % \small % \begin{longtable}{% % >{\footnotesize}l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % >{\ipa[}l<{]}% % }% % \toprule % \multicolumn{1}{l}{Description} & Input A & Input B % &\multicolumn{1}{l}{Symbol}\\ % \midrule % Labial-velar voiceless fricative & \verb|\textturnw| & \verb|\*w| & ʍ % \\ % Labial-palatal voiced approximant & \verb|\textturnh| & \verb|4| & ɥ % \\ % Epiglottal voiceless fricative & \verb|\textsch| & \verb|\;H| & ʜ \\ % Epiglottal voiced fricative/approximant & \verb|\textbarrevglotstop| & % \color{red}{\verb|\*1|} & ʢ \\ % Alveolar voiced lateral flap & \verb|\textturnlonglegr| & % \color{red}{\verb|\!r|} & ɺ \\ % Epiglottal plosive & \verb|\textbarglotstop| & \verb|\*2| & ʡ \\ % Alveolo-palatal voiceless fricative & \verb|\textctc| & \verb|C| & ɕ \\ % Alveolo-palatal voiced fricative & \verb|\textctz| & % \color{red}{\verb|\*Z|} & ʑ \\ % Postalveolar-velar voiceless fricative & \verb|\texththeng| & % \color{red}{\verb|\*3|} & ɧ \\ % \bottomrule % \end{longtable} % } % % \subsection{Vowels} % {% % \small % \begin{longtable}{% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % >{\ipa[}l<{]}% % }% % \toprule % \endfirsthead % \toprule % \endhead % \bottomrule % \endfoot % Description & Input A & Input B &\multicolumn{1}{l}{Symbol}\\ % \midrule % Near-close near-front unrounded & \verb|\textsci| & \verb|I| & ɪ \\ % Near-close near-front rounded & \verb|\textscy| & \verb|Y| & ʏ \\ % Open-mid front unrounded & \verb|\textepsilon| & \verb|E| & ɛ \\ % Close central unrounded & \verb|\textbari| & \verb|1| & ɨ \\ % Close central rounded & \verb|\textbaru| & \verb|0| & ʉ \\ % Near-close near-back rounded & \verb|\textupsilon| & \verb|U| & ʊ \\ % Close-mid central unrounded & \verb|\textreve| & \verb|9| & ɘ \\ % Close-mid central rounded & \verb|\textbaro| & \verb|8| & ɵ \\ % Mid central vowel & \verb|\textschwa| & \verb|@| & ə \\ % Open-mid central unrounded & \verb|\textrevepsilon| & \verb|3| & ɜ \\ % Open-mid central rounded & \verb|\textcloserevepsilon| & % \textcolor{red}{\texttt{\&}} & ɞ \\ % Near-open central & \verb|\textturna| & \verb|5| & ɐ \\ % Close back unrounded & \verb|\textturnm| & \verb|W| & ɯ \\ % Close-mid back unrounded & \verb|\textramshorns| & \verb|7| & ɤ \\ % Open-mid back unrounded & \verb|\textturnv| & \verb|2| & ʌ \\ % Open-mid back rounded & \verb|\textopeno| & \verb|O| & ɔ \\ % Open back unrounded & \verb|\textscripta| & \verb|A| & ɑ \\ % Open back rounded & \verb|\textturnscripta| & \verb|6| & ɒ \\ % \end{longtable} % }% % % \subsection{Independent diacritics} % % \begin{longtable}{% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % >{\ipa[}l<{]}% % }% % \toprule % Description & Input A & Input B & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Symbol}\\ % \midrule % Rhoticity & \verb|ə\textrhoticity|\tnotex{1} & \color{red}{\verb|ə\tr|} % & ə˞\\ % No audible release & \verb|n\textcorner| & \color{red}{\verb|n\tc|} & n̚ % \\ % Tie bar (standalone) & \color{red}{\verb|\stdlnetiebar{əi}|} & % \color{red}{\verb|\ts{əi}|} & ə‿i \\ % \bottomrule % \end{longtable} % % \subsection{Dependent diacritics} % % \begin{TableNotes} % \item[1] The documentation of package the \pkg{tipa} on p.\ 53 % describes a shorthand command % i.e.~\texttt{\textbackslash\textbar\~{}{\meta{arg}}} which is not % functional. I haven't investigated the reasons, but instead provided a new % shorthand command for this character. % \end{TableNotes} % % \begin{ThreePartTable} % {% % \small % \begin{longtable}{% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % l@{\hspace{0.3cm}-\hspace{0.3cm}}% % >{\ipa[}l<{]}% % }% % \toprule % \endfirsthead % \toprule % \endhead % \bottomrule % \endfoot % Description & Input A & Input B & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Symbol}\\ % \midrule % Voiceless & \verb|\textsubring{m}| & \verb|\r*m| & m̥\\ % Voiced & \verb|\textsubwedge{s}| & \verb|\v*s| & s̬\\ % More rounded & \verb|\textsubrhalfring{w}| & \verb+\|)w+ & w̹\\ % Less rounded & \verb|\textsublhalfring{w}| & \verb+\|(w+ & w̜\\ % Advanced & \verb|\textsubplus{ə}| & \verb-\|+e- & ə̟\\ % Retracted & \verb|\textsubbar{l}| & \verb+\=*l+ & l̠\\ % Mid-centralized & \verb|\textovercross{e}| & \verb+\|x{e}+ & e̽\\ % Syllabic & \verb|\textsyllabic{n}| & \verb|\s{n}| & n̩\\ % Non-syllabic & \verb|\textsubarch{a}| & \color{red}{\verb|\ns{a}|} & a̯ % \\ % Breathy voiced & \verb|\textsubumlaut{b}| & \verb|\"*b| & b̤ \\ % Creaky voiced & \verb|\textsubtilde{ə}| & \verb|\~*@| & ə̰ \\ % Linguolabial & \verb|\textseagull{l}| & \verb+\|ml+ & l̼ \\ % Velarized & \verb|\textsuperimposetilde{i}| & \verb+\vl{i}+\tnote{1} & i̴ % \\ % Raised & \verb|\textraising{ə}| & \verb+\|'@+ & ə̝ \\ % Lowered & \verb|\textlowering{ə}| & \verb+\|`@+ & ə̞ \\ % Advanced tongue root & \verb|\textadvancing{ə}| & \verb+\|<@+ & ə̘ \\ % Retracted tongue root & \verb|\textretracting{ə}| & \verb+\|>@+ & ə̙ \\ % Dental & \verb|\textsubbridge{t}| & \verb+\|[t+ & t̪ \\ % Apical & \verb|\textinvsubbridge{t}| & \verb+\|]t+ & t̺ \\ % Laminal & \verb|\textsubsquare{s}| & \color{red}{\verb|\lmn{s}|} & s̻ \\ % Tie bar (top) & \verb|\texttoptiebar{əi}| & \verb|\t{əi}| & ə͡i\\ % Tie bar (bottom) & \verb|\textbottomtiebar{əi}| & \verb|\t*{əi}| & ə͜i\\ % \midrule % \insertTableNotes % \end{longtable} % }% % \end{ThreePartTable} % \end{documentation} % % \begin{implementation} % \section{Implementation} % \begin{macrocode} %<@@=tipauni> %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % Provide the package with some description \textit{\&} version specifications. % \begin{macrocode} \ProvidesPackage{tipauni}[2022/02/21 v0.6 Unicode characters with TIPA commands] % \end{macrocode} % Load necessary packages. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{xparse} \RequirePackage{fontspec} \RequirePackage{expkv-def,expkv-opt} % \end{macrocode} % Package options are provided using the package \pkg{expkv}. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\iftipauni@document@font \def\tipauni@recommended@font{CharisSIL} \tipauni@document@fonttrue \let\tipauni@font@options\@empty \ekvdefinekeys{tipauni}{% bool incompatible = \iftipauni@nontipa@ignore,% noval preservefont = {% \let\tipauni@font\tipauni@undefined \tipauni@document@fontfalse },% estore fontspecoptions = \tipauni@font@options,% new noval fontspecoptions = {% \PackageWarningNoLine{tipauni}{% As you haven't given any value to package option\MessageBreak `fontspecoptions'; it will be ignored. Please\MessageBreak provide a valid (list of) fontspec option(s)% }% },% noval resetfontspecoptions = {% \let\tipauni@font@options\@empty },% noval documentfont = {% \PackageError{tipauni}{No value for the `documentfont' option}{% The `documentfont' option has no value. Please provide a valid font-name,% \MessageBreak otherwise it will be ignored or (if given) the value of another non-empty% \MessageBreak `documentfont' will be used.% }% \ifdefined\tipauni@font \tipauni@document@fonttrue \else \tipauni@document@fontfalse \fi },% new code documentfont = {% \edef\tipauni@temp{#1}% \ifx\tipauni@temp\@empty \PackageError{tipauni}{Empty `documentfont' option}{% The `documentfont' option has an empty value. Please provide a valid% \MessageBreak font-name, otherwise it will be ignored or (if given) the value of% \MessageBreak another non-empty `documentfont' will be used.% }% \ifdefined\tipauni@font \tipauni@document@fonttrue \else \tipauni@document@fontfalse \fi \else \tipauni@document@fonttrue \let\tipauni@font\tipauni@temp \fi },% noval recommendedfont = {% \tipauni@document@fonttrue \let\tipauni@font\tipauni@recommended@font }% } \ekvoProcessLocalOptions{tipauni} % \end{macrocode} % The following code executes the \verb|\setmainfont| command \& issues a % warning in a special case. % \begin{macrocode} \iftipauni@document@font \ifdefined\tipauni@font \else \let\tipauni@font\tipauni@recommended@font \fi \expandafter\setmainfont\expandafter [\expandafter{\tipauni@font@options}]{\tipauni@font} \else \ifx\tipauni@font@options\@empty \else \PackageWarningNoLine{tipauni}{% An active font loaded with package fontspec is\MessageBreak necessary for `fontspecoptions' to take effect.\MessageBreak Please use the `documentfont'/`recommendedfont'\MessageBreak option or load a font outside package `tipauni'\MessageBreak to make your options active. Currently ignoring:\MessageBreak [\tipauni@font@options]% }% \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % The following commands were kindly suggested by Phelype Oleinik for developing % a conditional which is always global. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifnontipa \protected\def\nontipatrue{\global\let\ifnontipa\iftrue} \protected\def\nontipafalse{\global\let\ifnontipa\iffalse} \iftipauni@nontipa@ignore \protected\def\nontipatrue{} \fi % \end{macrocode} % The following commands provide the command \verb|\tipaunicmd| for printing % characters that are missing in the \pkg{tipa} package. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\tipaunicmd{ m m }{% \NewDocumentCommand#1{ }{\nontipatrue #2}% }% % \end{macrocode} % As can be seen above, everytime when a command that is absent in the % \pkg{tipa} package is provided, it sets the conditional \verb|nontipa| to true % value. At the end of the document this package checks if there is any instance % of a non-TIPA command. If yes, it generates a warning in the .log file saying % that this code is now incompatible with the TIPA package and some characters % might be displayed with a different font. All of this is achieved with the % help of following commands. The discussion on % \href{https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=1735}{this} question helped a lot for fine % tuning the warning message. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndDocument{% \ifnontipa \PackageWarningNoLine{tipauni}{% You have used a command(s) that is (are) not\MessageBreak supported by package TIPA. Thus your current code is\MessageBreak incompatible with that package. These commands are\MessageBreak printed with a different Unicode font. Refer to the\MessageBreak documentation of package tipauni for a list of\MessageBreak commands that are not supported in TIPA% }% \else \fi }% % \end{macrocode} % From here the code for obtaining Unicode characters with TIPA commands % starts. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunistar}{TU}[1]{{#1}} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\tipaunistar}{TU} \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}[1]{{#1}} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU} \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunicolon}{TU}[1]{{#1}} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\tipaunicolon}{TU} \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunibang}{TU}[1]{{#1}} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\tipaunibang}{TU} \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunipipe}{TU}[2]{\@pipeshorthands{#1}{#2}} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\tipaunipipe}{TU} %% Pulmonic consonants %%-- Stops %%--** Retroflex \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrtailt}{TU}{"0288}%% ʈ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{t}{"288} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrtaild}{TU}{"0256}%% ɖ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{d}{"256} %%--** Palatal \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbardotlessj}{TU}{"25F}%% ɟ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{j}{"25F} %%--** Uvular \DeclareTextSymbol{\textscg}{TU}{"262}%% ɢ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{G}{"262} %%--** Glottal \DeclareTextSymbol{\textglotstop}{TU}{"294}%% ʔ %%-- Nasals %%--** Labiodental \DeclareTextSymbol{\textltailm}{TU}{"271}%% ɱ %%--** Retroflex \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrtailn}{TU}{"273}%% ɳ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{n}{"273} %%--** Palatal \DeclareTextSymbol{\textltailn}{TU}{"272}%% ɲ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{n}{"272} %%--** Uvular \DeclareTextSymbol{\textscn}{TU}{"274}%% ɴ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{N}{"274} %%-- Trills %%--** Bilabial \DeclareTextSymbol{\textscb}{TU}{"299}%% ʙ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{B}{"299} %%--** Uvular \DeclareTextSymbol{\textscr}{TU}{"280}%% ʀ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{R}{"280} %%-- Taps or flaps %%-- Labiodental flap \tipaunicmd{\labdentflap}{ⱱ}%% tipauni-exclusive \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{v}{"2C71}%% tipauni-exclusive %%--** Alveolar \DeclareTextSymbol{\textfishhookr}{TU}{"27E}%% ɾ %%--** Retroflex \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrtailr}{TU}{"27D}%% ɽ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{r}{"27D} %%-- Fricatives %%--** Bilabial \DeclareTextSymbol{\textphi}{TU}{"278}%% ɸ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbeta}{TU}{"3B2}%% β %%--** Dental \DeclareTextSymbol{\texttheta}{TU}{"3B8}%% θ %%--** Postalveolar \DeclareTextSymbol{\textesh}{TU}{"283}%% ʃ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textyogh}{TU}{"292}%% ʒ %%--** Retroflex \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrtails}{TU}{"282}%% ʂ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{s}{"282} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrtailz}{TU}{"290}%% ʐ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{z}{"290} %%--** Palatal \DeclareTextSymbol{\textctj}{TU}{"29D}%% ʝ %%--** Velar \DeclareTextSymbol{\textgamma}{TU}{"263}%% ɣ %%--** Uvular \DeclareTextSymbol{\textchi}{TU}{"3C7}%% χ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textinvscr}{TU}{"281}%% ʁ %%--** Pharyngeal \DeclareTextSymbol{\textcrh}{TU}{"127}%% ħ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{h}{"127} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrevglotstop}{TU}{"295}%% ʕ %%--** Glottal \DeclareTextSymbol{\texthth}{TU}{"266}%% ɦ %%-- Lateral fricatives %%--** Alveolar \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbeltl}{TU}{"26C}%% ɬ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{l}{"26C} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textlyoghlig}{TU}{"26E}%% ɮ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{z}{"26E} %%-- Approximants %%-- Labiodental approximant \tipaunicmd{\labdentapp}{ʋ}%% tipauni-exclusive %%--** Alveolar \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnr}{TU}{"279}%% ɹ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{r}{"279} %%--** Retroflex \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnrrtail}{TU}{"27B}%% ɻ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{R}{"27B} %%--** Velar \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnmrleg}{TU}{"270}%% ɰ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{m}{"270} %%-- Lateral approximants %%--** Retroflex \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrtaill}{TU}{"26D}%% ɭ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunicolon}{TU}{l}{"26D} \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturny}{TU}{"28E}%% ʎ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textscl}{TU}{"29F}%% ʟ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{L}{"29F} %% Non-pulmonic consonants %%-- Clicks %%--** Bilabial \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbullseye}{TU}{"298}%% ʘ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{o}{"298} %%-- Postalveolar click \tipaunicmd{\pstalvclick}{ǃ}%% tipauni-exclusive %%--** Palato-alveolar \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdoublebarpipe}{TU}{"1C2}%% ǂ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{c}{"1C2}%% tipauni-exclusive %%--** Alveolar lateral \DeclareTextSymbol{\textdoublepipe}{TU}{"1C1}% ǁ %%-- Implosives %%--** Bilabial \DeclareTextSymbol{\texthtb}{TU}{"253}%% ɓ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{b}{"253} %%--** Dental \DeclareTextSymbol{\texthtd}{TU}{"257}%% ɗ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{d}{"257} %%--** Palatal \DeclareTextSymbol{\texthtbardotlessj}{TU}{"284}%% ʄ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{j}{"284} %%--** Velar \DeclareTextSymbol{\texthtg}{TU}{"260}%% ɠ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{g}{"260} %%--** Uvular \DeclareTextSymbol{\texthtscg}{TU}{"29B}%% ʛ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{G}{"29B} %% Other consonants \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnw}{TU}{"28D}%% ʍ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnh}{TU}{"265}%% ɥ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textsch}{TU}{"29C}%% ʜ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbarrevglotstop}{TU}{"2A2}%% ʢ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{1}{"2A2}%% tipauni-exclusive \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbarglotstop}{TU}{"2A1}%% ʡ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{2}{"2A1}%% tipauni-exclusive \DeclareTextSymbol{\textctc}{TU}{"255}%% ɕ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textctz}{TU}{"291}%% ʑ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{Z}{"291}%% tipauni-exclusive \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnlonglegr}{TU}{"27A}%% ɺ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunibang}{TU}{r}{"27A}%% tipauni-exclusive \DeclareTextSymbol{\texththeng}{TU}{"267}%% ɧ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{3}{"267}%% tipauni-exclusive \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{k}{"029E}% ʞ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{t}{"287}% ʇ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunistar}{TU}{w}{"28D}% ʍ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{E}{"1D07}% ᴇ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{J}{"1D0A}% ᴊ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{A}{"1D00}% ᴀ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{H}{"29C}% ʜ \DeclareTextComposite{\tipaunisemicolon}{TU}{U}{"1D1C}% ᴜ %% Vowels \DeclareTextSymbol{\textsci}{TU}{"26A}%% ɪ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textscy}{TU}{"28F}%% ʏ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textepsilon}{TU}{"25B}%% ɛ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbari}{TU}{"268}%% ɨ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbaru}{TU}{"289}%% ʉ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textupsilon}{TU}{"28A}%% ʊ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textreve}{TU}{"258}%% ɘ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textbaro}{TU}{"275}%% ɵ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textschwa}{TU}{"259}%% ə \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrevepsilon}{TU}{"25C}%% ɜ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textcloserevepsilon}{TU}{"25E}%% ɞ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturna}{TU}{"250}%% ɐ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnm}{TU}{"26F}%% ɯ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textramshorns}{TU}{"264}%% ɤ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnv}{TU}{"28C}%% ʌ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textopeno}{TU}{"254}%% ɔ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textscripta}{TU}{"251}%% ɑ \DeclareTextSymbol{\textturnscripta}{TU}{"252}%% ɒ %% Independent diacritic marks %%-- Rhoticity \DeclareTextSymbol{\textrhoticity}{TU}{"2DE}%% ˞ \tipaunicmd{\tr}{˞} %%-- Tie bar (below) \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunitextbottomtiebar}{TU}[2]{#1\symbol{"035C}#2} \NewDocumentCommand\textbottomtiebar{ m }{\tipaunitextbottomtiebar#1} %%-- Tie bar (below) - standalone character \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunits}{TU}[2]{#1\symbol{"203F}#2} \NewDocumentCommand\stdlnetiebar{ m }{\tipaunits#1} \NewDocumentCommand\ts{ m }{\tipaunits#1} % \end{macrocode} % The following commands redefine the TIPA shorthand input for dependent % diacritics. % \begin{macrocode} %% No audible release \DeclareTextSymbol{\textcorner}{TU}{"31A}%% ̚ \tipaunicmd{\tc}{̚} %% Syllabic \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsyllabic}{TU}{"0329}%% ̩ \NewDocumentCommand\s{ m }{\textsyllabic{\textipa{#1}}\nontipatrue} %% Non-syllabic \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubarch}{TU}{"032F}%% ̯ \NewDocumentCommand\ns{ m }{\textsubarch{\textipa{#1}}} %% Laminal \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubsquare}{TU}{"033B}%% ̻ \NewDocumentCommand\lmn{ m }{\textsubsquare{\textipa{#1}}\nontipatrue} %% Other complex shorthand commands \DeclareTextCommand{\@pipeshorthands}{TU}[2]{% \if #1[\tipaunisubbridge{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1]\tipauniinvsubbridge{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1(\tipaunisublhalfring{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1)\tipaunisubrhalfring{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1+\tipaunisubplus{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1'\tipauniraising{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1`\tipaunilowering{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1<\tipauniadvancing{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1>\tipauniretracting{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1x\tipauniovercross{\textipa{#2}}\else \if #1m\tipauniseagull{\textipa{#2}}\else #1#2% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi }% \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\@pipeshorthands}{TU} \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand \super { m } {% \str_case:nn {#1} { {h} {ʰ} {w} {ʷ} {j} {ʲ} {ɣ} {ˠ} {ʕ} {ˤ} {n} {ⁿ} {l} {ˡ} } } % \end{macrocode} % We need a few variables. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_new:N \l_@@_remove_from_accents_seq \tl_new:N \l_@@_textipa_tl % \end{macrocode} % Since we have a non-standard syntax for some of the accent macros (having a % starred variant) we have to exclude them from the list of accents which get % special handling from \cs{text_expand:n} or else the stars will be surrounded % by braces and not found by \cs{@ifstar}. This sequence stores the problematic % accents which need to be excluded. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_@@_remove_from_accents_seq { , } { \~, \=, \", \r, \v, \t } % \end{macrocode} % We only search for the macros not contained in \pkg{tipa} if this is requested % by the user. % \begin{macrocode} \iftipauni@nontipa@ignore \cs_new_eq:NN \@@_nontipa_search: \prg_do_nothing: \cs_new_eq:NN \@@_nontipa_search:n \use_none:n \else \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_nontipa_search: { \unless\ifnontipa \exp_args:No \@@_nontipa_search:n \l_@@_textipa_tl \fi } % \end{macrocode} % The warning thrown at the end of the run doesn't list which symbols were % incompatible, so we stop searching when we found one incompatible symbol. We % use \cs{str_if_in:nnT} so that groups don't affect the search. The alternative % would be the much slower \cs{regex_match:nnT}. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_nontipa_search:n #1 { \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ⱱ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ɞ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ɰ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ǃ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ǂ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ʢ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ɺ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ʑ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \str_if_in:nnT {#1} {ɧ} { \nontipatrue \use_none_delimit_by_s_stop:w } \use_none:nnn \s_stop \use:n { \cs_gset_eq:NN \@@_nontipa_search: \prg_do_nothing: } } \fi % \end{macrocode} % The user facing macro needs to make some local settings. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\textipa{ +m }% { \begingroup \let\*\tipaunistar \let\:\tipaunicolon \let\;\tipaunisemicolon \let\!\tipaunibang \let\|\tipaunipipe \let\t\tipaunit % \end{macrocode} % Here we locally remove the accents which have a starred variant from the % exclusion list of \cs{text_expand:n}. % \begin{macrocode} \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_@@_remove_from_accents_seq { \tl_remove_all:Nn \l_text_accents_tl {##1} } % \end{macrocode} % Here is the real replacement. First we carefully expand the input using % \cs{text_expand:n}, then we'll loop over the token list with a construct % similar to the \pkg{expl3} internal \cs{__tl_act:NNNn} (hence the name % \cs{@@_act:n}). Since the replacement code depends on the correct string % representation of things we explicitly set the \cs{escapechar} to a backslash % and reset it afterwards. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_set:Nx \l_@@_textipa_tl { \text_expand:n {#1} } \use:x { \exp_not:n { \escapechar = `\\ \tl_set:Nx \l_@@_textipa_tl { \exp_args:No \@@_act:n \l_@@_textipa_tl } \escapechar = } \int_use:N \escapechar } \exp_stop_f: \l_@@_textipa_tl % \end{macrocode} % Finally test for \pkg{tipa}-incompatible symbols. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_nontipa_search: \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % We'll need a scan mark for the |act| code, so we initialise it. % \begin{macrocode} \scan_new:N \s_@@_act_stop \cs_new:Npn \@@_use_none_delimit_by_act_stop:w #1 \s_@@_act_stop {} % \end{macrocode} % The act macro uses a bit of low level coding to get good performance. It % implements a loop which does the replacement of single letters, bigraphs or % combinations of one macro and one letter (which might be separated from the % macro by multiple spaces, or contained in braces as an argument, or both). % \cs{_@@_act:n} should be used inside an |x|-expansion context. The only % token which is not allowed to be ever part of the argument for % \cs{_@@_act:n} is \cs{s_@@_act_stop}. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act:n #1 { \@@_act_loop:w #1 {\s_@@_act_stop} . \s_@@_act_stop } % \end{macrocode} % Just to have an easier to spot output we use a private copy of \cs{exp_not:n}, % meaning we leave the output in the input stream (but since the whole loop % should be used in an |x|-expansion context this is fine, anything expecting % arguments will get those later). % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_eq:NN \@@_act_output:n \exp_not:n % \end{macrocode} % The current loop status is indicated by one macro -- \cs{use_none:nn} for the % initial state; \cs{@@_act_macro:nn} if a macro being the start of a % bigraph was encountered; or \cs{@@_act_char:nn} if a character being % the start of a bigraph or a monograph was encountered -- followed by one % |n|-type argument containing information depending on the state. So for % \cs{@@_act_loop:Nnw} the arguments are: |#1| is the status macro, |#2| % more status information, |#3| the remainder of the argument list. It'll branch % off depending on the first token in |#3| being either a space, a group % (anything started by a character of category 1, typically an opening brace) % and anything else (a valid |N|-type argument). % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_loop:w { \@@_act_loop:Nnw \use_none:nn {} } \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_loop:Nnw #1#2#3 \s_@@_act_stop { \@@_act_if_head_is_space:nTF {#3} { \@@_act_space:Nnw } { \tl_if_head_is_group:nTF {#3} \@@_act_group:Nnn \@@_act_normal:NnN } #1 {#2} #3 \s_@@_act_stop } % \end{macrocode} % We'll need a few explicit space tokens in the following definitions, so we use % a temporary macro to set this up. % \begin{macrocode} \group_begin: \cs_set:Npn \@@_tmp:n #1 { % \end{macrocode} % Quick test for a leading space using the |stop|-marker. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_if_head_is_space:nTF ##1 { \@@_act_if_head_is_space:w \s_@@_act_stop ##1 \s_@@_act_stop \@@_act_if_head_is_space_true:w \s_@@_act_stop #1 \s_@@_act_stop \use_ii:nn } \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_if_head_is_space:w ##1 \s_@@_act_stop #1 ##2 \s_@@_act_stop {} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_if_head_is_space_true:w \s_@@_act_stop #1 \s_@@_act_stop \use_ii:nn ##1 ##2 {##1} % \end{macrocode} % The case with a space needs a bit of special treatment if the current state is % |macro|. In that case we defer the decision and save the space inside the % additional status |n|-type argument. That consists of two nested |n|-type % arguments, the first being the control sequence under test and the second % tokens which need to be reinserted should the replacement fail. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_space:Nnw ##1 ##2 #1 { \token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF ##1 \@@_act_macro:nn { \@@_act_space_macro:nn ##2 } { \cs_if_exist_use:cTF { @@_act_char_mono_ \tl_to_str:n { ##2 } : } { \@@_act_output:n {~} } { \@@_act_output:n { ##2 ~ } } \@@_act_loop:w } } } \@@_tmp:n {~} \group_end: % \end{macrocode} % This macro just works as a helper to get the two separate arguments in the % status and append a space token to the deferred list. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_space_macro:nn #1#2 { \@@_act_loop:Nnw \@@_act_macro:nn { {#1} { #2 ~ } } } % \end{macrocode} % The end marker is a single \cs{s_@@_act_stop} in a group, hence we need to % test for that. If this isn't the end we need to handle two different cases, if % the current state is a macro the group might actually be the correct argument % to that macro, else a bigraph shouldn't contain a group, so we output what % ever the current status deferred information was (either as a |mono| % replacement or just as is) and act on the group. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_group:Nnn #1#2#3 { \@@_use_none_delimit_by_act_stop:w #3 \@@_act_final:Nnw #1 {#2} \s_@@_act_stop \token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF #1 \@@_act_macro:nn { \@@_act_group_macro:nn {#2} {#3} } { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { @@_act_char_mono_ \tl_to_str:n { #2 } : } { \@@_act_output:n {#2} } { \@@_act_loop:w #3 {\s_@@_act_stop} . \s_@@_act_stop } } \@@_act_loop:w } % \end{macrocode} % The final code needs to remove the remainder of the loop and reinsert whatever % was deferred, unless that happens to be one of the single tokens to be % replaced in which case we do the replacement. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_final:Nnw #1#2 \s_@@_act_stop #3 \@@_act_loop:w #4 \s_@@_act_stop { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { @@_act_char_mono_ \tl_to_str:n { #2 } : } { \token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF #1 \@@_act_macro:nn { \exp_args:No \@@_act_output:n { \use:nn #2 } } { \@@_act_output:n {#2} } } } % \end{macrocode} % The normal case is pretty straight forward, if the current state is the % initial state, check whether the token under test is the start of one of the % replacement sequences (this would be stored inside a macro), if it isn't % directly output it. If it is the code in that macro will do the right thing. % If the current state is something else the state macro will handle things, so % we just call it with the arguments it should get. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_normal:NnN #1#2#3 { \token_if_eq_meaning:NNTF #1 \use_none:nn { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { @@_act_normal_ \tl_to_str:n {#3} :nw } { \@@_act_output:n } {#3} } { #1 {#2} {#3} } \@@_act_loop:w } % \end{macrocode} % The code that should handle a macro will test whether a replacement occurs % (stored inside a macro), if it does calls that macro, else outputs the % deferred information. Since the |macro| state will have two groups in the % deferred state we need to handle that using \cs{use_i:nn} to get the macro % name, and \cs{use:nn} to just unbrace the macro and the other deferred tokens % (which might be any number of spaces). % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_macro:nn #1#2 { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { @@_act_macro_ \exp_args:No \tl_to_str:n { \use_i:nn #1 / #2 } : } { \exp_args:No \@@_act_output:n { \use:nn #1 #2 } } } % \end{macrocode} % If the |macro| state was active when a group was encountered we need to check % whether that group was the correct argument for the replacement, if it was do % the replacement, else reinsert the macro and deferred tokens and loop through % the group. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_group_macro:nn #1#2 { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { @@_act_macro_ \exp_args:No \tl_to_str:n { \use_i:nn #1 / #2 } : } { \exp_args:No \@@_act_output:n { \use:nn #1 } { \@@_act_loop:w #2 {\s_@@_act_stop} . \s_@@_act_stop } } } % \end{macrocode} % If the |char| state is active we need to check whether a bigraph was found, if % so do that replacement, else test whether the single char is to be replaced % without being part of a bigraph, if not output it unchanged. If there was no % bigraph the newly found character might be the start of a mono- or bigraph so % we pass it back to the |N|-type act to evaluate that, in which case we need % to remove a trailing \cs{@@_act_loop:w} which would start the next loop which % we do using \cs{use_i:nn}. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new:Npn \@@_act_char:nn #1#2 { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { @@_act_char_bigraph_ \tl_to_str:n { #1/#2 } : } { \cs_if_exist_use:cF { @@_act_char_mono_ \tl_to_str:n { #1 } : } { \@@_act_output:n {#1} } \use_i:nn { \@@_act_normal:NnN \use_none:nn {} {#2} } } } % \end{macrocode} % To register new bigraphs we use the following functions. The information is % always stored inside two macros, the first is called % |@@_act_normal_|\meta{first token}|:nw| and will set the correct state, the % second is named dependent on the state it should be found in, either % |@@_act_macro_|\meta{first token}|/|\meta{second token}|:|, % |@@_act_char_bigraph_|\meta{first token}|/|\meta{second token}|:|, or % |@@_act_char_mono_|\meta{token}|:|. Those second macros contain the actual % replacement. % % The first macro is a wrapper which just inputs \cs{@@_new_macro_bigraph:NNn} % for the two macros in |#1| and |#2|. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn #1#2#3#4 { \@@_new_macro_bigraph:NNn #1 #3 {#4} \@@_new_macro_bigraph:NNn #2 #3 {#4} } % \end{macrocode} % A macro bigraph should consist of a control sequence followed by another % token. It'll switch the state to |macro|. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_new_macro_bigraph:NNn #1#2#3 { \cs_gset:cpn { @@_act_normal_ \tl_to_str:n {#1} :nw } ##1##2 \@@_act_loop:w { \@@_act_loop:Nnw \@@_act_macro:nn { {##1} {} } } \cs_gset:cpn { @@_act_macro_ \tl_to_str:n { #1/#2 } : } { \@@_act_output:n {#3} } } % \end{macrocode} % A character bigraph should consist of two characters. It'll switch the state % to |char|. % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_new_char_bigraph:NNn #1#2#3 { \cs_gset:cpn { @@_act_normal_ \tl_to_str:n {#1} :nw } ##1##2 \@@_act_loop:w { \@@_act_loop:Nnw \@@_act_char:nn {##1} } \cs_gset:cpn { @@_act_char_bigraph_ \tl_to_str:n { #1/#2 } : } { \@@_act_output:n {#3} } } % \end{macrocode} % And lastly the single replacements which should just be a single character. % These will also switch the state to |char| (as they might be also a start of % a bigraph). % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_new_char_mono:Nn #1#2 { \cs_gset:cpn { @@_act_normal_ \tl_to_str:n {#1} :nw } ##1##2 \@@_act_loop:w { \@@_act_loop:Nnw \@@_act_char:nn {##1} } \cs_gset:cpn { @@_act_char_mono_ \tl_to_str:n {#1} : } { \@@_act_output:n {#2} } } % \end{macrocode} % Everything that's now missing is defining the macros storing the replacements % as described above. % \begin{macrocode} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \! \tipaunibang G {ʛ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \! \tipaunibang g {ɠ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \* \tipaunistar 1 {ʢ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \* \tipaunistar 2 {ʡ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \* \tipaunistar 3 {ɧ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \* \tipaunistar Z {ʑ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \: \tipaunicolon R {ɻ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon A {ᴀ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon G {ɢ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon B {ʙ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon E {ᴇ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon H {ʜ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon J {ᴊ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon L {ʟ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon N {ɴ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon R {ʀ} \@@_new_macro_pair_bigraph:NNNn \; \tipaunisemicolon U {ᴜ} \@@_new_char_bigraph:NNn || {ǁ} \@@_new_char_bigraph:NNn "" {ˌ} \clist_map_inline:nn { {5}{ɐ}, {A}{ɑ}, {6}{ɒ}, {2}{ʌ}, {B}{β}, {C}{ɕ}, {D}{ð}, {9}{ɘ}, {E}{ɛ}, {3}{ɜ}, {g}{ɡ}, {G}{ɣ}, {7}{ɤ}, {H}{ɦ}, {L}{ʎ}, {4}{ɥ}, {1}{ɨ}, {I}{ɪ}, {J}{ʝ}, {M}{ɱ}, {W}{ɯ}, {N}{ŋ}, {8}{ɵ}, {O}{ɔ}, {F}{ɸ}, {R}{ɾ}, {K}{ʁ}, {S}{ʃ}, {T}{θ}, {0}{ʉ}, {U}{ʊ}, {V}{ʋ}, {X}{χ}, {Y}{ʏ}, {Z}{ʒ}, {P}{ʔ}, {Q}{ʕ}, {:}{ː}, {;}{ˑ}, {!}{ǃ}, {&}{ɞ}, {@}{ə}, {|}{ǀ}, {"}{ˈ} } { \@@_new_char_mono:Nn #1 } \ExplSyntaxOff % \end{macrocode} % The following commands define the long commands for dependent diacritics. % \begin{macrocode} %%-- Dependent diacritic marks %%--** Voiceless \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubring}{TU}{"0325}%% ̥ \DeclareTextCommand{\r}{TU}{\tipaunisubring} \protected\def\tipaunisubring{\@ifstar{\TipaUniSubRing}{\TipaUniSubRing}} \NewDocumentCommand\TipaUniSubRing{ m }{\textsubring{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Voiced \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubwedge}{TU}{"032C}%% ̬ \DeclareTextCommand{\v}{TU}{\tipaunisubwedge} \protected\def\tipaunisubwedge{\@ifstar{\TipaUniSubWedge}{\TipaUniSubWedge}} \NewDocumentCommand\TipaUniSubWedge{ m }{\textsubwedge{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** More rounded \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubrhalfring}{TU}{"0339}%% ̹ \NewDocumentCommand\tipaunisubrhalfring{ m }{\textsubrhalfring{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Less rounded \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsublhalfring}{TU}{"031C}%% ̜ \NewDocumentCommand\tipaunisublhalfring{ m }{\textsublhalfring{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Advanced \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubplus}{TU}{"031F}%% ̟ \NewDocumentCommand\tipaunisubplus{ m }{\textsubplus{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Retracted \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubbar}{TU}{"0320}%% ̠ \DeclareTextCommand{\=}{TU}{\tipaunisubbar} \protected\def\tipaunisubbar{\@ifstar{\TipaUniSubBar}{\TipaUniSubBar}} \NewDocumentCommand\TipaUniSubBar{ m }{\textsubbar{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Mid-centralized \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textovercross}{TU}{"033D}%% ̽ \NewDocumentCommand\tipauniovercross{ m }{\textovercross{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Breathy voiced \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubumlaut}{TU}{"0324}%% ̤ \DeclareTextCommand{\"}{TU}{\tipaunisubumlaut} \protected\def\tipaunisubumlaut{\@ifstar{\TipaUniSubUmlaut}{\TipaUniSubUmlaut}} \NewDocumentCommand\TipaUniSubUmlaut{ m }{\textsubumlaut{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Creaky voiced \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubtilde}{TU}{"0330}%% ̰ \DeclareTextCommand{\~}{TU}{\tipaunisubtilde} \protected\def\tipaunisubtilde{\@ifstar{\TipaUniSubTilde}{\TipaUniSubTilde}} \NewDocumentCommand\TipaUniSubTilde{ m }{\textsubtilde{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Linguo-labialized \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textseagull}{TU}{"033C}%% ̼ \NewDocumentCommand\tipauniseagull{ m }{\textseagull{#1}} %%--** Velarized \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsuperimposetilde}{TU}{"0334}%% ̴ \NewDocumentCommand\tipaunisuperimposetilde{ m }{\textsuperimposetilde{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand\vl{ m }{\textsuperimposetilde{\textipa{#1}}} %%--** Raised \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textraising}{TU}{"031D}%% ̝ \NewDocumentCommand{\tipauniraising}{m}{\textraising{#1}} %%--** Lowered \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textlowering}{TU}{"031E}%% ̞ \NewDocumentCommand{\tipaunilowering}{m}{\textlowering{#1}} %%%--** Advanced tongue root \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textadvancing}{TU}{"0318}%% ̘ \NewDocumentCommand{\tipauniadvancing}{m}{\textadvancing{#1}} %%--** Retracted tongue root \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textretracting}{TU}{"0319}%% ̙ \NewDocumentCommand{\tipauniretracting}{m}{\textretracting{#1}} %%--** Dental \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textsubbridge}{TU}{"032A}%% ̪ \NewDocumentCommand\tipaunisubbridge{ m }{\textsubbridge{#1}} %%--** Apical \DeclareUnicodeAccent{\textinvsubbridge}{TU}{"033A}%% ̺ \NewDocumentCommand\tipauniinvsubbridge{ m }{\textinvsubbridge{#1}} %%--** Tie bar (above) \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunitexttoptiebar}{TU}[2]{#1\symbol{"0361}#2} \NewDocumentCommand\texttoptiebar{ m }{\tipaunitexttoptiebar#1} \DeclareTextCommand{\tipaunit}{TU}{\@ifstar{\textbottomtiebar}{\texttoptiebar}} % \end{macrocode} % Lastly the code for environment \texttt{IPA} is provided by the following. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentEnvironment{IPA}{+b}{\textipa{#1}}{} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} % % \end{macrocode} % \end{implementation} % % \pagebreak % % \input{gfdl-tex.tex} % % \Finale