% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 2008 by Ulrich M. Schwarz % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3a. % The license can be obtained from % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3a.txt % % \fi % %\iffalse (hide this from DocInput) %<*listof> %\fi % % This package provides two main commands: % \DescribeMacro{\listoftheorems} % |\listoftheorems| will generate, well, a list of all theorems, lemmas, % etc. in your document. This list is hyperlinked if you use \pkg{hyperref}, % and it will list the optional argument to the theorem. % % Currently, some options can be given as an optional argument keyval list: % \begin{description} % \item[numwidth] The width allocated for the numbers, default 2.3em. Since % you are more likely to have by-section numbering than with figures, this % needs to be accessible. % \item[ignore=foo,bar] A last-second call to |\ignoretheorems|, see below. % \item[onlynamed=foo,bar] Only list those foo and bar environments that % had an optional title. This weeds out unimportant definitions, for % example. If no argument is given, this applies to all environments % defined by |\newtheorem| and |\declaretheorem|. % \item[show=foo,bar] Undo a previous |\ignoretheorems| and restore default % formatting for these environments. Useful in combination with % ignoreall. % \item[ignoreall] % \item[showall] Like applying ignore or show with a list of all theorems % you have defined. % \end{description} % % \DescribeMacro{\listtheoremname} % The heading name is stored in the macro |\listtheoremname| and is % ``List of Theorems'' by default. All other formatting aspects are taken % from |\listoffigures|. (As a matter of fact, |\listoffigures| is called % internally.) % % \DescribeMacro{\ignoretheorems} % |\ignoretheorems|\marg{remark,example,...} can be used to suppress some % types of theorem from the LoTh. Be careful not to have spaces in the list, % those are currently \emph{not} filtered out. % % There's currently no interface to change the look of the list. If you're % daring, the code for the theorem type ``lemma'' is in |\l@lemma| and so on. % %\StopEventually{} % \begin{macrocode} \let\@xa=\expandafter \let\@nx=\noexpand \RequirePackage{thm-patch,keyval,kvsetkeys} \def\thmtlo@oldchapter{0}% \newcommand\thmtlo@chaptervspacehack{} \ifcsname c@chapter\endcsname \def\thmtlo@chaptervspacehack{% \ifnum \value{chapter}>\thmtlo@oldchapter\relax % new chapter, add vspace to loe. \addtocontents{loe}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}% \xdef\thmtlo@oldchapter{\arabic{chapter}}% \fi }% \fi \providecommand\listtheoremname{List of Theorems} \newcommand\listoftheorems[1][]{% %% much hacking here to pick up the definition from the class %% without oodles of conditionals. \bgroup \setlisttheoremstyle{#1}% \let\listfigurename\listtheoremname \def\contentsline##1{% \csname thmt@contentsline@##1\endcsname{##1}% }% \@for\thmt@envname:=\thmt@allenvs\do{% \@xa\protected@edef\csname l@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% CHECK: why p@edef? \@nx\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{\@nx\thmt@listnumwidth}% }% }% \let\thref@starttoc\@starttoc \def\@starttoc##1{\thref@starttoc{loe}}% % new hack: to allow multiple calls, we defer the opening of the % loe file to AtEndDocument time. This is before the aux file is % read back again, that is early enough. % TODO: is it? crosscheck include/includeonly! \@fileswfalse \AtEndDocument{% \if@filesw \@ifundefined{tf@loe}{% \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@loe\endcsname \immediate\openout \csname tf@loe\endcsname \jobname.loe\relax }{}% \fi }% %\expandafter \listoffigures \egroup } \newcommand\setlisttheoremstyle[1]{% \kvsetkeys{thmt-listof}{#1}% } \define@key{thmt-listof}{numwidth}{\def\thmt@listnumwidth{#1}} \define@key{thmt-listof}{ignore}[\thmt@allenvs]{\ignoretheorems{#1}} \define@key{thmt-listof}{onlynamed}[\thmt@allenvs]{\onlynamedtheorems{#1}} \define@key{thmt-listof}{show}[\thmt@allenvs]{\showtheorems{#1}} \define@key{thmt-listof}{ignoreall}[true]{\ignoretheorems{\thmt@allenvs}} \define@key{thmt-listof}{showall}[true]{\showtheorems{\thmt@allenvs}} \providecommand\thmt@listnumwidth{2.3em} \providecommand\thmtformatoptarg[1]{ (#1)} \newcommand\thmt@mklistcmd{% \@xa\protected@edef\csname l@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% CHECK: why p@edef? \@nx\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{\@nx\thmt@listnumwidth}% }% \ifthmt@isstarred \@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% \protect\numberline{\protect\let\protect\autodot\protect\@empty}% \thmt@thmname \ifx\@empty\thmt@shortoptarg\else\protect\thmtformatoptarg{\thmt@shortoptarg}\fi }% \else \@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% \protect\numberline{\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname}% \thmt@thmname \ifx\@empty\thmt@shortoptarg\else\protect\thmtformatoptarg{\thmt@shortoptarg}\fi }% \fi \@xa\gdef\csname thmt@contentsline@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% \thmt@contentslineShow% default:show }% } \def\thmt@allenvs{\@gobble} \newcommand\thmt@recordenvname{% \edef\thmt@allenvs{\thmt@allenvs,\thmt@envname}% } \g@addto@macro\thmt@newtheorem@predefinition{% \thmt@mklistcmd \thmt@recordenvname } \addtotheorempostheadhook{% \thmtlo@chaptervspacehack \addcontentsline{loe}{\thmt@envname}{% \csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname }% } \newcommand\showtheorems[1]{% \@for\thmt@thm:=#1\do{% \typeout{showing \thmt@thm}% \@xa\let\csname thmt@contentsline@\thmt@thm\endcsname =\thmt@contentslineShow }% } \newcommand\ignoretheorems[1]{% \@for\thmt@thm:=#1\do{% \@xa\let\csname thmt@contentsline@\thmt@thm\endcsname =\thmt@contentslineIgnore }% } \newcommand\onlynamedtheorems[1]{% \@for\thmt@thm:=#1\do{% \global\@xa\let\csname thmt@contentsline@\thmt@thm\endcsname =\thmt@contentslineIfNamed }% } \AtBeginDocument{% \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{% \let\thmt@hygobble\@gobble }{% \let\thmt@hygobble\@empty } \let\thmt@contentsline\contentsline } \def\thmt@contentslineIgnore#1#2#3{% \thmt@hygobble } \def\thmt@contentslineShow{% \thmt@contentsline } \def\thmt@contentslineIfNamed#1#2#3{% \thmt@ifhasoptname #2\thmtformatoptarg\@nil{% \thmt@contentslineShow{#1}{#2}{#3}% }{% \thmt@contentslineIgnore{#1}{#2}{#3}% %\thmt@contentsline{#1}{#2}{#3}% } } \def\thmt@ifhasoptname #1\thmtformatoptarg#2\@nil{% \ifx\@nil#2\@nil \@xa\@secondoftwo \else \@xa\@firstoftwo \fi } % \end{macrocode} %\iffalse % %\fi