% \iffalse meta-comment % Copyright (C) 2006-2011 by Martin Scharrer % http://latex.scharrer-online.de/svn-multi/ % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Scharrer. % % This work consists of the files svn-multi.dtx and svn-multi.ins % and the derived files svn-multi.sty and svnkw.sty. % % <*driver> \makeatletter % % \fi % \iffalse %<*package|driver> % $Id: svn-multi.dtx 2431 2011-04-01 23:00:26Z martin $ % \def\svnmulti@version{v2.4c} \RequirePackage{svn-prov}[2010/04/14] % %<*driver> \ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: svn-multi.dtx 2431 2011-04-01 23:00:26Z martin $} [\svnmulti@version\space SVN Keywords for multi-file LaTeX documents] \DefineFileInfoSVN[svnmulti] \GetFileInfoSVN* \documentclass{ydoc}[2011/03/19] \usepackage[english]{babel} \dateenglish \usepackage{svn-multi}[\svnmulti@date] \newcommand{\ie}{i.e.\@\xspace} \newcommand{\eg}{e.g.\@\xspace} \def\DescribeOption{\par\smallskip\noindent\optpar} \let\scr\pkg \def\svnmulti{\pkg{svn-multi}\xspace} \let\csi\cs \let\csd\cs \usepackage{graphicx} \EnableCrossrefs %\DisableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex %\PageIndex \RecordChanges %\OnlyDescription \widowpenalty=500 \clubpenalty=500 \listfiles \begin{document} \DocInput{svn-multi.dtx}% \PrintChanges %\clearpage \PrintIndex \end{document} % %<*package> % \fi % % \CheckSum{2887} % % {\makeatother % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % } % \changes{v1.0}{2006/05/27}{Initial version} % \changes{v1.1}{2006/06/08}{Added macros to extract and typeset date/time % information. Added macros to set and typeset main URL or filename.} % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{Renamed package from \texttt{svnkw} to % \texttt{svn-multi} to match CTAN directory. Wrapper file % \texttt{svnkw.sty} is provided for backward compatibility.} % \changes{v1.3}{2007/07/01}{Added verbatim support. Keywords can now contain % special character like \texttt{\_ \^{} \$ \% \& \textbackslash}. Rewrote % keyword check macros to work with verbatim code. \texttt{\textbackslash % nofiles} is now obeyed.} % \changes{v1.3a}{2007/07/10}{Fixed issue with unwanted spaces generated by % \cs{svnid}, \cs{svnidlong} and \cs{svnkwsave}, \eg when used in a file which % is included with \css{input}} % \changes{v1.3b}{2008/12/03}{Changed the way catcodes are modified to be % compatible with the french option of the babel package or other packages which % modify the list of special characters.} % \changes{v1.4}{2009/02/27}{Added support for timezones with non-zero minute % part, \eg +0530.} % \changes{v1.5}{2009/02/28}{Added \css{today}-style macros \cs{svntoday} and % \cs{svnfiletoday}.} % \changes{v2.0}{2009/03/23}{New features: keyword groups, external file % support, auto-include of images, files as subgroups and table of revisions.} % \changes{v2.1}{2009/03/27}{Added automatic extraction of keywords from % Subversion 'entries' file: 'autokw' option} % \changes{v2.2}{2009/10/19}{Added \css{ifsvnmodified} and % \css{ifsvnfilemodified} macros. Some bug fixes.} % \changes{v2.3}{2010/03/30}{Changed \css{svnidlong} to ignore all comments between verbatim arguments.} % \changes{v2.3}{2010/07/19}{ % Fixed `autokw` to work with newer versions (1.6.x) of % Subversion where the `format` file is not in the `.svn` % directory anymore. % Added debug output for `autokw` option. % svn entries parser: fixed bugs with empty date and % revision values. % Fixed problem with `\cs{chapter}` defined as `\cs{relax}` in % `\cs{tableofrevisions}`. % Fixed unwanted spaces. % Changed `\cs{svnidlong}` to allow comments with braces % between arguments. This avoids problems with latexdiff. % Changed catcodes to normal of reading `.svx` files. % Updated code documentation. % Updated user documentation. % } % \changes{v2.4}{2010/12/08}{ % Persistent data is now written to the '.aux' file, not to the '.svn' file to save a file handle. % The 'fink' package usage got replaced by the 'currfile' and 'filehook' packages. % } % \changes{v2.4a}{2011/01/03}{ % Update for new version of the 'currfile' package. % } % \changes{v2.4b}{2011/03/20}{Fix for non-ASCII characters in keywords. Added group check for \cs{svnexternal}.} % \changes{v2.4c}{2011/04/02}{Fix for modified marker 'M' used in \cs{svnid}.} % % ^^A \GetFileInfo{svn-multi.dtx} % % \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment,\AtBeginDocument,\AtEndDocument} % \DoNotIndex{\def,\let,\edef,\xdef,\item,\space,\write,\jobname,\relax,\!} % \DoNotIndex{\closeout,\csname,\DeclareRobustCommand,\else,\empty,\newwrite} % \DoNotIndex{\endcsname,\expandafter,\fi,\Hurl,\hyper@normalise,\@ifnextchar} % \DoNotIndex{\ifnum,\@ifundefined,\ifx,\immediate,\InputIfFileExists,\ } % \DoNotIndex{\newcount,\noexpand,\openout,\PackageWarning,\@percentchar} % \DoNotIndex{\@sanitize,\@makeother,\@iwsvn,\%,\_,\&,\^,\$,\#,\ ,\\,\if@filesw} % \DoNotIndex{\gdef,\begingroup,\endgroup,\catcode} % \DoNotIndex{\^,\ ,\_,\(,\),\$,\&,\#,\@ampersamchar,\AtEndOfPackage} % \DoNotIndex{\@backslashchar,\begin,\bgroup,\chapter,\day} % \DoNotIndex{\DeclareOption,\do,\dospecials,\@dottedtocline,\egroup} % \DoNotIndex{\end,\ExecuteOptions,\svnmulti@date,\svnmulti@version,\@for} % \DoNotIndex{\futurelet,\g@addto@macro,\global,\@gobbletwo,\hline} % \DoNotIndex{\hspace,\if@restonecol,\if@twocolumn,\ignorespaces} % \DoNotIndex{\makeatletter,\MakeUppercase,\@mkboth,\month,\@namedef} % \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\newif,\onecolumn} % \DoNotIndex{\PackageError,\ProcessOptions} % \DoNotIndex{\ProvidesPackage,\renewcommand,\RequirePackage} % \DoNotIndex{\@restonecolfalse,\@restonecoltrue,\section,\strut} % \DoNotIndex{\tableofcontents,\tableofrevisions,\texttt,\today} % \DoNotIndex{\twocolumn,\@undefined,\url,\year} % \DoNotIndex{\textwidth,\the,\string,\raggedright,\providecommand,\small,\toks@} % \DoNotIndex{\medskipamount,\long,\leftskip,\clearpage,\advance,\addtolength} % \DoNotIndex{\DeclareBoolOption,\DeclareStringOption,\DeclareVoidOption} % \DoNotIndex{\ProcessKeyvalOptions,\SetupKeyvalOptions} % \DoNotIndex{\@firstoftwo,\@secondoftwo,\@gobble} % % \author{Martin Scharrer} % \email{martin@scharrer-online.de} % \date{Version \expandafter\@gobble\svnmulti@version\\[0.5ex]\svnmulti@today} % % \maketitle % % \section{Introduction} % This package allows to typeset version control (VC) information provided by % Subversion\footnote{Subversion homepage: \url{http://subversion.tigris.org/}} % keywords (\eg |$||Id: ... $|) in \LaTeX\ documents which can contain of % multiple |.tex| files included using |\include| or |\input|. % Subversion is a modern version control system designed to replace its % predecessor CVS and uses integers as revision numbers. % % This package reads the keywords of all files and provides the VC information % of of the most recent changed file of the document to the user through a set % of macros. This information is written to an auxiliary |.aux| file during the % first \LaTeX\ run and read back at the next which introduces the same delay % known from the table of contents. The standard \LaTeX{} switch |\nofiles| can % be used to suppress the file generation. % % In addition to this basic functionality several more features are provided: % \begin{itemize} % \item Macros to typeset the VC information of the current source file. % \item Access of all parts of the VC date. % \item Formatting of author names or revision numbers. % \item Definition of groups and subgroups. % \item Including of the VC information of external files. % \item Table of Revisions. % \end{itemize} % % \subsection{Scope of Keywords} % This package provides the Subversion keyword data in several different scopes: % document-global, file-local and, new with v2.0, by group. % % \subsubsection*{Document Global} % The document global macros, like \cs{svnrev}, return the latest version % control information (keyword data) for the whole multi-file document, \ie the % information of the latest changed file of the document. To collect, sort and % provide this information is the main functionality of this package. % % \subsubsection*{Local to Current File} % There are also file-local macros, \eg \cs{svnfilerev}, which return the % version control information of the current file, \ie the file they are used % in. It is assumed here that every file using this macros calls first either a % \cs{svnid} or \cs{svnidlong} macro or both. See section~\ref{sec:usage:id} % for more details about the id macros. Please note that the file-local macros % technically actually return the \emph{last registered} information from the % last \cs{svnid} or \cs{svnidlong}. As long the \opt{filehooks} option (new in % v2.0) is not enabled (explicit or implicit) this keyword macros will leak from % one file over to the next. This will cause wrong results if they are used in % a file before or without any id macros. With this option the macros will be % reset at the beginning of every source file of the document. % % \subsubsection*{Groups} % Version 2.0 introduces the concept of groups. Several files of a multi-file % \LaTeX\ document can be grouped together and the latest version control % information of all files of a group is provided by macros. This works in the % same way as the global macros mentioned above but only with the files in the % group. It can also be seen from the other side: the macros are local like the % file-local macros mentioned above but for all files of the group, not only the % current one. % % These groups could also be called \textit{file groups}, \textit{keyword % groups} or, like in programming languages, \textit{namespaces}. In this manual % they will be reference as simple \textit{groups} most the time. In places % where they could be confused with \TeX\ groups (|{ }|, |\begingroup| % |\endgroup|), \eg ``in the current group'' or ``group local'', they will be % called \textit{keyword groups}. % % There is no limitation (besides internal \LaTeX\ resource limits) for the % number of different groups. The files of one group do not have to be included % in a row but can be included everywhere in the document. The version control % information of the current group can be typeset with macros like \cs{svncgrev} % (|cg| for \emph{current group}). Also, a general but less robust macro % \cs{svng}\marg{group name}\marg{key} is provided to access others groups by % name everywhere in the document. To avoid some macro robustness problems the % current group can be changed locally for the output macros using % \cs{svnsetcg}\marg{group name}. % % See section~\ref{sec:group} for further details and usage instructions on % group macros. % % \section{Usage} % The version control information are provided by Subversion keywords which % first need to be read in by dedicated macros and can then be typeset using % different macros. % % \subsection{Package Options} % Since v2.0 this package provides options to enable only a needed features, \eg % to avoid problems with other packages or save \TeX\ memory. For backwards % compatibility to pre-2.0 package versions all old features are enabled by % default and all new features are disabled to save a little of \TeX\ memory. % % All options except the first two are boolean key=value options (so far) and % await either `|true|' or `|false|' as value. A missing value means `|true|'. % So \eg |[groups=true,verbatim=false,external]|, enables the \opt{external} and % \opt{groups} options but disables the \opt{verbatim} option. % % The available options are:\par % % \DescribeOption{old} % Only pre-v2.0 features are active. This enables \opt{verbatim} and disables all % other options below. This is the default for reasons mentioned above. % % \DescribeOption{all} % Activates all features of the package except of the experimental ones. % % \DescribeOption{verbatim} % Controls the verbatim mode of the keyword parser macros. Normally verbatim % mode is very much wanted to support strange characters in URLs and file names, % but this options gives the user a possibility to disable verbatim, \eg for % trouble shooting. Please note that verbatim mode is needed in order to make % \svnmulti work with some packages, like \pkg{babel} with the |french| option. % % \DescribeOption{external} % Controls the support for keywords from external files described in % section~\ref{sec:external}. This needs either the external script % \scr{svn-multi.pl} or the \opt{autokw} option. % % If the \opt{groups} option is enabled the macro % \csi{svnexternalgroup}\marg{group name} can be used to declare a own group % which is used for all the external files. Otherwise they are placed in the % currently active group. This macro can be used several times during the % document where an empty argument means \emph{no group} and a `|*|' means % \emph{current group}. % % \DescribeOption{groups} % Controls the keyword groups feature described in section~\ref{sec:group}. % % \DescribeOption{subgroups} % Controls the automatic declaration of all input files as subgroups so that % there keyword information can be typeset inside other files. The group name is % the file path without the file extension (`|subdir/filebase|'). % It is possible to disable and re-enable this using \cs{svnsubgroupsfalse} and % \cs{svnsubgroupstrue} during the document preamble or body to exclude certain % files. See section~\ref{sec:subgroups} for additional information. % % \DescribeOption{graphics} % This option allows to automatically declare all images included using the % macro |\includegraphics| from the \pkg{graphics}/\pkg{graphicx} package as % external files (see section~\ref{sec:external}). The options \opt{external} and % \opt{autoload} are activated by this option so that the produced |.svx| files % are loaded automatically. An |autoload=false| option after \pkg{graphics} % will deactivate this, but then an \cs{svnexternal} macro must be included in % all \LaTeX\ files which should take the image revisions into account.\par The % \pkg{graphics} package is loaded if this option is active. If this package is % needed with some special options it should be loaded by the \LaTeX\ document % before \svnmulti.\par Please note that this feature needs to tie itself into % the \pkg{graphics} package and might fail if the internal structure of this % package changes in future versions. % % If the \opt{groups} option is enabled the macro % \csi{svngraphicsgroup}\marg{group name} can be used to declare a own group % which is used for all the graphic files (also for pgf images, see below). % Otherwise they are placed in the group specified by \cs{svnexternalgroup} % which defaults to the currently active group. This macro can be used several % times during the document where an empty argument means \emph{no group} and a % `|*|' means \emph{current group}.\par Some graphics like logos can appear % frequently in a document. Do not count them as part of each chapter they can % be ignored using \csi{svnignoregraphic}\marg{file path}. The macro % \csi{svnconsidergraphic}\marg{file path} disables this again. Such graphics % can be then included manually using an explicit \cs{svnexternal} macro. % % \DescribeOption{pgfimages} % Identical to like the \opt{graphics} option but for the \pkg{pgf} package % (implemented against the version from 2008/01/15) with the |\pgfuseimage| and % |\pgfimage| macros. Please also see the notes about package loading and ties % mentioned above. % % \DescribeOption{autoload} % Controls automatic loading of corresponding |.svx| files at the begin of files % included using |\input| or |\import|. This avoids the need of putting an % \cs{svnexternal} macro in every file just to load the |.svx| files created % automatically by the \opt{graphics} option. The option \opt{external} is % activated by \opt{autoload}. % % \DescribeOption{table} % Controls the generation of a table of revisions which can be included using % the \cs{tableofrevisions} macro. This table shows the revisions of all files % and groups. This needs \opt{groups} to work which is activated with \opt{table}. % Enable \opt{subgroups} to include a list of all files per group. See the % section~\ref{sec:table} for more information. % % \DescribeOption{filehooks} % This option loads the \pkg{filehook} package and installs at-begin-input-file and % at-end-input-file hooks which are needed for many of the options above. While % this option is enabled automatically if needed it can be also enabled % manually to ensure that the file-local macros are reset to empty values at % the begin of each input file. This prevents the keyword from leaking over % from one file to the next. After every subfile the file-local keyword macros % are also restored to the value of the parent file. A \cs{clearpage} should be % added at the very end of \cs{include}d files to ensure the last page is flushed % out by \TeX\ before the keyword macros are restored. Otherwise the last page % might display the mainfile keyword values. % % \DescribeOption{autokw} % This experimental feature allows the automatically extraction of the keyword % values from the hidden Subversion working copy database. The database (a text % file called `|entries|') is located in the hidden Subversion directory % `|.svn|' (or `|_svn|' on some Windows installations) inside every directory % which is under VC. % % This feature makes an external script like \scr{svn-multi.pl} or even keyword % macros redundant as long the files are inside a Subversion working directory. % However, this feature does not work if the files are exported (\eg with % \texttt{svn~export}) or manually copied and also depends on the used version % of Subversion. Only versions starting with 1.4 (with working copy format % version 7) are supported. Earlier version used a different format for the % |entries| file. Newer versions should be compatible as long the basic format % is not changed again. % % The experimental status will be lifted after the feature was tested using % different Subversion versions on different platforms. Please do not hesitate % to send error reports to the package author. Minimal examples and information % about the used Subversion version and platform are very much appreciated. % % This option allows the following values: % \begin{description} % \item[\texttt{false}] Feature is disabled (default). % \item[\textnormal{\sffamily No value or \textbf{\texttt{true}} or % \textbf{\texttt{all}}}] The keywords of all files are automatically % extracted. No \cs{svnid} or \cs{svnidlong} macros or external scripts are % necessary as long the files are inside a Subversion working directory and % not exported. % \item[\texttt{ext}] Only the keywords of external files are extracted. This % avoids the need of the \scr{svn-multi.pl} script. The option \opt{external} % must be still enabled manually. % \end{description} % % \subsection{Including Subversion Keywords}\label{sec:usage:id} % Subversion keywords are included using \cs{svnid} or \cs{svnidlong}. These % macros should be written very early in each file, \ie in the preamble of the % main document soon after |\documentclass| and |\usepackage{svn-multi}| and as % first in \emph{every} subfile before an |\chapter| or similar macro. They do % not create any output. See section~\ref{sec:kwaccess} to learn how to typeset % the keyword values. % % \DescribeMacro{svnid}{'$Id: svn-multi.dtx 2431 2011-04-01 23:00:26Z martin $'} % The macro is for the |Id| keyword and must be written like shown. A trailing % colon with or without spaces after the `|Id|' is also valid but % \textbf{everything else} except a valid Subversion string will cause a \TeX{} % parse error. The subversion property |svn:keywords| must be set on all source % files and include `|Id|' so that Subversion will expand it at the next commit. % % \begin{DescribeMacrosTab}{l} % \Macro\svnidlong\\ % \MacroArgs{'$HeadURL: svn+ssh://scharrer-online.de/home/martin/svn/src/trunk/latex/svn-multi/dev/svn-multi.dtx $'} \\ % \MacroArgs{'$LastChangedDate: 2011-04-02 00:00:26 +0100 (Sat, 02 Apr 2011) $'} \\ % \MacroArgs{'$LastChangedRevision: 2431 $'} \\ % \MacroArgs{'$LastChangedBy: martin $'} \\ % \end{DescribeMacrosTab} % Macro for a ``long Id''. Saves similar values like in `|Id|' but from the % above four keywords. The usage of \cs{svnid} or \cs{svnidlong} is a matter of % taste. The second is more readable inside the code and results in a nicer date % and a full URL, not only the filename. However, both can also be used % together. In this case the \cs{svnid} macro should be come last. Because its % revision is not higher (but identical) than the revision of the \cs{svnidlong} % macro it does not override its values. This way both the full time zone from % the long and the file name from the short id macro can be accessed. Please % note that all features from the 2.x version load the \pkg{currfile} package which % lets you typeset the current file name anyway using % |\currfilename|\footnote{The file name in \texttt{\${}Id\$} is always the % original Subversion file name while the one given by the \pkg{currfile} package is % the current file name. Both could differ if the file got renamed.}. Before v2.3 % the \pkg{fink} package was used to provide the file names. % % This macro must be written like seen above while the order of arguments is not % meaningfull. The Subversion property |svn:keywords| must be set on all source % files with an value which includes `|HeadURL| |LastChangedDate| % |LastChangedRevision| |LastChangedBy|' or one of their alternative spellings % (\eg `|URL|', `|Rev|', `|Date|', etc.). % % Please note that the arguments are read verbatim as long the \opt{verbatim} % option is not disabled explicitly. Special precaution are taken to allow % spaces, newlines and comments direct after the |\svnidlong| and after each of % the four arguments. In fact everything not inside braces |{ }| is ignored. % % \DescribeMacro{svn}{'$''$'} % \DescribeMacro{svn*}{'$''$'} % This macro let you typeset svn keywords directly. The dollars will be stripped % and the rest is typeset as normal text. The star version strips also the space % before the last dollar. This macro alone was the very first version of % |svnkw| and is still included for fast and simple keyword typesetting. % % \DescribeMacro{svnkwsave}{'$''$'} % This macro lets you include and save any keyword you like. The keyword can be % already expanded or not (no value and only ``|:|'' or nothing after the key % name). This macro is also used internally and does not create any output. % Please note that the argument is read verbatim and that there should be no % space between the macro and the argument's left brace. % % \subsection{Groups}\label{sec:group} % Starting with v2.0 files can be grouped together and the keyword values of the % latest revision of a group can be accessed. Use the \opt{groups} option to % activate these macros. % % \DescribeMacro{svngroup}{<\/group name>} % This macro declares all following files until the next \cs{svngroup} as part % of the given keyword group. It can be placed inside the main file before some % |\include|/|\input| macros or inside subfiles before the id macros, \ie direct % at the start of the file. % % The changes done by this macro are \TeX\ global, \ie there can't be caught % using \TeX\ groups (|{ }|). However, in order to prevent subfiles to change % the group of the rest of the parent file the group will be restored to the % previous one at the end of each input file. % % The latest VC information of a group can be typeset with the |\svnvgXXX| % macros or the \cs{svng} macro shown in section~\ref{sec:kwaccess}. % % \DescribeMacro{thesvngroup} % Returns the name of the current keyword group. % % \DescribeMacro{svnsetcg}{<\/group name>} % Normally the |\svncgXXX| macros mentioned below use the last keyword % group defined by \cs{svngroup} but this can be changed using the \cs{svnsetcg} % macro. The idea behind it is that the currently selected group can be % changed locally to the current \TeX\ group for the keyword output macros % |\svncgXXX| only while the group for the keyword input macros like \cs{svnid} % is unaffected. % % To reset the used group to the last one defined by \cs{svngroup} simply use % \cs{svnsetcg} with an `|*|' as argument. % % \paragraph*{Example 1:} |{\svnsetcg{abc}\svnFullAuthor{\svncgauthor}}|\\ would % output the full author's name of group \textit{abc}.\par % \paragraph*{Example 2:} To typeset the three keyword values of group % \textit{abc} somewhere outside this group use:\\ % |{\svnsetcg{abc}Rev: \svncgrev\\||Date: \svncgdate\\|\\{} % |Author: \svncgauthor\\}| % \paragraph*{Example 3:} To typeset the date of group \textit{abc} outside of % this group in the format of |\today| use: |{\svnsetcg{abc}\svncgtoday}| % \smallskip % % \DescribeMacro{thesvncg} % Returns the name of the current group selected by \cs{svnsetcg}. % % \subsubsection{Files as Subgroups}\label{sec:subgroups} % The group feature could be used to access the version control information of % single files anywhere in the document when these are defined as own groups for % themselves. Because a file can only be in one group this would not be % compatible with the normal usage of the group feature. Therefore a special % feature was introduced to automatically or manually define a file as subgroup % for itself which does not influence its membership in a normal group. % \paragraph{Declaration:} % This feature is enabled by the \opt{subgroups} option. All files of the % document are then automatically declared as extra groups. This can be disabled % for parts of the document using \csi{svnsubgroupsfalse} and re-enabled % using \cs{svnsubgroupstrue} macros. The current file can be manually % declared as extra group with the \cs{svnsubgroup} macro.\par % % \DescribeMacro{svnsubgroup} % This macro declares the current file as subgroup. It is used automatically for % every subfile if \opt{subgroups} and \csi{svnsubgroupstrue} are enabled. % % \paragraph{Exclude/Consider files extensions:} % The above mentioned automatically group declaration uses an hook which is % triggered every time another file is read by the document. This unfortunately % includes other packages, some auxiliary files and font, config and other files % read in by this packages. An internal filter is in place to ignore this files % by their file extension. This filter can by modified by the two following % macros. % % \DescribeMacro{svnignoreextensions}{} % Tells \svnmulti to ignore the following file extension and never declare files % with them as extra groups. % % \DescribeMacro{svnconsiderextensions}{} % Tells \svnmulti to (re-)consider the following file extension and declare % files with them as extra groups if read in. % % \paragraph{Typesetting:} % The keyword information of the subgroups (subfile including any included % external files or subsubfiles) can be typeset using the normal group typeset % macros mentioned below where the group name is the file path without % extension. The keyword information of the |.tex| file alone can be typeset % with the full file path including extension. % \paragraph{Example:} |\svnsetcg{subdir/some_file.tex}\svncgrev| would typeset % the revision of the file |some_file.tex| while % |\svnsetcg{subdir/some_file}\svncgrev| would typeset the latest revision of % the same file or any subfile or declared external file included by it. % % % \subsection{Typesetting the Keyword Values}\label{sec:kwaccess} % The following macros can be used to typeset the keyword values anywhere in the % document. Please note that not all \LaTeX{} fonts have all special % characters, \eg `|_|' is not provided in the standard roman font. To proper % typeset file names and URLs containing these letters you can use either % teletype font (|\texttt|) or use |{\urlstyle{rm}\svnnolinkurl{...}}| which % requires the \pkg{hyperref} package. % % Like already mentioned \svnmulti knows three scopes of keywords. The first % contains of the keywords for the complete document which hold the values of % the most recent committed file and the second contains of the \emph{current} % or \emph{file local} keywords, \eg the keywords of the current file. Only this % two are described here while the third scope is described in % section~\ref{sec:group}. % % \DescribeMacro{svnrev} % \DescribeMacro{svndate} % \DescribeMacro{svnauthor} % These macros hold the keyword values of the whole document, \ie of the most % recent revision. They can be used everywhere in every file of the \LaTeX{} % document, after |\usepackage{svn}| of course. Please see % section~\ref{sec:date} how to typeset parts of the date. % % \DescribeMacro{svnfilerev} % \DescribeMacro{svnfiledate} % \DescribeMacro{svnfileauthor} % These macros hold the keyword values of the current \LaTeX{} file, but only if % it contains a \cs{svnid} or \cs{svnidlong} macro. Otherwise the macros hold % either zero values or the values of the last file dependent on whether an % option is enabled which enabled the \pkg{currfile} package. Please see % section~\ref{sec:date} how to typeset parts of the date. See \cs{svnkw} below % for all other keywords. % % \DescribeMacro{svncgrev} % \DescribeMacro{svncgauthor} % \DescribeMacro{svncgdate} % These macros return keyword values of the currently selected keyword group. % In order to hold them robust, which is important to use them in macros like % \cs{svnFullAuthor}, they do not provide any arguments to select other groups % than the current one. To access keyword values of other groups use the general % macro \cs{svng} or change the locally selected keyword group using the macro % \cs{svnsetcg}. % % \DescribeMacro{svng}{<\/group name>}{} % This macro is a general form of the |\svncgXXX| macro mentioned above. % The first argument is the requested keyword group, the second one the % requested keyword in the form of |rev|, |date|, |author|, |year|, etc.. Please % note that this macro can not be used inside macros like \cs{svnFullAuthor}. % % % \DescribeMacro{svnmainurl} % \DescribeMacro{svnmainfilename} % The macro \cs{svnmainurl} and \cs{svnmainfilename} hold the URL and the % filename of the main \LaTeX{file} as long the keywords |HeadURL| or |Id| were % used in it, respectively. These can be used to typeset this information % anywhere in the document which might be more descriptive as the name of the % current file (which can be typeset with \cs{svnkw}|{HeadURL}| or % \cs{svnkw}|{Filename}| after \cs{svnid} or \cs{svnidlong}, respectively). % % \DescribeMacro{svnsetmainfile} % This will declare the current file as the main LaTeX file by defining the % above macros. It will automatically be called at the end of the preamble so % the user normally doesn't have to use it by him- or herself as long it isn't % needed in the preamble.\par Please note that this macro changes the % definition of \cs{svnmainurl} and \cs{svnmainfilename} directly without going % over the auxiliary file. Calling it in several files will make this two macros % inconsistent. % % \DescribeMacro{svnkw}{} % All keywords saved with \cs{svnid}, \cs{svnidlong} or \cs{svnkwsave} can be % typeset by this macro which is a holdover from a very early version of this % package when multiple files where not supported. It takes one argument which % must be a subversion keyword name. It then returns the current value of this % keyword or nothing (|\relax|) when the keyword was not set yet. % Examples:\\ % \indent\indent |\textsl{Revision: \svnkw{Revision}}|\\ % \indent\indent |URL: \url{\svnkw{HeadURL}}|\\ % In the second example |\url| (\pkg{hyperref} package) is used to add a hyperlink % and to avoid problems with underscores (|_|) inside the URL. \svnmulti is % also providing a macro \cs{svnnolinkurl} which works like |\url| but doesn't % adds an hyperlink. See the description of this macro for more details. % % If the given keyword doesn't exists a package warning is given to allow % spelling errors to be tracked down. This doesn't work well when \cs{svnkw} is % used inside |\url|. In this case the warning code will be typeset(!) verbatim % into the document by |\url|. % % \DescribeMacro{svnkwdef}{}{} % This macro is used to define the keyword values. This is normally only called % internally but could be used by the user to override single keywords. The % values can then be typeset by \cs{svnkw}. Note that this macro has no % influence on the calculation of the latest revision. % % Note that for \cs{svnkw} and \cs{svnkwdef} all different names for one keyword % are valid and result in the access of the same variable. So \eg subversion % treats |Rev|, |Revision| and |LastChangedRev| the same way and so does this % macros. You can \eg say |\svnkwdef{Rev}{123}| and then typeset it with % |\svnkw{Revision}| or |\svnkw{LastChangedRev}| if you like. % % \subsubsection*{New in version 2.2. Will change in future versions:} % \DescribeMacro{ifsvnfilemodified}{}{} % \DescribeMacro{ifsvnmodified}{}{} % This two macro can be used to check if either the current or any file was % modified after it was last checked into the repository. At the moment (v2.2) a % file is marked `modified' if there is either a `|*|' or `|M|' after the % revision number, \eg `|$||Rev: 123M $|'. Such an marker is automatically added % for exported files (`|svn export|') if there where locally modified, but can % also be added manually. % % Future versions of this package might mark files as modified by use of the % \opt{autokw} option which can read this information out of the working % directory Subversion entries. % % \subsection{Accessing Date Values}\label{sec:date} % \begin{DescribeMacrosTab}{lll} % \Macro{svnyear}& % \Macro{svnfileyear}& % \Macro{svncgyear}\\ % \Macro{svnmonth}& % \Macro{svnfilemonth}& % \Macro{svncgmonth}\\ % \Macro{svnday}& % \Macro{svnfileday}& % \Macro{svncgday}\\ % \Macro{svnhour}& % \Macro{svnfilehour}& % \Macro{svncghour}\\ % \Macro{svnminute}& % \Macro{svnfileminute}& % \Macro{svncgminute}\\ % \Macro{svnsecond}& % \Macro{svnfilesecond}& % \Macro{svncgsecond}\\ % \Macro{svntimezone}& % \Macro{svnfiletimezone}& % \Macro{svncgtimezone}\\ % \Macro{svntimezonehour}& % \Macro{svnfiletimezonehour}& % \Macro{svncgtimezonehour}\\ % \Macro{svntimezoneminute}& % \Macro{svnfiletimezoneminute}& % \Macro{svncgtimezoneminute}\\ % \end{DescribeMacrosTab} % \\*[\medskipamount] % Whenever the date information is read, \ie by % \cs{svnkwsave}|{LastChangedDate}| \cs{svnkwsave}|{Date}|, \cs{svnidlong} or % \cs{svnid}, the following macros are set to the appropriate date parts for the % current file (the |\svnfile...| versions) and for the whole document. % % Please note that the hour and timezone are dependent on the keyword which % defines the date information. The hour will be in UTC aka Zulu-time, \ie % timezone +0000, when the date comes from the |Id| keyword. % Otherwise the hour and timezone will be in local time. % To avoid confusion the |Id| and |Date|/|LastChangedDate| keywords, \eg % \cs{svnid} and \cs{svnidlong}, should not be intermixed and/or the timezone % should always be typeset together with the time. % % Starting with v1.4 of \svnmulti the timezone macros return the full % timezone, \ie sign, hour and minute part, \eg |+0100|, not only the sign and % hour. The new macros % \cs{svntimezonehour}/\cs{svnfiletimezonehour} and % \cs{svntimezoneminute}/\linebreak[3]\cs{svnfiletimezoneminute} can be used to % access only the hour including sign or the minute part, respectively. % % Older versions of this manual assumed the minute part as always |00| and % suggested to add it manually if needed: |\svnfiletimezone00| or % |\svntimezone00|. In order not to ``break'' documents which followed this % suggestion this two macros now remove a trailing |00| if present. However, % this can be a problem when they are used inside an argument of another macro. % One solution for this is to redefine them without the |00| removal part:\\ % \begingroup\small % |\renewcommand{\svntimezone}{\svntimezonehour\svntimezoneminute}|\\ % |\renewcommand{\svnfiletimezone}{\svnfiletimezonehour\svnfiletimezoneminute}| % \endgroup\par % To revert to the old (pre-v1.4) definition use:\\ % \begingroup\small % |\renewcommand{\svntimezone}{\svntimezonehour}|\\ % |\renewcommand{\svnfiletimezone}{\svnfiletimezonehour}| % \endgroup % \vspace{1ex} % % \DescribeMacro{svntime} % \DescribeMacro{svnfiletime} % \DescribeMacro{svncgtime} % This macros return the time part of the date only and simply return the % corresponding hour, minute and second macros with a colon as separator. % % \DescribeMacro{svnpdfdate} % Returns the last changed date of the whole document in a format needed for % |\pdfinfo|. Can be used like this:\\ % \hbox{}\hfill|\pdfinfo{ /CreationDate (D:\svnpdfdate) }|\hfill\hbox{}\\ % to set the PDF creation date to the last changed date if you use |pdflatex| to % compile your \LaTeX{} document. % % \DescribeMacro{svntoday} % \DescribeMacro{svnfiletoday} % \DescribeMacro{svncgtoday} % These macros typeset the document-global, current-file or current-group date, % respectively, using the format of |\today| which depends on the used language. % To adjust the language of your document use the \pkg{babel} package. % % \subsection{Using Full Author Names} % If you like to have the full author\footnote{This means subversion authors, % \eg the persons who commit changes into the svn repository.} names, not only % the usernames, in your document you can use the following macros. First you % have to register all authors of the document with \cs{svnRegisterAuthor} and % then you can write \eg |\svnFullAuthor{\svnauthor}| or % |\svnFullAuthor{\svnfileauthor}|. % % \DescribeMacro{svnRegisterAuthor}{}{<\/full name>} % This macro registers \meta{full name} as full name for \meta{author} (a % subversion username) for later use with \cs{svnFullAuthor}. % % \DescribeMacro{svnFullAuthor}{} % \DescribeMacro{svnFullAuthor*}{} % Takes the username as argument and returns the full name if it was registered % first with \cs{svnRegisterAuthor}, otherwise it returns the given username. % The star version returns the username in parentheses after the full name. % This is normally used in one of the following forms:\\ % \hspace*{3em}\cs{svnFullAuthor}|{|\cs{svnauthor}|}|\\ % \hspace*{3em}\cs{svnFullAuthor}|{|\cs{svnfileauthor}|}|\\ % \hspace*{3em}\cs{svnFullAuthor}|{|\cs{svncgauthor}|}| % % \subsection{Using Full Revision Names} % Like the author's also revision names/tags can be registered and used later. % These macros were implemented on user request and have the drawback that you % have to guess the next revision number of your document in order to get % correct results when you like to tag the to-be-checked-in revision. Please % note that this has nothing to do with the normal subversion tagging. % % \DescribeMacro{svnRegisterRevision}{}{} % This registers \meta{tag name} as tag name for \meta{revision number} for % later use with \cs{svnFullRevision}. % % \DescribeMacro{svnFullRevision}{} % \DescribeMacro{svnFullRevision*}{} % Takes a revision number coming from a macro like \cs{svnrev}, \cs{svnfilerev} % or a number as argument and returns the full name if it was registered first % with \cs{svnRegisterRevision}, otherwise it returns ``Revision \meta{revision % number}''. The star version returns also the revision number leaded by `r' in % parentheses after the tag name, \eg |Name (r123)|. % % \subsection{Verbatim URLs with and without Hyperlinks} % \vspace{-\baselineskip} % \DescribeMacro{svnnolinkurl}{} % This macro allows you to write |\svnnolinkurl{\svnkw{HeadURL}}| and get the % Head URL typeset verbatim. However |\url{|\cs{svnkw}|{HeadURL}}| % (\pkg{hyperref} package) gives you the same result with a hyperlink. Both % macros require the \pkg{hyperref} package which is not automatically loaded by % \svnmulti. Please load it manually when you like to use \cs{svnnolinkurl}. % % Since v1.3 all keywords are read and typeset verbatim so this macro isn't this % important anymore. However together with \pkg{hyperref}'s |\urlstyle| macro it % can be used to have keyword values with special characters in roman font, % which normally doesn't hold letters like `|_|'. % % Please note that you can't use \pkg{hyperref}'s |\nolinkurl| because it won't % expand \cs{svnkw}. % % \subsection{Table of Revisions}\label{sec:table} % Version 2.0 introduces this new feature which allows a overview table to be % typeset which holds the version control information of all files of the % document. % % \DescribeMacro{tableofrevisions} % If the \opt{table} is enabled a table of revision is written into a file called % \meta{main \LaTeX\ file}|.svt| (|t| for table) which can be included using the % \cs{tableofrevisions} macro. The table contains the revision information of % the complete document and of all defined groups. % If the \opt{subgroups} option is set the table will also include the single % files sorted by group.\par % % \subsubsection*{Table Format Macros} % The |.svt| file is in an general format which uses a lot of macros to format % the table and the different cells. This macros should not be used by the user % directly but rather can be redefined to fit the personal taste. % Figure~\ref{fig:tablemacros} shows this macros in their position inside the % table of revisions. % % \par\noindent % \begin{figure} % \makebox[1.175\textwidth][r]{% % \framebox{\scalebox{0.675}{% % \begin{tabular}{ll@{\ \ \ }l@{\ \ \ }l@{\ \ \ }ll} % &\multicolumn{4}{l}{\texttt{\textbackslash chapterORsection*\{\cs{svnrevisionsname}\}}}\\ % \\ % &\multicolumn{4}{l}{\cs{svnbeforetable}}\\ % & \cs{svntable} (like \cs{begin}\texttt{\{svntable\}})\\ % \\ % \cmidrule{2-5} % &\cs{svntablehead}\\ % \cmidrule{2-5} % \cs{svnglobalrow} & \cs{svntabglobal} &&&&\cs{endsvnglobalrow} \\ % \cs{svngrouprow} & \cs{svntabgroup} \marg{group} &&&&\cs{endsvngrouprow}\\ % \cs{svnsubgrouprow} & \cs{svntabsubgroup} \marg{level}\marg{name} &&&&\cs{endsvnsubgrouprow}\\ % \cs{svnfilerow} & \cs{svntabfile} \marg{level}\marg{name} & % \raisebox{3.3ex}[-3.3ex]{% % \cs{svntabrev}\marg{rev} % }& % \raisebox{3.3ex}[-3.3ex]{% % \cs{svntabauthor}\marg{username} % }& % \raisebox{4ex}[-4ex]{\parbox{13.5em}{\raggedright % \cs{svntabdate}\newline\marg{year}\marg{month}\marg{day}\newline % \marg{hour}\marg{minute}\marg{second}\newline\marg{TZ~hour}\marg{TZ~minute} % }} % &\cs{endsvnfilerow}\\[\smallskipamount] % &\cs{svntablefoot} \\ % \cmidrule{2-5} % \\ % &\cs{endsvntable} (like \cs{end}\texttt{\{svntable\}})\\ % &\multicolumn{4}{l}{\cs{svnaftertable}}\\ % \end{tabular} % }}} % \caption{Table formatting macros and their position.}\label{fig:tablemacros} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{svnrevisionsname} % Holds the name of the table of revisions which is printed above it. The % default is ``Table of Revisions'' which can be changed \eg to another % language. % % \DescribeMacro{svnbeforetable} % Can hold some content to be placed between the headline and the table. % % \DescribeMacro{svnaftertable} % Can hold some content to be placed after the table. By default it holds a % macro to force a new page. % % \DescribeMacro{svntable} % \DescribeMacro{endsvntable} % This macros build the table environment and hold a |\begin{tabular}{llll}| % |\end{tabular}| group by default. They can be redefined using\\ % \hspace*{3em}|\renewcommand{svntable}{...}{...}|.\\ In order to support % special table packages like \pkg{tabularx} or \pkg{longtable} the % \emph{content} of this macro is written verbatim into the |.svt| file. All % other table macros are written as string and will be expanded when the |.svt| % is read back. % % \DescribeMacro{svntablehead} % Holds the table head row ``Name |&| Rev |&| Author |&| Date |\\\hline|''. % % \DescribeMacro{svntablefoot} % Can hold the table foot row but is empty by default. % % \noindent % \begin{DescribeMacrosTab}{ll} % \Macro{svnglobalrow} & \Macro{endsvnglobalrow} \\ % \Macro{svngrouprow} & \Macro{endsvngrouprow} \\ % \Macro{svnsubgrouprow} & \Macro{endsvnsubgrouprow} \\ % \Macro{svnfilerow} & \Macro{endsvnfilerow} \\ % \end{DescribeMacrosTab} % % This macros are placed at the begin and end of every corresponding row and are % empty be default. They can be used to insert horizontal lines before or after % certain row types. % % \DescribeMacro{svntabglobal} % Simply typesets the name for the row holding the information of the whole % document, \eg ``Document''. % % \DescribeMacro{svntabgroup}{<\/group name>} % Formats the group name. % % \DescribeMacro{svntabsubgroup}{}{} % Formats a subgroup name. The name is derived from a file name and therefore % could contain characters like `|_|' which should be taken into account. The % macro \cs{svnnolinkurl} can be used for this. Because subgroups can be nested % a number is provided to tell the nesting depth. This can be used to produce % different indents for different levels: \eg: % |\addtolength{\leftskip}{#1\someindentamount}|. % % \DescribeMacro{svntabfile}{}{<\/file path/name>} % Same as for the subgroup above but for file names. % % \DescribeMacro{svntabrev}{} % Allows the formatting of the revision number. If empty the number will be % typeset as normal. Conditional formatting is possible using the \pkg{ifthen} % package: \eg the highest revision should be bold: % \begin{verbatim} % \renewcommand*{\svntabrev}[1]{\ifthenelse{#1=\svnrev}{\textbf{#1}}{#1}} % \end{verbatim} % % \DescribeMacro{svntabauthor}{} % Formats the user names in the table. The macro \cs{svnFullAuthor} is a good % candidate to be used here. % % \DescribeMacro{svntabdate}{\ignorespaces % \marg{year}\marg{month}\marg{day}\ignorespaces % \marg{hour}\marg{minute}\marg{second}\ignorespaces % \marg{TZ~hour}\marg{TZ~minute}} % Allows the formatting of the date. All values are given as numbers. The year % has four digits and the timezone hour has a |+| or |-| sign, but all other % values have only two digits. % % \subsection{Including Keywords of External Files}\label{sec:external} % Version 2.0 now supports the inclusion of keywords of external files using the % following macros and the Perl script \scr{svn-multi.pl}. % % \DescribeMacro{svnexternal}[<\/group name>]{<\/file~1>}{<\/file~2>}!\ldots!{<\/file~$n$>} % Subversion keywords of external files (\eg non-\LaTeX\ files like images or % even directories) can be included using this macro which awaits a list of % files, each with the full path relative to the main \LaTeX\ file and each % enclosed by |{ }|. The files must be under version control by Subversion, of % course. Use \cs{svnexternalpath} to specify paths to be scanned for this % files if they are not located relative to the main file. The requested % filenames are written into the |.aux| auxiliary file and then processed by the % external script \scr{svn-multi.pl} which must be executed like described % below. The appropriate keywords are then written in \meta{source file}|.svx| % files (|x| like eXternal) which are read in by the same \cs{svnexternal} macro % at the next \LaTeX\ run. If a group name of `|*|' for the external files is % specified using the optional argument the keywords will be placed in the same % keyword group as this macro. The file local macros like \cs{svnfilerev} which % appear in a source file after \cs{svnexternal} are affected, \ie updated if % one of the external revision is higher than the one of the source file. This % makes sense if \eg the included graphics are taken as logical part of a source % file. % % \DescribeMacro{svnexternalpath}{{}{}!\ldots!{}} % This macro can be used in the document preamble to declare a set of paths to % be scanned for files specified with \cs{svnexternal}. This avoids the need to % provide the path again and again for every file. % The paths need to be enclosed in |{ }| and must be in Unix style, \ie with % `|/|' as directory separator and should end with a `|/|'. Windows users should % just replace all `|\|' with `|/|', \eg `|C:\My dir|' gets `|{C:/My dir/}|'. % % \subsection*{Script \protect\hypertarget{script@svn-multi.pl}{\texttt{svn-multi.pl}}} % The file \scr{svn-multi.pl} which comes with the \svnmulti package is an % external Perl script which has to be run in the command line or by a \LaTeX\ % development environment/editor like other tools like |Bib|\TeX\ or % |Makeindex|. A Perl interpreter and a Subversion command line client (|svn|) % must be installed to execute this script. Both are available for free for all % major operating systems.\par % The script should be run inside the document folder in the following order: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Compile \LaTeX\ document, |.aux| file is generated. % \item Run \scr{svn-multi.pl} script, |.svx| files are generated. % \item Compile \LaTeX\ document, |.svx| files are read in. % \end{enumerate} % % The script can be used with three different sets of arguments and with % any combination of them. Please note that the word |jobname| stands for % the main \LaTeX\ file name without the |.tex| extension. % % \DescribeScript{svn-multi.pl}<\/jobname> % As already mentioned in the \cs{svnexternal} description above this script % reads the requested external filename from the \meta{\/jobname}|.aux| file. The % Subversion command line client |svn| is then used to fetch the needed keywords % which are placed in a \cs{svnidlong} macro inside a \meta{source file}|.svx| % file. Every single source file which uses \cs{svnexternal} will become its own % |.svx| file which allows to attach specific external files to one (or more) % specific source files. % % \DescribeScript{svn-multi.pl}<\/jobname>~['--group'~<\/group name>]~<\/file(s)>~!\ldots! % The second way to use \scr{svn-multi.pl} is to call it with a list of external % files. A keyword group can be specified using the |--group| \meta{\/group name} % option which can placed any number of times between the file names. The group % is used for all external files listed after the option until the next group is % specified. All keywords of these files are written in the \meta{\/jobname}|.svx| % file and read in by the main \LaTeX\ file if a, possible empty, % \cs{svnexternal} macro is included. This allows for easy including of many % external files without specifying them all inside the source file. For example % \scr{svn-multi.pl}| */*.jpg| (under Linux/Unix) will include the keywords of % all JPG files in all subdirectories.\par % It is also possible to do this with a sub-(\LaTeX)-file by calling the script % on it: \scr{svn-multi.pl}~\mbox{\meta{sub file} \meta{external files for sub % file}}, which will create/overwrite the \meta{sub file}|.svx| file. However % the files given by \cs{svnexternal} in this sub-file will not be honoured in % this case. % % \DescribeScript{svn-multi.pl}<\/jobname>~['--group'~<\/group name>]~'--fls' % Instead of providing a list of all non-\LaTeX/external files the |--fls| % option can be used to read this list from the \meta{\/jobname}|.fls| file. This % file is produced by the \LaTeX\ compiler when run with the |--recorder| option % and contains a list of all input and output files. Only input files with a % relative path are used. A corresponding keyword group can also be specified. % % \section{Compile Guide}\label{sec:compileguide} % A document which uses \svnmulti\ needs to be compiled by \LaTeX\ in the % following ways depending on the used features. % ^^A The Figure~\ref{fig:compi} below shows the complete compilation cycle. % % \subsection*{Basic Features -- Global and Group Keywords} % \begin{enumerate} % \item Compile document with \LaTeX. The |.aux| file is generated. Document % global and group keyword macros are not valid yet. % \item Compile document again with \LaTeX. The |.aux| file is read by % \svnmulti. Document global and group keyword macros are now valid. % \end{enumerate} % % \subsection*{Table of Revisions} % \begin{enumerate} % \item Compile document with \LaTeX. Document global and group keyword macros % are calculated and written to the |.svt| file. % \item Compile document again with \LaTeX. The |.svt| file is read and % typeset by the \cs{tableofrevisions} macro. % \end{enumerate} % % \subsection*{External Files} % \begin{enumerate} % \item Compile document with \LaTeX. The |.aux| file is generated with % references to the external files. Document global and group keyword macros % are not valid yet. External files are not taken into account. % \item Run \scr{svn-multi.pl} with the main base name (main file name without % extension) as argument. This generates |.svx| files for each |.tex| file % which used \cs{svnexternal}. This files contain the keywords of the % external files. % \item Compile document again with \LaTeX. The |.svx| files are read by % \svnmulti and the |.aux| file is updated to take the new keywords into % account. Document global and group keywords macros only hold % internal values. % \item Compile document again with \LaTeX. The |.aux| file is read by % \svnmulti. Document global and group keyword macros are now fully valid. % \end{enumerate} % % \iffalse % \begin{figure} % \centerline{\includegraphics[width=.8\textwidth]{images/compilation.pdf}} % \caption{Compilation cycle of documents which use \svnmulti}\label{fig:compi} % \end{figure} % \fi % % \section{Known Issues}\label{sec:issues} % This section lists some known issues of the \svnmulti package and tries to % provide some workaround. Please feel free to write \svnmulti author if you % detect any side effects or other issues causes by this package. % % \subsection{Packet \texttt{listings} uses \cs{input}} % \textbf{Update:} Newer versions of \svnmulti avoid this issue by changing the catcodes % back to normal while reading the |.svx| file. % If a file \meta{basename}.\meta{extension} is typeset verbatim using % |\lstinputlisting|, which uses |\input| to read the file, an existing % \meta{basename}|.svx| file is also included as part of the listing. This can % be avoided by code like this: % \begin{verbatim} % {\makeatletter\let\input\@input % \lstinputlisting[options]{filename} % } % \end{verbatim} % % \section{Package Dependencies and Acknowledgements}\label{sec:depack} % This package uses some features from other packages and/or patches some macros % of them to provide additional related features. This section is used to list % this packages, their internal macro which got used and acknowledge the % authors/maintainers of them. Please send error reports to the author of % \svnmulti and not to the people listed below.\par % All packages (including \svnmulti) stand under the \LaTeX\ Project Public % Licence (LPPL) which can be found at % \hbox{\url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/}} and can be freely downloaded % from the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) at % \hbox{\url{http://www.ctan.org/}}. % % \newenvironment*{DepPackage}[1]{\ignorespaces % \subsection*{\pkg{#1}}% % \def\thedeppackage{#1}% % \def\infoline##1{\par\smallskip\textbf{##1}\hspace{1em}}% % } % {\infoline{Location:} CTAN: \url% % {http://tug.ctan.org/pkg/\thedeppackage}} % % Since v2.3 the authors packages \pkg{currfile} and \pkg{filehook} replacing the % previous used (and patched) package \pkg{fink}. % % \begin{DepPackage}{hyperref} % The macro \cs{svnnolinkurl} is resembling the \pkg{hyperref} macro % |\nolinkurl| and uses some its internal macros from the |\url| macro % definition. % \infoline{Used internal macros:} |\hyper@normalise|, |\Hurl| % \infoline{Version used:} 2008/11/18 v6.78m % \infoline{Licence:} LPPL, any version % \infoline{Authors/Maintainers:} Sebastian Rahtz, Heiko Oberdiek % \end{DepPackage} % % \begin{DepPackage}{graphics} % If the \opt{graphics} option is enabled the following macro is patched to % record the file name and path of the included graphic. % \infoline{Patched internal macros:} |\Gin@setfile| % \infoline{Version used:} 2006/02/20 v1.0o % \infoline{Licence:} LPPL, any version % \infoline{Author/Maintainer:} David Carlisle, \LaTeX3 Project % \end{DepPackage} % % \begin{DepPackage}{pgf} % Like the \pkg{graphics} package above a macro of this package is pathed to % record the file names and paths of included images when the option % \opt{pgfimages} is enabled. Because this images pre-declares images for later % use the internal declared `image macros' are patched as well. % \infoline{Patched internal macros:} |\pgf@declareimage|, % \hbox{|\pgf@image@|\meta{image name}|!|} % \infoline{Used internal macros:} |\pgf@filename|, |\pgf@image| % \infoline{Version used:} 2008/01/15 v2.00 % \infoline{Licence:} LPPL v1.3c and GPL v2 % \infoline{Author\&Maintainer:} Till Tantau % \end{DepPackage} % % \begin{DepPackage}{latex} % Parts of the macro definitions of the |\tableofcontents| macros from the % |article| and |book| class of standard \LaTeX\ were used to define a similar % \csi{tableofrevisions} macro for both this classes and other similar classes. % \infoline{Version used:} 2005/09/16 v1.4f % \infoline{Licence:} LPPL v1.3c % \infoline{Authors/Maintainers:} \LaTeX3 Project % \end{DepPackage} % % \begin{DepPackage}{currfile} % The file name and path information are taken from the macros of this package. % It is from the same author and with the same license as \svnmulti\ itself. % \infoline{Version used:} 2011/01/03 v0.3 % \end{DepPackage} % % \begin{DepPackage}{filehook} % This package is used to install file hooks to update subversion macros for subfiles etc. % It is from the same author and with the same license as \svnmulti\ itself. % \infoline{Version used:} 2011/01/03 v0.4 % \end{DepPackage} % % \section{Further Reading} % The \textsf{svn-multi} package (in version 1.3) and its usage got discussed in % the following articles: % % \begin{itemize} % \item[{[1]}] Martin Scharrer, ``Version Control of LaTeX Documents with % svn-multi'', The Prac\TeX\ Journal, (3), 2007. % URL: \url{http://www.tug.org/pracjourn/2007-3/scharrer/} % \item[{[2]}] Mark Eli Kalderon, ``LaTeX and Subversion'', % The Prac\TeX\ Journal, (3), 2007. % URL: \url{http://www.tug.org/pracjourn/2007-3/kalderon-svnmulti/} % \item[{[3]}] Uwe Ziegenhagen , ``LaTeX Document Management with Subversion'', % The Prac\TeX\ Journal, (3), 2007. % URL: \url{http://www.tug.org/pracjourn/2007-3/ziegenhagen/} % \end{itemize} % % \StopEventually{} % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \section{Implementation} % \subsection{Package Header} % \subsubsection*{Package Identification} % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \ProvidesPackageSVN {$Id: svn-multi.dtx 2431 2011-04-01 23:00:26Z martin $} [\svnmulti@version\space SVN Keywords for multi-file LaTeX documents] % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection*{Options} % Declaration of options and internal switches. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{kvoptions} \SetupKeyvalOptions{% family = svn-multi, prefix = @svnmulti@ } \newif\if@svnmulti@anygraphic \newif\if@svnmulti@autoload \newif\if@svnmulti@autokw \newif\if@svnmulti@autokwall \DeclareVoidOption{old}{% \@svnmulti@verbatimtrue \@svnmulti@groupsfalse \@svnmulti@externalfalse \@svnmulti@graphicsfalse \@svnmulti@pgfimagesfalse \@svnmulti@autoloadfalse \@svnmulti@tablefalse \@svnmulti@filehooksfalse \@svnmulti@subgroupsfalse } \DeclareVoidOption{all}{% \@svnmulti@verbatimtrue \@svnmulti@groupstrue \@svnmulti@externaltrue \@svnmulti@graphicstrue \@svnmulti@pgfimagestrue \@svnmulti@autoloadtrue \@svnmulti@tabletrue \@svnmulti@filehookstrue \@svnmulti@subgroupstrue } \DeclareBoolOption[true]{verbatim} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{groups} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{external} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{subgroups} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{graphics} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{pgfimages} \DeclareStringOption{autoload}[true] \DeclareBoolOption[false]{table} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{filehooks} \DeclareStringOption[false]{autokw}[all] \ExecuteOptions{old} \ProcessKeyvalOptions{svn-multi} % \end{macrocode} % % Enable dependent options: % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@depoption#1{% \csname if@svnmulti@#1\endcsname\else \message{svn-multi: Required option '#1' enabled.}% \csname @svnmulti@#1true\endcsname \fi } \if@svnmulti@groups \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \if@svnmulti@external \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \if@svnmulti@subgroups \svn@depoption{groups} \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \if@svnmulti@graphics \svn@depoption{external} \svn@depoption{autoload} \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \if@svnmulti@pgfimages \svn@depoption{external} \svn@depoption{autoload} \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \if@svnmulti@autoload \svn@depoption{external} \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \if@svnmulti@table \svn@depoption{groups} \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Check if \opt{autoload} was set explicitly and obey the value. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@svnmulti@autoload\@undefined \else \ifx\@svnmulti@autoload\empty \else \def\svn@temp{true} \ifx\@svnmulti@autoload\svn@temp \@svnmulti@autoloadtrue \svn@depoption{external} \svn@depoption{filehooks} \else \def\svn@temp{false} \ifx\@svnmulti@autoload\svn@temp \if@svnmulti@autoload \PackageWarning{svn-multi}{Option 'autoload' disabled.} \fi \@svnmulti@autoloadfalse \else \PackageError{svn-multi}% {Invalid value for 'autoload' option: '\@svnmulti@autoload'^^J% ! Only 'true','false' or empty (='true') are allowed!}{}% \fi\fi\fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % Set \opt{autokw} modes: % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@temp{true} \ifx\@svnmulti@autokw\svn@temp \@svnmulti@autokwtrue \@svnmulti@autokwalltrue \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \def\svn@temp{all} \ifx\@svnmulti@autokw\svn@temp \@svnmulti@autokwtrue \@svnmulti@autokwalltrue \svn@depoption{filehooks} \fi \def\svn@temp{ext} \ifx\@svnmulti@autokw\svn@temp \@svnmulti@autokwtrue \@svnmulti@autokwallfalse \fi \def\svn@temp{false} \ifx\@svnmulti@autokw\svn@temp \@svnmulti@autokwfalse \@svnmulti@autokwallfalse \fi % \end{macrocode} % General switch if any graphic option is enabled: % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@graphics \@svnmulti@anygraphictrue \fi \if@svnmulti@pgfimages \@svnmulti@anygraphictrue \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{General Internal Macros} % Some internal used macro which don't fit in any other section. % % \begin{macro}{\svn@ifempty}[1]{string} % Tests if the given argument is empty. If so the first of the next two token % will be expanded, the second one otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@ifempty#1{% \begingroup \edef\svn@temp{#1}% \ifx\svn@temp\empty \endgroup \expandafter \@firstoftwo \else \endgroup \expandafter \@secondoftwo \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@ifequal}[2]{string a}{string b} % Tests if the given arguments are identical, \eg same strings. If so the first % of the next two token will be expanded, the second one otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@ifequal#1#2{% \begingroup \edef\svn@stringa{#1}% \edef\svn@stringb{#2}% \ifx\svn@stringa\svn@stringb \endgroup \expandafter \@firstoftwo \else \endgroup \expandafter \@secondoftwo \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@ifvalidrev}[1]{macro name} % Checks if the given macro (by name) is a valid revision, \ie defined and % not equal to the init value. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@ifvalidrev#1{% \begingroup \@ifundefined{#1}% {\let\svn@temp\svn@revinit}% {\expandafter\edef \expandafter\svn@temp\expandafter{\csname #1\endcsname}}% \ifnum\svn@temp=\svn@revinit\relax \endgroup \expandafter \@secondoftwo \else \endgroup \expandafter \@firstoftwo \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@ifeof}[1]{input file handle} % Checks if the input file is at the end-of-file (or not open). % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@ifeof#1{% \ifeof#1% \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@ifonlyone}[1]{group name} % Checks if there is only one element in the given group file list. % It looks whether there is a comma in the list. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@ifonlyone#1{% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \svn@@ifonlyone\csname @svng@#1@files\endcsname,\relax } \def\svn@@ifonlyone#1,#2\relax{% \svn@ifempty{#2} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@input}[1]{file name/path} % Macro to load |.svx| and |.svt| files. The current keyword group is saved % away and restored after the |.svx| file is loaded. The macros |\IfFileExists| % with |\@@input| are used because |\InputIfFileExists| got redefined by the % \pkg{filehook} package and there is no need to use \pkg{filehook} for this files. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@input#1{% \begingroup \let\svn@rg\svn@g \IfFileExists{#1}{\@@input #1\relax}{}% \global\let\svn@g\svn@rg \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@inputsvx}[1]{file name/path without extension} % Used to save and restore file keywords when reading |.svx| files. % The normal catcodes are restored to avoid issues in special situations % regarding input of verbatim files % (e.g.\ \cs{lstinputlisting} from the \pkg{listings} package) or other % cases where catcodes might have changes (e.g.\ `|%|' in |.dtx| files). % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@inputsvx#1{% \svn@pushfilestack \begingroup \svn@normalcatcodes \svn@input{#1.svx}% \endgroup \svn@popfilestack } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@normalcatcodes} % Sets the default catcodes. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@normalcatcodes{% \catcode`\\=0\relax \catcode`\{=1\relax \catcode`\}=2\relax \catcode`\$=3\relax \catcode`\&=4\relax \catcode`\^^M=5\relax \catcode`\#=6\relax \catcode`\^=7\relax \catcode`\_=8\relax \catcode`\ =10\relax \catcode`\@=12\relax \catcode`\~=13\relax \catcode`\%=14\relax } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Definition of init values} % Initialisation of at least the revision to a numeric value is necessary to not % break the |\ifnum| tests later in this package. The revision is initialised to % -2, but will be set to 0 if an unexpanded |$||Rev:$| keyword is read. This way % it can be tested if a file had any keyword macros or not.\par % Note that there a two different macros for the document global keywords:\par % The user level |\svn|\meta{kw} macros hold the global value and are only valid % after a \LaTeX\ run. They are initialised here and defined in the |.aux| % file which is read at the end of the package if it exists and written at the % end of the document.\par % The internal macros |\@svn@|\meta{kw} store the oldest (i.e. highest revision) % keywords read so far from the \cs{svnid} and \cs{svnidlong} macros. They % change during the document and are used to produce the values of the % |\svn|\meta{kw} macros when the |.aux| file is written.\par % Group wide macros are initialised when the group is first defined and have % three different macros: \Macro\svng@<\/group>'@'\relax (defined in |.aux|), % \Macro\@svng@<\/group>'@'\relax (accumulator) and also an access % macro \Macro\svncg<\/group> which uses % \Macro\svn@g'@'. % \begin{macrocode} % Init values \def\svn@revinit{-2} \let\svnrev\svn@revinit \let\@svn@rev\svn@revinit \let\ifsvnmodified\@secondoftwo \def\@svn@modified{@secondoftwo}% \def\svndate{} \def\@svn@date{} \def\svnauthor{} \def\@svn@author{} \def\svnyear{0000} \def\@svn@year{0000} \def\svnmonth{00} \def\@svn@month{00} \def\svnday{00} \def\@svn@day{00} \def\svnhour{00} \def\@svn@hour{00} \def\svnminute{00} \def\@svn@minute{00} \def\svnsecond{00} \def\@svn@second{00} \def\svntimezonehour{+00} \def\@svn@timezonehour{+00} \def\svntimezoneminute{00} \def\@svn@timezoneminute{00} \def\svnmainurl{NOT SET} \def\svnmainfilename{NOT SET} \def\svnurl{} \def\svnfname{} \def\svn@temp{} \def\svn@pg{} \def\svn@g{} \def\svn@cg{\svn@g} \def\svn@rg{\svn@pg} \let\@svng@@files\empty \def\svn@initfile{% \global\let\svnfilerev\svn@revinit \global\let\ifsvnfilemodified\@secondoftwo \gdef\svnfiledate{}% \gdef\svnfileauthor{}% \gdef\svnfileyear{0000}% \gdef\svnfilemonth{00}% \gdef\svnfileday{00}% \gdef\svnfilehour{00}% \gdef\svnfileminute{00}% \gdef\svnfilesecond{00}% \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{+00}% \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{00}% \gdef\svnfileurl{}% \gdef\svnfilefname{}% \gdef\svnfiledir{}% } \svn@initfile \newif\ifsvn@modified % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Auto-Keywords} % Special care must be taken for the line feed character, otherwise it causes an % error if \opt{autokw} is disabled. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \@makeother\^^L \if@svnmulti@autokw \gdef\svne@ff{^^L} \fi \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@autokw % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newread\svne@read % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svne@catcodes} % Sets the catcodes for verbatim input reading. Also removes the end-of-line % character. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svne@catcodes}{% \let\do\@makeother \endlinechar=-1% \dospecials \do0\do1\do2\do3\do4% \do5\do6\do7\do8\do9% \do\:\do\^^L% \do\<\do\>\do\*\do\.\do\-% \do\/\do\[\do\]\do\`\do\'\do\"% \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=11\relax}% \do\A\do\B\do\C\do\D\do\E\do\F \do\G\do\H\do\I\do\J\do\K\do\L \do\M\do\N\do\O\do\P\do\Q\do\R \do\S\do\T\do\U\do\V\do\X\do\Y\do\Z \do\a\do\b\do\c\do\d\do\e\do\f \do\g\do\h\do\i\do\j\do\k\do\l \do\m\do\n\do\o\do\p\do\q\do\r \do\s\do\t\do\u\do\v\do\x\do\y\do\z } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@readline}[1]{macro} % Reads the next line to the provided macro and handles the end-of-file case % correctly. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svne@readline#1{% \ifeof\svne@read \def#1{}% \else \read\svne@read to #1\relax \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@gobblerest} % Gobbles the rest of the current entry. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svne@gobblerest{% \ifeof\svne@read \let\next\relax \else \read\svne@read to \svn@temp \ifx\svn@temp\svne@ff \let\next\relax \else \let\next\svne@gobblerest \fi \fi \next } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@endread} % Stops the reading process of the entries file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svne@endread{% \closein\svne@read } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@parseentriesfile}[1]{file path} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svne@parseentriesfile}[1]{% \begingroup \let\next\relax % \end{macrocode} % Open the format file to read the version number. If this file does not exists % (true for recent svn versions) a valid default value is used and the true % version number is read from the |entries| file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svne@version{8}% \openin\svne@read=#1format\relax \ifeof\svne@read\else \svne@readline\svne@version \closein\svne@read \fi % \end{macrocode} % Check the format version: % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\svne@version>7\relax % \end{macrocode} % Now open the entries file and read the version number from there again. % \begin{macrocode} \openin\svne@read=#1entries\relax \ifeof\svne@read\else \svne@readline\svne@version % \end{macrocode} % Check the version and call the parse macros if OK: % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\svne@version>7\relax \def\next{\svne@parsedirentry \svne@parseentries}% \else \closein\svne@read \fi \fi \fi \next \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@parsedirentry} % Reads the first entry which is the directory entry and sets its URL as base % URL for all other entries. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svne@parsedirentry}{% \svne@readline\svne@name \svne@readline\svne@kind \svn@ifempty{\svne@name}% {\svn@ifequal{\svne@kind}{dir}% {% {\svne@readline\svn@temp}% \svne@readline\svne@baseurl \svne@gobblerest }{}% }{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@scandate} % \begin{macro}{\svne@scandate@} % Parses the date from the svn entries file. Special care is taken to handle the % case when the TeX parsing would fail. The catcode of the characters '|-|', % '|:|', '|.|' used inside the date is set explicitly to ensure the correct % value. % % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \@makeother\- \@makeother\: \@makeother\. \gdef\svne@scandate#1{% \expandafter\svne@scandate@#1\empty 0000-00-00T00:00:00.00000Z\empty\empty } \gdef\svne@scandate@#1-#2-#3T#4:#5:#6.#7\empty#8\empty{% \xdef\svnfileyear{#1}% \gdef\svnfilemonth{#2}% \gdef\svnfileday{#3}% \gdef\svnfilehour{#4}% \gdef\svnfileminute{#5}% \gdef\svnfilesecond{#6}% \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{+00}% \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{00}% \gdef\svnfiledate{#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6Z}% \def\svne@date{#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6Z}% } \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@parseentries} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svne@parseentries}{% \svn@ifeof{\svne@read}% {}% {% \svne@readline\svne@name \@onelevel@sanitize\svne@name \svn@ifeof{\svne@read}% {}% {% \svne@readline\svne@kind \svn@ifequal{\svne@kind}{file}% {% \svne@readline\svn@temp \svne@readline\svn@temp \svne@readline\svn@temp \svne@readline\svn@temp \svne@readline\svn@temp \svne@readline\svn@temp \svne@readline\svne@date \svne@readline\svne@rev \svne@readline\svne@author %\@onelevel@sanitize\svne@date \svne@scandate{\svne@date}% \edef\svne@url{\svne@baseurl/\svne@name}% \svne@handleentry }{}% \svne@gobblerest \svne@parseentries }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svne@handleentry} % This macro is called for every entry except the first one which stands for the % directory. The VC data is located in the following macros: \csi{svne@name}, % \csi{svne@date}, \csi{svne@rev}, \csi{svne@author}, \csi{svne@url}. % % This implementation sets the correct keywords and calls the update macro to % emulate the behaviour of \cs{svnidlong}. Then the \cs{svne@endread} macro is % used to stop the file reading. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svne@handleentry{% \ifx\svne@rev\empty \let\svne@rev\svn@revinit \fi \svn@ifequal{\svne@name}{\svnfilefname}% {% \message{^^J% Read from '.svn/entries' file:^^J% Filename: \svne@name^^J% Date: \svne@date^^J% Revision: \svne@rev^^J% Author: \svne@author^^J% HeadURL: \svne@url^^J% ^^J% }% \svnkwdef{Filename}{\svne@name}% \svnkwdef{Date}{\svne@date}% \svnkwdef{Revision}{\svne@rev}% \svnkwdef{Author}{\svne@author}% \svnkwdef{HeadURL}{\svne@url}% \@svn@updateid{\svne@rev}{\svne@date}{\svne@author}{\svne@url}% \svne@endread }{}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnegetfile}[1]{file path} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnegetfile#1{% \begingroup \svn@getfilename{#1}% \edef\svnfilefname{\svnfilefname}% \@onelevel@sanitize\svnfilefname \svne@catcodes \svne@parseentriesfile{\svnfiledir .svn/}% \svne@parseentriesfile{\svnfiledir _svn/}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Load keywords of main document at begin of the document body if option is set % to 'all'. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@autokwall \AtBeginDocument{% \svnegetfile{\jobname.\currfile@mainext}% } \fi % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Timezone macros} % \begin{macro}{\svntimezone} % \begin{macro}{\svnfiletimezone} % \begin{macro}{\svncgtimezone} % These macros return the global, file-local and current group time zones, % respectively. Since v1.4 the minute part is returned as well and the macro % removes manually added |00| after it to support older documents. % \changes{v1.4}{2009/02/27}{Return now full timezone (hour + minute part). % Manually added 00 minutes are removed.} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntimezone{\svntimezonehour\svntimezoneminute\svn@gobblezeros} \def\svnfiletimezone{\svnfiletimezonehour\svnfiletimezoneminute\svn@gobblezeros} \def\svncgtimezone{\svncgtimezonehour\svncgtimezoneminute} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@gobblezeros} % \begin{macro}{\svn@gobblezeros@} % This two cascaded macros remove a trailing |00| and are used by % \cs{svnfiletimezone} and \cs{svntimezone}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@gobblezeros{% \futurelet\svn@nextchar\svn@gobblezeros@ } \def\svn@gobblezeros@{% \let\@tempa=\relax \def\@tempb{0}% \ifx0\svn@nextchar \let\@tempa=\@gobbletwo \fi \@tempa } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntime} % \begin{macro}{\svnfiletime} % \begin{macro}{\svncgtime} % This macros simple use the hour, minute and second macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntime{\svnhour:\svnminute:\svnsecond} \def\svnfiletime{\svnfilehour:\svnfileminute:\svnfilesecond} \def\svncgtime{\svncghour:\svncgminute:\svncgsecond} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \subsection{\textit{Today} macros} % These macros use the |\today| macro to typeset the current date using the % local language settings. Thanks and credit goes to Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard % for suggesting this feature and for providing the code. % \begin{macro}{\svntoday} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svntoday}{% \begingroup \year\svnyear \month\svnmonth \day\svnday \relax \today \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svnfiletoday} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svnfiletoday}{% \begingroup \year\svnfileyear \month\svnfilemonth \day\svnfileday \relax \today \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svncgtoday} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svncgtoday}{% \@ifundefined{svng@\svn@cg @year}{??}{% \begingroup \year\svncgyear \month\svncgmonth \day\svncgday \relax \today \endgroup }% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Id macros} % \subsubsection{Normal Id} % \begin{macro}{\svnid} % Calls \cs{svnkwsave} with |\@svnidswtrue| so that the Id keyword will be % parsed at the end of \cs{svnkwsave}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\svnid}{% \@svnidswtrue \svnkwsave } \newif\if@svnidsw \@svnidswfalse % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svn@scanId}[2]{file name}{rest of id line} % Ensures proper behaviour also for copied but not yet committed files which have % no date, time and author name. The revision is set to -1. So \meta{rest} is simply % compared to `|-1|' and a fall-back text is supplied if needed. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@scanId#1 #2\relax{% \begingroup \def\@tempa{#2}% \def\@tempb{-1}% \ifx\@tempa\@tempb \endgroup \svn@scanId@#1 -1 0000-00-00 00:00:00Z (uncommited)\relax \else \endgroup \svn@scanId@#1 #2\relax \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svn@scanId@}[5]{file name}{revision}{date (YYYY-MM-DD)}{time % (HH:MM:SSZ)}{author (username)} % Scans svn Id (after it got parsed by \cs{svnkwsave}). Awaits only Id value % without leading `|Id:|' and a trailing |\relax| as end marker. It calls % \cs{@svn@scandate} to extract the date information and \cs{@svn@updateid} to % update global Id values and also sets the appropriate keywords. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@scanId@#1 #2 #3 #4 #5\relax{% \@svn@scandate{#3 #4}% \svnkwdef{Filename}{#1}% \svnkwdef{Date}{#3 #4}% \svnkwdef{Revision}{#2}% \svnkwdef{Author}{#5}% \@svn@updateid{\svnkw{Revision}}{\svnkw{Date}}{\svnkw{Author}}{\svnkw{URL}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@svn@updateid}[4]{rev}{date}{author (username)}{url} % We first define the expanded arguments to variables for the user. The % expansion is needed because the arguments content is mostly generic like % |\svn@value| which can change very soon after this macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@svn@updateid#1#2#3#4{% \begingroup \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect \xdef\svnfilerev{#1}% \ifsvn@modified \global\let\ifsvnfilemodified\@firstoftwo \else \global\let\ifsvnfilemodified\@secondoftwo \fi \xdef\svnfiledate{#2}% \xdef\svnfileauthor{#3}% \xdef\svnfileurl{#4}% \svn@getfilename\svnfileurl% % \end{macrocode} % Then we check if the revision is non-empty (not yet expanded by subversion?) % and larger then the current maximum value |\@svn@rev|. If yes we save all % value to save them in the |.aux|-file later. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\svnfilerev\empty\else \ifnum\@svn@rev<\svnfilerev \xdef\@svn@rev{\svnfilerev}% \xdef\@svn@modified{\ifsvnfilemodified{@firstoftwo}{@secondoftwo}}% \xdef\@svn@date{\svnfiledate}% \xdef\@svn@author{\svnfileauthor}% \xdef\@svn@year{\svnfileyear}% \xdef\@svn@month{\svnfilemonth}% \xdef\@svn@day{\svnfileday}% \xdef\@svn@hour{\svnfilehour}% \xdef\@svn@minute{\svnfileminute}% \xdef\@svn@second{\svnfilesecond}% \xdef\@svn@timezonehour{\svnfiletimezonehour}% \xdef\@svn@timezoneminute{\svnfiletimezoneminute}% \xdef\@svn@url{\svnfileurl}% \xdef\@svn@fname{\svnfilefname}% \fi \if@svnmulti@groups \ifx\svn@g\empty\else \svn@updategroup{\svn@g}% \fi \if@svnmulti@subgroups \ifsvnsubgroups \svn@updategroup{\currfiledir\currfilebase}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \endgroup } \def\@svncg@save#1#2{% \expandafter\xdef\csname @svng@\svn@g @#1\endcsname{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Long Id} % \begin{macro}{\svnidlong} % We clear the keyword value first to reduce the risk though bad user input. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnidlong}{% \svnkwdef{URL}{}% \svnkwdef{Date}{}% \svnkwdef{Revision}{0}% \svnkwdef{Author}{}% % \end{macrocode} % Read arguments verbatim or non-verbatim. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@verbatim \expandafter\svnidlong@readverb \else \expandafter\svnidlong@readargs \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svnidlong@readverb} % The following macros read the four arguments of |\svnidlong| one-by-one with % verbatim mode deactivated between them to ignore all comments. The macro % |\@ifnextchar| is used to get rid of all spaces (and therefore comments) between % the arguments. An error message is printed if a wrong syntax is discovered. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnidlong@readverb{% \@ifnextchar\bgroup {\svnidlong@readverb@\svnidlong@readverb@a}% {\PackageError{svn-multi}{Wrong syntax for \string\svnidlong}{}}% } % \end{macrocode} % Sets up verbatim mode and calls the macro given as an argument. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnidlong@readverb@#1{% \begingroup \svn@catcodes \catcode`\{=1\relax \catcode`\}=2\relax #1% } % \end{macrocode} % Reads first argument, ignores spaces and comments and calls next macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnidlong@readverb@a#1{% \endgroup \svnkwsave@read #1\relax \@ifnextchar\bgroup {\svnidlong@readverb@\svnidlong@readverb@b}% {\PackageError{svn-multi}{Wrong syntax for \string\svnidlong}{}}% } % \end{macrocode} % Reads second argument, ignores spaces and comments and calls next macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnidlong@readverb@b#1{% \endgroup \svnkwsave@read #1\relax \@ifnextchar\bgroup {\svnidlong@readverb@\svnidlong@readverb@c}% {\PackageError{svn-multi}{Wrong syntax for \string\svnidlong}{}}% } % \end{macrocode} % Reads third argument, ignores spaces and comments and calls next macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnidlong@readverb@c#1{% \endgroup \svnkwsave@read #1\relax \@ifnextchar\bgroup {\svnidlong@readverb@\svnidlong@readverb@d}% {\PackageError{svn-multi}{Wrong syntax for \string\svnidlong}{}}% } % \end{macrocode} % Reads last argument, scans date if not empty and calls the Id update macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnidlong@readverb@d#1{% \endgroup \svnkwsave@read #1\relax \ifx\svnkwDate\empty\else \@svn@scanlongdate{\svnkwDate}% \fi \@svn@updateid{\svnkw{Revision}}{\svnkw{Date}}% {\svnkw{Author}}{\svnkw{URL}}% \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@catcodes} % Changes all \TeX-special character to category ``other''. The newline aka % return is changed to category ``ignore'' so line breaks are not taken as part % of the verbatim arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@verbatim \def\svn@catcodes{% \let\do\@makeother \dospecials \catcode`\^^M9 \catcode`\ 10 \catcode`\{1 \catcode`\}2 } \else \def\svn@catcodes{} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svnidlong@readargs}[4]{Keyword 1}{Keyword 2}{Keyword 3} % {Keyword 4} % Calls sub macro for all four arguments and ends the catcode changes made % by \cs{svnidlong}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnidlong@readargs#1#2#3#4{% \svnkwsave@read #1\relax \svnkwsave@read #2\relax \svnkwsave@read #3\relax \svnkwsave@read #4\relax \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % Now the update macros for date and id are called. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\svnkwDate\empty\else \@svn@scanlongdate{\svnkwDate}% \fi \@svn@updateid{\svnkw{Revision}}{\svnkw{Date}}% {\svnkw{Author}}{\svnkw{URL}}% \ignorespaces }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{KeyWord Macros} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwsave} % Enabled verbatim mode and uses a sub macro to read the arguments afterwards. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnkwsave{% \begingroup \svn@catcodes \svnkwsave@readargs } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwsave@readargs}[1]{\$kw: value\$} % Reads full argument, calls parse submacro and ends catcode changes. % If \cs{svnkwsave} was called by \cs{svnid} scans the id keyword by calling the % scan macro. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\svnkwsave@readargs#1{% \svnkwsave@read#1\relax \endgroup \if@svnidsw \ifx\svnkwId\empty\else \expandafter \svn@scanId\svnkwId\relax \@svnidswfalse \fi \fi \ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwsave@read}[1]{keyword line without surrounding \$ \$} % Reads the full keyword and strips the dollars. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \if@svnmulti@verbatim \catcode`\$=12 \fi \gdef\svnkwsave@read $#1$\relax{% \svn@checkcolon#1:\relax } \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwsave@parse}[2]{key}{value} % Parse the keyword and save it away. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \catcode`\$=11 \gdef\svnkwsave@parse$#1:#2${% \expandafter\xdef\csname svnkw#1\endcsname{#2}% }% \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwdef}[2]{key}{value} % First we check if there is a `setter'-macro for the keyword called % \cs{svnkwdef@}\meta{keyword}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnkwdef}[2]{% \@ifundefined{svnkwdef@#1}% % \end{macrocode} % If not we call the general macro \cs{svnkwdef@}. % \begin{macrocode} {\svnkwdef@{#1}{#2}}% % \end{macrocode} % If yes we just call it with the value as argument. % \begin{macrocode} {\csname svnkwdef@#1\endcsname{#2}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwdef@}[2]{key}{value} % This macro defines the second argument under \cs{svnkw}\meta{1st argument}. % The |\xdef| is used to expand the content first (needed for internal use) and % make the definition globally. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnkwdef@}[2]{% \begingroup \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect \expandafter\xdef\csname svnkw#1\endcsname{#2}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % Example: |\svnkwdef{Revision}{23}| will define |\svnkwRevision| as 23. % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwdef@Rev} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwdef@Author} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwdef@Date} % \begin{macro}{\svnkwdef@URL}[1]{value} % `Setter'-macros for single keywords, used by \cs{svnkwdef}.\\ These are needed % to have have a common value for all alternative keyword names ala |Rev|, % |Revision|, |LastChangedRevision|. % % The keywords |Author| and |Date| are just calling \cs{svnkwdef@} with a fixed % first argument. For the revision the value is checked if empty and then a 0 % is substituted. Also a temp counter is used to strip any trailing characters % like `M' which indicate an exported and modified file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnkwdef@Rev#1{% \svn@ifempty{#1}% {\svnkwdef@{Rev}{0}}% {% \afterassignment\svnkwdef@Rev@ \@tempcnta=#1\relax }% } \def\svnkwdef@Rev@#1\relax{% \svnkwdef@{Rev}{\the\@tempcnta}% \def\svn@temp{#1}% \if M\svn@temp\relax \global\svn@modifiedtrue \else \if *\svn@temp\relax \global\svn@modifiedtrue \else \global\svn@modifiedfalse \fi \fi } \def\svnkwdef@Author#1{\svnkwdef@{Author}{#1}} \def\svnkwdef@Date#1{\svnkwdef@{Date}{#1}} \def\svnkwdef@URL#1{\svnkwdef@{HeadURL}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % The long keywords are defined then as aliases of the short,\\ % first for writing % \begin{macrocode} \let\svnkwdef@Revision=\svnkwdef@Rev \let\svnkwdef@LastChangedRevision=\svnkwdef@Rev \let\svnkwdef@LastChangedBy=\svnkwdef@Author \let\svnkwdef@LastChangedDate=\svnkwdef@Date % \end{macrocode} % and then for reading. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnkwRevision{\svnkwRev} \def\svnkwLastChangedRevision{\svnkwRev} \def\svnkwLastChangedBy{\svnkwAuthor} \def\svnkwLastChangedDate{\svnkwDate} \def\svnkwURL{\svnkwHeadURL} % \end{macrocode} % So \eg |\svnkw{LastChangedRevision}| is always be the % same as |\svnkw{Rev}|. % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % We define default values for normal keywords. Keyword |Filename| is the name % given by |Id| and not a real keyword. % \begin{macrocode} \svnkwdef{Rev}{0} \svnkwdef{Date}{} \svnkwdef{Author}{} \svnkwdef{Filename}{} \svnkwdef{HeadURL}{} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svnkw}[1]{keyword name} % Macro to get keyword value. Just calls \cs{svnkw}\meta{ARGUMENT} where % the argument interpreted as text. So \eg |\svnkw{Date}| is the same as % |svnkwDate| but this could be changed later so always use this interface % to get the keyword values. % % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{Added warning when a wrong, maybe % misspelled, keyword is given.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnkw}[1]{% \@ifundefined{svnkw#1}% {\PackageWarning{svn-multi}{SVN keyword '#1' not defined (typo?)}}% {\csname svnkw#1\endcsname}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Keyword check and strip macros} % The following macros are used to test whether the given keywords are fully % expanded or not. % Subversion supports unexpanded keywords as input with or without colon and % with or without trailing space(s), \ie a:~|$KW$|, b:~|$KW:$| or c:~|$KW: $|. % To avoid \LaTeX{} syntax errors in this pre-commit state the keyword is % checked by the following macros. Unexpanded keywords result in an empty value. % Also leading and trailing spaces are removed. % % \begin{macro}{\svn@checkcolon}[2]{key}{potential value, might be empty} % Checks if the keyword contains a colon. It is called by \cs{svnkwsave@read} % with a trailing |:\relax| so that \#2 will be empty if there is no earlier % colon or will hold the value with this trailing colon otherwise. % The first case means that the keyword is unexpanded without colon (case a) % which leads to an empty value. In the second case \cs{svn@stripcolon} is % called to strip the colon and surrounding spaces. The final value is % returned by |\svn@value|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@checkcolon#1:#2\relax{% \svn@ifempty{#2}% {\svnkwdef{#1}{}}% {\svn@stripcolon#2\relax\svnkwdef{#1}{\svn@value}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@stripcolon}[1]{potential value} % Strips the previous added colon (for \cs{svn@checkcolon}). % The remaining argument is checked if it's empty (case b) or only a space % (case c). Otherwise the keyword is expanded and \cs{svn@stripspace} is % called to strip the spaces. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@stripcolon#1:\relax{% \svn@ifempty{#1}% {\gdef\svn@value{}}% {\svn@ifequal{#1}{ }% {\gdef\svn@value{}}% {\svn@stripspace#1\relax\relax}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@stripspace}[2]{first character}{rest of string} % Strips leading space if present and calls \cs{svn@striptrailingspace} to % strip the trailing space. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@stripspace#1#2\relax{% \svn@ifequal{#1}{ }% {\gdef\svn@value{#2}}% {\svn@striptrailingspace#1#2\relax}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@striptrailingspace}[1]{string} % Strips trailing space using the macros parameter text. Must be called with % |\relax| as end marker. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@striptrailingspace#1 \relax{% \gdef\svn@value{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@gdefverb}[1]{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@gdefverb#1{% \begingroup \def\svn@temp{#1}% \begingroup \if@svnmulti@verbatim \svn@catcodes \fi \svn@gdefverb@ } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@defverb@}[1]{verbatim stuff} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@gdefverb@#1{% \endgroup \expandafter\gdef\svn@temp{#1}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@namegdefverb}[1]{macro name} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@namegdefverb#1{% \begingroup \expandafter\def \expandafter\svn@temp \expandafter{\csname #1\endcsname}% \begingroup \if@svnmulti@verbatim \svn@catcodes \fi \svn@gdefverb@ } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Date Macros} % \begin{macro}{\@svn@scandate}[1]{date} % Scans data information in Id keyword and saves them in macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@svn@scandate#1{\@svn@scandate@#1\relax} \def\@svn@scandate@#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6#7#8\relax{% \gdef\svnfileyear{#1}% \gdef\svnfilemonth{#2}% \gdef\svnfileday{#3}% \gdef\svnfilehour{#4}% \gdef\svnfileminute{#5}% \gdef\svnfilesecond{#6#7}% \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{+00}% \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{00}% #8 always 'Z' for Zulu-time (UTC) } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@svn@scanlongdate}[8]{Year}{Month}{Day}{Hour}{Minute}{Second} % {Timezone}{Date description string (ignored)} % Scans date information in Date keyword and saves them in macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@svn@scanlongdate#1{\expandafter\@svn@scanlongdate@#1\relax} % \def\@svn@scanlongdate@#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6 #7 #8\relax{% \gdef\svnfileyear{#1}% \gdef\svnfilemonth{#2}% \gdef\svnfileday{#3}% \gdef\svnfilehour{#4}% \gdef\svnfileminute{#5}% \gdef\svnfilesecond{#6}% \@svn@parsetimezone#7\relax% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@svn@parsetimezone}[5]{sign (+/-)}{hour first digit}{hour % second digit}{minute first digit}{minute second digit} % Scans timezone and splits hour and minute part. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@svn@parsetimezone#1#2#3#4#5\relax{% \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{#1#2#3}% \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{#4#5}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnpdfdate} % Returns date in a format needed for |\pdfinfo|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnpdfdate{% \svnyear\svnmonth\svnday \svnhour\svnminute\svnsecond\svntimezonehour'\svntimezoneminute'% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Mainfile Makros} % \begin{macro}{\svnsetmainfile} % Saves the current |HeadURL| and |Filename| keywords to macros. % Will be called automatically in the preamble. % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{New macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnsetmainfile}{% \xdef\svnmainurl{\svnfileurl}% \xdef\svnmainfilename{\svnfilefname}% } \AtBeginDocument{\svnsetmainfile} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Register and FullName Macros} % \begin{macro}{\svnRegisterAuthor}[2]{author username}{Full Name} % Saves the author's name by defining |svn@author@|\meta{username} to it. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnRegisterAuthor}[2]{% \expandafter\def\csname svn@author@#1\endcsname{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullAuthor} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullAuthor*} % We test if the starred or the normal version is used and call the % appropriate submacro |svnFullAuthor@star| or |svnFullAuthor@normal|. % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{Macro now returns the username if the full name % was not registered.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnFullAuthor}{% \@ifnextchar{*}% {\svnFullAuthor@star}% {\svnFullAuthor@normal}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullAuthor@star}[1]{username} % Both submacros are calling |svnFullAuthor@| but with different arguments. % The star macro also removes the star of course. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnFullAuthor@star*#1{% \edef\svn@temp{#1}% \svnFullAuthor@{\svn@temp}{~(\svn@temp)}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullAuthor@normal}[1]{username} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnFullAuthor@normal#1{% \edef\svn@temp{#1}% \svnFullAuthor@{\svn@temp}{}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullAuthor@}[2]{username}{previous defined trailing string} % |svnFullAuthor@| now sets the author's full name. Note that |#2| is empty % when the normal version is called. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnFullAuthor@#1#2{% \@ifundefined{svn@author@#1}% {#1}% {\csname svn@author@#1\endcsname #2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnRegisterRevision}[2]{revision number}{tag name} % Saves the revision's name or tag by defining % |svn@revision@|\meta{revisionnumber} to it. % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{New macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnRegisterRevision}[2]{% \expandafter\def\csname svn@revision@#1\endcsname{#2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullRevision} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullRevision*} % We test if the starred or the normal version is used and call the % appropriate submacro |svnFullRevision@star| or |svnFullRevision@normal|. % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{New macro} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svnFullRevision}{% \@ifnextchar{*}% {\svnFullRevision@star}% {\svnFullRevision@normal}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svnFullRevision@star}[1]{revision number} % Both submacros are calling |svnFullRevision@| but with different arguments. % The star macro also removes the star of course. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnFullRevision@star*#1{% \edef\svn@temp{#1}% \svnFullRevision@{\svn@temp}{~(r\svn@temp)}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullRevision@normal}[1]{revision number} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnFullRevision@normal#1{% \edef\svn@temp{#1}% \svnFullRevision@{\svn@temp}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnFullRevision@}[2]{revision number}{previous defined trailing % string} % |svnFullRevision@| now sets the revision name. Note that |#2| is empty % when the normal version is called. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnFullRevision@#1#2{% \@ifundefined{svn@revision@#1}% {Revision #1}% {\csname svn@revision@#1\endcsname #2}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Input File Name} % The \pkg{currfile} package is used to get the input file names. AtBegin/AtEnd % hooks are installed which will be used later. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@filehooks % \end{macrocode} % Load \pkg{filehook} and \pkg{currfile} packages. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{filehook}[2011/01/03] \RequirePackage{currfile}[2011/01/03] % \end{macrocode} % The following code installs the necessary hooks for subfiles. % It installs an own file stack \pkg{currfile} does. % The macro \cs{svn@pg} for the parent group needs to be set before % \cs{currfilepath} etc. is updated, so the internal \pkg{filehook} % macros are used to install the code before the \pkg{currfile} code. % This means that the file name macros below still hold the values of the % parent file. % % \begin{macrocode} \filehook@prefixwarg\filehook@every@atbegin{% \svn@pushfilestack \if@svnmulti@groups \svn@ifequal{\currfilepath}{\jobname.\currfile@mainext}% {\xdef\svn@pg{\svn@g}}% {\xdef\svn@pg{\currfiledir\currfilebase}}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % The file stack is popped at the end of the file hook to keep the macros valid % for normal hook code. % \begin{macrocode} \filehook@appendwarg\filehook@every@atend{% \svn@popfilestack } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@filestack{{}} \def\svn@pushfilestack{% \xdef\svn@filestack{{% {\svnfilerev}% {\svnfiledate}% {\svnfileauthor}% {\svnfileyear}% {\svnfilemonth}% {\svnfileday}% {\svnfilehour}% {\svnfileminute}% {\svnfilesecond}% {\svnfiletimezonehour}% {\svnfiletimezoneminute}% {\svnfileurl}% {\svnfilefname}% {\svn@g}% {\svn@pg}% {\ifsvnfilemodified{@firstoftwo}{@secondoftwo}}% }\svn@filestack}% } \def\svn@restorefilekws#1#2\relax{% \svn@restorefilekws@#1\empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \empty \svn@ifempty{#2}% {\gdef\svn@filestack{{}}}% {\gdef\svn@filestack{#2}}% } \def\svn@restorefilekws@#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{% \gdef\svnfilerev{#1}% \gdef\svnfiledate{#2}% \gdef\svnfileauthor{#3}% \gdef\svnfileyear{#4}% \gdef\svnfilemonth{#5}% \gdef\svnfileday{#6}% \gdef\svnfilehour{#7}% \gdef\svnfileminute{#8}% \gdef\svnfilesecond{#9}% \svn@restorefilekws@@ } \def\svn@restorefilekws@@#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{% \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{#1}% \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{#2}% \gdef\svnfileurl{#3}% \gdef\svnfilefname{#4}% \gdef\svn@g{#5}% \gdef\svn@pg{#6}% \expandafter\global\expandafter\let \expandafter\ifsvnfilemodified\csname#7\endcsname% } \def\svn@popfilestack{% \ifx\svn@filestack\empty \PackageWarning{svn-multi}{Underflow of file keyword stack!}% \else \svn@ifequal{\svn@filestack}{{}}% {\PackageWarning{svn-multi}{Underflow of file keyword stack!}}% {\expandafter\svn@restorefilekws\svn@filestack\relax}% \fi } % % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Keyword Group Macros} % These macros implement the user interface for the keyword group functionality % introduced with v2.0. % % The list of keyword groups |\svn@glist| is initial set empty and will be % filled by \cs{svngroup}. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@groups \let\svn@glist=\empty % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svngroup}[1]{group name} % Saves the group to |\svn@g| and initiates \Macro\svn@g@'@rev' % and \Macro\@svn@g@'@rev' if this is the first time the group % got used.\par % The current group symbol "*" is invalid here because there is no way to % change to a current group. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svngroup#1{% \svn@ifequal{#1}{*}% {\PackageError{svn-multi}% {The group name '*' is invalid for '\string\svngroup'}{}% }{}% \xdef\svn@g{#1}% \let\svn@pg\svn@g \svn@checkgroup{#1}% } \def\svn@checkgroup#1{% \begingroup \edef\svn@g{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % Only initialise the group at first usage: % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\svn@g\empty\else% \expandafter \ifx\csname @svng@\svn@g @rev\endcsname\relax% \svn@initgroup{\svn@g}% % \end{macrocode} % Now save new group to list. The list is checked if its empty to avoid an % unwanted leading comma. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\svn@glist\empty \xdef\svn@glist{#1}% \else \xdef\svn@glist{\svn@glist,#1}% \fi \fi \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\thesvngroup} % Returns the current group name to the user. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thesvngroup{\svn@g} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnsetcg}[1]{group name} % Defines |\svn@cg| to the given argument or to |\svn@g| if the argument was % `|*|'. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnsetcg#1{% \svn@ifequal{#1}{*}% {\def\svn@cg{\svn@g}}% {\def\svn@cg{#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svncg@def}[1]{key name, \eg `rev', `date'} % Defines a |\svncgXXX| macro, \eg |svncgrev|, which returns the % requested keyword values of the current keyword group. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svncg@def#1{% \expandafter \def\csname svncg#1\endcsname{% \@ifundefined{svng@\svn@cg @#1}{??}{% \csname svng@\svn@cg @#1\endcsname}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svncgrev} % \begin{macro}{\svncgdate} % \begin{macro}{\svncgauthor} % \begin{macro}{\svncgyear} % \begin{macro}{\svncgmonth} % \begin{macro}{\svncgday} % \begin{macro}{\svncghour} % \begin{macro}{\svncgminute} % \begin{macro}{\svncgsecond} % \begin{macro}{\svncgtimezonehour} % \begin{macro}{\svncgtimezoneminute} % \begin{macro}{\svncgurl} % \begin{macro}{\svncgfname} % Define all |\svncgXXX| macros by calling \cs{svncg@def} in a for loop. % \begin{macrocode} \@for\@tempa:=% rev,author,date,year,month,day,hour,minute,second,% timezonehour,timezoneminute,url,fname% \do{% \expandafter\svncg@def\expandafter{\@tempa}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\thesvncg} % Simply return the internal macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\thesvncg{\svn@cg} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svng}[2]{group name}{keyword name} % Simply returns |svng@#1@#2| if defined, '??' otherwise. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svng#1#2{% \@ifundefined{svng@\svn@temp @#2}% {??}% {\csname svng@\svn@temp @#2\endcsname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@addfiletogroup}[2]{file name}{group name} % Adds the given file to the given group. If the group list doesn't exist yet % it is initialised. A extra macro for each file is used to remember that the % file is already in the group. This could be avoided using a list search.\par % This is an internal macro so no `|*|' substitution for the group name. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@addfiletogroup#1#2{% \svn@ifequal{#1}{#2}{}{% \expandafter \ifx\csname @svng@#2@files@#1\endcsname\relax% \expandafter\gdef\csname @svng@#2@files@#1\endcsname{1}% % \expandafter\ifx\csname @svng@#2@files\endcsname\empty% \expandafter\xdef\csname @svng@#2@files\endcsname{#1}% \else \@ifundefined{@svng@#2@files}% {\expandafter\xdef\csname @svng@#2@files\endcsname{#1}}% {\expandafter\xdef\csname @svng@#2@files\endcsname{% \csname @svng@#2@files\endcsname,#1% }% }% \fi \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The input files are added to the list of the current group at their begin to % have them before the included graphics and other external files. % Special care is taken to not re-initialise the main file which could happen in % some special cases (\eg |\lstinputlisting{\jobname .tex}|). % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginOfFiles{% \svn@ifequal{\currfilepath}{\jobname.\currfile@mainext}% {}% {\svn@initfile}% \svn@ifequal{\currfileext}{\currfile@mainext}% {\svn@addfiletogroup{\currfiledir\currfilebase}{\svn@pg}}{}% \svn@ifequal{\currfileext}{sty}% {\svn@addfiletogroup{\currfiledir\currfilebase}{\svn@pg}}{}% \svn@ifequal{\currfileext}{cls}% {\svn@addfiletogroup{\currfiledir\currfilebase}{\svn@pg}}{}% \svn@addfiletogroup{\currfilepath}{\currfiledir\currfilebase}% } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writegroup}[1]{group name} % Writes group to |\svn@write| file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writegroup#1{% \def\svn@writekw##1{% \immediate\write\svn@write{% \string\global\string\@namedef{svng@#1@##1}{\csname @svng@#1@##1\endcsname}% }% }% \svn@writekw{rev}% \svn@writekw{date}% \svn@writekw{author}% \svn@writekw{year}% \svn@writekw{month}% \svn@writekw{day}% \svn@writekw{hour}% \svn@writekw{minute}% \svn@writekw{second}% \svn@writekw{timezonehour}% \svn@writekw{timezoneminute}% \@ifundefined{@svng@#1@files}{}{% \immediate\write\svn@write{% \noexpand \svn@namegdefverb{svng@#1@files}{\csname @svng@#1@files\endcsname}% }% }% \immediate\write\svn@write{% \noexpand \svn@namegdefverb{svng@#1@url}{\csname @svng@#1@url\endcsname}^^J% \noexpand \svn@namegdefverb{svng@#1@fname}{\csname @svng@#1@fname\endcsname}^^J% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svn@writeallgroups}[1]{macro holding a list of groups} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writeallgroups#1{% \begingroup \ifx\relax#1\relax\else \@for\svn@temp:=#1\do{% \svn@ifvalidrev{@svng@\svn@temp @rev}% {% \expandafter \svn@cleanfilelist\csname @svng@\svn@temp @files\endcsname \svn@writegroup{\svn@temp}% \@ifundefined{@svng@\svn@temp @files}{}% {\expandafter\svn@writeallgroups \csname @svng@\svn@temp @files\endcsname }% }{}% }% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@updategroup}[1]{group name} % Updates group with |\svnfile...| macro values. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@updategroup#1{% \@ifundefined{@svng@#1@rev}% {\svn@initgroup{#1}}% {}% \expandafter \ifnum\csname @svng@#1@rev\endcsname<\svnfilerev \svn@gkwset{#1}{rev}{\svnfilerev}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{date}{\svnfiledate}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{author}{\svnfileauthor}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{year}{\svnfileyear}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{month}{\svnfilemonth}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{day}{\svnfileday}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{hour}{\svnfilehour}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{minute}{\svnfileminute}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{second}{\svnfilesecond}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{timezonehour}{\svnfiletimezonehour}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{timezoneminute}{\svnfiletimezoneminute}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{url}{\svnfileurl}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{fname}{\svnfilefname}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@definegroup}[1]{group name} % Defines group value so that they are available for the user, e.g. instead of % the internal |@svng@...| macros it sets the |svng@...| macros. % This is done by calling \cs{svn@updategroup} with a modified version of % \cs{svn@gkwset}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@definegroup#1{% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{rev}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{date}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{author}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{year}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{month}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{day}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{hour}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{minute}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{second}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{timezonehour}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{timezoneminute}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{url}% \svn@gkwdef{#1}{fname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@initgroup}[1]{group name} % Initialises group. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@initgroup#1{% \svn@gkwset{#1}{rev}{\svn@revinit}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{date}{}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{author}{}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{year}{0000}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{month}{00}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{day}{00}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{hour}{00}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{minute}{00}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{second}{00}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{timezonehour}{+00}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{timezoneminute}{00}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{url}{}% \svn@gkwset{#1}{fname}{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@gkwset}[3]{group name}{keyword name}{value} % Sets \meta{value} for \meta{keyword} in \meta{\/group}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@gkwset#1#2#3{% \expandafter \xdef\csname @svng@#1@#2\endcsname{#3}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@gkwdef}[2]{group name}{keyword name} % Defines |svng@...| macros used by the user macros to the value of the % internal |@svng@...| macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@gkwdef#1#2{% \expandafter \xdef\csname svng@#1@#2\endcsname{\csname @svng@#1@#2\endcsname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@cleanfilelist}[1]{macro holing a file list} % Takes a macro which holds a file list and removes all files from the list % which don't have a valid revision number. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@cleanfilelist#1{ \begingroup \def\svn@tmplist{}% \ifx\relax#1\relax\else \@for\svn@temp:=#1\do{% \expandafter\svn@ifvalidrev \expandafter{@svng@\svn@temp @rev}% {\edef\svn@tmplist{\svn@tmplist,\svn@temp}}% {}% }% \xdef#1{\expandafter\@gobble\svn@tmplist\empty}% \fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Files as extra groups} % Macros which allow single files to be declared as extra groups so that their % keywords can be accessed in the whole document like with normal groups. % This special groups are not added to the list of groups. % A user-level switch is declared to enable or disable the automatic declaration % of every file as own group. This causes \cs{svnsubgroup} to be called for % all input files. % The if macro is defined outside the |\if@svnmulti@subgroups| because % |\newif| inside |\if| is not a good idea. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifsvnsubgroups \svnsubgroupsfalse % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@subgroups \svnsubgroupstrue % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svnsubgroup} % User level and internal macro to declare the current file as extra group. % It produces the current file path and calls \cs{svn@subgroup}. % Creates two groups one with and one without the file extension. The one % without holds the latest revision of all files included in this file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnsubgroup{% \begingroup \svn@subgroup{\currfiledir\currfilebase}% \svn@subgroup{\currfilepath}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@subgroup}[1]{file name} % Macro to write a file as group to |.aux| file. After checking if the filename % was not already written, the |.aux| file is checked if it is open and then the % file keyword information is written. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@subgroup#1{% \ifnum\svnfilerev=\svn@revinit\else \expandafter\ifx\csname svn@g@#1\endcsname\relax% \expandafter\gdef\csname svn@g@#1\endcsname{1}% \svn@updategroup{#1}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnignoreextensions}[1]{A comma separated list of file name % extensions (without leading dot) to ignore for automatic \csd{svnsubgroup}.} % A special macro is defined for all extensions. The existents of this macro is % then tested later to check if this extension should be ignored. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnignoreextensions#1{% \@for\svn@temp:=#1\do{% \expandafter\def\csname svn@ignore@ext@\svn@temp\endcsname{}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnconsiderextensions}[1]{A comma separated list of file name % extensions (without leading dot) to consider for automatic % \csd{svnsubgroup}.} % The special macro defined by \csi{svnignoreextentions} is deleted, i.e. |\let| % to |\relax|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnconsiderextensions#1{% \@for\svn@temp:=#1\do{% \expandafter\let\csname svn@ignore@ext@\svn@temp\endcsname\relax% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The following extensions are ignored by default. % \begin{macrocode} \svnignoreextensions{aux,bbl,fd,enc,fls,glo,idx,ilg,ind,ist,% lof,log,lot,out,svn,svt,svx,toc} % \end{macrocode} % Check at the end of every input file if files should be extra groups and % declare this file as group if its extension is not configured to be ignored. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndOfFiles{% \if@svnmulti@subgroups \ifsvnsubgroups \expandafter\ifx\csname svn@ignore@ext@\currfileext\endcsname\relax \svnsubgroup \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % The main file is added to the main base name (|\jobname|) subgroup here. This % subgroup is added as first element to the active group at begin of the % document body. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@subgroups \ifsvnsubgroups \svn@addfiletogroup{\jobname .\currfile@mainext}{\jobname}% \svnsubgroup \fi \fi \AtBeginDocument{% \if@svnmulti@subgroups \ifsvnsubgroups \@ifundefined{@svng@\svn@g @files@\jobname}% {% \@namedef{@svng@\svn@g @files@\jobname}{1}% \@ifundefined{@svng@\svn@g @files}% {% \expandafter \xdef\csname @svng@\svn@g @files\endcsname{\jobname}% }% {% \expandafter \xdef\csname @svng@\svn@g @files\endcsname {\jobname,\csname @svng@\svn@g @files\endcsname}% }% }{}% \svnsubgroup \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{External Files} % Macros to declare external files and load the keywords from |.svx| files % generated by \scr{svn-multi.pl}. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@external % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svnexternalgroup}[1]{group name} % Defines the default group of external files. The default is to always use the % current group. An empty argument puts the external files in no group. A `|*|' % switches back to always use the current group. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@groups \def\svnexternalgroup#1{% \svn@ifequal{#1}{*}% {\def\svn@externalgroup{\svn@pg}}% {\def\svn@externalgroup{#1}}% } \def\svn@externalgroup{\svn@pg} \else \def\svn@externalgroup{} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnexternal}[2]{group name}{list of filenames in \texttt{\{ % \}}} % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@autokw % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\svnexternal[2][]{% \svn@pushfilestack \svn@ifequal{#1}{*}% {\edef\svn@eg{\svn@pg}}% {\svn@ifempty{#1}% {\edef\svn@eg{\svn@externalgroup}}% {\edef\svn@eg{#1}}% }% \svn@checkgroup{\svn@eg}% \svne@@external#2\relax \svn@popfilestack } \def\svne@@external#1{% \ifx\relax#1\empty\else \svnegetfile{#1}% \begingroup\svn@externalfile{\svn@eg}{#1}% \expandafter\svne@@external \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \else % \end{macrocode} % Writes the current input file path and its argument as arguments of % \cs{@svnexternal} into the |.aux| file. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\svnexternal[2][]{% \if@filesw \begingroup \svn@ifequal{#1}{*}% {\def\svn@temp{\svn@pg}}% {\svn@ifempty{#1}% {\def\svn@temp{\svn@externalgroup}}% {\def\svn@temp{#1}}% }% \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect \immediate\write\svn@write{% \noexpand\@svnexternal[\svn@temp]{\currfilepath}{#2}% }% \endgroup \fi \svn@inputsvx{\currfiledir\currfilebase}% } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnexternalpath}[1]{list of paths in \texttt{\{ \}}} % Writes its argument as argument of \cs{@svnexternalpath} into the |.aux| file. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnexternalpath#1{% \if@filesw \begingroup \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect \immediate\write\svn@write{% \noexpand\@svnexternalpath{#1}% }% \endgroup \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@svnexternal} % \begin{macro}{\@svnexternalpath} % Discards the argument(s). These macros and their arguments are only used by % the external \scr{svn-multi.pl} script. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@svnexternal[3][]{} \def\@svnexternalpath#1{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnexternalfile} % This macro is generated by \scr{svn-multi.pl} and should not be used by the % user. If files-as-group is enabled some special characters are disabled and % the \cs{svn@externalfile} is called to read the file name. Otherwise the % argument is simply removed. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\svnexternalfile[1][\currfiledir\currfilebase]{% \begingroup % TODO: maybe use \svn@catcodes \catcode`\_=12 \catcode`\&=12 \catcode`\^=12 \catcode`\$=12 \catcode`\#=12 \svn@externalfile{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@externalfile}[2]{group name}{file name} % Ends group which began in \cs{svnexternalfile} and calls the appropriate % macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@externalfile#1#2{% \endgroup \if@svnmulti@subgroups \ifsvnsubgroups \svn@ifequal{#1}{\svn@rg}% {\svn@addfiletogroup{#2}{\currfiledir\currfilebase}}% {\svn@addfiletogroup{#2}{#1}}% \svn@subgroup{#2}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % If \opt{external} option is not enabled a placeholder macro is defined which % simply ignores its argument. % \begin{macrocode} \else \def\svnexternalfile#1{}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Auto loading of \texttt{.svx} files} % Auto loading of |.svx| files at the begin of |\input| or |\include| files % using the \cs{AtBeginOfFiles} hook. % The macros \cs{svn@addfiletogroup} and \cs{svnsubgroup} are used to do the % actual work. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@autoload \AtBeginOfFiles{% \svn@ifequal{\currfileext}{tex}% {\svn@inputsvx{\currfiledir\currfilebase}}% {}% } % \end{macrocode} % The main |.svx| is loaded at the end of the package. % \begin{macrocode} %%\AtEndOfPackage{% \AtBeginDocument{% \svn@inputsvx{\jobname}% } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Support for Graphic Packages} % \subsubsection{Common Code} % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@anygraphic % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svngraphicsgroup}[1]{graphic group name} % Defines the default group of graphics files. The default is empty which means % the current group. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svngraphicsgroup#1{% \svn@ifequal{#1}{*}% {\def\svn@graphicsgroup{\svn@pg}}% {\def\svn@graphicsgroup{#1}}% } \def\svn@graphicsgroup{\svn@externalgroup} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnignoregraphic}[1]{file name/path} % Ignores the given graphic file by defining a special macro. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnignoregraphic#1{% \expandafter\def\csname svn@ignoregraphic@#1\endcsname{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnconsidergraphic}[1]{file name/path} % Deletes the special ignore macro to consider the graphic again. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnconsidergraphic#1{% \expandafter\let\csname svn@ignoregraphic@#1\endcsname\relax% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Package \texttt{graphics}} % Automatic declaration of all images included by |\includegraphics| from the % \pkg{graphics} package as external files. We use the |\Gin@setfile| macro from % that package which receives the image file name as third argument. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@graphics \RequirePackage{graphics}[2006/02/20] % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\Gin@setfile}[3]{??, not used}{??, not used}{graphic file % name/path} % \begin{macrocode} \message{Package svn-multi: patching macro '\string\Gin@setfile' from the 'graphics' package!}% \let\svnmulti@Gin@setfile\Gin@setfile \renewcommand*{\Gin@setfile}[3]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname svn@ignoregraphic@#3\endcsname\relax% \svnexternal[\svn@graphicsgroup]{{#3}}% \fi \svnmulti@Gin@setfile{#1}{#2}{#3}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \subsubsection{Package \texttt{pgf}} % The \pkg{pgf} macro |\pgf@declareimage| which is called by the user macro % |\pgfdeclareimage| is used. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@pgfimages \RequirePackage{pgf}[2008/01/15] % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\pgf@declareimage}[3]{??, not used}{image label}{??, not used} % \begin{macrocode} \message{Package svn-multi: patching macro '\string\pgf@declareimage' and will patch generated macros '\string\pgf@image@!' from the 'pgf' package!}% \let\svnmulti@pgf@declareimage\pgf@declareimage \renewcommand*{\pgf@declareimage}[3][]{% \svnmulti@pgf@declareimage[#1]{#2}{#3}% % \end{macrocode} % At this point the used image filename is defined by |\pgf@filename| and the % image itself is defined by |\pgf@image@#2!| which is a |\let| copy of % temporary |\pgf@image|. An own copy of this is created and the old name % |\pgf@image@#2!| is used to execute \cs{svnexternal} every time the image is % included using |\pgfuseimage|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\pgf@filename\empty\else \expandafter\ifx\csname svn@ignoregraphic@\pgf@filename\endcsname\relax% \expandafter\global\expandafter% \let\csname svnmulti@pgf@image@#2!\endcsname=\pgf@image% \expandafter\xdef\csname pgf@image@#2!\endcsname{% \noexpand\svnexternal[\noexpand\svn@graphicsgroup]{{\pgf@filename}}% \csname svnmulti@pgf@image@#2!\endcsname }% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Table of Revisions} % % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@table \ifx\tableofcontents\relax\else % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\svnrevisionsname} % Simple definition for now. Language support over `babel's |\languagename| % possible. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnrevisionsname{Table of Revisions}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svn@svt} % File ending for table of revision auxiliary file. A macro is used to allow % redefinition by the user if another package is uses the same ending. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@svt{svt} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\tableofrevisions} % The |\tableofcontents| macro from standard \LaTeX\ is adapted for this macro. % Classes which provide chapters will get a different table then one which not. % % The external (\ie non-svn-multi) if-switches are masked using |\ifx| and % |\csname| to avoid \TeX{} if-parsing errors when they are not defined. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \ifx\chapter\relax \let\chapter\@undefined \fi \ifx\chapter\@undefined %% Adapted from the \tableofcontents macro, LaTeX `article' class [2005/09/16] \newcommand\tableofrevisions{% \section*{\svnrevisionsname \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\svnrevisionsname}{\MakeUppercase\svnrevisionsname}}% \svn@input{\jobname .\svn@svt}% } \else %% Adapted from the \tableofcontents macro, LaTeX `book' class [2005/09/16] \newcommand\tableofrevisions{% \expandafter\ifx \csname if@twocolumn\expandafter\endcsname \csname iftrue\endcsname \@restonecoltrue\onecolumn \else \@restonecolfalse \fi \chapter*{\svnrevisionsname \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\svnrevisionsname}{\MakeUppercase\svnrevisionsname}}% \svn@input{\jobname .\svn@svt}% \expandafter\ifx \csname if@restonecol\expandafter\endcsname \csname iftrue\endcsname \twocolumn \fi } \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macrocode} \fi % defined \tableofcontents % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writerow}[3]{row type ('group', 'file', 'global', \ldots)} % {row type specific argument}{row type specific argument} % Writes a table row by using |\svn@tabcell| and |\svn@tabcellarg| defined by % the |\svn@writeXXXrow| macro below. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writerow#1#2#3{% \immediate\write\svn@svtwrite{% \expandafter\noexpand\csname svn#1row\endcsname \expandafter\noexpand\csname svntab#1\endcsname{#2}{#3}\space \@ampersamchar\space \svn@tabcell{rev}\space\@ampersamchar\space \svn@tabcell{author}\space\@ampersamchar\space \noexpand\svntabdate% \svn@tabcellarg{year}% \svn@tabcellarg{month}% \svn@tabcellarg{day}% \svn@tabcellarg{hour}% \svn@tabcellarg{minute}% \svn@tabcellarg{second}% \svn@tabcellarg{timezonehour}% \svn@tabcellarg{timezoneminute}% \space\@backslashchar\@backslashchar \expandafter\noexpand\csname endsvn#1row\endcsname }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writegrouprow}[1]{current group} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writegrouprow#1{% \begingroup \def\svn@tabcellarg##1{{\csname @svng@#1@##1\endcsname}}% \def\svn@tabcell##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname svntab##1\endcsname% \svn@tabcellarg{##1}% }% \svn@writerow{group}{#1}{}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writesubgrouprow}[2]{grouping level}{subgroup name} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writesubgrouprow#1#2{% \begingroup \def\svn@tabcellarg##1{{\csname @svng@#2@##1\endcsname}}% \def\svn@tabcell##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname svntab##1\endcsname% \svn@tabcellarg{##1}% }% \svn@writerow{subgroup}{#1}{#2}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writefilerow}[2]{grouping level}{file name} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writefilerow#1#2{% \begingroup \def\svn@tabcellarg##1{{\csname @svng@#2@##1\endcsname}}% \def\svn@tabcell##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname svntab##1\endcsname% \svn@tabcellarg{##1}% }% \svn@writerow{file}{#1}{#2}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writeglobalrow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writeglobalrow{% \begingroup \def\svn@tabcellarg##1{{\csname @svn@##1\endcsname}}% \def\svn@tabcell##1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname svntab##1\endcsname% \svn@tabcellarg{##1}% }% \svn@writerow{global}{}{}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsubsection{Table Format Macros}\label{sec:impl:table} % Generic format macro used in the |.svt| file. Can be redefined by the user to % change table format. % TODO: More documentation needed! % % \begin{macro}{\svntable} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntable{% \begin{tabular}{p{0.425\textwidth}rll}% \hline } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\endsvntable} % \begin{macrocode} \def\endsvntable{\hline\end{tabular}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntablehead} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntablehead{% Name & Rev & Last Author & Last Changed At \\\hline } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntablefoot} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntablefoot{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnbeforetable} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnbeforetable{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnaftertable} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnaftertable{\clearpage} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnglobalrow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnglobalrow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\endsvnglobalrow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\endsvnglobalrow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svngrouprow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svngrouprow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\endsvngrouprow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\endsvngrouprow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnsubgrouprow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnsubgrouprow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\endsvnsubgrouprow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\endsvnsubgrouprow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnsubgrouprow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svnfilerow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\endsvnfilerow} % \begin{macrocode} \def\endsvnfilerow{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntabglobal} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntabglobal{Document} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntabgroup} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntabgroup#1{Group `#1'} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntabfile} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntabsubgroup#1{% \raggedright \addtolength{\leftskip}{#1\medskipamount}% \begingroup \catcode`\_=12 \catcode`\&=12 \catcode`\^=12 \catcode`\$=12 \catcode`\#=12 \svn@tabsubgroup } \def\svn@tabsubgroup#1{\endgroup Subgroup `\texttt{\small #1}'} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntabfile} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntabfile#1{% \raggedright \addtolength{\leftskip}{#1\medskipamount}% \begingroup \catcode`\_=12 \catcode`\&=12 \catcode`\^=12 \catcode`\$=12 \catcode`\#=12 \svn@tabfile } \def\svn@tabfile#1{\endgroup File `\texttt{\small #1}'} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntabrev} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntabrev{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntabauthor} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntabauthor#1{\svnFullAuthor{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svntabdate} % \begin{macrocode} \def\svntabdate#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% #1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6% #7#8% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Other macros} % This section contains macros which don't fit in any other section. % % \begin{macro}{\svn} % \begin{macro}{\svn*} % After *-testing, the intermediate macros |\svn@s| and |\svn@n| are called to % strip the |{ }| from |\svn|[|*|]|{$...$}| and to remove the |*|. Then the % actual macros are called to strip the dollars with or without the space % before the last dollar. % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{Added star version. Normal version was not % changed to not break existing documents with user defined keywords without % leading space.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\svn}{\@ifnextchar{*}{\svn@s}{\svn@n}} \def\svn@n#1{\@svn@n#1} \def\svn@s*#1{\@svn@s#1} \def\@svn@n$#1${#1} \def\@svn@s$#1 ${#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svnnolinkurl}[1]{URL} % This code is taken from the \pkg{hyperref} package and is the definition of % |\url| just without the part which creates the actual hyperlink. This needs % of course the \pkg{hyperref} package. A warning is given if it isn't loaded. % \changes{v1.2}{2007/06/22}{New macro} % \begin{macrocode} %% Adapted from the \url macro of the `hyperref` package. \DeclareRobustCommand*{\svnnolinkurl}{% \@ifundefined{hyper@normalise}% {\PackageWarning{svn-multi}{Package hyperref is needed for \noexpand \svnnolinkurl.}}% {\hyper@normalise\svnnolinkurl@}% }% \def\svnnolinkurl@#1{\Hurl{#1}}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@getfilename}[1]{URL} % This macro expands the content using the temporary macro and sets it in front % of the \csi{svn@getfilename} sub-macro together with |/{}| to make sure the % macro does not break at values without directories. A |\relax| is used as % end marker. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@getfilename#1{% \begingroup \gdef\svnfiledir{}% \edef\svn@temp{#1}% \expandafter\@svn@getfilename\svn@temp/{}\relax }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@svn@getfilename}[2]{URL part before first slash}{URL part after % first slash} % Splits the content at the first slash (|/|) and checks if the remainder is % empty. If so the end marker got reached and the part before the slash is the % filename which is returned. Otherwise the macro recursively calls itself to % split the remainder. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@svn@getfilename#1/#2\relax{% \svn@ifempty{#2}% {% \endgroup \gdef\svnfilefname{#1}% }% {% \xdef\svnfiledir{\svnfiledir#1/}% \@svn@getfilename#2\relax }% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Write to Auxiliary File} % \begin{macro}{\svn@write} % Simply an alias for the main aux file write handle. % \begin{macrocode} \let\svn@write\@mainaux % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\svn@writesvn} % This macro writes the |.aux| auxiliary file and is called from a % |\AtEndDocument| macro later on. % \begin{macrocode} {\catcode`\&=12 \gdef\@ampersamchar{&} } \def\svn@writesvn{% % \end{macrocode} % Remove all files which do not have a revision number from list: % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@groups \fi % \end{macrocode} % Write document global values: % \begin{macrocode} \immediate\write\svn@write{^^J% \@percentchar\space Global values:^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnrev{\@svn@rev}^^J% \noexpand\global\noexpand\let\noexpand\ifsvnmodified\@backslashchar\@svn@modified^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svndate{\@svn@date}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnauthor{\@svn@author}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnyear{\@svn@year}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnmonth{\@svn@month}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnday{\@svn@day}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnhour{\@svn@hour}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnminute{\@svn@minute}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svnsecond{\@svn@second}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svntimezonehour{\@svn@timezonehour}^^J% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svntimezoneminute{\@svn@timezoneminute}^^J% \noexpand\svn@gdefverb\noexpand\svnurl{\@svn@url}^^J% \noexpand\svn@gdefverb\noexpand\svnfname{\@svn@fname}^^J% }% % \end{macrocode} % Write group keyword macro definitions. % Remove all files which do not have a revision number from list: % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@groups \svn@cleanfilelist\@svng@@files \immediate\write\svn@write{% \noexpand\gdef\noexpand\svng@@files{\@svng@@files}^^J% }% \svn@writeallgroups\@svng@@files % \end{macrocode} % Write keyword group values if groups were specified: % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\svn@glist\empty\else \begingroup \immediate\write\svn@write{^^J% \@percentchar\space SVN File Groups: \svn@glist }% \svn@writeallgroups\svn@glist \endgroup \fi \else \immediate\write\svn@write{^^J}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writegroupfiles}[1]{group name} % Writes all files of a group to the |.svt| file. If the file is actually a % subgroup it calls itself recursively. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writegroupfiles#1{% \begingroup \advance\svn@grouplevel by 1\relax \expandafter\let \expandafter\svn@files\csname @svng@#1@files\endcsname % \end{macrocode} % Stop if no files in list. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\svn@files\relax\else \svn@cleanfilelist\svn@files \@for\svn@file:=\svn@files\do{% % \end{macrocode} % Check if VC data is set and then if it is a (sub)group or not by looking at % the file list. % \begin{macrocode} \svn@ifvalidrev{@svng@\svn@file @rev}% {% \@ifundefined{@svng@\svn@file @files}% {\svn@writefilerow{\the\svn@grouplevel}{\svn@file}}% % \end{macrocode} % If subgroup only contains out of a TeX file with the same name print it as % file and only as subgroup otherwise. If the subgroup file list is empty the % subgroup was generated in error and is not printed at all. % \begin{macrocode} {\svn@ifonlyone{\svn@file}% {\svn@writefilerow{\the\svn@grouplevel}% {\csname @svng@\svn@file @files\endcsname}}% {\svn@ifempty{\csname @svng@\svn@file @files\endcsname}% {}% {% \svn@writesubgrouprow{\the\svn@grouplevel}{\svn@file}% \svn@writegroupfiles{\svn@file}% }% }% }% }{}% }% \fi \endgroup }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\svn@writesvt} % This macro writes the |.svt| auxiliary file and is called from a % |\AtEndDocument| macro later on. % \begin{macrocode} \def\svn@writesvt{% % \end{macrocode} % Write table of revisions if enabled. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@table % \end{macrocode} % Open |.svt| file and write table header: % \begin{macrocode} \newwrite\svn@svtwrite \immediate\openout\svn@svtwrite=\jobname.\svn@svt\relax \@onelevel@sanitize\svntable% \immediate\write\svn@svtwrite{% \noexpand\svnbeforetable^^J% \svntable \noexpand\svntablehead^^J% }% % \end{macrocode} % Group rows: % \begin{macrocode} \let\svn@grouplevel\@tempcnta \svn@grouplevel=0\relax \svn@writeglobalrow{}% \svn@writegroupfiles{}% % \@for\svn@g:=\svn@glist\do{% \@ifundefined{@svng@\svn@g @rev}{}% {% \expandafter \ifnum\csname @svng@\svn@g @rev\endcsname>0\relax \svn@writegrouprow{\svn@g}% \svn@writegroupfiles{\svn@g}% \fi }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Write table footer and close file: % \begin{macrocode} \@onelevel@sanitize\endsvntable% \immediate\write\svn@svtwrite{% \noexpand\svntablefoot^^J% \endsvntable^^J% \noexpand\svnaftertable }% \immediate\closeout\svn@svtwrite% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Load the keywords of every subfile if the \opt{autokw} option is enabled and % the extension is not on the ignore list. % % This code is placed here because it has to come after the at-begin-input-file % code. % \begin{macrocode} \if@svnmulti@autokwall \AtBeginOfFiles{% \expandafter \ifx\csname svn@ignore@ext@\currfileext\endcsname\relax \svnegetfile{\currfilepath}% \fi } \fi % \end{macrocode} % At the end of document the values are written to the auxiliary file. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndDocument{% \if@filesw \ifx\@svn@rev\empty\else \ifnum\@svn@rev<1\else \begingroup \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect \svn@writesvn \svn@writesvt \endgroup \fi \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Backward compatibility wrapper \texttt{svnkw.sty}} % For backward compatibility a wrapper file with the old package name |svnkw| is % provided. Newer documents should use the name \svnmulti. % \iffalse % %<*wrapper> % \fi % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{svnkw} [2009/03/27 v2.1 Backward compatibility wrapper for svn-multi] \PackageWarning{svnkw}{The package 'svnkw' got renamed to 'svn-multi' and is now only a backward compatibility wrapper which loads 'svn-multi'. Please adjust your document preamble to use the new name.} \RequirePackage{svn-multi} % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \Finale \endinput